2// This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/
4// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
7// (at your option) any later version.
9// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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12// GNU General Public License for more details.
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18 * Defines the question behaviour base class
19 *
20 * @package    moodlecore
21 * @subpackage questionbehaviours
22 * @copyright  2009 The Open University
23 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
24 */
27defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
31 * The base class for question behaviours.
32 *
33 * A question behaviour is used by the question engine, specifically by
34 * a {@link question_attempt} to manage the flow of actions a student can take
35 * as they work through a question, and later, as a teacher manually grades it.
36 * In turn, the behaviour will delegate certain processing to the
37 * relevant {@link question_definition}.
38 *
39 * @copyright  2009 The Open University
40 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
41 */
42abstract class question_behaviour {
44    /** @var question_attempt the question attempt we are managing. */
45    protected $qa;
47    /** @var question_definition shortcut to $qa->get_question(). */
48    protected $question;
50    /**
51     * Normally you should not call this constuctor directly. The appropriate
52     * behaviour object is created automatically as part of
53     * {@link question_attempt::start()}.
54     * @param question_attempt $qa the question attempt we will be managing.
55     * @param string $preferredbehaviour the type of behaviour that was actually
56     *      requested. This information is not needed in most cases, the type of
57     *      subclass is enough, but occasionally it is needed.
58     */
59    public function __construct(question_attempt $qa, $preferredbehaviour) {
60        $this->qa = $qa;
61        $this->question = $qa->get_question(false);
62        if (!$this->is_compatible_question($this->question)) {
63            throw new coding_exception('This behaviour (' . $this->get_name() .
64                    ') cannot work with this question (' . get_class($this->question) . ')');
65        }
66    }
68    /**
69     * Some behaviours can only work with certing types of question. This method
70     * allows the behaviour to verify that a question is compatible.
71     *
72     * This implementation is only provided for backwards-compatibility. You should
73     * override this method if you are implementing a behaviour.
74     *
75     * @param question_definition $question the question.
76     */
77    public abstract function is_compatible_question(question_definition $question);
79    /**
80     * @return string the name of this behaviour. For example the name of
81     * qbehaviour_mymodle is 'mymodel'.
82     */
83    public function get_name() {
84        return substr(get_class($this), 11);
85    }
87    /**
88     * Whether the current attempt at this question could be completed just by the
89     * student interacting with the question, before $qa->finish() is called.
90     *
91     * @return boolean whether the attempt can finish naturally.
92     */
93    public function can_finish_during_attempt() {
94        return false;
95    }
97    /**
98     * Cause the question to be renderered. This gets the appropriate behaviour
99     * renderer using {@link get_renderer()}, and adjusts the display
100     * options using {@link adjust_display_options()} and then calls
101     * {@link core_question_renderer::question()} to do the work.
102     * @param question_display_options $options controls what should and should not be displayed.
103     * @param string|null $number the question number to display.
104     * @param core_question_renderer $qoutput the question renderer that will coordinate everything.
105     * @param qtype_renderer $qtoutput the question type renderer that will be helping.
106     * @return string HTML fragment.
107     */
108    public function render(question_display_options $options, $number,
109            core_question_renderer $qoutput, qtype_renderer $qtoutput) {
110        $behaviouroutput = $this->get_renderer($qoutput->get_page());
111        $options = clone($options);
112        $this->adjust_display_options($options);
113        return $qoutput->question($this->qa, $behaviouroutput, $qtoutput, $options, $number);
114    }
116    /**
117     * Checks whether the users is allow to be served a particular file.
118     * @param question_display_options $options the options that control display of the question.
119     * @param string $component the name of the component we are serving files for.
120     * @param string $filearea the name of the file area.
121     * @param array $args the remaining bits of the file path.
122     * @param bool $forcedownload whether the user must be forced to download the file.
123     * @return bool true if the user can access this file.
124     */
125    public function check_file_access($options, $component, $filearea, $args, $forcedownload) {
126        $this->adjust_display_options($options);
128        if ($component == 'question' && $filearea == 'response_bf_comment') {
129            foreach ($this->qa->get_step_iterator() as $attemptstep) {
130                if ($attemptstep->get_id() == $args[0]) {
131                    return true;
132                }
133            }
135            return false;
136        }
138        return $this->question->check_file_access($this->qa, $options, $component,
139                $filearea, $args, $forcedownload);
140    }
142    /**
143     * @param moodle_page $page the page to render for.
