1 /* attrs.c -- recognize HTML attributes
3   (c) 1998-2006 (W3C) MIT, ERCIM, Keio University
4   See tidy.h for the copyright notice.
6   CVS Info :
8     $Author: arnaud02 $
9     $Date: 2006/02/10 17:20:26 $
10     $Revision: 1.121 $
12 */
14 #include "tidy-int.h"
15 #include "attrs.h"
16 #include "message.h"
17 #include "tmbstr.h"
18 #include "utf8.h"
20 static AttrCheck CheckAction;
22 #define CH_PCDATA      NULL
23 #define CH_CHARSET     NULL
24 #define CH_TYPE        CheckType
25 #define CH_XTYPE       NULL
26 #define CH_CHARACTER   NULL
27 #define CH_URLS        NULL
28 #define CH_URL         CheckUrl
29 #define CH_SCRIPT      CheckScript
30 #define CH_ALIGN       CheckAlign
31 #define CH_VALIGN      CheckValign
32 #define CH_COLOR       CheckColor
33 #define CH_CLEAR       CheckClear
34 #define CH_BORDER      CheckBool     /* kludge */
35 #define CH_LANG        CheckLang
36 #define CH_BOOL        CheckBool
37 #define CH_COLS        NULL
38 #define CH_NUMBER      CheckNumber
39 #define CH_LENGTH      CheckLength
40 #define CH_COORDS      NULL
41 #define CH_DATE        NULL
42 #define CH_TEXTDIR     CheckTextDir
43 #define CH_IDREFS      NULL
44 #define CH_IDREF       NULL
45 #define CH_IDDEF       CheckId
46 #define CH_NAME        CheckName
47 #define CH_TFRAME      NULL
48 #define CH_FBORDER     NULL
49 #define CH_MEDIA       NULL
50 #define CH_FSUBMIT     CheckFsubmit
51 #define CH_LINKTYPES   NULL
52 #define CH_TRULES      NULL
53 #define CH_SCOPE       CheckScope
54 #define CH_SHAPE       CheckShape
55 #define CH_SCROLL      CheckScroll
56 #define CH_TARGET      CheckTarget
57 #define CH_VTYPE       CheckVType
58 #define CH_ACTION      CheckAction
60 static const Attribute attribute_defs [] =
61 {
62   { TidyAttr_UNKNOWN,           "unknown!",          VERS_PROPRIETARY,  NULL         },
63   { TidyAttr_ABBR,              "abbr",              VERS_HTML40,       CH_PCDATA    },
64   { TidyAttr_ACCEPT,            "accept",            VERS_ALL,          CH_XTYPE     },
65   { TidyAttr_ACCEPT_CHARSET,    "accept-charset",    VERS_HTML40,       CH_CHARSET   },
66   { TidyAttr_ACCESSKEY,         "accesskey",         VERS_HTML40,       CH_CHARACTER },
67   { TidyAttr_ACTION,            "action",            VERS_ALL,          CH_ACTION    },
68   { TidyAttr_ADD_DATE,          "add_date",          VERS_NETSCAPE,     CH_PCDATA    }, /* A */
69   { TidyAttr_ALIGN,             "align",             VERS_ALL,          CH_ALIGN     }, /* varies by element */
70   { TidyAttr_ALINK,             "alink",             VERS_LOOSE,        CH_COLOR     },
71   { TidyAttr_ALT,               "alt",               VERS_ALL,          CH_PCDATA    }, /* nowrap */
72   { TidyAttr_ARCHIVE,           "archive",           VERS_HTML40,       CH_URLS      }, /* space or comma separated list */
73   { TidyAttr_AXIS,              "axis",              VERS_HTML40,       CH_PCDATA    },
74   { TidyAttr_BACKGROUND,        "background",        VERS_LOOSE,        CH_URL       },
75   { TidyAttr_BGCOLOR,           "bgcolor",           VERS_LOOSE,        CH_COLOR     },
76   { TidyAttr_BGPROPERTIES,      "bgproperties",      VERS_PROPRIETARY,  CH_PCDATA    }, /* BODY "fixed" fixes background */
77   { TidyAttr_BORDER,            "border",            VERS_ALL,          CH_BORDER    }, /* like LENGTH + "border" */
78   { TidyAttr_BORDERCOLOR,       "bordercolor",       VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_COLOR     }, /* used on TABLE */
79   { TidyAttr_BOTTOMMARGIN,      "bottommargin",      VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_NUMBER    }, /* used on BODY */
80   { TidyAttr_CELLPADDING,       "cellpadding",       VERS_FROM32,       CH_LENGTH    }, /* % or pixel values */
81   { TidyAttr_CELLSPACING,       "cellspacing",       VERS_FROM32,       CH_LENGTH    },
82   { TidyAttr_CHAR,              "char",              VERS_HTML40,       CH_CHARACTER },
83   { TidyAttr_CHAROFF,           "charoff",           VERS_HTML40,       CH_LENGTH    },
84   { TidyAttr_CHARSET,           "charset",           VERS_HTML40,       CH_CHARSET   },
85   { TidyAttr_CHECKED,           "checked",           VERS_ALL,          CH_BOOL      }, /* i.e. "checked" or absent */
86   { TidyAttr_CITE,              "cite",              VERS_HTML40,       CH_URL       },
87   { TidyAttr_CLASS,             "class",             VERS_HTML40,       CH_PCDATA    },
88   { TidyAttr_CLASSID,           "classid",           VERS_HTML40,       CH_URL       },
89   { TidyAttr_CLEAR,             "clear",             VERS_LOOSE,        CH_CLEAR     }, /* BR: left, right, all */
90   { TidyAttr_CODE,              "code",              VERS_LOOSE,        CH_PCDATA    }, /* APPLET */
91   { TidyAttr_CODEBASE,          "codebase",          VERS_HTML40,       CH_URL       }, /* OBJECT */
92   { TidyAttr_CODETYPE,          "codetype",          VERS_HTML40,       CH_XTYPE     }, /* OBJECT */
93   { TidyAttr_COLOR,             "color",             VERS_LOOSE,        CH_COLOR     }, /* BASEFONT, FONT */
94   { TidyAttr_COLS,              "cols",              VERS_IFRAME,       CH_COLS      }, /* TABLE & FRAMESET */
95   { TidyAttr_COLSPAN,           "colspan",           VERS_FROM32,       CH_NUMBER    },
96   { TidyAttr_COMPACT,           "compact",           VERS_ALL,          CH_BOOL      }, /* lists */
97   { TidyAttr_CONTENT,           "content",           VERS_ALL,          CH_PCDATA    },
98   { TidyAttr_COORDS,            "coords",            VERS_FROM32,       CH_COORDS    }, /* AREA, A */
99   { TidyAttr_DATA,              "data",              VERS_HTML40,       CH_URL       }, /* OBJECT */
100   { TidyAttr_DATAFLD,           "datafld",           VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_PCDATA    }, /* used on DIV, IMG */
101   { TidyAttr_DATAFORMATAS,      "dataformatas",      VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_PCDATA    }, /* used on DIV, IMG */
102   { TidyAttr_DATAPAGESIZE,      "datapagesize",      VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_NUMBER    }, /* used on DIV, IMG */
103   { TidyAttr_DATASRC,           "datasrc",           VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_URL       }, /* used on TABLE */
104   { TidyAttr_DATETIME,          "datetime",          VERS_HTML40,       CH_DATE      }, /* INS, DEL */
105   { TidyAttr_DECLARE,           "declare",           VERS_HTML40,       CH_BOOL      }, /* OBJECT */
106   { TidyAttr_DEFER,             "defer",             VERS_HTML40,       CH_BOOL      }, /* SCRIPT */
107   { TidyAttr_DIR,               "dir",               VERS_HTML40,       CH_TEXTDIR   }, /* ltr or rtl */
108   { TidyAttr_DISABLED,          "disabled",          VERS_HTML40,       CH_BOOL      }, /* form fields */
109   { TidyAttr_ENCODING,          "encoding",          VERS_XML,          CH_PCDATA    }, /* <?xml?> */
110   { TidyAttr_ENCTYPE,           "enctype",           VERS_ALL,          CH_XTYPE     }, /* FORM */
111   { TidyAttr_FACE,              "face",              VERS_LOOSE,        CH_PCDATA    }, /* BASEFONT, FONT */
112   { TidyAttr_FOR,               "for",               VERS_HTML40,       CH_IDREF     }, /* LABEL */
113   { TidyAttr_FRAME,             "frame",             VERS_HTML40,       CH_TFRAME    }, /* TABLE */
114   { TidyAttr_FRAMEBORDER,       "frameborder",       VERS_FRAMESET,     CH_FBORDER   }, /* 0 or 1 */
115   { TidyAttr_FRAMESPACING,      "framespacing",      VERS_PROPRIETARY,  CH_NUMBER    },
116   { TidyAttr_GRIDX,             "gridx",             VERS_PROPRIETARY,  CH_NUMBER    }, /* TABLE Adobe golive*/
117   { TidyAttr_GRIDY,             "gridy",             VERS_PROPRIETARY,  CH_NUMBER    }, /* TABLE Adobe golive */
118   { TidyAttr_HEADERS,           "headers",           VERS_HTML40,       CH_IDREFS    }, /* table cells */
119   { TidyAttr_HEIGHT,            "height",            VERS_ALL,          CH_LENGTH    }, /* pixels only for TH/TD */
120   { TidyAttr_HREF,              "href",              VERS_ALL,          CH_URL       }, /* A, AREA, LINK and BASE */
121   { TidyAttr_HREFLANG,          "hreflang",          VERS_HTML40,       CH_LANG      }, /* A, LINK */
122   { TidyAttr_HSPACE,            "hspace",            VERS_ALL,          CH_NUMBER    }, /* APPLET, IMG, OBJECT */
123   { TidyAttr_HTTP_EQUIV,        "http-equiv",        VERS_ALL,          CH_PCDATA    }, /* META */
124   { TidyAttr_ID,                "id",                VERS_HTML40,       CH_IDDEF     },
125   { TidyAttr_ISMAP,             "ismap",             VERS_ALL,          CH_BOOL      }, /* IMG */
126   { TidyAttr_LABEL,             "label",             VERS_HTML40,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* OPT, OPTGROUP */
