1# --
2# Copyright (C) 2001-2020 OTRS AG, https://otrs.com/
3# Copyright (C) 2012 Margus Värton <margusvarton@gmail.com>
4# --
5# This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. For details, see
6# the enclosed file COPYING for license information (GPL). If you
7# did not receive this file, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt.
8# --
9package Kernel::Language::et;
11use strict;
12use warnings;
13use utf8;
15sub Data {
16    my $Self = shift;
18    # $$START$$
19    # possible charsets
20    $Self->{Charset} = ['utf-8', ];
21    # date formats (%A=WeekDay;%B=LongMonth;%T=Time;%D=Day;%M=Month;%Y=Year;)
22    $Self->{DateFormat}          = '%D.%M.%Y %T';
23    $Self->{DateFormatLong}      = '%T - %D.%M.%Y';
24    $Self->{DateFormatShort}     = '%D.%M.%Y';
25    $Self->{DateInputFormat}     = '%D.%M.%Y';
26    $Self->{DateInputFormatLong} = '%D.%M.%Y - %T';
27    $Self->{Completeness}        = 0.175245513037589;
29    # csv separator
30    $Self->{Separator}         = '';
32    $Self->{DecimalSeparator}  = ',';
33    $Self->{ThousandSeparator} = ' ';
34    $Self->{Translation} = {
36        # Template: AdminACL
37        'ACL Management' => 'Pääsuloendi haldus',
38        'Actions' => 'Tegevused',
39        'Create New ACL' => 'Loo uus pääsuloend',
40        'Deploy ACLs' => 'Kehtesta pääsuloend',
41        'Export ACLs' => 'Ekspordi pääsuloend',
42        'Filter for ACLs' => 'Pääsuloendi filter',
43        'Just start typing to filter...' => '',
44        'Configuration Import' => '',
45        'Here you can upload a configuration file to import ACLs to your system. The file needs to be in .yml format as exported by the ACL editor module.' =>
46            '',
47        'This field is required.' => 'See väli on nõutav',
48        'Overwrite existing ACLs?' => 'Kirjutada olemasolev pääsuloend üle?',
49        'Upload ACL configuration' => '',
50        'Import ACL configuration(s)' => '',
51        'Description' => 'Kirjeldus',
52        'To create a new ACL you can either import ACLs which were exported from another system or create a complete new one.' =>
53            '',
54        'Changes to the ACLs here only affect the behavior of the system, if you deploy the ACL data afterwards. By deploying the ACL data, the newly made changes will be written to the configuration.' =>
55            '',
56        'ACLs' => '',
57        'Please note: This table represents the execution order of the ACLs. If you need to change the order in which ACLs are executed, please change the names of the affected ACLs.' =>
58            '',
59        'ACL name' => 'Pääsuloendi nimi',
60        'Comment' => 'Kommentaar',
61        'Validity' => 'Kehtivus',
62        'Export' => 'Eksport',
63        'Copy' => '',
64        'No data found.' => 'Andmeid ei leitud.',
65        'No matches found.' => 'Vasteid ei leitud.',
67        # Template: AdminACLEdit
68        'Edit ACL %s' => 'Muuda pääsuloendit %s',
69        'Edit ACL' => '',
70        'Go to overview' => 'Mine ülevaatesse',
71        'Delete ACL' => 'Kustuta pääsuloend',
72        'Delete Invalid ACL' => 'Kustuta vigane pääsuloend',
73        'Match settings' => '',
74        'Set up matching criteria for this ACL. Use \'Properties\' to match the current screen or \'PropertiesDatabase\' to match attributes of the current ticket that are in the database.' =>
75            '',
76        'Change settings' => '',
77        'Set up what you want to change if the criteria match. Keep in mind that \'Possible\' is a white list, \'PossibleNot\' a black list.' =>
78            '',
79        'Check the official %sdocumentation%s.' => '',
80        'Show or hide the content' => 'Näita või peida sisu',
81        'Edit ACL Information' => '',
82        'Name' => 'Nimi',
83        'Stop after match' => '',
84        'Edit ACL Structure' => '',
85        'Save ACL' => '',
86        'Save' => 'Salvesta',
87        'or' => 'või',
88        'Save and finish' => '',
89        'Cancel' => 'Katkesta',
90        'Do you really want to delete this ACL?' => '',
92        # Template: AdminACLNew
93        'Create a new ACL by submitting the form data. After creating the ACL, you will be able to add configuration items in edit mode.' =>
94            '',
96        # Template: AdminAppointmentCalendarManage
97        'Calendar Management' => '',
98        'Add Calendar' => '',
99        'Edit Calendar' => '',
100        'Calendar Overview' => '',
101        'Add new Calendar' => '',
102        'Import Appointments' => '',
103        'Calendar Import' => '',
104        'Here you can upload a configuration file to import a calendar to your system. The file needs to be in .yml format as exported by calendar management module.' =>
105            '',
106        'Overwrite existing entities' => '',
107        'Upload calendar configuration' => '',
108        'Import Calendar' => '',
109        'Filter for Calendars' => '',
110        'Filter for calendars' => '',
111        'Depending on the group field, the system will allow users the access to the calendar according to their permission level.' =>
112            '',
113        'Read only: users can see and export all appointments in the calendar.' =>
114            '',
115        'Move into: users can modify appointments in the calendar, but without changing the calendar selection.' =>
116            '',
117        'Create: users can create and delete appointments in the calendar.' =>
118            '',
119        'Read/write: users can manage the calendar itself.' => '',
120        'Group' => 'Grupp',
121        'Changed' => 'Muudetud',
122        'Created' => 'Loodud',
123        'Download' => 'Lae alla',
124        'URL' => '',
125        'Export calendar' => '',
126        'Download calendar' => '',
127        'Copy public calendar URL' => '',
128        'Calendar' => 'Kalender',
129        'Calendar name' => '',
130        'Calendar with same name already exists.' => '',
131        'Color' => '',
132        'Permission group' => '',
133        'Ticket Appointments' => '',
134        'Rule' => '',
135        'Remove this entry' => '',
136        'Remove' => 'Eemalda',
137        'Start date' => 'Algus',
138        'End date' => '',
139        'Use options below to narrow down for which tickets appointments will be automatically created.' =>
140            '',
141        'Queues' => 'Järjekorrad',
142        'Please select a valid queue.' => '',
143        'Search attributes' => '',
144        'Add entry' => '',
145        'Add' => 'Lisa',
146        'Define rules for creating automatic appointments in this calendar based on ticket data.' =>
147            '',
148        'Add Rule' => '',
149        'Submit' => 'Salvesta',
151        # Template: AdminAppointmentImport
152        'Appointment Import' => '',
153        'Go back' => '',
154        'Uploaded file must be in valid iCal format (.ics).' => '',
155        'If desired Calendar is not listed here, please make sure that you have at least \'create\' permissions.' =>
156            '',
157        'Upload' => 'Üles laadimine',
158        'Update existing appointments?' => '',
159        'All existing appointments in the calendar with same UniqueID will be overwritten.' =>
160            '',
161        'Upload calendar' => '',
162        'Import appointments' => '',
164        # Template: AdminAppointmentNotificationEvent
165        'Appointment Notification Management' => '',
166        'Add Notification' => '',
167        'Edit Notification' => 'Teavituse muutmine',
168        'Export Notifications' => '',
169        'Filter for Notifications' => '',
170        'Filter for notifications' => '',
171        'Here you can upload a configuration file to import appointment notifications to your system. The file needs to be in .yml format as exported by the appointment notification module.' =>
172            '',
173        'Overwrite existing notifications?' => '',
174        'Upload Notification configuration' => '',
175        'Import Notification configuration' => '',
176        'List' => 'Nimekiri',
177        'Delete' => 'Kustuta',
178        'Delete this notification' => '',
179        'Show in agent preferences' => '',
180        'Agent preferences tooltip' => '',
181        'This message will be shown on the agent preferences screen as a tooltip for this notification.' =>
182            '',
183        'Toggle this widget' => '',
184        'Events' => 'Sündmused',
185        'Event' => 'Sündmus',
186        'Here you can choose which events will trigger this notification. An additional appointment filter can be applied below to only send for appointments with certain criteria.' =>
187            '',
188        'Appointment Filter' => '',
189        'Type' => 'Tüüp',
190        'Title' => 'Pealkiri',
191        'Location' => 'Asukoht',
192        'Team' => '',
193        'Resource' => '',
194        'Recipients' => '',
195        'Send to' => '',
196        'Send to these agents' => '',
197        'Send to all group members (agents only)' => '',
198        'Send to all role members' => '',
199        'Send on out of office' => '',
200        'Also send if the user is currently out of office.' => '',
201        'Once per day' => '',
202        'Notify user just once per day about a single appointment using a selected transport.' =>
203            '',
204        'Notification Methods' => '',
205        'These are the possible methods that can be used to send this notification to each of the recipients. Please select at least one method below.' =>
206            '',
207        'Enable this notification method' => '',
208        'Transport' => '',
209        'At least one method is needed per notification.' => '',
210        'Active by default in agent preferences' => '',
211        'This is the default value for assigned recipient agents who didn\'t make a choice for this notification in their preferences yet. If the box is enabled, the notification will be sent to such agents.' =>
212            '',
213        'This feature is currently not available.' => '',
214        'Upgrade to %s' => '',
215        'Please activate this transport in order to use it.' => '',
216        'No data found' => '',
217        'No notification method found.' => '',
218        'Notification Text' => '',
219        'This language is not present or enabled on the system. This notification text could be deleted if it is not needed anymore.' =>
220            '',
221        'Remove Notification Language' => '',
222        'Subject' => 'Teema',
223        'Text' => 'Tekst',
224        'Message body' => '',
225        'Add new notification language' => '',
226        'Save Changes' => '',
227        'Tag Reference' => '',
228        'Notifications are sent to an agent.' => '',
229        'You can use the following tags' => '',
230        'To get the first 20 character of the appointment title.' => '',
231        'To get the appointment attribute' => '',
232        ' e. g.' => '',
233        'To get the calendar attribute' => '',
234        'Attributes of the recipient user for the notification' => '',
235        'Config options' => '',
236        'Example notification' => '',
238        # Template: AdminAppointmentNotificationEventTransportEmailSettings
239        'Additional recipient email addresses' => '',
240        'This field must have less then 200 characters.' => '',
241        'Article visible for customer' => '',
242        'An article will be created if the notification is sent to the customer or an additional email address.' =>
243            '',
244        'Email template' => '',
245        'Use this template to generate the complete email (only for HTML emails).' =>
246            '',
247        'Enable email security' => '',
248        'Email security level' => '',
249        'If signing key/certificate is missing' => '',
250        'If encryption key/certificate is missing' => '',
252        # Template: AdminAttachment
253        'Attachment Management' => 'Manuste haldamine',
254        'Add Attachment' => 'Manuse lisamine',
255        'Edit Attachment' => 'Manuse muutmine',
256        'Filter for Attachments' => 'Manuste filter',
257        'Filter for attachments' => '',
258        'Filename' => 'Failinimi',
259        'Download file' => 'Lae fail alla',
260        'Delete this attachment' => 'Kustuta manus',
261        'Do you really want to delete this attachment?' => '',
262        'Attachment' => 'Manus',
264        # Template: AdminAutoResponse
265        'Auto Response Management' => 'Automaatvastuste haldamine',
266        'Add Auto Response' => 'Automaatvastuse lisamine',
267        'Edit Auto Response' => 'Automaatvastuse muutmine',
268        'Filter for Auto Responses' => '',
269        'Filter for auto responses' => '',
270        'Response' => 'Vastus',
271        'Auto response from' => 'Automaatvastus kasutajalt',
272        'Reference' => 'Viited',
273        'To get the first 20 character of the subject.' => 'Esimesed 20 märki teemareast.',
274        'To get the first 5 lines of the email.' => 'Kirja esimesed 5 rida. ',
275        'To get the name of the ticket\'s customer user (if given).' => '',
276        'To get the article attribute' => '',
277        'Options of the current customer user data' => '',
278        'Ticket owner options' => 'Pileti omaniku seaded',
279        'Ticket responsible options' => '',
280        'Options of the current user who requested this action' => '',
281        'Options of the ticket data' => '',
282        'Options of ticket dynamic fields internal key values' => '',
283        'Options of ticket dynamic fields display values, useful for Dropdown and Multiselect fields' =>
284            '',
285        'Example response' => 'Näidisvastus',
287        # Template: AdminCloudServiceSupportDataCollector
288        'Cloud Service Management' => '',
289        'Support Data Collector' => '',
290        'Support data collector' => '',
291        'Hint' => 'Vihje',
292        'Currently support data is only shown in this system.' => '',
293        'It is highly recommended to send this data to OTRS Group in order to get better support.' =>
294            '',
295        'Configuration' => 'Häälestus',
296        'Send support data' => '',
297        'This will allow the system to send additional support data information to OTRS Group.' =>
298            '',
299        'Update' => 'Uuenda',
300        'System Registration' => '',
301        'To enable data sending, please register your system with OTRS Group or update your system registration information (make sure to activate the \'send support data\' option.)' =>
302            '',
303        'Register this System' => '',
304        'System Registration is disabled for your system. Please check your configuration.' =>
305            '',
307        # Template: AdminCloudServices
308        'System registration is a service of OTRS Group, which provides a lot of advantages!' =>
309            '',
310        'Please note that the use of OTRS cloud services requires the system to be registered.' =>
311            '',
312        'Register this system' => '',
313        'Here you can configure available cloud services that communicate securely with %s.' =>
314            '',
315        'Available Cloud Services' => '',
317        # Template: AdminCommunicationLog
318        'Communication Log' => '',
319        'Time Range' => '',
320        'Show only communication logs created in specific time range.' =>
321            '',
322        'Filter for Communications' => '',
323        'Filter for communications' => '',
324        'In this screen you can see an overview about incoming and outgoing communications.' =>
325            '',
326        'You can change the sort and order of the columns by clicking on the column header.' =>
327            '',
328        'If you click on the different entries, you will get redirected to a detailed screen about the message.' =>
329            '',
330        'Status for: %s' => '',
331        'Failing accounts' => '',
332        'Some account problems' => '',
333        'No account problems' => '',
334        'No account activity' => '',
335        'Number of accounts with problems: %s' => '',
336        'Number of accounts with warnings: %s' => '',
337        'Failing communications' => '',
338        'No communication problems' => '',
339        'No communication logs' => '',
340        'Number of reported problems: %s' => '',
341        'Open communications' => '',
342        'No active communications' => '',
343        'Number of open communications: %s' => '',
344        'Average processing time' => '',
345        'List of communications (%s)' => '',
346        'Settings' => 'Seaded',
347        'Entries per page' => '',
348        'No communications found.' => '',
349        '%s s' => '',
351        # Template: AdminCommunicationLogAccounts
352        'Account Status' => '',
353        'Back to overview' => '',
354        'Filter for Accounts' => '',
355        'Filter for accounts' => '',
356        'You can change the sort and order of those columns by clicking on the column header.' =>
357            '',
358        'Account status for: %s' => '',
359        'Status' => 'Seisund',
360        'Account' => '',
361        'Edit' => 'Muuda',
362        'No accounts found.' => '',
363        'Communication Log Details (%s)' => '',
364        'Direction' => '',
365        'Start Time' => '',
366        'End Time' => '',
367        'No communication log entries found.' => '',
369        # Template: AdminCommunicationLogCommunications
370        'Duration' => '',
372        # Template: AdminCommunicationLogObjectLog
373        '#' => '',
374        'Priority' => 'Prioriteet',
375        'Module' => 'Moodul',
376        'Information' => '',
377        'No log entries found.' => '',
379        # Template: AdminCommunicationLogZoom
380        'Detail view for %s communication started at %s' => '',
381        'Filter for Log Entries' => '',
382        'Filter for log entries' => '',
383        'Show only entries with specific priority and higher:' => '',
384        'Communication Log Overview (%s)' => '',
385        'No communication objects found.' => '',
386        'Communication Log Details' => '',
387        'Please select an entry from the list.' => '',
389        # Template: AdminCustomerCompany
390        'Customer Management' => 'Klientide haldamine',
391        'Add Customer' => 'Kliendi lisamine',
392        'Edit Customer' => 'Kliendi muutmine',
393        'Search' => 'Otsi',
394        'Wildcards like \'*\' are allowed.' => 'Metasümbolid nagu \'*\' on lubatud.',
395        'Select' => 'Vali',
396        'List (only %s shown - more available)' => '',
397        'total' => '',
398        'Please enter a search term to look for customers.' => '',
399        'Customer ID' => '',
400        'Please note' => '',
401        'This customer backend is read only!' => '',
403        # Template: AdminCustomerGroup
404        'Manage Customer-Group Relations' => 'Kliendi-grupi suhete haldamine',
405        'Notice' => 'Märkus',
406        'This feature is disabled!' => 'Jõudluse logimine on välja lülitatud!',
407        'Just use this feature if you want to define group permissions for customers.' =>
408            '',
409        'Enable it here!' => 'Luba!',
410        'Edit Customer Default Groups' => '',
411        'These groups are automatically assigned to all customers.' => '',
412        'You can manage these groups via the configuration setting "CustomerGroupCompanyAlwaysGroups".' =>
413            '',
414        'Filter for Groups' => 'Rühmade filter',
415        'Select the customer:group permissions.' => '',
416        'If nothing is selected, then there are no permissions in this group (tickets will not be available for the customer).' =>
417            '',
418        'Search Results' => 'Otsingu tulemus',
419        'Customers' => 'Kliendid',
420        'Groups' => 'Rühmad',
421        'Change Group Relations for Customer' => '',
422        'Change Customer Relations for Group' => '',
423        'Toggle %s Permission for all' => '',
424        'Toggle %s permission for %s' => '',
425        'Customer Default Groups:' => '',
426        'No changes can be made to these groups.' => '',
427        'ro' => 'ro',
428        'Read only access to the ticket in this group/queue.' => 'Selle rühma/järjekorra intsidentidele ainult lugemise õigused.',
429        'rw' => 'rw',
430        'Full read and write access to the tickets in this group/queue.' =>
431            'Kõik lugemise ja kirjutamise õigused selles rühmas/järjekorras.',
433        # Template: AdminCustomerUser
434        'Customer User Management' => '',
435        'Add Customer User' => 'Lisa klientkasutaja',
436        'Edit Customer User' => '',
437        'Back to search results' => '',
438        'Customer user are needed to have a customer history and to login via customer panel.' =>
439            '',
440        'List (%s total)' => '',
441        'Username' => 'Kasutajanimi',
442        'Email' => 'E-post',
443        'Last Login' => 'Viimane sisselogimine',
444        'Login as' => 'Logi sisse kasutajana',
445        'Switch to customer' => '',
446        'This customer backend is read only, but the customer user preferences can be changed!' =>
447            '',
448        'This field is required and needs to be a valid email address.' =>
449            'See väli on nõutud ja peab olema korrenktne e-posti aadress.',
450        'This email address is not allowed due to the system configuration.' =>
451            'See e-posti aadress ei ole süsteemi konfiguratsiooni tõttu lubatud.',
452        'This email address failed MX check.' => '',
453        'DNS problem, please check your configuration and the error log.' =>
454            '',
455        'The syntax of this email address is incorrect.' => '',
456        'This CustomerID is invalid.' => '',
457        'Effective Permissions for Customer User' => '',
458        'Group Permissions' => '',
459        'This customer user has no group permissions.' => '',
460        'Table above shows effective group permissions for the customer user. The matrix takes into account all inherited permissions (e.g. via customer groups). Note: The table does not consider changes made to this form without submitting it.' =>
461            '',
462        'Customer Access' => '',
463        'Customer' => 'Klient',
464        'This customer user has no customer access.' => '',
465        'Table above shows granted customer access for the customer user by permission context. The matrix takes into account all inherited access (e.g. via customer groups). Note: The table does not consider changes made to this form without submitting it.' =>
466            '',
468        # Template: AdminCustomerUserCustomer
469        'Manage Customer User-Customer Relations' => '',
470        'Select the customer user:customer relations.' => '',
471        'Customer Users' => 'Klientkasutajad',
472        'Change Customer Relations for Customer User' => '',
473        'Change Customer User Relations for Customer' => '',
474        'Toggle active state for all' => '',
475        'Active' => 'Aktiivne',
476        'Toggle active state for %s' => '',
478        # Template: AdminCustomerUserGroup
479        'Manage Customer User-Group Relations' => '',
480        'Just use this feature if you want to define group permissions for customer users.' =>
481            '',
482        'Edit Customer User Default Groups' => '',
483        'These groups are automatically assigned to all customer users.' =>
484            '',
485        'You can manage these groups via the configuration setting "CustomerGroupAlwaysGroups".' =>
486            '',
487        'Filter for groups' => '',
488        'Select the customer user - group permissions.' => '',
489        'If nothing is selected, then there are no permissions in this group (tickets will not be available for the customer user).' =>
490            '',
491        'Customer User Default Groups:' => '',
493        # Template: AdminCustomerUserService
494        'Manage Customer User-Service Relations' => '',
495        'Edit default services' => '',
496        'Filter for Services' => '',
497        'Filter for services' => '',
498        'Services' => 'Teenused',
500        # Template: AdminDynamicField
501        'Dynamic Fields Management' => 'Dünaamiliste väljade haldamine',
502        'Add new field for object' => 'Lisa uus väli objektile',
503        'Filter for Dynamic Fields' => '',
504        'Filter for dynamic fields' => '',
505        'More Business Fields' => '',
506        'Would you like to benefit from additional dynamic field types for businesses? Upgrade to %s to get access to the following field types:' =>
507            '',
508        'Database' => 'Andmebaas',
509        'Use external databases as configurable data sources for this dynamic field.' =>
510            '',
511        'Web service' => '',
512        'External web services can be configured as data sources for this dynamic field.' =>
513            '',
514        'Contact with data' => '',
515        'This feature allows to add (multiple) contacts with data to tickets.' =>
516            '',
517        'To add a new field, select the field type from one of the object\'s list, the object defines the boundary of the field and it can\'t be changed after the field creation.' =>
518            '',
519        'Dynamic Fields List' => '',
520        'Dynamic fields per page' => '',
521        'Label' => 'Silt',
522        'Order' => 'Järjekord',
523        'Object' => 'Object',
524        'Delete this field' => '',
526        # Template: AdminDynamicFieldCheckbox
527        'Dynamic Fields' => 'Dünaamilised väljad',
528        'Go back to overview' => '',
529        'General' => 'Üldine',
530        'This field is required, and the value should be alphabetic and numeric characters only.' =>
531            '',
532        'Must be unique and only accept alphabetic and numeric characters.' =>
533            '',
534        'Changing this value will require manual changes in the system.' =>
535            '',
536        'This is the name to be shown on the screens where the field is active.' =>
537            '',
538        'Field order' => '',
539        'This field is required and must be numeric.' => '',
540        'This is the order in which this field will be shown on the screens where is active.' =>
541            '',
542        'Is not possible to invalidate this entry, all config settings have to be changed beforehand.' =>
543            '',
544        'Field type' => '',
545        'Object type' => '',
546        'Internal field' => '',
547        'This field is protected and can\'t be deleted.' => '',
548        'This dynamic field is used in the following config settings:' =>
549            '',
550        'Field Settings' => '',
551        'Default value' => '',
552        'This is the default value for this field.' => '',
554        # Template: AdminDynamicFieldDateTime
555        'Default date difference' => '',
556        'This field must be numeric.' => '',
557        'The difference from NOW (in seconds) to calculate the field default value (e.g. 3600 or -60).' =>
558            '',
559        'Define years period' => '',
560        'Activate this feature to define a fixed range of years (in the future and in the past) to be displayed on the year part of the field.' =>
561            '',
562        'Years in the past' => '',
563        'Years in the past to display (default: 5 years).' => '',
564        'Years in the future' => '',
565        'Years in the future to display (default: 5 years).' => '',
566        'Show link' => '',
567        'Here you can specify an optional HTTP link for the field value in Overviews and Zoom screens.' =>
568            '',
569        'If special characters (&, @, :, /, etc.) should not be encoded, use \'url\' instead of \'uri\' filter.' =>
570            '',
571        'Example' => 'Näide',
572        'Link for preview' => '',
573        'If filled in, this URL will be used for a preview which is shown when this link is hovered in ticket zoom. Please note that for this to work, the regular URL field above needs to be filled in, too.' =>
574            '',
575        'Restrict entering of dates' => '',
576        'Here you can restrict the entering of dates of tickets.' => '',
578        # Template: AdminDynamicFieldDropdown
579        'Possible values' => '',
580        'Key' => 'Võti',
581        'Value' => 'Väärtus',
582        'Remove value' => '',
583        'Add value' => '',
584        'Add Value' => '',
585        'Add empty value' => '',
586        'Activate this option to create an empty selectable value.' => '',
587        'Tree View' => '',
588        'Activate this option to display values as a tree.' => '',
589        'Translatable values' => '',
590        'If you activate this option the values will be translated to the user defined language.' =>
591            '',
592        'Note' => 'Märkus',
593        'You need to add the translations manually into the language translation files.' =>
594            '',
596        # Template: AdminDynamicFieldText
597        'Number of rows' => '',
598        'Specify the height (in lines) for this field in the edit mode.' =>
599            '',
600        'Number of cols' => '',
601        'Specify the width (in characters) for this field in the edit mode.' =>
602            '',
603        'Check RegEx' => '',
604        'Here you can specify a regular expression to check the value. The regex will be executed with the modifiers xms.' =>
605            '',
606        'RegEx' => '',
607        'Invalid RegEx' => '',
608        'Error Message' => '',
609        'Add RegEx' => '',
611        # Template: AdminEmail
612        'Admin Message' => '',
613        'With this module, administrators can send messages to agents, group or role members.' =>
614            '',
615        'Create Administrative Message' => '',
616        'Your message was sent to' => '',
617        'From' => 'Kellelt',
618        'Send message to users' => '',
619        'Send message to group members' => '',
620        'Group members need to have permission' => '',
621        'Send message to role members' => '',
622        'Also send to customers in groups' => '',
623        'Body' => 'Text',
624        'Send' => 'Saada',
626        # Template: AdminGenericAgent
627        'Generic Agent Job Management' => '',
628        'Edit Job' => '',
629        'Add Job' => '',
630        'Run Job' => '',
631        'Filter for Jobs' => '',
632        'Filter for jobs' => '',
633        'Last run' => 'Viimati käivitatud',
634        'Run Now!' => 'Käivita nüüd!',
635        'Delete this task' => 'Kustuta tegevus',
636        'Run this task' => 'Käivita tegevus',
637        'Job Settings' => 'Tegevuse seaded',
638        'Job name' => 'Tegevuse nimetus',
639        'The name you entered already exists.' => '',
640        'Automatic Execution (Multiple Tickets)' => '',
641        'Execution Schedule' => '',
642        'Schedule minutes' => '',
643        'Schedule hours' => '',
644        'Schedule days' => '',
645        'Automatic execution values are in the system timezone.' => '',
646        'Currently this generic agent job will not run automatically.' =>
647            '',
648        'To enable automatic execution select at least one value from minutes, hours and days!' =>
649            '',
650        'Event Based Execution (Single Ticket)' => '',
651        'Event Triggers' => '',
652        'List of all configured events' => '',
653        'Delete this event' => '',
654        'Additionally or alternatively to a periodic execution, you can define ticket events that will trigger this job.' =>
655            '',
656        'If a ticket event is fired, the ticket filter will be applied to check if the ticket matches. Only then the job is run on that ticket.' =>
657            '',
658        'Do you really want to delete this event trigger?' => '',
659        'Add Event Trigger' => '',
660        'To add a new event select the event object and event name' => '',
661        'Select Tickets' => '',
662        '(e. g. 10*5155 or 105658*)' => 'näiteks 10*5144 või 105658*',
663        '(e. g. 234321)' => 'näiteks 234321',
664        'Customer user ID' => '',
665        '(e. g. U5150)' => 'näiteks U5150',
666        'Fulltext-search in article (e. g. "Mar*in" or "Baue*").' => '',
667        'To' => 'Kellele',
668        'Cc' => 'Koopia',
669        'Service' => 'Teenus',
670        'Service Level Agreement' => 'Teenustaseme leping',
671        'Queue' => 'Järjekord',
672        'State' => 'Olek',
673        'Agent' => 'Töötaja',
674        'Owner' => 'Omanik',
675        'Responsible' => 'Vastutaja',
676        'Ticket lock' => '',
677        'Dynamic fields' => 'Dünaamilised väljad',
678        'Add dynamic field' => '',
679        'Create times' => 'Loomisajad',
680        'No create time settings.' => 'Loomisaja seadeid ei ole',
681        'Ticket created' => 'Intsident loodud',
682        'Ticket created between' => 'Intsident loodud vahemikus',
683        'and' => 'ja',
684        'Last changed times' => '',
685        'No last changed time settings.' => '',
686        'Ticket last changed' => '',
687        'Ticket last changed between' => '',
688        'Change times' => 'Muutmisajad',
689        'No change time settings.' => '',
690        'Ticket changed' => 'Intsident muudetud',
691        'Ticket changed between' => '',
692        'Last close times' => '',
693        'No last close time settings.' => '',
694        'Ticket last close' => '',
695        'Ticket last close between' => '',
696        'Close times' => 'Sulgemisajad',
697        'No close time settings.' => '',
698        'Ticket closed' => 'Intsident suletud',
699        'Ticket closed between' => 'Intsident suletud vahemikus',
700        'Pending times' => '',
701        'No pending time settings.' => 'Ooteaegade seadeid ei ole',
702        'Ticket pending time reached' => 'Intsidendi ooteaeg on kätte jõudnud',
703        'Ticket pending time reached between' => 'Intsidendi ooteaeg jõudis kätte vahemikus',
704        'Escalation times' => '',
705        'No escalation time settings.' => '',
706        'Ticket escalation time reached' => '',
707        'Ticket escalation time reached between' => '',
708        'Escalation - first response time' => '',
709        'Ticket first response time reached' => '',
710        'Ticket first response time reached between' => '',
711        'Escalation - update time' => '',
712        'Ticket update time reached' => '',
713        'Ticket update time reached between' => '',
714        'Escalation - solution time' => '',
715        'Ticket solution time reached' => '',
716        'Ticket solution time reached between' => '',
717        'Archive search option' => '',
718        'Update/Add Ticket Attributes' => '',
719        'Set new service' => '',
720        'Set new Service Level Agreement' => '',
721        'Set new priority' => 'Sea uus prioriteet',
722        'Set new queue' => '',
723        'Set new state' => '',
724        'Pending date' => 'Ootel kuni',
725        'Set new agent' => '',
726        'new owner' => '',
727        'new responsible' => '',
728        'Set new ticket lock' => '',
729        'New customer user ID' => '',
730        'New customer ID' => '',
731        'New title' => '',
732        'New type' => '',
733        'Archive selected tickets' => '',
734        'Add Note' => 'Lisa märkus',
735        'Visible for customer' => '',
736        'Time units' => 'tööühikuid',
737        'Execute Ticket Commands' => '',
738        'Send agent/customer notifications on changes' => '',
739        'CMD' => 'CMD',
740        'This command will be executed. ARG[0] will be the ticket number. ARG[1] the ticket id.' =>
741            'See käsk käivitatakse. ARG[0] on intsidendi number, ARG[1] on intsidendi ID..',
742        'Delete tickets' => 'Kustuta intsidendid',
743        'Warning: All affected tickets will be removed from the database and cannot be restored!' =>
744            '',
745        'Execute Custom Module' => '',
746        'Param %s key' => '',
747        'Param %s value' => '',
748        'Results' => 'Tulemused',
749        '%s Tickets affected! What do you want to do?' => '',
750        'Warning: You used the DELETE option. All deleted tickets will be lost!' =>
751            '',
752        'Warning: There are %s tickets affected but only %s may be modified during one job execution!' =>
753            '',
754        'Affected Tickets' => '',
755        'Age' => 'Vanus',
757        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceDebugger
758        'GenericInterface Web Service Management' => '',
759        'Web Service Management' => '',
760        'Debugger' => '',
761        'Go back to web service' => '',
762        'Clear' => 'Puhasta',
763        'Do you really want to clear the debug log of this web service?' =>
764            '',
765        'Request List' => '',
766        'Time' => 'Aeg',
767        'Communication ID' => '',
768        'Remote IP' => '',
769        'Loading' => '',
770        'Select a single request to see its details.' => '',
771        'Filter by type' => '',
772        'Filter from' => '',
773        'Filter to' => '',
774        'Filter by remote IP' => '',
775        'Limit' => 'Piirang',
776        'Refresh' => 'värskenda',
778        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceErrorHandlingDefault
779        'Add ErrorHandling' => '',
780        'Edit ErrorHandling' => '',
781        'Do you really want to delete this error handling module?' => '',
782        'All configuration data will be lost.' => '',
783        'General options' => '',
784        'The name can be used to distinguish different error handling configurations.' =>
785            '',
786        'Please provide a unique name for this web service.' => '',
787        'Error handling module backend' => '',
788        'This OTRS error handling backend module will be called internally to process the error handling mechanism.' =>
789            '',
790        'Processing options' => '',
791        'Configure filters to control error handling module execution.' =>
792            '',
793        'Only requests matching all configured filters (if any) will trigger module execution.' =>
794            '',
795        'Operation filter' => '',
796        'Only execute error handling module for selected operations.' => '',
797        'Note: Operation is undetermined for errors occuring while receiving incoming request data. Filters involving this error stage should not use operation filter.' =>
798            '',
799        'Invoker filter' => '',
800        'Only execute error handling module for selected invokers.' => '',
801        'Error message content filter' => '',
802        'Enter a regular expression to restrict which error messages should cause error handling module execution.' =>
803            '',
804        'Error message subject and data (as seen in the debugger error entry) will considered for a match.' =>
805            '',
806        'Example: Enter \'^.*401 Unauthorized.*\$\' to handle only authentication related errors.' =>
807            '',
808        'Error stage filter' => '',
809        'Only execute error handling module on errors that occur during specific processing stages.' =>
810            '',
811        'Example: Handle only errors where mapping for outgoing data could not be applied.' =>
812            '',
813        'Error code' => '',
814        'An error identifier for this error handling module.' => '',
815        'This identifier will be available in XSLT-Mapping and shown in debugger output.' =>
816            '',
817        'Error message' => '',
818        'An error explanation for this error handling module.' => '',
819        'This message will be available in XSLT-Mapping and shown in debugger output.' =>
820            '',
821        'Define if processing should be stopped after module was executed, skipping all remaining modules or only those of the same backend.' =>
822            '',
823        'Default behavior is to resume, processing the next module.' => '',
825        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceErrorHandlingRequestRetry
826        'This module allows to configure scheduled retries for failed requests.' =>
827            '',
828        'Default behavior of GenericInterface web services is to send each request exactly once and not to reschedule after errors.' =>
829            '',
830        'If more than one module capable of scheduling a retry is executed for an individual request, the module executed last is authoritative and determines if a retry is scheduled.' =>
831            '',
832        'Request retry options' => '',
833        'Retry options are applied when requests cause error handling module execution (based on processing options).' =>
834            '',
835        'Schedule retry' => '',
836        'Should requests causing an error be triggered again at a later time?' =>
837            '',
838        'Initial retry interval' => '',
839        'Interval after which to trigger the first retry.' => '',
840        'Note: This and all further retry intervals are based on the error handling module execution time for the initial request.' =>
841            '',
842        'Factor for further retries' => '',
843        'If a request returns an error even after a first retry, define if subsequent retries are triggered using the same interval or in increasing intervals.' =>
844            '',
845        'Example: If a request is initially triggered at 10:00 with initial interval at \'1 minute\' and retry factor at \'2\', retries would be triggered at 10:01 (1 minute), 10:03 (2*1=2 minutes), 10:07 (2*2=4 minutes), 10:15 (2*4=8 minutes), ...' =>
846            '',
847        'Maximum retry interval' => '',
848        'If a retry interval factor of \'1.5\' or \'2\' is selected, undesirably long intervals can be prevented by defining the largest interval allowed.' =>
849            '',
850        'Intervals calculated to exceed the maximum retry interval will then automatically be shortened accordingly.' =>
851            '',
852        'Example: If a request is initially triggered at 10:00 with initial interval at \'1 minute\', retry factor at \'2\' and maximum interval at \'5 minutes\', retries would be triggered at 10:01 (1 minute), 10:03 (2 minutes), 10:07 (4 minutes), 10:12 (8=>5 minutes), 10:17, ...' =>
853            '',
854        'Maximum retry count' => '',
855        'Maximum number of retries before a failing request is discarded, not counting the initial request.' =>
856            '',
857        'Example: If a request is initially triggered at 10:00 with initial interval at \'1 minute\', retry factor at \'2\' and maximum retry count at \'2\', retries would be triggered at 10:01 and 10:02 only.' =>
858            '',
859        'Note: Maximum retry count might not be reached if a maximum retry period is configured as well and reached earlier.' =>
860            '',
861        'This field must be empty or contain a positive number.' => '',
862        'Maximum retry period' => '',
863        'Maximum period of time for retries of failing requests before they are discarded (based on the error handling module execution time for the initial request).' =>
864            '',
865        'Retries that would normally be triggered after maximum period is elapsed (according to retry interval calculation) will automatically be triggered at maximum period exactly.' =>
866            '',
867        'Example: If a request is initially triggered at 10:00 with initial interval at \'1 minute\', retry factor at \'2\' and maximum retry period at \'30 minutes\', retries would be triggered at 10:01, 10:03, 10:07, 10:15 and finally at 10:31=>10:30.' =>
868            '',
869        'Note: Maximum retry period might not be reached if a maximum retry count is configured as well and reached earlier.' =>
870            '',
872        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceInvokerDefault
873        'Add Invoker' => '',
874        'Edit Invoker' => '',
875        'Do you really want to delete this invoker?' => '',
876        'Invoker Details' => '',
877        'The name is typically used to call up an operation of a remote web service.' =>
878            '',
879        'Invoker backend' => '',
880        'This OTRS invoker backend module will be called to prepare the data to be sent to the remote system, and to process its response data.' =>
881            '',
882        'Mapping for outgoing request data' => '',
883        'Configure' => '',
884        'The data from the invoker of OTRS will be processed by this mapping, to transform it to the kind of data the remote system expects.' =>
885            '',
886        'Mapping for incoming response data' => '',
887        'The response data will be processed by this mapping, to transform it to the kind of data the invoker of OTRS expects.' =>
888            '',
889        'Asynchronous' => '',
890        'Condition' => '',
891        'Edit this event' => '',
892        'This invoker will be triggered by the configured events.' => '',
893        'Add Event' => '',
894        'To add a new event select the event object and event name and click on the "+" button' =>
895            '',
896        'Asynchronous event triggers are handled by the OTRS Scheduler Daemon in background (recommended).' =>
897            '',
898        'Synchronous event triggers would be processed directly during the web request.' =>
899            '',
901        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceInvokerEvent
902        'GenericInterface Invoker Event Settings for Web Service %s' => '',
903        'Go back to' => '',
904        'Delete all conditions' => '',
905        'Do you really want to delete all the conditions for this event?' =>
906            '',
907        'General Settings' => '',
908        'Event type' => '',
909        'Conditions' => '',
910        'Conditions can only operate on non-empty fields.' => '',
911        'Type of Linking between Conditions' => '',
912        'Remove this Condition' => 'Eemalda see tingimus',
913        'Type of Linking' => '',
914        'Fields' => '',
915        'Add a new Field' => '',
916        'Remove this Field' => 'Eemalda see väli',
917        'And can\'t be repeated on the same condition.' => '',
918        'Add New Condition' => '',
920        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceMappingSimple
921        'Mapping Simple' => '',
922        'Default rule for unmapped keys' => '',
923        'This rule will apply for all keys with no mapping rule.' => '',
924        'Default rule for unmapped values' => '',
925        'This rule will apply for all values with no mapping rule.' => '',
926        'New key map' => '',
927        'Add key mapping' => '',
928        'Mapping for Key ' => '',
929        'Remove key mapping' => '',
930        'Key mapping' => '',
931        'Map key' => '',
932        'matching the' => '',
933        'to new key' => '',
934        'Value mapping' => '',
935        'Map value' => '',
936        'to new value' => '',
937        'Remove value mapping' => '',
938        'New value map' => '',
939        'Add value mapping' => '',
940        'Do you really want to delete this key mapping?' => '',
942        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceMappingXSLT
943        'General Shortcuts' => '',
944        'MacOS Shortcuts' => '',
945        'Comment code' => '',
946        'Uncomment code' => '',
947        'Auto format code' => '',
948        'Expand/Collapse code block' => '',
949        'Find' => '',
950        'Find next' => '',
951        'Find previous' => '',
952        'Find and replace' => '',
953        'Find and replace all' => '',
954        'XSLT Mapping' => '',
955        'XSLT stylesheet' => '',
956        'The entered data is not a valid XSLT style sheet.' => '',
957        'Here you can add or modify your XSLT mapping code.' => '',
958        'The editing field allows you to use different functions like automatic formatting, window resize as well as tag- and bracket-completion.' =>
959            '',
960        'Data includes' => '',