144     * @return qbehaviour_renderer get the appropriate renderer to use for this model.
145     */
146    public function get_renderer(moodle_page $page) {
147        return $page->get_renderer(get_class($this));
148    }
150    /**
151     * Make any changes to the display options before a question is rendered, so
152     * that it can be displayed in a way that is appropriate for the statue it is
153     * currently in. For example, by default, if the question is finished, we
154     * ensure that it is only ever displayed read-only.
155     * @param question_display_options $options the options to adjust. Just change
156     * the properties of this object - objects are passed by referece.
157     */
158    public function adjust_display_options(question_display_options $options) {
159        if (!$this->qa->has_marks()) {
160            $options->correctness = false;
161            $options->numpartscorrect = false;
162        }
163        if ($this->qa->get_state()->is_finished()) {
164            $options->readonly = true;
165            $options->numpartscorrect = $options->numpartscorrect &&
166                    $this->qa->get_state()->is_partially_correct() &&
167                    !empty($this->question->shownumcorrect);
168        } else {
169            $options->hide_all_feedback();
170        }
171    }
173    /**
174     * Get the most applicable hint for the question in its current state.
175     * @return question_hint the most applicable hint, or null, if none.
176     */
177    public function get_applicable_hint() {
178        return null;
179    }
181    /**
182     * What is the minimum fraction that can be scored for this question.
183     * Normally this will be based on $this->question->get_min_fraction(),
184     * but may be modified in some way by the behaviour.
185     *
186     * @return number the minimum fraction when this question is attempted under
187     * this behaviour.
188     */
189    public function get_min_fraction() {
190        return 0;
191    }
193    /**
194     * Return the maximum possible fraction that can be scored for this question.
195     * Normally this will be based on $this->question->get_max_fraction(),
196     * but may be modified in some way by the behaviour.
197     *
198     * @return number the maximum fraction when this question is attempted under
199     * this behaviour.
200     */
201    public function get_max_fraction() {
202        return $this->question->get_max_fraction();
203    }
205    /**
206     * Return an array of the behaviour variables that could be submitted
207     * as part of a question of this type, with their types, so they can be
208     * properly cleaned.
209     * @return array variable name => PARAM_... constant.
210     */
211    public function get_expected_data() {
212        if (!$this->qa->get_state()->is_finished()) {
213            return array();
214        }
216        $vars = array('comment' => question_attempt::PARAM_RAW_FILES, 'commentformat' => PARAM_INT);
217        if ($this->qa->get_max_mark()) {
218            $vars['mark'] = PARAM_RAW_TRIMMED;
219            $vars['maxmark'] = PARAM_FLOAT;
220        }
221        return $vars;
222    }
224    /**
225     * Return an array of question type variables for the question in its current
226     * state. Normally, if {@link adjust_display_options()} would set
227     * {@link question_display_options::$readonly} to true, then this method
228     * should return an empty array, otherwise it should return
229     * $this->question->get_expected_data(). Thus, there should be little need to
230     * override this method.
231     * @return array|string variable name => PARAM_... constant, or, as a special case
232     *      that should only be used in unavoidable, the constant question_attempt::USE_RAW_DATA
233     *      meaning take all the raw submitted data belonging to this question.
234     */
235    public function get_expected_qt_data() {
236        $fakeoptions = new question_display_options();
237        $fakeoptions->readonly = false;
238        $this->adjust_display_options($fakeoptions);
239        if ($fakeoptions->readonly) {
240            return array();
241        } else {
242            return $this->question->get_expected_data();
243        }
244    }
246    /**
247     * Return an array of any im variables, and the value required to get full
248     * marks.
249     * @return array variable name => value.
250     */
251    public function get_correct_response() {
252        return array();
253    }
255    /**
256     * Generate a brief, plain-text, summary of this question. This is used by
257     * various reports. This should show the particular variant of the question
258     * as presented to students. For example, the calculated quetsion type would
259     * fill in the particular numbers that were presented to the student.
260     * This method will return null if such a summary is not possible, or
261     * inappropriate.
262     *
263     * Normally, this method delegates to {question_definition::get_question_summary()}.