127   { TidyAttr_LANG,              "lang",              VERS_HTML40,       CH_LANG      },
128   { TidyAttr_LANGUAGE,          "language",          VERS_LOOSE,        CH_PCDATA    }, /* SCRIPT */
129   { TidyAttr_LAST_MODIFIED,     "last_modified",     VERS_NETSCAPE,     CH_PCDATA    }, /* A */
130   { TidyAttr_LAST_VISIT,        "last_visit",        VERS_NETSCAPE,     CH_PCDATA    }, /* A */
131   { TidyAttr_LEFTMARGIN,        "leftmargin",        VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_NUMBER    }, /* used on BODY */
132   { TidyAttr_LINK,              "link",              VERS_LOOSE,        CH_COLOR     }, /* BODY */
133   { TidyAttr_LONGDESC,          "longdesc",          VERS_HTML40,       CH_URL       }, /* IMG */
134   { TidyAttr_LOWSRC,            "lowsrc",            VERS_PROPRIETARY,  CH_URL       }, /* IMG */
135   { TidyAttr_MARGINHEIGHT,      "marginheight",      VERS_IFRAME,       CH_NUMBER    }, /* FRAME, IFRAME, BODY */
136   { TidyAttr_MARGINWIDTH,       "marginwidth",       VERS_IFRAME,       CH_NUMBER    }, /* ditto */
137   { TidyAttr_MAXLENGTH,         "maxlength",         VERS_ALL,          CH_NUMBER    }, /* INPUT */
138   { TidyAttr_MEDIA,             "media",             VERS_HTML40,       CH_MEDIA     }, /* STYLE, LINK */
139   { TidyAttr_METHOD,            "method",            VERS_ALL,          CH_FSUBMIT   }, /* FORM: get or post */
140   { TidyAttr_MULTIPLE,          "multiple",          VERS_ALL,          CH_BOOL      }, /* SELECT */
141   { TidyAttr_NAME,              "name",              VERS_ALL,          CH_NAME      },
142   { TidyAttr_NOHREF,            "nohref",            VERS_FROM32,       CH_BOOL      }, /* AREA */
143   { TidyAttr_NORESIZE,          "noresize",          VERS_FRAMESET,     CH_BOOL      }, /* FRAME */
144   { TidyAttr_NOSHADE,           "noshade",           VERS_LOOSE,        CH_BOOL      }, /* HR */
145   { TidyAttr_NOWRAP,            "nowrap",            VERS_LOOSE,        CH_BOOL      }, /* table cells */
146   { TidyAttr_OBJECT,            "object",            VERS_HTML40_LOOSE, CH_PCDATA    }, /* APPLET */
147   { TidyAttr_OnAFTERUPDATE,     "onafterupdate",     VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_SCRIPT    },
148   { TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUNLOAD,    "onbeforeunload",    VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_SCRIPT    },
149   { TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUPDATE,    "onbeforeupdate",    VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_SCRIPT    },
150   { TidyAttr_OnBLUR,            "onblur",            VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
151   { TidyAttr_OnCHANGE,          "onchange",          VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
152   { TidyAttr_OnCLICK,           "onclick",           VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
153   { TidyAttr_OnDATAAVAILABLE,   "ondataavailable",   VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_SCRIPT    }, /* object, applet */
154   { TidyAttr_OnDATASETCHANGED,  "ondatasetchanged",  VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_SCRIPT    }, /* object, applet */
155   { TidyAttr_OnDATASETCOMPLETE, "ondatasetcomplete", VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_SCRIPT    },
156   { TidyAttr_OnDBLCLICK,        "ondblclick",        VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
157   { TidyAttr_OnERRORUPDATE,     "onerrorupdate",     VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_SCRIPT    }, /* form fields */
158   { TidyAttr_OnFOCUS,           "onfocus",           VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
159   { TidyAttr_OnKEYDOWN,         "onkeydown",         VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
160   { TidyAttr_OnKEYPRESS,        "onkeypress",        VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
161   { TidyAttr_OnKEYUP,           "onkeyup",           VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
162   { TidyAttr_OnLOAD,            "onload",            VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
163   { TidyAttr_OnMOUSEDOWN,       "onmousedown",       VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
164   { TidyAttr_OnMOUSEMOVE,       "onmousemove",       VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
165   { TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOUT,        "onmouseout",        VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
166   { TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOVER,       "onmouseover",       VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
167   { TidyAttr_OnMOUSEUP,         "onmouseup",         VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
168   { TidyAttr_OnRESET,           "onreset",           VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
169   { TidyAttr_OnROWENTER,        "onrowenter",        VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_SCRIPT    }, /* form fields */
170   { TidyAttr_OnROWEXIT,         "onrowexit",         VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_SCRIPT    }, /* form fields */
171   { TidyAttr_OnSELECT,          "onselect",          VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
172   { TidyAttr_OnSUBMIT,          "onsubmit",          VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
173   { TidyAttr_OnUNLOAD,          "onunload",          VERS_EVENTS,       CH_SCRIPT    }, /* event */
174   { TidyAttr_PROFILE,           "profile",           VERS_HTML40,       CH_URL       }, /* HEAD */
175   { TidyAttr_PROMPT,            "prompt",            VERS_LOOSE,        CH_PCDATA    }, /* ISINDEX */
176   { TidyAttr_RBSPAN,            "rbspan",            VERS_XHTML11,      CH_NUMBER    }, /* ruby markup */
177   { TidyAttr_READONLY,          "readonly",          VERS_HTML40,       CH_BOOL      }, /* form fields */
178   { TidyAttr_REL,               "rel",               VERS_ALL,          CH_LINKTYPES },
179   { TidyAttr_REV,               "rev",               VERS_ALL,          CH_LINKTYPES },
180   { TidyAttr_RIGHTMARGIN,       "rightmargin",       VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_NUMBER    }, /* used on BODY */
181   { TidyAttr_ROWS,              "rows",              VERS_ALL,          CH_NUMBER    }, /* TEXTAREA */
182   { TidyAttr_ROWSPAN,           "rowspan",           VERS_ALL,          CH_NUMBER    }, /* table cells */
183   { TidyAttr_RULES,             "rules",             VERS_HTML40,       CH_TRULES    }, /* TABLE */
184   { TidyAttr_SCHEME,            "scheme",            VERS_HTML40,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* META */
185   { TidyAttr_SCOPE,             "scope",             VERS_HTML40,       CH_SCOPE     }, /* table cells */
186   { TidyAttr_SCROLLING,         "scrolling",         VERS_IFRAME,       CH_SCROLL    }, /* yes, no or auto */
187   { TidyAttr_SELECTED,          "selected",          VERS_ALL,          CH_BOOL      }, /* OPTION */
188   { TidyAttr_SHAPE,             "shape",             VERS_FROM32,       CH_SHAPE     }, /* AREA, A */
189   { TidyAttr_SHOWGRID,          "showgrid",          VERS_PROPRIETARY,  CH_BOOL      }, /* TABLE Adobe golive */
190   { TidyAttr_SHOWGRIDX,         "showgridx",         VERS_PROPRIETARY,  CH_BOOL      }, /* TABLE Adobe golive*/
191   { TidyAttr_SHOWGRIDY,         "showgridy",         VERS_PROPRIETARY,  CH_BOOL      }, /* TABLE Adobe golive*/
192   { TidyAttr_SIZE,              "size",              VERS_LOOSE,        CH_NUMBER    }, /* HR, FONT, BASEFONT, SELECT */
193   { TidyAttr_SPAN,              "span",              VERS_HTML40,       CH_NUMBER    }, /* COL, COLGROUP */
194   { TidyAttr_SRC,               "src",               VERS_ALL,          CH_URL       }, /* IMG, FRAME, IFRAME */
195   { TidyAttr_STANDBY,           "standby",           VERS_HTML40,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* OBJECT */
196   { TidyAttr_START,             "start",             VERS_ALL,          CH_NUMBER    }, /* OL */
197   { TidyAttr_STYLE,             "style",             VERS_HTML40,       CH_PCDATA    },
198   { TidyAttr_SUMMARY,           "summary",           VERS_HTML40,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* TABLE */
199   { TidyAttr_TABINDEX,          "tabindex",          VERS_HTML40,       CH_NUMBER    }, /* fields, OBJECT  and A */
200   { TidyAttr_TARGET,            "target",            VERS_HTML40,       CH_TARGET    }, /* names a frame/window */
201   { TidyAttr_TEXT,              "text",              VERS_LOOSE,        CH_COLOR     }, /* BODY */