961        'Select one or more sets of data that were created at earlier request/response stages to be included in mappable data.' =>
962            '',
963        'These sets will appear in the data structure at \'/DataInclude/<DataSetName>\' (see debugger output of actual requests for details).' =>
964            '',
965        'Data key regex filters (before mapping)' => '',
966        'Data key regex filters (after mapping)' => '',
967        'Regular expressions' => '',
968        'Replace' => '',
969        'Remove regex' => '',
970        'Add regex' => '',
971        'These filters can be used to transform keys using regular expressions.' =>
972            '',
973        'The data structure will be traversed recursively and all configured regexes will be applied to all keys.' =>
974            '',
975        'Use cases are e.g. removing key prefixes that are undesired or correcting keys that are invalid as XML element names.' =>
976            '',
977        'Example 1: Search = \'^jira:\' / Replace = \'\' turns \'jira:element\' into \'element\'.' =>
978            '',
979        'Example 2: Search = \'^\' / Replace = \'_\' turns \'16x16\' into \'_16x16\'.' =>
980            '',
981        'Example 3: Search = \'^(?<number>\d+) (?<text>.+?)\$\' / Replace = \'_\$+{text}_\$+{number}\' turns \'16 elementname\' into \'_elementname_16\'.' =>
982            '',
983        'For information about regular expressions in Perl please see here:' =>
984            '',
985        'Perl regular expressions tutorial' => '',
986        'If modifiers are desired they have to be specified within the regexes themselves.' =>
987            '',
988        'Regular expressions defined here will be applied before the XSLT mapping.' =>
989            '',
990        'Regular expressions defined here will be applied after the XSLT mapping.' =>
991            '',
993        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceOperationDefault
994        'Add Operation' => '',
995        'Edit Operation' => '',
996        'Do you really want to delete this operation?' => '',
997        'Operation Details' => '',
998        'The name is typically used to call up this web service operation from a remote system.' =>
999            '',
1000        'Operation backend' => '',
1001        'This OTRS operation backend module will be called internally to process the request, generating data for the response.' =>
1002            '',
1003        'Mapping for incoming request data' => '',
1004        'The request data will be processed by this mapping, to transform it to the kind of data OTRS expects.' =>
1005            '',
1006        'Mapping for outgoing response data' => '',
1007        'The response data will be processed by this mapping, to transform it to the kind of data the remote system expects.' =>
1008            '',
1009        'Include Ticket Data' => '',
1010        'Include ticket data in response.' => '',
1012        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceTransportHTTPREST
1013        'Network Transport' => '',
1014        'Properties' => '',
1015        'Route mapping for Operation' => '',
1016        'Define the route that should get mapped to this operation. Variables marked by a \':\' will get mapped to the entered name and passed along with the others to the mapping. (e.g. /Ticket/:TicketID).' =>
1017            '',
1018        'Valid request methods for Operation' => '',
1019        'Limit this Operation to specific request methods. If no method is selected all requests will be accepted.' =>
1020            '',
1021        'Maximum message length' => '',
1022        'This field should be an integer number.' => '',
1023        'Here you can specify the maximum size (in bytes) of REST messages that OTRS will process.' =>
1024            '',
1025        'Send Keep-Alive' => '',
1026        'This configuration defines if incoming connections should get closed or kept alive.' =>
1027            '',
1028        'Additional response headers' => '',
1029        'Add response header' => '',
1030        'Endpoint' => '',
1031        'URI to indicate specific location for accessing a web service.' =>
1032            '',
1033        'e.g https://www.otrs.com:10745/api/v1.0 (without trailing backslash)' =>
1034            '',
1035        'Timeout' => '',
1036        'Timeout value for requests.' => '',
1037        'Authentication' => '',
1038        'An optional authentication mechanism to access the remote system.' =>
1039            '',
1040        'BasicAuth User' => '',
1041        'The user name to be used to access the remote system.' => '',
1042        'BasicAuth Password' => '',
1043        'The password for the privileged user.' => '',
1044        'Use Proxy Options' => '',
1045        'Show or hide Proxy options to connect to the remote system.' => '',
1046        'Proxy Server' => '',
1047        'URI of a proxy server to be used (if needed).' => '',
1048        'e.g. http://proxy_hostname:8080' => '',
1049        'Proxy User' => '',
1050        'The user name to be used to access the proxy server.' => '',
1051        'Proxy Password' => '',
1052        'The password for the proxy user.' => '',
1053        'Skip Proxy' => '',
1054        'Skip proxy servers that might be configured globally?' => '',
1055        'Use SSL Options' => '',
1056        'Show or hide SSL options to connect to the remote system.' => '',
1057        'Client Certificate' => '',
1058        'The full path and name of the SSL client certificate file (must be in PEM, DER or PKCS#12 format).' =>
1059            '',
1060        'e.g. /opt/otrs/var/certificates/SOAP/certificate.pem' => '',
1061        'Client Certificate Key' => '',
1062        'The full path and name of the SSL client certificate key file (if not already included in certificate file).' =>
1063            '',
1064        'e.g. /opt/otrs/var/certificates/SOAP/key.pem' => '',
1065        'Client Certificate Key Password' => '',
1066        'The password to open the SSL certificate if the key is encrypted.' =>
1067            '',
1068        'Certification Authority (CA) Certificate' => '',
1069        'The full path and name of the certification authority certificate file that validates SSL certificate.' =>
1070            '',
1071        'e.g. /opt/otrs/var/certificates/SOAP/CA/ca.pem' => '',
1072        'Certification Authority (CA) Directory' => '',
1073        'The full path of the certification authority directory where the CA certificates are stored in the file system.' =>
1074            '',
1075        'e.g. /opt/otrs/var/certificates/SOAP/CA' => '',
1076        'Controller mapping for Invoker' => '',
1077        'The controller that the invoker should send requests to. Variables marked by a \':\' will get replaced by the data value and passed along with the request. (e.g. /Ticket/:TicketID?UserLogin=:UserLogin&Password=:Password).' =>
1078            '',
1079        'Valid request command for Invoker' => '',
1080        'A specific HTTP command to use for the requests with this Invoker (optional).' =>
1081            '',
1082        'Default command' => '',
1083        'The default HTTP command to use for the requests.' => '',
1085        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceTransportHTTPSOAP
1086        'e.g. https://local.otrs.com:8000/Webservice/Example' => '',
1087        'Set SOAPAction' => '',
1088        'Set to "Yes" in order to send a filled SOAPAction header.' => '',
1089        'Set to "No" in order to send an empty SOAPAction header.' => '',
1090        'Set to "Yes" in order to check the received SOAPAction header (if not empty).' =>
1091            '',
1092        'Set to "No" in order to ignore the received SOAPAction header.' =>
1093            '',
1094        'SOAPAction scheme' => '',
1095        'Select how SOAPAction should be constructed.' => '',
1096        'Some web services require a specific construction.' => '',
1097        'Some web services send a specific construction.' => '',
1098        'SOAPAction separator' => '',
1099        'Character to use as separator between name space and SOAP operation.' =>
1100            '',
1101        'Usually .Net web services use "/" as separator.' => '',
1102        'SOAPAction free text' => '',
1103        'Text to be used to as SOAPAction.' => '',
1104        'Namespace' => '',
1105        'URI to give SOAP methods a context, reducing ambiguities.' => '',
1106        'e.g urn:otrs-com:soap:functions or http://www.otrs.com/GenericInterface/actions' =>
1107            '',
1108        'Request name scheme' => '',
1109        'Select how SOAP request function wrapper should be constructed.' =>
1110            '',
1111        '\'FunctionName\' is used as example for actual invoker/operation name.' =>
1112            '',
1113        '\'FreeText\' is used as example for actual configured value.' =>
1114            '',
1115        'Request name free text' => '',
1116        'Text to be used to as function wrapper name suffix or replacement.' =>
1117            '',
1118        'Please consider XML element naming restrictions (e.g. don\'t use \'<\' and \'&\').' =>
1119            '',
1120        'Response name scheme' => '',
1121        'Select how SOAP response function wrapper should be constructed.' =>
1122            '',
1123        'Response name free text' => '',
1124        'Here you can specify the maximum size (in bytes) of SOAP messages that OTRS will process.' =>
1125            '',
1126        'Encoding' => '',
1127        'The character encoding for the SOAP message contents.' => '',
1128        'e.g utf-8, latin1, iso-8859-1, cp1250, Etc.' => '',
1129        'Sort options' => '',
1130        'Add new first level element' => '',
1131        'Element' => '',
1132        'Outbound sort order for xml fields (structure starting below function name wrapper) - see documentation for SOAP transport.' =>
1133            '',
1135        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceWebservice
1136        'Add Web Service' => '',
1137        'Edit Web Service' => '',
1138        'Clone Web Service' => '',
1139        'The name must be unique.' => '',
1140        'Clone' => 'Klooni',
1141        'Export Web Service' => '',
1142        'Import web service' => '',
1143        'Configuration File' => '',
1144        'The file must be a valid web service configuration YAML file.' =>
1145            '',
1146        'Here you can specify a name for the webservice. If this field is empty, the name of the configuration file is used as name.' =>
1147            '',
1148        'Import' => 'Import',
1149        'Configuration History' => '',
1150        'Delete web service' => 'Kustuta veebiteenus',
1151        'Do you really want to delete this web service?' => '',
1152        'Ready2Adopt Web Services' => '',
1153        'Here you can activate Ready2Adopt web services showcasing our best practices that are a part of %s.' =>
1154            '',
1155        'Please note that these web services may depend on other modules only available with certain %s contract levels (there will be a notification with further details when importing).' =>
1156            '',
1157        'Import Ready2Adopt web service' => '',
1158        'Would you like to benefit from web services created by experts? Upgrade to %s to import some sophisticated Ready2Adopt web services.' =>
1159            '',
1160        'After you save the configuration you will be redirected again to the edit screen.' =>
1161            '',
1162        'If you want to return to overview please click the "Go to overview" button.' =>
1163            '',
1164        'Remote system' => '',
1165        'Provider transport' => '',
1166        'Requester transport' => '',
1167        'Debug threshold' => '',
1168        'In provider mode, OTRS offers web services which are used by remote systems.' =>
1169            '',
1170        'In requester mode, OTRS uses web services of remote systems.' =>
1171            '',
1172        'Network transport' => '',
1173        'Error Handling Modules' => '',
1174        'Error handling modules are used to react in case of errors during the communication. Those modules are executed in a specific order, which can be changed by drag and drop.' =>
1175            '',
1176        'Backend' => '',
1177        'Add error handling module' => '',
1178        'Operations are individual system functions which remote systems can request.' =>
1179            '',
1180        'Invokers prepare data for a request to a remote web service, and process its response data.' =>
1181            '',
1182        'Controller' => '',
1183        'Inbound mapping' => '',
1184        'Outbound mapping' => '',
1185        'Delete this action' => '',
1186        'At least one %s has a controller that is either not active or not present, please check the controller registration or delete the %s' =>
1187            '',
1189        # Template: AdminGenericInterfaceWebserviceHistory
1190        'History' => 'Ajalugu',
1191        'Go back to Web Service' => 'Mine tagasi veebiteenuse juurde',
1192        'Here you can view older versions of the current web service\'s configuration, export or even restore them.' =>
1193            '',
1194        'Configuration History List' => '',
1195        'Version' => 'Versioon',
1196        'Create time' => 'Loomise aeg',
1197        'Select a single configuration version to see its details.' => '',
1198        'Export web service configuration' => '',
1199        'Restore web service configuration' => '',
1200        'Do you really want to restore this version of the web service configuration?' =>
1201            '',
1202        'Your current web service configuration will be overwritten.' => 'Teie praegused veebiteenuse seaded kirjutatakse üle',
1204        # Template: AdminGroup
1205        'Group Management' => 'Rühmade haldamine',
1206        'Add Group' => 'Rühma lisamine',
1207        'Edit Group' => 'Rühma muutmine',
1208        'The admin group is to get in the admin area and the stats group to get stats area.' =>
1209            'Rühm "admin" on vajalik haldusmoodulisse pääsemiseks ja rühm "stats" statistikamoodulisse pääsemiseks.',
1210        'Create new groups to handle access permissions for different groups of agent (e. g. purchasing department, support department, sales department, ...). ' =>
1211            'Loo uued rühmad erinevate töötajate rühmade (näiteks haldusosakond, müügiosakond ..) haldamiseks.',
1212        'It\'s useful for ASP solutions. ' => 'Kasulik ASP-lahendustes.',
1214        # Template: AdminLog
1215        'System Log' => 'Süsteemilogi',
1216        'Here you will find log information about your system.' => 'Siit leiad logiinfot enese süsteemi kohta.',
1217        'Hide this message' => 'Peida see teade',
1218        'Recent Log Entries' => 'Hiljutised logikirjed',
1219        'Facility' => 'Facility',
1220        'Message' => 'Teade',
1222        # Template: AdminMailAccount
1223        'Mail Account Management' => 'E-posti kontode haldus',
1224        'Add Mail Account' => 'E-posti konto lisamine',
1225        'Edit Mail Account for host' => '',
1226        'and user account' => '',
1227        'Filter for Mail Accounts' => '',
1228        'Filter for mail accounts' => '',
1229        'All incoming emails with one account will be dispatched in the selected queue.' =>
1230            '',
1231        'If your account is marked as trusted, the X-OTRS headers already existing at arrival time (for priority etc.) will be kept and used, for example in PostMaster filters.' =>
1232            '',
1233        'Outgoing email can be configured via the Sendmail* settings in %s.' =>
1234            '',
1235        'System Configuration' => '',
1236        'Host' => 'Server',
1237        'Delete account' => 'Kustuta konto',
1238        'Fetch mail' => 'Tõmba post',
1239        'Do you really want to delete this mail account?' => '',
1240        'Password' => 'Parool',
1241        'Example: mail.example.com' => '',
1242        'IMAP Folder' => '',
1243        'Only modify this if you need to fetch mail from a different folder than INBOX.' =>
1244            '',
1245        'Trusted' => 'Usaldusväärne',
1246        'Dispatching' => 'Jaotamine',
1247        'Edit Mail Account' => 'E-posti konto muutmine',
1249        # Template: AdminNavigationBar
1250        'Administration Overview' => '',
1251        'Filter for Items' => '',
1252        'Filter' => 'Filter',
1253        'Favorites' => '',
1254        'You can add favorites by moving your cursor over items on the right side and clicking the star icon.' =>
1255            '',
1256        'Links' => '',
1257        'View the admin manual on Github' => '',
1258        'No Matches' => '',
1259        'Sorry, your search didn\'t match any items.' => '',
1260        'Set as favorite' => '',
1262        # Template: AdminNotificationEvent
1263        'Ticket Notification Management' => '',
1264        'Here you can upload a configuration file to import Ticket Notifications to your system. The file needs to be in .yml format as exported by the Ticket Notification module.' =>
1265            '',
1266        'Here you can choose which events will trigger this notification. An additional ticket filter can be applied below to only send for ticket with certain criteria.' =>
1267            '',
1268        'Ticket Filter' => '',
1269        'Lock' => 'Lukusta',
1270        'SLA' => 'SLA',
1271        'Customer User ID' => '',
1272        'Article Filter' => 'Artikli filter',
1273        'Only for ArticleCreate and ArticleSend event' => '',
1274        'Article sender type' => '',
1275        'If ArticleCreate or ArticleSend is used as a trigger event, you need to specify an article filter as well. Please select at least one of the article filter fields.' =>
1276            '',
1277        'Customer visibility' => '',
1278        'Communication channel' => '',
1279        'Include attachments to notification' => '',
1280        'Notify user just once per day about a single ticket using a selected transport.' =>
1281            '',
1282        'This field is required and must have less than 4000 characters.' =>
1283            '',
1284        'Notifications are sent to an agent or a customer.' => 'Teavitused saadetakse kliendile või töötajale.',
1285        'To get the first 20 character of the subject (of the latest agent article).' =>
1286            '',
1287        'To get the first 5 lines of the body (of the latest agent article).' =>
1288            '',
1289        'To get the first 20 character of the subject (of the latest customer article).' =>
1290            '',
1291        'To get the first 5 lines of the body (of the latest customer article).' =>
1292            '',
1293        'Attributes of the current customer user data' => '',
1294        'Attributes of the current ticket owner user data' => '',
1295        'Attributes of the current ticket responsible user data' => '',
1296        'Attributes of the current agent user who requested this action' =>
1297            '',
1298        'Attributes of the ticket data' => '',
1299        'Ticket dynamic fields internal key values' => '',
1300        'Ticket dynamic fields display values, useful for Dropdown and Multiselect fields' =>
1301            '',
1303        # Template: AdminNotificationEventTransportEmailSettings
1304        'Use comma or semicolon to separate email addresses.' => '',
1305        'You can use OTRS-tags like <OTRS_TICKET_DynamicField_...> to insert values from the current ticket.' =>
1306            '',
1308        # Template: AdminOTRSBusinessInstalled
1309        'Manage %s' => '',
1310        'Downgrade to ((OTRS)) Community Edition' => '',
1311        'Read documentation' => '',
1312        '%s makes contact regularly with cloud.otrs.com to check on available updates and the validity of the underlying contract.' =>
1313            '',
1314        'Unauthorized Usage Detected' => '',
1315        'This system uses the %s without a proper license! Please make contact with %s to renew or activate your contract!' =>
1316            '',
1317        '%s not Correctly Installed' => '',
1318        'Your %s is not correctly installed. Please reinstall it with the button below.' =>
1319            '',
1320        'Reinstall %s' => '',
1321        'Your %s is not correctly installed, and there is also an update available.' =>
1322            '',
1323        'You can either reinstall your current version or perform an update with the buttons below (update recommended).' =>
1324            '',
1325        'Update %s' => '',
1326        '%s Not Yet Available' => '',
1327        '%s will be available soon.' => '',
1328        '%s Update Available' => '',
1329        'An update for your %s is available! Please update at your earliest!' =>
1330            '',
1331        '%s Correctly Deployed' => '',
1332        'Congratulations, your %s is correctly installed and up to date!' =>
1333            '',
1335        # Template: AdminOTRSBusinessNotInstalled
1336        'Go to the OTRS customer portal' => '',
1337        '%s will be available soon. Please check again in a few days.' =>
1338            '',
1339        'Please have a look at %s for more information.' => '',
1340        'Your ((OTRS)) Community Edition is the base for all future actions. Please register first before you continue with the upgrade process of %s!' =>
1341            '',
1342        'Before you can benefit from %s, please contact %s to get your %s contract.' =>
1343            '',
1344        'Connection to cloud.otrs.com via HTTPS couldn\'t be established. Please make sure that your OTRS can connect to cloud.otrs.com via port 443.' =>
1345            '',
1346        'Package installation requires patch level update of OTRS.' => '',
1347        'Please visit our customer portal and file a request.' => '',
1348        'Everything else will be done as part of your contract.' => '',
1349        'Your installed OTRS version is %s.' => '',
1350        'To install this package, you need to update to OTRS %s or higher.' =>
1351            '',
1352        'To install this package, the Maximum OTRS Version is %s.' => '',
1353        'To install this package, the required Framework version is %s.' =>
1354            '',
1355        'Why should I keep OTRS up to date?' => '',
1356        'You will receive updates about relevant security issues.' => '',
1357        'You will receive updates for all other relevant OTRS issues' => '',
1358        'With your existing contract you can only use a small part of the %s.' =>
1359            '',
1360        'If you would like to take full advantage of the %s get your contract upgraded now! Contact %s.' =>
1361            '',
1363        # Template: AdminOTRSBusinessUninstall
1364        'Cancel downgrade and go back' => '',
1365        'Go to OTRS Package Manager' => '',
1366        'Sorry, but currently you can\'t downgrade due to the following packages which depend on %s:' =>
1367            '',
1368        'Vendor' => 'Tootja',
1369        'Please uninstall the packages first using the package manager and try again.' =>
1370            '',
1371        'You are about to downgrade to ((OTRS)) Community Edition and will lose the following features and all data related to these:' =>
1372            '',
1373        'Chat' => '',
1374        'Report Generator' => '',
1375        'Timeline view in ticket zoom' => '',
1376        'DynamicField ContactWithData' => '',
1377        'DynamicField Database' => '',
1378        'SLA Selection Dialog' => '',
1379        'Ticket Attachment View' => '',
1380        'The %s skin' => '',
1382        # Template: AdminPGP
1383        'PGP Management' => 'PGP haldamine',
1384        'Add PGP Key' => '',
1385        'PGP support is disabled' => '',
1386        'To be able to use PGP in OTRS, you have to enable it first.' => '',
1387        'Enable PGP support' => '',
1388        'Faulty PGP configuration' => '',
1389        'PGP support is enabled, but the relevant configuration contains errors. Please check the configuration using the button below.' =>
1390            '',
1391        'Configure it here!' => '',
1392        'Check PGP configuration' => '',
1393        'In this way you can directly edit the keyring configured in SysConfig.' =>
1394            'Nii saad otse muuta SysConfig-is seadistatud võtmeid.',
1395        'Introduction to PGP' => '',
1396        'Identifier' => 'Identifikaator',
1397        'Bit' => 'Bit',
1398        'Fingerprint' => 'Sõrmejälg',
1399        'Expires' => 'Aegub',
1400        'Delete this key' => '',
1401        'PGP key' => '',
1403        # Template: AdminPackageManager
1404        'Package Manager' => 'Paketihaldus',
1405        'Uninstall Package' => '',
1406        'Uninstall package' => '',
1407        'Do you really want to uninstall this package?' => 'Kas tõesti eemaldada see pakett?',
1408        'Reinstall package' => '',
1409        'Do you really want to reinstall this package? Any manual changes will be lost.' =>
1410            '',
1411        'Go to updating instructions' => '',
1412        'package information' => '',
1413        'Package installation requires a patch level update of OTRS.' => '',
1414        'Package update requires a patch level update of OTRS.' => '',
1415        'If you are a OTRS Business Solution™ customer, please visit our customer portal and file a request.' =>
1416            '',
1417        'Please note that your installed OTRS version is %s.' => '',
1418        'To install this package, you need to update OTRS to version %s or newer.' =>
1419            '',
1420        'This package can only be installed on OTRS version %s or older.' =>
1421            '',
1422        'This package can only be installed on OTRS version %s or newer.' =>
1423            '',
1424        'You will receive updates for all other relevant OTRS issues.' =>
1425            '',
1426        'How can I do a patch level update if I don’t have a contract?' =>
1427            '',
1428        'Please find all relevant information within the updating instructions at %s.' =>
1429            '',
1430        'In case you would have further questions we would be glad to answer them.' =>
1431            '',
1432        'Install Package' => '',
1433        'Update Package' => '',
1434        'Continue' => 'Jätka',
1435        'Please make sure your database accepts packages over %s MB in size (it currently only accepts packages up to %s MB). Please adapt the max_allowed_packet setting of your database in order to avoid errors.' =>
1436            '',
1437        'Install' => 'Paigalda',
1438        'Update repository information' => '',
1439        'Cloud services are currently disabled.' => '',
1440        'OTRS Verify™ can not continue!' => '',
1441        'Enable cloud services' => '',
1442        'Update all installed packages' => '',
1443        'Online Repository' => 'Võrguallikas',
1444        'Action' => 'Tegevus',
1445        'Module documentation' => 'Mooduli dokumentatsioon',
1446        'Local Repository' => 'Kohalik allikas',
1447        'This package is verified by OTRSverify (tm)' => '',
1448        'Uninstall' => 'Eemalda',
1449        'Package not correctly deployed! Please reinstall the package.' =>
1450            '',
1451        'Reinstall' => 'Paigalda uuesti',
1452        'Features for %s customers only' => '',
1453        'With %s, you can benefit from the following optional features. Please make contact with %s if you need more information.' =>
1454            '',
1455        'Package Information' => '',
1456        'Download package' => '',
1457        'Rebuild package' => '',
1458        'Metadata' => '',
1459        'Change Log' => '',
1460        'Date' => 'Kuupäev',
1461        'List of Files' => '',
1462        'Permission' => 'Õigus',
1463        'Download file from package!' => 'Lae alla fail paketist!',
1464        'Required' => 'Vajalik',
1465        'Size' => 'Suurus',
1466        'Primary Key' => '',
1467        'Auto Increment' => '',
1468        'SQL' => 'SQL',
1469        'File Differences for File %s' => '',
1470        'File differences for file %s' => '',
1472        # Template: AdminPerformanceLog
1473        'Performance Log' => 'Jõudluslogi',
1474        'Range' => 'Vahemik',
1475        'last' => 'Viimane',
1476        'This feature is enabled!' => 'Jõudluse logimine on sisse lülitatud!',
1477        'Just use this feature if you want to log each request.' => 'Kasuta jõudluseandmete logimist siis, kui soovid logida iga päringut.',
1478        'Activating this feature might affect your system performance!' =>
1479            '',
1480        'Disable it here!' => 'Keela!',
1481        'Logfile too large!' => 'Logifail on liiga suur!',
1482        'The logfile is too large, you need to reset it' => '',
1483        'Reset' => 'Reset',
1484        'Overview' => 'Ülevaade',
1485        'Interface' => 'Liides',
1486        'Requests' => 'Päringuid',
1487        'Min Response' => 'Vähim aeg vastuseni',
1488        'Max Response' => 'Suurim aeg vastuseni',
1489        'Average Response' => 'Keskmine aeg vastuseni',
1490        'Period' => '',
1491        'minutes' => 'minutit',
1492        'Min' => '',
1493        'Max' => '',
1494        'Average' => '',
1496        # Template: AdminPostMasterFilter
1497        'PostMaster Filter Management' => 'Postiülema filtrite haldus',
1498        'Add PostMaster Filter' => 'Postiülema filtri lisamine',
1499        'Edit PostMaster Filter' => 'Postiülema filtri muutmine',
1500        'Filter for PostMaster Filters' => '',
1501        'Filter for PostMaster filters' => '',
1502        'To dispatch or filter incoming emails based on email headers. Matching using Regular Expressions is also possible.' =>
1503            '',
1504        'If you want to match only the email address, use EMAILADDRESS:info@example.com in From, To or Cc.' =>
1505            'Kui soovid kontrollida ainult e-postiaadressi, kasuta EMAILADDRESS:info@example.com From, To või CC päistel.',
1506        'If you use Regular Expressions, you also can use the matched value in () as [***] in the \'Set\' action.' =>
1507            '',
1508        'You can also use named captures %s and use the names in the \'Set\' action %s (e.g. Regexp: %s, Set action: %s). A matched EMAILADDRESS has the name \'%s\'.' =>
1509            '',
1510        'Delete this filter' => '',
1511        'Do you really want to delete this postmaster filter?' => '',
1512        'A postmaster filter with this name already exists!' => '',
1513        'Filter Condition' => 'Filtreerimistingimus',
1514        'AND Condition' => '',
1515        'Search header field' => '',
1516        'for value' => '',
1517        'The field needs to be a valid regular expression or a literal word.' =>
1518            '',
1519        'Negate' => '',
1520        'Set Email Headers' => '',
1521        'Set email header' => '',
1522        'with value' => '',
1523        'The field needs to be a literal word.' => '',
1524        'Header' => 'Päis',
1526        # Template: AdminPriority
1527        'Priority Management' => '',
1528        'Add Priority' => '',
1529        'Edit Priority' => '',
1530        'Filter for Priorities' => '',
1531        'Filter for priorities' => '',
1532        'This priority is present in a SysConfig setting, confirmation for updating settings to point to the new priority is needed!' =>
1533            '',
1534        'This priority is used in the following config settings:' => '',
1536        # Template: AdminProcessManagement
1537        'Process Management' => '',
1538        'Filter for Processes' => '',
1539        'Filter for processes' => '',
1540        'Create New Process' => '',
1541        'Deploy All Processes' => '',
1542        'Here you can upload a configuration file to import a process to your system. The file needs to be in .yml format as exported by process management module.' =>
1543            '',
1544        'Upload process configuration' => '',
1545        'Import process configuration' => '',
1546        'Ready2Adopt Processes' => '',
1547        'Here you can activate Ready2Adopt processes showcasing our best practices. Please note that some additional configuration may be required.' =>
1548            '',
1549        'Would you like to benefit from processes created by experts? Upgrade to %s to import some sophisticated Ready2Adopt processes.' =>
1550            '',
1551        'Import Ready2Adopt process' => '',
1552        'To create a new Process you can either import a Process that was exported from another system or create a complete new one.' =>
1553            '',
1554        'Changes to the Processes here only affect the behavior of the system, if you synchronize the Process data. By synchronizing the Processes, the newly made changes will be written to the Configuration.' =>
1555            '',
1556        'Processes' => '',
1557        'Process name' => '',
1558        'Print' => 'Trükk',
1559        'Export Process Configuration' => '',
1560        'Copy Process' => '',
1562        # Template: AdminProcessManagementActivity
1563        'Cancel & close' => '',
1564        'Go Back' => '',
1565        'Please note, that changing this activity will affect the following processes' =>
1566            '',
1567        'Activity' => '',
1568        'Activity Name' => '',
1569        'Activity Dialogs' => '',
1570        'You can assign Activity Dialogs to this Activity by dragging the elements with the mouse from the left list to the right list.' =>
1571            '',
1572        'Ordering the elements within the list is also possible by drag \'n\' drop.' =>
1573            '',
1574        'Filter available Activity Dialogs' => '',
1575        'Available Activity Dialogs' => '',
1576        'Name: %s, EntityID: %s' => '',
1577        'Create New Activity Dialog' => '',
1578        'Assigned Activity Dialogs' => '',
1580        # Template: AdminProcessManagementActivityDialog
1581        'Please note that changing this activity dialog will affect the following activities' =>
1582            '',
1583        'Please note that customer users will not be able to see or use the following fields: Owner, Responsible, Lock, PendingTime and CustomerID.' =>
1584            '',
1585        'The Queue field can only be used by customers when creating a new ticket.' =>
1586            '',
1587        'Activity Dialog' => '',
1588        'Activity dialog Name' => '',
1589        'Available in' => '',
1590        'Description (short)' => '',
1591        'Description (long)' => '',
1592        'The selected permission does not exist.' => '',
1593        'Required Lock' => '',
1594        'The selected required lock does not exist.' => '',
1595        'Submit Advice Text' => '',
1596        'Submit Button Text' => '',
1597        'You can assign Fields to this Activity Dialog by dragging the elements with the mouse from the left list to the right list.' =>
1598            '',
1599        'Filter available fields' => '',
1600        'Available Fields' => '',
1601        'Assigned Fields' => '',
1602        'Communication Channel' => '',
1603        'Is visible for customer' => '',
1604        'Display' => '',
1606        # Template: AdminProcessManagementPath
1607        'Path' => '',
1608        'Edit this transition' => '',
1609        'Transition Actions' => '',
1610        'You can assign Transition Actions to this Transition by dragging the elements with the mouse from the left list to the right list.' =>
1611            '',
1612        'Filter available Transition Actions' => '',
1613        'Available Transition Actions' => '',
1614        'Create New Transition Action' => '',
1615        'Assigned Transition Actions' => '',
1617        # Template: AdminProcessManagementProcessAccordion
1618        'Activities' => '',
1619        'Filter Activities...' => '',
1620        'Create New Activity' => '',
1621        'Filter Activity Dialogs...' => '',
1622        'Transitions' => '',
1623        'Filter Transitions...' => '',
1624        'Create New Transition' => '',
1625        'Filter Transition Actions...' => '',
1627        # Template: AdminProcessManagementProcessEdit
1628        'Edit Process' => '',
1629        'Print process information' => '',
1630        'Delete Process' => '',
1631        'Delete Inactive Process' => '',
1632        'Available Process Elements' => '',
1633        'The Elements listed above in this sidebar can be moved to the canvas area on the right by using drag\'n\'drop.' =>
1634            '',
1635        'You can place Activities on the canvas area to assign this Activity to the Process.' =>
1636            '',
1637        'To assign an Activity Dialog to an Activity drop the Activity Dialog element from this sidebar over the Activity placed in the canvas area.' =>
1638            '',
1639        'You can start a connection between two Activities by dropping the Transition element over the Start Activity of the connection. After that you can move the loose end of the arrow to the End Activity.' =>
1640            '',
1641        'Actions can be assigned to a Transition by dropping the Action Element onto the label of a Transition.' =>
1642            '',
1643        'Edit Process Information' => '',
1644        'Process Name' => '',
1645        'The selected state does not exist.' => '',
1646        'Add and Edit Activities, Activity Dialogs and Transitions' => '',
1647        'Show EntityIDs' => '',
1648        'Extend the width of the Canvas' => '',
1649        'Extend the height of the Canvas' => '',
1650        'Remove the Activity from this Process' => '',
1651        'Edit this Activity' => '',
1652        'Save Activities, Activity Dialogs and Transitions' => '',
1653        'Do you really want to delete this Process?' => '',
1654        'Do you really want to delete this Activity?' => '',
1655        'Do you really want to delete this Activity Dialog?' => '',
1656        'Do you really want to delete this Transition?' => '',
1657        'Do you really want to delete this Transition Action?' => '',
1658        'Do you really want to remove this activity from the canvas? This can only be undone by leaving this screen without saving.' =>
1659            '',
1660        'Do you really want to remove this transition from the canvas? This can only be undone by leaving this screen without saving.' =>
1661            '',
1663        # Template: AdminProcessManagementProcessNew
1664        'In this screen, you can create a new process. In order to make the new process available to users, please make sure to set its state to \'Active\' and synchronize after completing your work.' =>
1665            '',
1667        # Template: AdminProcessManagementProcessPrint
1668        'cancel & close' => '',
1669        'Start Activity' => '',
1670        'Contains %s dialog(s)' => '',
1671        'Assigned dialogs' => '',
1672        'Activities are not being used in this process.' => '',
1673        'Assigned fields' => '',
1674        'Activity dialogs are not being used in this process.' => '',
1675        'Condition linking' => '',
1676        'Transitions are not being used in this process.' => '',
1677        'Module name' => 'Mooduli nimi',
1678        'Transition actions are not being used in this process.' => '',
1680        # Template: AdminProcessManagementTransition
1681        'Please note that changing this transition will affect the following processes' =>
1682            '',
1683        'Transition' => '',
1684        'Transition Name' => '',
1686        # Template: AdminProcessManagementTransitionAction
1687        'Please note that changing this transition action will affect the following processes' =>
1688            '',
1689        'Transition Action' => '',
1690        'Transition Action Name' => '',
1691        'Transition Action Module' => '',
1692        'Config Parameters' => '',
1693        'Add a new Parameter' => '',
1694        'Remove this Parameter' => 'Eemalda see parameeter',
1696        # Template: AdminQueue
1697        'Queue Management' => '',
1698        'Add Queue' => '',
1699        'Edit Queue' => '',
1700        'Filter for Queues' => '',
1701        'Filter for queues' => '',
1702        'A queue with this name already exists!' => '',
1703        'This queue is present in a SysConfig setting, confirmation for updating settings to point to the new queue is needed!' =>
1704            '',
1705        'Sub-queue of' => '',
1706        'Unlock timeout' => 'Luku aegumine',
1707        '0 = no unlock' => '0 = Lukk ei aegu',
1708        'hours' => 'tundi',
1709        'Only business hours are counted.' => '',
1710        'If an agent locks a ticket and does not close it before the unlock timeout has passed, the ticket will unlock and will become available for other agents.' =>
1711            '',
1712        'Notify by' => '',
1713        '0 = no escalation' => '0 = ei eskaleerita',
1714        'If there is not added a customer contact, either email-external or phone, to a new ticket before the time defined here expires, the ticket is escalated.' =>
1715            '',
1716        'If there is an article added, such as a follow-up via email or the customer portal, the escalation update time is reset. If there is no customer contact, either email-external or phone, added to a ticket before the time defined here expires, the ticket is escalated.' =>
1717            '',
1718        'If the ticket is not set to closed before the time defined here expires, the ticket is escalated.' =>
1719            '',
1720        'Follow up Option' => 'Klient saadab täiendusi',
1721        'Specifies if follow up to closed tickets would re-open the ticket, be rejected or lead to a new ticket.' =>
1722            '',
1723        'Ticket lock after a follow up' => 'Lukk peale klienditäiendusi',
1724        'If a ticket is closed and the customer sends a follow up the ticket will be locked to the old owner.' =>
1725            '',
1726        'System address' => '',
1727        'Will be the sender address of this queue for email answers.' => 'Aadress, millelt selle järjekorra kirjad tulevad.',
1728        'Default sign key' => '',
1729        'To use a sign key, PGP keys or S/MIME certificates need to be added with identifiers for selected queue system address.' =>
1730            '',
1731        'Salutation' => 'Tervitus',
1732        'The salutation for email answers.' => 'Tervitus e-posti vastustes.',
1733        'Signature' => 'Signatuur',
1734        'The signature for email answers.' => 'Signatuur e-posti vastustes.',
1735        'This queue is used in the following config settings:' => '',
1737        # Template: AdminQueueAutoResponse
1738        'Manage Queue-Auto Response Relations' => '',
1739        'Change Auto Response Relations for Queue' => '',
1740        'This filter allow you to show queues without auto responses' => '',
1741        'Queues without Auto Responses' => '',
1742        'This filter allow you to show all queues' => '',
1743        'Show All Queues' => '',
1744        'Auto Responses' => 'Automaatvastused',
1746        # Template: AdminQueueTemplates
1747        'Manage Template-Queue Relations' => 'Halda mallide <-> järjekordade seoseid',
1748        'Filter for Templates' => 'Mallide filter',
1749        'Filter for templates' => '',
1750        'Templates' => 'Mallid',
1752        # Template: AdminRegistration
1753        'System Registration Management' => '',
1754        'Edit System Registration' => '',
1755        'System Registration Overview' => '',
1756        'Register System' => '',
1757        'Validate OTRS-ID' => '',
1758        'Deregister System' => '',
1759        'Edit details' => '',
1760        'Show transmitted data' => '',
1761        'Deregister system' => '',
1762        'Overview of registered systems' => '',
1763        'This system is registered with OTRS Group.' => '',
1764        'System type' => '',
1765        'Unique ID' => '',
1766        'Last communication with registration server' => '',
1767        'System Registration not Possible' => '',
1768        'Please note that you can\'t register your system if OTRS Daemon is not running correctly!' =>
1769            '',
1770        'Instructions' => '',
1771        'System Deregistration not Possible' => '',
1772        'Please note that you can\'t deregister your system if you\'re using the %s or having a valid service contract.' =>
1773            '',
1774        'OTRS-ID Login' => '',
1775        'Read more' => 'Loe lisaks',
1776        'You need to log in with your OTRS-ID to register your system.' =>
1777            '',
1778        'Your OTRS-ID is the email address you used to sign up on the OTRS.com webpage.' =>
1779            '',
1780        'Data Protection' => '',
1781        'What are the advantages of system registration?' => '',
1782        'You will receive updates about relevant security releases.' => '',
1783        'With your system registration we can improve our services for you, because we have all relevant information available.' =>
1784            '',
1785        'This is only the beginning!' => '',
1786        'We will inform you about our new services and offerings soon.' =>
1787            '',
1788        'Can I use OTRS without being registered?' => '',
1789        'System registration is optional.' => '',
1790        'You can download and use OTRS without being registered.' => '',
1791        'Is it possible to deregister?' => '',
1792        'You can deregister at any time.' => '',
1793        'Which data is transfered when registering?' => '',
1794        'A registered system sends the following data to OTRS Group:' => '',
1795        'Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), OTRS version, Database, Operating System and Perl version.' =>
1796            '',
1797        'Why do I have to provide a description for my system?' => '',
1798        'The description of the system is optional.' => '',
1799        'The description and system type you specify help you to identify and manage the details of your registered systems.' =>
1800            '',
1801        'How often does my OTRS system send updates?' => '',
1802        'Your system will send updates to the registration server at regular intervals.' =>
1803            '',
1804        'Typically this would be around once every three days.' => '',
1805        'If you deregister your system, you will lose these benefits:' =>
1806            '',
1807        'You need to log in with your OTRS-ID to deregister your system.' =>
1808            '',
1809        'OTRS-ID' => '',
1810        'You don\'t have an OTRS-ID yet?' => '',
1811        'Sign up now' => '',
1812        'Forgot your password?' => '',
1813        'Retrieve a new one' => '',
1814        'Next' => 'Edasi',
1815        'This data will be frequently transferred to OTRS Group when you register this system.' =>
1816            '',
1817        'Attribute' => '',
1818        'FQDN' => '',
1819        'OTRS Version' => '',
1820        'Operating System' => '',
1821        'Perl Version' => 'Perli versioon',
1822        'Optional description of this system.' => '',
1823        'Register' => '',
1824        'Continuing with this step will deregister the system from OTRS Group.' =>
1825            '',
1826        'Deregister' => '',
1827        'You can modify registration settings here.' => '',
1828        'Overview of Transmitted Data' => '',
1829        'There is no data regularly sent from your system to %s.' => '',
1830        'The following data is sent at minimum every 3 days from your system to %s.' =>
1831            '',
1832        'The data will be transferred in JSON format via a secure https connection.' =>
1833            '',
1834        'System Registration Data' => '',
1835        'Support Data' => '',
1837        # Template: AdminRole
1838        'Role Management' => 'Rollide haldamine',
1839        'Add Role' => 'Rolli lisamine',
1840        'Edit Role' => 'Rolli muutmine',
1841        'Filter for Roles' => 'Rollide filter',
1842        'Filter for roles' => '',
1843        'Create a role and put groups in it. Then add the role to the users.' =>
1844            'Tee roll ja lisa sinna rühmad. Seejärel seo rollid kasutajatega.',
1845        'There are no roles defined. Please use the \'Add\' button to create a new role.' =>
1846            '',
1848        # Template: AdminRoleGroup