264     *
265     * @return string|null a plain text summary of this question.
266     */
267    public function get_question_summary() {
268        return $this->question->get_question_summary();
269    }
271    /**
272     * Generate a brief, plain-text, summary of the correct answer to this question.
273     * This is used by various reports, and can also be useful when testing.
274     * This method will return null if such a summary is not possible, or
275     * inappropriate.
276     *
277     * @return string|null a plain text summary of the right answer to this question.
278     */
279    public function get_right_answer_summary() {
280        return null;
281    }
283    /**
284     * Used by {@link start_based_on()} to get the data needed to start a new
285     * attempt from the point this attempt has go to.
286     * @return array name => value pairs.
287     */
288    public function get_resume_data() {
289        $olddata = $this->qa->get_step(0)->get_all_data();
290        $olddata = $this->qa->get_last_qt_data() + $olddata;
291        $olddata = $this->get_our_resume_data() + $olddata;
292        return $olddata;
293    }
295    /**
296     * Used by {@link start_based_on()} to get the data needed to start a new
297     * attempt from the point this attempt has go to.
298     * @return unknown_type
299     */
300    protected function get_our_resume_data() {
301        return array();
302    }
304    /**
305     * Classify responses for this question into a number of sub parts and response classes as defined by
306     * {@link \question_type::get_possible_responses} for this question type.
307     *
308     * @param string $whichtries         which tries to analyse for response analysis. Will be one of
309     *                                   question_attempt::FIRST_TRY, LAST_TRY or ALL_TRIES.
310     *                                   Defaults to question_attempt::LAST_TRY.
311     * @return (question_classified_response|array)[] If $whichtries is question_attempt::FIRST_TRY or LAST_TRY index is subpartid
312     *                                   and values are question_classified_response instances.
313     *                                   If $whichtries is question_attempt::ALL_TRIES then first key is submitted response no
314     *                                   and the second key is subpartid.
315     */
316    public function classify_response($whichtries = question_attempt::LAST_TRY) {
317        if ($whichtries == question_attempt::LAST_TRY) {
318            return $this->question->classify_response($this->qa->get_last_qt_data());
319        } else {
320            $stepswithsubmit = $this->qa->get_steps_with_submitted_response_iterator();
321            if ($whichtries == question_attempt::FIRST_TRY) {
322                $firsttry = $stepswithsubmit[1];
323                if ($firsttry) {
324                    return $this->question->classify_response($firsttry->get_qt_data());
325                } else {
326                    return $this->question->classify_response(array());
327                }
328            } else {
329                $classifiedresponses = array();
330                foreach ($stepswithsubmit as $submittedresponseno => $step) {
331                    $classifiedresponses[$submittedresponseno] = $this->question->classify_response($step->get_qt_data());
332                }
333                return $classifiedresponses;
334            }
335        }
336    }
338    /**
339     * Generate a brief textual description of the current state of the question,
340     * normally displayed under the question number.
341     *
342     * @param bool $showcorrectness Whether right/partial/wrong states should
343     * be distinguised.
344     * @return string a brief summary of the current state of the qestion attempt.
345     */
346    public function get_state_string($showcorrectness) {
347        return $this->qa->get_state()->default_string($showcorrectness);
348    }
350    public abstract function summarise_action(question_attempt_step $step);
352    /**
353     * Initialise the first step in a question attempt when a new
354     * {@link question_attempt} is being started.
355     *
356     * This method must call $this->question->start_attempt($step, $variant), and may
357     * perform additional processing if the behaviour requries it.
358     *
359     * @param question_attempt_step $step the first step of the
360     *      question_attempt being started.
361     * @param int $variant which variant of the question to use.
362     */
363    public function init_first_step(question_attempt_step $step, $variant) {
364        $this->question->start_attempt($step, $variant);
365        $step->set_state(question_state::$todo);
366    }
368    /**
369     * When an attempt is started based on a previous attempt (see
370     * {@link question_attempt::start_based_on}) this method is called to setup
371     * the new attempt.
372     *
373     * This method must call $this->question->apply_attempt_state($step), and may
374     * perform additional processing if the behaviour requries it.
375     *
376     * @param question_attempt_step The first step of the {@link question_attempt}
377     *      being loaded.