202   { TidyAttr_TITLE,             "title",             VERS_HTML40,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* text tool tip */
203   { TidyAttr_TOPMARGIN,         "topmargin",         VERS_MICROSOFT,    CH_NUMBER    }, /* used on BODY */
204   { TidyAttr_TYPE,              "type",              VERS_FROM32,       CH_TYPE      }, /* also used by SPACER */
205   { TidyAttr_USEMAP,            "usemap",            VERS_ALL,          CH_URL       }, /* things with images */
206   { TidyAttr_VALIGN,            "valign",            VERS_FROM32,       CH_VALIGN    },
207   { TidyAttr_VALUE,             "value",             VERS_ALL,          CH_PCDATA    },
208   { TidyAttr_VALUETYPE,         "valuetype",         VERS_HTML40,       CH_VTYPE     }, /* PARAM: data, ref, object */
209   { TidyAttr_VERSION,           "version",           VERS_ALL|VERS_XML, CH_PCDATA    }, /* HTML <?xml?> */
210   { TidyAttr_VLINK,             "vlink",             VERS_LOOSE,        CH_COLOR     }, /* BODY */
211   { TidyAttr_VSPACE,            "vspace",            VERS_LOOSE,        CH_NUMBER    }, /* IMG, OBJECT, APPLET */
212   { TidyAttr_WIDTH,             "width",             VERS_ALL,          CH_LENGTH    }, /* pixels only for TD/TH */
213   { TidyAttr_WRAP,              "wrap",              VERS_NETSCAPE,     CH_PCDATA    }, /* textarea */
214   { TidyAttr_XML_LANG,          "xml:lang",          VERS_XML,          CH_LANG      }, /* XML language */
215   { TidyAttr_XML_SPACE,         "xml:space",         VERS_XML,          CH_PCDATA    }, /* XML white space */
217   /* todo: VERS_ALL is wrong! */
218   { TidyAttr_XMLNS,             "xmlns",             VERS_ALL,          CH_PCDATA    }, /* name space */
219   { TidyAttr_EVENT,             "event",             VERS_HTML40,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* reserved for <script> */
220   { TidyAttr_METHODS,           "methods",           VERS_HTML20,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* for <a>, never implemented */
221   { TidyAttr_N,                 "n",                 VERS_HTML20,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* for <nextid> */
222   { TidyAttr_SDAFORM,           "sdaform",           VERS_HTML20,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* SDATA attribute in HTML 2.0 */
223   { TidyAttr_SDAPREF,           "sdapref",           VERS_HTML20,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* SDATA attribute in HTML 2.0 */
224   { TidyAttr_SDASUFF,           "sdasuff",           VERS_HTML20,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* SDATA attribute in HTML 2.0 */
225   { TidyAttr_URN,               "urn",               VERS_HTML20,       CH_PCDATA    }, /* for <a>, never implemented */
227   /* this must be the final entry */
228   { N_TIDY_ATTRIBS,             NULL,                VERS_UNKNOWN,      NULL         }
229 };
AttributeVersions(Node * node,AttVal * attval)231 static uint AttributeVersions(Node* node, AttVal* attval)
232 {
233     uint i;
235     if (!attval || !attval->dict)
236         return VERS_UNKNOWN;
238     if (!node || !node->tag || !node->tag->attrvers)
239         return attval->dict->versions;
241     for (i = 0; node->tag->attrvers[i].attribute; ++i)
242         if (node->tag->attrvers[i].attribute == attval->dict->id)
243             return node->tag->attrvers[i].versions;
245     return attval->dict->versions & VERS_ALL
246              ? VERS_UNKNOWN
247              : attval->dict->versions;
249 }
252 /* return the version of the attribute "id" of element "node" */
NodeAttributeVersions(Node * node,TidyAttrId id)253 uint NodeAttributeVersions( Node* node, TidyAttrId id )
254 {
255     uint i;
257     if (!node || !node->tag || !node->tag->attrvers)
258         return VERS_UNKNOWN;
260     for (i = 0; node->tag->attrvers[i].attribute; ++i)
261         if (node->tag->attrvers[i].attribute == id)
262             return node->tag->attrvers[i].versions;
264     return VERS_UNKNOWN;
265 }
267 /* returns true if the element is a W3C defined element */
268 /* but the element/attribute combination is not         */
AttributeIsProprietary(Node * node,AttVal * attval)269 static Bool AttributeIsProprietary(Node* node, AttVal* attval)
270 {
271     if (!node || !attval)
272         return no;
274     if (!node->tag)
275         return no;
277     if (!(node->tag->versions & VERS_ALL))
278         return no;
280     if (AttributeVersions(node, attval) & VERS_ALL)
281         return no;
283     return yes;
284 }
286 /* used by CheckColor() */
287 struct _colors
288 {
289     ctmbstr name;
290     ctmbstr hex;
291 };
293 static const struct _colors colors[] =
294 {
295     { "black",   "#000000" },
296     { "green",   "#008000" },
297     { "silver",  "#C0C0C0" },
298     { "lime",    "#00FF00" },
299     { "gray",    "#808080" },
300     { "olive",   "#808000" },
301     { "white",   "#FFFFFF" },
302     { "yellow",  "#FFFF00" },
303     { "maroon",  "#800000" },
304     { "navy",    "#000080" },
305     { "red",     "#FF0000" },
306     { "blue",    "#0000FF" },
307     { "purple",  "#800080" },
308     { "teal",    "#008080" },
309     { "fuchsia", "#FF00FF" },
310     { "aqua",    "#00FFFF" },
311     { NULL,      NULL      }
312 };
GetColorCode(ctmbstr name)314 static ctmbstr GetColorCode(ctmbstr name)
315 {
316     uint i;
318     for (i = 0; colors[i].name; ++i)
319         if (tmbstrcasecmp(name, colors[i].name) == 0)
320             return colors[i].hex;
322     return NULL;
323 }
GetColorName(ctmbstr code)325 static ctmbstr GetColorName(ctmbstr code)
326 {
327     uint i;
329     for (i = 0; colors[i].name; ++i)
330         if (tmbstrcasecmp(code, colors[i].hex) == 0)
331             return colors[i].name;
333     return NULL;
334 }
336 #if 0
337 static const struct _colors fancy_colors[] =
338 {
339     { "darkgreen",            "#006400" },
340     { "antiquewhite",         "#FAEBD7" },
341     { "aqua",                 "#00FFFF" },
342     { "aquamarine",           "#7FFFD4" },
343     { "azure",                "#F0FFFF" },
344     { "beige",                "#F5F5DC" },
345     { "bisque",               "#FFE4C4" },
346     { "black",                "#000000" },
347     { "blanchedalmond",       "#FFEBCD" },
348     { "blue",                 "#0000FF" },
349     { "blueviolet",           "#8A2BE2" },
350     { "brown",                "#A52A2A" },
351     { "burlywood",            "#DEB887" },
352     { "cadetblue",            "#5F9EA0" },
353     { "chartreuse",           "#7FFF00" },
354     { "chocolate",            "#D2691E" },
355     { "coral",                "#FF7F50" },
356     { "cornflowerblue",       "#6495ED" },
357     { "cornsilk",             "#FFF8DC" },
358     { "crimson",              "#DC143C" },
359     { "cyan",                 "#00FFFF" },
360     { "darkblue",             "#00008B" },
361     { "darkcyan",             "#008B8B" },
362     { "darkgoldenrod",        "#B8860B" },
363     { "darkgray",             "#A9A9A9" },
364     { "darkgreen",            "#006400" },
365     { "darkkhaki",            "#BDB76B" },
366     { "darkmagenta",          "#8B008B" },
367     { "darkolivegreen",       "#556B2F" },
368     { "darkorange",           "#FF8C00" },
369     { "darkorchid",           "#9932CC" },
370     { "darkred",              "#8B0000" },
371     { "darksalmon",           "#E9967A" },
372     { "darkseagreen",         "#8FBC8F" },
373     { "darkslateblue",        "#483D8B" },
374     { "darkslategray",        "#2F4F4F" },
375     { "darkturquoise",        "#00CED1" },
376     { "darkviolet",           "#9400D3" },
377     { "deeppink",             "#FF1493" },
378     { "deepskyblue",          "#00BFFF" },
379     { "dimgray",              "#696969" },
380     { "dodgerblue",           "#1E90FF" },
381     { "firebrick",            "#B22222" },
382     { "floralwhite",          "#FFFAF0" },
383     { "forestgreen",          "#228B22" },
384     { "fuchsia",              "#FF00FF" },
385     { "gainsboro",            "#DCDCDC" },
386     { "ghostwhite",           "#F8F8FF" },
387     { "gold",                 "#FFD700" },
388     { "goldenrod",            "#DAA520" },
389     { "gray",                 "#808080" },
390     { "green",                "#008000" },
391     { "greenyellow",          "#ADFF2F" },
392     { "honeydew",             "#F0FFF0" },
393     { "hotpink",              "#FF69B4" },
394     { "indianred",            "#CD5C5C" },
395     { "indigo",               "#4B0082" },
396     { "ivory",                "#FFFFF0" },
397     { "khaki",                "#F0E68C" },
398     { "lavender",             "#E6E6FA" },
399     { "lavenderblush",        "#FFF0F5" },
