1 // Copyright 2017 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
8 // include generated header
9 #include "torque-generated/builtin-definitions-from-dsl.h"
11 namespace v8 {
12 namespace internal {
14 // CPP: Builtin in C++. Entered via BUILTIN_EXIT frame.
15 //      Args: name
16 // API: Builtin in C++ for API callbacks. Entered via EXIT frame.
17 //      Args: name
18 // TFJ: Builtin in Turbofan, with JS linkage (callable as Javascript function).
19 //      Args: name, arguments count, explicit argument names...
20 // TFS: Builtin in Turbofan, with CodeStub linkage.
21 //      Args: name, explicit argument names...
22 // TFC: Builtin in Turbofan, with CodeStub linkage and custom descriptor.
23 //      Args: name, interface descriptor, return_size
24 // TFH: Handlers in Turbofan, with CodeStub linkage.
25 //      Args: name, interface descriptor
26 // ASM: Builtin in platform-dependent assembly.
27 //      Args: name
29 #define BUILTIN_LIST_BASE(CPP, API, TFJ, TFC, TFS, TFH, ASM)                   \
30   /* GC write barrirer */                                                      \
31   TFC(RecordWrite, RecordWrite, 1)                                             \
32                                                                                \
33   /* Adaptors for CPP/API builtin */                                           \
34   ASM(AdaptorWithExitFrame)                                                    \
35   ASM(AdaptorWithBuiltinExitFrame)                                             \
36                                                                                \
37   /* Calls */                                                                  \
38   ASM(ArgumentsAdaptorTrampoline)                                              \
39   /* ES6 section 9.2.1 [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) */              \
40   ASM(CallFunction_ReceiverIsNullOrUndefined)                                  \
41   ASM(CallFunction_ReceiverIsNotNullOrUndefined)                               \
42   ASM(CallFunction_ReceiverIsAny)                                              \
43   /* ES6 section [[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList) */            \
44   ASM(CallBoundFunction)                                                       \
45   /* ES6 section 7.3.12 Call(F, V, [argumentsList]) */                         \
46   ASM(Call_ReceiverIsNullOrUndefined)                                          \
47   ASM(Call_ReceiverIsNotNullOrUndefined)                                       \
48   ASM(Call_ReceiverIsAny)                                                      \
49                                                                                \
50   /* ES6 section 9.5.12[[Call]] ( thisArgument, argumentsList ) */             \
51   TFC(CallProxy, CallTrampoline, 1)                                            \
52   ASM(CallVarargs)                                                             \
53   TFC(CallWithSpread, CallWithSpread, 1)                                       \
54   TFC(CallWithArrayLike, CallWithArrayLike, 1)                                 \
55   ASM(CallForwardVarargs)                                                      \
56   ASM(CallFunctionForwardVarargs)                                              \
57                                                                                \
58   /* Construct */                                                              \
59   /* ES6 section 9.2.2 [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) */            \
60   ASM(ConstructFunction)                                                       \
61   /* ES6 section [[Construct]] (argumentsList, newTarget) */           \
62   ASM(ConstructBoundFunction)                                                  \
63   ASM(ConstructedNonConstructable)                                             \
64   /* ES6 section 7.3.13 Construct (F, [argumentsList], [newTarget]) */         \
65   ASM(Construct)                                                               \
66   ASM(ConstructVarargs)                                                        \
67   TFC(ConstructWithSpread, ConstructWithSpread, 1)                             \
68   TFC(ConstructWithArrayLike, ConstructWithArrayLike, 1)                       \
69   ASM(ConstructForwardVarargs)                                                 \
70   ASM(ConstructFunctionForwardVarargs)                                         \
71   ASM(JSConstructStubGeneric)                                                  \
72   ASM(JSBuiltinsConstructStub)                                                 \
73   TFC(FastNewObject, FastNewObject, 1)                                         \
74   TFS(FastNewClosure, kSharedFunctionInfo, kFeedbackCell)                      \
75   TFC(FastNewFunctionContextEval, FastNewFunctionContext, 1)                   \
76   TFC(FastNewFunctionContextFunction, FastNewFunctionContext, 1)               \
77   TFS(CreateRegExpLiteral, kFeedbackVector, kSlot, kPattern, kFlags)           \
78   TFS(CreateEmptyArrayLiteral, kFeedbackVector, kSlot)                         \
79   TFS(CreateShallowArrayLiteral, kFeedbackVector, kSlot, kConstantElements)    \
80   TFS(CreateShallowObjectLiteral, kFeedbackVector, kSlot,                      \
81       kBoilerplateDescription, kFlags)                                         \
82   /* ES6 section 9.5.14 [[Construct]] ( argumentsList, newTarget) */           \
83   TFC(ConstructProxy, ConstructTrampoline, 1)                                  \
84                                                                                \
85   /* Apply and entries */                                                      \
86   ASM(JSEntryTrampoline)                                                       \
87   ASM(JSConstructEntryTrampoline)                                              \
88   ASM(ResumeGeneratorTrampoline)                                               \
89                                                                                \
90   /* Stack and interrupt check */                                              \
91   ASM(InterruptCheck)                                                          \
92   ASM(StackCheck)                                                              \
93                                                                                \
94   /* String helpers */                                                         \
95   TFC(StringCharAt, StringAt, 1)                                               \
96   TFC(StringCodePointAtUTF16, StringAt, 1)                                     \
97   TFC(StringCodePointAtUTF32, StringAt, 1)                                     \
98   TFC(StringEqual, Compare, 1)                                                 \
99   TFC(StringGreaterThan, Compare, 1)                                           \
100   TFC(StringGreaterThanOrEqual, Compare, 1)                                    \
101   TFS(StringIndexOf, kReceiver, kSearchString, kPosition)                      \
102   TFC(StringLessThan, Compare, 1)                                              \
103   TFC(StringLessThanOrEqual, Compare, 1)                                       \
104   TFS(StringRepeat, kString, kCount)                                           \
105   TFC(StringSubstring, StringSubstring, 1)                                     \
106                                                                                \
107   /* OrderedHashTable helpers */                                               \
108   TFS(OrderedHashTableHealIndex, kTable, kIndex)                               \
109                                                                                \
110   /* Interpreter */                                                            \
111   ASM(InterpreterEntryTrampoline)                                              \
112   ASM(InterpreterPushArgsThenCall)                                             \
113   ASM(InterpreterPushUndefinedAndArgsThenCall)                                 \
114   ASM(InterpreterPushArgsThenCallWithFinalSpread)                              \
115   ASM(InterpreterPushArgsThenConstruct)                                        \
116   ASM(InterpreterPushArgsThenConstructArrayFunction)                           \
117   ASM(InterpreterPushArgsThenConstructWithFinalSpread)                         \
118   ASM(InterpreterEnterBytecodeAdvance)                                         \
119   ASM(InterpreterEnterBytecodeDispatch)                                        \
120   ASM(InterpreterOnStackReplacement)                                           \
121                                                                                \
122   /* Code life-cycle */                                                        \
123   ASM(CompileLazy)                                                             \
124   ASM(CompileLazyDeoptimizedCode)                                              \
125   ASM(DeserializeLazy)                                                         \
126   ASM(InstantiateAsmJs)                                                        \
127   ASM(NotifyDeoptimized)                                                       \
128                                                                                \
129   /* Trampolines called when returning from a deoptimization that expects   */ \
130   /* to continue in a JavaScript builtin to finish the functionality of a   */ \
131   /* an TF-inlined version of builtin that has side-effects.                */ \
132   /*                                                                        */ \
133   /* The trampolines work as follows:                                       */ \
134   /*   1. Trampoline restores input register values that                    */ \
135   /*      the builtin expects from a BuiltinContinuationFrame.              */ \
136   /*   2. Trampoline tears down BuiltinContinuationFrame.                   */ \
137   /*   3. Trampoline jumps to the builtin's address.                        */ \
138   /*   4. Builtin executes as if invoked by the frame above it.             */ \
139   /*   5. When the builtin returns, execution resumes normally in the       */ \
140   /*      calling frame, processing any return result from the JavaScript   */ \
141   /*      builtin as if it had called the builtin directly.                 */ \
142   /*                                                                        */ \
143   /* There are two variants of the stub that differ in their handling of a  */ \
144   /* value returned by the next frame deeper on the stack. For LAZY deopts, */ \
145   /* the return value (e.g. rax on x64) is explicitly passed as an extra    */ \
146   /* stack parameter to the JavaScript builtin by the "WithResult"          */ \
147   /* trampoline variant. The plain variant is used in EAGER deopt contexts  */ \
148   /* and has no such special handling. */                                      \
149   ASM(ContinueToCodeStubBuiltin)                                               \
150   ASM(ContinueToCodeStubBuiltinWithResult)                                     \
151   ASM(ContinueToJavaScriptBuiltin)                                             \
152   ASM(ContinueToJavaScriptBuiltinWithResult)                                   \
153                                                                                \
154   ASM(OnStackReplacement)                                                      \
155                                                                                \
156   /* API callback handling */                                                  \
157   API(HandleApiCall)                                                           \
158   API(HandleApiCallAsFunction)                                                 \
159   API(HandleApiCallAsConstructor)                                              \
160                                                                                \
161   /* Adapters for Turbofan into runtime */                                     \
162   ASM(AllocateInNewSpace)                                                      \
163   ASM(AllocateInOldSpace)                                                      \
164                                                                                \
165   /* TurboFan support builtins */                                              \
166   TFS(CopyFastSmiOrObjectElements, kObject)                                    \
167   TFC(GrowFastDoubleElements, GrowArrayElements, 1)                            \
168   TFC(GrowFastSmiOrObjectElements, GrowArrayElements, 1)                       \
169   TFC(NewArgumentsElements, NewArgumentsElements, 1)                           \
170                                                                                \
171   /* Debugger */                                                               \
172   TFJ(DebugBreakTrampoline, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)   \
173   ASM(FrameDropperTrampoline)                                                  \
174   ASM(HandleDebuggerStatement)                                                 \
175                                                                                \
176   /* Type conversions */                                                       \
177   TFC(ToObject, TypeConversion, 1)                                             \
178   TFC(ToBoolean, TypeConversion, 1)                                            \
179   TFC(OrdinaryToPrimitive_Number, TypeConversion, 1)                           \
180   TFC(OrdinaryToPrimitive_String, TypeConversion, 1)                           \
181   TFC(NonPrimitiveToPrimitive_Default, TypeConversion, 1)                      \
182   TFC(NonPrimitiveToPrimitive_Number, TypeConversion, 1)                       \
183   TFC(NonPrimitiveToPrimitive_String, TypeConversion, 1)                       \
184   TFC(StringToNumber, TypeConversion, 1)                                       \
185   TFC(ToName, TypeConversion, 1)                                               \
186   TFC(NonNumberToNumber, TypeConversion, 1)                                    \
187   TFC(NonNumberToNumeric, TypeConversion, 1)                                   \
188   TFC(ToNumber, TypeConversion, 1)                                             \
189   TFC(ToNumeric, TypeConversion, 1)                                            \
190   TFC(NumberToString, TypeConversion, 1)                                       \
191   TFC(ToString, TypeConversion, 1)                                             \
