1 #include "extractor/graph_compressor.hpp"
3 #include "extractor/compressed_edge_container.hpp"
4 #include "extractor/extraction_turn.hpp"
5 #include "extractor/restriction.hpp"
6 #include "extractor/restriction_compressor.hpp"
7 #include "guidance/intersection.hpp"
9 #include "util/dynamic_graph.hpp"
10 #include "util/node_based_graph.hpp"
11 #include "util/percent.hpp"
13 #include "util/log.hpp"
15 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
16 #include <unordered_set>
18 namespace osrm
19 {
20 namespace extractor
21 {
Compress(const std::unordered_set<NodeID> & barrier_nodes,const std::unordered_set<NodeID> & traffic_signals,ScriptingEnvironment & scripting_environment,std::vector<TurnRestriction> & turn_restrictions,std::vector<UnresolvedManeuverOverride> & maneuver_overrides,util::NodeBasedDynamicGraph & graph,const std::vector<NodeBasedEdgeAnnotation> & node_data_container,CompressedEdgeContainer & geometry_compressor)23 void GraphCompressor::Compress(const std::unordered_set<NodeID> &barrier_nodes,
24                                const std::unordered_set<NodeID> &traffic_signals,
25                                ScriptingEnvironment &scripting_environment,
26                                std::vector<TurnRestriction> &turn_restrictions,
27                                std::vector<UnresolvedManeuverOverride> &maneuver_overrides,
28                                util::NodeBasedDynamicGraph &graph,
29                                const std::vector<NodeBasedEdgeAnnotation> &node_data_container,
30                                CompressedEdgeContainer &geometry_compressor)
31 {
32     const unsigned original_number_of_nodes = graph.GetNumberOfNodes();
33     const unsigned original_number_of_edges = graph.GetNumberOfEdges();
35     RestrictionCompressor restriction_compressor(turn_restrictions, maneuver_overrides);
37     // Some degree two nodes are not compressed if they act as entry/exit points into a
38     // restriction path.
39     std::unordered_set<NodeID> restriction_via_nodes;
41     const auto remember_via_nodes = [&](const auto &restriction) {
42         if (restriction.Type() == RestrictionType::NODE_RESTRICTION)
43         {
44             restriction_via_nodes.insert(restriction.AsNodeRestriction().via);
45         }
46         else
47         {
48             BOOST_ASSERT(restriction.Type() == RestrictionType::WAY_RESTRICTION);
49             const auto &way_restriction = restriction.AsWayRestriction();
50             // We do not compress the first and last via nodes so that we know how to enter/exit
51             // a restriction path and apply the restrictions correctly.
52             restriction_via_nodes.insert(way_restriction.via.front());
53             restriction_via_nodes.insert(way_restriction.via.back());
54         }
55     };
56     std::for_each(turn_restrictions.begin(), turn_restrictions.end(), remember_via_nodes);
57     {
58         const auto weight_multiplier =
59             scripting_environment.GetProfileProperties().GetWeightMultiplier();
60         util::UnbufferedLog log;
61         util::Percent progress(log, original_number_of_nodes);
63         for (const NodeID node_v : util::irange(0u, original_number_of_nodes))
64         {
65             progress.PrintStatus(node_v);
67             // only contract degree 2 vertices
68             if (2 != graph.GetOutDegree(node_v))
69             {
70                 continue;
71             }
73             // don't contract barrier node
74             if (barrier_nodes.end() != barrier_nodes.find(node_v))
75             {
76                 continue;
77             }
79             // check if v is an entry/exit via node for a turn restriction
80             if (restriction_via_nodes.count(node_v) > 0)
81             {
82                 continue;
83             }
85             //    reverse_e2   forward_e2
86             // u <---------- v -----------> w
87             //    ----------> <-----------
88             //    forward_e1   reverse_e1
89             //
90             // Will be compressed to:
91             //
92             //    reverse_e1
93             // u <---------- w
94             //    ---------->
95             //    forward_e1
96             //
97             // If the edges are compatible.
