3// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
5// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
6// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
8// (at your option) any later version.
10// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13// GNU General Public License for more details.
15// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16// along with Moodle.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 * @package    moodlecore
20 * @subpackage backup-settings
21 * @copyright  2010 onwards Eloy Lafuente (stronk7) {@link http://stronk7.com}
22 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
23 */
26 * This abstract class defines one basic setting
27 *
28 * Each setting will be able to control its name, value (from a list), ui
29 * representation (check box, drop down, text field...), visibility, status
30 * (editable/locked...) and its hierarchy with other settings (using one
31 * like-observer pattern.
32 *
33 * TODO: Finish phpdocs
34 */
35abstract class base_setting {
37    // Some constants defining different ui representations for the setting
38    const UI_NONE             = 0;
39    const UI_HTML_CHECKBOX    = 10;
40    const UI_HTML_RADIOBUTTON = 20;
41    const UI_HTML_DROPDOWN    = 30;
42    const UI_HTML_TEXTFIELD   = 40;
44    // Type of validation to perform against the value (relaying in PARAM_XXX validations)
45    const IS_BOOLEAN = 'bool';
46    const IS_INTEGER = 'int';
47    const IS_FILENAME= 'file';
48    const IS_PATH    = 'path';
49    const IS_TEXT    = 'text';
51    // Visible/hidden
52    const VISIBLE = 1;
53    const HIDDEN  = 0;
55    // Editable/locked (by different causes)
56    const NOT_LOCKED           = 3;
57    const LOCKED_BY_CONFIG     = 5;
58    const LOCKED_BY_HIERARCHY  = 7;
59    const LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION = 9;
61    // Type of change to inform dependencies
62    const CHANGED_VALUE      = 1;
63    const CHANGED_VISIBILITY = 2;
64    const CHANGED_STATUS     = 3;
66    protected $name;  // name of the setting
67    protected $value; // value of the setting
68    protected $unlockedvalue; // Value to set after the setting is unlocked.
69    protected $vtype; // type of value (setting_base::IS_BOOLEAN/setting_base::IS_INTEGER...)
71    protected $visibility; // visibility of the setting (setting_base::VISIBLE/setting_base::HIDDEN)
72    protected $status; // setting_base::NOT_LOCKED/setting_base::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION...
74    /** @var setting_dependency[] */
75    protected $dependencies = array(); // array of dependent (observer) objects (usually setting_base ones)
76    protected $dependenton = array();
78    /**
79     * The user interface for this setting
80     * @var backup_setting_ui|backup_setting_ui_checkbox|backup_setting_ui_radio|backup_setting_ui_select|backup_setting_ui_text
81     */
82    protected $uisetting;
84    /**
85     * An array that contains the identifier and component of a help string if one
86     * has been set
87     * @var array
88     */
89    protected $help = array();
91    /**
92     * Instantiates a setting object
93     *
94     * @param string $name Name of the setting
95     * @param string $vtype Type of the setting, eg {@link self::IS_TEXT}
96     * @param mixed $value Value of the setting
97     * @param bool $visibility Is the setting visible in the UI, eg {@link self::VISIBLE}
98     * @param int $status Status of the setting with regards to the locking, eg {@link self::NOT_LOCKED}
99     */
100    public function __construct($name, $vtype, $value = null, $visibility = self::VISIBLE, $status = self::NOT_LOCKED) {
101        // Check vtype
102        if ($vtype !== self::IS_BOOLEAN && $vtype !== self::IS_INTEGER &&
103            $vtype !== self::IS_FILENAME && $vtype !== self::IS_PATH &&
104            $vtype !== self::IS_TEXT) {
105            throw new base_setting_exception('setting_invalid_type');
106        }
108        // Validate value
109        $value = $this->validate_value($vtype, $value);
111        // Check visibility
112        $visibility = $this->validate_visibility($visibility);
114        // Check status
115        $status = $this->validate_status($status);
117        $this->name        = $name;
118        $this->vtype       = $vtype;
119        $this->value       = $value;
120        $this->visibility  = $visibility;
121        $this->status      = $status;
122        $this->unlockedvalue = $this->value;
124        // Generate a default ui
125        $this->uisetting = new base_setting_ui($this);
126    }
128    /**
129     * Destroy all circular references. It helps PHP 5.2 a lot!
