1 use alloc::vec::Vec;
2 use indexmap::IndexSet;
3 use std::ops::{Deref, DerefMut};
5 use crate::common::{DebugLineStrOffset, DebugStrOffset, SectionId};
6 use crate::write::{BaseId, Result, Section, Writer};
8 // Requirements:
9 // - values are `[u8]`, null bytes are not allowed
10 // - insertion returns a fixed id
11 // - inserting a duplicate returns the id of the existing value
12 // - able to convert an id to a section offset
13 // Optional?
14 // - able to get an existing value given an id
15 //
16 // Limitations of current implementation (using IndexSet):
17 // - inserting requires either an allocation for duplicates,
18 //   or a double lookup for non-duplicates
19 // - doesn't preserve offsets when updating an existing `.debug_str` section
20 //
21 // Possible changes:
22 // - calculate offsets as we add values, and use that as the id.
23 //   This would avoid the need for DebugStrOffsets but would make it
24 //   hard to implement `get`.
25 macro_rules! define_string_table {
26     ($name:ident, $id:ident, $section:ident, $offsets:ident, $docs:expr) => {
27         #[doc=$docs]
28         #[derive(Debug, Default)]
29         pub struct $name {
30             base_id: BaseId,
31             strings: IndexSet<Vec<u8>>,
32         }
34         impl $name {
35             /// Add a string to the string table and return its id.
36             ///
37             /// If the string already exists, then return the id of the existing string.
38             ///
39             /// # Panics
40             ///
41             /// Panics if `bytes` contains a null byte.
42             pub fn add<T>(&mut self, bytes: T) -> $id
43             where
44                 T: Into<Vec<u8>>,
45             {
46                 let bytes = bytes.into();
47                 assert!(!bytes.contains(&0));
48                 let (index, _) = self.strings.insert_full(bytes);
49                 $id::new(self.base_id, index)
50             }
52             /// Return the number of strings in the table.
53             #[inline]
54             pub fn count(&self) -> usize {
55                 self.strings.len()
56             }
58             /// Get a reference to a string in the table.
59             ///
60             /// # Panics
61             ///
62             /// Panics if `id` is invalid.
63             pub fn get(&self, id: $id) -> &[u8] {
64                 debug_assert_eq!(self.base_id, id.base_id);
65                 self.strings.get_index(id.index).map(Vec::as_slice).unwrap()
66             }
68             /// Write the string table to the `.debug_str` section.
69             ///
70             /// Returns the offsets at which the strings are written.
71             pub fn write<W: Writer>(&self, w: &mut $section<W>) -> Result<$offsets> {
72                 let mut offsets = Vec::new();
73                 for bytes in self.strings.iter() {
74                     offsets.push(w.offset());
75                     w.write(bytes)?;
76                     w.write_u8(0)?;
77                 }
79                 Ok($offsets {
80                     base_id: self.base_id,
81                     offsets,
82                 })
83             }
84         }
85     };
86 }
88 define_id!(StringId, "An identifier for a string in a `StringTable`.");
90 define_string_table!(
91     StringTable,
92     StringId,
93     DebugStr,
94     DebugStrOffsets,
95     "A table of strings that will be stored in a `.debug_str` section."
96 );
98 define_section!(DebugStr, DebugStrOffset, "A writable `.debug_str` section.");
100 define_offsets!(
101     DebugStrOffsets: StringId => DebugStrOffset,
102     "The section offsets of all strings within a `.debug_str` section."
103 );
105 define_id!(
106     LineStringId,
107     "An identifier for a string in a `LineStringTable`."
108 );
110 define_string_table!(
111     LineStringTable,
112     LineStringId,
113     DebugLineStr,
114     DebugLineStrOffsets,
115     "A table of strings that will be stored in a `.debug_line_str` section."
116 );
118 define_section!(
119     DebugLineStr,
120     DebugLineStrOffset,
121     "A writable `.debug_line_str` section."
122 );
124 define_offsets!(
125     DebugLineStrOffsets: LineStringId => DebugLineStrOffset,
126     "The section offsets of all strings within a `.debug_line_str` section."
127 );
129 #[cfg(test)]
130 #[cfg(feature = "read")]
131 mod tests {
132     use super::*;
133     use crate::read;
134     use crate::write::EndianVec;
135     use crate::LittleEndian;
137     #[test]
test_string_table()138     fn test_string_table() {
139         let mut strings = StringTable::default();
140         assert_eq!(strings.count(), 0);
141         let id1 = strings.add(&b"one"[..]);
142         let id2 = strings.add(&b"two"[..]);
143         assert_eq!(strings.add(&b"one"[..]), id1);
144         assert_eq!(strings.add(&b"two"[..]), id2);
145         assert_eq!(strings.get(id1), &b"one"[..]);
146         assert_eq!(strings.get(id2), &b"two"[..]);
147         assert_eq!(strings.count(), 2);
149         let mut debug_str = DebugStr::from(EndianVec::new(LittleEndian));
150         let offsets = strings.write(&mut debug_str).unwrap();
151         assert_eq!(debug_str.slice(), b"one\0two\0");
152         assert_eq!(offsets.get(id1), DebugStrOffset(0));
153         assert_eq!(offsets.get(id2), DebugStrOffset(4));
154         assert_eq!(offsets.count(), 2);
155     }
157     #[test]
test_string_table_read()158     fn test_string_table_read() {
159         let mut strings = StringTable::default();
160         let id1 = strings.add(&b"one"[..]);
161         let id2 = strings.add(&b"two"[..]);
163         let mut debug_str = DebugStr::from(EndianVec::new(LittleEndian));
164         let offsets = strings.write(&mut debug_str).unwrap();
166         let read_debug_str = read::DebugStr::new(debug_str.slice(), LittleEndian);
167         let str1 = read_debug_str.get_str(offsets.get(id1)).unwrap();
168         let str2 = read_debug_str.get_str(offsets.get(id2)).unwrap();
169         assert_eq!(str1.slice(), &b"one"[..]);
170         assert_eq!(str2.slice(), &b"two"[..]);
171     }
172 }