400     { "lawngreen",            "#7CFC00" },
401     { "lemonchiffon",         "#FFFACD" },
402     { "lightblue",            "#ADD8E6" },
403     { "lightcoral",           "#F08080" },
404     { "lightcyan",            "#E0FFFF" },
405     { "lightgoldenrodyellow", "#FAFAD2" },
406     { "lightgreen",           "#90EE90" },
407     { "lightgrey",            "#D3D3D3" },
408     { "lightpink",            "#FFB6C1" },
409     { "lightsalmon",          "#FFA07A" },
410     { "lightseagreen",        "#20B2AA" },
411     { "lightskyblue",         "#87CEFA" },
412     { "lightslategray",       "#778899" },
413     { "lightsteelblue",       "#B0C4DE" },
414     { "lightyellow",          "#FFFFE0" },
415     { "lime",                 "#00FF00" },
416     { "limegreen",            "#32CD32" },
417     { "linen",                "#FAF0E6" },
418     { "magenta",              "#FF00FF" },
419     { "maroon",               "#800000" },
420     { "mediumaquamarine",     "#66CDAA" },
421     { "mediumblue",           "#0000CD" },
422     { "mediumorchid",         "#BA55D3" },
423     { "mediumpurple",         "#9370DB" },
424     { "mediumseagreen",       "#3CB371" },
425     { "mediumslateblue",      "#7B68EE" },
426     { "mediumspringgreen",    "#00FA9A" },
427     { "mediumturquoise",      "#48D1CC" },
428     { "mediumvioletred",      "#C71585" },
429     { "midnightblue",         "#191970" },
430     { "mintcream",            "#F5FFFA" },
431     { "mistyrose",            "#FFE4E1" },
432     { "moccasin",             "#FFE4B5" },
433     { "navajowhite",          "#FFDEAD" },
434     { "navy",                 "#000080" },
435     { "oldlace",              "#FDF5E6" },
436     { "olive",                "#808000" },
437     { "olivedrab",            "#6B8E23" },
438     { "orange",               "#FFA500" },
439     { "orangered",            "#FF4500" },
440     { "orchid",               "#DA70D6" },
441     { "palegoldenrod",        "#EEE8AA" },
442     { "palegreen",            "#98FB98" },
443     { "paleturquoise",        "#AFEEEE" },
444     { "palevioletred",        "#DB7093" },
445     { "papayawhip",           "#FFEFD5" },
446     { "peachpuff",            "#FFDAB9" },
447     { "peru",                 "#CD853F" },
448     { "pink",                 "#FFC0CB" },
449     { "plum",                 "#DDA0DD" },
450     { "powderblue",           "#B0E0E6" },
451     { "purple",               "#800080" },
452     { "red",                  "#FF0000" },
453     { "rosybrown",            "#BC8F8F" },
454     { "royalblue",            "#4169E1" },
455     { "saddlebrown",          "#8B4513" },
456     { "salmon",               "#FA8072" },
457     { "sandybrown",           "#F4A460" },
458     { "seagreen",             "#2E8B57" },
459     { "seashell",             "#FFF5EE" },
460     { "sienna",               "#A0522D" },
461     { "silver",               "#C0C0C0" },
462     { "skyblue",              "#87CEEB" },
463     { "slateblue",            "#6A5ACD" },
464     { "slategray",            "#708090" },
465     { "snow",                 "#FFFAFA" },
466     { "springgreen",          "#00FF7F" },
467     { "steelblue",            "#4682B4" },
468     { "tan",                  "#D2B48C" },
469     { "teal",                 "#008080" },
470     { "thistle",              "#D8BFD8" },
471     { "tomato",               "#FF6347" },
472     { "turquoise",            "#40E0D0" },
473     { "violet",               "#EE82EE" },
474     { "wheat",                "#F5DEB3" },
475     { "white",                "#FFFFFF" },
476     { "whitesmoke",           "#F5F5F5" },
477     { "yellow",               "#FFFF00" },
478     { "yellowgreen",          "#9ACD32" },
479     { NULL,                   NULL      }
480 };
481 #endif
hash(ctmbstr s)484 static uint hash(ctmbstr s)
485 {
486     uint hashval;
488     for (hashval = 0; *s != '\0'; s++)
489         hashval = *s + 31*hashval;
491     return hashval % ATTRIBUTE_HASH_SIZE;
492 }
install(TidyAttribImpl * attribs,const Attribute * old)494 static const Attribute *install(TidyAttribImpl * attribs, const Attribute* old)
495 {
496     AttrHash *np;
497     uint hashval;
499     if (old)
500     {
501         np = (AttrHash *)MemAlloc(sizeof(*np));
502         np->attr = old;
504         hashval = hash(old->name);
505         np->next = attribs->hashtab[hashval];
506         attribs->hashtab[hashval] = np;
507     }
509     return old;
510 }
removeFromHash(TidyAttribImpl * attribs,ctmbstr s)512 static void removeFromHash( TidyAttribImpl * attribs, ctmbstr s )
513 {
514     uint h = hash(s);
515     AttrHash *p, *prev = NULL;
516     for (p = attribs->hashtab[h]; p && p->attr; p = p->next)
517     {
518         if (tmbstrcmp(s, p->attr->name) == 0)
519         {
520             AttrHash* next = p->next;
521             if ( prev )
522                 prev->next = next;
523             else
524                 attribs->hashtab[h] = next;
525             MemFree(p);
526             return;
527         }
528         prev = p;
529     }
530 }
emptyHash(TidyAttribImpl * attribs)532 static void emptyHash( TidyAttribImpl * attribs )
533 {
534     AttrHash *dict, *next;
535     uint i;
537     for (i = 0; i < ATTRIBUTE_HASH_SIZE; ++i)
538     {
539         dict = attribs->hashtab[i];
541         while(dict)
542         {
543             next = dict->next;
544             MemFree(dict);
545             dict = next;
546         }
548         attribs->hashtab[i] = NULL;
549     }
550 }
551 #endif
lookup(TidyAttribImpl * ARG_UNUSED (attribs),ctmbstr atnam)553 static const Attribute* lookup(TidyAttribImpl* ARG_UNUSED(attribs),
554                                ctmbstr atnam)
555 {
556     const Attribute *np;
558     const AttrHash *p;
559 #endif
561     if (!atnam)
562         return NULL;
565     for (p = attribs->hashtab[hash(atnam)]; p && p->attr; p = p->next)
566         if (tmbstrcmp(atnam, p->attr->name) == 0)
567             return p->attr;
569     for (np = attribute_defs; np && np->name; ++np)
570         if (tmbstrcmp(atnam, np->name) == 0)
571             return install(attribs, np);
572 #else
573     for (np = attribute_defs; np && np->name; ++np)
574         if (tmbstrcmp(atnam, np->name) == 0)
575             return np;
576 #endif
578     return NULL;
579 }
582 /* Locate attributes by type */
AttrGetById(Node * node,TidyAttrId id)583 AttVal* AttrGetById( Node* node, TidyAttrId id )
584 {
585    AttVal* av;
586    for ( av = node->attributes; av; av = av->next )
587    {
588      if ( AttrIsId(av, id) )
589          return av;
590    }
591    return NULL;
592 }
594 /* public method for finding attribute definition by name */
FindAttribute(TidyDocImpl * doc,AttVal * attval)595 const Attribute* FindAttribute( TidyDocImpl* doc, AttVal *attval )
596 {
597     if ( attval )
598        return lookup( &doc->attribs, attval->attribute );
599     return NULL;
600 }
GetAttrByName(Node * node,ctmbstr name)602 AttVal* GetAttrByName( Node *node, ctmbstr name )
603 {
604     AttVal *attr;
605     for (attr = node->attributes; attr != NULL; attr = attr->next)
606     {
607         if (attr->attribute && tmbstrcmp(attr->attribute, name) == 0)
608             break;
609     }
610     return attr;
611 }
AddAttribute(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,ctmbstr name,ctmbstr value)613 AttVal* AddAttribute( TidyDocImpl* doc,
614                       Node *node, ctmbstr name, ctmbstr value )
615 {
616     AttVal *av = NewAttribute();
617     av->delim = '"';
618     av->attribute = tmbstrdup(name);
620     if (value)
621         av->value = tmbstrdup(value);
622     else
623         av->value = NULL;
625     av->dict = lookup(&doc->attribs, name);
627     InsertAttributeAtEnd(node, av);
628     return av;
629 }
RepairAttrValue(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,ctmbstr name,ctmbstr value)631 AttVal* RepairAttrValue(TidyDocImpl* doc, Node* node, ctmbstr name, ctmbstr value)
632 {
633     AttVal* old = GetAttrByName(node, name);
635     if (old)
636     {
637         if (old->value)
638             MemFree(old->value);
639         if (value)
640             old->value = tmbstrdup(value);
641         else
642             old->value = NULL;
644         return old;
645     }
646     else
647         return AddAttribute(doc, node, name, value);
648 }
CheckAttrType(TidyDocImpl * doc,ctmbstr attrname,AttrCheck type)650 static Bool CheckAttrType( TidyDocImpl* doc,
651                            ctmbstr attrname, AttrCheck type )
652 {
653     const Attribute* np = lookup( &doc->attribs, attrname );
654     return (Bool)( np && np->attrchk == type );
655 }
IsUrl(TidyDocImpl * doc,ctmbstr attrname)657 Bool IsUrl( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr attrname )