1849        'Manage Role-Group Relations' => 'Rolli-Rühma suhete haldamine',
1850        'Roles' => 'Rollid',
1851        'Select the role:group permissions.' => '',
1852        'If nothing is selected, then there are no permissions in this group (tickets will not be available for the role).' =>
1853            '',
1854        'Toggle %s permission for all' => '',
1855        'move_into' => 'liiguta_siia',
1856        'Permissions to move tickets into this group/queue.' => 'Õigus liigutada intsidente siia rühma/järjekorda.',
1857        'create' => 'tekita',
1858        'Permissions to create tickets in this group/queue.' => 'Õigus tekitada sellesse rühma/järjekorda intsidente.',
1859        'note' => 'Märkus',
1860        'Permissions to add notes to tickets in this group/queue.' => '',
1861        'owner' => 'omanik',
1862        'Permissions to change the owner of tickets in this group/queue.' =>
1863            '',
1864        'priority' => 'prioriteet',
1865        'Permissions to change the ticket priority in this group/queue.' =>
1866            'Õigus muuta selle grupi/järjekorra intsidentide prioriteete.',
1868        # Template: AdminRoleUser
1869        'Manage Agent-Role Relations' => 'Töötajate ja rollide suhete haldamine',
1870        'Add Agent' => 'Töötaja lisamine',
1871        'Filter for Agents' => 'Töötajate filter',
1872        'Filter for agents' => '',
1873        'Agents' => 'Töötajad',
1874        'Manage Role-Agent Relations' => '',
1876        # Template: AdminSLA
1877        'SLA Management' => 'SLA haldus',
1878        'Edit SLA' => 'SLA muutmine',
1879        'Add SLA' => 'SLA lisamine',
1880        'Filter for SLAs' => '',
1881        'Please write only numbers!' => '',
1883        # Template: AdminSMIME
1884        'S/MIME Management' => 'S/MIME haldamine',
1885        'Add Certificate' => 'Sertifikaadi lisamine',
1886        'Add Private Key' => 'Privaatvõtme lisamine',
1887        'SMIME support is disabled' => '',
1888        'To be able to use SMIME in OTRS, you have to enable it first.' =>
1889            '',
1890        'Enable SMIME support' => '',
1891        'Faulty SMIME configuration' => '',
1892        'SMIME support is enabled, but the relevant configuration contains errors. Please check the configuration using the button below.' =>
1893            '',
1894        'Check SMIME configuration' => '',
1895        'Filter for Certificates' => '',
1896        'Filter for certificates' => 'Sertifikaatide filter',
1897        'To show certificate details click on a certificate icon.' => '',
1898        'To manage private certificate relations click on a private key icon.' =>
1899            '',
1900        'Here you can add relations to your private certificate, these will be embedded to the S/MIME signature every time you use this certificate to sign an email.' =>
1901            '',
1902        'See also' => 'Vaata lisaks',
1903        'In this way you can directly edit the certification and private keys in file system.' =>
1904            'Nii saad otse hallata sertifikaate ja võtmeid failisüsteemis.',
1905        'Hash' => 'Räsi',
1906        'Create' => 'Loo',
1907        'Handle related certificates' => '',
1908        'Read certificate' => '',
1909        'Delete this certificate' => '',
1910        'File' => 'Fail',
1911        'Secret' => 'Saladus',
1912        'Related Certificates for' => '',
1913        'Delete this relation' => '',
1914        'Available Certificates' => '',
1915        'Filter for S/MIME certs' => '',
1916        'Relate this certificate' => '',
1918        # Template: AdminSMIMECertRead
1919        'S/MIME Certificate' => 'S/MIME sertifikaat',
1920        'Close this dialog' => '',
1921        'Certificate Details' => '',
1923        # Template: AdminSalutation
1924        'Salutation Management' => 'Tervituste haldus',
1925        'Add Salutation' => 'Lisa tervitus',
1926        'Edit Salutation' => '',
1927        'Filter for Salutations' => '',
1928        'Filter for salutations' => '',
1929        'e. g.' => '',
1930        'Example salutation' => '',
1932        # Template: AdminSecureMode
1933        'Secure Mode Needs to be Enabled!' => '',
1934        'Secure mode will (normally) be set after the initial installation is completed.' =>
1935            '',
1936        'If secure mode is not activated, activate it via SysConfig because your application is already running.' =>
1937            '',
1939        # Template: AdminSelectBox
1940        'SQL Box' => 'SQL aken',
1941        'Filter for Results' => '',
1942        'Filter for results' => '',
1943        'Here you can enter SQL to send it directly to the application database. It is not possible to change the content of the tables, only select queries are allowed.' =>
1944            '',
1945        'Here you can enter SQL to send it directly to the application database.' =>
1946            '',
1947        'Options' => 'Valikud',
1948        'Only select queries are allowed.' => '',
1949        'The syntax of your SQL query has a mistake. Please check it.' =>
1950            '',
1951        'There is at least one parameter missing for the binding. Please check it.' =>
1952            '',
1953        'Result format' => '',
1954        'Run Query' => '',
1955        '%s Results' => '',
1956        'Query is executed.' => '',
1958        # Template: AdminService
1959        'Service Management' => 'Teenuste haldus',
1960        'Add Service' => 'Teenuse lisamine',
1961        'Edit Service' => 'Teenuse muutmine',
1962        'Service name maximum length is 200 characters (with Sub-service).' =>
1963            '',
1964        'Sub-service of' => 'Alamteenuseks teenusele',
1966        # Template: AdminSession
1967        'Session Management' => 'Sessioonihaldus',
1968        'Detail Session View for %s (%s)' => '',
1969        'All sessions' => 'Kõik seansid',
1970        'Agent sessions' => 'Töötaja seansid',
1971        'Customer sessions' => '',
1972        'Unique agents' => '',
1973        'Unique customers' => '',
1974        'Kill all sessions' => 'Tapa kõik seansid',
1975        'Kill this session' => 'Tapa see seanss',
1976        'Filter for Sessions' => '',
1977        'Filter for sessions' => '',
1978        'Session' => 'Seanss',
1979        'User' => 'Kasutaja',
1980        'Kill' => 'Tapa',
1981        'Detail View for SessionID: %s - %s' => '',
1983        # Template: AdminSignature
1984        'Signature Management' => 'Signatuuride haldus',
1985        'Add Signature' => 'Lisa signatuur',
1986        'Edit Signature' => '',
1987        'Filter for Signatures' => '',
1988        'Filter for signatures' => '',
1989        'Example signature' => '',
1991        # Template: AdminState
1992        'State Management' => 'Olekute haldus',
1993        'Add State' => 'Oleku lisamine',
1994        'Edit State' => '',
1995        'Filter for States' => '',
1996        'Filter for states' => '',
1997        'Attention' => 'Tähelepanu',
1998        'Please also update the states in SysConfig where needed.' => '',
1999        'This state is present in a SysConfig setting, confirmation for updating settings to point to the new type is needed!' =>
2000            '',
2001        'State type' => '',
2002        'It\'s not possible to invalidate this entry because there is no other merge states in system!' =>
2003            '',
2004        'This state is used in the following config settings:' => '',
2006        # Template: AdminSupportDataCollector
2007        'Sending support data to OTRS Group is not possible!' => '',
2008        'Enable Cloud Services' => '',
2009        'This data is sent to OTRS Group on a regular basis. To stop sending this data please update your system registration.' =>
2010            '',
2011        'You can manually trigger the Support Data sending by pressing this button:' =>
2012            '',
2013        'Send Update' => '',
2014        'Currently this data is only shown in this system.' => '',
2015        'A support bundle (including: system registration information, support data, a list of installed packages and all locally modified source code files) can be generated by pressing this button:' =>
2016            '',
2017        'Generate Support Bundle' => '',
2018        'The Support Bundle has been Generated' => '',
2019        'Please choose one of the following options.' => '',
2020        'Send by Email' => '',
2021        'The support bundle is too large to send it by email, this option has been disabled.' =>
2022            '',
2023        'The email address for this user is invalid, this option has been disabled.' =>
2024            '',
2025        'Sending' => 'Saatja',
2026        'The support bundle will be sent to OTRS Group via email automatically.' =>
2027            '',
2028        'Download File' => '',
2029        'A file containing the support bundle will be downloaded to the local system. Please save the file and send it to the OTRS Group, using an alternate method.' =>
2030            '',
2031        'Error: Support data could not be collected (%s).' => '',
2032        'Details' => '',
2034        # Template: AdminSystemAddress
2035        'System Email Addresses Management' => 'Süsteemi epostiaadresside haldus',
2036        'Add System Email Address' => '',
2037        'Edit System Email Address' => '',
2038        'Add System Address' => '',
2039        'Filter for System Addresses' => '',
2040        'Filter for system addresses' => '',
2041        'All incoming email with this address in To or Cc will be dispatched to the selected queue.' =>
2042            '',
2043        'Email address' => 'E-posti aadress',
2044        'Display name' => 'Kuvatav nimi',
2045        'This email address is already used as system email address.' => '',
2046        'The display name and email address will be shown on mail you send.' =>
2047            '',
2048        'This system address cannot be set to invalid.' => '',
2049        'This system address cannot be set to invalid, because it is used in one or more queue(s) or auto response(s).' =>
2050            '',
2052        # Template: AdminSystemConfiguration
2053        'online administrator documentation' => '',
2054        'System configuration' => '',
2055        'Navigate through the available settings by using the tree in the navigation box on the left side.' =>
2056            '',
2057        'Find certain settings by using the search field below or from search icon from the top navigation.' =>
2058            '',
2059        'Find out how to use the system configuration by reading the %s.' =>
2060            '',
2061        'Search in all settings...' => '',
2062        'There are currently no settings available. Please make sure to run \'otrs.Console.pl Maint::Config::Rebuild\' before using the software.' =>
2063            '',
2065        # Template: AdminSystemConfigurationDeployment
2066        'Changes Deployment' => '',
2067        'Help' => '',
2068        'This is an overview of all settings which will be part of the deployment if you start it now. You can compare each setting to its former state by clicking the icon on the top right.' =>
2069            '',
2070        'To exclude certain settings from a deployment, click the checkbox on the header bar of a setting.' =>
2071            '',
2072        'By default, you will only deploy settings which you changed on your own. If you\'d like to deploy settings changed by other users, too, please click the link on top of the screen to enter the advanced deployment mode.' =>
2073            '',
2074        'A deployment has just been restored, which means that all affected setting have been reverted to the state from the selected deployment.' =>
2075            '',
2076        'Please review the changed settings and deploy afterwards.' => '',
2077        'An empty list of changes means that there are no differences between the restored and the current state of the affected settings.' =>
2078            '',
2079        'Changes Overview' => '',
2080        'There are %s changed settings which will be deployed in this run.' =>
2081            '',
2082        'Switch to basic mode to deploy settings only changed by you.' =>
2083            '',
2084        'You have %s changed settings which will be deployed in this run.' =>
2085            '',
2086        'Switch to advanced mode to deploy settings changed by other users, too.' =>
2087            '',
2088        'There are no settings to be deployed.' => '',
2089        'Switch to advanced mode to see deployable settings changed by other users.' =>
2090            '',
2091        'Deploy selected changes' => '',
2093        # Template: AdminSystemConfigurationGroup
2094        'This group doesn\'t contain any settings. Please try navigating to one of its sub groups.' =>
2095            '',
2097        # Template: AdminSystemConfigurationImportExport
2098        'Import & Export' => '',
2099        'Upload a file to be imported to your system (.yml format as exported from the System Configuration module).' =>
2100            '',
2101        'Upload system configuration' => '',
2102        'Import system configuration' => '',
2103        'Download current configuration settings of your system in a .yml file.' =>
2104            '',
2105        'Include user settings' => '',
2106        'Export current configuration' => '',
2108        # Template: AdminSystemConfigurationSearch
2109        'Search for' => '',
2110        'Search for category' => '',
2111        'Settings I\'m currently editing' => '',
2112        'Your search for "%s" in category "%s" did not return any results.' =>
2113            '',
2114        'Your search for "%s" in category "%s" returned one result.' => '',
2115        'Your search for "%s" in category "%s" returned %s results.' => '',
2116        'You\'re currently not editing any settings.' => '',
2117        'You\'re currently editing %s setting(s).' => '',
2119        # Template: AdminSystemConfigurationSearchDialog
2120        'Category' => 'Kategooria',
2121        'Run search' => 'Käivita otsing',
2123        # Template: AdminSystemConfigurationView
2124        'View a custom List of Settings' => '',
2125        'View single Setting: %s' => '',
2126        'Go back to Deployment Details' => '',
2128        # Template: AdminSystemMaintenance
2129        'System Maintenance Management' => '',
2130        'Schedule New System Maintenance' => '',
2131        'Filter for System Maintenances' => '',
2132        'Filter for system maintenances' => '',
2133        'Schedule a system maintenance period for announcing the Agents and Customers the system is down for a time period.' =>
2134            '',
2135        'Some time before this system maintenance starts the users will receive a notification on each screen announcing about this fact.' =>
2136            '',
2137        'Stop date' => 'Lõpp',
2138        'Delete System Maintenance' => '',
2140        # Template: AdminSystemMaintenanceEdit
2141        'Edit System Maintenance' => '',
2142        'Edit System Maintenance Information' => '',
2143        'Date invalid!' => 'Vigane kuupäev!',
2144        'Login message' => 'Sisselogimise teade',
2145        'This field must have less then 250 characters.' => '',
2146        'Show login message' => 'Näita sisselogimise teadet',
2147        'Notify message' => '',
2148        'Manage Sessions' => 'Halda seansse',
2149        'All Sessions' => 'Kõik seansid',
2150        'Agent Sessions' => 'Töötaja seansid',
2151        'Customer Sessions' => 'Kliendi seansid',
2152        'Kill all Sessions, except for your own' => '',
2154        # Template: AdminTemplate
2155        'Template Management' => '',
2156        'Add Template' => 'Lisa mall',
2157        'Edit Template' => 'Muuda malli',
2158        'A template is a default text which helps your agents to write faster tickets, answers or forwards.' =>
2159            '',
2160        'Don\'t forget to add new templates to queues.' => '',
2161        'Attachments' => 'Manused',
2162        'Delete this entry' => 'Kustuta see kirje',
2163        'Do you really want to delete this template?' => '',
2164        'A standard template with this name already exists!' => '',
2165        'Template' => 'Mall',
2166        'To get the first 20 characters of the subject of the current/latest agent article (current for Answer and Forward, latest for Note template type). This tag is not supported for other template types.' =>
2167            '',
2168        'To get the first 5 lines of the body of the current/latest agent article (current for Answer and Forward, latest for Note template type). This tag is not supported for other template types.' =>
2169            '',
2170        'To get the first 20 characters of the subject of the current/latest article (current for Answer and Forward, latest for Note template type). This tag is not supported for other template types.' =>
2171            '',
2172        'To get the first 5 lines of the body of the current/latest article (current for Answer and Forward, latest for Note template type). This tag is not supported for other template types.' =>
2173            '',
2174        'Create type templates only supports this smart tags' => '',
2175        'Example template' => 'Näidismall',
2176        'The current ticket state is' => 'Intsidendi olek on',
2177        'Your email address is' => 'Teie e-posti aadress on',
2179        # Template: AdminTemplateAttachment
2180        'Manage Template-Attachment Relations' => '',
2181        'Toggle active for all' => '',
2182        'Link %s to selected %s' => '',
2184        # Template: AdminType
2185        'Type Management' => 'Tüüpide haldus',
2186        'Add Type' => 'Tüübi lisamine',
2187        'Edit Type' => 'Tüübi muutmine',
2188        'Filter for Types' => '',
2189        'Filter for types' => '',
2190        'A type with this name already exists!' => '',
2191        'This type is present in a SysConfig setting, confirmation for updating settings to point to the new type is needed!' =>
2192            '',
2193        'This type is used in the following config settings:' => '',
2195        # Template: AdminUser
2196        'Agent Management' => 'Töötajate haldamine',
2197        'Edit Agent' => 'Töötaja muutmine',
2198        'Edit personal preferences for this agent' => '',
2199        'Agents will be needed to handle tickets.' => 'Töötajaid läheb tarvis intsidentide käsitlemiseks.',
2200        'Don\'t forget to add a new agent to groups and/or roles!' => 'Ärge unustage uusi töötajaid gruppidesse ja rollidesse lisamast!',
2201        'Please enter a search term to look for agents.' => '',
2202        'Last login' => 'Viimane sisselogimine',
2203        'Switch to agent' => '',
2204        'Title or salutation' => '',
2205        'Firstname' => 'Eesnimi',
2206        'Lastname' => 'Perenimi',
2207        'A user with this username already exists!' => '',
2208        'Will be auto-generated if left empty.' => '',
2209        'Mobile' => 'Mobiil',
2210        'Effective Permissions for Agent' => '',
2211        'This agent has no group permissions.' => '',
2212        'Table above shows effective group permissions for the agent. The matrix takes into account all inherited permissions (e.g. via roles).' =>
2213            '',
2215        # Template: AdminUserGroup
2216        'Manage Agent-Group Relations' => '',
2218        # Template: AgentAppointmentAgendaOverview
2219        'Agenda Overview' => '',
2220        'Manage Calendars' => '',
2221        'Add Appointment' => '',
2222        'Today' => 'Täna',
2223        'All-day' => 'kogu päev',
2224        'Repeat' => '',
2225        'Notification' => 'Teavitus',
2226        'Yes' => 'Jah',
2227        'No' => 'Ei',
2228        'No calendars found. Please add a calendar first by using Manage Calendars page.' =>
2229            '',
2231        # Template: AgentAppointmentCalendarOverview
2232        'Add new Appointment' => '',
2233        'Calendars' => '',
2235        # Template: AgentAppointmentEdit
2236        'Basic information' => '',
2237        'Date/Time' => '',
2238        'Invalid date!' => 'Vigane kuupäev!',
2239        'Please set this to value before End date.' => '',
2240        'Please set this to value after Start date.' => '',
2241        'This an occurrence of a repeating appointment.' => '',
2242        'Click here to see the parent appointment.' => '',
2243        'Click here to edit the parent appointment.' => '',
2244        'Frequency' => '',
2245        'Every' => '',
2246        'day(s)' => 'päev(a)',
2247        'week(s)' => 'nädal(at)',
2248        'month(s)' => 'kuu(d)',
2249        'year(s)' => 'aasta(t)',
2250        'On' => 'Sisse',
2251        'Monday' => 'esmaspäev',
2252        'Mon' => 'E',
2253        'Tuesday' => 'teisipäev',
2254        'Tue' => 'T',
2255        'Wednesday' => 'kolmapäev',
2256        'Wed' => 'K',
2257        'Thursday' => 'neljapäev',
2258        'Thu' => 'N',
2259        'Friday' => 'reede',
2260        'Fri' => 'R',
2261        'Saturday' => 'laupäev',
2262        'Sat' => 'L',
2263        'Sunday' => 'pühapäev',
2264        'Sun' => 'P',
2265        'January' => 'Jaanuar',
2266        'Jan' => 'Jaan',
2267        'February' => 'Veebruar',
2268        'Feb' => 'Veeb',
2269        'March' => 'Märts',
2270        'Mar' => 'Mär',
2271        'April' => 'Aprill',
2272        'Apr' => 'Apr',
2273        'May_long' => 'Mai',
2274        'May' => 'Mai',
2275        'June' => 'Juuni',
2276        'Jun' => 'Jun',
2277        'July' => 'Juuli',
2278        'Jul' => 'Jul',
2279        'August' => 'August',
2280        'Aug' => 'Aug',
2281        'September' => 'September',
2282        'Sep' => 'Sept',
2283        'October' => 'Oktoober',
2284        'Oct' => 'Okt',
2285        'November' => 'November',
2286        'Nov' => 'Nov',
2287        'December' => 'Detsember',
2288        'Dec' => 'Dets',
2289        'Relative point of time' => '',
2290        'Link' => 'Viide',
2291        'Remove entry' => '',
2293        # Template: AgentCustomerInformationCenter
2294        'Customer Information Center' => '',
2296        # Template: AgentCustomerInformationCenterSearch
2297        'Customer User' => 'Klientkasutaja',
2299        # Template: AgentCustomerTableView
2300        'Note: Customer is invalid!' => '',
2301        'Start chat' => '',
2302        'Video call' => '',
2303        'Audio call' => '',
2305        # Template: AgentCustomerUserAddressBook
2306        'Customer User Address Book' => '',
2307        'Search for recipients and add the results as \'%s\'.' => '',
2308        'Search template' => 'Otsingumall',
2309        'Create Template' => 'Malli loomine',
2310        'Create New' => 'Loo uus',
2311        'Save changes in template' => '',
2312        'Filters in use' => 'kasutatavad filtrid',
2313        'Additional filters' => '',
2314        'Add another attribute' => 'Lisa parameeter',
2315        'The attributes with the identifier \'(Customer)\' are from the customer company.' =>
2316            '',
2317        '(e. g. Term* or *Term*)' => '',
2319        # Template: AgentCustomerUserAddressBookOverview
2320        'Select all' => 'Vali kõik',
2321        'The customer user is already selected in the ticket mask.' => '',
2322        'Select this customer user' => '',
2323        'Add selected customer user to' => '',
2325        # Template: AgentCustomerUserAddressBookOverviewNavBar
2326        'Change search options' => 'Muuda otsingut',
2328        # Template: AgentCustomerUserInformationCenter
2329        'Customer User Information Center' => '',
2331        # Template: AgentDaemonInfo
2332        'The OTRS Daemon is a daemon process that performs asynchronous tasks, e.g. ticket escalation triggering, email sending, etc.' =>
2333            '',
2334        'A running OTRS Daemon is mandatory for correct system operation.' =>
2335            '',
2336        'Starting the OTRS Daemon' => '',
2337        'Make sure that the file \'%s\' exists (without .dist extension). This cron job will check every 5 minutes if the OTRS Daemon is running and start it if needed.' =>
2338            '',
2339        'Execute \'%s start\' to make sure the cron jobs of the \'otrs\' user are active.' =>
2340            '',
2341        'After 5 minutes, check that the OTRS Daemon is running in the system (\'bin/otrs.Daemon.pl status\').' =>
2342            '',
2344        # Template: AgentDashboard
2345        'Dashboard' => 'Töölaud',
2347        # Template: AgentDashboardAppointmentCalendar
2348        'New Appointment' => '',
2349        'Tomorrow' => 'Homme',
2350        'Soon' => '',
2351        '5 days' => '',
2352        'Start' => 'Käivita',
2353        'none' => 'puudub',
2355        # Template: AgentDashboardCalendarOverview
2356        'in' => '',
2358        # Template: AgentDashboardCommon
2359        'Save settings' => '',
2360        'Close this widget' => '',
2361        'more' => 'rohkem',
2362        'Available Columns' => '',
2363        'Visible Columns (order by drag & drop)' => '',
2365        # Template: AgentDashboardCustomerIDList
2366        'Change Customer Relations' => '',
2367        'Open' => 'Avatud',
2368        'Closed' => 'Suletud',
2369        '%s open ticket(s) of %s' => '',
2370        '%s closed ticket(s) of %s' => '',
2371        'Edit customer ID' => '',
2373        # Template: AgentDashboardCustomerIDStatus
2374        'Escalated tickets' => '',
2375        'Open tickets' => 'Avatud intsidendid',
2376        'Closed tickets' => 'Suletud intsidendid',
2377        'All tickets' => 'Kõik intsidendid',
2378        'Archived tickets' => 'Arhiveeritud intsidendid',
2380        # Template: AgentDashboardCustomerUserInformation
2381        'Note: Customer User is invalid!' => '',
2383        # Template: AgentDashboardCustomerUserList
2384        'Customer user information' => '',
2385        'Phone ticket' => '',
2386        'Email ticket' => '',
2387        'New phone ticket from %s' => '',
2388        'New email ticket to %s' => '',
2390        # Template: AgentDashboardProductNotify
2391        '%s %s is available!' => '%s %s on saadaval!',
2392        'Please update now.' => 'Palun uuenda nüüd.',
2393        'Release Note' => 'Väljalaske teated',
2394        'Level' => 'Tase',
2396        # Template: AgentDashboardRSSOverview
2397        'Posted %s ago.' => 'Postitatud %s tagasi.',
2399        # Template: AgentDashboardStats
2400        'The configuration for this statistic widget contains errors, please review your settings.' =>
2401            '',
2402        'Download as SVG file' => '',
2403        'Download as PNG file' => '',
2404        'Download as CSV file' => '',
2405        'Download as Excel file' => '',
2406        'Download as PDF file' => '',
2407        'Please select a valid graph output format in the configuration of this widget.' =>
2408            '',
2409        'The content of this statistic is being prepared for you, please be patient.' =>
2410            '',
2411        'This statistic can currently not be used because its configuration needs to be corrected by the statistics administrator.' =>
2412            '',
2414        # Template: AgentDashboardTicketGeneric
2415        'Assigned to customer user' => '',
2416        'Accessible for customer user' => '',
2417        'My locked tickets' => 'Minu lukustatud intsidendid',
2418        'My watched tickets' => 'Minu jälgitavad intsidendid',
2419        'My responsibilities' => 'Minu vastutusel olevad intsidendid',
2420        'Tickets in My Queues' => 'Intsidendid minu järjekordades',
2421        'Tickets in My Services' => '',
2422        'Service Time' => 'Teeinindusaeg',
2424        # Template: AgentDashboardTicketQueueOverview
2425        'Total' => '',
2427        # Template: AgentDashboardUserOnline
2428        'out of office' => 'töölt eemal',
2430        # Template: AgentDashboardUserOutOfOffice
2431        'until' => 'kuni',
2433        # Template: AgentInfo
2434        'To accept some news, a license or some changes.' => '',
2435        'Yes, accepted.' => '',
2437        # Template: AgentLinkObject
2438        'Manage links for %s' => '',
2439        'Create new links' => '',
2440        'Manage existing links' => '',
2441        'Link with' => '',
2442        'Start search' => '',
2443        'There are currently no links. Please click \'Create new Links\' on the top to link this item to other objects.' =>
2444            '',
2446        # Template: AgentOTRSBusinessBlockScreen
2447        'Unauthorized usage of %s detected' => '',
2448        'If you decide to downgrade to ((OTRS)) Community Edition, you will lose all database tables and data related to %s.' =>
2449            '',
2451        # Template: AgentPreferences
2452        'Edit your preferences' => 'Muuda enese eelistusi',
2453        'Personal Preferences' => '',
2454        'Preferences' => 'Eelistused',
2455        'Please note: you\'re currently editing the preferences of %s.' =>
2456            '',
2457        'Go back to editing this agent' => '',
2458        'Set up your personal preferences. Save each setting by clicking the checkmark on the right.' =>
2459            '',
2460        'You can use the navigation tree below to only show settings from certain groups.' =>
2461            '',
2462        'Dynamic Actions' => '',
2463        'Filter settings...' => '',
2464        'Filter for settings' => '',
2465        'Save all settings' => '',
2466        'Avatars have been disabled by the system administrator. You\'ll see your initials instead.' =>
2467            '',
2468        'You can change your avatar image by registering with your email address %s at %s. Please note that it can take some time until your new avatar becomes available because of caching.' =>
2469            '',
2470        'Off' => 'Välja',
2471        'End' => 'Lõpp',
2472        'This setting can currently not be saved.' => '',
2473        'This setting can currently not be saved' => '',
2474        'Save this setting' => '',
2475        'Did you know? You can help translating OTRS at %s.' => 'Tõlkele saate kaasa aidata %s veebilehel.',
2477        # Template: SettingsList
2478        'Reset to default' => '',
2480        # Template: AgentPreferencesOverview
2481        'Choose from the groups on the right to find the settings you\'d wish to change.' =>
2482            '',
2483        'Did you know?' => '',
2484        'You can change your avatar by registering with your email address %s on %s' =>
2485            '',
2487        # Template: AgentSplitSelection
2488        'Target' => '',
2489        'Process' => '',
2490        'Split' => '',
2492        # Template: AgentStatisticsAdd
2493        'Statistics Management' => '',
2494        'Add Statistics' => '',
2495        'Read more about statistics in OTRS' => '',
2496        'Dynamic Matrix' => '',
2497        'Each cell contains a singular data point.' => '',
2498        'Dynamic List' => '',
2499        'Each row contains data of one entity.' => '',
2500        'Static' => '',
2501        'Non-configurable complex statistics.' => '',
2502        'General Specification' => '',
2503        'Create Statistic' => '',
2505        # Template: AgentStatisticsEdit
2506        'Edit Statistics' => '',
2507        'Run now' => '',
2508        'Statistics Preview' => '',
2509        'Save Statistic' => '',
2511        # Template: AgentStatisticsImport
2512        'Import Statistics' => '',
2513        'Import Statistics Configuration' => '',
2515        # Template: AgentStatisticsOverview
2516        'Statistics' => 'Statistika',
2517        'Run' => '',
2518        'Edit statistic "%s".' => '',
2519        'Export statistic "%s"' => '',
2520        'Export statistic %s' => '',
2521        'Delete statistic "%s"' => '',
2522        'Delete statistic %s' => '',
2524        # Template: AgentStatisticsView
2525        'Statistics Overview' => '',
2526        'View Statistics' => '',
2527        'Statistics Information' => '',
2528        'Created by' => 'Loonud:',
2529        'Changed by' => 'Muutnud:',
2530        'Sum rows' => 'Ridade summa',
2531        'Sum columns' => 'Veergude summa',
2532        'Show as dashboard widget' => '',
2533        'Cache' => 'Puhver',
2534        'This statistic contains configuration errors and can currently not be used.' =>
2535            '',
2537        # Template: AgentTicketActionCommon
2538        'Change Free Text of %s%s%s' => '',
2539        'Change Owner of %s%s%s' => '',
2540        'Close %s%s%s' => '',
2541        'Add Note to %s%s%s' => '',
2542        'Set Pending Time for %s%s%s' => '',
2543        'Change Priority of %s%s%s' => '',
2544        'Change Responsible of %s%s%s' => '',
2545        'All fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.' => 'Kõik tärniga (*) märgitud väljad peavad olema täidetud.',
2546        'The ticket has been locked' => 'Intsident on lukustatud',
2547        'Undo & close' => '',
2548        'Ticket Settings' => 'Intsidentide seaded',
2549        'Queue invalid.' => '',
2550        'Service invalid.' => 'Teenus ebasobiv.',
2551        'SLA invalid.' => '',
2552        'New Owner' => 'Uus omanik',
2553        'Please set a new owner!' => 'Palun määra uus omanik!',
2554        'Owner invalid.' => '',
2555        'New Responsible' => '',
2556        'Please set a new responsible!' => '',
2557        'Responsible invalid.' => '',
2558        'Next state' => 'Järmine olek',
2559        'State invalid.' => '',
2560        'For all pending* states.' => '',
2561        'Add Article' => '',
2562        'Create an Article' => '',
2563        'Inform agents' => '',
2564        'Inform involved agents' => '',
2565        'Here you can select additional agents which should receive a notification regarding the new article.' =>
2566            '',
2567        'Text will also be received by' => '',
2568        'Text Template' => '',
2569        'Setting a template will overwrite any text or attachment.' => '',
2570        'Invalid time!' => 'Vigane aeg!',
2572        # Template: AgentTicketBounce
2573        'Bounce %s%s%s' => '',
2574        'Bounce to' => 'Põrgata töötajale',
2575        'You need a email address.' => '',
2576        'Need a valid email address or don\'t use a local email address.' =>
2577            '',
2578        'Next ticket state' => 'Intsidendi järgmine olek',
2579        'Inform sender' => 'Teavita saatjat',
2580        'Send mail' => 'Saada kiri!',
2582        # Template: AgentTicketBulk
2583        'Ticket Bulk Action' => 'Hulgitegevused intsidentidega',
2584        'Send Email' => 'E-posti saatmine',
2585        'Merge' => 'Ühenda',
2586        'Merge to' => 'Ühenda intsidendiga',
2587        'Invalid ticket identifier!' => '',
2588        'Merge to oldest' => 'Liida vanimaga',
2589        'Link together' => 'Seo kokku',
2590        'Link to parent' => 'Seo ülemaga',
2591        'Unlock tickets' => 'Võta intsidendid lukust lahti',
2592        'Execute Bulk Action' => '',
2594        # Template: AgentTicketCompose
2595        'Compose Answer for %s%s%s' => '',
2596        'This address is registered as system address and cannot be used: %s' =>
2597            '',
2598        'Please include at least one recipient' => '',
2599        'Select one or more recipients from the customer user address book.' =>
2600            '',
2601        'Customer user address book' => '',
2602        'Remove Ticket Customer' => '',
2603        'Please remove this entry and enter a new one with the correct value.' =>
2604            '',
2605        'This address already exists on the address list.' => '',
2606        'Remove Cc' => '',
2607        'Bcc' => 'Pimekoopia',
2608        'Remove Bcc' => '',
2609        'Date Invalid!' => 'Vigane kuupäev!',
2611        # Template: AgentTicketCustomer
2612        'Change Customer of %s%s%s' => '',
2613        'Customer Information' => 'Kliendi teave',
2614        'Customer user' => 'Klientkasutaja',
2616        # Template: AgentTicketEmail
2617        'Create New Email Ticket' => 'Loo uus e-postiga saadetud intsident',
2618        'Example Template' => 'Näidismall',
2619        'From queue' => '',
2620        'To customer user' => '',
2621        'Please include at least one customer user for the ticket.' => 'Lisa piletile vähemalt üks klientkasutaja.',
2622        'Select this customer as the main customer.' => '',
2623        'Remove Ticket Customer User' => '',
2624        'Get all' => '',
2626        # Template: AgentTicketEmailOutbound
2627        'Outbound Email for %s%s%s' => '',
2629        # Template: AgentTicketEmailResend
2630        'Resend Email for %s%s%s' => '',
2632        # Template: AgentTicketEscalation
2633        'Ticket %s: first response time is over (%s/%s)!' => '',
2634        'Ticket %s: first response time will be over in %s/%s!' => '',
2635        'Ticket %s: update time is over (%s/%s)!' => '',
2636        'Ticket %s: update time will be over in %s/%s!' => '',
2637        'Ticket %s: solution time is over (%s/%s)!' => '',
2638        'Ticket %s: solution time will be over in %s/%s!' => '',
2640        # Template: AgentTicketForward
2641        'Forward %s%s%s' => '',
2643        # Template: AgentTicketHistory
2644        'History of %s%s%s' => '',
2645        'Filter for history items' => '',
2646        'Expand/collapse all' => '',
2647        'CreateTime' => '',
2648        'Article' => 'artikkel',
2650        # Template: AgentTicketMerge
2651        'Merge %s%s%s' => '',
2652        'Merge Settings' => '',
2653        'You need to use a ticket number!' => 'Pead kasutama intsidendi numbrit!',
2654        'A valid ticket number is required.' => '',
2655        'Try typing part of the ticket number or title in order to search by it.' =>
2656            '',
2657        'Limit the search to tickets with same Customer ID (%s).' => '',
2658        'Inform Sender' => '',
2659        'Need a valid email address.' => '',
2661        # Template: AgentTicketMove
2662        'Move %s%s%s' => '',
2663        'New Queue' => 'Uus järjekord',
2664        'Move' => 'Liiguta',
2666        # Template: AgentTicketOverviewMedium
2667        'No ticket data found.' => '',
2668        'Open / Close ticket action menu' => '',
2669        'Select this ticket' => '',
2670        'Sender' => 'Saatja',
2671        'First Response Time' => 'Reaktsiooniaeg',
2672        'Update Time' => 'Muutmisaeg',
2673        'Solution Time' => 'Lahendusaeg',
2674        'Move ticket to a different queue' => '',
2675        'Change queue' => 'Muuda järjekorda',
2677        # Template: AgentTicketOverviewNavBar
2678        'Remove active filters for this screen.' => '',
2679        'Tickets per page' => 'Intsidente leheküljel',
2681        # Template: AgentTicketOverviewPreview
2682        'Missing channel' => '',
2684        # Template: AgentTicketOverviewSmall
2685        'Reset overview' => '',
2686        'Column Filters Form' => '',
2688        # Template: AgentTicketPhone
2689        'Split Into New Phone Ticket' => '',
2690        'Save Chat Into New Phone Ticket' => '',
2691        'Create New Phone Ticket' => 'Loo uus telefoni teel edastatud intsident',
2692        'Please include at least one customer for the ticket.' => '',
2693        'To queue' => 'Järjekord',
2694        'Chat protocol' => '',
2695        'The chat will be appended as a separate article.' => '',
2697        # Template: AgentTicketPhoneCommon
2698        'Phone Call for %s%s%s' => '',
2700        # Template: AgentTicketPlain
2701        'View Email Plain Text for %s%s%s' => '',
2702        'Plain' => 'Plain',
2703        'Download this email' => '',
2705        # Template: AgentTicketProcess
2706        'Create New Process Ticket' => '',
2708        # Template: AgentTicketProcessSmall
2709        'Enroll Ticket into a Process' => '',
2711        # Template: AgentTicketSearch
2712        'Profile link' => '',
2713        'Output' => 'Väljund',
2714        'Fulltext' => 'Täistekst',
2715        'Customer ID (complex search)' => '',
2716        '(e. g. 234*)' => '',
2717        'Customer ID (exact match)' => '',
2718        'Assigned to Customer User Login (complex search)' => '',
2719        '(e. g. U51*)' => '',
2720        'Assigned to Customer User Login (exact match)' => '',
2721        'Accessible to Customer User Login (exact match)' => '',
2722        'Created in Queue' => 'Loodud järjekorras',
2723        'Lock state' => 'Luku seisund',
2724        'Watcher' => 'Jälgija',
2725        'Article Create Time (before/after)' => '',
2726        'Article Create Time (between)' => '',
2727        'Please set this to value before end date.' => '',
2728        'Please set this to value after start date.' => '',
2729        'Ticket Create Time (before/after)' => '',
2730        'Ticket Create Time (between)' => '',
2731        'Ticket Change Time (before/after)' => '',
2732        'Ticket Change Time (between)' => '',
2733        'Ticket Last Change Time (before/after)' => '',
2734        'Ticket Last Change Time (between)' => '',
2735        'Ticket Pending Until Time (before/after)' => '',
2736        'Ticket Pending Until Time (between)' => '',
2737        'Ticket Close Time (before/after)' => '',
2738        'Ticket Close Time (between)' => '',
2739        'Ticket Escalation Time (before/after)' => '',
2740        'Ticket Escalation Time (between)' => '',
2741        'Archive Search' => 'Arhiivist otsimine',
2743        # Template: AgentTicketZoom
2744        'Sender Type' => 'Saatja tüüp',
2745        'Save filter settings as default' => '',
2746        'Event Type' => '',
2747        'Save as default' => '',
2748        'Drafts' => '',
2749        'by' => 'teinud',
2750        'Change Queue' => 'Muuda järjekorda',
2751        'There are no dialogs available at this point in the process.' =>
2752            '',
2753        'This item has no articles yet.' => '',
2754        'Ticket Timeline View' => '',
2755        'Article Overview - %s Article(s)' => '',
2756        'Page %s' => '',
2757        'Add Filter' => 'Filtri lisamine',
2758        'Set' => 'Sea',
2759        'Reset Filter' => 'Tühista filter',
2760        'No.' => 'Nr.',
2761        'Unread articles' => '',
2762        'Via' => '',
2763        'Important' => '',
2764        'Unread Article!' => '',
2765        'Incoming message' => '',
2766        'Outgoing message' => '',
2767        'Internal message' => '',
2768        'Sending of this message has failed.' => '',
2769        'Resize' => '',
2770        'Mark this article as read' => '',
2771        'Show Full Text' => '',
2772        'Full Article Text' => '',
2773        'No more events found. Please try changing the filter settings.' =>
2774            '',
2776        # Template: Chat
2777        '#%s' => '',
2778        'via %s' => '',
2779        'by %s' => '',
2780        'Toggle article details' => '',
2782        # Template: MIMEBase
2783        'This message is being processed. Already tried to send %s time(s). Next try will be %s.' =>
2784            '',
2785        'To open links in the following article, you might need to press Ctrl or Cmd or Shift key while clicking the link (depending on your browser and OS).' =>
2786            '',
2787        'Close this message' => '',
2788        'Image' => '',
2789        'PDF' => '',
2790        'Unknown' => '',
2791        'View' => 'Vaata',
2793        # Template: LinkTable
2794        'Linked Objects' => 'Seotud objektid',
2796        # Template: TicketInformation
2797        'Archive' => '',
2798        'This ticket is archived.' => '',
2799        'Note: Type is invalid!' => '',
2800        'Pending till' => 'Ootel kuni',
2801        'Locked' => 'Lukustatud',
2802        '%s Ticket(s)' => '',
2803        'Accounted time' => 'Tööaeg',
2805        # Template: Invalid
2806        'Preview of this article is not possible because %s channel is missing in the system.' =>
2807            '',
2808        'This feature is part of the %s. Please contact us at %s for an upgrade.' =>
2809            '',
2810        'Please re-install %s package in order to display this article.' =>
2811            '',
2813        # Template: AttachmentBlocker
2814        'To protect your privacy, remote content was blocked.' => '',
2815        'Load blocked content.' => 'Lae blokeeritud sisu.',
2817        # Template: Breadcrumb
2818        'Home' => '',
2819        'Back to admin overview' => '',
2821        # Template: CloudServicesDisabled
2822        'This Feature Requires Cloud Services' => '',
2823        'You can' => '',
2824        'go back to the previous page' => 'Tagasi eelmisele lehele',
2826        # Template: CustomerAccept
2827        'Dear Customer,' => '',
2828        'thank you for using our services.' => '',
2829        'Yes, I accept your license.' => '',
2831        # Template: TicketCustomerIDSelection
2832        'The customer ID is not changeable, no other customer ID can be assigned to this ticket.' =>
2833            '',
2834        'First select a customer user, then you can select a customer ID to assign to this ticket.' =>
2835            '',
2836        'Select a customer ID to assign to this ticket.' => '',
2837        'From all Customer IDs' => '',
2838        'From assigned Customer IDs' => '',
2840        # Template: CustomerError
2841        'An Error Occurred' => '',
2842        'Error Details' => 'Vea üksikasjad',
2843        'Traceback' => 'Traceback',
2845        # Template: CustomerFooter
2846        '%s powered by %s™' => '',
2847        'Powered by %s™' => '',
2849        # Template: CustomerFooterJS
2850        '%s detected possible network issues. You could either try reloading this page manually or wait until your browser has re-established the connection on its own.' =>
2851            '',
2852        'The connection has been re-established after a temporary connection loss. Due to this, elements on this page could have stopped to work correctly. In order to be able to use all elements correctly again, it is strongly recommended to reload this page.' =>
2853            '',
2855        # Template: CustomerLogin
2856        'JavaScript Not Available' => '',
2857        'In order to experience this software, you\'ll need to enable JavaScript in your browser.' =>
2858            '',
2859        'Browser Warning' => 'Veebilehitseja hoiatus',
2860        'The browser you are using is too old.' => 'Teie poolt kasutatav veebilehitseja on liiga vana.',
2861        'This software runs with a huge lists of browsers, please upgrade to one of these.' =>
2862            '',
2863        'Please see the documentation or ask your admin for further information.' =>
2864            '',
2865        'One moment please, you are being redirected...' => '',
2866        'Login' => 'Login',
2867        'User name' => 'Kasutajanimi',
2868        'Your user name' => 'Teie kasutajanimi',
2869        'Your password' => 'Teie parool',
2870        'Forgot password?' => 'Kas unustasid parooli?',
2871        '2 Factor Token' => '',
2872        'Your 2 Factor Token' => '',
2873        'Log In' => 'Sisene',
2874        'Not yet registered?' => '',
2875        'Back' => 'Tagasi',
2876        'Request New Password' => 'Küsi uus parool',
2877        'Your User Name' => 'Kasutajanimi',
2878        'A new password will be sent to your email address.' => 'Uus salasõna saadetakse Teie e-posti aadressile,',
2879        'Create Account' => 'Loo konto',
2880        'Please fill out this form to receive login credentials.' => '',
2881        'How we should address you' => '',
2882        'Your First Name' => 'Teie eesnimi',
2883        'Your Last Name' => '',
2884        'Your email address (this will become your username)' => '',
2886        # Template: CustomerNavigationBar
2887        'Incoming Chat Requests' => '',
2888        'Edit personal preferences' => 'Muuda isiklikke eelistusi',
2889        'Logout %s' => '',
2891        # Template: CustomerTicketMessage
2892        'Service level agreement' => 'Teenustaseme leping',
2894        # Template: CustomerTicketOverview
2895        'Welcome!' => 'Tere tulemast!',
2896        'Please click the button below to create your first ticket.' => 'Pileti loomiseks vajuta allolevat nuppu.',
2897        'Create your first ticket' => 'Loo uus pilet',
2899        # Template: CustomerTicketSearch
2900        'Profile' => 'Profiil',