130     */
131    public function destroy() {
132        // Before reseting anything, call destroy recursively
133        foreach ($this->dependencies as $dependency) {
134            $dependency->destroy();
135        }
136        foreach ($this->dependenton as $dependenton) {
137            $dependenton->destroy();
138        }
139        if ($this->uisetting) {
140            $this->uisetting->destroy();
141        }
142        // Everything has been destroyed recursively, now we can reset safely
143        $this->dependencies = array();
144        $this->dependenton = array();
145        $this->uisetting = null;
146    }
148    public function get_name() {
149        return $this->name;
150    }
152    public function get_value() {
153        return $this->value;
154    }
156    public function get_visibility() {
157        return $this->visibility;
158    }
160    public function get_status() {
161        return $this->status;
162    }
164    public function set_value($value) {
165        // Validate value
166        $value = $this->validate_value($this->vtype, $value);
167        // Only can change value if setting is not locked
168        if ($this->status != self::NOT_LOCKED) {
169            switch ($this->status) {
170                case self::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION:
171                    throw new base_setting_exception('setting_locked_by_permission');
172                case self::LOCKED_BY_CONFIG:
173                    throw new base_setting_exception('setting_locked_by_config');
174            }
175        }
176        $oldvalue = $this->value;
177        $this->value = $value;
178        if ($value !== $oldvalue) { // Value has changed, let's inform dependencies
179            $this->inform_dependencies(self::CHANGED_VALUE, $oldvalue);
180        }
181    }
183    public function set_visibility($visibility) {
184        $visibility = $this->validate_visibility($visibility);
186        // If this setting is dependent on other settings first check that all
187        // of those settings are visible
188        if (count($this->dependenton) > 0 && $visibility == base_setting::VISIBLE) {
189            foreach ($this->dependenton as $dependency) {
190                if ($dependency->get_setting()->get_visibility() != base_setting::VISIBLE) {
191                    $visibility = base_setting::HIDDEN;
192                    break;
193                }
194            }
195        }
197        $oldvisibility = $this->visibility;
198        $this->visibility = $visibility;
199        if ($visibility !== $oldvisibility) { // Visibility has changed, let's inform dependencies
200            $this->inform_dependencies(self::CHANGED_VISIBILITY, $oldvisibility);
201        }
202    }
204    public function set_status($status) {
205        $status = $this->validate_status($status);
207        if (($this->status == base_setting::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION || $this->status == base_setting::LOCKED_BY_CONFIG)
208                && $status == base_setting::LOCKED_BY_HIERARCHY) {
209            // Lock by permission or config can not be overriden by lock by hierarchy.
210            return;
211        }
213        // If the setting is being unlocked first check whether an other settings
214        // this setting is dependent on are locked. If they are then we still don't
215        // want to lock this setting.
216        if (count($this->dependenton) > 0 && $status == base_setting::NOT_LOCKED) {
217            foreach ($this->dependenton as $dependency) {
218                if ($dependency->is_locked()) {
219                    // It still needs to be locked
220                    $status = base_setting::LOCKED_BY_HIERARCHY;
221                    break;
222                }
223            }
224        }
226        $oldstatus = $this->status;
227        $this->status = $status;
228        if ($status !== $oldstatus) { // Status has changed, let's inform dependencies
229            $this->inform_dependencies(self::CHANGED_STATUS, $oldstatus);
231            if ($status == base_setting::NOT_LOCKED) {
232                // When setting gets unlocked set it to the original value.
233                $this->set_value($this->unlockedvalue);
234            }
235        }
236    }
238    /**
239     * Gets an array of properties for all of the dependencies that will affect
240     * this setting.
241     *
242     * This method returns an array rather than the dependencies in order to
243     * minimise the memory footprint of for the potentially huge recursive
244     * dependency structure that we may be dealing with.
245     *
246     * This method also ensures that all dependencies are transmuted to affect
247     * the setting in question and that we don't provide any duplicates.
248     *
249     * @param string|null $settingname
250     * @return array
251     */
252    public function get_my_dependency_properties($settingname=null) {
253        if ($settingname ==  null) {
254            $settingname = $this->get_ui_name();
255        }
256        $dependencies = array();
257        foreach ($this->dependenton as $dependenton) {
258            $properties = $dependenton->get_moodleform_properties();
259            $properties['setting'] = $settingname;
260            $dependencies[$properties['setting'].'-'.$properties['dependenton']] = $properties;
261            $dependencies = array_merge($dependencies, $dependenton->get_setting()->get_my_dependency_properties($settingname));
262        }
263        return $dependencies;
264    }
266    /**
267     * Returns all of the dependencies that affect this setting.
268     * e.g. settings this setting depends on.
269     *
270     * @return array Array of setting_dependency's
271     */
272    public function get_settings_depended_on() {
273        return $this->dependenton;
274    }
276    /**
277     * Checks if there are other settings that are dependent on this setting
278     *
279     * @return bool True if there are other settings that are dependent on this setting
280     */
281    public function has_dependent_settings() {
282        return (count($this->dependencies)>0);
283    }
285    /**
286     * Checks if this setting is dependent on any other settings
287     *
288     * @return bool True if this setting is dependent on any other settings
289     */
290    public function has_dependencies_on_settings() {
291        return (count($this->dependenton)>0);
292    }
294    /**
295     * Sets the user interface for this setting
296     *
297     * @param base_setting_ui $ui
298     */
299    public function set_ui(backup_setting_ui $ui) {
300        $this->uisetting = $ui;
301    }
303    /**
304     * Gets the user interface for this setting
305     *
306     * @return base_setting_ui
307     */
308    public function get_ui() {
309        return $this->uisetting;
310    }
312    /**
313     * Adds a dependency where another setting depends on this setting.