192   TFC(ToInteger, TypeConversion, 1)                                            \
193   TFC(ToInteger_TruncateMinusZero, TypeConversion, 1)                          \
194   TFC(ToLength, TypeConversion, 1)                                             \
195   TFC(Typeof, Typeof, 1)                                                       \
196   TFC(GetSuperConstructor, Typeof, 1)                                          \
197                                                                                \
198   /* Type conversions continuations */                                         \
199   TFC(ToBooleanLazyDeoptContinuation, TypeConversionStackParameter, 1)         \
200                                                                                \
201   /* Handlers */                                                               \
202   TFH(KeyedLoadIC_Megamorphic, LoadWithVector)                                 \
203   TFH(KeyedLoadIC_PolymorphicName, LoadWithVector)                             \
204   TFH(KeyedLoadIC_Slow, LoadWithVector)                                        \
205   TFH(KeyedStoreIC_Megamorphic, StoreWithVector)                               \
206   TFH(KeyedStoreIC_Slow, StoreWithVector)                                      \
207   TFH(LoadGlobalIC_Slow, LoadWithVector)                                       \
208   TFH(LoadIC_FunctionPrototype, LoadWithVector)                                \
209   TFH(LoadIC_Slow, LoadWithVector)                                             \
210   TFH(LoadIC_StringLength, LoadWithVector)                                     \
211   TFH(LoadIC_StringWrapperLength, LoadWithVector)                              \
212   TFH(LoadIC_Uninitialized, LoadWithVector)                                    \
213   TFH(StoreGlobalIC_Slow, StoreWithVector)                                     \
214   TFH(StoreIC_Uninitialized, StoreWithVector)                                  \
215   TFH(StoreInArrayLiteralIC_Slow, StoreWithVector)                             \
216                                                                                \
217   /* Microtask helpers */                                                      \
218   TFS(EnqueueMicrotask, kMicrotask)                                            \
219   TFC(RunMicrotasks, RunMicrotasks, 1)                                         \
220                                                                                \
221   /* Object property helpers */                                                \
222   TFS(HasProperty, kKey, kObject)                                              \
223   TFS(DeleteProperty, kObject, kKey, kLanguageMode)                            \
224                                                                                \
225   /* Abort */                                                                  \
226   ASM(Abort)                                                                   \
227   TFC(AbortJS, AbortJS, 1)                                                     \
228                                                                                \
229   /* Built-in functions for Javascript */                                      \
230   /* Special internal builtins */                                              \
231   CPP(EmptyFunction)                                                           \
232   CPP(Illegal)                                                                 \
233   CPP(StrictPoisonPillThrower)                                                 \
234   CPP(UnsupportedThrower)                                                      \
235   TFJ(ReturnReceiver, 0)                                                       \
236                                                                                \
237   /* Array */                                                                  \
238   ASM(ArrayConstructor)                                                        \
239   ASM(InternalArrayConstructor)                                                \
240   CPP(ArrayConcat)                                                             \
241   /* ES6 #sec-array.isarray */                                                 \
242   TFJ(ArrayIsArray, 1, kArg)                                                   \
243   /* ES6 #sec-array.from */                                                    \
244   TFJ(ArrayFrom, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)              \
245   /* ES6 #sec-array.of */                                                      \
246   TFJ(ArrayOf, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                \
247   /* ES7 #sec-array.prototype.includes */                                      \
248   TFS(ArrayIncludesSmiOrObject, kElements, kSearchElement, kLength,            \
249       kFromIndex)                                                              \
250   TFS(ArrayIncludesPackedDoubles, kElements, kSearchElement, kLength,          \
251       kFromIndex)                                                              \
252   TFS(ArrayIncludesHoleyDoubles, kElements, kSearchElement, kLength,           \
253       kFromIndex)                                                              \
254   TFJ(ArrayIncludes, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)          \
255   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.indexof */                                       \
256   TFS(ArrayIndexOfSmiOrObject, kElements, kSearchElement, kLength, kFromIndex) \
257   TFS(ArrayIndexOfPackedDoubles, kElements, kSearchElement, kLength,           \
258       kFromIndex)                                                              \
259   TFS(ArrayIndexOfHoleyDoubles, kElements, kSearchElement, kLength,            \
260       kFromIndex)                                                              \
261   TFJ(ArrayIndexOf, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)           \
262   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.pop */                                           \
263   CPP(ArrayPop)                                                                \
264   TFJ(ArrayPrototypePop, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)      \
265   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.push */                                          \
266   CPP(ArrayPush)                                                               \
267   TFJ(ArrayPrototypePush, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)     \
268   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.shift */                                         \
269   CPP(ArrayShift)                                                              \
270   TFJ(ArrayPrototypeShift, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)    \
271   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.slice */                                         \
272   TFJ(ArrayPrototypeSlice, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)    \
273   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.splice */                                        \
274   CPP(ArraySplice)                                                             \
275   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.unshift */                                       \
276   CPP(ArrayUnshift)                                                            \
277   /* Support for Array.from and other array-copying idioms */                  \
278   TFS(CloneFastJSArray, kSource)                                               \
279   TFS(ExtractFastJSArray, kSource, kBegin, kCount)                             \
280   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.every */                                         \
281   TFS(ArrayEveryLoopContinuation, kReceiver, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray,    \
282       kObject, kInitialK, kLength, kTo)                                        \
283   TFJ(ArrayEveryLoopEagerDeoptContinuation, 4, kCallbackFn, kThisArg,          \
284       kInitialK, kLength)                                                      \
285   TFJ(ArrayEveryLoopLazyDeoptContinuation, 5, kCallbackFn, kThisArg,           \
286       kInitialK, kLength, kResult)                                             \
287   TFJ(ArrayEvery, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)             \
288   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.some */                                          \
289   TFS(ArraySomeLoopContinuation, kReceiver, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray,     \
290       kObject, kInitialK, kLength, kTo)                                        \
291   TFJ(ArraySomeLoopEagerDeoptContinuation, 4, kCallbackFn, kThisArg,           \
292       kInitialK, kLength)                                                      \
293   TFJ(ArraySomeLoopLazyDeoptContinuation, 5, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kInitialK, \
294       kLength, kResult)                                                        \
295   TFJ(ArraySome, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)              \
296   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.filter */                                        \
297   TFS(ArrayFilterLoopContinuation, kReceiver, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray,   \
298       kObject, kInitialK, kLength, kTo)                                        \
299   TFJ(ArrayFilter, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)            \
300   TFJ(ArrayFilterLoopEagerDeoptContinuation, 6, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray, \
301       kInitialK, kLength, kTo)                                                 \
302   TFJ(ArrayFilterLoopLazyDeoptContinuation, 8, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray,  \
303       kInitialK, kLength, kValueK, kTo, kResult)                               \
304   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.foreach */                                       \
305   TFS(ArrayMapLoopContinuation, kReceiver, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray,      \
306       kObject, kInitialK, kLength, kTo)                                        \
307   TFJ(ArrayMapLoopEagerDeoptContinuation, 5, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray,    \
308       kInitialK, kLength)                                                      \
309   TFJ(ArrayMapLoopLazyDeoptContinuation, 6, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray,     \
310       kInitialK, kLength, kResult)                                             \
311   TFJ(ArrayMap, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)               \
312   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.reduce */                                        \
313   TFS(ArrayReduceLoopContinuation, kReceiver, kCallbackFn, kThisArg,           \
314       kAccumulator, kObject, kInitialK, kLength, kTo)                          \
315   TFJ(ArrayReducePreLoopEagerDeoptContinuation, 2, kCallbackFn, kLength)       \
316   TFJ(ArrayReduceLoopEagerDeoptContinuation, 4, kCallbackFn, kInitialK,        \
317       kLength, kAccumulator)                                                   \
318   TFJ(ArrayReduceLoopLazyDeoptContinuation, 4, kCallbackFn, kInitialK,         \
319       kLength, kResult)                                                        \
320   TFJ(ArrayReduce, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)            \
321   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.reduceRight */                                   \
322   TFS(ArrayReduceRightLoopContinuation, kReceiver, kCallbackFn, kThisArg,      \
323       kAccumulator, kObject, kInitialK, kLength, kTo)                          \
324   TFJ(ArrayReduceRightPreLoopEagerDeoptContinuation, 2, kCallbackFn, kLength)  \
325   TFJ(ArrayReduceRightLoopEagerDeoptContinuation, 4, kCallbackFn, kInitialK,   \
326       kLength, kAccumulator)                                                   \
327   TFJ(ArrayReduceRightLoopLazyDeoptContinuation, 4, kCallbackFn, kInitialK,    \
328       kLength, kResult)                                                        \
329   TFJ(ArrayReduceRight, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)       \
330   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.entries */                                       \
331   TFJ(ArrayPrototypeEntries, 0)                                                \
332   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.find */                                          \
333   TFS(ArrayFindLoopContinuation, kReceiver, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kArray,     \
334       kObject, kInitialK, kLength, kTo)                                        \
335   TFJ(ArrayFindLoopEagerDeoptContinuation, 4, kCallbackFn, kThisArg,           \
336       kInitialK, kLength)                                                      \
337   TFJ(ArrayFindLoopLazyDeoptContinuation, 5, kCallbackFn, kThisArg, kInitialK, \
338       kLength, kResult)                                                        \
339   TFJ(ArrayFindLoopAfterCallbackLazyDeoptContinuation, 6, kCallbackFn,         \
340       kThisArg, kInitialK, kLength, kFoundValue, kIsFound)                     \
341   TFJ(ArrayPrototypeFind, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)     \
342   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.findIndex */                                     \
343   TFS(ArrayFindIndexLoopContinuation, kReceiver, kCallbackFn, kThisArg,        \
344       kArray, kObject, kInitialK, kLength, kTo)                                \
345   TFJ(ArrayFindIndexLoopEagerDeoptContinuation, 4, kCallbackFn, kThisArg,      \
346       kInitialK, kLength)                                                      \
347   TFJ(ArrayFindIndexLoopLazyDeoptContinuation, 5, kCallbackFn, kThisArg,       \
348       kInitialK, kLength, kResult)                                             \
349   TFJ(ArrayFindIndexLoopAfterCallbackLazyDeoptContinuation, 6, kCallbackFn,    \
350       kThisArg, kInitialK, kLength, kFoundValue, kIsFound)                     \
351   TFJ(ArrayPrototypeFindIndex,                                                 \
352       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
353   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.keys */                                          \
354   TFJ(ArrayPrototypeKeys, 0)                                                   \
355   /* ES6 #sec-array.prototype.values */                                        \
356   TFJ(ArrayPrototypeValues, 0)                                                 \