2901        'e. g. 10*5155 or 105658*' => '',
2902        'CustomerID' => 'Kliendi nr.',
2903        'Fulltext Search in Tickets (e. g. "John*n" or "Will*")' => '',
2904        'Types' => 'Tüübid',
2905        'Time Restrictions' => '',
2906        'No time settings' => '',
2907        'All' => 'Kõik',
2908        'Specific date' => '',
2909        'Only tickets created' => '',
2910        'Date range' => '',
2911        'Only tickets created between' => '',
2912        'Ticket Archive System' => '',
2913        'Save Search as Template?' => '',
2914        'Save as Template?' => 'Salvesta kui mall?',
2915        'Save as Template' => 'Salvesta kui mall',
2916        'Template Name' => 'Malli nimi',
2917        'Pick a profile name' => 'vali profiili nimi',
2918        'Output to' => 'Tulemuste formaat',
2920        # Template: CustomerTicketSearchResultShort
2921        'of' => 'ei',
2922        'Page' => 'Lehekülg',
2923        'Search Results for' => '',
2924        'Remove this Search Term.' => '',
2926        # Template: CustomerTicketZoom
2927        'Start a chat from this ticket' => '',
2928        'Next Steps' => '',
2929        'Reply' => '',
2931        # Template: Chat
2932        'Expand article' => '',
2934        # Template: CustomerWarning
2935        'Warning' => 'Hoiatus',
2937        # Template: DashboardEventsTicketCalendar
2938        'Event Information' => 'Sündmuse teave',
2939        'Ticket fields' => 'pileti väljad',
2941        # Template: Error
2942        'Really a bug? 5 out of 10 bug reports result from a wrong or incomplete installation of OTRS.' =>
2943            '',
2944        'With %s, our experts take care of correct installation and cover your back with support and periodic security updates.' =>
2945            '',
2946        'Contact our service team now.' => '',
2947        'Send a bugreport' => 'Saada vearaport',
2948        'Expand' => 'Laienda',
2950        # Template: AttachmentList
2951        'Click to delete this attachment.' => '',
2953        # Template: DraftButtons
2954        'Update draft' => '',
2955        'Save as new draft' => '',
2957        # Template: DraftNotifications
2958        'You have loaded the draft "%s".' => '',
2959        'You have loaded the draft "%s". You last changed it %s.' => '',
2960        'You have loaded the draft "%s". It was last changed %s by %s.' =>
2961            '',
2962        'Please note that this draft is outdated because the ticket was modified since this draft was created.' =>
2963            '',
2965        # Template: Header
2966        'View notifications' => '',
2967        'Notifications' => '',
2968        'Notifications (OTRS Business Solution™)' => '',
2969        'Personal preferences' => '',
2970        'Logout' => 'logi välja',
2971        'You are logged in as' => 'Sisse logitud kasutajana',
2973        # Template: Installer
2974        'JavaScript not available' => 'Ei saa kasutada JavaScript\'i',
2975        'Step %s' => '',
2976        'License' => 'Litsents',
2977        'Database Settings' => 'Andmebaasi seaded',
2978        'General Specifications and Mail Settings' => '',
2979        'Finish' => 'Finish',
2980        'Welcome to %s' => '',
2981        'Germany' => '',
2982        'Phone' => 'Telefon',
2983        'United States' => '',
2984        'Mexico' => '',
2985        'Hungary' => '',
2986        'Brazil' => '',
2987        'Singapore' => '',
2988        'Hong Kong' => '',
2989        'Web site' => '',
2991        # Template: InstallerConfigureMail
2992        'Configure Outbound Mail' => '',
2993        'Outbound mail type' => 'Tüüp',
2994        'Select outbound mail type.' => '',
2995        'Outbound mail port' => '',
2996        'Select outbound mail port.' => '',
2997        'SMTP host' => 'e-posti server',
2998        'SMTP host.' => 'E-posti server.',
2999        'SMTP authentication' => '',
3000        'Does your SMTP host need authentication?' => 'Kas e-posti server kasutab autentimist?',
3001        'SMTP auth user' => '',
3002        'Username for SMTP auth.' => '',
3003        'SMTP auth password' => '',
3004        'Password for SMTP auth.' => '',
3005        'Configure Inbound Mail' => '',
3006        'Inbound mail type' => 'Tüüp',
3007        'Select inbound mail type.' => '',
3008        'Inbound mail host' => 'Siseneva e-posti server',
3009        'Inbound mail host.' => 'Siseneva e-posti server.',
3010        'Inbound mail user' => 'Kasutaja',
3011        'User for inbound mail.' => '',
3012        'Inbound mail password' => 'Parool',
3013        'Password for inbound mail.' => '',
3014        'Result of mail configuration check' => 'E-posti häälestuse kontrolli tulemus',
3015        'Check mail configuration' => 'Kontrolli e-posti häälestust',
3016        'Skip this step' => 'Jäta see samm vahele',
3018        # Template: InstallerDBResult
3019        'Done' => 'Tehtud',
3020        'Error' => 'Viga',
3021        'Database setup successful!' => 'Andmebaasi paigaldus õnnestus!',
3023        # Template: InstallerDBStart
3024        'Install Type' => '',
3025        'Create a new database for OTRS' => 'Loo OTRSile uus andmebaas',
3026        'Use an existing database for OTRS' => 'Kasuta olemasolevat andmebaasi',
3028        # Template: InstallerDBmssql
3029        'If you have set a root password for your database, it must be entered here. If not, leave this field empty.' =>
3030            '',
3031        'Database name' => 'Andmebaasi nimi',
3032        'Check database settings' => 'Kontrolli andmebaasi seadeid',
3033        'Result of database check' => 'Andmebaasi kontrolli tulemus',
3034        'Database check successful.' => 'Andmebaasi kontroll õnnestus.',
3035        'Database User' => '',
3036        'New' => 'Uus',
3037        'A new database user with limited permissions will be created for this OTRS system.' =>
3038            '',
3039        'Repeat Password' => '',
3040        'Generated password' => '',
3042        # Template: InstallerDBmysql
3043        'Passwords do not match' => '',
3045        # Template: InstallerDBoracle
3046        'SID' => '',
3047        'Port' => '',
3049        # Template: InstallerFinish
3050        'To be able to use OTRS you have to enter the following line in your command line (Terminal/Shell) as root.' =>
3051            'OTRS kasutamiseks peate järgneva käsu sisestama süsteemi root-kasutajana.',
3052        'Restart your webserver' => 'Taaskäivita veebiserver.',
3053        'After doing so your OTRS is up and running.' => 'Peale seda OTRS töötab.',
3054        'Start page' => 'Algusleht',
3055        'Your OTRS Team' => 'OTRS meeskond',
3057        # Template: InstallerLicense
3058        'Don\'t accept license' => 'Ära nõustu litsensiga',
3059        'Accept license and continue' => 'Nõustu litsentsiga ja jätka',
3061        # Template: InstallerSystem
3062        'SystemID' => 'SystemID',
3063        'The identifier of the system. Each ticket number and each HTTP session ID contain this number.' =>
3064            '',
3065        'System FQDN' => 'System FQDN',
3066        'Fully qualified domain name of your system.' => '',
3067        'AdminEmail' => 'Admin epostiaadress',
3068        'Email address of the system administrator.' => '',
3069        'Organization' => 'Organisatsioon',
3070        'Log' => 'Log',
3071        'LogModule' => 'LogModule',
3072        'Log backend to use.' => '',
3073        'LogFile' => '',
3074        'Webfrontend' => 'Veebiliides',
3075        'Default language' => '',
3076        'Default language.' => '',
3077        'CheckMXRecord' => 'CheckMXRecord',
3078        'Email addresses that are manually entered are checked against the MX records found in DNS. Don\'t use this option if your DNS is slow or does not resolve public addresses.' =>
3079            '',
3081        # Template: LinkObject
3082        'Delete link' => '',
3083        'Delete Link' => '',
3084        'Object#' => '',
3085        'Add links' => '',
3086        'Delete links' => '',
3088        # Template: Login
3089        'Lost your password?' => 'Kaotasid parooli?',
3090        'Back to login' => 'Tagasi sisselogimisele',
3092        # Template: MetaFloater
3093        'Scale preview content' => '',
3094        'Open URL in new tab' => '',
3095        'Close preview' => '',
3096        'A preview of this website can\'t be provided because it didn\'t allow to be embedded.' =>
3097            '',
3099        # Template: MobileNotAvailableWidget
3100        'Feature not Available' => '',
3101        'Sorry, but this feature of OTRS is currently not available for mobile devices. If you\'d like to use it, you can either switch to desktop mode or use your regular desktop device.' =>
3102            '',
3104        # Template: Motd
3105        'Message of the Day' => 'Päeva teade',
3106        'This is the message of the day. You can edit this in %s.' => '',
3108        # Template: NoPermission
3109        'Insufficient Rights' => 'Ebapiisavad kaustajaõigused',
3110        'Back to the previous page' => 'Tagasi eelmisele lehele',
3112        # Template: Alert
3113        'Alert' => '',
3114        'Powered by' => 'Teenust käitab',
3116        # Template: Pagination
3117        'Show first page' => '',
3118        'Show previous pages' => '',
3119        'Show page %s' => '',
3120        'Show next pages' => '',
3121        'Show last page' => '',
3123        # Template: PictureUpload
3124        'Need FormID!' => '',
3125        'No file found!' => 'Faili ei leitud!',
3126        'The file is not an image that can be shown inline!' => '',
3128        # Template: PreferencesNotificationEvent
3129        'No user configurable notifications found.' => '',
3130        'Receive messages for notification \'%s\' by transport method \'%s\'.' =>
3131            '',
3133        # Template: ActivityDialogHeader
3134        'Process Information' => '',
3135        'Dialog' => '',
3137        # Template: Article
3138        'Inform Agent' => 'Teavita töötajat',
3140        # Template: PublicDefault
3141        'Welcome' => '',
3142        'This is the default public interface of OTRS! There was no action parameter given.' =>
3143            '',
3144        'You could install a custom public module (via the package manager), for example the FAQ module, which has a public interface.' =>
3145            '',
3147        # Template: GeneralSpecificationsWidget
3148        'Permissions' => 'Õigused',
3149        'You can select one or more groups to define access for different agents.' =>
3150            '',
3151        'Result formats' => '',
3152        'Time Zone' => 'Ajavöönd',
3153        'The selected time periods in the statistic are time zone neutral.' =>
3154            '',
3155        'Create summation row' => '',
3156        'Generate an additional row containing sums for all data rows.' =>
3157            '',
3158        'Create summation column' => '',
3159        'Generate an additional column containing sums for all data columns.' =>
3160            '',
3161        'Cache results' => '',
3162        'Stores statistics result data in a cache to be used in subsequent views with the same configuration (requires at least one selected time field).' =>
3163            '',
3164        'Provide the statistic as a widget that agents can activate in their dashboard.' =>
3165            '',
3166        'Please note that enabling the dashboard widget will activate caching for this statistic in the dashboard.' =>
3167            '',
3168        'If set to invalid end users can not generate the stat.' => '',
3170        # Template: PreviewWidget
3171        'There are problems in the configuration of this statistic:' => '',
3172        'You may now configure the X-axis of your statistic.' => '',
3173        'This statistic does not provide preview data.' => '',
3174        'Preview format' => '',
3175        'Please note that the preview uses random data and does not consider data filters.' =>
3176            '',
3177        'Configure X-Axis' => '',
3178        'X-axis' => 'X-telg',
3179        'Configure Y-Axis' => '',
3180        'Y-axis' => '',
3181        'Configure Filter' => '',
3183        # Template: RestrictionsWidget
3184        'Please select only one element or turn off the button \'Fixed\'.' =>
3185            'Please select only one element or turn off the button \'Fixed\'.',
3186        'Absolute period' => '',
3187        'Between %s and %s' => '',
3188        'Relative period' => '',
3189        'The past complete %s and the current+upcoming complete %s %s' =>
3190            '',
3191        'Do not allow changes to this element when the statistic is generated.' =>
3192            '',
3194        # Template: StatsParamsWidget
3195        'Format' => 'Formaat',
3196        'Exchange Axis' => 'Exchange Axis',
3197        'Configurable Params of Static Stat' => '',
3198        'No element selected.' => 'No element selected.',
3199        'Scale' => 'Scale',
3200        'show more' => '',
3201        'show less' => '',
3203        # Template: D3
3204        'Download SVG' => '',
3205        'Download PNG' => '',
3207        # Template: XAxisWidget
3208        'The selected time period defines the default time frame for this statistic to collect data from.' =>
3209            '',
3210        'Defines the time unit that will be used to split the selected time period into reporting data points.' =>
3211            '',
3213        # Template: YAxisWidget
3214        'Please remember that the scale for the Y-axis has to be larger than the scale for the X-axis (e.g. X-axis => Month, Y-Axis => Year).' =>
3215            '',
3217        # Template: SettingsList
3218        'This setting is disabled.' => '',
3219        'This setting is fixed but not deployed yet!' => '',
3220        'This setting is currently being overridden in %s and can\'t thus be changed here!' =>
3221            '',
3222        'Changing this setting is only available in a higher config level!' =>
3223            '',
3224        '%s (%s) is currently working on this setting.' => '',
3225        'Toggle advanced options for this setting' => '',
3226        'Disable this setting, so it is no longer effective' => '',
3227        'Disable' => '',
3228        'Enable this setting, so it becomes effective' => '',
3229        'Enable' => '',
3230        'Reset this setting to its default state' => '',
3231        'Reset setting' => '',
3232        'Allow users to adapt this setting from within their personal preferences' =>
3233            '',
3234        'Allow users to update' => '',
3235        'Do not longer allow users to adapt this setting from within their personal preferences' =>
3236            '',
3237        'Forbid users to update' => '',
3238        'Show user specific changes for this setting' => '',
3239        'Show user settings' => '',
3240        'Copy a direct link to this setting to your clipboard' => '',
3241        'Copy direct link' => '',
3242        'Remove this setting from your favorites setting' => '',
3243        'Remove from favourites' => '',
3244        'Add this setting to your favorites' => '',
3245        'Add to favourites' => '',
3246        'Cancel editing this setting' => '',
3247        'Save changes on this setting' => '',
3248        'Edit this setting' => '',
3249        'Enable this setting' => '',
3250        'This group doesn\'t contain any settings. Please try navigating to one of its sub groups or another group.' =>
3251            '',
3253        # Template: SettingsListCompare
3254        'Now' => '',
3255        'User modification' => '',
3256        'enabled' => '',
3257        'disabled' => '',
3258        'Setting state' => '',
3260        # Template: Actions
3261        'Edit search' => '',
3262        'Go back to admin: ' => '',
3263        'Deployment' => '',
3264        'My favourite settings' => '',
3265        'Invalid settings' => '',
3267        # Template: DynamicActions
3268        'Filter visible settings...' => '',
3269        'Enable edit mode for all settings' => '',
3270        'Save all edited settings' => '',
3271        'Cancel editing for all settings' => '',
3272        'All actions from this widget apply to the visible settings on the right only.' =>
3273            '',
3275        # Template: Help
3276        'Currently edited by me.' => '',
3277        'Modified but not yet deployed.' => '',
3278        'Currently edited by another user.' => '',
3279        'Different from its default value.' => '',
3280        'Save current setting.' => '',
3281        'Cancel editing current setting.' => '',
3283        # Template: Navigation
3284        'Navigation' => '',
3286        # Template: OTRSBusinessTeaser
3287        'With %s, System Configuration supports versioning, rollback and user-specific configuration settings.' =>
3288            '',
3290        # Template: Test
3291        'OTRS Test Page' => 'OTRS testileht',
3292        'Unlock' => 'Eemalda lukk',
3293        'Welcome %s %s' => '',
3294        'Counter' => 'Loendur',
3296        # Template: Warning
3297        'Go back to the previous page' => '',
3299        # JS Template: CalendarSettingsDialog
3300        'Show' => '',
3302        # JS Template: FormDraftAddDialog
3303        'Draft title' => '',
3305        # JS Template: ArticleViewSettingsDialog
3306        'Article display' => '',
3308        # JS Template: FormDraftDeleteDialog
3309        'Do you really want to delete "%s"?' => '',
3310        'Confirm' => '',
3312        # JS Template: WidgetLoading
3313        'Loading, please wait...' => '',
3315        # JS Template: UploadContainer
3316        'Click to select a file for upload.' => '',
3317        'Click to select files or just drop them here.' => '',
3318        'Click to select a file or just drop it here.' => '',
3319        'Uploading...' => '',
3321        # JS Template: InformationDialog
3322        'Process state' => '',
3323        'Running' => '',
3324        'Finished' => 'Valmis',
3325        'No package information available.' => '',
3327        # JS Template: AddButton
3328        'Add new entry' => '',
3330        # JS Template: AddHashKey
3331        'Add key' => '',
3333        # JS Template: DialogDeployment
3334        'Deployment comment...' => '',
3335        'This field can have no more than 250 characters.' => '',
3336        'Deploying, please wait...' => '',
3337        'Preparing to deploy, please wait...' => '',
3338        'Deploy now' => '',
3339        'Try again' => '',
3341        # JS Template: DialogReset
3342        'Reset options' => '',
3343        'Reset setting on global level.' => '',
3344        'Reset globally' => '',
3345        'Remove all user changes.' => '',
3346        'Reset locally' => '',
3347        'user(s) have modified this setting.' => '',
3348        'Do you really want to reset this setting to it\'s default value?' =>
3349            '',
3351        # JS Template: HelpDialog
3352        'You can use the category selection to limit the navigation tree below to entries from the selected category. As soon as you select the category, the tree will be re-built.' =>
3353            '',
3355        # Perl Module: Kernel/Config/Defaults.pm
3356        'Database Backend' => '',
3357        'CustomerIDs' => 'Kliendi nr-d',
3358        'Fax' => 'Telefaks',
3359        'Street' => 'Tänav',
3360        'Zip' => 'Postiindeks',
3361        'City' => 'Linn',
3362        'Country' => 'Riik',
3363        'Valid' => 'Kehtiv',
3364        'Mr.' => 'Hr.',
3365        'Mrs.' => 'Pr.',
3366        'Address' => '',
3367        'View system log messages.' => 'Süsteemilogi teadete vaatamine.',
3368        'Edit the system configuration settings.' => 'Süsteemi konfiguratsiooniseadete muutmine.',
3369        'Update and extend your system with software packages.' => 'Süsteemi uuendamine ja laiendamine tarkvarapakettide abil.',
3371        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminACL.pm
3372        'ACL information from database is not in sync with the system configuration, please deploy all ACLs.' =>
3373            '',
3374        'ACLs could not be Imported due to a unknown error, please check OTRS logs for more information' =>
3375            '',
3376        'The following ACLs have been added successfully: %s' => '',
3377        'The following ACLs have been updated successfully: %s' => '',
3378        'There where errors adding/updating the following ACLs: %s. Please check the log file for more information.' =>
3379            '',
3380        'This field is required' => '',
3381        'There was an error creating the ACL' => '',
3382        'Need ACLID!' => '',
3383        'Could not get data for ACLID %s' => '',
3384        'There was an error updating the ACL' => '',
3385        'There was an error setting the entity sync status.' => '',
3386        'There was an error synchronizing the ACLs.' => '',
3387        'ACL %s could not be deleted' => '',
3388        'There was an error getting data for ACL with ID %s' => '',
3389        '%s (copy) %s' => '',
3390        'Please note that ACL restrictions will be ignored for the Superuser account (UserID 1).' =>
3391            '',
3392        'Exact match' => '',
3393        'Negated exact match' => '',
3394        'Regular expression' => '',
3395        'Regular expression (ignore case)' => '',
3396        'Negated regular expression' => '',
3397        'Negated regular expression (ignore case)' => '',
3399        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminAppointmentCalendarManage.pm
3400        'System was unable to create Calendar!' => '',
3401        'Please contact the administrator.' => '',
3402        'No CalendarID!' => '',
3403        'You have no access to this calendar!' => '',
3404        'Error updating the calendar!' => '',
3405        'Couldn\'t read calendar configuration file.' => '',
3406        'Please make sure your file is valid.' => '',
3407        'Could not import the calendar!' => '',
3408        'Calendar imported!' => '',
3409        'Need CalendarID!' => '',
3410        'Could not retrieve data for given CalendarID' => '',
3411        'Successfully imported %s appointment(s) to calendar %s.' => '',
3412        '+5 minutes' => '',
3413        '+15 minutes' => '',
3414        '+30 minutes' => '',
3415        '+1 hour' => '',
3417        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminAppointmentImport.pm
3418        'No permissions' => '',
3419        'System was unable to import file!' => '',
3420        'Please check the log for more information.' => '',
3422        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminAppointmentNotificationEvent.pm
3423        'Notification name already exists!' => '',
3424        'Notification added!' => '',
3425        'There was an error getting data for Notification with ID:%s!' =>
3426            '',
3427        'Unknown Notification %s!' => '',
3428        '%s (copy)' => '',
3429        'There was an error creating the Notification' => '',
3430        'Notifications could not be Imported due to a unknown error, please check OTRS logs for more information' =>
3431            '',
3432        'The following Notifications have been added successfully: %s' =>
3433            '',
3434        'The following Notifications have been updated successfully: %s' =>
3435            '',
3436        'There where errors adding/updating the following Notifications: %s. Please check the log file for more information.' =>
3437            '',
3438        'Notification updated!' => '',
3439        'Agent (resources), who are selected within the appointment' => '',
3440        'All agents with (at least) read permission for the appointment (calendar)' =>
3441            '',
3442        'All agents with write permission for the appointment (calendar)' =>
3443            '',
3444        'Yes, but require at least one active notification method.' => '',
3446        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminAttachment.pm
3447        'Attachment added!' => 'Manus lisatud!',
3449        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminAutoResponse.pm
3450        'Auto Response added!' => '',
3452        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminCommunicationLog.pm
3453        'Invalid CommunicationID!' => '',
3454        'All communications' => '',
3455        'Last 1 hour' => '',
3456        'Last 3 hours' => '',
3457        'Last 6 hours' => '',
3458        'Last 12 hours' => '',
3459        'Last 24 hours' => '',
3460        'Last week' => '',
3461        'Last month' => '',
3462        'Invalid StartTime: %s!' => '',
3463        'Successful' => '',
3464        'Processing' => '',
3465        'Failed' => '',
3466        'Invalid Filter: %s!' => '',
3467        'Less than a second' => '',
3468        'sorted descending' => '',
3469        'sorted ascending' => '',
3470        'Trace' => '',
3471        'Debug' => '',
3472        'Info' => 'Info',
3473        'Warn' => '',
3474        'days' => 'päeva',
3475        'day' => 'päev',
3476        'hour' => 'tund',
3477        'minute' => 'minut',
3478        'seconds' => 'sekundit',
3479        'second' => 'sekund',
3481        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminCustomerCompany.pm
3482        'Customer company updated!' => 'Kliendi ettevõte uuendatud!',
3483        'Dynamic field %s not found!' => '',
3484        'Unable to set value for dynamic field %s!' => '',
3485        'Customer Company %s already exists!' => '',
3486        'Customer company added!' => 'Kliendi ettevõte lisatud!',
3488        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminCustomerGroup.pm
3489        'No configuration for \'CustomerGroupPermissionContext\' found!' =>
3490            '',
3491        'Please check system configuration.' => '',
3492        'Invalid permission context configuration:' => '',
3494        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminCustomerUser.pm
3495        'Customer updated!' => 'Klient uuendatud!',
3496        'New phone ticket' => 'Uus intsident telefonist',
3497        'New email ticket' => 'Uus intsident e-postist',
3498        'Customer %s added' => 'Klient %s lisatud',
3499        'Customer user updated!' => '',
3500        'Same Customer' => '',
3501        'Direct' => '',
3502        'Indirect' => '',
3504        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminCustomerUserGroup.pm
3505        'Change Customer User Relations for Group' => '',
3506        'Change Group Relations for Customer User' => '',
3508        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminCustomerUserService.pm
3509        'Allocate Customer Users to Service' => '',
3510        'Allocate Services to Customer User' => '',
3512        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminDynamicField.pm
3513        'Fields configuration is not valid' => '',
3514        'Objects configuration is not valid' => '',
3515        'Database (%s)' => '',
3516        'Web service (%s)' => '',
3517        'Contact with data (%s)' => '',
3518        'Could not reset Dynamic Field order properly, please check the error log for more details.' =>
3519            '',
3521        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminDynamicFieldCheckbox.pm
3522        'Undefined subaction.' => '',
3523        'Need %s' => '',
3524        'Add %s field' => '',
3525        'The field does not contain only ASCII letters and numbers.' => '',
3526        'There is another field with the same name.' => '',
3527        'The field must be numeric.' => '',
3528        'Need ValidID' => '',
3529        'Could not create the new field' => '',
3530        'Need ID' => '',
3531        'Could not get data for dynamic field %s' => '',
3532        'Change %s field' => '',
3533        'The name for this field should not change.' => '',
3534        'Could not update the field %s' => '',
3535        'Currently' => '',
3536        'Unchecked' => '',
3537        'Checked' => '',
3539        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminDynamicFieldDateTime.pm
3540        'Prevent entry of dates in the future' => '',
3541        'Prevent entry of dates in the past' => '',
3543        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminDynamicFieldDropdown.pm
3544        'This field value is duplicated.' => '',
3546        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminEmail.pm
3547        'Select at least one recipient.' => '',
3549        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericAgent.pm
3550        'minute(s)' => 'minut(it)',
3551        'hour(s)' => 'tund(i)',
3552        'Time unit' => '',
3553        'within the last ...' => 'viimase ... jooksul',
3554        'within the next ...' => 'järgmise ... jooksul',
3555        'more than ... ago' => 'enam kui ... tagasi',
3556        'Unarchived tickets' => 'Arhiveerimata intsidendid',
3557        'archive tickets' => '',
3558        'restore tickets from archive' => '',
3559        'Need Profile!' => '',
3560        'Got no values to check.' => '',
3561        'Please remove the following words because they cannot be used for the ticket selection:' =>
3562            '',
3564        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceDebugger.pm
3565        'Need WebserviceID!' => '',
3566        'Could not get data for WebserviceID %s' => '',
3567        'ascending' => 'kasvav',
3568        'descending' => 'kahanev',
3570        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceErrorHandlingDefault.pm
3571        'Need communication type!' => '',
3572        'Communication type needs to be \'Requester\' or \'Provider\'!' =>
3573            '',
3574        'Invalid Subaction!' => '',
3575        'Need ErrorHandlingType!' => '',
3576        'ErrorHandlingType %s is not registered' => '',
3577        'Could not update web service' => '',
3578        'Need ErrorHandling' => '',
3579        'Could not determine config for error handler %s' => '',
3580        'Invoker processing outgoing request data' => '',
3581        'Mapping outgoing request data' => '',
3582        'Transport processing request into response' => '',
3583        'Mapping incoming response data' => '',
3584        'Invoker processing incoming response data' => '',
3585        'Transport receiving incoming request data' => '',
3586        'Mapping incoming request data' => '',
3587        'Operation processing incoming request data' => '',
3588        'Mapping outgoing response data' => '',
3589        'Transport sending outgoing response data' => '',
3590        'skip same backend modules only' => '',
3591        'skip all modules' => '',
3592        'Operation deleted' => '',
3593        'Invoker deleted' => '',
3595        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceErrorHandlingRequestRetry.pm
3596        '0 seconds' => '',
3597        '15 seconds' => '',
3598        '30 seconds' => '',
3599        '45 seconds' => '',
3600        '1 minute' => '',
3601        '2 minutes' => '',
3602        '3 minutes' => '',
3603        '4 minutes' => '',
3604        '5 minutes' => '',
3605        '10 minutes' => '10 minutit',
3606        '15 minutes' => '15 minutit',
3607        '30 minutes' => '',
3608        '1 hour' => '',
3609        '2 hours' => '',
3610        '3 hours' => '',
3611        '4 hours' => '',
3612        '5 hours' => '',
3613        '6 hours' => '',
3614        '12 hours' => '',
3615        '18 hours' => '',
3616        '1 day' => '',
3617        '2 days' => '',
3618        '3 days' => '',
3619        '4 days' => '',
3620        '6 days' => '',
3621        '1 week' => '',
3623        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceInvokerDefault.pm
3624        'Could not determine config for invoker %s' => '',
3625        'InvokerType %s is not registered' => '',
3626        'MappingType %s is not registered' => '',
3628        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceInvokerEvent.pm
3629        'Need Invoker!' => '',
3630        'Need Event!' => '',
3631        'Could not get registered modules for Invoker' => '',
3632        'Could not get backend for Invoker %s' => '',
3633        'The event %s is not valid.' => '',
3634        'Could not update configuration data for WebserviceID %s' => '',
3635        'This sub-action is not valid' => '',
3636        'xor' => '',
3637        'String' => '',
3638        'Regexp' => '',
3639        'Validation Module' => '',
3641        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceMappingSimple.pm
3642        'Simple Mapping for Outgoing Data' => '',
3643        'Simple Mapping for Incoming Data' => '',
3644        'Could not get registered configuration for action type %s' => '',
3645        'Could not get backend for %s %s' => '',
3646        'Keep (leave unchanged)' => '',
3647        'Ignore (drop key/value pair)' => '',
3648        'Map to (use provided value as default)' => '',
3649        'Exact value(s)' => '',
3650        'Ignore (drop Value/value pair)' => '',
3652        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceMappingXSLT.pm
3653        'XSLT Mapping for Outgoing Data' => '',
3654        'XSLT Mapping for Incoming Data' => '',
3655        'Could not find required library %s' => '',
3656        'Outgoing request data before processing (RequesterRequestInput)' =>
3657            '',
3658        'Outgoing request data before mapping (RequesterRequestPrepareOutput)' =>
3659            '',
3660        'Outgoing request data after mapping (RequesterRequestMapOutput)' =>
3661            '',
3662        'Incoming response data before mapping (RequesterResponseInput)' =>
3663            '',
3664        'Outgoing error handler data after error handling (RequesterErrorHandlingOutput)' =>
3665            '',
3666        'Incoming request data before mapping (ProviderRequestInput)' => '',
3667        'Incoming request data after mapping (ProviderRequestMapOutput)' =>
3668            '',
3669        'Outgoing response data before mapping (ProviderResponseInput)' =>
3670            '',
3671        'Outgoing error handler data after error handling (ProviderErrorHandlingOutput)' =>
3672            '',
3674        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceOperationDefault.pm
3675        'Could not determine config for operation %s' => '',
3676        'OperationType %s is not registered' => '',
3678        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceTransportHTTPREST.pm
3679        'Need valid Subaction!' => '',
3680        'This field should be an integer.' => '',
3681        'File or Directory not found.' => '',
3683        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceWebservice.pm
3684        'There is another web service with the same name.' => '',
3685        'There was an error updating the web service.' => '',
3686        'There was an error creating the web service.' => '',
3687        'Web service "%s" created!' => '',
3688        'Need Name!' => '',
3689        'Need ExampleWebService!' => '',
3690        'Could not load %s.' => '',
3691        'Could not read %s!' => '',
3692        'Need a file to import!' => '',
3693        'The imported file has not valid YAML content! Please check OTRS log for details' =>
3694            '',
3695        'Web service "%s" deleted!' => '',
3696        'OTRS as provider' => '',
3697        'Operations' => '',
3698        'OTRS as requester' => '',
3699        'Invokers' => '',
3701        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGenericInterfaceWebserviceHistory.pm
3702        'Got no WebserviceHistoryID!' => '',
3703        'Could not get history data for WebserviceHistoryID %s' => '',
3705        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminGroup.pm
3706        'Group updated!' => 'Rühm uuendatud!',
3708        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminMailAccount.pm
3709        'Mail account added!' => 'E-posti konto lisatud!',
3710        'Email account fetch already fetched by another process. Please try again later!' =>
3711            '',
3712        'Dispatching by email To: field.' => 'Jaotamine To: päiserea järgi.',
3713        'Dispatching by selected Queue.' => 'Jaotamine valitud järjekorra järgi.',
3715        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminNotificationEvent.pm
3716        'Agent who created the ticket' => '',
3717        'Agent who owns the ticket' => '',
3718        'Agent who is responsible for the ticket' => '',
3719        'All agents watching the ticket' => '',
3720        'All agents with write permission for the ticket' => '',
3721        'All agents subscribed to the ticket\'s queue' => '',
3722        'All agents subscribed to the ticket\'s service' => '',
3723        'All agents subscribed to both the ticket\'s queue and service' =>
3724            '',
3725        'Customer user of the ticket' => '',
3726        'All recipients of the first article' => '',
3727        'All recipients of the last article' => '',
3728        'Invisible to customer' => '',
3729        'Visible to customer' => '',
3731        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminOTRSBusiness.pm
3732        'Your system was successfully upgraded to %s.' => '',
3733        'There was a problem during the upgrade to %s.' => '',
3734        '%s was correctly reinstalled.' => '',
3735        'There was a problem reinstalling %s.' => '',
3736        'Your %s was successfully updated.' => 'Teie %s uuendamine õnnestus.',
3737        'There was a problem during the upgrade of %s.' => '',
3738        '%s was correctly uninstalled.' => '',
3739        'There was a problem uninstalling %s.' => '',
3741        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminPGP.pm
3742        'PGP environment is not working. Please check log for more info!' =>
3743            '',
3744        'Need param Key to delete!' => '',
3745        'Key %s deleted!' => '',
3746        'Need param Key to download!' => '',
3748        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminPackageManager.pm
3749        'Sorry, Apache::Reload is needed as PerlModule and PerlInitHandler in Apache config file. See also scripts/apache2-httpd.include.conf. Alternatively, you can use the command line tool bin/otrs.Console.pl to install packages!' =>
3750            '',
3751        'No such package!' => '',
3752        'No such file %s in package!' => '',
3753        'No such file %s in local file system!' => '',
3754        'Can\'t read %s!' => '',
3755        'File is OK' => '',
3756        'Package has locally modified files.' => '',
3757        'Package not verified by the OTRS Group! It is recommended not to use this package.' =>
3758            '',
3759        'Not Started' => '',
3760        'Updated' => '',
3761        'Already up-to-date' => '',
3762        'Installed' => '',
3763        'Not correctly deployed' => '',
3764        'Package updated correctly' => '',
3765        'Package was already updated' => '',
3766        'Dependency installed correctly' => '',
3767        'The package needs to be reinstalled' => '',
3768        'The package contains cyclic dependencies' => '',
3769        'Not found in on-line repositories' => '',
3770        'Required version is higher than available' => '',
3771        'Dependencies fail to upgrade or install' => '',
3772        'Package could not be installed' => '',
3773        'Package could not be upgraded' => '',
3774        'Repository List' => '',
3775        'No packages found in selected repository. Please check log for more info!' =>
3776            '',
3777        'Package not verified due a communication issue with verification server!' =>
3778            '',
3779        'Can\'t connect to OTRS Feature Add-on list server!' => '',
3780        'Can\'t get OTRS Feature Add-on list from server!' => '',
3781        'Can\'t get OTRS Feature Add-on from server!' => '',
3783        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminPostMasterFilter.pm
3784        'No such filter: %s' => '',
3786        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminPriority.pm
3787        'Priority added!' => 'Prioriteet lisatud!',
3789        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminProcessManagement.pm
3790        'Process Management information from database is not in sync with the system configuration, please synchronize all processes.' =>
3791            '',
3792        'Need ExampleProcesses!' => '',
3793        'Need ProcessID!' => '',
3794        'Yes (mandatory)' => '',
3795        'Unknown Process %s!' => '',
3796        'There was an error generating a new EntityID for this Process' =>
3797            '',
3798        'The StateEntityID for state Inactive does not exists' => '',
3799        'There was an error creating the Process' => '',
3800        'There was an error setting the entity sync status for Process entity: %s' =>
3801            '',
3802        'Could not get data for ProcessID %s' => '',
3803        'There was an error updating the Process' => '',
3804        'Process: %s could not be deleted' => '',
3805        'There was an error synchronizing the processes.' => '',
3806        'The %s:%s is still in use' => '',
3807        'The %s:%s has a different EntityID' => '',
3808        'Could not delete %s:%s' => '',
3809        'There was an error setting the entity sync status for %s entity: %s' =>
3810            '',
3811        'Could not get %s' => '',
3812        'Need %s!' => '',
3813        'Process: %s is not Inactive' => '',
3815        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminProcessManagementActivity.pm
3816        'There was an error generating a new EntityID for this Activity' =>
3817            '',
3818        'There was an error creating the Activity' => '',
3819        'There was an error setting the entity sync status for Activity entity: %s' =>
3820            '',
3821        'Need ActivityID!' => '',
3822        'Could not get data for ActivityID %s' => '',
3823        'There was an error updating the Activity' => '',
3824        'Missing Parameter: Need Activity and ActivityDialog!' => '',
3825        'Activity not found!' => '',
3826        'ActivityDialog not found!' => '',
3827        'ActivityDialog already assigned to Activity. You cannot add an ActivityDialog twice!' =>
3828            '',
3829        'Error while saving the Activity to the database!' => '',
3830        'This subaction is not valid' => '',
3831        'Edit Activity "%s"' => '',
3833        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminProcessManagementActivityDialog.pm
3834        'There was an error generating a new EntityID for this ActivityDialog' =>
3835            '',
3836        'There was an error creating the ActivityDialog' => '',
3837        'There was an error setting the entity sync status for ActivityDialog entity: %s' =>
3838            '',
3839        'Need ActivityDialogID!' => '',
3840        'Could not get data for ActivityDialogID %s' => '',
3841        'There was an error updating the ActivityDialog' => '',
3842        'Edit Activity Dialog "%s"' => '',
3843        'Agent Interface' => '',
3844        'Customer Interface' => '',
3845        'Agent and Customer Interface' => '',
3846        'Do not show Field' => '',
3847        'Show Field' => '',
3848        'Show Field As Mandatory' => '',
3850        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminProcessManagementPath.pm
3851        'Edit Path' => '',
3853        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminProcessManagementTransition.pm
3854        'There was an error generating a new EntityID for this Transition' =>
3855            '',
3856        'There was an error creating the Transition' => '',
3857        'There was an error setting the entity sync status for Transition entity: %s' =>
3858            '',
3859        'Need TransitionID!' => '',
3860        'Could not get data for TransitionID %s' => '',
3861        'There was an error updating the Transition' => '',
3862        'Edit Transition "%s"' => '',
3863        'Transition validation module' => '',
3865        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminProcessManagementTransitionAction.pm
3866        'At least one valid config parameter is required.' => '',
3867        'There was an error generating a new EntityID for this TransitionAction' =>
3868            '',
3869        'There was an error creating the TransitionAction' => '',
3870        'There was an error setting the entity sync status for TransitionAction entity: %s' =>
3871            '',
3872        'Need TransitionActionID!' => '',
3873        'Could not get data for TransitionActionID %s' => '',
3874        'There was an error updating the TransitionAction' => '',
3875        'Edit Transition Action "%s"' => '',
3876        'Error: Not all keys seem to have values or vice versa.' => '',
3878        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminQueue.pm
3879        'Queue updated!' => 'Järjekord uuendatud!',
3880        'Don\'t use :: in queue name!' => '',
3881        'Click back and change it!' => '',
3882        '-none-' => '-puudub-',
3884        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminQueueAutoResponse.pm
3885        'Queues ( without auto responses )' => '',
3887        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminQueueTemplates.pm
3888        'Change Queue Relations for Template' => '',
3889        'Change Template Relations for Queue' => '',
3891        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminRegistration.pm
3892        'Production' => '',
3893        'Test' => '',
3894        'Training' => '',
3895        'Development' => '',
3897        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminRole.pm
3898        'Role updated!' => 'Roll uuendatud!',
3899        'Role added!' => 'Roll lisatud!',
3901        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminRoleGroup.pm
3902        'Change Group Relations for Role' => '',
3903        'Change Role Relations for Group' => '',
3905        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminRoleUser.pm
3906        'Role' => '',
3907        'Change Role Relations for Agent' => '',
3908        'Change Agent Relations for Role' => '',
3910        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminSLA.pm
3911        'Please activate %s first!' => 'Palun aktiveeri esmalt %s !',
3913        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminSMIME.pm
3914        'S/MIME environment is not working. Please check log for more info!' =>
3915            '',
3916        'Need param Filename to delete!' => '',
3917        'Need param Filename to download!' => '',
3918        'Needed CertFingerprint and CAFingerprint!' => '',
3919        'CAFingerprint must be different than CertFingerprint' => '',
3920        'Relation exists!' => '',
3921        'Relation added!' => '',
3922        'Impossible to add relation!' => '',
3923        'Relation doesn\'t exists' => '',
3924        'Relation deleted!' => '',
3925        'Impossible to delete relation!' => '',
3926        'Certificate %s could not be read!' => '',
3927        'Needed Fingerprint' => '',
3928        'Handle Private Certificate Relations' => '',
3930        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminSalutation.pm
3931        'Salutation added!' => '',
3933        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminSignature.pm
3934        'Signature updated!' => 'Allkiri muudetud!',
3935        'Signature added!' => 'Allkiri lisatud!',
3937        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminState.pm
3938        'State added!' => 'Olek lisatud!',
3940        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminSupportDataCollector.pm
3941        'File %s could not be read!' => '',
3943        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminSystemAddress.pm
3944        'System e-mail address added!' => '',
3946        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminSystemConfiguration.pm
3947        'Invalid Settings' => '',
3948        'There are no invalid settings active at this time.' => '',
3949        'You currently don\'t have any favourite settings.' => '',
3950        'The following settings could not be found: %s' => '',
3951        'Import not allowed!' => '',
3952        'System Configuration could not be imported due to an unknown error, please check OTRS logs for more information.' =>