314     * @param setting_dependency $dependency
315     */
316    public function register_dependency(setting_dependency $dependency) {
317        if ($this->is_circular_reference($dependency->get_dependent_setting())) {
318            $a = new stdclass();
319            $a->alreadydependent = $this->name;
320            $a->main = $dependency->get_dependent_setting()->get_name();
321            throw new base_setting_exception('setting_circular_reference', $a);
322        }
323        $this->dependencies[$dependency->get_dependent_setting()->get_name()] = $dependency;
324        $dependency->get_dependent_setting()->register_dependent_dependency($dependency);
325    }
326    /**
327     * Adds a dependency where this setting is dependent on another.
328     *
329     * This should only be called internally once we are sure it is not cicrular.
330     *
331     * @param setting_dependency $dependency
332     */
333    protected function register_dependent_dependency(setting_dependency $dependency) {
334        $this->dependenton[$dependency->get_setting()->get_name()] = $dependency;
335    }
337    /**
338     * Quick method to add a dependency to this setting.
339     *
340     * The dependency created is done so by inspecting this setting and the
341     * setting that is passed in as the dependent setting.
342     *
343     * @param base_setting $dependentsetting
344     * @param int $type One of setting_dependency::*
345     * @param array $options
346     */
347    public function add_dependency(base_setting $dependentsetting, $type=null, $options=array()) {
348        if ($this->is_circular_reference($dependentsetting)) {
349            $a = new stdclass();
350            $a->alreadydependent = $this->name;
351            $a->main = $dependentsetting->get_name();
352            throw new base_setting_exception('setting_circular_reference', $a);
353        }
354        // Check the settings hasn't been already added
355        if (array_key_exists($dependentsetting->get_name(), $this->dependencies)) {
356            throw new base_setting_exception('setting_already_added');
357        }
359        $options = (array)$options;
361        if (!array_key_exists('defaultvalue', $options)) {
362            $options['defaultvalue'] = false;
363        }
365        if ($type == null) {
366            switch ($this->vtype) {
367                case self::IS_BOOLEAN :
368                    if ($this->get_ui_type() == self::UI_HTML_CHECKBOX) {
369                        if ($this->value) {
370                            $type = setting_dependency::DISABLED_NOT_CHECKED;
371                        } else {
372                            $type = setting_dependency::DISABLED_CHECKED;
373                        }
374                    } else {
375                        if ($this->value) {
376                            $type = setting_dependency::DISABLED_FALSE;
377                        } else {
378                            $type = setting_dependency::DISABLED_TRUE;
379                        }
380                    }
381                    break;
382                case self::IS_FILENAME :
383                case self::IS_PATH :
384                case self::IS_INTEGER :
385                default :
386                    $type = setting_dependency::DISABLED_VALUE;
387                    break;
388            }
389        }
391        switch ($type) {
392            case setting_dependency::DISABLED_VALUE :
393                if (!array_key_exists('value', $options)) {
394                    throw new base_setting_exception('dependency_needs_value');
395                }
396                $dependency = new setting_dependency_disabledif_equals($this, $dependentsetting, $options['value'], $options['defaultvalue']);
397                break;
398            case setting_dependency::DISABLED_TRUE :
399                $dependency = new setting_dependency_disabledif_equals($this, $dependentsetting, true, $options['defaultvalue']);
400                break;
401            case setting_dependency::DISABLED_FALSE :
402                $dependency = new setting_dependency_disabledif_equals($this, $dependentsetting, false, $options['defaultvalue']);
403                break;
404            case setting_dependency::DISABLED_CHECKED :
405                $dependency = new setting_dependency_disabledif_checked($this, $dependentsetting, $options['defaultvalue']);
406                break;
407            case setting_dependency::DISABLED_NOT_CHECKED :
408                $dependency = new setting_dependency_disabledif_not_checked($this, $dependentsetting, $options['defaultvalue']);
409                break;
410            case setting_dependency::DISABLED_EMPTY :
411                $dependency = new setting_dependency_disabledif_empty($this, $dependentsetting, $options['defaultvalue']);
412                break;
413            case setting_dependency::DISABLED_NOT_EMPTY :
414                $dependency = new setting_dependency_disabledif_not_empty($this, $dependentsetting, $options['defaultvalue']);
415                break;
416        }
417        $this->dependencies[$dependentsetting->get_name()] = $dependency;
418        $dependency->get_dependent_setting()->register_dependent_dependency($dependency);
419    }
421    /**
