1#!/usr/bin/env python2
3# If the Webware installation is located somewhere else,
4# then set the webwareDir variable to point to it here:
5webwareDir = None
7# If you used the MakeAppWorkDir.py script to make a separate
8# application working directory, specify it here:
9workDir = None
12    import os, sys
13    if not webwareDir:
14        webwareDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.getcwd()))
15    sys.path.insert(1, webwareDir)
16    webKitDir = os.path.join(webwareDir, 'WebKit')
17    if workDir is None:
18        workDir = webKitDir
19    else:
20        sys.path.insert(1, workDir)
21    try:
22        import WebKit.Adapters.CGIAdapter
23    except ImportError:
24        if os.path.exists(webwareDir) and os.path.exists(webKitDir):
25            cgiAdapter = os.path.join(webKitDir, 'Adapters', 'CGIAdapter.py')
26            if os.path.exists(cgiAdapter):
27                raise
28            msg = "CGIAdapter module at <code>%s</code> cannot be loaded" % cgiAdapter
29        else:
30            msg = "Webware installation not found at <code>%s</code>" % webwareDir
31        sys.stdout.write('''Content-Type: text/html\n
32<html><head><title>WebKit CGI Error</title><body>
33<h3>WebKit CGI Error</h3>
35<p>You may need to edit the WebKit.cgi script so that <code>webwareDir</code>
36points to the actual Webware installation directory.</p>
37<p>You may also need to modify permissions of the Webware installation
38with <code>chmod</code> so that the CGIAdapter module can be imported.</p>
39</body></html>\n''' % msg)
40    else:
41        WebKit.Adapters.CGIAdapter.main(workDir)
43    import sys, traceback
44    from time import asctime, localtime, time
45    sys.stderr.write('[%s] [error] WebKit: Error in adapter\n' % asctime(localtime(time())))
46    sys.stderr.write('Error while executing script\n')
47    traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
48    output = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))
49    output = output.replace('&', '&amp;').replace(
50        '<', '&lt;').replace('>', '&gt;').replace('"', '&quot;')
51    sys.stdout.write('''Content-Type: text/html\n
52<html><head><title>WebKit CGI Error</title><body>
53<h3>WebKit CGI Error</h3>
55</body></html>\n''' % output)