3953            '',
3954        'Category Search' => '',
3956        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminSystemConfigurationDeployment.pm
3957        'Some imported settings are not present in the current state of the configuration or it was not possible to update them. Please check the OTRS log for more information.' =>
3958            '',
3960        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminSystemConfigurationGroup.pm
3961        'You need to enable the setting before locking!' => '',
3962        'You can\'t work on this setting because %s (%s) is currently working on it.' =>
3963            '',
3964        'Missing setting name!' => '',
3965        'Missing ResetOptions!' => '',
3966        'Setting is locked by another user!' => '',
3967        'System was not able to lock the setting!' => '',
3968        'System was not able to reset the setting!' => '',
3969        'System was unable to update setting!' => '',
3970        'Missing setting name.' => '',
3971        'Setting not found.' => '',
3972        'Missing Settings!' => '',
3974        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminSystemMaintenance.pm
3975        'Start date shouldn\'t be defined after Stop date!' => '',
3976        'There was an error creating the System Maintenance' => '',
3977        'Need SystemMaintenanceID!' => '',
3978        'Could not get data for SystemMaintenanceID %s' => '',
3979        'System Maintenance was added successfully!' => '',
3980        'System Maintenance was updated successfully!' => '',
3981        'Session has been killed!' => '',
3982        'All sessions have been killed, except for your own.' => '',
3983        'There was an error updating the System Maintenance' => '',
3984        'Was not possible to delete the SystemMaintenance entry: %s!' => '',
3986        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminTemplate.pm
3987        'Template updated!' => '',
3988        'Template added!' => '',
3990        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminTemplateAttachment.pm
3991        'Change Attachment Relations for Template' => '',
3992        'Change Template Relations for Attachment' => '',
3994        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminType.pm
3995        'Need Type!' => '',
3996        'Type added!' => 'Tüüp lisatud!',
3998        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminUser.pm
3999        'Agent updated!' => 'Agent uuendatud!',
4001        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AdminUserGroup.pm
4002        'Change Group Relations for Agent' => '',
4003        'Change Agent Relations for Group' => '',
4005        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentAppointmentAgendaOverview.pm
4006        'Month' => 'Kuu',
4007        'Week' => '',
4008        'Day' => 'päev',
4010        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentAppointmentCalendarOverview.pm
4011        'All appointments' => '',
4012        'Appointments assigned to me' => '',
4013        'Showing only appointments assigned to you! Change settings' => '',
4015        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentAppointmentEdit.pm
4016        'Appointment not found!' => '',
4017        'Never' => '',
4018        'Every Day' => '',
4019        'Every Week' => '',
4020        'Every Month' => '',
4021        'Every Year' => '',
4022        'Custom' => '',
4023        'Daily' => '',
4024        'Weekly' => '',
4025        'Monthly' => '',
4026        'Yearly' => '',
4027        'every' => '',
4028        'for %s time(s)' => '',
4029        'until ...' => '',
4030        'for ... time(s)' => '',
4031        'until %s' => '',
4032        'No notification' => '',
4033        '%s minute(s) before' => '',
4034        '%s hour(s) before' => '',
4035        '%s day(s) before' => '',
4036        '%s week before' => '',
4037        'before the appointment starts' => '',
4038        'after the appointment has been started' => '',
4039        'before the appointment ends' => '',
4040        'after the appointment has been ended' => '',
4041        'No permission!' => '',
4042        'Cannot delete ticket appointment!' => '',
4043        'No permissions!' => '',
4045        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentAppointmentList.pm
4046        '+%s more' => '',
4048        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentCustomerSearch.pm
4049        'Customer History' => '',
4051        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentCustomerUserAddressBook.pm
4052        'No RecipientField is given!' => '',
4054        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentDashboardCommon.pm
4055        'No such config for %s' => '',
4056        'Statistic' => '',
4057        'No preferences for %s!' => '',
4058        'Can\'t get element data of %s!' => '',
4059        'Can\'t get filter content data of %s!' => '',
4060        'Customer Name' => '',
4061        'Customer User Name' => '',
4063        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentLinkObject.pm
4064        'Need SourceObject and SourceKey!' => '',
4065        'You need ro permission!' => '',
4066        'Can not delete link with %s!' => '',
4067        '%s Link(s) deleted successfully.' => '',
4068        'Can not create link with %s! Object already linked as %s.' => '',
4069        'Can not create link with %s!' => '',
4070        '%s links added successfully.' => '',
4071        'The object %s cannot link with other object!' => '',
4073        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentPreferences.pm
4074        'Param Group is required!' => '',
4075        'Updated user preferences' => '',
4076        'System was unable to deploy your changes.' => '',
4077        'Setting not found!' => '',
4078        'System was unable to reset the setting!' => '',
4080        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentSplitSelection.pm
4081        'Process ticket' => '',
4083        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentStatistics.pm
4084        'Parameter %s is missing.' => '',
4085        'Invalid Subaction.' => '',
4086        'Statistic could not be imported.' => '',
4087        'Please upload a valid statistic file.' => '',
4088        'Export: Need StatID!' => '',
4089        'Delete: Get no StatID!' => '',
4090        'Need StatID!' => '',
4091        'Could not load stat.' => '',
4092        'Add New Statistic' => '',
4093        'Could not create statistic.' => '',
4094        'Run: Get no %s!' => '',
4096        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketActionCommon.pm
4097        'No TicketID is given!' => '',
4098        'You need %s permissions!' => '',
4099        'Loading draft failed!' => '',
4100        'Sorry, you need to be the ticket owner to perform this action.' =>
4101            '',
4102        'Please change the owner first.' => '',
4103        'FormDraft functionality disabled!' => '',
4104        'Draft name is required!' => '',
4105        'FormDraft name %s is already in use!' => '',
4106        'Could not perform validation on field %s!' => '',
4107        'No subject' => '',
4108        'Could not delete draft!' => '',
4109        'Previous Owner' => 'Eelmine omanik',
4110        'wrote' => 'kirjutas',
4111        'Message from' => 'Teade kasutajalt',
4112        'End message' => 'Teate lõpp',
4114        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketBounce.pm
4115        '%s is needed!' => '',
4116        'Plain article not found for article %s!' => '',
4117        'Article does not belong to ticket %s!' => '',
4118        'Can\'t bounce email!' => '',
4119        'Can\'t send email!' => '',
4120        'Wrong Subaction!' => '',
4122        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketBulk.pm
4123        'Can\'t lock Tickets, no TicketIDs are given!' => '',
4124        'Ticket (%s) is not unlocked!' => '',
4125        'The following tickets were ignored because they are locked by another agent or you don\'t have write access to tickets: %s.' =>
4126            '',
4127        'The following ticket was ignored because it is locked by another agent or you don\'t have write access to ticket: %s.' =>
4128            '',
4129        'You need to select at least one ticket.' => '',
4130        'Bulk feature is not enabled!' => '',
4131        'No selectable TicketID is given!' => '',
4132        'You either selected no ticket or only tickets which are locked by other agents.' =>
4133            '',
4134        'The following tickets were ignored because they are locked by another agent or you don\'t have write access to these tickets: %s.' =>
4135            '',
4136        'The following tickets were locked: %s.' => '',
4138        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketCompose.pm
4139        'Article subject will be empty if the subject contains only the ticket hook!' =>
4140            '',
4141        'Address %s replaced with registered customer address.' => '',
4142        'Customer user automatically added in Cc.' => '',
4144        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketEmail.pm
4145        'Ticket "%s" created!' => 'Loodud intsident "%s"!',
4146        'No Subaction!' => '',
4148        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketEmailOutbound.pm
4149        'Got no TicketID!' => '',
4150        'System Error!' => '',
4152        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketEmailResend.pm
4153        'No ArticleID is given!' => '',
4155        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketEscalationView.pm
4156        'Next week' => 'Järgmine nädal',
4157        'Ticket Escalation View' => '',
4159        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketForward.pm
4160        'Article %s could not be found!' => '',
4161        'Forwarded message from' => 'Edastatud teade kasutajalt',
4162        'End forwarded message' => 'Edastatud teate lõpp',
4164        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketHistory.pm
4165        'Can\'t show history, no TicketID is given!' => '',
4167        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketLock.pm
4168        'Can\'t lock Ticket, no TicketID is given!' => '',
4169        'Sorry, the current owner is %s!' => '',
4170        'Please become the owner first.' => '',
4171        'Ticket (ID=%s) is locked by %s!' => '',
4172        'Change the owner!' => '',
4174        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketLockedView.pm
4175        'New Article' => 'Uus artikkel',
4176        'Pending' => 'Ootel',
4177        'Reminder Reached' => '',
4178        'My Locked Tickets' => 'Minu lukustatud intsidendid',
4180        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketMerge.pm
4181        'Can\'t merge ticket with itself!' => '',
4183        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketMove.pm
4184        'You need move permissions!' => '',
4186        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketPhone.pm
4187        'Chat is not active.' => '',
4188        'No permission.' => '',
4189        '%s has left the chat.' => '',
4190        'This chat has been closed and will be removed in %s hours.' => '',
4192        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketPhoneCommon.pm
4193        'Ticket locked.' => '',
4195        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketPlain.pm
4196        'No ArticleID!' => '',
4197        'This is not an email article.' => '',
4198        'Can\'t read plain article! Maybe there is no plain email in backend! Read backend message.' =>
4199            '',
4201        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketPrint.pm
4202        'Need TicketID!' => '',
4204        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketProcess.pm
4205        'Couldn\'t get ActivityDialogEntityID "%s"!' => '',
4206        'No Process configured!' => '',
4207        'The selected process is invalid!' => '',
4208        'Process %s is invalid!' => '',
4209        'Subaction is invalid!' => '',
4210        'Parameter %s is missing in %s.' => '',
4211        'No ActivityDialog configured for %s in _RenderAjax!' => '',
4212        'Got no Start ActivityEntityID or Start ActivityDialogEntityID for Process: %s in _GetParam!' =>
4213            '',
4214        'Couldn\'t get Ticket for TicketID: %s in _GetParam!' => '',
4215        'Couldn\'t determine ActivityEntityID. DynamicField or Config isn\'t set properly!' =>
4216            '',
4217        'Process::Default%s Config Value missing!' => '',
4218        'Got no ProcessEntityID or TicketID and ActivityDialogEntityID!' =>
4219            '',
4220        'Can\'t get StartActivityDialog and StartActivityDialog for the ProcessEntityID "%s"!' =>
4221            '',
4222        'Can\'t get Ticket "%s"!' => '',
4223        'Can\'t get ProcessEntityID or ActivityEntityID for Ticket "%s"!' =>
4224            '',
4225        'Can\'t get Activity configuration for ActivityEntityID "%s"!' =>
4226            '',
4227        'Can\'t get ActivityDialog configuration for ActivityDialogEntityID "%s"!' =>
4228            '',
4229        'Can\'t get data for Field "%s" of ActivityDialog "%s"!' => '',
4230        'PendingTime can just be used if State or StateID is configured for the same ActivityDialog. ActivityDialog: %s!' =>
4231            '',
4232        'Pending Date' => 'Ootel kuni',
4233        'for pending* states' => 'ooteolekutele',
4234        'ActivityDialogEntityID missing!' => '',
4235        'Couldn\'t get Config for ActivityDialogEntityID "%s"!' => '',
4236        'Couldn\'t use CustomerID as an invisible field.' => '',
4237        'Missing ProcessEntityID, check your ActivityDialogHeader.tt!' =>
4238            '',
4239        'No StartActivityDialog or StartActivityDialog for Process "%s" configured!' =>
4240            '',
4241        'Couldn\'t create ticket for Process with ProcessEntityID "%s"!' =>
4242            '',
4243        'Couldn\'t set ProcessEntityID "%s" on TicketID "%s"!' => '',
4244        'Couldn\'t set ActivityEntityID "%s" on TicketID "%s"!' => '',
4245        'Could not store ActivityDialog, invalid TicketID: %s!' => '',
4246        'Invalid TicketID: %s!' => '',
4247        'Missing ActivityEntityID in Ticket %s!' => '',
4248        'This step does not belong anymore to the current activity in process for ticket \'%s%s%s\'! Another user changed this ticket in the meantime. Please close this window and reload the ticket.' =>
4249            '',
4250        'Missing ProcessEntityID in Ticket %s!' => '',
4251        'Could not set DynamicField value for %s of Ticket with ID "%s" in ActivityDialog "%s"!' =>
4252            '',
4253        'Could not set PendingTime for Ticket with ID "%s" in ActivityDialog "%s"!' =>
4254            '',
4255        'Wrong ActivityDialog Field config: %s can\'t be Display => 1 / Show field (Please change its configuration to be Display => 0 / Do not show field or Display => 2 / Show field as mandatory)!' =>
4256            '',
4257        'Could not set %s for Ticket with ID "%s" in ActivityDialog "%s"!' =>
4258            '',
4259        'Default Config for Process::Default%s missing!' => '',
4260        'Default Config for Process::Default%s invalid!' => '',
4262        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketQueue.pm
4263        'Available tickets' => 'Olemasolevad intsidendid',
4264        'including subqueues' => '',
4265        'excluding subqueues' => '',
4266        'QueueView' => 'Järjekorrad',
4268        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketResponsibleView.pm
4269        'My Responsible Tickets' => '',
4271        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketSearch.pm
4272        'last-search' => 'viimane-otsing',
4273        'Untitled' => '',
4274        'Ticket Number' => 'Intsidendi number',
4275        'Ticket' => 'Intsidendid',
4276        'printed by' => 'trükkija',
4277        'CustomerID (complex search)' => '',
4278        'CustomerID (exact match)' => '',
4279        'Invalid Users' => '',
4280        'Normal' => 'Tavaline',
4281        'CSV' => '',
4282        'Excel' => '',
4283        'in more than ...' => '',
4285        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketService.pm
4286        'Feature not enabled!' => '',
4287        'Service View' => '',
4289        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketStatusView.pm
4290        'Status View' => 'Seisundi vaade',
4292        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketWatchView.pm
4293        'My Watched Tickets' => '',
4295        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketWatcher.pm
4296        'Feature is not active' => '',
4298        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AgentTicketZoom.pm
4299        'Link Deleted' => '',
4300        'Ticket Locked' => '',
4301        'Pending Time Set' => '',
4302        'Dynamic Field Updated' => '',
4303        'Outgoing Email (internal)' => '',
4304        'Ticket Created' => '',
4305        'Type Updated' => '',
4306        'Escalation Update Time In Effect' => '',
4307        'Escalation Update Time Stopped' => '',
4308        'Escalation First Response Time Stopped' => '',
4309        'Customer Updated' => '',
4310        'Internal Chat' => '',
4311        'Automatic Follow-Up Sent' => '',
4312        'Note Added' => '',
4313        'Note Added (Customer)' => '',
4314        'SMS Added' => '',
4315        'SMS Added (Customer)' => '',
4316        'State Updated' => '',
4317        'Outgoing Answer' => '',
4318        'Service Updated' => '',
4319        'Link Added' => '',
4320        'Incoming Customer Email' => '',
4321        'Incoming Web Request' => '',
4322        'Priority Updated' => '',
4323        'Ticket Unlocked' => '',
4324        'Outgoing Email' => '',
4325        'Title Updated' => '',
4326        'Ticket Merged' => '',
4327        'Outgoing Phone Call' => '',
4328        'Forwarded Message' => '',
4329        'Removed User Subscription' => '',
4330        'Time Accounted' => '',
4331        'Incoming Phone Call' => '',
4332        'System Request.' => '',
4333        'Incoming Follow-Up' => '',
4334        'Automatic Reply Sent' => '',
4335        'Automatic Reject Sent' => '',
4336        'Escalation Solution Time In Effect' => '',
4337        'Escalation Solution Time Stopped' => '',
4338        'Escalation Response Time In Effect' => '',
4339        'Escalation Response Time Stopped' => '',
4340        'SLA Updated' => '',
4341        'External Chat' => '',
4342        'Queue Changed' => '',
4343        'Notification Was Sent' => '',
4344        'This ticket does not exist, or you don\'t have permissions to access it in its current state.' =>
4345            '',
4346        'Missing FormDraftID!' => '',
4347        'Can\'t get for ArticleID %s!' => '',
4348        'Article filter settings were saved.' => '',
4349        'Event type filter settings were saved.' => '',
4350        'Need ArticleID!' => '',
4351        'Invalid ArticleID!' => '',
4352        'Forward article via mail' => 'Edasta artikkel e-posti teel',
4353        'Forward' => 'Edasta',
4354        'Fields with no group' => '',
4355        'Invisible only' => '',
4356        'Visible only' => '',
4357        'Visible and invisible' => '',
4358        'Article could not be opened! Perhaps it is on another article page?' =>
4359            '',
4360        'Show one article' => '',
4361        'Show all articles' => '',
4362        'Show Ticket Timeline View' => '',
4363        'Show Ticket Timeline View (%s)' => '',
4365        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/AjaxAttachment.pm
4366        'Got no FormID.' => '',
4367        'Error: the file could not be deleted properly. Please contact your administrator (missing FileID).' =>
4368            '',
4370        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/CustomerTicketArticleContent.pm
4371        'ArticleID is needed!' => '',
4372        'No TicketID for ArticleID (%s)!' => '',
4373        'HTML body attachment is missing!' => '',
4375        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/CustomerTicketAttachment.pm
4376        'FileID and ArticleID are needed!' => '',
4377        'No such attachment (%s)!' => '',
4379        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/CustomerTicketMessage.pm
4380        'Check SysConfig setting for %s::QueueDefault.' => '',
4381        'Check SysConfig setting for %s::TicketTypeDefault.' => '',
4382        'You don\'t have sufficient permissions for ticket creation in default queue.' =>
4383            '',
4385        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/CustomerTicketOverview.pm
4386        'Need CustomerID!' => '',
4387        'My Tickets' => 'Minu intsidendid',
4388        'Company Tickets' => 'Ettevõtte intsidendid',
4389        'Untitled!' => '',
4391        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/CustomerTicketSearch.pm
4392        'Customer Realname' => 'Kliendi pärisnimi',
4393        'Created within the last' => '',
4394        'Created more than ... ago' => 'Loodud enam kui ... tagasi',
4395        'Please remove the following words because they cannot be used for the search:' =>
4396            '',
4398        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/CustomerTicketZoom.pm
4399        'Can\'t reopen ticket, not possible in this queue!' => '',
4400        'Create a new ticket!' => 'Loo uus intsident!',
4402        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/Installer.pm
4403        'SecureMode active!' => '',
4404        'If you want to re-run the Installer, disable the SecureMode in the SysConfig.' =>
4405            '',
4406        'Directory "%s" doesn\'t exist!' => '',
4407        'Configure "Home" in Kernel/Config.pm first!' => '',
4408        'File "%s/Kernel/Config.pm" not found!' => '',
4409        'Directory "%s" not found!' => '',
4410        'Install OTRS' => 'Paigalda OTRS',
4411        'Intro' => 'Sissejuhatus',
4412        'Kernel/Config.pm isn\'t writable!' => '',
4413        'If you want to use the installer, set the Kernel/Config.pm writable for the webserver user!' =>
4414            '',
4415        'Database Selection' => 'Andmebaasi valik',
4416        'Unknown Check!' => '',
4417        'The check "%s" doesn\'t exist!' => '',
4418        'Enter the password for the database user.' => '',
4419        'Database %s' => '',
4420        'Configure MySQL' => '',
4421        'Enter the password for the administrative database user.' => '',
4422        'Configure PostgreSQL' => '',
4423        'Configure Oracle' => '',
4424        'Unknown database type "%s".' => '',
4425        'Please go back.' => '',
4426        'Create Database' => 'Tekita andmebaas',
4427        'Install OTRS - Error' => '',
4428        'File "%s/%s.xml" not found!' => '',
4429        'Contact your Admin!' => '',
4430        'System Settings' => 'Süsteemi seaded',
4431        'Syslog' => '',
4432        'Configure Mail' => '',
4433        'Mail Configuration' => '',
4434        'Can\'t write Config file!' => '',
4435        'Unknown Subaction %s!' => '',
4436        'Can\'t connect to database, Perl module DBD::%s not installed!' =>
4437            '',
4438        'Can\'t connect to database, read comment!' => '',
4439        'Database already contains data - it should be empty!' => '',
4440        'Error: Please make sure your database accepts packages over %s MB in size (it currently only accepts packages up to %s MB). Please adapt the max_allowed_packet setting of your database in order to avoid errors.' =>
4441            '',
4442        'Error: Please set the value for innodb_log_file_size on your database to at least %s MB (current: %s MB, recommended: %s MB). For more information, please have a look at %s.' =>
4443            '',
4444        'Wrong database collation (%s is %s, but it needs to be utf8).' =>
4445            '',
4447        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/PublicCalendar.pm
4448        'No %s!' => '',
4449        'No such user!' => '',
4450        'Invalid calendar!' => '',
4451        'Invalid URL!' => '',
4452        'There was an error exporting the calendar!' => '',
4454        # Perl Module: Kernel/Modules/PublicRepository.pm
4455        'Need config Package::RepositoryAccessRegExp' => '',
4456        'Authentication failed from %s!' => '',
4458        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/AgentTicketBounce.pm
4459        'Bounce Article to a different mail address' => '',
4460        'Bounce' => 'Põrgata',
4462        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/AgentTicketCompose.pm
4463        'Reply All' => 'Vasta kõigile',
4465        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/AgentTicketEmailResend.pm
4466        'Resend this article' => '',
4467        'Resend' => '',
4469        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/AgentTicketMessageLog.pm
4470        'View message log details for this article' => '',
4471        'Message Log' => '',
4473        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/AgentTicketNote.pm
4474        'Reply to note' => '',
4476        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/AgentTicketPhone.pm
4477        'Split this article' => 'Poolita artikkel',
4479        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/AgentTicketPlain.pm
4480        'View the source for this Article' => '',
4481        'Plain Format' => '',
4483        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/AgentTicketPrint.pm
4484        'Print this article' => 'Trüki artikkel',
4486        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/GetHelpLink.pm
4487        'Contact us at sales@otrs.com' => '',
4488        'Get Help' => '',
4490        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/MarkAsImportant.pm
4491        'Mark' => '',
4492        'Unmark' => '',
4494        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleAction/ReinstallPackageLink.pm
4495        'Upgrade to OTRS Business Solution™' => '',
4496        'Re-install Package' => '',
4497        'Upgrade' => 'Uuenda',
4498        'Re-install' => '',
4500        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleCheck/PGP.pm
4501        'Crypted' => 'Krüpteeritud',
4502        'Sent message encrypted to recipient!' => '',
4503        'Signed' => 'Alla kirjutanud',
4504        '"PGP SIGNED MESSAGE" header found, but invalid!' => '',
4506        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleCheck/SMIME.pm
4507        '"S/MIME SIGNED MESSAGE" header found, but invalid!' => '',
4508        'Ticket decrypted before' => '',
4509        'Impossible to decrypt: private key for email was not found!' => '',
4510        'Successful decryption' => '',
4512        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleCompose/Crypt.pm
4513        'There are no encryption keys available for the addresses: \'%s\'. ' =>
4514            '',
4515        'There are no selected encryption keys for the addresses: \'%s\'. ' =>
4516            '',
4517        'Cannot use expired encryption keys for the addresses: \'%s\'. ' =>
4518            '',
4519        'Cannot use revoked encryption keys for the addresses: \'%s\'. ' =>
4520            '',
4521        'Encrypt' => '',
4522        'Keys/certificates will only be shown for recipients with more than one key/certificate. The first found key/certificate will be pre-selected. Please make sure to select the correct one.' =>
4523            '',
4525        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleCompose/Security.pm
4526        'Email security' => '',
4527        'PGP sign' => '',
4528        'PGP sign and encrypt' => '',
4529        'PGP encrypt' => '',
4530        'SMIME sign' => '',
4531        'SMIME sign and encrypt' => '',
4532        'SMIME encrypt' => '',
4534        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ArticleCompose/Sign.pm
4535        'Cannot use expired signing key: \'%s\'. ' => '',
4536        'Cannot use revoked signing key: \'%s\'. ' => '',
4537        'There are no signing keys available for the addresses \'%s\'.' =>
4538            '',
4539        'There are no selected signing keys for the addresses \'%s\'.' =>
4540            '',
4541        'Sign' => 'Kirjuta alla',
4542        'Keys/certificates will only be shown for a sender with more than one key/certificate. The first found key/certificate will be pre-selected. Please make sure to select the correct one.' =>
4543            '',
4545        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Dashboard/AppointmentCalendar.pm
4546        'Shown' => '',
4547        'Refresh (minutes)' => '',
4548        'off' => 'välja',
4550        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Dashboard/CustomerIDList.pm
4551        'Shown customer ids' => '',
4553        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Dashboard/CustomerUserList.pm
4554        'Shown customer users' => '',
4555        'Offline' => '',
4556        'User is currently offline.' => '',
4557        'User is currently active.' => '',
4558        'Away' => '',
4559        'User was inactive for a while.' => '',
4561        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Dashboard/EventsTicketCalendar.pm
4562        'The start time of a ticket has been set after the end time!' => '',
4564        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Dashboard/News.pm
4565        'Can\'t connect to OTRS News server!' => '',
4566        'Can\'t get OTRS News from server!' => '',
4568        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Dashboard/ProductNotify.pm
4569        'Can\'t connect to Product News server!' => '',
4570        'Can\'t get Product News from server!' => '',
4572        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Dashboard/RSS.pm
4573        'Can\'t connect to %s!' => '',
4575        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Dashboard/TicketGeneric.pm
4576        'Shown Tickets' => 'Nähtavad intsidendid',
4577        'Shown Columns' => '',
4578        'filter not active' => '',
4579        'filter active' => '',
4580        'This ticket has no title or subject' => '',
4582        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Dashboard/TicketStatsGeneric.pm
4583        '7 Day Stats' => '7 päeva statistika',
4585        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Dashboard/UserOnline.pm
4586        'User set their status to unavailable.' => '',
4587        'Unavailable' => '',
4589        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Layout.pm
4590        'Standard' => '',
4591        'The following tickets are not updated: %s.' => '',
4592        'h' => 't',
4593        'm' => 'min',
4594        'd' => 'p',
4595        'This ticket does not exist, or you don\'t have permissions to access it in its current state. You can take one of the following actions:' =>
4596            '',
4597        'This is a' => 'See on',
4598        'email' => 'e-post',
4599        'click here' => 'kliki siia',
4600        'to open it in a new window.' => 'uues aknas avamiseks.',
4601        'Year' => 'Aasta',
4602        'Hours' => 'Tundi',
4603        'Minutes' => 'Minutit',
4604        'Check to activate this date' => '',
4605        '%s TB' => '',
4606        '%s GB' => '',
4607        '%s MB' => '',
4608        '%s KB' => '',
4609        '%s B' => '',
4610        'No Permission!' => 'Õigust ei ole!',
4611        'No Permission' => '',
4612        'Show Tree Selection' => '',
4613        'Split Quote' => '',
4614        'Remove Quote' => '',
4616        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Layout/LinkObject.pm
4617        'Linked as' => '',
4618        'Search Result' => '',
4619        'Linked' => 'Viidatud',
4620        'Bulk' => 'Hulgi',
4622        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Layout/Ticket.pm
4623        'Lite' => 'Kerge',
4624        'Unread article(s) available' => '',
4626        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/LinkObject/Appointment.pm
4627        'Appointment' => '',
4629        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/LinkObject/Ticket.pm
4630        'Archive search' => '',
4632        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/AgentCloudServicesDisabled.pm
4633        'Enable cloud services to unleash all OTRS features!' => '',
4635        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/AgentOTRSBusiness.pm
4636        '%s Upgrade to %s now! %s' => '',
4637        'Please verify your license data!' => '',
4638        'The license for your %s is about to expire. Please make contact with %s to renew your contract!' =>
4639            '',
4640        'An update for your %s is available, but there is a conflict with your framework version! Please update your framework first!' =>
4641            '',
4643        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/AgentOnline.pm
4644        'Online Agent: %s' => 'Online töötaja: %s',
4646        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/AgentTicketEscalation.pm
4647        'There are more escalated tickets!' => 'On veel eskaleeritud intsidente!',
4649        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/AgentTimeZoneCheck.pm
4650        'Please select a time zone in your preferences and confirm it by clicking the save button.' =>
4651            '',
4653        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/CustomerOnline.pm
4654        'Online Customer: %s' => 'Online klient: %s',
4656        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/CustomerSystemMaintenanceCheck.pm
4657        'System maintenance is active!' => '',
4658        'A system maintenance period will start at: %s and is expected to stop at: %s' =>
4659            '',
4661        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/DaemonCheck.pm
4662        'OTRS Daemon is not running.' => '',
4664        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/OutofOfficeCheck.pm
4665        'You have Out of Office enabled, would you like to disable it?' =>
4666            '',
4668        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/PackageManagerCheckNotVerifiedPackages.pm
4669        'The installation of packages which are not verified by the OTRS Group is activated. These packages could threaten your whole system! It is recommended not to use unverified packages.' =>
4670            '',
4672        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/SystemConfigurationInvalidCheck.pm
4673        'You have %s invalid setting(s) deployed. Click here to show invalid settings.' =>
4674            '',
4676        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/SystemConfigurationIsDirtyCheck.pm
4677        'You have undeployed settings, would you like to deploy them?' =>
4678            '',
4680        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/SystemConfigurationOutOfSyncCheck.pm
4681        'The configuration is being updated, please be patient...' => '',
4682        'There is an error updating the system configuration!' => '',
4684        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Notification/UIDCheck.pm
4685        'Don\'t use the Superuser account to work with %s! Create new Agents and work with these accounts instead.' =>
4686            '',
4688        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Preferences/AppointmentNotificationEvent.pm
4689        'Please make sure you\'ve chosen at least one transport method for mandatory notifications.' =>
4690            '',
4691        'Preferences updated successfully!' => 'Eelistuste uuendamine õnnestus!',
4693        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Preferences/Language.pm
4694        '(in process)' => '',
4696        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Preferences/OutOfOffice.pm
4697        'Please specify an end date that is after the start date.' => '',
4699        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Preferences/Password.pm
4700        'Current password' => 'Praegune parool',
4701        'New password' => 'Uus parool',
4702        'Verify password' => 'Parool uuesti',
4703        'The current password is not correct. Please try again!' => '',
4704        'Please supply your new password!' => '',
4705        'Can\'t update password, your new passwords do not match. Please try again!' =>
4706            'Kordussalasõna ei olnud samane uue salasõnaga. Proovi uuesti!',
4707        'This password is forbidden by the current system configuration. Please contact the administrator if you have additional questions.' =>
4708            '',
4709        'Can\'t update password, it must be at least %s characters long!' =>
4710            'Ei saa uuendada salasõna, see peab olema vähemalt %s tärgi pikkune!',
4711        'Can\'t update password, it must contain at least 2 lowercase and 2 uppercase letter characters!' =>
4712            '',
4713        'Can\'t update password, it must contain at least 1 digit!' => 'Ei saa uuendada salasõna, selles peab olema vähemalt üks number!',
4714        'Can\'t update password, it must contain at least 2 letter characters!' =>
4715            '',
4717        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Preferences/TimeZone.pm
4718        'Time zone updated successfully!' => '',
4720        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/Statistics/View.pm
4721        'invalid' => 'kehtetud',
4722        'valid' => 'kehtiv',
4723        'No (not supported)' => 'Ei (pole toetatud)',
4724        'No past complete or the current+upcoming complete relative time value selected.' =>
4725            '',
4726        'The selected time period is larger than the allowed time period.' =>
4727            '',
4728        'No time scale value available for the current selected time scale value on the X axis.' =>
4729            '',
4730        'The selected date is not valid.' => '',
4731        'The selected end time is before the start time.' => '',
4732        'There is something wrong with your time selection.' => '',
4733        'Please select only one element or allow modification at stat generation time.' =>
4734            '',
4735        'Please select at least one value of this field or allow modification at stat generation time.' =>
4736            '',
4737        'Please select one element for the X-axis.' => '',
4738        'You can only use one time element for the Y axis.' => '',
4739        'You can only use one or two elements for the Y axis.' => '',
4740        'Please select at least one value of this field.' => '',
4741        'Please provide a value or allow modification at stat generation time.' =>
4742            '',
4743        'Please select a time scale.' => '',
4744        'Your reporting time interval is too small, please use a larger time scale.' =>
4745            '',
4746        'second(s)' => 'sekund(it)',
4747        'quarter(s)' => 'kvartal(it)',
4748        'half-year(s)' => 'poolaasta(t)',
4749        'Please remove the following words because they cannot be used for the ticket restrictions: %s.' =>
4750            '',
4752        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/SysConfig.pm
4753        'Cancel editing and unlock this setting' => '',
4754        'Reset this setting to its default value.' => '',
4755        'Unable to load %s!' => '',
4756        'Content' => 'Sisu',
4758        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/TicketMenu/Lock.pm
4759        'Unlock to give it back to the queue' => '',
4760        'Lock it to work on it' => 'Lukusta tema kallal töötamiseks',
4762        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/TicketMenu/TicketWatcher.pm
4763        'Unwatch' => 'Lõpeta jälgimine',
4764        'Remove from list of watched tickets' => 'Eemalda vaadatud piletite nimekirjast',
4765        'Watch' => 'Jälgi',
4766        'Add to list of watched tickets' => '',
4768        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/TicketOverviewMenu/Sort.pm
4769        'Order by' => 'Järjestus',
4771        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/TicketZoom/TicketInformation.pm
4772        'Ticket Information' => 'Pileti teave',
4774        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ToolBar/TicketLocked.pm
4775        'Locked Tickets New' => 'Uusi lukustatud intsidente',
4776        'Locked Tickets Reminder Reached' => '',
4777        'Locked Tickets Total' => 'Kokku lukustatud intsidente',
4779        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ToolBar/TicketResponsible.pm
4780        'Responsible Tickets New' => '',
4781        'Responsible Tickets Reminder Reached' => '',
4782        'Responsible Tickets Total' => '',
4784        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/HTML/ToolBar/TicketWatcher.pm
4785        'Watched Tickets New' => '',
4786        'Watched Tickets Reminder Reached' => '',
4787        'Watched Tickets Total' => '',
4789        # Perl Module: Kernel/Output/PDF/Ticket.pm
4790        'Ticket Dynamic Fields' => '',
4792        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/ACL/DB/ACL.pm
4793        'Couldn\'t read ACL configuration file. Please make sure the file is valid.' =>
4794            '',
4796        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Auth.pm
4797        'It is currently not possible to login due to a scheduled system maintenance.' =>
4798            '',
4800        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/AuthSession.pm
4801        'You have exceeded the number of concurrent agents - contact sales@otrs.com.' =>
4802            '',
4803        'Please note that the session limit is almost reached.' => '',
4804        'Login rejected! You have exceeded the maximum number of concurrent Agents! Contact sales@otrs.com immediately!' =>
4805            '',
4806        'Session limit reached! Please try again later.' => 'Liiga palju seansse! Palun proovige hiljem uuesti.',
4807        'Session per user limit reached!' => '',
4809        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/AuthSession/DB.pm
4810        'Session invalid. Please log in again.' => 'Vigane seanss. Palun logi uuesti sisse.',
4811        'Session has timed out. Please log in again.' => 'Sesesioon aegus. Palun logi uuesti sisse.',
4813        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Calendar/Event/Transport/Email.pm
4814        'PGP sign only' => '',
4815        'PGP encrypt only' => '',
4816        'SMIME sign only' => '',
4817        'SMIME encrypt only' => '',
4818        'PGP and SMIME not enabled.' => '',
4819        'Skip notification delivery' => '',
4820        'Send unsigned notification' => '',
4821        'Send unencrypted notification' => '',
4823        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Console/Command/Dev/Tools/Config2Docbook.pm
4824        'Configuration Options Reference' => '',
4825        'This setting can not be changed.' => '',
4826        'This setting is not active by default.' => '',
4827        'This setting can not be deactivated.' => '',
4828        'This setting is not visible.' => '',
4829        'This setting can be overridden in the user preferences.' => '',
4830        'This setting can be overridden in the user preferences, but is not active by default.' =>
4831            '',
4833        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/CustomerUser.pm
4834        'Customer user "%s" already exists.' => '',
4836        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/CustomerUser/DB.pm
4837        'This email address is already in use for another customer user.' =>
4838            '',
4840        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/DynamicField/Driver/BaseDateTime.pm
4841        'before/after' => 'enne/pärast',
4842        'between' => 'vahel',
4844        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/DynamicField/Driver/BaseText.pm
4845        'e.g. Text or Te*t' => '',
4847        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/DynamicField/Driver/Checkbox.pm
4848        'Ignore this field.' => '',
4850        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/DynamicField/Driver/TextArea.pm
4851        'This field is required or' => '',
4852        'The field content is too long!' => '',
4853        'Maximum size is %s characters.' => '',
4855        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/NotificationEvent.pm
4856        'Couldn\'t read Notification configuration file. Please make sure the file is valid.' =>
4857            '',
4858        'Imported notification has body text with more than 4000 characters.' =>
4859            '',
4861        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Package.pm
4862        'not installed' => '',
4863        'installed' => 'paigaldatud',
4864        'Unable to parse repository index document.' => '',
4865        'No packages for your framework version found in this repository, it only contains packages for other framework versions.' =>
4866            '',
4867        'File is not installed!' => '',
4868        'File is different!' => '',
4869        'Can\'t read file!' => '',
4870        '<p>If you continue to install this package, the following issues may occur:</p><ul><li>Security problems</li><li>Stability problems</li><li>Performance problems</li></ul><p>Please note that issues that are caused by working with this package are not covered by OTRS service contracts.</p>' =>
4871            '',
4872        '<p>The installation of packages which are not verified by the OTRS Group is not possible by default. You can activate the installation of not verified packages via the "AllowNotVerifiedPackages" system configuration setting.</p>' =>
4873            '',
4875        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/ProcessManagement/DB/Process.pm
4876        'The process "%s" and all of its data has been imported successfully.' =>
4877            '',
4879        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/ProcessManagement/DB/Process/State.pm
4880        'Inactive' => '',
4881        'FadeAway' => '',
4883        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Registration.pm
4884        'Can\'t contact registration server. Please try again later.' => '',
4885        'No content received from registration server. Please try again later.' =>
4886            '',
4887        'Can\'t get Token from sever' => '',
4888        'Username and password do not match. Please try again.' => '',
4889        'Problems processing server result. Please try again later.' => '',
4891        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Stats.pm
4892        'Sum' => 'summa',
4893        'week' => 'nädal',
4894        'quarter' => 'kvartal',
4895        'half-year' => 'poolaasta',
4897        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Stats/Dynamic/Ticket.pm
4898        'State Type' => '',
4899        'Created Priority' => 'Loomise prioriteet',
4900        'Created State' => 'Loomise olek',
4901        'Create Time' => 'Loomisaeg',
4902        'Pending until time' => '',
4903        'Close Time' => 'Sulgemisaeg',
4904        'Escalation' => 'Eskaleerimine',
4905        'Escalation - First Response Time' => '',
4906        'Escalation - Update Time' => '',
4907        'Escalation - Solution Time' => '',
4908        'Agent/Owner' => 'Töötaja/Omanik',
4909        'Created by Agent/Owner' => 'Loonud töötaja/omanik',
4910        'Assigned to Customer User Login' => '',
4912        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Stats/Dynamic/TicketAccountedTime.pm
4913        'Evaluation by' => 'Üle vaadanud',
4914        'Ticket/Article Accounted Time' => '',
4915        'Ticket Create Time' => 'Intsidendi loomise aeg',
4916        'Ticket Close Time' => 'Intsidendi sulgemise aeg',
4917        'Accounted time by Agent' => '',
4918        'Total Time' => 'Koguaeg',
4919        'Ticket Average' => 'Intsidendi keskmine',
4920        'Ticket Min Time' => '',
4921        'Ticket Max Time' => '',
4922        'Number of Tickets' => 'Intsidentide arv',
4923        'Article Average' => '',
4924        'Article Min Time' => '',
4925        'Article Max Time' => '',
