2 Copyright (C) 2008-2018 Christian Dywan <christian@twotoasts.de>
4 This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
6 License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
7 version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9 See the file COPYING for the full license text.
12namespace StatusbarFeatures {
13    public class Frontend : Object, Midori.BrowserActivatable {
14        public Midori.Browser browser { owned get; set; }
16        public void add_zoom () {
17            var zoom = new Gtk.ComboBoxText.with_entry ();
18            var entry = zoom.get_child () as Gtk.Entry;
19            zoom.append_text ("50%");
20            zoom.append_text ("80%");
21            zoom.append_text ("100%");
22            zoom.append_text ("120%");
23            zoom.append_text ("150%");
24            zoom.append_text ("200%");
25            entry.set_width_chars (6);
26            entry.set_text ((100 * browser.tab.zoom_level).to_string () + "%");
27            zoom.show ();
28            zoom.changed.connect(() => {
29                if (zoom.get_active_text() == "50%") {
30                    browser.tab.zoom_level = 0.5;
31                } else if (zoom.get_active_text() == "80%") {
32                    browser.tab.zoom_level = 0.8;
33                } else if (zoom.get_active_text() == "100%") {
34                    browser.tab.zoom_level = 1.0;
35                } else if (zoom.get_active_text() == "120%") {
36                    browser.tab.zoom_level = 1.2;
37                } else if (zoom.get_active_text() == "150%") {
38                    browser.tab.zoom_level = 1.5;
39                } else if (zoom.get_active_text() == "200%") {
40                    browser.tab.zoom_level = 2.0;
41                }
42                if (entry.has_focus == false) {
43                    browser.tab.grab_focus ();
44                }
45            });
47            entry.activate.connect(() => {
48                if  (double.parse(entry.get_text ()) >= 1) {
49                    browser.tab.zoom_level = double.parse(zoom.get_active_text ()) / 100;
50                }
51                entry.set_text ((100 * browser.tab.zoom_level).to_string () + "%");
52                browser.tab.grab_focus ();
53            });
55             deactivate.connect (() => {
56                zoom.destroy ();
57            });
58            browser.statusbar.add (zoom);
59        }
60        void add_toggle (string item, string? icon_name=null, string? tooltip=null) {
61            var button = new Gtk.ToggleButton ();
62            if (icon_name != null) {
63                button.add (new Gtk.Image.from_icon_name (icon_name, Gtk.IconSize.BUTTON));
64            } else {
65                button.label = item;
66            }
67            button.tooltip_text = tooltip;
68            var settings = Midori.CoreSettings.get_default ();
69            if (settings.get_class ().find_property (item) != null) {
70                settings.bind_property (item, button, "active", BindingFlags.SYNC_CREATE | BindingFlags.BIDIRECTIONAL);
71            } else {
72                button.sensitive = false;
73            }
74            button.show_all ();
75            deactivate.connect (() => {
76                button.destroy ();
77            });
78            browser.statusbar.add (button);
79        }
81        public void activate () {
82            string items = "auto-load-images;enable-javascript;enable-plugins";
83            foreach (string item in items.split (";")) {
84                if (item == "enable-javascript") {
85                    add_toggle (item, "text-x-script", _("Enable scripts"));
86                } else if (item == "auto-load-images") {
87                    add_toggle (item, "image-x-generic", _("Load images automatically"));
88                } else if (item == "enable-plugins") {
89                    add_toggle (item, "libpeas-plugin", _("Enable Netscape plugins"));
90                } else {
91                    add_toggle (item);
92                }
93            }
94            add_zoom ();
95        }
96    }
100public void peas_register_types(TypeModule module) {
101    ((Peas.ObjectModule)module).register_extension_type (
102        typeof (Midori.BrowserActivatable), typeof (StatusbarFeatures.Frontend));