378     */
379    public function apply_attempt_state(question_attempt_step $step) {
380        $this->question->apply_attempt_state($step);
381        $step->set_state(question_state::$todo);
382    }
384    /**
385     * Checks whether two manual grading actions are the same. That is, whether
386     * the comment, and the mark (if given) is the same.
387     *
388     * @param question_attempt_step $pendingstep contains the new responses.
389     * @return bool whether the new response is the same as we already have.
390     */
391    protected function is_same_comment($pendingstep) {
392        $previouscomment = $this->qa->get_last_behaviour_var('comment');
393        $newcomment = $pendingstep->get_behaviour_var('comment');
395        // When the teacher leaves the comment empty, $previouscomment is an empty string but $newcomment is null,
396        // therefore they are not equal to each other. That's why checking if $previouscomment != $newcomment is not enough.
397        if (($previouscomment != $newcomment) && !(is_null($previouscomment) && html_is_blank($newcomment))) {
398            // The comment has changed.
399            return false;
400        }
402        if (!html_is_blank($newcomment)) {
403            // Check comment format.
404            $previouscommentformat = $this->qa->get_last_behaviour_var('commentformat');
405            $newcommentformat = $pendingstep->get_behaviour_var('commentformat');
406            if ($previouscommentformat != $newcommentformat) {
407                return false;
408            }
409        }
411        // So, now we know the comment is the same, so check the mark, if present.
412        $previousfraction = $this->qa->get_fraction();
413        $newmark = question_utils::clean_param_mark($pendingstep->get_behaviour_var('mark'));
415        if (is_null($previousfraction)) {
416            return is_null($newmark) || $newmark === '';
417        } else if (is_null($newmark) || $newmark === '') {
418            return false;
419        }
421        $newfraction = $newmark / $pendingstep->get_behaviour_var('maxmark');
423        return abs($newfraction - $previousfraction) < 0.0000001;
424    }
426    /**
427     * The main entry point for processing an action.
428     *
429     * All the various operations that can be performed on a
430     * {@link question_attempt} get channeled through this function, except for
431     * {@link question_attempt::start()} which goes to {@link init_first_step()}.
432     * {@link question_attempt::finish()} becomes an action with im vars
433     * finish => 1, and manual comment/grade becomes an action with im vars
434     * comment => comment text, and mark => ..., max_mark => ... if the question
435     * is graded.
436     *
437     * This method should first determine whether the action is significant. For
438     * example, if no actual action is being performed, but instead the current
439     * responses are being saved, and there has been no change since the last
440     * set of responses that were saved, this the action is not significatn. In
441     * this case, this method should return {@link question_attempt::DISCARD}.
442     * Otherwise it should return {@link question_attempt::KEEP}.
443     *
444     * If the action is significant, this method should also perform any
445     * necessary updates to $pendingstep. For example, it should call
446     * {@link question_attempt_step::set_state()} to set the state that results
447     * from this action, and if this is a grading action, it should call
448     * {@link question_attempt_step::set_fraction()}.
449     *
450     * This method can also call {@link question_attempt_step::set_behaviour_var()} to
451     * store additional infomation. There are two main uses for this. This can
452     * be used to store the result of any randomisation done. It is important to
453     * store the result of randomisation once, and then in future use the same
454     * outcome if the actions are ever replayed. This is how regrading works.
455     * The other use is to cache the result of expensive computations performed
456     * on the raw response data, so that subsequent display and review of the
457     * question does not have to repeat the same expensive computations.
458     *
459     * Often this method is implemented as a dispatching method that examines
460     * the pending step to determine the kind of action being performed, and
461     * then calls a more specific method like {@link process_save()} or
462     * {@link process_comment()}. Look at some of the standard behaviours
463     * for examples.
464     *
465     * @param question_attempt_pending_step $pendingstep a partially initialised step
466     *      containing all the information about the action that is being peformed. This
467     *      information can be accessed using {@link question_attempt_step::get_behaviour_var()}.
468     * @return bool either {@link question_attempt::KEEP} or {@link question_attempt::DISCARD}
469     */
470    public abstract function process_action(question_attempt_pending_step $pendingstep);
472    /**
473     * Auto-saved data. By default this does nothing. interesting processing is
474     * done in {@link question_behaviour_with_save}.