4926        'Number of Articles' => 'Artiklite arv',
4928        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Stats/Dynamic/TicketList.pm
4929        'unlimited' => '',
4930        'Attributes to be printed' => 'Trükitavad parameetrid',
4931        'Sort sequence' => 'Sortimisjärjestus',
4932        'State Historic' => '',
4933        'State Type Historic' => '',
4934        'Historic Time Range' => '',
4935        'Number' => 'Number',
4936        'Last Changed' => '',
4938        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Stats/Dynamic/TicketSolutionResponseTime.pm
4939        'Solution Average' => '',
4940        'Solution Min Time' => '',
4941        'Solution Max Time' => '',
4942        'Solution Average (affected by escalation configuration)' => '',
4943        'Solution Min Time (affected by escalation configuration)' => '',
4944        'Solution Max Time (affected by escalation configuration)' => '',
4945        'Solution Working Time Average (affected by escalation configuration)' =>
4946            '',
4947        'Solution Min Working Time (affected by escalation configuration)' =>
4948            '',
4949        'Solution Max Working Time (affected by escalation configuration)' =>
4950            '',
4951        'First Response Average (affected by escalation configuration)' =>
4952            '',
4953        'First Response Min Time (affected by escalation configuration)' =>
4954            '',
4955        'First Response Max Time (affected by escalation configuration)' =>
4956            '',
4957        'First Response Working Time Average (affected by escalation configuration)' =>
4958            '',
4959        'First Response Min Working Time (affected by escalation configuration)' =>
4960            '',
4961        'First Response Max Working Time (affected by escalation configuration)' =>
4962            '',
4963        'Number of Tickets (affected by escalation configuration)' => '',
4965        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Stats/Static/StateAction.pm
4966        'Days' => '',
4968        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/OutdatedTables.pm
4969        'Outdated Tables' => '',
4970        'Outdated tables were found in the database. These can be removed if empty.' =>
4971            '',
4973        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/TablePresence.pm
4974        'Table Presence' => '',
4975        'Internal Error: Could not open file.' => '',
4976        'Table Check' => '',
4977        'Internal Error: Could not read file.' => '',
4978        'Tables found which are not present in the database.' => '',
4980        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/mssql/Size.pm
4981        'Database Size' => '',
4982        'Could not determine database size.' => '',
4984        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/mssql/Version.pm
4985        'Database Version' => '',
4986        'Could not determine database version.' => '',
4988        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/mysql/Charset.pm
4989        'Client Connection Charset' => '',
4990        'Setting character_set_client needs to be utf8.' => '',
4991        'Server Database Charset' => '',
4992        'This character set is not yet supported, please see https://bugs.otrs.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12361. Please convert your database to the character set \'utf8\'.' =>
4993            '',
4994        'The setting character_set_database needs to be \'utf8\'.' => '',
4995        'Table Charset' => '',
4996        'There were tables found which do not have \'utf8\' as charset.' =>
4997            '',
4999        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/mysql/InnoDBLogFileSize.pm
5000        'InnoDB Log File Size' => '',
5001        'The setting innodb_log_file_size must be at least 256 MB.' => '',
5003        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/mysql/InvalidDefaultValues.pm
5004        'Invalid Default Values' => '',
5005        'Tables with invalid default values were found. In order to fix it automatically, please run: bin/otrs.Console.pl Maint::Database::Check --repair' =>
5006            '',
5008        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/mysql/MaxAllowedPacket.pm
5009        'Maximum Query Size' => '',
5010        'The setting \'max_allowed_packet\' must be higher than 64 MB.' =>
5011            '',
5013        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/mysql/Performance.pm
5014        'Query Cache Size' => '',
5015        'The setting \'query_cache_size\' should be used (higher than 10 MB but not more than 512 MB).' =>
5016            '',
5018        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/mysql/StorageEngine.pm
5019        'Default Storage Engine' => '',
5020        'Table Storage Engine' => '',
5021        'Tables with a different storage engine than the default engine were found.' =>
5022            '',
5024        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/mysql/Version.pm
5025        'MySQL 5.x or higher is required.' => '',
5027        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/oracle/NLS.pm
5028        'NLS_LANG Setting' => '',
5029        'NLS_LANG must be set to al32utf8 (e.g. GERMAN_GERMANY.AL32UTF8).' =>
5030            '',
5031        'NLS_DATE_FORMAT Setting' => '',
5032        'NLS_DATE_FORMAT must be set to \'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS\'.' => '',
5033        'NLS_DATE_FORMAT Setting SQL Check' => '',
5035        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/oracle/PrimaryKeySequencesAndTriggers.pm
5036        'Primary Key Sequences and Triggers' => '',
5037        'The following sequences and/or triggers with possible wrong names have been found. Please rename them manually.' =>
5038            '',
5040        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/postgresql/Charset.pm
5041        'Setting client_encoding needs to be UNICODE or UTF8.' => '',
5042        'Setting server_encoding needs to be UNICODE or UTF8.' => '',
5044        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/postgresql/DateStyle.pm
5045        'Date Format' => 'kuupäevavorming',
5046        'Setting DateStyle needs to be ISO.' => '',
5048        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/postgresql/PrimaryKeySequences.pm
5049        'Primary Key Sequences' => '',
5050        'The following sequences with possible wrong names have been found. Please rename them manually.' =>
5051            '',
5053        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Database/postgresql/Version.pm
5054        'PostgreSQL 9.2 or higher is required.' => '',
5056        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OS/DiskPartitionOTRS.pm
5057        'OTRS Disk Partition' => '',
5059        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OS/DiskSpace.pm
5060        'Disk Usage' => 'kettakasutus',
5061        'The partition where OTRS is located is almost full.' => '',
5062        'The partition where OTRS is located has no disk space problems.' =>
5063            '',
5065        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OS/DiskSpacePartitions.pm
5066        'Disk Partitions Usage' => 'ketta partitsioonide kasutus',
5068        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OS/Distribution.pm
5069        'Distribution' => '',
5070        'Could not determine distribution.' => '',
5072        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OS/KernelVersion.pm
5073        'Kernel Version' => 'kerneli versioon',
5074        'Could not determine kernel version.' => '',
5076        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OS/Load.pm
5077        'System Load' => 'süsteemi koormus',
5078        'The system load should be at maximum the number of CPUs the system has (e.g. a load of 8 or less on a system with 8 CPUs is OK).' =>
5079            '',
5081        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OS/PerlModules.pm
5082        'Perl Modules' => 'Perli moodulid',
5083        'Not all required Perl modules are correctly installed.' => '',
5085        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OS/PerlModulesAudit.pm
5086        'Perl Modules Audit' => '',
5087        'CPAN::Audit reported that one or more installed Perl modules have known vulnerabilities. Please note that there might be false positives for distributions patching Perl modules without changing their version number.' =>
5088            '',
5089        'CPAN::Audit did not report any known vulnerabilities in the installed Perl modules.' =>
5090            '',
5092        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OS/Swap.pm
5093        'Free Swap Space (%)' => '',
5094        'No swap enabled.' => '',
5095        'Used Swap Space (MB)' => '',
5096        'There should be more than 60% free swap space.' => '',
5097        'There should be no more than 200 MB swap space used.' => '',
5099        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/ArticleSearchIndexStatus.pm
5100        'OTRS' => 'OTRS',
5101        'Article Search Index Status' => '',
5102        'Indexed Articles' => '',
5104        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/ArticlesPerCommunicationChannel.pm
5105        'Articles Per Communication Channel' => '',
5107        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/CommunicationLog.pm
5108        'Incoming communications' => '',
5109        'Outgoing communications' => '',
5110        'Failed communications' => '',
5111        'Average processing time of communications (s)' => '',
5113        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/CommunicationLogAccountStatus.pm
5114        'Communication Log Account Status (last 24 hours)' => '',
5115        'No connections found.' => '',
5116        'ok' => '',
5117        'permanent connection errors' => '',
5118        'intermittent connection errors' => '',
5120        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/ConfigSettings.pm
5121        'Config Settings' => '',
5122        'Could not determine value.' => '',
5124        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/DaemonRunning.pm
5125        'Daemon' => '',
5126        'Daemon is running.' => '',
5127        'Daemon is not running.' => '',
5129        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/DatabaseRecords.pm
5130        'Database Records' => '',
5131        'Tickets' => 'Intsidendid',
5132        'Ticket History Entries' => '',
5133        'Articles' => '',
5134        'Attachments (DB, Without HTML)' => '',
5135        'Customers With At Least One Ticket' => '',
5136        'Dynamic Field Values' => '',
5137        'Invalid Dynamic Fields' => '',
5138        'Invalid Dynamic Field Values' => '',
5139        'GenericInterface Webservices' => '',
5140        'Process Tickets' => '',
5141        'Months Between First And Last Ticket' => '',
5142        'Tickets Per Month (avg)' => '',
5143        'Open Tickets' => '',
5145        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/DefaultSOAPUser.pm
5146        'Default SOAP Username And Password' => '',
5147        'Security risk: you use the default setting for SOAP::User and SOAP::Password. Please change it.' =>
5148            '',
5150        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/DefaultUser.pm
5151        'Default Admin Password' => '',
5152        'Security risk: the agent account root@localhost still has the default password. Please change it or invalidate the account.' =>
5153            '',
5155        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/EmailQueue.pm
5156        'Email Sending Queue' => '',
5157        'Emails queued for sending' => '',
5159        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/FQDN.pm
5160        'FQDN (domain name)' => '',
5161        'Please configure your FQDN setting.' => '',
5162        'Domain Name' => '',
5163        'Your FQDN setting is invalid.' => '',
5165        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/FileSystemWritable.pm
5166        'File System Writable' => '',
5167        'The file system on your OTRS partition is not writable.' => '',
5169        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/LegacyConfigBackups.pm
5170        'Legacy Configuration Backups' => '',
5171        'No legacy configuration backup files found.' => '',
5172        'Legacy configuration backup files found in Kernel/Config/Backups folder, but they might still be required by some packages.' =>
5173            '',
5174        'Legacy configuration backup files are no longer needed for the installed packages, please remove them from Kernel/Config/Backups folder.' =>
5175            '',
5177        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/PackageDeployment.pm
5178        'Package Installation Status' => '',
5179        'Some packages have locally modified files.' => '',
5180        'Some packages are not correctly installed.' => '',
5181        'Package Verification Status' => '',
5182        'Some packages are not verified by the OTRS Group! It is recommended not to use this packages.' =>
5183            '',
5184        'Package Framework Version Status' => '',
5185        'Some packages are not allowed for the current framework version.' =>
5186            '',
5188        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/PackageList.pm
5189        'Package List' => '',
5191        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/SessionConfigSettings.pm
5192        'Session Config Settings' => '',
5194        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/SpoolMails.pm
5195        'Spooled Emails' => '',
5196        'There are emails in var/spool that OTRS could not process.' => '',
5198        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/SystemID.pm
5199        'Your SystemID setting is invalid, it should only contain digits.' =>
5200            '',
5202        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/Ticket/DefaultType.pm
5203        'Default Ticket Type' => '',
5204        'The configured default ticket type is invalid or missing. Please change the setting Ticket::Type::Default and select a valid ticket type.' =>
5205            '',
5207        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/Ticket/IndexModule.pm
5208        'Ticket Index Module' => '',
5209        'You have more than 60,000 tickets and should use the StaticDB backend. See admin manual (Performance Tuning) for more information.' =>
5210            '',
5212        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/Ticket/InvalidUsersWithLockedTickets.pm
5213        'Invalid Users with Locked Tickets' => '',
5214        'There are invalid users with locked tickets.' => '',
5216        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/Ticket/OpenTickets.pm
5217        'You should not have more than 8,000 open tickets in your system.' =>
5218            '',
5220        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/Ticket/SearchIndexModule.pm
5221        'Ticket Search Index Module' => '',
5222        'The indexing process forces the storage of the original article text in the article search index, without executing filters or applying stop word lists. This will increase the size of the search index and thus may slow down fulltext searches.' =>
5223            '',
5225        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/Ticket/StaticDBOrphanedRecords.pm
5226        'Orphaned Records In ticket_lock_index Table' => '',
5227        'Table ticket_lock_index contains orphaned records. Please run bin/otrs.Console.pl "Maint::Ticket::QueueIndexCleanup" to clean the StaticDB index.' =>
5228            '',
5229        'Orphaned Records In ticket_index Table' => '',
5230        'Table ticket_index contains orphaned records. Please run bin/otrs.Console.pl "Maint::Ticket::QueueIndexCleanup" to clean the StaticDB index.' =>
5231            '',
5233        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/TimeSettings.pm
5234        'Time Settings' => '',
5235        'Server time zone' => '',
5236        'OTRS time zone' => '',
5237        'OTRS time zone is not set.' => '',
5238        'User default time zone' => '',
5239        'User default time zone is not set.' => '',
5240        'Calendar time zone is not set.' => '',
5242        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/UI/AgentSkinUsage.pm
5243        'UI - Agent Skin Usage' => '',
5245        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/UI/AgentThemeUsage.pm
5246        'UI - Agent Theme Usage' => '',
5248        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/OTRS/UI/SpecialStats.pm
5249        'UI - Special Statistics' => '',
5250        'Agents using custom main menu ordering' => '',
5251        'Agents using favourites for the admin overview' => '',
5253        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Webserver/Apache/LoadedModules.pm
5254        'Webserver' => '',
5255        'Loaded Apache Modules' => 'Apache\'i laaditud moodulid',
5257        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Webserver/Apache/MPMModel.pm
5258        'MPM model' => '',
5259        'OTRS requires apache to be run with the \'prefork\' MPM model.' =>
5260            '',
5262        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Webserver/Apache/Performance.pm
5263        'CGI Accelerator Usage' => '',
5264        'You should use FastCGI or mod_perl to increase your performance.' =>
5265            'Jõudluse suurendamiseks kasuta FastCGI\'d või mod_perl\'i',
5266        'mod_deflate Usage' => 'mooduli mod_deflate kasutus',
5267        'Please install mod_deflate to improve GUI speed.' => '',
5268        'mod_filter Usage' => 'mooduli mod_filter kasutus',
5269        'Please install mod_filter if mod_deflate is used.' => '',
5270        'mod_headers Usage' => 'mooduli mod_headers kasutus',
5271        'Please install mod_headers to improve GUI speed.' => '',
5272        'Apache::Reload Usage' => 'Apache::Reload kasutus',
5273        'Apache::Reload or Apache2::Reload should be used as PerlModule and PerlInitHandler to prevent web server restarts when installing and upgrading modules.' =>
5274            '',
5275        'Apache2::DBI Usage' => '',
5276        'Apache2::DBI should be used to get a better performance  with pre-established database connections.' =>
5277            '',
5279        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Webserver/EnvironmentVariables.pm
5280        'Environment Variables' => '',
5282        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Webserver/InternalWebRequest.pm
5283        'Support Data Collection' => '',
5284        'Support data could not be collected from the web server.' => '',
5286        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/Plugin/Webserver/Version.pm
5287        'Webserver Version' => '',
5288        'Could not determine webserver version.' => '',
5290        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/PluginAsynchronous/OTRS/ConcurrentUsers.pm
5291        'Concurrent Users Details' => '',
5292        'Concurrent Users' => '',
5294        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SupportDataCollector/PluginBase.pm
5295        'OK' => 'OK',
5296        'Problem' => '',
5298        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SysConfig.pm
5299        'Setting %s does not exists!' => '',
5300        'Setting %s is not locked to this user!' => '',
5301        'Setting value is not valid!' => '',
5302        'Could not add modified setting!' => '',
5303        'Could not update modified setting!' => '',
5304        'Setting could not be unlocked!' => '',
5305        'Missing key %s!' => '',
5306        'Invalid setting: %s' => '',
5307        'Could not combine settings values into a perl hash.' => '',
5308        'Can not lock the deployment for UserID \'%s\'!' => '',
5309        'All Settings' => '',
5311        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SysConfig/BaseValueType.pm
5312        'Default' => '',
5313        'Value is not correct! Please, consider updating this field.' => '',
5314        'Value doesn\'t satisfy regex (%s).' => '',
5316        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SysConfig/ValueType/Checkbox.pm
5317        'Enabled' => '',
5318        'Disabled' => '',
5320        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SysConfig/ValueType/Date.pm
5321        'System was not able to calculate user Date in OTRSTimeZone!' => '',
5323        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SysConfig/ValueType/DateTime.pm
5324        'System was not able to calculate user DateTime in OTRSTimeZone!' =>
5325            '',
5327        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SysConfig/ValueType/FrontendNavigation.pm
5328        'Value is not correct! Please, consider updating this module.' =>
5329            '',
5331        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/SysConfig/ValueType/VacationDays.pm
5332        'Value is not correct! Please, consider updating this setting.' =>
5333            '',
5335        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Ticket.pm
5336        'Reset of unlock time.' => '',
5338        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Ticket/Article/Backend/Chat.pm
5339        'Chat Participant' => '',
5340        'Chat Message Text' => '',
5342        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Web/InterfaceAgent.pm
5343        'Login failed! Your user name or password was entered incorrectly.' =>
5344            'Sisselogimine ebaõnnestus. Kasutajanimi või salasõna oli vale.',
5345        'Authentication succeeded, but no user data record is found in the database. Please contact the administrator.' =>
5346            '',
5347        'Can`t remove SessionID.' => '',
5348        'Logout successful.' => 'Väljalogimine õnnestus.',
5349        'Feature not active!' => 'Omadus ei ole aktiveeritud!',
5350        'Sent password reset instructions. Please check your email.' => '',
5351        'Invalid Token!' => 'Vigane!',
5352        'Sent new password to %s. Please check your email.' => '',
5353        'Error: invalid session.' => '',
5354        'No Permission to use this frontend module!' => '',
5356        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Web/InterfaceCustomer.pm
5357        'Authentication succeeded, but no customer record is found in the customer backend. Please contact the administrator.' =>
5358            '',
5359        'Reset password unsuccessful. Please contact the administrator.' =>
5360            '',
5361        'This e-mail address already exists. Please log in or reset your password.' =>
5362            '',
5363        'This email address is not allowed to register. Please contact support staff.' =>
5364            '',
5365        'Added via Customer Panel (%s)' => '',
5366        'Customer user can\'t be added!' => '',
5367        'Can\'t send account info!' => '',
5368        'New account created. Sent login information to %s. Please check your email.' =>
5369            '',
5371        # Perl Module: Kernel/System/Web/InterfaceInstaller.pm
5372        'Action "%s" not found!' => '',
5374        # Database XML / SOPM Definition: scripts/database/otrs-initial_insert.xml
5375        'invalid-temporarily' => 'ajutiselt kehtetu',
5376        'Group for default access.' => '',
5377        'Group of all administrators.' => '',
5378        'Group for statistics access.' => '',
5379        'new' => 'uus',
5380        'All new state types (default: viewable).' => '',
5381        'open' => 'avatud',
5382        'All open state types (default: viewable).' => '',
5383        'closed' => 'suletud',
5384        'All closed state types (default: not viewable).' => '',
5385        'pending reminder' => 'ootab meeldetuletust',
5386        'All \'pending reminder\' state types (default: viewable).' => '',
5387        'pending auto' => 'sulgub ise',
5388        'All \'pending auto *\' state types (default: viewable).' => '',
5389        'removed' => 'kustutatud',
5390        'All \'removed\' state types (default: not viewable).' => '',
5391        'merged' => 'ühendatud',
5392        'State type for merged tickets (default: not viewable).' => '',
5393        'New ticket created by customer.' => 'Uus kasutaja loodud intsident.',
5394        'closed successful' => 'suletud edukalt',
5395        'Ticket is closed successful.' => '',
5396        'closed unsuccessful' => 'suletud edutult',
5397        'Ticket is closed unsuccessful.' => '',
5398        'Open tickets.' => '',
5399        'Customer removed ticket.' => '',
5400        'Ticket is pending for agent reminder.' => '',
5401        'pending auto close+' => 'sulgub ise edukalt',
5402        'Ticket is pending for automatic close.' => '',
5403        'pending auto close-' => 'sulgub ise ebaedukalt',
5404        'State for merged tickets.' => '',
5405        'system standard salutation (en)' => '',
5406        'Standard Salutation.' => '',
5407        'system standard signature (en)' => '',
5408        'Standard Signature.' => '',
5409        'Standard Address.' => '',
5410        'possible' => 'võimalik',
5411        'Follow-ups for closed tickets are possible. Ticket will be reopened.' =>
5412            '',
5413        'reject' => 'lükka tagasi',
5414        'Follow-ups for closed tickets are not possible. No new ticket will be created.' =>
5415            '',
5416        'new ticket' => '',
5417        'Follow-ups for closed tickets are not possible. A new ticket will be created.' =>
5418            '',
5419        'Postmaster queue.' => '',
5420        'All default incoming tickets.' => '',
5421        'All junk tickets.' => '',
5422        'All misc tickets.' => '',
5423        'auto reply' => '',
5424        'Automatic reply which will be sent out after a new ticket has been created.' =>
5425            '',
5426        'auto reject' => '',
5427        'Automatic reject which will be sent out after a follow-up has been rejected (in case queue follow-up option is "reject").' =>
5428            '',
5429        'auto follow up' => '',
5430        'Automatic confirmation which is sent out after a follow-up has been received for a ticket (in case queue follow-up option is "possible").' =>
5431            '',
5432        'auto reply/new ticket' => '',
5433        'Automatic response which will be sent out after a follow-up has been rejected and a new ticket has been created (in case queue follow-up option is "new ticket").' =>
5434            '',
5435        'auto remove' => '',
5436        'Auto remove will be sent out after a customer removed the request.' =>
5437            '',
5438        'default reply (after new ticket has been created)' => 'vaikevastus (pärast uue intsidendi loomist)',
5439        'default reject (after follow-up and rejected of a closed ticket)' =>
5440            '',
5441        'default follow-up (after a ticket follow-up has been added)' => '',
5442        'default reject/new ticket created (after closed follow-up with new ticket creation)' =>
5443            '',
5444        'Unclassified' => '',
5445        '1 very low' => '1 väga madal',
5446        '2 low' => '2 madal',
5447        '3 normal' => '3 tavaline',
5448        '4 high' => '4 kõrge',
5449        '5 very high' => '5 väga kõrge',
5450        'unlock' => 'lahti',
5451        'lock' => 'lukus',
5452        'tmp_lock' => '',
5453        'agent' => 'töötaja',
5454        'system' => 'süsteem',
5455        'customer' => 'klient',
5456        'Ticket create notification' => '',
5457        'You will receive a notification each time a new ticket is created in one of your "My Queues" or "My Services".' =>
5458            '',
5459        'Ticket follow-up notification (unlocked)' => '',
5460        'You will receive a notification if a customer sends a follow-up to an unlocked ticket which is in your "My Queues" or "My Services".' =>
5461            '',
5462        'Ticket follow-up notification (locked)' => '',
5463        'You will receive a notification if a customer sends a follow-up to a locked ticket of which you are the ticket owner or responsible.' =>
5464            '',
5465        'Ticket lock timeout notification' => 'Intsidendi luku aegumise teavitus',
5466        'You will receive a notification as soon as a ticket owned by you is automatically unlocked.' =>
5467            '',
5468        'Ticket owner update notification' => '',
5469        'Ticket responsible update notification' => '',
5470        'Ticket new note notification' => '',
5471        'Ticket queue update notification' => 'Pileti järjekorra muutmise teavitus',
5472        'You will receive a notification if a ticket is moved into one of your "My Queues".' =>
5473            '',
5474        'Ticket pending reminder notification (locked)' => '',
5475        'Ticket pending reminder notification (unlocked)' => '',
5476        'Ticket escalation notification' => '',
5477        'Ticket escalation warning notification' => '',
5478        'Ticket service update notification' => '',
5479        'You will receive a notification if a ticket\'s service is changed to one of your "My Services".' =>
5480            '',
5481        'Appointment reminder notification' => '',
5482        'You will receive a notification each time a reminder time is reached for one of your appointments.' =>
5483            '',
5484        'Ticket email delivery failure notification' => '',
5486        # JS File: Core.AJAX
5487        'Error during AJAX communication. Status: %s, Error: %s' => '',
5488        'This window must be called from compose window.' => '',
5490        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.ACL
5491        'Add all' => '',
5492        'An item with this name is already present.' => '',
5493        'This item still contains sub items. Are you sure you want to remove this item including its sub items?' =>
5494            '',
5496        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.AppointmentCalendar.Manage
5497        'More' => '',
5498        'Less' => '',
5499        'Press Ctrl+C (Cmd+C) to copy to clipboard' => '',
5501        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.Attachment
5502        'Delete this Attachment' => '',
5503        'Deleting attachment...' => '',
5504        'There was an error deleting the attachment. Please check the logs for more information.' =>
5505            '',
5506        'Attachment was deleted successfully.' => '',
5508        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.DynamicField
5509        'Do you really want to delete this dynamic field? ALL associated data will be LOST!' =>
5510            '',
5511        'Delete field' => '',
5512        'Deleting the field and its data. This may take a while...' => '',
5514        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.GenericAgent
5515        'Remove this dynamic field' => '',
5516        'Remove selection' => '',
5517        'Do you really want to delete this generic agent job?' => '',
5518        'Delete this Event Trigger' => '',
5519        'Duplicate event.' => '',
5520        'This event is already attached to the job, Please use a different one.' =>
5521            '',
5523        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceDebugger
5524        'An error occurred during communication.' => '',
5525        'Request Details' => '',
5526        'Request Details for Communication ID' => '',
5527        'Show or hide the content.' => 'Näita või peida sisu.',
5528        'Clear debug log' => '',
5530        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceErrorHandling
5531        'Delete error handling module' => '',
5533        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceInvoker
5534        'It is not possible to add a new event trigger because the event is not set.' =>
5535            '',
5536        'Delete this Invoker' => '',
5538        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceInvokerEvent
5539        'Sorry, the only existing condition can\'t be removed.' => '',
5540        'Sorry, the only existing field can\'t be removed.' => '',
5541        'Delete conditions' => '',
5543        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceMapping
5544        'Mapping for Key %s' => '',
5545        'Mapping for Key' => '',
5546        'Delete this Key Mapping' => '',
5548        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceOperation
5549        'Delete this Operation' => '',
5551        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.GenericInterfaceWebservice
5552        'Clone web service' => 'Klooni veebiteenus',
5553        'Delete operation' => '',
5554        'Delete invoker' => '',
5556        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.Group
5557        'WARNING: When you change the name of the group \'admin\', before making the appropriate changes in the SysConfig, you will be locked out of the administrations panel! If this happens, please rename the group back to admin per SQL statement.' =>
5558            '',
5560        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.MailAccount
5561        'Delete this Mail Account' => '',
5562        'Deleting the mail account and its data. This may take a while...' =>
5563            '',
5565        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.NotificationEvent
5566        'Do you really want to delete this notification language?' => '',
5567        'Do you really want to delete this notification?' => '',
5569        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.PGP
5570        'Do you really want to delete this key?' => '',
5572        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.PackageManager
5573        'There is a package upgrade process running, click here to see status information about the upgrade progress.' =>
5574            '',
5575        'A package upgrade was recently finished. Click here to see the results.' =>
5576            '',
5577        'No response from get package upgrade result.' => '',
5578        'Update all packages' => '',
5579        'Dismiss' => '',
5580        'Update All Packages' => '',
5581        'No response from package upgrade all.' => '',
5582        'Currently not possible' => '',
5583        'This is currently disabled because of an ongoing package upgrade.' =>
5584            '',
5585        'This option is currently disabled because the OTRS Daemon is not running.' =>
5586            '',
5587        'Are you sure you want to update all installed packages?' => '',
5588        'No response from get package upgrade run status.' => '',
5590        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.PostMasterFilter
5591        'Delete this PostMasterFilter' => '',
5592        'Deleting the postmaster filter and its data. This may take a while...' =>
5593            '',
5595        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement.Canvas
5596        'Remove Entity from canvas' => '',
5597        'No TransitionActions assigned.' => '',
5598        'No dialogs assigned yet. Just pick an activity dialog from the list on the left and drag it here.' =>
5599            '',
5600        'This Activity cannot be deleted because it is the Start Activity.' =>
5601            '',
5602        'Remove the Transition from this Process' => '',
5604        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.ProcessManagement
5605        'As soon as you use this button or link, you will leave this screen and its current state will be saved automatically. Do you want to continue?' =>
5606            '',
5607        'Delete Entity' => '',
5608        'This Activity is already used in the Process. You cannot add it twice!' =>
5609            '',
5610        'Error during AJAX communication' => '',
5611        'An unconnected transition is already placed on the canvas. Please connect this transition first before placing another transition.' =>
5612            '',
5613        'This Transition is already used for this Activity. You cannot use it twice!' =>
5614            '',
5615        'This TransitionAction is already used in this Path. You cannot use it twice!' =>
5616            '',
5617        'Hide EntityIDs' => '',
5618        'Edit Field Details' => '',
5619        'Customer interface does not support articles not visible for customers.' =>
5620            '',
5621        'Sorry, the only existing parameter can\'t be removed.' => '',
5623        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.SMIME
5624        'Do you really want to delete this certificate?' => '',
5626        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.SupportDataCollector
5627        'Sending Update...' => '',
5628        'Support Data information was successfully sent.' => '',
5629        'Was not possible to send Support Data information.' => '',
5630        'Update Result' => 'Uuendamise tulemus',
5631        'Generating...' => '',
5632        'It was not possible to generate the Support Bundle.' => '',
5633        'Generate Result' => '',
5634        'Support Bundle' => '',
5635        'The mail could not be sent' => '',
5637        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.SysConfig.Entity
5638        'It is not possible to set this entry to invalid. All affected configuration settings have to be changed beforehand.' =>
5639            '',
5640        'Cannot proceed' => '',
5641        'Update manually' => '',
5642        'You can either have the affected settings updated automatically to reflect the changes you just made or do it on your own by pressing \'update manually\'.' =>
5643            '',
5644        'Save and update automatically' => '',
5645        'Don\'t save, update manually' => '',
5646        'The item you\'re currently viewing is part of a not-yet-deployed configuration setting, which makes it impossible to edit it in its current state. Please wait until the setting has been deployed. If you\'re unsure what to do next, please contact your system administrator.' =>
5647            '',
5649        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.SystemConfiguration
5650        'Loading...' => 'Laadimine...',
5651        'Search the System Configuration' => '',
5652        'Please enter at least one search word to find anything.' => '',
5653        'Unfortunately deploying is currently not possible, maybe because another agent is already deploying. Please try again later.' =>
5654            '',
5655        'Deploy' => '',
5656        'The deployment is already running.' => '',
5657        'Deployment successful. You\'re being redirected...' => '',
5658        'There was an error. Please save all settings you are editing and check the logs for more information.' =>
5659            '',
5660        'Reset option is required!' => '',
5661        'By restoring this deployment all settings will be reverted to the value they had at the time of the deployment. Do you really want to continue?' =>
5662            '',
5663        'Keys with values can\'t be renamed. Please remove this key/value pair instead and re-add it afterwards.' =>
5664            '',
5665        'Unlock setting.' => '',
5667        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.SystemMaintenance
5668        'Do you really want to delete this scheduled system maintenance?' =>
5669            '',
5671        # JS File: Core.Agent.Admin.Template
5672        'Delete this Template' => '',
5673        'Deleting the template and its data. This may take a while...' =>
5674            '',
5676        # JS File: Core.Agent.AppointmentCalendar
5677        'Jump' => '',
5678        'Timeline Month' => '',
5679        'Timeline Week' => '',
5680        'Timeline Day' => '',
5681        'Previous' => 'Eelmine',
5682        'Resources' => '',
5683        'Su' => 'P',
5684        'Mo' => 'E',
5685        'Tu' => 'T',
5686        'We' => 'K',
5687        'Th' => 'N',
5688        'Fr' => 'R',
5689        'Sa' => 'L',
5690        'This is a repeating appointment' => '',
5691        'Would you like to edit just this occurrence or all occurrences?' =>
5692            '',
5693        'All occurrences' => '',
5694        'Just this occurrence' => '',
5695        'Too many active calendars' => '',
5696        'Please either turn some off first or increase the limit in configuration.' =>
5697            '',
5698        'Restore default settings' => '',
5699        'Are you sure you want to delete this appointment? This operation cannot be undone.' =>
5700            '',
5702        # JS File: Core.Agent.CustomerSearch
5703        'First select a customer user, then select a customer ID to assign to this ticket.' =>
5704            '',
5705        'Duplicated entry' => 'Topeltkirje',
5706        'It is going to be deleted from the field, please try again.' => '',
5708        # JS File: Core.Agent.CustomerUserAddressBook
5709        'Please enter at least one search value or * to find anything.' =>
5710            '',
5712        # JS File: Core.Agent.Daemon
5713        'Information about the OTRS Daemon' => '',
5715        # JS File: Core.Agent.Dashboard
5716        'Please check the fields marked as red for valid inputs.' => '',
5717        'month' => 'kuu',
5718        'Remove active filters for this widget.' => '',
5720        # JS File: Core.Agent.LinkObject.SearchForm
5721        'Please wait...' => '',
5722        'Searching for linkable objects. This may take a while...' => '',
5724        # JS File: Core.Agent.LinkObject
5725        'Do you really want to delete this link?' => '',
5727        # JS File: Core.Agent.Login
5728        'Are you using a browser plugin like AdBlock or AdBlockPlus? This can cause several issues and we highly recommend you to add an exception for this domain.' =>
5729            '',
5730        'Do not show this warning again.' => '',
5732        # JS File: Core.Agent.Preferences
5733        'Sorry, but you can\'t disable all methods for notifications marked as mandatory.' =>
5734            '',
5735        'Sorry, but you can\'t disable all methods for this notification.' =>
5736            '',
5737        'Please note that at least one of the settings you have changed requires a page reload. Click here to reload the current screen.' =>
5738            '',
5739        'An unknown error occurred. Please contact the administrator.' =>
5740            '',
5742        # JS File: Core.Agent.Responsive
5743        'Switch to desktop mode' => '',
5745        # JS File: Core.Agent.Search
5746        'Please remove the following words from your search as they cannot be searched for:' =>
5747            'Palun eemalda otsingust järgnevad sõnad, kuna neid ei saa otsida:',
5749        # JS File: Core.Agent.SharedSecretGenerator
5750        'Generate' => '',
5752        # JS File: Core.Agent.SortedTree
5753        'This element has children elements and can currently not be removed.' =>
5754            '',
5756        # JS File: Core.Agent.Statistics
5757        'Do you really want to delete this statistic?' => '',
5759        # JS File: Core.Agent.TicketAction
5760        'Select a customer ID to assign to this ticket' => '',
5761        'Do you really want to continue?' => '',
5763        # JS File: Core.Agent.TicketBulk
5764        ' ...and %s more' => '',
5765        ' ...show less' => '',
5767        # JS File: Core.Agent.TicketFormDraft
5768        'Add new draft' => '',
5769        'Delete draft' => '',
5770        'There are no more drafts available.' => '',
5771        'It was not possible to delete this draft.' => '',
5773        # JS File: Core.Agent.TicketZoom
5774        'Article filter' => '',
5775        'Apply' => 'Rakenda',
5776        'Event Type Filter' => '',
5778        # JS File: Core.Agent
5779        'Slide the navigation bar' => '',
5780        'Please turn off Compatibility Mode in Internet Explorer!' => '',
5781        'Find out more' => '',
5783        # JS File: Core.App.Responsive
5784        'Switch to mobile mode' => '',
5786        # JS File: Core.App
5787        'Error: Browser Check failed!' => '',
5788        'Reload page' => '',
5789        'Reload page (%ss)' => '',
5791        # JS File: Core.Debug
5792        'Namespace %s could not be initialized, because %s could not be found.' =>
5793            '',
5795        # JS File: Core.Exception
5796        'An error occurred! Please check the browser error log for more details!' =>
5797            '',
5799        # JS File: Core.Form.Validate
5800        'One or more errors occurred!' => '',
5802        # JS File: Core.Installer
5803        'Mail check successful.' => 'E-posti kontroll õnnestus.',
5804        'Error in the mail settings. Please correct and try again.' => '',
5806        # JS File: Core.SystemConfiguration
5807        'Open this node in a new window' => '',
5808        'Please add values for all keys before saving the setting.' => '',
5809        'The key must not be empty.' => '',
5810        'A key with this name (\'%s\') already exists.' => '',
5811        'Do you really want to revert this setting to its historical value?' =>
5812            '',
5814        # JS File: Core.UI.Datepicker
5815        'Open date selection' => '',
5816        'Invalid date (need a future date)!' => 'Vigane kuupäev (peab olema tulevikus)!',
5817        'Invalid date (need a past date)!' => 'Vigane kuupäev (peab olema minevikus)!',
5819        # JS File: Core.UI.InputFields
5820        'Not available' => '',
5821        'and %s more...' => '',
5822        'Show current selection' => '',
5823        'Current selection' => '',
5824        'Clear all' => '',
5825        'Filters' => '',
5826        'Clear search' => '',
5828        # JS File: Core.UI.Popup
5829        'If you now leave this page, all open popup windows will be closed, too!' =>
5830            'Lahkudes sellelt lehelt suletakse ka kõik hüpikaknad!',
5831        'A popup of this screen is already open. Do you want to close it and load this one instead?' =>
5832            '',
5833        'Could not open popup window. Please disable any popup blockers for this application.' =>
5834            '',
5836        # JS File: Core.UI.Table.Sort
5837        'Ascending sort applied, ' => '',
5838        'Descending sort applied, ' => '',
5839        'No sort applied, ' => '',
5840        'sorting is disabled' => '',
5841        'activate to apply an ascending sort' => '',
5842        'activate to apply a descending sort' => '',
5843        'activate to remove the sort' => '',
5845        # JS File: Core.UI.Table
5846        'Remove the filter' => '',
5848        # JS File: Core.UI.TreeSelection
5849        'There are currently no elements available to select from.' => '',
5851        # JS File: Core.UI
5852        'Please only select one file for upload.' => '',
5853        'Sorry, you can only upload one file here.' => '',
5854        'Sorry, you can only upload %s files.' => '',
5855        'Please only select at most %s files for upload.' => '',
5856        'The following files are not allowed to be uploaded: %s' => '',
5857        'The following files exceed the maximum allowed size per file of %s and were not uploaded: %s' =>
5858            '',
5859        'The following files were already uploaded and have not been uploaded again: %s' =>
5860            '',
5861        'No space left for the following files: %s' => '',
5862        'Available space %s of %s.' => '',
5863        'Upload information' => '',
5864        'An unknown error occurred when deleting the attachment. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact your system administrator.' =>
5865            '',
5867        # JS File: Core.Language.UnitTest
5868        'yes' => 'jah',
5869        'no' => 'ei',
5870        'This is %s' => '',
5871        'Complex %s with %s arguments' => '',
5873        # JS File: OTRSLineChart
5874        'No Data Available.' => '',
5876        # JS File: OTRSMultiBarChart
5877        'Grouped' => '',
5878        'Stacked' => '',
5880        # JS File: OTRSStackedAreaChart
5881        'Stream' => '',
5882        'Expanded' => '',
5884        # SysConfig
5885        '
5886Dear Customer,
5888Unfortunately we could not detect a valid ticket number
5889in your subject, so this email can\'t be processed.