357   /* ES6 #sec-%arrayiteratorprototype%.next */                                 \
358   TFJ(ArrayIteratorPrototypeNext, 0)                                           \
359   /* https://tc39.github.io/proposal-flatMap/#sec-FlattenIntoArray */          \
360   TFS(FlattenIntoArray, kTarget, kSource, kSourceLength, kStart, kDepth)       \
361   TFS(FlatMapIntoArray, kTarget, kSource, kSourceLength, kStart, kDepth,       \
362       kMapperFunction, kThisArg)                                               \
363   /* https://tc39.github.io/proposal-flatMap/#sec-Array.prototype.flatten */   \
364   TFJ(ArrayPrototypeFlatten, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)  \
365   /* https://tc39.github.io/proposal-flatMap/#sec-Array.prototype.flatMap */   \
366   TFJ(ArrayPrototypeFlatMap, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)  \
367                                                                                \
368   /* ArrayBuffer */                                                            \
369   /* ES #sec-arraybuffer-constructor */                                        \
370   CPP(ArrayBufferConstructor)                                                  \
371   CPP(ArrayBufferConstructor_DoNotInitialize)                                  \
372   CPP(ArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLength)                                       \
373   CPP(ArrayBufferIsView)                                                       \
374   CPP(ArrayBufferPrototypeSlice)                                               \
375                                                                                \
376   /* AsyncFunction */                                                          \
377   TFJ(AsyncFunctionAwaitCaught, 3, kGenerator, kAwaited, kOuterPromise)        \
378   TFJ(AsyncFunctionAwaitUncaught, 3, kGenerator, kAwaited, kOuterPromise)      \
379   TFJ(AsyncFunctionAwaitRejectClosure, 1, kSentError)                          \
380   TFJ(AsyncFunctionAwaitResolveClosure, 1, kSentValue)                         \
381   TFJ(AsyncFunctionPromiseCreate, 0)                                           \
382   TFJ(AsyncFunctionPromiseRelease, 1, kPromise)                                \
383                                                                                \
384   /* BigInt */                                                                 \
385   CPP(BigIntConstructor)                                                       \
386   CPP(BigIntAsUintN)                                                           \
387   CPP(BigIntAsIntN)                                                            \
388   CPP(BigIntPrototypeToLocaleString)                                           \
389   CPP(BigIntPrototypeToString)                                                 \
390   CPP(BigIntPrototypeValueOf)                                                  \
391                                                                                \
392   /* Boolean */                                                                \
393   /* ES #sec-boolean-constructor */                                            \
394   CPP(BooleanConstructor)                                                      \
395   /* ES6 #sec-boolean.prototype.tostring */                                    \
396   TFJ(BooleanPrototypeToString, 0)                                             \
397   /* ES6 #sec-boolean.prototype.valueof */                                     \
398   TFJ(BooleanPrototypeValueOf, 0)                                              \
399                                                                                \
400   /* CallSite */                                                               \
401   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetColumnNumber)                                        \
402   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetEvalOrigin)                                          \
403   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetFileName)                                            \
404   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetFunction)                                            \
405   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetFunctionName)                                        \
406   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetLineNumber)                                          \
407   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetMethodName)                                          \
408   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetPosition)                                            \
409   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetScriptNameOrSourceURL)                               \
410   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetThis)                                                \
411   CPP(CallSitePrototypeGetTypeName)                                            \
412   CPP(CallSitePrototypeIsConstructor)                                          \
413   CPP(CallSitePrototypeIsEval)                                                 \
414   CPP(CallSitePrototypeIsNative)                                               \
415   CPP(CallSitePrototypeIsToplevel)                                             \
416   CPP(CallSitePrototypeToString)                                               \
417                                                                                \
418   /* Console */                                                                \
419   CPP(ConsoleDebug)                                                            \
420   CPP(ConsoleError)                                                            \
421   CPP(ConsoleInfo)                                                             \
422   CPP(ConsoleLog)                                                              \
423   CPP(ConsoleWarn)                                                             \
424   CPP(ConsoleDir)                                                              \
425   CPP(ConsoleDirXml)                                                           \
426   CPP(ConsoleTable)                                                            \
427   CPP(ConsoleTrace)                                                            \
428   CPP(ConsoleGroup)                                                            \
429   CPP(ConsoleGroupCollapsed)                                                   \
430   CPP(ConsoleGroupEnd)                                                         \
431   CPP(ConsoleClear)                                                            \
432   CPP(ConsoleCount)                                                            \
433   CPP(ConsoleCountReset)                                                       \
434   CPP(ConsoleAssert)                                                           \
435   TFJ(FastConsoleAssert, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)      \
436   CPP(ConsoleMarkTimeline)                                                     \
437   CPP(ConsoleProfile)                                                          \
438   CPP(ConsoleProfileEnd)                                                       \
439   CPP(ConsoleTimeline)                                                         \
440   CPP(ConsoleTimelineEnd)                                                      \
441   CPP(ConsoleTime)                                                             \
442   CPP(ConsoleTimeEnd)                                                          \
443   CPP(ConsoleTimeStamp)                                                        \
444   CPP(ConsoleContext)                                                          \
445                                                                                \
446   /* DataView */                                                               \
447   /* ES #sec-dataview-constructor */                                           \
448   CPP(DataViewConstructor)                                                     \
449   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetBuffer)                                              \
450   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetByteLength)                                          \
451   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetByteOffset)                                          \
452   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetInt8)                                                \
453   CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetInt8)                                                \
454   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetUint8)                                               \
455   CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetUint8)                                               \
456   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetInt16)                                               \
457   CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetInt16)                                               \
458   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetUint16)                                              \
459   CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetUint16)                                              \
460   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetInt32)                                               \
461   CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetInt32)                                               \
462   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetUint32)                                              \
463   CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetUint32)                                              \
464   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetFloat32)                                             \
465   CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetFloat32)                                             \
466   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetFloat64)                                             \
467   CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetFloat64)                                             \
468   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetBigInt64)                                            \
469   CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetBigInt64)                                            \
470   CPP(DataViewPrototypeGetBigUint64)                                           \
471   CPP(DataViewPrototypeSetBigUint64)                                           \
472                                                                                \
473   /* Date */                                                                   \
474   /* ES #sec-date-constructor */                                               \
475   CPP(DateConstructor)                                                         \
476   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getdate */                                        \
477   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetDate, 0)                                                 \
478   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getday */                                         \
479   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetDay, 0)                                                  \
480   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getfullyear */                                    \
481   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetFullYear, 0)                                             \
482   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.gethours */                                       \
483   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetHours, 0)                                                \
484   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getmilliseconds */                                \
485   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetMilliseconds, 0)                                         \
486   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getminutes */                                     \
487   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetMinutes, 0)                                              \
488   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getmonth */                                       \
489   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetMonth, 0)                                                \
490   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getseconds */                                     \
491   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetSeconds, 0)                                              \
492   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.gettime */                                        \
493   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetTime, 0)                                                 \
494   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.gettimezoneoffset */                              \
495   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetTimezoneOffset, 0)                                       \
496   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcdate */                                     \
497   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCDate, 0)                                              \
498   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcday */                                      \
499   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCDay, 0)                                               \
500   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcfullyear */                                 \
501   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCFullYear, 0)                                          \
502   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutchours */                                    \
503   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCHours, 0)                                             \
504   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcmilliseconds */                             \
505   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCMilliseconds, 0)                                      \
506   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcminutes */                                  \
507   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCMinutes, 0)                                           \