658 {
659     return CheckAttrType( doc, attrname, CH_URL );
660 }
IsBool(TidyDocImpl * doc,ctmbstr attrname)662 Bool IsBool( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr attrname )
663 {
664     return CheckAttrType( doc, attrname, CH_BOOL );
665 }
IsScript(TidyDocImpl * doc,ctmbstr attrname)667 Bool IsScript( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr attrname )
668 {
669     return CheckAttrType( doc, attrname, CH_SCRIPT );
670 }
672 /* may id or name serve as anchor? */
IsAnchorElement(TidyDocImpl * ARG_UNUSED (doc),Node * node)673 Bool IsAnchorElement( TidyDocImpl* ARG_UNUSED(doc), Node* node)
674 {
675     TidyTagId tid = TagId( node );
676     if ( tid == TidyTag_A      ||
677          tid == TidyTag_APPLET ||
678          tid == TidyTag_FORM   ||
679          tid == TidyTag_FRAME  ||
680          tid == TidyTag_IFRAME ||
681          tid == TidyTag_IMG    ||
682          tid == TidyTag_MAP )
683         return yes;
685     return no;
686 }
688 /*
689   In CSS1, selectors can contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9,
690   and Unicode characters 161-255, plus dash (-); they cannot start
691   with a dash or a digit; they can also contain escaped characters
692   and any Unicode character as a numeric code (see next item).
694   The backslash followed by at most four hexadecimal digits
695   (0..9A..F) stands for the Unicode character with that number.
697   Any character except a hexadecimal digit can be escaped to remove
698   its special meaning, by putting a backslash in front.
700   #508936 - CSS class naming for -clean option
701 */
IsCSS1Selector(ctmbstr buf)702 Bool IsCSS1Selector( ctmbstr buf )
703 {
704     Bool valid = yes;
705     int esclen = 0;
706     byte c;
707     int pos;
709     for ( pos=0; valid && (c = *buf++); ++pos )
710     {
711         if ( c == '\\' )
712         {
713             esclen = 1;  /* ab\555\444 is 4 chars {'a', 'b', \555, \444} */
714         }
715         else if ( isdigit( c ) )
716         {
717             /* Digit not 1st, unless escaped (Max length "\112F") */
718             if ( esclen > 0 )
719                 valid = ( ++esclen < 6 );
720             if ( valid )
721                 valid = ( pos>0 || esclen>0 );
722         }
723         else
724         {
725             valid = (
726                 esclen > 0                       /* Escaped? Anything goes. */
727                 || ( pos>0 && c == '-' )         /* Dash cannot be 1st char */
728                 || isalpha(c)                    /* a-z, A-Z anywhere */
729                 || ( c >= 161 )                  /* Unicode 161-255 anywhere */
730             );
731             esclen = 0;
732         }
733     }
734     return valid;
735 }
737 /* free single anchor */
FreeAnchor(Anchor * a)738 static void FreeAnchor(Anchor *a)
739 {
740     if ( a )
741         MemFree( a->name );
742     MemFree( a );
743 }
745 /* removes anchor for specific node */
RemoveAnchorByNode(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node)746 void RemoveAnchorByNode( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node )
747 {
748     TidyAttribImpl* attribs = &doc->attribs;
749     Anchor *delme = NULL, *curr, *prev = NULL;
751     for ( curr=attribs->anchor_list; curr!=NULL; curr=curr->next )
752     {
753         if ( curr->node == node )
754         {
755             if ( prev )
756                 prev->next = curr->next;
757             else
758                 attribs->anchor_list = curr->next;
759             delme = curr;
760             break;
761         }
762         prev = curr;
763     }
764     FreeAnchor( delme );
765 }
767 /* initialize new anchor */
NewAnchor(ctmbstr name,Node * node)768 static Anchor* NewAnchor( ctmbstr name, Node* node )
769 {
770     Anchor *a = (Anchor*) MemAlloc( sizeof(Anchor) );
772     a->name = tmbstrdup( name );
773     a->name = tmbstrtolower(a->name);
774     a->node = node;
775     a->next = NULL;
777     return a;
778 }
780 /* add new anchor to namespace */
AddAnchor(TidyDocImpl * doc,ctmbstr name,Node * node)781 Anchor* AddAnchor( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr name, Node *node )
782 {
783     TidyAttribImpl* attribs = &doc->attribs;
784     Anchor *a = NewAnchor( name, node );
786     if ( attribs->anchor_list == NULL)
787          attribs->anchor_list = a;
788     else
789     {
790         Anchor *here =  attribs->anchor_list;
791         while (here->next)
792             here = here->next;
793         here->next = a;
794     }
796     return attribs->anchor_list;
797 }
799 /* return node associated with anchor */
GetNodeByAnchor(TidyDocImpl * doc,ctmbstr name)800 Node* GetNodeByAnchor( TidyDocImpl* doc, ctmbstr name )
801 {
802     TidyAttribImpl* attribs = &doc->attribs;
803     Anchor *found;
804     tmbstr lname = tmbstrdup(name);
805     lname = tmbstrtolower(lname);
807     for ( found = attribs->anchor_list; found != NULL; found = found->next )
808     {
809         if ( tmbstrcmp(found->name, lname) == 0 )
810             break;
811     }
813     MemFree(lname);
814     if ( found )
815         return found->node;
816     return NULL;
817 }
819 /* free all anchors */
FreeAnchors(TidyDocImpl * doc)820 void FreeAnchors( TidyDocImpl* doc )
821 {
822     TidyAttribImpl* attribs = &doc->attribs;
823     Anchor* a;
824     while (NULL != (a = attribs->anchor_list) )
825     {
826         attribs->anchor_list = a->next;
827         FreeAnchor(a);
828     }
829 }
831 /* public method for inititializing attribute dictionary */
InitAttrs(TidyDocImpl * doc)832 void InitAttrs( TidyDocImpl* doc )
833 {
834     ClearMemory( &doc->attribs, sizeof(TidyAttribImpl) );
835 #ifdef _DEBUG
836     {
837       /* Attribute ID is index position in Attribute type lookup table */
838       uint ix;
839       for ( ix=0; ix < N_TIDY_ATTRIBS; ++ix )
840       {
841         const Attribute* dict = &attribute_defs[ ix ];
842         assert( (uint) dict->id == ix );
843       }
844     }
845 #endif
846 }
848 /* free all declared attributes */
FreeDeclaredAttributes(TidyDocImpl * doc)849 static void FreeDeclaredAttributes( TidyDocImpl* doc )
850 {
851     TidyAttribImpl* attribs = &doc->attribs;
852     Attribute* dict;
853     while ( NULL != (dict = attribs->declared_attr_list) )
854     {
855         attribs->declared_attr_list = dict->next;
857         removeFromHash( &doc->attribs, dict->name );
858 #endif
859         MemFree( dict->name );
860         MemFree( dict );
861     }
862 }
FreeAttrTable(TidyDocImpl * doc)864 void FreeAttrTable( TidyDocImpl* doc )
865 {
867     emptyHash( &doc->attribs );
868 #endif
869     FreeAnchors( doc );
870     FreeDeclaredAttributes( doc );
871 }
AppendToClassAttr(AttVal * classattr,ctmbstr classname)873 void AppendToClassAttr( AttVal *classattr, ctmbstr classname )
874 {
875     uint len = tmbstrlen(classattr->value) +
876         tmbstrlen(classname) + 2;
877     tmbstr s = (tmbstr) MemAlloc( len );
878     s[0] = '\0';
879     if (classattr->value)
880     {
881         tmbstrcpy( s, classattr->value );
882         tmbstrcat( s, " " );
883     }
884     tmbstrcat( s, classname );
885     if (classattr->value)
886         MemFree( classattr->value );
887     classattr->value = s;
888 }
890 /* concatenate styles */
AppendToStyleAttr(AttVal * styleattr,ctmbstr styleprop)891 static void AppendToStyleAttr( AttVal *styleattr, ctmbstr styleprop )
892 {
893     /*
894     this doesn't handle CSS comments and
895     leading/trailing white-space very well
896     see http://www.w3.org/TR/css-style-attr
897     */
898     uint end = tmbstrlen(styleattr->value);
900     if (end >0 && styleattr->value[end - 1] == ';')
901     {
902         /* attribute ends with declaration seperator */
904         styleattr->value = (tmbstr) MemRealloc(styleattr->value,
905             end + tmbstrlen(styleprop) + 2);
907         tmbstrcat(styleattr->value, " ");
908         tmbstrcat(styleattr->value, styleprop);
909     }
910     else if (end >0 && styleattr->value[end - 1] == '}')
911     {
912         /* attribute ends with rule set */
914         styleattr->value = (tmbstr) MemRealloc(styleattr->value,
915             end + tmbstrlen(styleprop) + 6);
917         tmbstrcat(styleattr->value, " { ");
918         tmbstrcat(styleattr->value, styleprop);
919         tmbstrcat(styleattr->value, " }");
920     }
921     else
922     {
923         /* attribute ends with property value */
925         styleattr->value = (tmbstr) MemRealloc(styleattr->value,
926             end + tmbstrlen(styleprop) + 3);
928         if (end > 0)
929             tmbstrcat(styleattr->value, "; ");