422     * Get the PARAM_XXXX validation to be applied to the setting
423     *
424     * @return string The PARAM_XXXX constant of null if the setting type is not defined
425     */
426    public function get_param_validation() {
427        switch ($this->vtype) {
428            case self::IS_BOOLEAN:
429                return PARAM_BOOL;
430            case self::IS_INTEGER:
431                return PARAM_INT;
432            case self::IS_FILENAME:
433                return PARAM_FILE;
434            case self::IS_PATH:
435                return PARAM_PATH;
436            case self::IS_TEXT:
437                return PARAM_TEXT;
438        }
439        return null;
440    }
442// Protected API starts here
444    protected function validate_value($vtype, $value) {
445        if (is_null($value)) { // Nulls aren't validated
446            return null;
447        }
448        $oldvalue = $value;
449        switch ($vtype) {
450            case self::IS_BOOLEAN:
451                $value = clean_param($oldvalue, PARAM_BOOL); // Just clean
452                break;
453            case self::IS_INTEGER:
454                $value = clean_param($oldvalue, PARAM_INT);
455                if ($value != $oldvalue) {
456                    throw new base_setting_exception('setting_invalid_integer', $oldvalue);
457                }
458                break;
459            case self::IS_FILENAME:
460                $value = clean_param($oldvalue, PARAM_FILE);
461                if ($value != $oldvalue) {
462                    throw new base_setting_exception('setting_invalid_filename', $oldvalue);
463                }
464                break;
465            case self::IS_PATH:
466                $value = clean_param($oldvalue, PARAM_PATH);
467                if ($value != $oldvalue) {
468                    throw new base_setting_exception('setting_invalid_path', $oldvalue);
469                }
470                break;
471            case self::IS_TEXT:
472                $value = clean_param($oldvalue, PARAM_TEXT);
473                if ($value != $oldvalue) {
474                    throw new base_setting_exception('setting_invalid_text', $oldvalue);
475                }
476                break;
477        }
478        return $value;
479    }
481    protected function validate_visibility($visibility) {
482        if (is_null($visibility)) {
483            $visibility = self::VISIBLE;
484        }
485        if ($visibility !== self::VISIBLE && $visibility !== self::HIDDEN) {
486            throw new base_setting_exception('setting_invalid_visibility');
487        }
488        return $visibility;
489    }
491    protected function validate_status($status) {
492        if (is_null($status)) {
493            $status = self::NOT_LOCKED;
494        }
495        if ($status !== self::NOT_LOCKED && $status !== self::LOCKED_BY_CONFIG &&
496            $status !== self::LOCKED_BY_PERMISSION && $status !== self::LOCKED_BY_HIERARCHY) {
497            throw new base_setting_exception('setting_invalid_status', $status);
498        }
499        return $status;
500    }
502    protected function inform_dependencies($ctype, $oldv) {
503        foreach ($this->dependencies as $dependency) {
504            $dependency->process_change($ctype, $oldv);
505        }
506    }
508    protected function is_circular_reference($obj) {
509        // Get object dependencies recursively and check (by name) if $this is already there
510        $dependencies = $obj->get_dependencies();
511        if (array_key_exists($this->name, $dependencies) || $obj == $this) {
512            return true;
513        }
514        // Recurse the dependent settings one by one
515        foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
516            if ($dependency->get_dependent_setting()->is_circular_reference($obj)) {
517                return true;
518            }
519        }
520        return false;
521    }
523    public function get_dependencies() {
524        return $this->dependencies;
525    }
527    public function get_ui_name() {
528        return $this->uisetting->get_name();
529    }
531    public function get_ui_type() {
532        return $this->uisetting->get_type();
533    }
535    /**
536     * Sets a help string for this setting
537     *
538     * @param string $identifier
539     * @param string $component
540     */
541    public function set_help($identifier, $component='moodle') {
542        $this->help = array($identifier, $component);
543    }
545    /**
546     * Gets the help string params for this setting if it has been set
547     * @return array|false An array (identifier, component) or false if not set
548     */
549    public function get_help() {
550        if ($this->has_help()) {
551            return $this->help;
552        }
553        return false;
554    }
556    /**
557     * Returns true if help has been set for this setting
558     * @return cool
559     */
560    public function has_help() {
561        return (!empty($this->help));
562    }
566 * Exception class used by all the @setting_base stuff
567 */
568class base_setting_exception extends backup_exception {
570    public function __construct($errorcode, $a=NULL, $debuginfo=null) {
571        parent::__construct($errorcode, $a, $debuginfo);
572    }