508   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcmonth */                                    \
509   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCMonth, 0)                                             \
510   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.getutcseconds */                                  \
511   TFJ(DatePrototypeGetUTCSeconds, 0)                                           \
512   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype.valueof */                                        \
513   TFJ(DatePrototypeValueOf, 0)                                                 \
514   /* ES6 #sec-date.prototype-@@toprimitive */                                  \
515   TFJ(DatePrototypeToPrimitive, 1, kHint)                                      \
516   CPP(DatePrototypeGetYear)                                                    \
517   CPP(DatePrototypeSetYear)                                                    \
518   CPP(DateNow)                                                                 \
519   CPP(DateParse)                                                               \
520   CPP(DatePrototypeSetDate)                                                    \
521   CPP(DatePrototypeSetFullYear)                                                \
522   CPP(DatePrototypeSetHours)                                                   \
523   CPP(DatePrototypeSetMilliseconds)                                            \
524   CPP(DatePrototypeSetMinutes)                                                 \
525   CPP(DatePrototypeSetMonth)                                                   \
526   CPP(DatePrototypeSetSeconds)                                                 \
527   CPP(DatePrototypeSetTime)                                                    \
528   CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCDate)                                                 \
529   CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCFullYear)                                             \
530   CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCHours)                                                \
531   CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCMilliseconds)                                         \
532   CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCMinutes)                                              \
533   CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCMonth)                                                \
534   CPP(DatePrototypeSetUTCSeconds)                                              \
535   CPP(DatePrototypeToDateString)                                               \
536   CPP(DatePrototypeToISOString)                                                \
537   CPP(DatePrototypeToUTCString)                                                \
538   CPP(DatePrototypeToString)                                                   \
539   CPP(DatePrototypeToTimeString)                                               \
540   CPP(DatePrototypeToJson)                                                     \
541   CPP(DateUTC)                                                                 \
542                                                                                \
543   /* Error */                                                                  \
544   CPP(ErrorConstructor)                                                        \
545   CPP(ErrorCaptureStackTrace)                                                  \
546   CPP(ErrorPrototypeToString)                                                  \
547   CPP(MakeError)                                                               \
548   CPP(MakeRangeError)                                                          \
549   CPP(MakeSyntaxError)                                                         \
550   CPP(MakeTypeError)                                                           \
551   CPP(MakeURIError)                                                            \
552                                                                                \
553   /* Function */                                                               \
554   CPP(FunctionConstructor)                                                     \
555   ASM(FunctionPrototypeApply)                                                  \
556   CPP(FunctionPrototypeBind)                                                   \
557   /* ES6 #sec-function.prototype.bind */                                       \
558   TFJ(FastFunctionPrototypeBind,                                               \
559       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
560   ASM(FunctionPrototypeCall)                                                   \
561   /* ES6 #sec-function.prototype-@@hasinstance */                              \
562   TFJ(FunctionPrototypeHasInstance, 1, kV)                                     \
563   /* ES6 #sec-function.prototype.tostring */                                   \
564   CPP(FunctionPrototypeToString)                                               \
565                                                                                \
566   /* Belongs to Objects but is a dependency of GeneratorPrototypeResume */     \
567   TFS(CreateIterResultObject, kValue, kDone)                                   \
568                                                                                \
569   /* Generator and Async */                                                    \
570   TFS(CreateGeneratorObject, kClosure, kReceiver)                              \
571   CPP(GeneratorFunctionConstructor)                                            \
572   /* ES6 #sec-generator.prototype.next */                                      \
573   TFJ(GeneratorPrototypeNext, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
574   /* ES6 #sec-generator.prototype.return */                                    \
575   TFJ(GeneratorPrototypeReturn,                                                \
576       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
577   /* ES6 #sec-generator.prototype.throw */                                     \
578   TFJ(GeneratorPrototypeThrow,                                                 \
579       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
580   CPP(AsyncFunctionConstructor)                                                \
581                                                                                \
582   /* Global object */                                                          \
583   CPP(GlobalDecodeURI)                                                         \
584   CPP(GlobalDecodeURIComponent)                                                \
585   CPP(GlobalEncodeURI)                                                         \
586   CPP(GlobalEncodeURIComponent)                                                \
587   CPP(GlobalEscape)                                                            \
588   CPP(GlobalUnescape)                                                          \
589   CPP(GlobalEval)                                                              \
590   /* ES6 #sec-isfinite-number */                                               \
591   TFJ(GlobalIsFinite, 1, kNumber)                                              \
592   /* ES6 #sec-isnan-number */                                                  \
593   TFJ(GlobalIsNaN, 1, kNumber)                                                 \
594                                                                                \
595   /* JSON */                                                                   \
596   CPP(JsonParse)                                                               \
597   CPP(JsonStringify)                                                           \
598                                                                                \
599   /* ICs */                                                                    \
600   TFH(LoadIC, LoadWithVector)                                                  \
601   TFH(LoadIC_Noninlined, LoadWithVector)                                       \
602   TFH(LoadICTrampoline, Load)                                                  \
603   TFH(KeyedLoadIC, LoadWithVector)                                             \
604   TFH(KeyedLoadICTrampoline, Load)                                             \
605   TFH(StoreGlobalIC, StoreGlobalWithVector)                                    \
606   TFH(StoreGlobalICTrampoline, StoreGlobal)                                    \
607   TFH(StoreIC, StoreWithVector)                                                \
608   TFH(StoreICTrampoline, Store)                                                \
609   TFH(KeyedStoreIC, StoreWithVector)                                           \
610   TFH(KeyedStoreICTrampoline, Store)                                           \
611   TFH(StoreInArrayLiteralIC, StoreWithVector)                                  \
612   TFH(LoadGlobalIC, LoadGlobalWithVector)                                      \
613   TFH(LoadGlobalICInsideTypeof, LoadGlobalWithVector)                          \
614   TFH(LoadGlobalICTrampoline, LoadGlobal)                                      \
615   TFH(LoadGlobalICInsideTypeofTrampoline, LoadGlobal)                          \
616                                                                                \
617   /* Map */                                                                    \
618   TFS(FindOrderedHashMapEntry, kTable, kKey)                                   \
619   TFJ(MapConstructor, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)         \
620   TFJ(MapPrototypeSet, 2, kKey, kValue)                                        \
621   TFJ(MapPrototypeDelete, 1, kKey)                                             \
622   TFJ(MapPrototypeGet, 1, kKey)                                                \
623   TFJ(MapPrototypeHas, 1, kKey)                                                \
624   CPP(MapPrototypeClear)                                                       \
625   /* ES #sec-map.prototype.entries */                                          \
626   TFJ(MapPrototypeEntries, 0)                                                  \
627   /* ES #sec-get-map.prototype.size */                                         \
628   TFJ(MapPrototypeGetSize, 0)                                                  \
629   /* ES #sec-map.prototype.forEach */                                          \
630   TFJ(MapPrototypeForEach, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)    \
631   /* ES #sec-map.prototype.keys */                                             \
632   TFJ(MapPrototypeKeys, 0)                                                     \
633   /* ES #sec-map.prototype.values */                                           \
634   TFJ(MapPrototypeValues, 0)                                                   \
635   /* ES #sec-%mapiteratorprototype%.next */                                    \
636   TFJ(MapIteratorPrototypeNext, 0)                                             \
637                                                                                \
638   /* Math */                                                                   \
639   /* ES6 #sec-math.abs */                                                      \
640   TFJ(MathAbs, 1, kX)                                                          \
641   /* ES6 #sec-math.acos */                                                     \
642   TFJ(MathAcos, 1, kX)                                                         \
643   /* ES6 #sec-math.acosh */                                                    \
644   TFJ(MathAcosh, 1, kX)                                                        \
645   /* ES6 #sec-math.asin */                                                     \
646   TFJ(MathAsin, 1, kX)                                                         \
647   /* ES6 #sec-math.asinh */                                                    \
648   TFJ(MathAsinh, 1, kX)                                                        \
649   /* ES6 #sec-math.atan */                                                     \
650   TFJ(MathAtan, 1, kX)                                                         \
651   /* ES6 #sec-math.atanh */                                                    \
652   TFJ(MathAtanh, 1, kX)                                                        \
653   /* ES6 #sec-math.atan2 */                                                    \
654   TFJ(MathAtan2, 2, kY, kX)                                                    \
655   /* ES6 #sec-math.cbrt */                                                     \
656   TFJ(MathCbrt, 1, kX)                                                         \
657   /* ES6 #sec-math.ceil */                                                     \
658   TFJ(MathCeil, 1, kX)                                                         \
659   /* ES6 #sec-math.clz32 */                                                    \
660   TFJ(MathClz32, 1, kX)                                                        \
661   /* ES6 #sec-math.cos */                                                      \
662   TFJ(MathCos, 1, kX)                                                          \
663   /* ES6 #sec-math.cosh */                                                     \
664   TFJ(MathCosh, 1, kX)                                                         \
665   /* ES6 #sec-math.exp */                                                      \
666   TFJ(MathExp, 1, kX)                                                          \
667   /* ES6 #sec-math.expm1 */                                                    \
668   TFJ(MathExpm1, 1, kX)                                                        \
669   /* ES6 #sec-math.floor */                                                    \
670   TFJ(MathFloor, 1, kX)                                                        \
671   /* ES6 #sec-math.fround */                                                   \
672   TFJ(MathFround, 1, kX)                                                       \
673   /* ES6 #sec-math.hypot */                                                    \
674   CPP(MathHypot)                                                               \
675   /* ES6 #sec-math.imul */                                                     \
676   TFJ(MathImul, 2, kX, kY)                                                     \
677   /* ES6 #sec-math.log */                                                      \