5891Please create a new ticket via the customer panel.
5893Thanks for your help!
5895 Your Helpdesk Team
5896' => '',
5897        ' (work units)' => '',
5898        ' 2 minutes' => ' 2 minutit',
5899        ' 5 minutes' => ' 5 minutit',
5900        ' 7 minutes' => ' 7 minutit',
5901        '"Slim" skin which tries to save screen space for power users.' =>
5902            '',
5903        '%s' => '%s',
5904        '(UserLogin) Firstname Lastname' => '',
5905        '(UserLogin) Lastname Firstname' => '',
5906        '(UserLogin) Lastname, Firstname' => '',
5907        '*** out of office until %s (%s d left) ***' => '',
5908        '0 - Disabled' => '',
5909        '1 - Available' => '',
5910        '1 - Enabled' => '',
5911        '10 Minutes' => '',
5912        '100 (Expert)' => '',
5913        '15 Minutes' => '',
5914        '2 - Enabled and required' => '',
5915        '2 - Enabled and shown by default' => '',
5916        '2 - Enabled by default' => '',
5917        '2 Minutes' => '',
5918        '200 (Advanced)' => '',
5919        '30 Minutes' => '',
5920        '300 (Beginner)' => '',
5921        '5 Minutes' => '',
5922        'A TicketWatcher Module.' => '',
5923        'A Website' => '',
5924        'A list of dynamic fields that are merged into the main ticket during a merge operation. Only dynamic fields that are empty in the main ticket will be set.' =>
5925            '',
5926        'A picture' => '',
5927        'ACL module that allows closing parent tickets only if all its children are already closed ("State" shows which states are not available for the parent ticket until all child tickets are closed).' =>
5928            '',
5929        'Access Control Lists (ACL)' => 'Pääsuloendid (ACL)',
5930        'AccountedTime' => '',
5931        'Activates a blinking mechanism of the queue that contains the oldest ticket.' =>
5932            '',
5933        'Activates lost password feature for agents, in the agent interface.' =>
5934            '',
5935        'Activates lost password feature for customers.' => '',
5936        'Activates support for customer and customer user groups.' => '',
5937        'Activates the article filter in the zoom view to specify which articles should be shown.' =>
5938            '',
5939        'Activates the available themes on the system. Value 1 means active, 0 means inactive.' =>
5940            '',
5941        'Activates the ticket archive system search in the customer interface.' =>
5942            '',
5943        'Activates the ticket archive system to have a faster system by moving some tickets out of the daily scope. To search for these tickets, the archive flag has to be enabled in the ticket search.' =>
5944            '',
5945        'Activates time accounting.' => '',
5946        'ActivityID' => '',
5947        'Add a note to this ticket' => 'Lisa intsidendile märkus',
5948        'Add an inbound phone call to this ticket' => '',
5949        'Add an outbound phone call to this ticket' => '',
5950        'Added %s time unit(s), for a total of %s time unit(s).' => '',
5951        'Added email. %s' => 'Epostist lisatud. %s',
5952        'Added follow-up to ticket [%s]. %s' => '',
5953        'Added link to ticket "%s".' => 'Lisatud viide intsidendile "%s".',
5954        'Added note (%s).' => '',
5955        'Added phone call from customer.' => '',
5956        'Added phone call to customer.' => '',
5957        'Added subscription for user "%s".' => 'Added subscription for user "%s".',
5958        'Added system request (%s).' => '',
5959        'Added web request from customer.' => '',
5960        'Adds a suffix with the actual year and month to the OTRS log file. A logfile for every month will be created.' =>
5961            '',
5962        'Adds customers email addresses to recipients in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface. The customers email address won\'t be added if the article type is email-internal.' =>
5963            '',
5964        'Adds the one time vacation days for the indicated calendar.' => '',
5965        'Adds the one time vacation days.' => '',
5966        'Adds the permanent vacation days for the indicated calendar.' =>
5967            '',
5968        'Adds the permanent vacation days.' => '',
5969        'Admin' => 'Haldamine',
5970        'Admin Area.' => '',
5971        'Admin Notification' => 'Haldaja teavitused',
5972        'Admin area navigation for the agent interface.' => '',
5973        'Admin modules overview.' => '',
5974        'Admin.' => '',
5975        'Administration' => '',
5976        'Agent Customer Search' => '',
5977        'Agent Customer Search.' => '',
5978        'Agent Name' => '',
5979        'Agent Name + FromSeparator + System Address Display Name' => '',
5980        'Agent Preferences.' => '',
5981        'Agent Statistics.' => '',
5982        'Agent User Search' => '',
5983        'Agent User Search.' => '',
5984        'Agent interface article notification module to check PGP.' => '',
5985        'Agent interface article notification module to check S/MIME.' =>
5986            '',
5987        'Agent interface module to access CIC search via nav bar. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
5988            '',
5989        'Agent interface module to access fulltext search via nav bar. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
5990            '',
5991        'Agent interface module to access search profiles via nav bar. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
5992            '',
5993        'Agent interface module to check incoming emails in the Ticket-Zoom-View if the S/MIME-key is available and true.' =>
5994            '',
5995        'Agent interface notification module to see the number of locked tickets. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
5996            '',
5997        'Agent interface notification module to see the number of tickets an agent is responsible for. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
5998            '',
5999        'Agent interface notification module to see the number of tickets in My Services. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
6000            '',
6001        'Agent interface notification module to see the number of watched tickets. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
6002            '',
6003        'AgentTicketZoom widget that displays a table of objects linked to the ticket.' =>
6004            '',
6005        'AgentTicketZoom widget that displays customer information for the ticket in the side bar.' =>
6006            '',
6007        'AgentTicketZoom widget that displays ticket data in the side bar.' =>
6008            '',
6009        'Agents ↔ Groups' => '',
6010        'Agents ↔ Roles' => '',
6011        'All CustomerIDs of a customer user.' => '',
6012        'All attachments (OTRS Business Solution™)' => '',
6013        'All customer users of a CustomerID' => '',
6014        'All escalated tickets' => '',
6015        'All new tickets, these tickets have not been worked on yet' => 'Kõik uued intsidendid, millega ei ole veel tegeletud',
6016        'All open tickets, these tickets have already been worked on.' =>
6017            '',
6018        'All tickets with a reminder set where the reminder date has been reached' =>
6019            '',
6020        'Allows adding notes in the close ticket screen of the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.' =>
6021            '',
6022        'Allows adding notes in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.' =>
6023            '',
6024        'Allows adding notes in the ticket note screen of the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.' =>
6025            '',
6026        'Allows adding notes in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.' =>
6027            '',
6028        'Allows adding notes in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.' =>
6029            '',
6030        'Allows adding notes in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.' =>
6031            '',
6032        'Allows adding notes in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.' =>
6033            '',
6034        'Allows agents to exchange the axis of a stat if they generate one.' =>
6035            '',
6036        'Allows agents to generate individual-related stats.' => '',
6037        'Allows choosing between showing the attachments of a ticket in the browser (inline) or just make them downloadable (attachment).' =>
6038            '',
6039        'Allows choosing the next compose state for customer tickets in the customer interface.' =>
6040            '',
6041        'Allows customers to change the ticket priority in the customer interface.' =>
6042            '',
6043        'Allows customers to set the ticket SLA in the customer interface.' =>
6044            '',
6045        'Allows customers to set the ticket priority in the customer interface.' =>
6046            '',
6047        'Allows customers to set the ticket queue in the customer interface. If this is not enabled, QueueDefault should be configured.' =>
6048            '',
6049        'Allows customers to set the ticket service in the customer interface.' =>
6050            '',
6051        'Allows customers to set the ticket type in the customer interface. If this is not enabled, TicketTypeDefault should be configured.' =>
6052            '',
6053        'Allows default services to be selected also for non existing customers.' =>
6054            '',
6055        'Allows defining services and SLAs for tickets (e. g. email, desktop, network, ...), and escalation attributes for SLAs (if ticket service/SLA feature is enabled).' =>
6056            '',
6057        'Allows extended search conditions in ticket search of the agent interface. With this feature you can search e. g. ticket title with this kind of conditions like "(*key1*&&*key2*)" or "(*key1*||*key2*)".' =>
6058            '',
6059        'Allows extended search conditions in ticket search of the customer interface. With this feature you can search e. g. ticket title with this kind of conditions like "(*key1*&&*key2*)" or "(*key1*||*key2*)".' =>
6060            '',
6061        'Allows extended search conditions in ticket search of the generic agent interface. With this feature you can search e. g. ticket title with this kind of conditions like "(*key1*&&*key2*)" or "(*key1*||*key2*)".' =>
6062            '',
6063        'Allows generic agent to execute custom command line scripts.' =>
6064            '',
6065        'Allows generic agent to execute custom modules.' => '',
6066        'Allows having a medium format ticket overview (CustomerInfo => 1 - shows also the customer information).' =>
6067            '',
6068        'Allows having a small format ticket overview (CustomerInfo => 1 - shows also the customer information).' =>
6069            '',
6070        'Allows invalid agents to generate individual-related stats.' => '',
6071        'Allows the administrators to login as other customers, via the customer user administration panel.' =>
6072            '',
6073        'Allows the administrators to login as other users, via the users administration panel.' =>
6074            '',
6075        'Allows to save current work as draft in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
6076            '',
6077        'Allows to save current work as draft in the email outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6078            '',
6079        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface.' =>
6080            '',
6081        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface.' =>
6082            '',
6083        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
6084            '',
6085        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket move screen of the agent interface.' =>
6086            '',
6087        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
6088            '',
6089        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket owner screen of the agent interface.' =>
6090            '',
6091        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket pending screen of the agent interface.' =>
6092            '',
6093        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6094            '',
6095        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6096            '',
6097        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket priority screen of the agent interface.' =>
6098            '',
6099        'Allows to save current work as draft in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
6100            '',
6101        'Allows to set a new ticket state in the move ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
6102            '',
6103        'Always show RichText if available' => '',
6104        'Answer' => '',
6105        'Appointment Calendar overview page.' => '',
6106        'Appointment Notifications' => '',
6107        'Appointment calendar event module that prepares notification entries for appointments.' =>
6108            '',
6109        'Appointment calendar event module that updates the ticket with data from ticket appointment.' =>
6110            '',
6111        'Appointment edit screen.' => '',
6112        'Appointment list' => '',
6113        'Appointment list.' => '',
6114        'Appointment notifications' => '',
6115        'Appointments' => '',
6116        'Arabic (Saudi Arabia)' => 'Araabia (Saudi Araabia)',
6117        'ArticleTree' => '',
6118        'Attachment Name' => 'Manuse nimi',
6119        'Automated line break in text messages after x number of chars.' =>
6120            '',
6121        'Automatically change the state of a ticket with an invalid owner once it is unlocked. Maps from a state type to a new ticket state.' =>
6122            '',
6123        'Automatically lock and set owner to current Agent after opening the move ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
6124            '',
6125        'Automatically lock and set owner to current Agent after selecting for an Bulk Action.' =>
6126            '',
6127        'Automatically sets the owner of a ticket as the responsible for it (if ticket responsible feature is enabled). This will only work by manually actions of the logged in user. It does not work for automated actions e.g. GenericAgent, Postmaster and GenericInterface.' =>
6128            '',
6129        'Automatically sets the responsible of a ticket (if it is not set yet) after the first owner update.' =>
6130            '',
6131        'Avatar' => '',
6132        'Balanced white skin by Felix Niklas (slim version).' => '',
6133        'Balanced white skin by Felix Niklas.' => '',
6134        'Based on global RichText setting' => '',
6135        'Basic fulltext index settings. Execute "bin/otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::FulltextIndex --rebuild" in order to generate a new index.' =>
6136            '',
6137        'Blocks all the incoming emails that do not have a valid ticket number in subject with From: @example.com address.' =>
6138            '',
6139        'Bounced to "%s".' => 'Põrgatatud "%s".',
6140        'Bulgarian' => 'Bulgaaria',
6141        'Bulk Action' => 'Hulgitegevus',
6142        'CMD example setup. Ignores emails where external CMD returns some output on STDOUT (email will be piped into STDIN of some.bin).' =>
6143            '',
6144        'CSV Separator' => 'CSV eraldaja',
6145        'Cache time in seconds for agent authentication in the GenericInterface.' =>
6146            '',
6147        'Cache time in seconds for customer authentication in the GenericInterface.' =>
6148            '',
6149        'Cache time in seconds for the DB ACL backend.' => '',
6150        'Cache time in seconds for the DB process backend.' => '',
6151        'Cache time in seconds for the SSL certificate attributes.' => '',
6152        'Cache time in seconds for the ticket process navigation bar output module.' =>
6153            '',
6154        'Cache time in seconds for the web service config backend.' => '',
6155        'Calendar manage screen.' => '',
6156        'Catalan' => 'Katalaani',
6157        'Change password' => 'Vaheta parool',
6158        'Change queue!' => 'Vaheta järjekorda!',
6159        'Change the customer for this ticket' => '',
6160        'Change the free fields for this ticket' => '',
6161        'Change the owner for this ticket' => '',
6162        'Change the priority for this ticket' => '',
6163        'Change the responsible for this ticket' => '',
6164        'Change your avatar image.' => '',
6165        'Change your password and more.' => '',
6166        'Changed SLA to "%s" (%s).' => '',
6167        'Changed archive state to "%s".' => '',
6168        'Changed customer to "%s".' => '',
6169        'Changed dynamic field %s from "%s" to "%s".' => '',
6170        'Changed owner to "%s" (%s).' => '',
6171        'Changed pending time to "%s".' => '',
6172        'Changed priority from "%s" (%s) to "%s" (%s).' => 'Muudetud prioriteeti: algselt "%s" (%s), pärast "%s" (%s).',
6173        'Changed queue to "%s" (%s) from "%s" (%s).' => '',
6174        'Changed responsible to "%s" (%s).' => '',
6175        'Changed service to "%s" (%s).' => '',
6176        'Changed state from "%s" to "%s".' => '',
6177        'Changed title from "%s" to "%s".' => '',
6178        'Changed type from "%s" (%s) to "%s" (%s).' => '',
6179        'Changes the owner of tickets to everyone (useful for ASP). Normally only agent with rw permissions in the queue of the ticket will be shown.' =>
6180            '',
6181        'Chat communication channel.' => '',
6182        'Checkbox' => '',
6183        'Checks for articles that needs to be updated in the article search index.' =>
6184            '',
6185        'Checks for communication log entries to be deleted.' => '',
6186        'Checks for queued outgoing emails to be sent.' => '',
6187        'Checks if an E-Mail is a followup to an existing ticket by searching the subject for a valid ticket number.' =>
6188            '',
6189        'Checks if an email is a follow-up to an existing ticket with external ticket number which can be found by ExternalTicketNumberRecognition filter module.' =>
6190            '',
6191        'Checks the SystemID in ticket number detection for follow-ups. If not enabled, SystemID will be changed after using the system.' =>
6192            '',
6193        'Checks the availability of OTRS Business Solution™ for this system.' =>
6194            '',
6195        'Checks the entitlement status of OTRS Business Solution™.' => '',
6196        'Child' => 'Alam',
6197        'Chinese (Simplified)' => 'Hiina (lihtsustatud)',
6198        'Chinese (Traditional)' => 'Hiina (traditsiooniline)',
6199        'Choose for which kind of appointment changes you want to receive notifications.' =>
6200            '',
6201        'Choose for which kind of ticket changes you want to receive notifications. Please note that you can\'t completely disable notifications marked as mandatory.' =>
6202            '',
6203        'Choose which notifications you\'d like to receive.' => '',
6204        'Christmas Eve' => 'jõululaupäev',
6205        'Close' => 'Sulge',
6206        'Close this ticket' => 'Sulge intsident',
6207        'Closed tickets (customer user)' => 'Suletud piletid (klientkasutaja)',
6208        'Closed tickets (customer)' => '',
6209        'Cloud Services' => '',
6210        'Cloud service admin module registration for the transport layer.' =>
6211            '',
6212        'Collect support data for asynchronous plug-in modules.' => '',
6213        'Column ticket filters for Ticket Overviews type "Small".' => '',
6214        'Columns that can be filtered in the escalation view of the agent interface. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.' =>
6215            '',
6216        'Columns that can be filtered in the locked view of the agent interface. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.' =>
6217            '',
6218        'Columns that can be filtered in the queue view of the agent interface. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.' =>
6219            '',
6220        'Columns that can be filtered in the responsible view of the agent interface. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.' =>
6221            '',
6222        'Columns that can be filtered in the service view of the agent interface. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.' =>
6223            '',
6224        'Columns that can be filtered in the status view of the agent interface. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.' =>
6225            '',
6226        'Columns that can be filtered in the ticket search result view of the agent interface. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.' =>
6227            '',
6228        'Columns that can be filtered in the watch view of the agent interface. Note: Only Ticket attributes, Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) and Customer attributes (e.g. CustomerUserPhone, CustomerCompanyName, ...) are allowed.' =>
6229            '',
6230        'Comment for new history entries in the customer interface.' => '',
6231        'Comment2' => '',
6232        'Communication' => 'Suhtlus',
6233        'Communication & Notifications' => '',
6234        'Communication Log GUI' => '',
6235        'Communication log limit per page for Communication Log Overview.' =>
6236            '',
6237        'CommunicationLog Overview Limit' => '',
6238        'Company Status' => '',
6239        'Company Tickets.' => '',
6240        'Company name which will be included in outgoing emails as an X-Header.' =>
6241            '',
6242        'Compat module for AgentZoom to AgentTicketZoom.' => '',
6243        'Complex' => '',
6244        'Compose' => 'Koosta kiri',
6245        'Configure Processes.' => '',
6246        'Configure and manage ACLs.' => '',
6247        'Configure any additional readonly mirror databases that you want to use.' =>
6248            '',
6249        'Configure sending of support data to OTRS Group for improved support.' =>
6250            '',
6251        'Configure which screen should be shown after a new ticket has been created.' =>
6252            '',
6253        'Configure your own log text for PGP.' => '',
6254        'Configures a default TicketDynamicField setting. "Name" defines the dynamic field which should be used, "Value" is the data that will be set, and "Event" defines the trigger event. Please check the developer manual (https://doc.otrs.com/doc/), chapter "Ticket Event Module".' =>
6255            '',
6256        'Controls how to display the ticket history entries as readable values.' =>
6257            '',
6258        'Controls if CustomerID is automatically copied from the sender address for unknown customers.' =>
6259            '',
6260        'Controls if CustomerID is read-only in the agent interface.' => '',
6261        'Controls if customers have the ability to sort their tickets.' =>
6262            '',
6263        'Controls if more than one from entry can be set in the new phone ticket in the agent interface.' =>
6264            '',
6265        'Controls if the admin is allowed to import a saved system configuration in SysConfig.' =>
6266            '',
6267        'Controls if the admin is allowed to make changes to the database via AdminSelectBox.' =>
6268            '',
6269        'Controls if the autocomplete field will be used for the customer ID selection in the AdminCustomerUser interface.' =>
6270            '',
6271        'Controls if the ticket and article seen flags are removed when a ticket is archived.' =>
6272            '',
6273        'Converts HTML mails into text messages.' => '',
6274        'Create New process ticket.' => '',
6275        'Create Ticket' => '',
6276        'Create a new calendar appointment linked to this ticket' => '',
6277        'Create and manage Service Level Agreements (SLAs).' => 'Teenustaseme lepingute (SLA) loomine ja haldamine.',
6278        'Create and manage agents.' => 'Töötajate loomine ja haldamine.',
6279        'Create and manage appointment notifications.' => '',
6280        'Create and manage attachments.' => 'Manuste loomine ja haldamine.',
6281        'Create and manage calendars.' => '',
6282        'Create and manage customer users.' => 'Klientkasutajate loomine ja haldamine.',
6283        'Create and manage customers.' => 'Klientide loomine ja haldamine.',
6284        'Create and manage dynamic fields.' => 'Dünaamiliste väljade loomine ja haldamine.',
6285        'Create and manage groups.' => 'Rühmade loomine ja haldamine.',
6286        'Create and manage queues.' => 'Järjekordade loomine ja haldamine.',
6287        'Create and manage responses that are automatically sent.' => 'Automaatselt saadetavate vastuste loomine ja haldamine.',
6288        'Create and manage roles.' => 'Rollide loomine ja haldamine.',
6289        'Create and manage salutations.' => 'Tervituste loomine ja haldamine.',
6290        'Create and manage services.' => 'Teenuste loomine ja haldamine.',
6291        'Create and manage signatures.' => 'Allkirjade loomine ja haldamine.',
6292        'Create and manage templates.' => 'Loo ja halda malle.',
6293        'Create and manage ticket notifications.' => '',
6294        'Create and manage ticket priorities.' => 'Intsidendi prioriteetide loomine ja haldamine.',
6295        'Create and manage ticket states.' => 'Intsidentide olekute loomine ja haldamine.',
6296        'Create and manage ticket types.' => 'Intsidentide tüüpide loomine ja haldamine.',
6297        'Create and manage web services.' => 'Veebiteenuste loomine ja haldamine.',
6298        'Create new Ticket.' => 'Loo uus intsident.',
6299        'Create new appointment.' => '',
6300        'Create new email ticket and send this out (outbound).' => '',
6301        'Create new email ticket.' => 'Loo uus e-postiga saadetud intsident.',
6302        'Create new phone ticket (inbound).' => '',
6303        'Create new phone ticket.' => 'Loo uus telefoni teel edastatud intsident',
6304        'Create new process ticket.' => '',
6305        'Create tickets.' => '',
6306        'Created ticket [%s] in "%s" with priority "%s" and state "%s".' =>
6307            '',
6308        'Croatian' => 'Horvaadi',
6309        'Custom RSS Feed' => '',
6310        'Custom RSS feed.' => '',
6311        'Custom text for the page shown to customers that have no tickets yet (if you need those text translated add them to a custom translation module).' =>
6312            '',
6313        'Customer Administration' => '',
6314        'Customer Companies' => 'Kliendi ettevõtted',
6315        'Customer IDs' => '',
6316        'Customer Information Center Search.' => '',
6317        'Customer Information Center search.' => '',
6318        'Customer Information Center.' => '',
6319        'Customer Ticket Print Module.' => '',
6320        'Customer User Administration' => 'Klientkasutajate haldus',
6321        'Customer User Information' => '',
6322        'Customer User Information Center Search.' => '',
6323        'Customer User Information Center search.' => '',
6324        'Customer User Information Center.' => '',
6325        'Customer Users ↔ Customers' => '',
6326        'Customer Users ↔ Groups' => '',
6327        'Customer Users ↔ Services' => '',
6328        'Customer item (icon) which shows the closed tickets of this customer as info block. Setting CustomerUserLogin to 1 searches for tickets based on login name rather than CustomerID.' =>
6329            '',
6330        'Customer item (icon) which shows the open tickets of this customer as info block. Setting CustomerUserLogin to 1 searches for tickets based on login name rather than CustomerID.' =>
6331            '',
6332        'Customer preferences.' => '',
6333        'Customer ticket overview' => '',
6334        'Customer ticket search.' => '',
6335        'Customer ticket zoom' => '',
6336        'Customer user search' => 'Klientkasutaja otsing',
6337        'CustomerID search' => '',
6338        'CustomerName' => '',
6339        'CustomerUser' => '',
6340        'Customers ↔ Groups' => '',
6341        'Customizable stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.' =>
6342            '',
6343        'Czech' => 'Tšehhi',
6344        'Danish' => 'Taani',
6345        'Dashboard overview.' => '',
6346        'Data used to export the search result in CSV format.' => '',
6347        'Date / Time' => 'Kuupäev / Kellaaeg',
6348        'Default (Slim)' => '',
6349        'Default ACL values for ticket actions.' => '',
6350        'Default ProcessManagement entity prefixes for entity IDs that are automatically generated.' =>
6351            '',
6352        'Default agent name' => '',
6353        'Default data to use on attribute for ticket search screen. Example: "TicketCreateTimePointFormat=year;TicketCreateTimePointStart=Last;TicketCreateTimePoint=2;".' =>
6354            '',
6355        'Default data to use on attribute for ticket search screen. Example: "TicketCreateTimeStartYear=2010;TicketCreateTimeStartMonth=10;TicketCreateTimeStartDay=4;TicketCreateTimeStopYear=2010;TicketCreateTimeStopMonth=11;TicketCreateTimeStopDay=3;".' =>
6356            '',
6357        'Default display type for recipient (To,Cc) names in AgentTicketZoom and CustomerTicketZoom.' =>
6358            '',
6359        'Default display type for sender (From) names in AgentTicketZoom and CustomerTicketZoom.' =>
6360            '',
6361        'Default loop protection module.' => '',
6362        'Default queue ID used by the system in the agent interface.' => '',
6363        'Default skin for the agent interface (slim version).' => '',
6364        'Default skin for the agent interface.' => '',
6365        'Default skin for the customer interface.' => '',
6366        'Default ticket ID used by the system in the agent interface.' =>
6367            '',
6368        'Default ticket ID used by the system in the customer interface.' =>
6369            '',
6370        'Default value for NameX' => '',
6371        'Define Actions where a settings button is available in the linked objects widget (LinkObject::ViewMode = "complex"). Please note that these Actions must have registered the following JS and CSS files: Core.AllocationList.css, Core.UI.AllocationList.js, Core.UI.Table.Sort.js, Core.Agent.TableFilters.js.' =>
6372            '',
6373        'Define a filter for html output to add links behind a defined string. The element Image allows two input kinds. At once the name of an image (e.g. faq.png). In this case the OTRS image path will be used. The second possiblity is to insert the link to the image.' =>
6374            '',
6375        'Define a mapping between variables of the customer user data (keys) and dynamic fields of a ticket (values). The purpose is to store customer user data in ticket dynamic fields. The dynamic fields must be present in the system and should be enabled for AgentTicketFreeText, so that they can be set/updated manually by the agent. They mustn\'t be enabled for AgentTicketPhone, AgentTicketEmail and AgentTicketCustomer. If they were, they would have precedence over the automatically set values. To use this mapping, you have to also activate the Ticket::EventModulePost###4100-DynamicFieldFromCustomerUser setting.' =>
6376            '',
6377        'Define dynamic field name for end time. This field has to be manually added to the system as Ticket: "Date / Time" and must be activated in ticket creation screens and/or in any other ticket action screens.' =>
6378            '',
6379        'Define dynamic field name for start time. This field has to be manually added to the system as Ticket: "Date / Time" and must be activated in ticket creation screens and/or in any other ticket action screens.' =>
6380            '',
6381        'Define the max depth of queues.' => '',
6382        'Define the queue comment 2.' => '',
6383        'Define the service comment 2.' => '',
6384        'Define the sla comment 2.' => '',
6385        'Define the start day of the week for the date picker for the indicated calendar.' =>
6386            '',
6387        'Define the start day of the week for the date picker.' => '',
6388        'Define which avatar default image should be used for the article view if no gravatar is assigned to the mail address. Check https://gravatar.com/site/implement/images/ for further information.' =>
6389            '',
6390        'Define which avatar default image should be used for the current agent if no gravatar is assigned to the mail address of the agent. Check https://gravatar.com/site/implement/images/ for further information.' =>
6391            '',
6392        'Define which avatar engine should be used for the agent avatar on the header and the sender images in AgentTicketZoom. If \'None\' is selected, initials will be displayed instead. Please note that selecting anything other than \'None\' will transfer the encrypted email address of the particular user to an external service.' =>
6393            '',
6394        'Define which columns are shown in the linked appointment widget (LinkObject::ViewMode = "complex"). Possible settings: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Available, 2 = Enabled by default.' =>
6395            '',
6396        'Define which columns are shown in the linked tickets widget (LinkObject::ViewMode = "complex"). Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
6397            '',
6398        'Defines a customer item, which generates a LinkedIn icon at the end of a customer info block.' =>
6399            '',
6400        'Defines a customer item, which generates a XING icon at the end of a customer info block.' =>
6401            '',
6402        'Defines a customer item, which generates a google icon at the end of a customer info block.' =>
6403            '',
6404        'Defines a customer item, which generates a google maps icon at the end of a customer info block.' =>
6405            '',
6406        'Defines a filter for html output to add links behind CVE numbers. The element Image allows two input kinds. At once the name of an image (e.g. faq.png). In this case the OTRS image path will be used. The second possiblity is to insert the link to the image.' =>
6407            '',
6408        'Defines a filter for html output to add links behind MSBulletin numbers. The element Image allows two input kinds. At once the name of an image (e.g. faq.png). In this case the OTRS image path will be used. The second possiblity is to insert the link to the image.' =>
6409            '',
6410        'Defines a filter for html output to add links behind a defined string. The element Image allows two input kinds. At once the name of an image (e.g. faq.png). In this case the OTRS image path will be used. The second possiblity is to insert the link to the image.' =>
6411            '',
6412        'Defines a filter for html output to add links behind bugtraq numbers. The element Image allows two input kinds. At once the name of an image (e.g. faq.png). In this case the OTRS image path will be used. The second possiblity is to insert the link to the image.' =>
6413            '',
6414        'Defines a filter to collect CVE numbers from article texts in AgentTicketZoom. The results will be displayed in a meta box next to the article. Fill in URLPreview if you would like to see a preview when moving your mouse cursor above the link element. This could be the same URL as in URL, but also an alternate one. Please note that some websites deny being displayed within an iframe (e.g. Google) and thus won\'t work with the preview mode.' =>
6415            '',
6416        'Defines a filter to process the text in the articles, in order to highlight predefined keywords.' =>
6417            '',
6418        'Defines a permission context for customer to group assignment.' =>
6419            '',
6420        'Defines a regular expression that excludes some addresses from the syntax check (if "CheckEmailAddresses" is set to "Yes"). Please enter a regex in this field for email addresses, that aren\'t syntactically valid, but are necessary for the system (i.e. "root@localhost").' =>
6421            '',
6422        'Defines a regular expression that filters all email addresses that should not be used in the application.' =>
6423            '',
6424        'Defines a sleep time in microseconds between tickets while they are been processed by a job.' =>
6425            '',
6426        'Defines a useful module to load specific user options or to display news.' =>
6427            '',
6428        'Defines all the X-headers that should be scanned.' => '',
6429        'Defines all the languages that are available to the application. Specify only English names of languages here.' =>
6430            '',
6431        'Defines all the languages that are available to the application. Specify only native names of languages here.' =>
6432            '',
6433        'Defines all the parameters for the RefreshTime object in the customer preferences of the customer interface.' =>
6434            '',
6435        'Defines all the parameters for the ShownTickets object in the customer preferences of the customer interface.' =>
6436            '',
6437        'Defines all the parameters for this item in the customer preferences.' =>
6438            '',
6439        'Defines all the parameters for this item in the customer preferences. \'PasswordRegExp\' allows to match passwords against a regular expression. Define the minimum number of characters using \'PasswordMinSize\'. Define if at least 2 lowercase and 2 uppercase letter characters are needed by setting the appropriate option to \'1\'. \'PasswordMin2Characters\' defines if the password needs to contain at least 2 letter characters (set to 0 or 1). \'PasswordNeedDigit\' controls the need of at least 1 digit (set to 0 or 1 to control).' =>
6440            '',
6441        'Defines all the parameters for this notification transport.' => '',
6442        'Defines all the possible stats output formats.' => '',
6443        'Defines an alternate URL, where the login link refers to.' => '',
6444        'Defines an alternate URL, where the logout link refers to.' => 'Määrab alternatiivURLi, kuhu väljalogimislink viitab.',
6445        'Defines an alternate login URL for the customer panel..' => '',
6446        'Defines an alternate logout URL for the customer panel.' => '',
6447        'Defines an external link to the database of the customer (e.g. \'http://yourhost/customer.php?CID=[% Data.CustomerID %]\' or \'\').' =>
6448            '',
6449        'Defines an icon with link to the google map page of the current location in appointment edit screen.' =>
6450            '',
6451        'Defines an overview module to show the address book view of a customer user list.' =>
6452            '',
6453        'Defines available article actions for Chat articles.' => '',
6454        'Defines available article actions for Email articles.' => '',
6455        'Defines available article actions for Internal articles.' => '',
6456        'Defines available article actions for Phone articles.' => '',
6457        'Defines available article actions for invalid articles.' => '',
6458        'Defines available groups for the admin overview screen.' => '',
6459        'Defines chat communication channel.' => '',
6460        'Defines default headers for outgoing emails.' => '',
6461        'Defines email communication channel.' => '',
6462        'Defines from which ticket attributes the agent can select the result order.' =>
6463            '',
6464        'Defines groups for preferences items.' => '',
6465        'Defines how many deployments the system should keep.' => '',
6466        'Defines how the From field from the emails (sent from answers and email tickets) should look like.' =>
6467            '',
6468        'Defines if a pre-sorting by priority should be done in the queue view.' =>
6469            '',
6470        'Defines if a pre-sorting by priority should be done in the service view.' =>
6471            '',
6472        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the close ticket screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6473            '',
6474        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the email outbound screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6475            '',
6476        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the email resend screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6477            '',
6478        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket bounce screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6479            '',
6480        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6481            '',
6482        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6483            '',
6484        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6485            '',
6486        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket merge screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6487            '',
6488        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket note screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6489            '',
6490        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6491            '',
6492        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6493            '',
6494        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6495            '',
6496        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6497            '',
6498        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6499            '',
6500        'Defines if a ticket lock is required in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6501            '',
6502        'Defines if a ticket lock is required to change the customer of a ticket in the agent interface (if the ticket isn\'t locked yet, the ticket gets locked and the current agent will be set automatically as its owner).' =>
6503            '',
6504        'Defines if agents should be allowed to login if they have no shared secret stored in their preferences and therefore are not using two-factor authentication.' =>
6505            '',
6506        'Defines if customers should be allowed to login if they have no shared secret stored in their preferences and therefore are not using two-factor authentication.' =>
6507            '',
6508        'Defines if the communication between this system and OTRS Group servers that provide cloud services is possible. If set to \'Disable cloud services\', some functionality will be lost such as system registration, support data sending, upgrading to and use of OTRS Business Solution™, OTRS Verify™, OTRS News and product News dashboard widgets, among others.' =>
6509            '',
6510        'Defines if the enhanced mode should be used (enables use of table, replace, subscript, superscript, paste from word, etc.) in customer interface.' =>
6511            '',
6512        'Defines if the enhanced mode should be used (enables use of table, replace, subscript, superscript, paste from word, etc.).' =>
6513            '',
6514        'Defines if the first article should be displayed as expanded, that is visible for the related customer. If nothing defined, latest article will be expanded.' =>
6515            '',
6516        'Defines if the message in the email outbound screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6517            '',
6518        'Defines if the message in the email resend screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6519            '',
6520        'Defines if the message in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6521            '',
6522        'Defines if the message in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6523            '',
6524        'Defines if the note in the close ticket screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6525            '',
6526        'Defines if the note in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6527            '',
6528        'Defines if the note in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6529            '',
6530        'Defines if the note in the ticket note screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6531            '',
6532        'Defines if the note in the ticket owner screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6533            '',
6534        'Defines if the note in the ticket pending screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6535            '',
6536        'Defines if the note in the ticket priority screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6537            '',
6538        'Defines if the note in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface is visible for the customer by default.' =>
6539            '',
6540        'Defines if the previously valid token should be accepted for authentication. This is slightly less secure but gives users 30 seconds more time to enter their one-time password.' =>
6541            '',
6542        'Defines if the values for filters should be retrieved from all available tickets. If enabled, only values which are actually used in any ticket will be available for filtering. Please note: The list of customers will always be retrieved like this.' =>
6543            '',
6544        'Defines if time accounting is mandatory in the agent interface. If enabled, a note must be entered for all ticket actions (no matter if the note itself is configured as active or is originally mandatory for the individual ticket action screen).' =>
6545            '',
6546        'Defines if time accounting must be set to all tickets in bulk action.' =>
6547            '',
6548        'Defines internal communication channel.' => '',
6549        'Defines out of office message template. Two string parameters (%s) available: end date and number of days left.' =>
6550            '',
6551        'Defines phone communication channel.' => '',
6552        'Defines queues that\'s tickets are used for displaying as calendar events.' =>
6553            '',
6554        'Defines the HTTP hostname for the support data collection with the public module \'PublicSupportDataCollector\' (e.g. used from the OTRS Daemon).' =>
6555            '',
6556        'Defines the IP regular expression for accessing the local repository. You need to enable this to have access to your local repository and the package::RepositoryList is required on the remote host.' =>
6557            '',
6558        'Defines the PostMaster header to be used on the filter for keeping the current state of the ticket.' =>
6559            '',
6560        'Defines the URL CSS path.' => '',
6561        'Defines the URL base path of icons, CSS and Java Script.' => '',
6562        'Defines the URL image path of icons for navigation.' => '',
6563        'Defines the URL java script path.' => '',
6564        'Defines the URL rich text editor path.' => '',
6565        'Defines the address of a dedicated DNS server, if necessary, for the "CheckMXRecord" look-ups.' =>
6566            '',
6567        'Defines the agent preferences key where the shared secret key is stored.' =>
6568            '',
6569        'Defines the available steps in time selections. Select "Minute" to be able to select all minutes of one hour from 1-59. Select "30 Minutes" to only make full and half hours available.' =>
6570            '',
6571        'Defines the body text for notification mails sent to agents, about new password.' =>
6572            '',
6573        'Defines the body text for notification mails sent to agents, with token about new requested password.' =>
6574            '',
6575        'Defines the body text for notification mails sent to customers, about new account.' =>
6576            '',
6577        'Defines the body text for notification mails sent to customers, about new password.' =>
6578            '',
6579        'Defines the body text for notification mails sent to customers, with token about new requested password.' =>
6580            '',
6581        'Defines the body text for rejected emails.' => '',
6582        'Defines the calendar width in percent. Default is 95%.' => '',
6583        'Defines the column to store the keys for the preferences table.' =>
6584            '',
6585        'Defines the config options for the autocompletion feature.' => '',
6586        'Defines the config parameters of this item, to be shown in the preferences view.' =>
6587            '',
6588        'Defines the config parameters of this item, to be shown in the preferences view. \'PasswordRegExp\' allows to match passwords against a regular expression. Define the minimum number of characters using \'PasswordMinSize\'. Define if at least 2 lowercase and 2 uppercase letter characters are needed by setting the appropriate option to \'1\'. \'PasswordMin2Characters\' defines if the password needs to contain at least 2 letter characters (set to 0 or 1). \'PasswordNeedDigit\' controls the need of at least 1 digit (set to 0 or 1 to control). \'PasswordMaxLoginFailed\' allows to set an agent to invalid-temporarily if max failed logins reached. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
6589            '',
6590        'Defines the config parameters of this item, to be shown in the preferences view. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
6591            '',
6592        'Defines the connections for http/ftp, via a proxy.' => '',
6593        'Defines the customer preferences key where the shared secret key is stored.' =>
6594            '',
6595        'Defines the date input format used in forms (option or input fields).' =>
6596            '',
6597        'Defines the default CSS used in rich text editors.' => '',
6598        'Defines the default agent name in the ticket zoom view of the customer interface.' =>
6599            '',
6600        'Defines the default auto response type of the article for this operation.' =>
6601            '',
6602        'Defines the default body of a note in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
6603            '',
6604        'Defines the default filter fields in the customer user address book search (CustomerUser or CustomerCompany). For the CustomerCompany fields a prefix \'CustomerCompany_\' must be added.' =>
6605            '',
6606        'Defines the default front-end (HTML) theme to be used by the agents and customers. If you like, you can add your own theme. Please refer the administrator manual located at https://doc.otrs.com/doc/.' =>
6607            '',
6608        'Defines the default front-end language. All the possible values are determined by the available language files on the system (see the next setting).' =>
6609            '',
6610        'Defines the default history type in the customer interface.' => '',
6611        'Defines the default maximum number of X-axis attributes for the time scale.' =>
6612            '',
6613        'Defines the default maximum number of statistics per page on the overview screen.' =>
6614            '',
6615        'Defines the default next state for a ticket after customer follow-up in the customer interface.' =>
6616            '',
6617        'Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
6618            '',
6619        'Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
6620            '',
6621        'Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
6622            '',
6623        'Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
6624            '',
6625        'Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
6626            '',
6627        'Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
6628            '',
6629        'Defines the default next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
6630            '',
6631        'Defines the default next state of a ticket after being bounced, in the ticket bounce screen of the agent interface.' =>
6632            '',
6633        'Defines the default next state of a ticket after being forwarded, in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface.' =>
6634            '',
6635        'Defines the default next state of a ticket after the message has been sent, in the email outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6636            '',
6637        'Defines the default next state of a ticket if it is composed / answered in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface.' =>
6638            '',
6639        'Defines the default next state of a ticket, in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.' =>
6640            '',
6641        'Defines the default note body text for phone tickets in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6642            '',
6643        'Defines the default note body text for phone tickets in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6644            '',
6645        'Defines the default priority of follow-up customer tickets in the ticket zoom screen in the customer interface.' =>
6646            '',
6647        'Defines the default priority of new customer tickets in the customer interface.' =>
6648            '',
6649        'Defines the default priority of new tickets.' => '',
6650        'Defines the default queue for new customer tickets in the customer interface.' =>
6651            '',
6652        'Defines the default queue for new tickets in the agent interface.' =>
6653            '',
6654        'Defines the default selection at the drop down menu for dynamic objects (Form: Common Specification).' =>
6655            '',
6656        'Defines the default selection at the drop down menu for permissions (Form: Common Specification).' =>
6657            '',
6658        'Defines the default selection at the drop down menu for stats format (Form: Common Specification). Please insert the format key (see Stats::Format).' =>
6659            '',
6660        'Defines the default sender type for phone tickets in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6661            '',
6662        'Defines the default sender type for phone tickets in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6663            '',
6664        'Defines the default sender type for tickets in the ticket zoom screen of the customer interface.' =>
6665            '',