98             const bool reverse_edge_order = graph.GetEdgeData(graph.BeginEdges(node_v)).reversed;
99             const EdgeID forward_e2 = graph.BeginEdges(node_v) + reverse_edge_order;
100             BOOST_ASSERT(SPECIAL_EDGEID != forward_e2);
101             BOOST_ASSERT(forward_e2 >= graph.BeginEdges(node_v) &&
102                          forward_e2 < graph.EndEdges(node_v));
103             const EdgeID reverse_e2 = graph.BeginEdges(node_v) + 1 - reverse_edge_order;
105             BOOST_ASSERT(SPECIAL_EDGEID != reverse_e2);
106             BOOST_ASSERT(reverse_e2 >= graph.BeginEdges(node_v) &&
107                          reverse_e2 < graph.EndEdges(node_v));
109             const EdgeData &fwd_edge_data2 = graph.GetEdgeData(forward_e2);
110             const EdgeData &rev_edge_data2 = graph.GetEdgeData(reverse_e2);
112             const NodeID node_w = graph.GetTarget(forward_e2);
113             BOOST_ASSERT(SPECIAL_NODEID != node_w);
114             BOOST_ASSERT(node_v != node_w);
115             const NodeID node_u = graph.GetTarget(reverse_e2);
116             BOOST_ASSERT(SPECIAL_NODEID != node_u);
117             BOOST_ASSERT(node_u != node_v);
119             const EdgeID forward_e1 = graph.FindEdge(node_u, node_v);
120             BOOST_ASSERT(SPECIAL_EDGEID != forward_e1);
121             BOOST_ASSERT(node_v == graph.GetTarget(forward_e1));
122             const EdgeID reverse_e1 = graph.FindEdge(node_w, node_v);
123             BOOST_ASSERT(SPECIAL_EDGEID != reverse_e1);
124             BOOST_ASSERT(node_v == graph.GetTarget(reverse_e1));
126             const EdgeData &fwd_edge_data1 = graph.GetEdgeData(forward_e1);
127             const EdgeData &rev_edge_data1 = graph.GetEdgeData(reverse_e1);
128             const auto fwd_annotation_data1 = node_data_container[fwd_edge_data1.annotation_data];
129             const auto fwd_annotation_data2 = node_data_container[fwd_edge_data2.annotation_data];
130             const auto rev_annotation_data1 = node_data_container[rev_edge_data1.annotation_data];
131             const auto rev_annotation_data2 = node_data_container[rev_edge_data2.annotation_data];
133             if (graph.FindEdgeInEitherDirection(node_u, node_w) != SPECIAL_EDGEID)
134             {
135                 continue;
136             }
138             // this case can happen if two ways with different names overlap
139             if ((fwd_annotation_data1.name_id != rev_annotation_data1.name_id) ||
140                 (fwd_annotation_data2.name_id != rev_annotation_data2.name_id))
141             {
142                 continue;
143             }
145             if ((fwd_edge_data1.flags == fwd_edge_data2.flags) &&
146                 (rev_edge_data1.flags == rev_edge_data2.flags) &&
147                 (fwd_edge_data1.reversed == fwd_edge_data2.reversed) &&
148                 (rev_edge_data1.reversed == rev_edge_data2.reversed) &&
149                 // annotations need to match, except for the lane-id which can differ
150                 fwd_annotation_data1.CanCombineWith(fwd_annotation_data2) &&
151                 rev_annotation_data1.CanCombineWith(rev_annotation_data2))
152             {
153                 BOOST_ASSERT(!(graph.GetEdgeData(forward_e1).reversed &&
154                                graph.GetEdgeData(reverse_e1).reversed));
155                 /*
156                  * Remember Lane Data for compressed parts. This handles scenarios where lane-data
157                  * is
158                  * only kept up until a traffic light.
159                  *
160                  *                |    |
161                  * ----------------    |
162                  *         -^ |        |
163                  * -----------         |
164                  *         -v |        |
165                  * ---------------     |
166                  *                |    |
167                  *
168                  *  u ------- v ---- w
169                  *
170                  * Since the edge is compressable, we can transfer:
171                  * "left|right" (uv) and "" (uw) into a string with "left|right" (uw) for the
172                  * compressed
173                  * edge.
174                  * Doing so, we might mess up the point from where the lanes are shown. It should be
175                  * reasonable, since the announcements have to come early anyhow. So there is a
176                  * potential danger in here, but it saves us from adding a lot of additional edges
177                  * for
178                  * turn-lanes. Without this, we would have to treat any turn-lane beginning/ending
179                  * just
180                  * like a barrier.