678   TFJ(MathLog, 1, kX)                                                          \
679   /* ES6 #sec-math.log1p */                                                    \
680   TFJ(MathLog1p, 1, kX)                                                        \
681   /* ES6 #sec-math.log10 */                                                    \
682   TFJ(MathLog10, 1, kX)                                                        \
683   /* ES6 #sec-math.log2 */                                                     \
684   TFJ(MathLog2, 1, kX)                                                         \
685   /* ES6 #sec-math.max */                                                      \
686   TFJ(MathMax, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                \
687   /* ES6 #sec-math.min */                                                      \
688   TFJ(MathMin, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                \
689   /* ES6 #sec-math.pow */                                                      \
690   TFJ(MathPow, 2, kBase, kExponent)                                            \
691   /* ES6 #sec-math.random */                                                   \
692   TFJ(MathRandom, 0)                                                           \
693   /* ES6 #sec-math.round */                                                    \
694   TFJ(MathRound, 1, kX)                                                        \
695   /* ES6 #sec-math.sign */                                                     \
696   TFJ(MathSign, 1, kX)                                                         \
697   /* ES6 #sec-math.sin */                                                      \
698   TFJ(MathSin, 1, kX)                                                          \
699   /* ES6 #sec-math.sinh */                                                     \
700   TFJ(MathSinh, 1, kX)                                                         \
701   /* ES6 #sec-math.sqrt */                                                     \
702   TFJ(MathTan, 1, kX)                                                          \
703   /* ES6 #sec-math.tan */                                                      \
704   TFJ(MathTanh, 1, kX)                                                         \
705   /* ES6 #sec-math.tanh */                                                     \
706   TFJ(MathSqrt, 1, kX)                                                         \
707   /* ES6 #sec-math.trunc */                                                    \
708   TFJ(MathTrunc, 1, kX)                                                        \
709                                                                                \
710   /* Number */                                                                 \
711   TFC(AllocateHeapNumber, AllocateHeapNumber, 1)                               \
712   /* ES #sec-number-constructor */                                             \
713   TFJ(NumberConstructor, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)      \
714   /* ES6 #sec-number.isfinite */                                               \
715   TFJ(NumberIsFinite, 1, kNumber)                                              \
716   /* ES6 #sec-number.isinteger */                                              \
717   TFJ(NumberIsInteger, 1, kNumber)                                             \
718   /* ES6 #sec-number.isnan */                                                  \
719   TFJ(NumberIsNaN, 1, kNumber)                                                 \
720   /* ES6 #sec-number.issafeinteger */                                          \
721   TFJ(NumberIsSafeInteger, 1, kNumber)                                         \
722   /* ES6 #sec-number.parsefloat */                                             \
723   TFJ(NumberParseFloat, 1, kString)                                            \
724   /* ES6 #sec-number.parseint */                                               \
725   TFJ(NumberParseInt, 2, kString, kRadix)                                      \
726   TFS(ParseInt, kString, kRadix)                                               \
727   CPP(NumberPrototypeToExponential)                                            \
728   CPP(NumberPrototypeToFixed)                                                  \
729   CPP(NumberPrototypeToLocaleString)                                           \
730   CPP(NumberPrototypeToPrecision)                                              \
731   CPP(NumberPrototypeToString)                                                 \
732   /* ES6 #sec-number.prototype.valueof */                                      \
733   TFJ(NumberPrototypeValueOf, 0)                                               \
734   TFC(Add, BinaryOp, 1)                                                        \
735   TFC(Subtract, BinaryOp, 1)                                                   \
736   TFC(Multiply, BinaryOp, 1)                                                   \
737   TFC(Divide, BinaryOp, 1)                                                     \
738   TFC(Modulus, BinaryOp, 1)                                                    \
739   TFC(Exponentiate, BinaryOp, 1)                                               \
740   TFC(BitwiseAnd, BinaryOp, 1)                                                 \
741   TFC(BitwiseOr, BinaryOp, 1)                                                  \
742   TFC(BitwiseXor, BinaryOp, 1)                                                 \
743   TFC(ShiftLeft, BinaryOp, 1)                                                  \
744   TFC(ShiftRight, BinaryOp, 1)                                                 \
745   TFC(ShiftRightLogical, BinaryOp, 1)                                          \
746   TFC(LessThan, Compare, 1)                                                    \
747   TFC(LessThanOrEqual, Compare, 1)                                             \
748   TFC(GreaterThan, Compare, 1)                                                 \
749   TFC(GreaterThanOrEqual, Compare, 1)                                          \
750   TFC(Equal, Compare, 1)                                                       \
751   TFC(SameValue, Compare, 1)                                                   \
752   TFC(StrictEqual, Compare, 1)                                                 \
753   TFS(BitwiseNot, kValue)                                                      \
754   TFS(Decrement, kValue)                                                       \
755   TFS(Increment, kValue)                                                       \
756   TFS(Negate, kValue)                                                          \
757                                                                                \
758   /* Object */                                                                 \
759   /* ES #sec-object-constructor */                                             \
760   TFJ(ObjectConstructor, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)      \
761   TFJ(ObjectAssign, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)           \
762   /* ES #sec-object.create */                                                  \
763   TFJ(ObjectCreate, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)           \
764   TFS(CreateObjectWithoutProperties, kPrototypeArg)                            \
765   CPP(ObjectDefineGetter)                                                      \
766   CPP(ObjectDefineProperties)                                                  \
767   CPP(ObjectDefineProperty)                                                    \
768   CPP(ObjectDefineSetter)                                                      \
769   TFJ(ObjectEntries, 1, kObject)                                               \
770   CPP(ObjectFreeze)                                                            \
771   TFJ(ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor,                                          \
772       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
773   CPP(ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptors)                                         \
774   CPP(ObjectGetOwnPropertyNames)                                               \
775   CPP(ObjectGetOwnPropertySymbols)                                             \
776   CPP(ObjectGetPrototypeOf)                                                    \
777   CPP(ObjectSetPrototypeOf)                                                    \
778   TFJ(ObjectIs, 2, kLeft, kRight)                                              \
779   CPP(ObjectIsExtensible)                                                      \
780   CPP(ObjectIsFrozen)                                                          \
781   CPP(ObjectIsSealed)                                                          \
782   TFJ(ObjectKeys, 1, kObject)                                                  \
783   CPP(ObjectLookupGetter)                                                      \
784   CPP(ObjectLookupSetter)                                                      \
785   CPP(ObjectPreventExtensions)                                                 \
786   /* ES6 #sec-object.prototype.tostring */                                     \
787   TFJ(ObjectPrototypeToString, 0)                                              \
788   /* ES6 #sec-object.prototype.valueof */                                      \
789   TFJ(ObjectPrototypeValueOf, 0)                                               \
790   /* ES6 #sec-object.prototype.hasownproperty */                               \
791   TFJ(ObjectPrototypeHasOwnProperty, 1, kKey)                                  \
792   TFJ(ObjectPrototypeIsPrototypeOf, 1, kValue)                                 \
793   CPP(ObjectPrototypePropertyIsEnumerable)                                     \
794   CPP(ObjectPrototypeGetProto)                                                 \
795   CPP(ObjectPrototypeSetProto)                                                 \
796   /* ES #sec-object.prototype.tolocalestring */                                \
797   TFJ(ObjectPrototypeToLocaleString, 0)                                        \
798   CPP(ObjectSeal)                                                              \
799   TFJ(ObjectValues, 1, kObject)                                                \
800                                                                                \
801   /* instanceof */                                                             \
802   TFC(OrdinaryHasInstance, Compare, 1)                                         \
803   TFC(InstanceOf, Compare, 1)                                                  \
804                                                                                \
805   /* for-in */                                                                 \
806   TFS(ForInEnumerate, kReceiver)                                               \
807   TFS(ForInFilter, kKey, kObject)                                              \
808                                                                                \
809   /* Promise */                                                                \
810   /* ES #sec-fulfillpromise */                                                 \
811   TFS(FulfillPromise, kPromise, kValue)                                        \
812   /* ES #sec-rejectpromise */                                                  \
813   TFS(RejectPromise, kPromise, kReason, kDebugEvent)                           \
814   /* ES #sec-promise-resolve-functions */                                      \
815   /* Starting at step 6 of "Promise Resolve Functions" */                      \
816   TFS(ResolvePromise, kPromise, kResolution)                                   \
817   /* ES #sec-promise-reject-functions */                                       \
818   TFJ(PromiseCapabilityDefaultReject, 1, kReason)                              \
819   /* ES #sec-promise-resolve-functions */                                      \
820   TFJ(PromiseCapabilityDefaultResolve, 1, kResolution)                         \
821   /* ES6 #sec-getcapabilitiesexecutor-functions */                             \
822   TFJ(PromiseGetCapabilitiesExecutor, 2, kResolve, kReject)                    \
823   /* ES6 #sec-newpromisecapability */                                          \
824   TFS(NewPromiseCapability, kConstructor, kDebugEvent)                         \
825   TFJ(PromiseConstructorLazyDeoptContinuation, 4, kPromise, kReject,           \
826       kException, kResult)                                                     \
827   /* ES6 #sec-promise-executor */                                              \
828   TFJ(PromiseConstructor, 1, kExecutor)                                        \
829   CPP(IsPromise)                                                               \
830   /* ES #sec-promise.prototype.then */                                         \
831   TFJ(PromisePrototypeThen, 2, kOnFulfilled, kOnRejected)                      \
832   /* ES #sec-performpromisethen */                                             \
833   TFS(PerformPromiseThen, kPromise, kOnFulfilled, kOnRejected, kResultPromise) \
834   /* ES #sec-promise.prototype.catch */                                        \
835   TFJ(PromisePrototypeCatch, 1, kOnRejected)                                   \
836   /* ES #sec-promisereactionjob */                                             \
837   TFS(PromiseRejectReactionJob, kReason, kHandler, kPromiseOrCapability)       \
838   TFS(PromiseFulfillReactionJob, kValue, kHandler, kPromiseOrCapability)       \
839   /* ES #sec-promiseresolvethenablejob */                                      \
840   TFS(PromiseResolveThenableJob, kPromiseToResolve, kThenable, kThen)          \
841   /* ES #sec-promise.resolve */                                                \
842   TFJ(PromiseResolveTrampoline, 1, kValue)                                     \
843   /* ES #sec-promise-resolve */                                                \
844   TFS(PromiseResolve, kConstructor, kValue)                                    \
845   /* ES #sec-promise.reject */                                                 \
846   TFJ(PromiseReject, 1, kReason)                                               \
847   TFJ(PromisePrototypeFinally, 1, kOnFinally)                                  \
848   TFJ(PromiseThenFinally, 1, kValue)                                           \
849   TFJ(PromiseCatchFinally, 1, kReason)                                         \
850   TFJ(PromiseValueThunkFinally, 0)                                             \