930         tmbstrcat(styleattr->value, styleprop);
931     }
932 }
934 /*
935  the same attribute name can't be used
936  more than once in each element
937 */
RepairDuplicateAttributes(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node)938 void RepairDuplicateAttributes( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node)
939 {
940     AttVal *first;
942     for (first = node->attributes; first != NULL;)
943     {
944         AttVal *second;
945         Bool firstRedefined = no;
947         if (!(first->asp == NULL && first->php == NULL))
948         {
949             first = first->next;
950             continue;
951         }
953         for (second = first->next; second != NULL;)
954         {
955             AttVal *temp;
957             if (!(second->asp == NULL && second->php == NULL &&
958                 AttrsHaveSameId(first, second)))
959             {
960                 second = second->next;
961                 continue;
962             }
964             /* first and second attribute have same local name */
965             /* now determine what to do with this duplicate... */
967             if (attrIsCLASS(first) && cfgBool(doc, TidyJoinClasses)
968                 && AttrHasValue(first) && AttrHasValue(second))
969             {
970                 /* concatenate classes */
972                 AppendToClassAttr(first, second->value);
974                 temp = second->next;
975                 ReportAttrError( doc, node, second, JOINING_ATTRIBUTE);
976                 RemoveAttribute( doc, node, second );
977                 second = temp;
978             }
979             else if (attrIsSTYLE(first) && cfgBool(doc, TidyJoinStyles)
980                      && AttrHasValue(first) && AttrHasValue(second))
981             {
982                 AppendToStyleAttr( first, second->value );
984                 temp = second->next;
985                 ReportAttrError( doc, node, second, JOINING_ATTRIBUTE);
986                 RemoveAttribute( doc, node, second );
987                 second = temp;
988             }
989             else if ( cfg(doc, TidyDuplicateAttrs) == TidyKeepLast )
990             {
991                 temp = first->next;
992                 ReportAttrError( doc, node, first, REPEATED_ATTRIBUTE);
993                 RemoveAttribute( doc, node, first );
994                 firstRedefined = yes;
995                 first = temp;
996                 second = second->next;
997             }
998             else /* TidyDuplicateAttrs == TidyKeepFirst */
999             {
1000                 temp = second->next;
1001                 ReportAttrError( doc, node, second, REPEATED_ATTRIBUTE);
1002                 RemoveAttribute( doc, node, second );
1003                 second = temp;
1004             }
1005         }
1006         if (!firstRedefined)
1007             first = first->next;
1008     }
1009 }
1011 /* ignore unknown attributes for proprietary elements */
CheckAttribute(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1012 const Attribute* CheckAttribute( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval )
1013 {
1014     const Attribute* attribute = attval->dict;
1016     if ( attribute != NULL )
1017     {
1018         if (attribute->versions & VERS_XML)
1019         {
1020             doc->lexer->isvoyager = yes;
1021             if (!cfgBool(doc, TidyHtmlOut))
1022             {
1023                 SetOptionBool(doc, TidyXhtmlOut, yes);
1024                 SetOptionBool(doc, TidyXmlOut, yes);
1025             }
1026         }
1028         ConstrainVersion(doc, AttributeVersions(node, attval));
1030         if (attribute->attrchk)
1031             attribute->attrchk( doc, node, attval );
1032     }
1034     if (AttributeIsProprietary(node, attval))
1035     {
1036         ReportAttrError(doc, node, attval, PROPRIETARY_ATTRIBUTE);
1038         if (cfgBool(doc, TidyDropPropAttrs))
1039             RemoveAttribute( doc, node, attval );
1040     }
1042     return attribute;
1043 }
IsBoolAttribute(AttVal * attval)1045 Bool IsBoolAttribute(AttVal *attval)
1046 {
1047     const Attribute *attribute = ( attval ? attval->dict : NULL );
1048     if ( attribute && attribute->attrchk == CH_BOOL )
1049         return yes;
1050     return no;
1051 }
attrIsEvent(AttVal * attval)1053 Bool attrIsEvent( AttVal* attval )
1054 {
1055     TidyAttrId atid = AttrId( attval );
1057     return (atid == TidyAttr_OnAFTERUPDATE     ||
1058             atid == TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUNLOAD    ||
1059             atid == TidyAttr_OnBEFOREUPDATE    ||
1060             atid == TidyAttr_OnBLUR            ||
1061             atid == TidyAttr_OnCHANGE          ||
1062             atid == TidyAttr_OnCLICK           ||
1063             atid == TidyAttr_OnDATAAVAILABLE   ||
1064             atid == TidyAttr_OnDATASETCHANGED  ||
1065             atid == TidyAttr_OnDATASETCOMPLETE ||
1066             atid == TidyAttr_OnDBLCLICK        ||
1067             atid == TidyAttr_OnERRORUPDATE     ||
1068             atid == TidyAttr_OnFOCUS           ||
1069             atid == TidyAttr_OnKEYDOWN         ||
1070             atid == TidyAttr_OnKEYPRESS        ||
1071             atid == TidyAttr_OnKEYUP           ||
1072             atid == TidyAttr_OnLOAD            ||
1073             atid == TidyAttr_OnMOUSEDOWN       ||
1074             atid == TidyAttr_OnMOUSEMOVE       ||
1075             atid == TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOUT        ||
1076             atid == TidyAttr_OnMOUSEOVER       ||
1077             atid == TidyAttr_OnMOUSEUP         ||
1078             atid == TidyAttr_OnRESET           ||
1079             atid == TidyAttr_OnROWENTER        ||
1080             atid == TidyAttr_OnROWEXIT         ||
1081             atid == TidyAttr_OnSELECT          ||
1082             atid == TidyAttr_OnSUBMIT          ||
1083             atid == TidyAttr_OnUNLOAD);
1084 }
CheckLowerCaseAttrValue(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1086 static void CheckLowerCaseAttrValue( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1087 {
1088     tmbstr p;
1089     Bool hasUpper = no;
1091     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1092         return;
1094     p = attval->value;
1096     while (*p)
1097     {
1098         if (IsUpper(*p)) /* #501230 - fix by Terry Teague - 09 Jan 02 */
1099         {
1100             hasUpper = yes;
1101             break;
1102         }
1103         p++;
1104     }
1106     if (hasUpper)
1107     {
1108         Lexer* lexer = doc->lexer;
1109         if (lexer->isvoyager)
1110             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, ATTR_VALUE_NOT_LCASE);
1112         if ( lexer->isvoyager || cfgBool(doc, TidyLowerLiterals) )
1113             attval->value = tmbstrtolower(attval->value);
1114     }
1115 }
1117 /* methods for checking value of a specific attribute */
CheckUrl(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1119 void CheckUrl( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1120 {
1121     tmbchar c;
1122     tmbstr dest, p;
1123     uint escape_count = 0, backslash_count = 0;
1124     uint i, pos = 0;
1125     uint len;
1127     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1128     {
1129         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1130         return;
1131     }
1133     p = attval->value;
1135     for (i = 0; 0 != (c = p[i]); ++i)
1136     {
1137         if (c == '\\')
1138         {
1139             ++backslash_count;
1140             if ( cfgBool(doc, TidyFixBackslash) )
1141                 p[i] = '/';
1142         }
1143         else if ((c > 0x7e) || (c <= 0x20) || (strchr("<>", c)))
1144             ++escape_count;
1145     }
1147     if ( cfgBool(doc, TidyFixUri) && escape_count )
1148     {
1149         len = tmbstrlen(p) + escape_count * 2 + 1;
1150         dest = (tmbstr) MemAlloc(len);
1152         for (i = 0; 0 != (c = p[i]); ++i)
1153         {
1154             if ((c > 0x7e) || (c <= 0x20) || (strchr("<>", c)))
1155                 pos += sprintf( dest + pos, "%%%02X", (byte)c );
1156             else
1157                 dest[pos++] = c;
1158         }
1159         dest[pos] = 0;
1161         MemFree(attval->value);
1162         attval->value = dest;
1163     }
1164     if ( backslash_count )
1165     {
1166         if ( cfgBool(doc, TidyFixBackslash) )
1167             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, FIXED_BACKSLASH );
1168         else
1169             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BACKSLASH_IN_URI );
1170     }
1171     if ( escape_count )
1172     {
1173         if ( cfgBool(doc, TidyFixUri) )