181                  */
182                 const auto selectAnnotation =
183                     [&node_data_container](const AnnotationID front_annotation,
184                                            const AnnotationID back_annotation) {
185                         // A lane has tags: u - (front) - v - (back) - w
186                         // During contraction, we keep only one of the tags. Usually the one closer
187                         // to the intersection is preferred. If its empty, however, we keep the
188                         // non-empty one
189                         if (node_data_container[back_annotation].lane_description_id ==
190                             INVALID_LANE_DESCRIPTIONID)
191                             return front_annotation;
192                         return back_annotation;
193                     };
195                 graph.GetEdgeData(forward_e1).annotation_data = selectAnnotation(
196                     fwd_edge_data1.annotation_data, fwd_edge_data2.annotation_data);
197                 graph.GetEdgeData(reverse_e1).annotation_data = selectAnnotation(
198                     rev_edge_data1.annotation_data, rev_edge_data2.annotation_data);
199                 graph.GetEdgeData(forward_e2).annotation_data = selectAnnotation(
200                     fwd_edge_data2.annotation_data, fwd_edge_data1.annotation_data);
201                 graph.GetEdgeData(reverse_e2).annotation_data = selectAnnotation(
202                     rev_edge_data2.annotation_data, rev_edge_data1.annotation_data);
204                 // Add node penalty when compress edge crosses a traffic signal
205                 const bool has_node_penalty = traffic_signals.find(node_v) != traffic_signals.end();
206                 EdgeDuration node_duration_penalty = MAXIMAL_EDGE_DURATION;
207                 EdgeWeight node_weight_penalty = INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT;
208                 if (has_node_penalty)
209                 {
210                     // we cannot handle this as node penalty, if it depends on turn direction
211                     if (fwd_edge_data1.flags.restricted != fwd_edge_data2.flags.restricted)
212                         continue;
214                     // generate an artifical turn for the turn penalty generation
215                     std::vector<ExtractionTurnLeg> roads_on_the_right;
216                     std::vector<ExtractionTurnLeg> roads_on_the_left;
217                     ExtractionTurn extraction_turn(0,
218                                                    2,
219                                                    false,
220                                                    true,
221                                                    false,
222                                                    false,
223                                                    TRAVEL_MODE_DRIVING,
224                                                    false,
225                                                    false,
226                                                    1,
227                                                    0,
228                                                    0,
229                                                    0,
230                                                    0,
231                                                    false,
232                                                    TRAVEL_MODE_DRIVING,
233                                                    false,
234                                                    false,
235                                                    1,
236                                                    0,
237                                                    0,
238                                                    0,
239                                                    0,
240                                                    roads_on_the_right,
241                                                    roads_on_the_left);
242                     scripting_environment.ProcessTurn(extraction_turn);
243                     node_duration_penalty = extraction_turn.duration * 10;
244                     node_weight_penalty = extraction_turn.weight * weight_multiplier;
245                 }
247                 // Get weights before graph is modified
248                 const auto forward_weight1 = fwd_edge_data1.weight;
249                 const auto forward_weight2 = fwd_edge_data2.weight;
250                 const auto forward_duration1 = fwd_edge_data1.duration;
251                 const auto forward_duration2 = fwd_edge_data2.duration;
252                 const auto forward_distance2 = fwd_edge_data2.distance;
254                 BOOST_ASSERT(0 != forward_weight1);
255                 BOOST_ASSERT(0 != forward_weight2);
257                 const auto reverse_weight1 = rev_edge_data1.weight;
258                 const auto reverse_weight2 = rev_edge_data2.weight;
259                 const auto reverse_duration1 = rev_edge_data1.duration;
260                 const auto reverse_duration2 = rev_edge_data2.duration;
261                 const auto reverse_distance2 = rev_edge_data2.distance;
263 #ifndef NDEBUG
264                 // Because distances are symmetrical, we only need one
265                 // per edge - here we double-check that they match
266                 // their mirrors.