851   TFJ(PromiseThrowerFinally, 0)                                                \
852   /* ES #sec-promise.all */                                                    \
853   TFJ(PromiseAll, 1, kIterable)                                                \
854   TFJ(PromiseAllResolveElementClosure, 1, kValue)                              \
855   /* ES #sec-promise.race */                                                   \
856   TFJ(PromiseRace, 1, kIterable)                                               \
857   /* V8 Extras: v8.createPromise(parent) */                                    \
858   TFJ(PromiseInternalConstructor, 1, kParent)                                  \
859   /* V8 Extras: v8.rejectPromise(promise, reason) */                           \
860   TFJ(PromiseInternalReject, 2, kPromise, kReason)                             \
861   /* V8 Extras: v8.resolvePromise(promise, resolution) */                      \
862   TFJ(PromiseInternalResolve, 2, kPromise, kResolution)                        \
863                                                                                \
864   /* Proxy */                                                                  \
865   TFJ(ProxyConstructor, 2, kTarget, kHandler)                                  \
866   TFJ(ProxyRevocable, 2, kTarget, kHandler)                                    \
867   TFJ(ProxyRevoke, 0)                                                          \
868   TFS(ProxyGetProperty, kProxy, kName, kReceiverValue)                         \
869   TFS(ProxyHasProperty, kProxy, kName)                                         \
870   TFS(ProxySetProperty, kProxy, kName, kValue, kReceiverValue, kLanguageMode)  \
871                                                                                \
872   /* Reflect */                                                                \
873   ASM(ReflectApply)                                                            \
874   ASM(ReflectConstruct)                                                        \
875   CPP(ReflectDefineProperty)                                                   \
876   CPP(ReflectDeleteProperty)                                                   \
877   CPP(ReflectGet)                                                              \
878   CPP(ReflectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor)                                         \
879   CPP(ReflectGetPrototypeOf)                                                   \
880   TFJ(ReflectHas, 2, kTarget, kKey)                                            \
881   CPP(ReflectIsExtensible)                                                     \
882   CPP(ReflectOwnKeys)                                                          \
883   CPP(ReflectPreventExtensions)                                                \
884   CPP(ReflectSet)                                                              \
885   CPP(ReflectSetPrototypeOf)                                                   \
886                                                                                \
887   /* RegExp */                                                                 \
888   CPP(RegExpCapture1Getter)                                                    \
889   CPP(RegExpCapture2Getter)                                                    \
890   CPP(RegExpCapture3Getter)                                                    \
891   CPP(RegExpCapture4Getter)                                                    \
892   CPP(RegExpCapture5Getter)                                                    \
893   CPP(RegExpCapture6Getter)                                                    \
894   CPP(RegExpCapture7Getter)                                                    \
895   CPP(RegExpCapture8Getter)                                                    \
896   CPP(RegExpCapture9Getter)                                                    \
897   /* ES #sec-regexp-pattern-flags */                                           \
898   TFJ(RegExpConstructor, 2, kPattern, kFlags)                                  \
899   TFJ(RegExpInternalMatch, 2, kRegExp, kString)                                \
900   CPP(RegExpInputGetter)                                                       \
901   CPP(RegExpInputSetter)                                                       \
902   CPP(RegExpLastMatchGetter)                                                   \
903   CPP(RegExpLastParenGetter)                                                   \
904   CPP(RegExpLeftContextGetter)                                                 \
905   /* ES #sec-regexp.prototype.compile */                                       \
906   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeCompile, 2, kPattern, kFlags)                             \
907   /* ES #sec-regexp.prototype.exec */                                          \
908   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeExec, 1, kString)                                         \
909   /* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.dotAll */                                    \
910   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeDotAllGetter, 0)                                          \
911   /* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.flags */                                     \
912   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeFlagsGetter, 0)                                           \
913   /* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.global */                                    \
914   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeGlobalGetter, 0)                                          \
915   /* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.ignorecase */                                \
916   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeIgnoreCaseGetter, 0)                                      \
917   /* ES #sec-regexp.prototype-@@match */                                       \
918   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeMatch, 1, kString)                                        \
919   /* https://tc39.github.io/proposal-string-matchall/ */                       \
920   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeMatchAll, 1, kString)                                     \
921   /* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.multiline */                                 \
922   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeMultilineGetter, 0)                                       \
923   /* ES #sec-regexp.prototype-@@search */                                      \
924   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeSearch, 1, kString)                                       \
925   /* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.source */                                    \
926   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeSourceGetter, 0)                                          \
927   /* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.sticky */                                    \
928   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeStickyGetter, 0)                                          \
929   /* ES #sec-regexp.prototype.test */                                          \
930   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeTest, 1, kString)                                         \
931   CPP(RegExpPrototypeToString)                                                 \
932   /* ES #sec-get-regexp.prototype.unicode */                                   \
933   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeUnicodeGetter, 0)                                         \
934   CPP(RegExpRightContextGetter)                                                \
935                                                                                \
936   /* ES #sec-regexp.prototype-@@replace */                                     \
937   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeReplace, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
938   /* ES #sec-regexp.prototype-@@split */                                       \
939   TFJ(RegExpPrototypeSplit, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)   \
940   /* RegExp helpers */                                                         \
941   TFS(RegExpExecAtom, kRegExp, kString, kLastIndex, kMatchInfo)                \
942   TFS(RegExpMatchFast, kReceiver, kPattern)                                    \
943   TFS(RegExpPrototypeExecSlow, kReceiver, kString)                             \
944   TFS(RegExpReplace, kRegExp, kString, kReplaceValue)                          \
945   TFS(RegExpSearchFast, kReceiver, kPattern)                                   \
946   TFS(RegExpSplit, kRegExp, kString, kLimit)                                   \
947                                                                                \
948   /* RegExp String Iterator */                                                 \
949   /* https://tc39.github.io/proposal-string-matchall/ */                       \
950   TFJ(RegExpStringIteratorPrototypeNext, 0)                                    \
951                                                                                \
952   /* Set */                                                                    \
953   TFJ(SetConstructor, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)         \
954   TFJ(SetPrototypeHas, 1, kKey)                                                \
955   TFJ(SetPrototypeAdd, 1, kKey)                                                \
956   TFJ(SetPrototypeDelete, 1, kKey)                                             \
957   CPP(SetPrototypeClear)                                                       \
958   /* ES #sec-set.prototype.entries */                                          \
959   TFJ(SetPrototypeEntries, 0)                                                  \
960   /* ES #sec-get-set.prototype.size */                                         \
961   TFJ(SetPrototypeGetSize, 0)                                                  \
962   /* ES #sec-set.prototype.foreach */                                          \
963   TFJ(SetPrototypeForEach, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)    \
964   /* ES #sec-set.prototype.values */                                           \
965   TFJ(SetPrototypeValues, 0)                                                   \
966   /* ES #sec-%setiteratorprototype%.next */                                    \
967   TFJ(SetIteratorPrototypeNext, 0)                                             \
968                                                                                \
969   /* SharedArrayBuffer */                                                      \
970   CPP(SharedArrayBufferPrototypeGetByteLength)                                 \
971   CPP(SharedArrayBufferPrototypeSlice)                                         \
972   TFJ(AtomicsLoad, 2, kArray, kIndex)                                          \
973   TFJ(AtomicsStore, 3, kArray, kIndex, kValue)                                 \
974   TFJ(AtomicsExchange, 3, kArray, kIndex, kValue)                              \
975   TFJ(AtomicsCompareExchange, 4, kArray, kIndex, kOldValue, kNewValue)         \
976   TFJ(AtomicsAdd, 3, kArray, kIndex, kValue)                                   \
977   TFJ(AtomicsSub, 3, kArray, kIndex, kValue)                                   \
978   TFJ(AtomicsAnd, 3, kArray, kIndex, kValue)                                   \
979   TFJ(AtomicsOr, 3, kArray, kIndex, kValue)                                    \
980   TFJ(AtomicsXor, 3, kArray, kIndex, kValue)                                   \
981   CPP(AtomicsIsLockFree)                                                       \
982   CPP(AtomicsWait)                                                             \
983   CPP(AtomicsWake)                                                             \
984                                                                                \
985   /* String */                                                                 \
986   /* ES #sec-string-constructor */                                             \
987   TFJ(StringConstructor, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)      \
988   /* ES #sec-string.fromcodepoint */                                           \
989   CPP(StringFromCodePoint)                                                     \
990   /* ES6 #sec-string.fromcharcode */                                           \
991   TFJ(StringFromCharCode, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)     \
992   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.anchor */                                       \
993   TFJ(StringPrototypeAnchor, 1, kValue)                                        \
994   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.big */                                          \
995   TFJ(StringPrototypeBig, 0)                                                   \
996   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.blink */                                        \
997   TFJ(StringPrototypeBlink, 0)                                                 \
998   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.bold */                                         \
999   TFJ(StringPrototypeBold, 0)                                                  \
1000   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.charat */                                       \
1001   TFJ(StringPrototypeCharAt, 1, kPosition)                                     \
1002   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.charcodeat */                                   \
1003   TFJ(StringPrototypeCharCodeAt, 1, kPosition)                                 \
1004   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.codepointat */                                  \
1005   TFJ(StringPrototypeCodePointAt, 1, kPosition)                                \
1006   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.concat */                                       \
1007   TFJ(StringPrototypeConcat, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)  \
1008   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.endswith */                                     \
1009   CPP(StringPrototypeEndsWith)                                                 \
1010   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.fontcolor */                                    \
1011   TFJ(StringPrototypeFontcolor, 1, kValue)                                     \
1012   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.fontsize */                                     \