1174             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, ESCAPED_ILLEGAL_URI);
1175         else
1176             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, ILLEGAL_URI_REFERENCE);
1178         doc->badChars |= BC_INVALID_URI;
1179     }
1180 }
1182 /* RFC 2396, section 4.2 states:
1183      "[...] in the case of HTML's FORM element, [...] an
1184      empty URI reference represents the base URI of the
1185      current document and should be replaced by that URI
1186      when transformed into a request."
1187 */
CheckAction(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1188 void CheckAction( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1189 {
1190     if (AttrHasValue(attval))
1191         CheckUrl( doc, node, attval );
1192 }
CheckScript(TidyDocImpl * ARG_UNUSED (doc),Node * ARG_UNUSED (node),AttVal * ARG_UNUSED (attval))1194 void CheckScript( TidyDocImpl* ARG_UNUSED(doc), Node* ARG_UNUSED(node),
1195                   AttVal* ARG_UNUSED(attval))
1196 {
1197 }
IsValidHTMLID(ctmbstr id)1199 Bool IsValidHTMLID(ctmbstr id)
1200 {
1201     ctmbstr s = id;
1203     if (!s)
1204         return no;
1206     if (!IsLetter(*s++))
1207         return no;
1209     while (*s)
1210         if (!IsNamechar(*s++))
1211             return no;
1213     return yes;
1215 }
IsValidXMLID(ctmbstr id)1217 Bool IsValidXMLID(ctmbstr id)
1218 {
1219     ctmbstr s = id;
1220     tchar c;
1222     if (!s)
1223         return no;
1225     c = *s++;
1226     if (c > 0x7F)
1227         s += GetUTF8(s, &c);
1229     if (!(IsXMLLetter(c) || c == '_' || c == ':'))
1230         return no;
1232     while (*s)
1233     {
1234         c = (unsigned char)*s;
1236         if (c > 0x7F)
1237             s += GetUTF8(s, &c);
1239         ++s;
1241         if (!IsXMLNamechar(c))
1242             return no;
1243     }
1245     return yes;
1246 }
IsValidNMTOKEN(ctmbstr name)1248 static Bool IsValidNMTOKEN(ctmbstr name)
1249 {
1250     ctmbstr s = name;
1251     tchar c;
1253     if (!s)
1254         return no;
1256     while (*s)
1257     {
1258         c = (unsigned char)*s;
1260         if (c > 0x7F)
1261             s += GetUTF8(s, &c);
1263         ++s;
1265         if (!IsXMLNamechar(c))
1266             return no;
1267     }
1269     return yes;
1270 }
AttrValueIsAmong(AttVal * attval,ctmbstr const list[])1272 static Bool AttrValueIsAmong(AttVal *attval, ctmbstr const list[])
1273 {
1274     const ctmbstr *v;
1275     for (v = list; *v; ++v)
1276         if (AttrValueIs(attval, *v))
1277             return yes;
1278     return no;
1279 }
CheckAttrValidity(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval,ctmbstr const list[])1281 static void CheckAttrValidity( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval,
1282                                ctmbstr const list[])
1283 {
1284     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1285     {
1286         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1287         return;
1288     }
1290     CheckLowerCaseAttrValue( doc, node, attval );
1292     if (!AttrValueIsAmong(attval, list))
1293         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1294 }
CheckName(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1296 void CheckName( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1297 {
1298     Node *old;
1300     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1301     {
1302         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1303         return;
1304     }
1306     if ( IsAnchorElement(doc, node) )
1307     {
1308         if (cfgBool(doc, TidyXmlOut) && !IsValidNMTOKEN(attval->value))
1309             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1311         if ((old = GetNodeByAnchor(doc, attval->value)) &&  old != node)
1312         {
1313             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, ANCHOR_NOT_UNIQUE);
1314         }
1315         else
1316             AddAnchor( doc, attval->value, node );
1317     }
1318 }
CheckId(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1320 void CheckId( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval )
1321 {
1322     Lexer* lexer = doc->lexer;
1323     Node *old;
1325     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1326     {
1327         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1328         return;
1329     }
1331     if (!IsValidHTMLID(attval->value))
1332     {
1333         if (lexer->isvoyager && IsValidXMLID(attval->value))
1334             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, XML_ID_SYNTAX);
1335         else
1336             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1337     }
1339     if ((old = GetNodeByAnchor(doc, attval->value)) &&  old != node)
1340     {
1341         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, ANCHOR_NOT_UNIQUE);
1342     }
1343     else
1344         AddAnchor( doc, attval->value, node );
1345 }
CheckBool(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1347 void CheckBool( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1348 {
1349     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1350         return;
1352     CheckLowerCaseAttrValue( doc, node, attval );
1353 }
CheckAlign(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1355 void CheckAlign( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1356 {
1357     ctmbstr const values[] = {"left", "right", "center", "justify", NULL};
1359     /* IMG, OBJECT, APPLET and EMBED use align for vertical position */
1360     if (node->tag && (node->tag->model & CM_IMG))
1361     {
1362         CheckValign( doc, node, attval );
1363         return;
1364     }
1366     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1367     {
1368         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1369         return;
1370     }
1372     CheckLowerCaseAttrValue( doc, node, attval);
1374     /* currently CheckCaption(...) takes care of the remaining cases */
1375     if (nodeIsCAPTION(node))
1376         return;
1378     if (!AttrValueIsAmong(attval, values))
1379     {
1380         /* align="char" is allowed for elements with CM_TABLE|CM_ROW
1381            except CAPTION which is excluded above, */
1382         if( !(AttrValueIs(attval, "char")
1383               && nodeHasCM(node, CM_TABLE|CM_ROW)) )
1384              ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1385     }
1386 }
CheckValign(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1388 void CheckValign( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1389 {
1390     ctmbstr const values[] = {"top", "middle", "bottom", "baseline", NULL};
1391     ctmbstr const values2[] = {"left", "right", NULL};
1392     ctmbstr const valuesp[] = {"texttop", "absmiddle", "absbottom",
1393                                "textbottom", NULL};
1395     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1396     {
1397         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1398         return;
1399     }
1401     CheckLowerCaseAttrValue( doc, node, attval );
1403     if (AttrValueIsAmong(attval, values))
1404     {
1405             /* all is fine */
1406     }
1407     else if (AttrValueIsAmong(attval, values2))
1408     {
1409         if (!(node->tag && (node->tag->model & CM_IMG)))
1410             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1411     }
1412     else if (AttrValueIsAmong(attval, valuesp))
1413     {
1414         ConstrainVersion( doc, VERS_PROPRIETARY );
1415         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, PROPRIETARY_ATTR_VALUE);
1416     }
1417     else
1418         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1419 }
CheckLength(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1421 void CheckLength( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1422 {
1423     tmbstr p;
1425     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1426     {
1427         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1428         return;
1429     }
1431     /* don't check for <col width=...> and <colgroup width=...> */
1432     if (attrIsWIDTH(attval) && (nodeIsCOL(node) || nodeIsCOLGROUP(node)))
1433         return;
1435     p = attval->value;
1437     if (!IsDigit(*p++))
1438     {
1439         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1440     }
1441     else
1442     {
1443         while (*p)
1444         {
1445             if (!IsDigit(*p) && *p != '%')
1446             {
1447                 ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1448                 break;
1449             }
1450             ++p;
1451         }
1452     }
1453 }
CheckTarget(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1455 void CheckTarget( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1456 {