267                 const auto reverse_distance1 = rev_edge_data1.distance;
268                 const auto forward_distance1 = fwd_edge_data1.distance;
269                 BOOST_ASSERT(forward_distance1 == reverse_distance2);
270                 BOOST_ASSERT(forward_distance2 == reverse_distance1);
271 #endif
273                 BOOST_ASSERT(0 != reverse_weight1);
274                 BOOST_ASSERT(0 != reverse_weight2);
276                 // add weight of e2's to e1
277                 graph.GetEdgeData(forward_e1).weight += forward_weight2;
278                 graph.GetEdgeData(reverse_e1).weight += reverse_weight2;
280                 // add duration of e2's to e1
281                 graph.GetEdgeData(forward_e1).duration += forward_duration2;
282                 graph.GetEdgeData(reverse_e1).duration += reverse_duration2;
284                 // add distance of e2's to e1
285                 graph.GetEdgeData(forward_e1).distance += forward_distance2;
286                 graph.GetEdgeData(reverse_e1).distance += reverse_distance2;
288                 if (node_weight_penalty != INVALID_EDGE_WEIGHT &&
289                     node_duration_penalty != MAXIMAL_EDGE_DURATION)
290                 {
291                     graph.GetEdgeData(forward_e1).weight += node_weight_penalty;
292                     graph.GetEdgeData(reverse_e1).weight += node_weight_penalty;
293                     graph.GetEdgeData(forward_e1).duration += node_duration_penalty;
294                     graph.GetEdgeData(reverse_e1).duration += node_duration_penalty;
295                     // Note: no penalties for distances
296                 }
298                 // extend e1's to targets of e2's
299                 graph.SetTarget(forward_e1, node_w);
300                 graph.SetTarget(reverse_e1, node_u);
302                 // remove e2's (if bidir, otherwise only one)
303                 graph.DeleteEdge(node_v, forward_e2);
304                 graph.DeleteEdge(node_v, reverse_e2);
306                 // update any involved turn restrictions
307                 restriction_compressor.Compress(node_u, node_v, node_w);
309                 // store compressed geometry in container
310                 geometry_compressor.CompressEdge(forward_e1,
311                                                  forward_e2,
312                                                  node_v,
313                                                  node_w,
314                                                  forward_weight1,
315                                                  forward_weight2,
316                                                  forward_duration1,
317                                                  forward_duration2,
318                                                  node_weight_penalty,
319                                                  node_duration_penalty);
320                 geometry_compressor.CompressEdge(reverse_e1,
321                                                  reverse_e2,
322                                                  node_v,
323                                                  node_u,
324                                                  reverse_weight1,
325                                                  reverse_weight2,
326                                                  reverse_duration1,
327                                                  reverse_duration2,
328                                                  node_weight_penalty,
329                                                  node_duration_penalty);
330             }
331         }
332     }
334     PrintStatistics(original_number_of_nodes, original_number_of_edges, graph);
336     // Repeate the loop, but now add all edges as uncompressed values.
337     // The function AddUncompressedEdge does nothing if the edge is already
338     // in the CompressedEdgeContainer.
339     for (const NodeID node_u : util::irange(0u, original_number_of_nodes))
340     {
341         for (const auto edge_id : util::irange(graph.BeginEdges(node_u), graph.EndEdges(node_u)))
342         {
343             const EdgeData &data = graph.GetEdgeData(edge_id);
344             const NodeID target = graph.GetTarget(edge_id);
345             geometry_compressor.AddUncompressedEdge(edge_id, target, data.weight, data.duration);
346         }
347     }
348 }
PrintStatistics(unsigned original_number_of_nodes,unsigned original_number_of_edges,const util::NodeBasedDynamicGraph & graph) const350 void GraphCompressor::PrintStatistics(unsigned original_number_of_nodes,
351                                       unsigned original_number_of_edges,
352                                       const util::NodeBasedDynamicGraph &graph) const
353 {
355     unsigned new_node_count = 0;
356     unsigned new_edge_count = 0;
358     for (const auto i : util::irange(0u, graph.GetNumberOfNodes()))
359     {
360         if (graph.GetOutDegree(i) > 0)
361         {
362             ++new_node_count;
363             new_edge_count += (graph.EndEdges(i) - graph.BeginEdges(i));
364         }
365     }
366     util::Log() << "Node compression ratio: " << new_node_count / (double)original_number_of_nodes;
367     util::Log() << "Edge compression ratio: " << new_edge_count / (double)original_number_of_edges;
368 }
369 } // namespace extractor
370 } // namespace osrm