1013   TFJ(StringPrototypeFontsize, 1, kValue)                                      \
1014   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.fixed */                                        \
1015   TFJ(StringPrototypeFixed, 0)                                                 \
1016   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.includes */                                     \
1017   TFJ(StringPrototypeIncludes,                                                 \
1018       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1019   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.indexof */                                      \
1020   TFJ(StringPrototypeIndexOf, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
1021   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.italics */                                      \
1022   TFJ(StringPrototypeItalics, 0)                                               \
1023   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.lastindexof */                                  \
1024   CPP(StringPrototypeLastIndexOf)                                              \
1025   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.link */                                         \
1026   TFJ(StringPrototypeLink, 1, kValue)                                          \
1027   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.match */                                        \
1028   TFJ(StringPrototypeMatch, 1, kRegexp)                                        \
1029   /* ES #sec-string.prototype.matchAll */                                      \
1030   TFJ(StringPrototypeMatchAll, 1, kRegexp)                                     \
1031   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.localecompare */                                \
1032   CPP(StringPrototypeLocaleCompare)                                            \
1033   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.padEnd */                                       \
1034   TFJ(StringPrototypePadEnd, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)  \
1035   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.padStart */                                     \
1036   TFJ(StringPrototypePadStart,                                                 \
1037       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1038   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.repeat */                                       \
1039   TFJ(StringPrototypeRepeat, 1, kCount)                                        \
1040   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.replace */                                      \
1041   TFJ(StringPrototypeReplace, 2, kSearch, kReplace)                            \
1042   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.search */                                       \
1043   TFJ(StringPrototypeSearch, 1, kRegexp)                                       \
1044   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.slice */                                        \
1045   TFJ(StringPrototypeSlice, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)   \
1046   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.small */                                        \
1047   TFJ(StringPrototypeSmall, 0)                                                 \
1048   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.split */                                        \
1049   TFJ(StringPrototypeSplit, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)   \
1050   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.strike */                                       \
1051   TFJ(StringPrototypeStrike, 0)                                                \
1052   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.sub */                                          \
1053   TFJ(StringPrototypeSub, 0)                                                   \
1054   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.substr */                                       \
1055   TFJ(StringPrototypeSubstr, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)  \
1056   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.substring */                                    \
1057   TFJ(StringPrototypeSubstring,                                                \
1058       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1059   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.sup */                                          \
1060   TFJ(StringPrototypeSup, 0)                                                   \
1061   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.startswith */                                   \
1062   CPP(StringPrototypeStartsWith)                                               \
1063   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.tostring */                                     \
1064   TFJ(StringPrototypeToString, 0)                                              \
1065   TFJ(StringPrototypeTrim, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)    \
1066   TFJ(StringPrototypeTrimEnd, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
1067   TFJ(StringPrototypeTrimStart,                                                \
1068       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1069   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype.valueof */                                      \
1070   TFJ(StringPrototypeValueOf, 0)                                               \
1071   /* ES6 #sec-string.raw */                                                    \
1072   CPP(StringRaw)                                                               \
1073   /* ES6 #sec-string.prototype-@@iterator */                                   \
1074   TFJ(StringPrototypeIterator, 0)                                              \
1075                                                                                \
1076   /* StringIterator */                                                         \
1077   /* ES6 #sec-%stringiteratorprototype%.next */                                \
1078   TFJ(StringIteratorPrototypeNext, 0)                                          \
1079                                                                                \
1080   /* Symbol */                                                                 \
1081   /* ES #sec-symbol-constructor */                                             \
1082   CPP(SymbolConstructor)                                                       \
1083   /* ES6 #sec-symbol.for */                                                    \
1084   CPP(SymbolFor)                                                               \
1085   /* ES6 #sec-symbol.keyfor */                                                 \
1086   CPP(SymbolKeyFor)                                                            \
1087   /* ES6 #sec-symbol.prototype-@@toprimitive */                                \
1088   TFJ(SymbolPrototypeToPrimitive, 1, kHint)                                    \
1089   /* ES6 #sec-symbol.prototype.tostring */                                     \
1090   TFJ(SymbolPrototypeToString, 0)                                              \
1091   /* ES6 #sec-symbol.prototype.valueof */                                      \
1092   TFJ(SymbolPrototypeValueOf, 0)                                               \
1093                                                                                \
1094   /* TypedArray */                                                             \
1095   TFS(IterableToList, kIterable, kIteratorFn)                                  \
1096   TFS(TypedArrayInitialize, kHolder, kLength, kElementSize, kInitialize,       \
1097       kBufferConstructor)                                                      \
1098   TFS(TypedArrayInitializeWithBuffer, kHolder, kLength, kBuffer, kElementSize, \
1099       kByteOffset)                                                             \
1100   /* ES #sec-typedarray-constructors */                                        \
1101   TFS(CreateTypedArray, kTarget, kNewTarget, kArg1, kArg2, kArg3)              \
1102   TFJ(TypedArrayBaseConstructor, 0)                                            \
1103   TFJ(TypedArrayConstructorLazyDeoptContinuation, 1, kResult)                  \
1104   TFJ(TypedArrayConstructor, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)  \
1105   CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeBuffer)                                               \
1106   /* ES6 #sec-get-%typedarray%.prototype.bytelength */                         \
1107   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeByteLength, 0)                                        \
1108   /* ES6 #sec-get-%typedarray%.prototype.byteoffset */                         \
1109   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeByteOffset, 0)                                        \
1110   /* ES6 #sec-get-%typedarray%.prototype.length */                             \
1111   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeLength, 0)                                            \
1112   /* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.entries */                                \
1113   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeEntries, 0)                                           \
1114   /* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.keys */                                   \
1115   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeKeys, 0)                                              \
1116   /* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.values */                                 \
1117   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeValues, 0)                                            \
1118   /* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.copywithin */                             \
1119   CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeCopyWithin)                                           \
1120   /* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.fill */                                   \
1121   CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeFill)                                                 \
1122   /* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.filter */                                 \
1123   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeFilter,                                               \
1124       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1125   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.find */                                        \
1126   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeFind,                                                 \
1127       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1128   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.findIndex */                                   \
1129   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeFindIndex,                                            \
1130       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1131   /* ES7 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.includes */                               \
1132   CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeIncludes)                                             \
1133   /* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.indexof */                                \
1134   CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeIndexOf)                                              \
1135   /* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.lastindexof */                            \
1136   CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeLastIndexOf)                                          \
1137   /* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.reverse */                                \
1138   CPP(TypedArrayPrototypeReverse)                                              \
1139   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.set */                                         \
1140   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeSet, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
1141   /* ES6 #sec-%typedarray%.prototype.slice */                                  \
1142   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeSlice,                                                \
1143       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1144   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.subarray */                                    \
1145   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeSubArray,                                             \
1146       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1147   /* ES6 #sec-get-%typedarray%.prototype-@@tostringtag */                      \
1148   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeToStringTag, 0)                                       \
1149   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.every */                                       \
1150   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeEvery,                                                \
1151       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1152   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.some */                                        \
1153   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeSome,                                                 \
1154       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1155   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.reduce */                                      \
1156   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeReduce,                                               \
1157       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1158   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.reduceRight */                                 \
1159   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeReduceRight,                                          \
1160       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1161   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.map */                                         \
1162   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeMap, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel) \
1163   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.prototype.forEach */                                     \
1164   TFJ(TypedArrayPrototypeForEach,                                              \