1457     ctmbstr const values[] = {"_blank", "_self", "_parent", "_top", NULL};
1459     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1460     {
1461         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1462         return;
1463     }
1465     /* target names must begin with A-Za-z ... */
1466     if (IsLetter(attval->value[0]))
1467         return;
1469     /* or be one of the allowed list */
1470     if (!AttrValueIsAmong(attval, values))
1471         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1472 }
CheckFsubmit(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1474 void CheckFsubmit( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1475 {
1476     ctmbstr const values[] = {"get", "post", NULL};
1477     CheckAttrValidity( doc, node, attval, values );
1478 }
CheckClear(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1480 void CheckClear( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1481 {
1482     ctmbstr const values[] = {"none", "left", "right", "all", NULL};
1484     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1485     {
1486         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1487         if (attval->value == NULL)
1488             attval->value = tmbstrdup( "none" );
1489         return;
1490     }
1492     CheckLowerCaseAttrValue( doc, node, attval );
1494     if (!AttrValueIsAmong(attval, values))
1495         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1496 }
CheckShape(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1498 void CheckShape( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1499 {
1500     ctmbstr const values[] = {"rect", "default", "circle", "poly", NULL};
1501     CheckAttrValidity( doc, node, attval, values );
1502 }
CheckScope(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1504 void CheckScope( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1505 {
1506     ctmbstr const values[] = {"row", "rowgroup", "col", "colgroup", NULL};
1507     CheckAttrValidity( doc, node, attval, values );
1508 }
CheckNumber(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1510 void CheckNumber( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1511 {
1512     tmbstr p;
1514     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1515     {
1516         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1517         return;
1518     }
1520     /* don't check <frameset cols=... rows=...> */
1521     if ( nodeIsFRAMESET(node) &&
1522         (attrIsCOLS(attval) || attrIsROWS(attval)))
1523      return;
1525     p  = attval->value;
1527     /* font size may be preceded by + or - */
1528     if ( nodeIsFONT(node) && (*p == '+' || *p == '-') )
1529         ++p;
1531     while (*p)
1532     {
1533         if (!IsDigit(*p))
1534         {
1535             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1536             break;
1537         }
1538         ++p;
1539     }
1540 }
1542 /* check hexadecimal color value */
IsValidColorCode(ctmbstr color)1543 static Bool IsValidColorCode(ctmbstr color)
1544 {
1545     uint i;
1547     if (tmbstrlen(color) != 6)
1548         return no;
1550     /* check if valid hex digits and letters */
1551     for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
1552         if (!IsDigit(color[i]) && !strchr("abcdef", ToLower(color[i])))
1553             return no;
1555     return yes;
1556 }
1558 /* check color syntax and beautify value by option */
CheckColor(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1559 void CheckColor( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1560 {
1561     Bool valid = no;
1562     tmbstr given;
1564     if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1565     {
1566         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1567         return;
1568     }
1570     given = attval->value;
1572     /* 727851 - add hash to hash-less color values */
1573     if (given[0] != '#' && (valid = IsValidColorCode(given)))
1574     {
1575         tmbstr cp, s;
1577         cp = s = (tmbstr) MemAlloc(2 + tmbstrlen (given));
1578         *cp++ = '#';
1579         while ('\0' != (*cp++ = *given++))
1580             continue;
1582         ReportAttrError(doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_REPLACED);
1584         MemFree(attval->value);
1585         given = attval->value = s;
1586     }
1588     if (!valid && given[0] == '#')
1589         valid = IsValidColorCode(given + 1);
1591     if (valid && given[0] == '#' && cfgBool(doc, TidyReplaceColor))
1592     {
1593         ctmbstr newName = GetColorName(given);
1595         if (newName)
1596         {
1597             MemFree(attval->value);
1598             given = attval->value = tmbstrdup(newName);
1599         }
1600     }
1602     /* if it is not a valid color code, it is a color name */
1603     if (!valid)
1604         valid = GetColorCode(given) != NULL;
1606     if (valid && given[0] == '#')
1607         attval->value = tmbstrtoupper(attval->value);
1608     else if (valid)
1609         attval->value = tmbstrtolower(attval->value);
1611     if (!valid)
1612         ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1613 }
1615 /* check valuetype attribute for element param */
CheckVType(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1616 void CheckVType( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1617 {
1618     ctmbstr const values[] = {"data", "object", "ref", NULL};
1619     CheckAttrValidity( doc, node, attval, values );
1620 }
1622 /* checks scrolling attribute */
CheckScroll(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1623 void CheckScroll( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1624 {
1625     ctmbstr const values[] = {"no", "auto", "yes", NULL};
1626     CheckAttrValidity( doc, node, attval, values );
1627 }
1629 /* checks dir attribute */
CheckTextDir(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1630 void CheckTextDir( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1631 {
1632     ctmbstr const values[] = {"rtl", "ltr", NULL};
1633     CheckAttrValidity( doc, node, attval, values );
1634 }
1636 /* checks lang and xml:lang attributes */
CheckLang(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1637 void CheckLang( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1638 {
1639     /* empty xml:lang is allowed through XML 1.0 SE errata */
1640     if (!AttrHasValue(attval) && !attrIsXML_LANG(attval))
1641     {
1642         if ( cfg(doc, TidyAccessibilityCheckLevel) == 0 )
1643         {
1644             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE );
1645         }
1646         return;
1647     }
1648 }
1650 /* checks type attribute */
CheckType(TidyDocImpl * doc,Node * node,AttVal * attval)1651 void CheckType( TidyDocImpl* doc, Node *node, AttVal *attval)
1652 {
1653     ctmbstr const valuesINPUT[] = {"text", "password", "checkbox", "radio",
1654                                    "submit", "reset", "file", "hidden",
1655                                    "image", "button", NULL};
1656     ctmbstr const valuesBUTTON[] = {"button", "submit", "reset", NULL};
1657     ctmbstr const valuesUL[] = {"disc", "square", "circle", NULL};
1658     ctmbstr const valuesOL[] = {"1", "a", "i", NULL};
1660     if (nodeIsINPUT(node))
1661         CheckAttrValidity( doc, node, attval, valuesINPUT );
1662     else if (nodeIsBUTTON(node))
1663         CheckAttrValidity( doc, node, attval, valuesBUTTON );
1664     else if (nodeIsUL(node))
1665         CheckAttrValidity( doc, node, attval, valuesUL );
1666     else if (nodeIsOL(node))
1667     {
1668         if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1669         {
1670             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1671             return;
1672         }
1673         if (!AttrValueIsAmong(attval, valuesOL))
1674             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1675     }
1676     else if (nodeIsLI(node))
1677     {
1678         if (!AttrHasValue(attval))
1679         {
1680             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, MISSING_ATTR_VALUE);
1681             return;
1682         }
1683         if (AttrValueIsAmong(attval, valuesUL))
1684             CheckLowerCaseAttrValue( doc, node, attval );
1685         else if (!AttrValueIsAmong(attval, valuesOL))
1686             ReportAttrError( doc, node, attval, BAD_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE);
1687     }
1688     return;
1689 }
1691 /*
1692  * local variables:
1693  * mode: c
1694  * indent-tabs-mode: nil
1695  * c-basic-offset: 4
1696  * eval: (c-set-offset 'substatement-open 0)
1697  * end:
1698  */