475     *
476     * @param question_attempt_pending_step $pendingstep a partially initialised step
477     *      containing all the information about the action that is being peformed. This
478     *      information can be accessed using {@link question_attempt_step::get_behaviour_var()}.
479     * @return bool either {@link question_attempt::KEEP} or {@link question_attempt::DISCARD}
480     */
481    public function process_autosave(question_attempt_pending_step $pendingstep) {
482        return question_attempt::DISCARD;
483    }
485    /**
486     * Implementation of processing a manual comment/grade action that should
487     * be suitable for most subclasses.
488     * @param question_attempt_pending_step $pendingstep a partially initialised step
489     *      containing all the information about the action that is being peformed.
490     * @return bool either {@link question_attempt::KEEP}
491     */
492    public function process_comment(question_attempt_pending_step $pendingstep) {
493        if (!$this->qa->get_state()->is_finished()) {
494            throw new coding_exception('Cannot manually grade a question before it is finshed.');
495        }
497        if ($this->is_same_comment($pendingstep)) {
498            return question_attempt::DISCARD;
499        }
501        if ($pendingstep->has_behaviour_var('mark')) {
502            $mark = question_utils::clean_param_mark($pendingstep->get_behaviour_var('mark'));
503            if ($mark === null) {
504                throw new coding_exception('Inalid number format ' . $pendingstep->get_behaviour_var('mark') .
505                        ' when processing a manual grading action.', 'Question ' . $this->question->id .
506                        ', slot ' . $this->qa->get_slot());
508            } else if ($mark === '') {
509                $fraction = null;
511            } else {
512                $fraction = $mark / $pendingstep->get_behaviour_var('maxmark');
513                if ($fraction > $this->qa->get_max_fraction() || $fraction < $this->qa->get_min_fraction()) {
514                    throw new coding_exception('Score out of range when processing ' .
515                            'a manual grading action.', 'Question ' . $this->question->id .
516                            ', slot ' . $this->qa->get_slot() . ', fraction ' . $fraction);
517                }
518            }
520            $pendingstep->set_fraction($fraction);
521        }
523        $pendingstep->set_state($this->qa->get_state()->corresponding_commented_state(
524                $pendingstep->get_fraction()));
525        return question_attempt::KEEP;
526    }
528    /**
529     * @param $comment the comment text to format. If omitted,
530     *      $this->qa->get_manual_comment() is used.
531     * @param $commentformat the format of the comment, one of the FORMAT_... constants.
532     * @param $context the quiz context.
533     * @return string the comment, ready to be output.
534     */
535    public function format_comment($comment = null, $commentformat = null, $context = null) {
536        $formatoptions = new stdClass();
537        $formatoptions->noclean = true;
538        $formatoptions->para = false;
540        if (is_null($comment)) {
541            list($comment, $commentformat, $commentstep) = $this->qa->get_manual_comment();
542        }
544        if ($context !== null) {
545            $comment = $this->qa->rewrite_response_pluginfile_urls($comment, $context->id, 'bf_comment', $commentstep);
546        }
548        return format_text($comment, $commentformat, $formatoptions);
549    }
551    /**
552     * @return string a summary of a manual comment action.
553     * @param question_attempt_step $step
554     */
555    protected function summarise_manual_comment($step) {
556        $a = new stdClass();
557        if ($step->has_behaviour_var('comment')) {
558            $comment = question_utils::to_plain_text($step->get_behaviour_var('comment'),
559                    $step->get_behaviour_var('commentformat'));
560            $a->comment = shorten_text($comment, 200);
561        } else {
562            $a->comment = '';
563        }
565        $mark = question_utils::clean_param_mark($step->get_behaviour_var('mark'));
566        if (is_null($mark) || $mark === '') {
567            return get_string('commented', 'question', $a->comment);
568        } else {
569            $a->mark = $mark / $step->get_behaviour_var('maxmark') * $this->qa->get_max_mark();
570            return get_string('manuallygraded', 'question', $a);
571        }
572    }
574    public function summarise_start($step) {
575        return get_string('started', 'question');
576    }
578    public function summarise_finish($step) {
579        return get_string('attemptfinished', 'question');
580    }
582    /**
583     * Does this step include a response submitted by a student?