1165       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1166   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.of */                                                    \
1167   TFJ(TypedArrayOf, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)           \
1168   /* ES6 %TypedArray%.from */                                                  \
1169   TFJ(TypedArrayFrom, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)         \
1170   TFS(TypedArrayLoadElementAsTagged, kArray, kKind, kIndex)                    \
1171   TFS(TypedArrayStoreElementFromTagged, kArray, kKind, kIndex, kValue)         \
1172                                                                                \
1173   /* Wasm */                                                                   \
1174   ASM(WasmCompileLazy)                                                         \
1175   TFC(WasmStackGuard, WasmRuntimeCall, 1)                                      \
1176   TFC(ThrowWasmTrapUnreachable, WasmRuntimeCall, 1)                            \
1177   TFC(ThrowWasmTrapMemOutOfBounds, WasmRuntimeCall, 1)                         \
1178   TFC(ThrowWasmTrapDivByZero, WasmRuntimeCall, 1)                              \
1179   TFC(ThrowWasmTrapDivUnrepresentable, WasmRuntimeCall, 1)                     \
1180   TFC(ThrowWasmTrapRemByZero, WasmRuntimeCall, 1)                              \
1181   TFC(ThrowWasmTrapFloatUnrepresentable, WasmRuntimeCall, 1)                   \
1182   TFC(ThrowWasmTrapFuncInvalid, WasmRuntimeCall, 1)                            \
1183   TFC(ThrowWasmTrapFuncSigMismatch, WasmRuntimeCall, 1)                        \
1184                                                                                \
1185   /* WeakMap */                                                                \
1186   TFJ(WeakMapConstructor, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)     \
1187   TFS(WeakMapLookupHashIndex, kTable, kKey)                                    \
1188   TFJ(WeakMapGet, 1, kKey)                                                     \
1189   TFJ(WeakMapHas, 1, kKey)                                                     \
1190   TFJ(WeakMapPrototypeSet, 2, kKey, kValue)                                    \
1191   TFJ(WeakMapPrototypeDelete, 1, kKey)                                         \
1192                                                                                \
1193   /* WeakSet */                                                                \
1194   TFJ(WeakSetConstructor, SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)     \
1195   TFJ(WeakSetHas, 1, kKey)                                                     \
1196   TFJ(WeakSetPrototypeAdd, 1, kValue)                                          \
1197   TFJ(WeakSetPrototypeDelete, 1, kValue)                                       \
1198                                                                                \
1199   /* WeakSet / WeakMap Helpers */                                              \
1200   TFS(WeakCollectionDelete, kCollection, kKey)                                 \
1201   TFS(WeakCollectionSet, kCollection, kKey, kValue)                            \
1202                                                                                \
1203   /* AsyncGenerator */                                                         \
1204                                                                                \
1205   TFS(AsyncGeneratorResolve, kGenerator, kValue, kDone)                        \
1206   TFS(AsyncGeneratorReject, kGenerator, kValue)                                \
1207   TFS(AsyncGeneratorYield, kGenerator, kValue, kIsCaught)                      \
1208   TFS(AsyncGeneratorReturn, kGenerator, kValue, kIsCaught)                     \
1209   TFS(AsyncGeneratorResumeNext, kGenerator)                                    \
1210                                                                                \
1211   /* AsyncGeneratorFunction( p1, p2, ... pn, body ) */                         \
1212   /* proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asyncgeneratorfunction-constructor */       \
1213   CPP(AsyncGeneratorFunctionConstructor)                                       \
1214   /* AsyncGenerator.prototype.next ( value ) */                                \
1215   /* proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asyncgenerator-prototype-next */            \
1216   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorPrototypeNext,                                             \
1217       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1218   /* AsyncGenerator.prototype.return ( value ) */                              \
1219   /* proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asyncgenerator-prototype-return */          \
1220   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorPrototypeReturn,                                           \
1221       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1222   /* AsyncGenerator.prototype.throw ( exception ) */                           \
1223   /* proposal-async-iteration/#sec-asyncgenerator-prototype-throw */           \
1224   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorPrototypeThrow,                                            \
1225       SharedFunctionInfo::kDontAdaptArgumentsSentinel)                         \
1226                                                                                \
1227   /* Await (proposal-async-iteration/#await), with resume behaviour */         \
1228   /* specific to Async Generators. Internal / Not exposed to JS code. */       \
1229   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorAwaitCaught, 2, kGenerator, kAwaited)                      \
1230   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorAwaitUncaught, 2, kGenerator, kAwaited)                    \
1231   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorAwaitResolveClosure, 1, kValue)                            \
1232   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorAwaitRejectClosure, 1, kValue)                             \
1233   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorYieldResolveClosure, 1, kValue)                            \
1234   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorReturnClosedResolveClosure, 1, kValue)                     \
1235   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorReturnClosedRejectClosure, 1, kValue)                      \
1236   TFJ(AsyncGeneratorReturnResolveClosure, 1, kValue)                           \
1237                                                                                \
1238   /* Async-from-Sync Iterator */                                               \
1239                                                                                \
1240   /* %AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype% */                                       \
1241   /* See tc39.github.io/proposal-async-iteration/ */                           \
1242   /* #sec-%asyncfromsynciteratorprototype%-object) */                          \
1243   TFJ(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeNext, 1, kValue)                           \
1244   /* #sec-%asyncfromsynciteratorprototype%.throw */                            \
1245   TFJ(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeThrow, 1, kReason)                         \
1246   /* #sec-%asyncfromsynciteratorprototype%.return */                           \
1247   TFJ(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeReturn, 1, kValue)                         \
1248   /* #sec-async-iterator-value-unwrap-functions */                             \
1249   TFJ(AsyncIteratorValueUnwrap, 1, kValue)                                     \
1250                                                                                \
1251   /* CEntry */                                                                 \
1252   ASM(CEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExit)                 \
1253   ASM(CEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_BuiltinExit)                   \
1254   ASM(CEntry_Return1_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvInRegister_NoBuiltinExit)              \
1255   ASM(CEntry_Return1_SaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExit)                     \
1256   ASM(CEntry_Return1_SaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_BuiltinExit)                       \
1257   ASM(CEntry_Return2_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExit)                 \
1258   ASM(CEntry_Return2_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_BuiltinExit)                   \
1259   ASM(CEntry_Return2_DontSaveFPRegs_ArgvInRegister_NoBuiltinExit)              \
1260   ASM(CEntry_Return2_SaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_NoBuiltinExit)                     \
1261   ASM(CEntry_Return2_SaveFPRegs_ArgvOnStack_BuiltinExit)                       \
1262                                                                                \
1263   /* StringAdd */                                                              \
1264   TFS(StringAdd_CheckNone_NotTenured, kLeft, kRight)                           \
1265   TFS(StringAdd_CheckNone_Tenured, kLeft, kRight)                              \
1266   TFS(StringAdd_ConvertLeft_NotTenured, kLeft, kRight)                         \
1267   TFS(StringAdd_ConvertRight_NotTenured, kLeft, kRight)                        \
1268                                                                                \
1269   /* Miscellaneous */                                                          \
1270   ASM(DoubleToI)                                                               \
1271   TFC(GetProperty, GetProperty, 1)                                             \
1272   ASM(MathPowInternal)                                                         \
1273                                                                                \
1274   /* Trace */                                                                  \
1275   CPP(IsTraceCategoryEnabled)                                                  \
1276   CPP(Trace)
1278 #ifdef V8_INTL_SUPPORT
1279 #define BUILTIN_LIST(CPP, API, TFJ, TFC, TFS, TFH, ASM)          \
1282                                                                  \
1283   TFS(StringToLowerCaseIntl, kString)                            \
1284   /* ES #sec-string.prototype.tolowercase */                     \
1285   TFJ(StringPrototypeToLowerCaseIntl, 0)                         \
1286   /* ES #sec-string.prototype.touppercase */                     \
1287   CPP(StringPrototypeToUpperCaseIntl)                            \
1288   /* ES #sec-string.prototype.normalize */                       \
1289   CPP(StringPrototypeNormalizeIntl)                              \
1290   /* ecma402 #sec-intl.numberformat.prototype.formattoparts */   \
1291   CPP(NumberFormatPrototypeFormatToParts)                        \
1292   /* ecma402 #sec-intl.datetimeformat.prototype.formattoparts */ \
1293   CPP(DateTimeFormatPrototypeFormatToParts)                      \
1294   /* ecma402 #new proposal */                                    \
1295   CPP(LocaleConstructor)                                         \
1296   CPP(LocalePrototypeLanguage)                                   \
1297   CPP(LocalePrototypeScript)                                     \
1298   CPP(LocalePrototypeRegion)                                     \
1299   CPP(LocalePrototypeBaseName)                                   \
1300   CPP(LocalePrototypeCalendar)                                   \
1301   CPP(LocalePrototypeCaseFirst)                                  \
1302   CPP(LocalePrototypeCollation)                                  \
1303   CPP(LocalePrototypeHourCycle)                                  \
1304   CPP(LocalePrototypeNumeric)                                    \
1305   CPP(LocalePrototypeNumberingSystem)                            \
1306   CPP(LocalePrototypeToString)
1307 #else
1308 #define BUILTIN_LIST(CPP, API, TFJ, TFC, TFS, TFH, ASM)    \
1311                                                            \
1312   /* no-op fallback version */                             \
1313   CPP(StringPrototypeNormalize)                            \
1314   /* same as toLowercase; fallback version */              \
1315   CPP(StringPrototypeToLocaleLowerCase)                    \
1316   /* same as toUppercase; fallback version */              \
1317   CPP(StringPrototypeToLocaleUpperCase)                    \
1318   /* (obsolete) Unibrow version */                         \
1319   CPP(StringPrototypeToLowerCase)                          \
1320   /* (obsolete) Unibrow version */                         \
1321   CPP(StringPrototypeToUpperCase)
1322 #endif  // V8_INTL_SUPPORT
1324 // The exception thrown in the following builtins are caught
1325 // internally and result in a promise rejection.
1327   V(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeNext)              \
1328   V(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeReturn)            \
1329   V(AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototypeThrow)             \
1330   V(AsyncFunctionAwaitCaught)                        \
1331   V(AsyncFunctionAwaitUncaught)                      \
1332   V(AsyncGeneratorResolve)                           \
1333   V(AsyncGeneratorAwaitCaught)                       \
1334   V(AsyncGeneratorAwaitUncaught)                     \
1335   V(PromiseAll)                                      \
1336   V(PromiseConstructor)                              \
1337   V(PromiseConstructorLazyDeoptContinuation)         \
1338   V(PromiseFulfillReactionJob)                       \
1339   V(PromiseRace)                                     \
1340   V(ResolvePromise)
1342 // The exception thrown in the following builtins are caught internally and will
1343 // not be propagated further or re-thrown
1344 #define BUILTIN_EXCEPTION_CAUGHT_PREDICTION_LIST(V) V(PromiseRejectReactionJob)
1346 #define IGNORE_BUILTIN(...)
1348 #define BUILTIN_LIST_ALL(V) BUILTIN_LIST(V, V, V, V, V, V, V)
1350 #define BUILTIN_LIST_C(V)                                            \
1354 #define BUILTIN_LIST_A(V)                                                      \
1356                IGNORE_BUILTIN, IGNORE_BUILTIN, V)
1358 #define BUILTIN_LIST_TFS(V)                                                    \
1360                V, IGNORE_BUILTIN, IGNORE_BUILTIN)
1362 #define BUILTIN_LIST_TFJ(V)                                       \
1366 #define BUILTIN_LIST_TFC(V)                                       \
1370 }  // namespace internal
1371 }  // namespace v8