584     *
585     * This method should return true for any attempt explicitly submitted by a student. The question engine itself will also
586     * automatically recognise any last saved response before the attempt is finished, you don't need to return true here for these
587     * steps with responses which are not explicitly submitted by the student.
588     *
589     * @param question_attempt_step $step
590     * @return bool is this a step within a question attempt that includes a submitted response by a student.
591     */
592    public function step_has_a_submitted_response($step) {
593        return false;
594    }
599 * A subclass of {@link question_behaviour} that implements a save
600 * action that is suitable for most questions that implement the
601 * {@link question_manually_gradable} interface.
602 *
603 * @copyright  2009 The Open University
604 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
605 */
606abstract class question_behaviour_with_save extends question_behaviour {
607    public function required_question_definition_type() {
608        return 'question_manually_gradable';
609    }
611    public function apply_attempt_state(question_attempt_step $step) {
612        parent::apply_attempt_state($step);
613        if ($this->question->is_complete_response($step->get_qt_data())) {
614            $step->set_state(question_state::$complete);
615        }
616    }
618    /**
619     * Work out whether the response in $pendingstep are significantly different
620     * from the last set of responses we have stored.
621     * @param question_attempt_step $pendingstep contains the new responses.
622     * @return bool whether the new response is the same as we already have.
623     */
624    protected function is_same_response(question_attempt_step $pendingstep) {
625        return $this->question->is_same_response(
626                $this->qa->get_last_step()->get_qt_data(), $pendingstep->get_qt_data());
627    }
629    /**
630     * Work out whether the response in $pendingstep represent a complete answer
631     * to the question. Normally this will call
632     * {@link question_manually_gradable::is_complete_response}, but some
633     * behaviours, for example the CBM ones, have their own parts to the
634     * response.
635     * @param question_attempt_step $pendingstep contains the new responses.
636     * @return bool whether the new response is complete.
637     */
638    protected function is_complete_response(question_attempt_step $pendingstep) {
639        return $this->question->is_complete_response($pendingstep->get_qt_data());
640    }
642    public function process_autosave(question_attempt_pending_step $pendingstep) {
643        // If already finished. Nothing to do.
644        if ($this->qa->get_state()->is_finished()) {
645            return question_attempt::DISCARD;
646        }
648        // If the new data is the same as we already have, then we don't need it.
649        if ($this->is_same_response($pendingstep)) {
650            return question_attempt::DISCARD;
651        }
653        // Repeat that test discarding any existing autosaved data.
654        if ($this->qa->has_autosaved_step()) {
655            $this->qa->discard_autosaved_step();
656            if ($this->is_same_response($pendingstep)) {
657                return question_attempt::DISCARD;
658            }
659        }
661        // OK, we need to save.
662        return $this->process_save($pendingstep);
663    }
665    /**
666     * Implementation of processing a save action that should be suitable for
667     * most subclasses.
668     * @param question_attempt_pending_step $pendingstep a partially initialised step
669     *      containing all the information about the action that is being peformed.
670     * @return bool either {@link question_attempt::KEEP} or {@link question_attempt::DISCARD}
671     */
672    public function process_save(question_attempt_pending_step $pendingstep) {
673        if ($this->qa->get_state()->is_finished()) {
674            return question_attempt::DISCARD;
675        } else if (!$this->qa->get_state()->is_active()) {
676            throw new coding_exception('Question is not active, cannot process_actions.');
677        }
679        if ($this->is_same_response($pendingstep)) {
680            return question_attempt::DISCARD;
681        }
683        if ($this->is_complete_response($pendingstep)) {
684            $pendingstep->set_state(question_state::$complete);
685        } else {
686            $pendingstep->set_state(question_state::$todo);
687        }
688        return question_attempt::KEEP;
689    }
691    public function summarise_submit(question_attempt_step $step) {
692        return get_string('submitted', 'question',
693                $this->question->summarise_response($step->get_qt_data()));
694    }
696    public function summarise_save(question_attempt_step $step) {
697        $data = $step->get_submitted_data();
698        if (empty($data)) {
699            return $this->summarise_start($step);
700        }
701        return get_string('saved', 'question',
702                $this->question->summarise_response($step->get_qt_data()));
703    }
706    public function summarise_finish($step) {
707        $data = $step->get_qt_data();
708        if ($data) {
709            return get_string('attemptfinishedsubmitting', 'question',
710                    $this->question->summarise_response($data));
711        }
712        return get_string('attemptfinished', 'question');
713    }
716abstract class question_behaviour_with_multiple_tries extends question_behaviour_with_save {
717    public function step_has_a_submitted_response($step) {
718        return $step->has_behaviour_var('submit') && $step->get_state() != question_state::$invalid;
719    }
723 * This helper class contains the constants and methods required for
724 * manipulating scores for certainty based marking.
725 *
726 * @copyright  2009 The Open University
727 * @license    http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later
728 */
729abstract class question_cbm {
730    /**#@+ @var integer named constants for the certainty levels. */
731    const LOW = 1;
732    const MED = 2;
733    const HIGH = 3;
734    /**#@-*/
736    /** @var array list of all the certainty levels. */
737    public static $certainties = array(self::LOW, self::MED, self::HIGH);
739    /**#@+ @var array coefficients used to adjust the fraction based on certainty. */
740    protected static $rightscore = array(
741        self::LOW  => 1,
742        self::MED  => 2,
743        self::HIGH => 3,
744    );
745    protected static $wrongscore = array(
746        self::LOW  =>  0,
747        self::MED  => -2,
748        self::HIGH => -6,
749    );
750    /**#@-*/
752    /**#@+ @var array upper and lower limits of the optimal window. */
753    protected static $lowlimit = array(
754        self::LOW  => 0,
755        self::MED  => 0.666666666666667,
756        self::HIGH => 0.8,
757    );
758    protected static $highlimit = array(
759        self::LOW  => 0.666666666666667,
760        self::MED  => 0.8,
761        self::HIGH => 1,
762    );
763    /**#@-*/
765    /**
766     * @return int the default certaintly level that should be assuemd if
767     * the student does not choose one.
768     */
769    public static function default_certainty() {
770        return self::LOW;
771    }
773    /**
774     * Given a fraction, and a certainty, compute the adjusted fraction.
775     * @param number $fraction the raw fraction for this question.
776     * @param int $certainty one of the certainty level constants.
777     * @return number the adjusted fraction taking the certainty into account.
778     */
779    public static function adjust_fraction($fraction, $certainty) {
780        if ($certainty == -1) {
781            // Certainty -1 has never been used in standard Moodle, but is
782            // used in Tony-Gardiner Medwin's patches to mean 'No idea' which
783            // we intend to implement: MDL-42077. In the mean time, avoid
784            // errors for people who have used TGM's patches.
785            return 0;
786        }
787        if ($fraction <= question_utils::MARK_TOLERANCE) {
788            return self::$wrongscore[$certainty];
789        } else {
790            return self::$rightscore[$certainty] * $fraction;
791        }
792    }
794    /**
795     * @param int $certainty one of the LOW/MED/HIGH constants.
796     * @return string a textual description of this certainty.
797     */
798    public static function get_string($certainty) {
799        return get_string('certainty' . $certainty, 'qbehaviour_deferredcbm');
800    }
802    /**
803     * @param int $certainty one of the LOW/MED/HIGH constants.
804     * @return string a short textual description of this certainty.
805     */
806    public static function get_short_string($certainty) {
807        return get_string('certaintyshort' . $certainty, 'qbehaviour_deferredcbm');
808    }
810    /**
811     * Add information about certainty to a response summary.
812     * @param string $summary the response summary.
813     * @param int $certainty the level of certainty to add.
814     * @return string the summary with information about the certainty added.
815     */
816    public static function summary_with_certainty($summary, $certainty) {
817        if (is_null($certainty)) {
818            return $summary;
819        }
820        return $summary . ' [' . self::get_short_string($certainty) . ']';
821    }
823    /**
824     * @param int $certainty one of the LOW/MED/HIGH constants.
825     * @return float the lower limit of the optimal probability range for this certainty.
826     */
827    public static function optimal_probablility_low($certainty) {
828        return self::$lowlimit[$certainty];
829    }
831    /**
832     * @param int $certainty one of the LOW/MED/HIGH constants.
833     * @return float the upper limit of the optimal probability range for this certainty.
834     */
835    public static function optimal_probablility_high($certainty) {
836        return self::$highlimit[$certainty];
837    }