6666        'Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen (AllTickets/ArchivedTickets/NotArchivedTickets).' =>
6667            '',
6668        'Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen.' =>
6669            '',
6670        'Defines the default shown ticket search attribute for ticket search screen. Example: "Key" must have the name of the Dynamic Field in this case \'X\', "Content" must have the value of the Dynamic Field depending on the Dynamic Field type,  Text: \'a text\', Dropdown: \'1\', Date/Time: \'Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartYear=1974; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartMonth=01; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartDay=26; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartHour=00; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartMinute=00; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStartSecond=00; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopYear=2013; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopMonth=01; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopDay=26; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopHour=23; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopMinute=59; Search_DynamicField_XTimeSlotStopSecond=59;\' and or \'Search_DynamicField_XTimePointFormat=week; Search_DynamicField_XTimePointStart=Before; Search_DynamicField_XTimePointValue=7\';.' =>
6671            '',
6672        'Defines the default sort criteria for all queues displayed in the queue view.' =>
6673            '',
6674        'Defines the default sort criteria for all services displayed in the service view.' =>
6675            '',
6676        'Defines the default sort order for all queues in the queue view, after priority sort.' =>
6677            '',
6678        'Defines the default sort order for all services in the service view, after priority sort.' =>
6679            '',
6680        'Defines the default state of new customer tickets in the customer interface.' =>
6681            '',
6682        'Defines the default state of new tickets.' => '',
6683        'Defines the default subject for phone tickets in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6684            '',
6685        'Defines the default subject for phone tickets in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6686            '',
6687        'Defines the default subject of a note in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
6688            '',
6689        'Defines the default the number of seconds (from current time) to re-schedule a generic interface failed task.' =>
6690            '',
6691        'Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in a ticket search of the customer interface.' =>
6692            '',
6693        'Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in the escalation view of the agent interface.' =>
6694            '',
6695        'Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in the locked ticket view of the agent interface.' =>
6696            '',
6697        'Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in the responsible view of the agent interface.' =>
6698            '',
6699        'Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in the status view of the agent interface.' =>
6700            '',
6701        'Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting in the watch view of the agent interface.' =>
6702            '',
6703        'Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting of the ticket search result of the agent interface.' =>
6704            '',
6705        'Defines the default ticket attribute for ticket sorting of the ticket search result of this operation.' =>
6706            '',
6707        'Defines the default ticket bounced notification for customer/sender in the ticket bounce screen of the agent interface.' =>
6708            '',
6709        'Defines the default ticket next state after adding a phone note in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6710            '',
6711        'Defines the default ticket next state after adding a phone note in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6712            '',
6713        'Defines the default ticket order (after priority sort) in the escalation view of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.' =>
6714            '',
6715        'Defines the default ticket order (after priority sort) in the status view of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.' =>
6716            '',
6717        'Defines the default ticket order in the responsible view of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.' =>
6718            '',
6719        'Defines the default ticket order in the ticket locked view of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.' =>
6720            '',
6721        'Defines the default ticket order in the ticket search result of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.' =>
6722            '',
6723        'Defines the default ticket order in the ticket search result of the this operation. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.' =>
6724            '',
6725        'Defines the default ticket order in the watch view of the agent interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.' =>
6726            '',
6727        'Defines the default ticket order of a search result in the customer interface. Up: oldest on top. Down: latest on top.' =>
6728            '',
6729        'Defines the default ticket priority in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
6730            '',
6731        'Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.' =>
6732            '',
6733        'Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
6734            '',
6735        'Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
6736            '',
6737        'Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
6738            '',
6739        'Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
6740            '',
6741        'Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
6742            '',
6743        'Defines the default ticket priority in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
6744            '',
6745        'Defines the default ticket type for new customer tickets in the customer interface.' =>
6746            '',
6747        'Defines the default ticket type.' => '',
6748        'Defines the default used Frontend-Module if no Action parameter given in the url on the agent interface.' =>
6749            '',
6750        'Defines the default used Frontend-Module if no Action parameter given in the url on the customer interface.' =>
6751            '',
6752        'Defines the default value for the action parameter for the public frontend. The action parameter is used in the scripts of the system.' =>
6753            '',
6754        'Defines the default viewable sender types of a ticket (default: customer).' =>
6755            '',
6756        'Defines the default visibility of the article to customer for this operation.' =>
6757            '',
6758        'Defines the displayed style of the From field in notes that are visible for customers. A default agent name can be defined in Ticket::Frontend::CustomerTicketZoom###DefaultAgentName setting.' =>
6759            '',
6760        'Defines the dynamic fields that are used for displaying on calendar events.' =>
6761            '',
6762        'Defines the event object types that will be handled via AdminAppointmentNotificationEvent.' =>
6763            '',
6764        'Defines the fall-back path to open fetchmail binary. Note: The name of the binary needs to be \'fetchmail\', if it is different please use a symbolic link.' =>
6765            '',
6766        'Defines the filter that processes the text in the articles, in order to highlight URLs.' =>
6767            '',
6768        'Defines the format of responses in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface ([% Data.OrigFrom | html %] is From 1:1, [% Data.OrigFromName | html %] is only realname of From).' =>
6769            '',
6770        'Defines the fully qualified domain name of the system. This setting is used as a variable, OTRS_CONFIG_FQDN which is found in all forms of messaging used by the application, to build links to the tickets within your system.' =>
6771            '',
6772        'Defines the groups every customer user will be in (if CustomerGroupSupport is enabled and you don\'t want to manage every customer user for these groups).' =>
6773            '',
6774        'Defines the groups every customer will be in (if CustomerGroupSupport is enabled and you don\'t want to manage every customer for these groups).' =>
6775            '',
6776        'Defines the height for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).' =>
6777            '',
6778        'Defines the height for the rich text editor component. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).' =>
6779            '',
6780        'Defines the history comment for the close ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6781            '',
6782        'Defines the history comment for the email ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6783            '',
6784        'Defines the history comment for the phone ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6785            '',
6786        'Defines the history comment for the ticket free text screen action, which gets used for ticket history.' =>
6787            '',
6788        'Defines the history comment for the ticket note screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6789            '',
6790        'Defines the history comment for the ticket owner screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6791            '',
6792        'Defines the history comment for the ticket pending screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6793            '',
6794        'Defines the history comment for the ticket phone inbound screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6795            '',
6796        'Defines the history comment for the ticket phone outbound screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6797            '',
6798        'Defines the history comment for the ticket priority screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6799            '',
6800        'Defines the history comment for the ticket responsible screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6801            '',
6802        'Defines the history comment for the ticket zoom action, which gets used for ticket history in the customer interface.' =>
6803            '',
6804        'Defines the history comment for this operation, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6805            '',
6806        'Defines the history type for the close ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6807            '',
6808        'Defines the history type for the email ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6809            '',
6810        'Defines the history type for the phone ticket screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6811            '',
6812        'Defines the history type for the ticket free text screen action, which gets used for ticket history.' =>
6813            '',
6814        'Defines the history type for the ticket note screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6815            '',
6816        'Defines the history type for the ticket owner screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6817            '',
6818        'Defines the history type for the ticket pending screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6819            '',
6820        'Defines the history type for the ticket phone inbound screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6821            '',
6822        'Defines the history type for the ticket phone outbound screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6823            '',
6824        'Defines the history type for the ticket priority screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6825            '',
6826        'Defines the history type for the ticket responsible screen action, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6827            '',
6828        'Defines the history type for the ticket zoom action, which gets used for ticket history in the customer interface.' =>
6829            '',
6830        'Defines the history type for this operation, which gets used for ticket history in the agent interface.' =>
6831            '',
6832        'Defines the hours and week days of the indicated calendar, to count the working time.' =>
6833            '',
6834        'Defines the hours and week days to count the working time.' => '',
6835        'Defines the key to be checked with Kernel::Modules::AgentInfo module. If this user preferences key is true, the message is accepted by the system.' =>
6836            '',
6837        'Defines the key to check with CustomerAccept. If this user preferences key is true, then the message is accepted by the system.' =>
6838            '',
6839        'Defines the link type \'Normal\'. If the source name and the target name contain the same value, the resulting link is a non-directional one; otherwise, the result is a directional link.' =>
6840            '',
6841        'Defines the link type \'ParentChild\'. If the source name and the target name contain the same value, the resulting link is a non-directional one; otherwise, the result is a directional link.' =>
6842            '',
6843        'Defines the link type groups. The link types of the same group cancel one another. Example: If ticket A is linked per a \'Normal\' link with ticket B, then these tickets could not be additionally linked with link of a \'ParentChild\' relationship.' =>
6844            '',
6845        'Defines the list of online repositories. Another installations can be used as repository, for example: Key="http://example.com/otrs/public.pl?Action=PublicRepository;File=" and Content="Some Name".' =>
6846            '',
6847        'Defines the list of params that can be passed to ticket search function.' =>
6848            '',
6849        'Defines the list of possible next actions on an error screen, a full path is required, then is possible to add external links if needed.' =>
6850            '',
6851        'Defines the list of types for templates.' => '',
6852        'Defines the location to get online repository list for additional packages. The first available result will be used.' =>
6853            '',
6854        'Defines the log module for the system. "File" writes all messages in a given logfile, "SysLog" uses the syslog daemon of the system, e.g. syslogd.' =>
6855            '',
6856        'Defines the maximal size (in bytes) for file uploads via the browser. Warning: Setting this option to a value which is too low could cause many masks in your OTRS instance to stop working (probably any mask which takes input from the user).' =>
6857            '',
6858        'Defines the maximal valid time (in seconds) for a session id.' =>
6859            '',
6860        'Defines the maximum number of affected tickets per job.' => '',
6861        'Defines the maximum number of pages per PDF file.' => '',
6862        'Defines the maximum number of quoted lines to be added to responses.' =>
6863            '',
6864        'Defines the maximum number of tasks to be executed as the same time.' =>
6865            '',
6866        'Defines the maximum size (in MB) of the log file.' => '',
6867        'Defines the maximum size in KiloByte of GenericInterface responses that get logged to the gi_debugger_entry_content table.' =>
6868            '',
6869        'Defines the module that shows a generic notification in the agent interface. Either "Text" - if configured - or the contents of "File" will be displayed.' =>
6870            '',
6871        'Defines the module that shows all the currently logged in agents in the agent interface.' =>
6872            '',
6873        'Defines the module that shows all the currently logged in customers in the agent interface.' =>
6874            '',
6875        'Defines the module that shows the currently logged in agents in the customer interface.' =>
6876            '',
6877        'Defines the module that shows the currently logged in customers in the customer interface.' =>
6878            '',
6879        'Defines the module to authenticate customers.' => '',
6880        'Defines the module to display a notification if cloud services are disabled.' =>
6881            '',
6882        'Defines the module to display a notification in different interfaces on different occasions for OTRS Business Solution™.' =>
6883            '',
6884        'Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface if the OTRS Daemon is not running.' =>
6885            '',
6886        'Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface if the system configuration is out of sync.' =>
6887            '',
6888        'Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface, if the agent has not yet selected a time zone.' =>
6889            '',
6890        'Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface, if the agent is logged in while having out-of-office active.' =>
6891            '',
6892        'Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface, if the agent is logged in while having system maintenance active.' =>
6893            '',
6894        'Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface, if the agent session limit prior warning is reached.' =>
6895            '',
6896        'Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface, if the installation of not verified packages is activated (only shown to admins).' =>
6897            '',
6898        'Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface, if the system is used by the admin user (normally you shouldn\'t work as admin).' =>
6899            '',
6900        'Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface, if there are invalid sysconfig settings deployed.' =>
6901            '',
6902        'Defines the module to display a notification in the agent interface, if there are modified sysconfig settings that are not deployed yet.' =>
6903            '',
6904        'Defines the module to display a notification in the customer interface, if the customer is logged in while having system maintenance active.' =>
6905            '',
6906        'Defines the module to display a notification in the customer interface, if the customer user has not yet selected a time zone.' =>
6907            '',
6908        'Defines the module to generate code for periodic page reloads.' =>
6909            '',
6910        'Defines the module to send emails. "DoNotSendEmail" doesn\'t send emails at all. Any of the "SMTP" mechanisms use a specified (external) mailserver. "Sendmail" directly uses the sendmail binary of your operating system. "Test" doesn\'t send emails, but writes them to $OTRS_HOME/var/tmp/CacheFileStorable/EmailTest/ for testing purposes.' =>
6911            '',
6912        'Defines the module used to store the session data. With "DB" the frontend server can be splitted from the db server. "FS" is faster.' =>
6913            '',
6914        'Defines the name of the application, shown in the web interface, tabs and title bar of the web browser.' =>
6915            '',
6916        'Defines the name of the column to store the data in the preferences table.' =>
6917            '',
6918        'Defines the name of the column to store the user identifier in the preferences table.' =>
6919            '',
6920        'Defines the name of the indicated calendar.' => '',
6921        'Defines the name of the key for customer sessions.' => '',
6922        'Defines the name of the session key. E.g. Session, SessionID or OTRS.' =>
6923            '',
6924        'Defines the name of the table where the user preferences are stored.' =>
6925            '',
6926        'Defines the next possible states after composing / answering a ticket in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface.' =>
6927            '',
6928        'Defines the next possible states after forwarding a ticket in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface.' =>
6929            '',
6930        'Defines the next possible states after sending a message in the email outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
6931            '',
6932        'Defines the next possible states for customer tickets in the customer interface.' =>
6933            '',
6934        'Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
6935            '',
6936        'Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
6937            '',
6938        'Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
6939            '',
6940        'Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
6941            '',
6942        'Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
6943            '',
6944        'Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
6945            '',
6946        'Defines the next state of a ticket after adding a note, in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
6947            '',
6948        'Defines the next state of a ticket after being bounced, in the ticket bounce screen of the agent interface.' =>
6949            '',
6950        'Defines the next state of a ticket after being moved to another queue, in the move ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
6951            '',
6952        'Defines the next state of a ticket, in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.' =>
6953            '',
6954        'Defines the number of character per line used in case an HTML article preview replacement on TemplateGenerator for EventNotifications.' =>
6955            '',
6956        'Defines the number of days to keep the daemon log files.' => '',
6957        'Defines the number of header fields in frontend modules for add and update postmaster filters. It can be up to 99 fields.' =>
6958            '',
6959        'Defines the number of hours a communication will be stored, whichever its status.' =>
6960            '',
6961        'Defines the number of hours a successful communication will be stored.' =>
6962            '',
6963        'Defines the parameters for the customer preferences table.' => '',
6964        'Defines the parameters for the dashboard backend. "Cmd" is used to specify command with parameters. "Group" is used to restrict access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" indicates if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTL" indicates the cache expiration period in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
6965            '',
6966        'Defines the parameters for the dashboard backend. "Group" is used to restrict access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" indicates if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTL" indicates the cache expiration period in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
6967            '',
6968        'Defines the parameters for the dashboard backend. "Group" is used to restrict access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" indicates if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" defines the cache expiration period in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
6969            '',
6970        'Defines the parameters for the dashboard backend. "Limit" defines the number of entries displayed by default. "Group" is used to restrict access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" indicates if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTL" indicates the cache expiration period in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
6971            '',
6972        'Defines the parameters for the dashboard backend. "Limit" defines the number of entries displayed by default. "Group" is used to restrict access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" indicates if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" defines the cache expiration period in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
6973            '',
6974        'Defines the password to access the SOAP handle (bin/cgi-bin/rpc.pl).' =>
6975            '',
6976        'Defines the path and TTF-File to handle bold italic monospaced font in PDF documents.' =>
6977            '',
6978        'Defines the path and TTF-File to handle bold italic proportional font in PDF documents.' =>
6979            '',
6980        'Defines the path and TTF-File to handle bold monospaced font in PDF documents.' =>
6981            '',
6982        'Defines the path and TTF-File to handle bold proportional font in PDF documents.' =>
6983            '',
6984        'Defines the path and TTF-File to handle italic monospaced font in PDF documents.' =>
6985            '',
6986        'Defines the path and TTF-File to handle italic proportional font in PDF documents.' =>
6987            '',
6988        'Defines the path and TTF-File to handle monospaced font in PDF documents.' =>
6989            '',
6990        'Defines the path and TTF-File to handle proportional font in PDF documents.' =>
6991            '',
6992        'Defines the path of the shown info file, that is located under Kernel/Output/HTML/Templates/Standard/CustomerAccept.tt.' =>
6993            '',
6994        'Defines the path to PGP binary.' => '',
6995        'Defines the path to open ssl binary. It may need a HOME env ($ENV{HOME} = \'/var/lib/wwwrun\';).' =>
6996            '',
6997        'Defines the period of time (in minutes) before agent is marked as "away" due to inactivity (e.g. in the "Logged-In Users" widget or for the chat).' =>
6998            '',
6999        'Defines the period of time (in minutes) before customer is marked as "away" due to inactivity (e.g. in the "Logged-In Users" widget or for the chat).' =>
7000            '',
7001        'Defines the postmaster default queue.' => 'Määrab postiülema vaikimisi järjekorra.',
7002        'Defines the priority in which the information is logged and presented.' =>
7003            '',
7004        'Defines the recipient target of the phone ticket and the sender of the email ticket ("Queue" shows all queues, "System address" displays all system addresses) in the agent interface.' =>
7005            '',
7006        'Defines the recipient target of the tickets ("Queue" shows all queues, "SystemAddress" shows only the queues which are assigned to system addresses) in the customer interface.' =>
7007            '',
7008        'Defines the required permission to show a ticket in the escalation view of the agent interface.' =>
7009            '',
7010        'Defines the search limit for the stats.' => '',
7011        'Defines the search parameters for the AgentCustomerUserAddressBook screen. With the setting \'CustomerTicketTextField\' the values for the recipient field can be specified.' =>
7012            '',
7013        'Defines the sender for rejected emails.' => '',
7014        'Defines the separator between the agents real name and the given queue email address.' =>
7015            '',
7016        'Defines the shown columns and the position in the AgentCustomerUserAddressBook result screen.' =>
7017            '',
7018        'Defines the shown links in the footer area of the customer and public interface of this OTRS system. The value in "Key" is the external URL, the value in "Content" is the shown label.' =>
7019            '',
7020        'Defines the standard permissions available for customers within the application. If more permissions are needed, you can enter them here. Permissions must be hard coded to be effective. Please ensure, when adding any of the afore mentioned permissions, that the "rw" permission remains the last entry.' =>
7021            '',
7022        'Defines the standard size of PDF pages.' => '',
7023        'Defines the state of a ticket if it gets a follow-up and the ticket was already closed.' =>
7024            '',
7025        'Defines the state of a ticket if it gets a follow-up.' => '',
7026        'Defines the state type of the reminder for pending tickets.' => '',
7027        'Defines the subject for notification mails sent to agents, about new password.' =>
7028            '',
7029        'Defines the subject for notification mails sent to agents, with token about new requested password.' =>
7030            '',
7031        'Defines the subject for notification mails sent to customers, about new account.' =>
7032            '',
7033        'Defines the subject for notification mails sent to customers, about new password.' =>
7034            '',
7035        'Defines the subject for notification mails sent to customers, with token about new requested password.' =>
7036            '',
7037        'Defines the subject for rejected emails.' => '',
7038        'Defines the system administrator\'s email address. It will be displayed in the error screens of the application.' =>
7039            '',
7040        'Defines the system identifier. Every ticket number and http session string contains this ID. This ensures that only tickets which belong to your system will be processed as follow-ups (useful when communicating between two instances of OTRS).' =>
7041            '',
7042        'Defines the target attribute in the link to external customer database. E.g. \'AsPopup PopupType_TicketAction\'.' =>
7043            '',
7044        'Defines the target attribute in the link to external customer database. E.g. \'target="cdb"\'.' =>
7045            '',
7046        'Defines the ticket appointment type backend for ticket dynamic field date time.' =>
7047            '',
7048        'Defines the ticket appointment type backend for ticket escalation time.' =>
7049            '',
7050        'Defines the ticket appointment type backend for ticket pending time.' =>
7051            '',
7052        'Defines the ticket fields that are going to be displayed calendar events. The "Key" defines the field or ticket attribute and the "Content" defines the display name.' =>
7053            '',
7054        'Defines the ticket plugin for calendar appointments.' => '',
7055        'Defines the time zone of the indicated calendar, which can be assigned later to a specific queue.' =>
7056            '',
7057        'Defines the timeout (in seconds, minimum is 20 seconds) for the support data collection with the public module \'PublicSupportDataCollector\' (e.g. used from the OTRS Daemon).' =>
7058            '',
7059        'Defines the two-factor module to authenticate agents.' => '',
7060        'Defines the two-factor module to authenticate customers.' => '',
7061        'Defines the type of protocol, used by the web server, to serve the application. If https protocol will be used instead of plain http, it must be specified here. Since this has no affect on the web server\'s settings or behavior, it will not change the method of access to the application and, if it is wrong, it will not prevent you from logging into the application. This setting is only used as a variable, OTRS_CONFIG_HttpType which is found in all forms of messaging used by the application, to build links to the tickets within your system.' =>
7062            '',
7063        'Defines the used character for plaintext email quotes in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface. If this is empty or inactive, original emails will not be quoted but appended to the response.' =>
7064            '',
7065        'Defines the user identifier for the customer panel.' => '',
7066        'Defines the username to access the SOAP handle (bin/cgi-bin/rpc.pl).' =>
7067            '',
7068        'Defines the users avatar. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7069            '',
7070        'Defines the valid state types for a ticket. If a ticket is in a state which have any state type from this setting, this ticket will be considered as open, otherwise as closed.' =>
7071            '',
7072        'Defines the valid states for unlocked tickets. To unlock tickets the script "bin/otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::UnlockTimeout" can be used.' =>
7073            '',
7074        'Defines the viewable locks of a ticket. NOTE: When you change this setting, make sure to delete the cache in order to use the new value. Default: unlock, tmp_lock.' =>
7075            '',
7076        'Defines the width for the rich text editor component for this screen. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).' =>
7077            '',
7078        'Defines the width for the rich text editor component. Enter number (pixels) or percent value (relative).' =>
7079            '',
7080        'Defines time in minutes since last modification for drafts of specified type before they are considered expired.' =>
7081            '',
7082        'Defines whether to index archived tickets for fulltext searches.' =>
7083            '',
7084        'Defines which article sender types should be shown in the preview of a ticket.' =>
7085            '',
7086        'Defines which items are available for \'Action\' in third level of the ACL structure.' =>
7087            '',
7088        'Defines which items are available in first level of the ACL structure.' =>
7089            '',
7090        'Defines which items are available in second level of the ACL structure.' =>
7091            '',
7092        'Defines which states should be set automatically (Content), after the pending time of state (Key) has been reached.' =>
7093            '',
7094        'Defines, which tickets of which ticket state types should not be listed in linked ticket lists.' =>
7095            '',
7096        'Delete expired cache from core modules.' => '',
7097        'Delete expired loader cache weekly (Sunday mornings).' => '',
7098        'Delete expired sessions.' => '',
7099        'Delete expired ticket draft entries.' => '',
7100        'Delete expired upload cache hourly.' => '',
7101        'Delete this ticket' => '',
7102        'Deleted link to ticket "%s".' => 'Eemaldatud viide intsidendile "%s".',
7103        'Deletes a session if the session id is used with an invalid remote IP address.' =>
7104            '',
7105        'Deletes requested sessions if they have timed out.' => '',
7106        'Delivers extended debugging information in the frontend in case any AJAX errors occur, if enabled.' =>
7107            '',
7108        'Deploy and manage OTRS Business Solution™.' => '',
7109        'Detached' => '',
7110        'Determines if a button to delete a link should be displayed next to each link in each zoom mask.' =>
7111            '',
7112        'Determines if the list of possible queues to move to ticket into should be displayed in a dropdown list or in a new window in the agent interface. If "New Window" is set you can add a move note to the ticket.' =>
7113            '',
7114        'Determines if the statistics module may generate ticket lists.' =>
7115            '',
7116        'Determines the next possible ticket states, after the creation of a new email ticket in the agent interface.' =>
7117            '',
7118        'Determines the next possible ticket states, after the creation of a new phone ticket in the agent interface.' =>
7119            '',
7120        'Determines the next possible ticket states, for process tickets in the agent interface.' =>
7121            '',
7122        'Determines the next possible ticket states, for process tickets in the customer interface.' =>
7123            '',
7124        'Determines the next screen after new customer ticket in the customer interface.' =>
7125            '',
7126        'Determines the next screen after the follow-up screen of a zoomed ticket in the customer interface.' =>
7127            '',
7128        'Determines the next screen after the ticket is moved. LastScreenOverview will return the last overview screen (e.g. search results, queueview, dashboard). TicketZoom will return to the TicketZoom.' =>
7129            '',
7130        'Determines the possible states for pending tickets that changed state after reaching time limit.' =>
7131            '',
7132        'Determines the strings that will be shown as recipient (To:) of the phone ticket and as sender (From:) of the email ticket in the agent interface. For Queue as NewQueueSelectionType "<Queue>" shows the names of the queues and for SystemAddress "<Realname> <<Email>>" shows the name and email of the recipient.' =>
7133            '',
7134        'Determines the strings that will be shown as recipient (To:) of the ticket in the customer interface. For Queue as CustomerPanelSelectionType, "<Queue>" shows the names of the queues, and for SystemAddress, "<Realname> <<Email>>" shows the name and email of the recipient.' =>
7135            '',
7136        'Determines the way the linked objects are displayed in each zoom mask.' =>
7137            '',
7138        'Determines which options will be valid of the recipient (phone ticket) and the sender (email ticket) in the agent interface.' =>
7139            '',
7140        'Determines which queues will be valid for ticket\'s recepients in the customer interface.' =>
7141            '',
7142        'Disable HTTP header "Content-Security-Policy" to allow loading of external script contents. Disabling this HTTP header can be a security issue! Only disable it, if you know what you are doing!' =>
7143            '',
7144        'Disable HTTP header "X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN" to allow OTRS to be included as an IFrame in other websites. Disabling this HTTP header can be a security issue! Only disable it, if you know what you are doing!' =>
7145            '',
7146        'Disable autocomplete in the login screen.' => '',
7147        'Disable cloud services' => '',
7148        'Disables sending reminder notifications to the responsible agent of a ticket (Ticket::Responsible needs to be enabled).' =>
7149            '',
7150        'Disables the redirection to the last screen overview / dashboard after a ticket is closed.' =>
7151            '',
7152        'Disables the web installer (http://yourhost.example.com/otrs/installer.pl), to prevent the system from being hijacked. If not enabled, the system can be reinstalled and the current basic configuration will be used to pre-populate the questions within the installer script. If enabled, it also disables the GenericAgent, PackageManager and SQL Box.' =>
7153            '',
7154        'Display a warning and prevent search when using stop words within fulltext search.' =>
7155            '',
7156        'Display communication log entries.' => '',
7157        'Display settings to override defaults for Process Tickets.' => '',
7158        'Displays the accounted time for an article in the ticket zoom view.' =>
7159            '',
7160        'Displays the number of all tickets with the same CustomerID as current ticket in the ticket zoom view.' =>
7161            '',
7162        'Down' => 'Alla',
7163        'Dropdown' => '',
7164        'Dutch' => '',
7165        'Dutch stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.' =>
7166            '',
7167        'Dynamic Fields Checkbox Backend GUI' => '',
7168        'Dynamic Fields Date Time Backend GUI' => '',
7169        'Dynamic Fields Drop-down Backend GUI' => '',
7170        'Dynamic Fields GUI' => '',
7171        'Dynamic Fields Multiselect Backend GUI' => '',
7172        'Dynamic Fields Overview Limit' => '',
7173        'Dynamic Fields Text Backend GUI' => '',
7174        'Dynamic Fields used to export the search result in CSV format.' =>
7175            '',
7176        'Dynamic fields groups for process widget. The key is the name of the group, the value contains the fields to be shown. Example: \'Key => My Group\', \'Content: Name_X, NameY\'.' =>
7177            '',
7178        'Dynamic fields limit per page for Dynamic Fields Overview.' => '',
7179        'Dynamic fields options shown in the ticket message screen of the customer interface. NOTE. If you want to display these fields also in the ticket zoom of the customer interface, you have to enable them in CustomerTicketZoom###DynamicField.' =>
7180            '',
7181        'Dynamic fields options shown in the ticket reply section in the ticket zoom screen of the customer interface.' =>
7182            '',
7183        'Dynamic fields shown in the email outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
7184            '',
7185        'Dynamic fields shown in the process widget in ticket zoom screen of the agent interface.' =>
7186            '',
7187        'Dynamic fields shown in the sidebar of the ticket zoom screen of the agent interface.' =>
7188            '',
7189        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket close screen of the agent interface.' =>
7190            '',
7191        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface.' =>
7192            '',
7193        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket email screen of the agent interface.' =>
7194            '',
7195        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket forward screen of the agent interface.' =>
7196            '',
7197        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
7198            '',
7199        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket medium format overview screen of the agent interface.' =>
7200            '',
7201        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket move screen of the agent interface.' =>
7202            '',
7203        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
7204            '',
7205        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket overview screen of the customer interface.' =>
7206            '',
7207        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket owner screen of the agent interface.' =>
7208            '',
7209        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket pending screen of the agent interface.' =>
7210            '',
7211        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
7212            '',
7213        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
7214            '',
7215        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket phone screen of the agent interface.' =>
7216            '',
7217        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket preview format overview screen of the agent interface.' =>
7218            '',
7219        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket print screen of the agent interface.' =>
7220            '',
7221        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket print screen of the customer interface.' =>
7222            '',
7223        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket priority screen of the agent interface.' =>
7224            '',
7225        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
7226            '',
7227        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket search overview results screen of the customer interface.' =>
7228            '',
7229        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket search screen of the agent interface.' =>
7230            '',
7231        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket search screen of the customer interface.' =>
7232            '',
7233        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket small format overview screen of the agent interface.' =>
7234            '',
7235        'Dynamic fields shown in the ticket zoom screen of the customer interface.' =>
7236            '',
7237        'DynamicField' => '',
7238        'DynamicField backend registration.' => '',
7239        'DynamicField object registration.' => '',
7240        'DynamicField_%s' => '',
7241        'E-Mail Outbound' => '',
7242        'Edit Customer Companies.' => '',
7243        'Edit Customer Users.' => '',
7244        'Edit appointment' => '',
7245        'Edit customer company' => '',
7246        'Email Addresses' => 'E-posti aadressid',
7247        'Email Outbound' => '',
7248        'Email Resend' => '',
7249        'Email communication channel.' => '',
7250        'Enable highlighting queues based on ticket age.' => '',
7251        'Enable keep-alive connection header for SOAP responses.' => '',
7252        'Enable this if you trust in all your public and private pgp keys, even if they are not certified with a trusted signature.' =>
7253            '',
7254        'Enabled filters.' => '',
7255        'Enables PGP support. When PGP support is enabled for signing and encrypting mail, it is HIGHLY recommended that the web server runs as the OTRS user. Otherwise, there will be problems with the privileges when accessing .gnupg folder.' =>
7256            '',
7257        'Enables S/MIME support.' => 'Lülitab S/MIME toe sisse.',
7258        'Enables customers to create their own accounts.' => '',
7259        'Enables fetch S/MIME from CustomerUser backend support.' => '',
7260        'Enables file upload in the package manager frontend.' => '',
7261        'Enables or disables the caching for templates. WARNING: Do NOT disable template caching for production environments for it will cause a massive performance drop! This setting should only be disabled for debugging reasons!' =>
7262            '',
7263        'Enables or disables the debug mode over frontend interface.' => '',
7264        'Enables or disables the ticket watcher feature, to keep track of tickets without being the owner nor the responsible.' =>
7265            '',
7266        'Enables performance log (to log the page response time). It will affect the system performance. Frontend::Module###AdminPerformanceLog must be enabled.' =>
7267            '',
7268        'Enables the minimal ticket counter size (if "Date" was selected as TicketNumberGenerator).' =>
7269            '',
7270        'Enables ticket bulk action feature for the agent frontend to work on more than one ticket at a time.' =>
7271            '',
7272        'Enables ticket bulk action feature only for the listed groups.' =>
7273            '',
7274        'Enables ticket responsible feature, to keep track of a specific ticket.' =>
7275            '',
7276        'Enables ticket type feature.' => '',
7277        'Enables ticket watcher feature only for the listed groups.' => '',
7278        'English (Canada)' => 'Inglise (Kanada)',
7279        'English (United Kingdom)' => 'Inglise (Ühendkuningriik)',
7280        'English (United States)' => 'Inglise (Ameerika Ühendriigid)',
7281        'English stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.' =>
7282            '',
7283        'Enroll process for this ticket' => '',
7284        'Enter your shared secret to enable two factor authentication. WARNING: Make sure that you add the shared secret to your generator application and the application works well. Otherwise you will be not able to login anymore without the two factor token.' =>
7285            '',
7286        'Escalated Tickets' => 'Eskaleeritud intsidendid',
7287        'Escalation view' => 'Eskaleerimise vaade',
7288        'EscalationTime' => '',
7289        'Estonian' => 'Eesti',
7290        'Event module registration. For more performance you can define a trigger event (e. g. Event => TicketCreate).' =>
7291            '',
7292        'Event module registration. For more performance you can define a trigger event (e. g. Event => TicketCreate). This is only possible if all Ticket dynamic fields need the same event.' =>
7293            '',
7294        'Event module that performs an update statement on TicketIndex to rename the queue name there if needed and if StaticDB is actually used.' =>
7295            '',
7296        'Event module that updates customer company object name for dynamic fields.' =>
7297            '',
7298        'Event module that updates customer user object name for dynamic fields.' =>
7299            '',
7300        'Event module that updates customer user search profiles if login changes.' =>
7301            '',
7302        'Event module that updates customer user service membership if login changes.' =>
7303            '',
7304        'Event module that updates customer users after an update of the Customer.' =>
7305            '',
7306        'Event module that updates tickets after an update of the Customer User.' =>
7307            '',
7308        'Event module that updates tickets after an update of the Customer.' =>
7309            '',
7310        'Events Ticket Calendar' => '',
7311        'Example package autoload configuration.' => '',
7312        'Execute SQL statements.' => 'SQL avaldiste käivitamine.',
7313        'Executes a custom command or module. Note: if module is used, function is required.' =>
7314            '',
7315        'Executes follow-up checks on In-Reply-To or References headers for mails that don\'t have a ticket number in the subject.' =>
7316            '',
7317        'Executes follow-up checks on OTRS Header \'X-OTRS-Bounce\'.' => '',
7318        'Executes follow-up checks on attachment contents for mails that don\'t have a ticket number in the subject.' =>
7319            '',
7320        'Executes follow-up checks on email body for mails that don\'t have a ticket number in the subject.' =>
7321            '',
7322        'Executes follow-up checks on the raw source email for mails that don\'t have a ticket number in the subject.' =>
7323            '',
7324        'Exports the whole article tree in search result (it can affect the system performance).' =>
7325            '',
7326        'External' => '',
7327        'External Link' => '',
7328        'Fetch emails via fetchmail (using SSL).' => '',
7329        'Fetch emails via fetchmail.' => '',
7330        'Fetch incoming emails from configured mail accounts.' => '',
7331        'Fetches packages via proxy. Overwrites "WebUserAgent::Proxy".' =>
7332            '',
7333        'File that is displayed in the Kernel::Modules::AgentInfo module, if located under Kernel/Output/HTML/Templates/Standard/AgentInfo.tt.' =>
7334            '',
7335        'Filter for debugging ACLs. Note: More ticket attributes can be added in the format <OTRS_TICKET_Attribute> e.g. <OTRS_TICKET_Priority>.' =>
7336            '',
7337        'Filter for debugging Transitions. Note: More filters can be added in the format <OTRS_TICKET_Attribute> e.g. <OTRS_TICKET_Priority>.' =>
7338            '',
7339        'Filter incoming emails.' => 'Sissetuleva e-posti filtreerimine.',
7340        'Finnish' => 'Soome',
7341        'First Christmas Day' => 'esimene jõulupüha',
7342        'First Queue' => '',
7343        'First response time' => '',
7344        'FirstLock' => '',
7345        'FirstResponse' => '',
7346        'FirstResponseDiffInMin' => '',
7347        'FirstResponseInMin' => '',
7348        'Firstname Lastname' => '',
7349        'Firstname Lastname (UserLogin)' => '',
7350        'For these state types the ticket numbers are striked through in the link table.' =>
7351            '',
7352        'Force the storage of the original article text in the article search index, without executing filters or applying stop word lists. This will increase the size of the search index and thus may slow down fulltext searches.' =>
7353            '',
7354        'Forces encoding of outgoing emails (7bit|8bit|quoted-printable|base64).' =>
7355            '',
7356        'Forces to choose a different ticket state (from current) after lock action. Define the current state as key, and the next state after lock action as content.' =>
7357            '',
7358        'Forces to unlock tickets after being moved to another queue.' =>
7359            '',
7360        'Forwarded to "%s".' => 'Edastatud "%s"-le.',
7361        'Free Fields' => 'Määramata väljad',
7362        'French' => 'Prantsuse',
7363        'French (Canada)' => 'Prantsuse (Kanada)',
7364        'French stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.' =>
7365            '',
7366        'Frontend' => '',
7367        'Frontend module registration (disable AgentTicketService link if Ticket Service feature is not used).' =>
7368            '',
7369        'Frontend module registration (disable company link if no company feature is used).' =>
7370            '',
7371        'Frontend module registration (disable ticket processes screen if no process available) for Customer.' =>
7372            '',
7373        'Frontend module registration (disable ticket processes screen if no process available).' =>
7374            '',
7375        'Frontend module registration (show personal favorites as sub navigation items of \'Admin\').' =>
7376            '',
7377        'Frontend module registration for the agent interface.' => '',
7378        'Frontend module registration for the customer interface.' => '',
7379        'Frontend module registration for the public interface.' => '',
7380        'Full value' => '',
7381        'Fulltext index regex filters to remove parts of the text.' => '',
7382        'Fulltext search' => '',
7383        'Galician' => 'Galeegi',
7384        'General ticket data shown in the ticket overviews (fall-back). Note that TicketNumber can not be disabled, because it is necessary.' =>
7385            '',
7386        'Generate dashboard statistics.' => '',
7387        'Generic Info module.' => '',
7388        'GenericAgent' => 'Üldagent',
7389        'GenericInterface Debugger GUI' => '',
7390        'GenericInterface ErrorHandling GUI' => '',
7391        'GenericInterface Invoker Event GUI' => '',
7392        'GenericInterface Invoker GUI' => '',
7393        'GenericInterface Operation GUI' => '',
7394        'GenericInterface TransportHTTPREST GUI' => '',
7395        'GenericInterface TransportHTTPSOAP GUI' => '',
7396        'GenericInterface Web Service GUI' => '',
7397        'GenericInterface Web Service History GUI' => '',
7398        'GenericInterface Web Service Mapping GUI' => '',
7399        'GenericInterface module registration for an error handling module.' =>
7400            '',
7401        'GenericInterface module registration for the invoker layer.' => '',
7402        'GenericInterface module registration for the mapping layer.' => '',
7403        'GenericInterface module registration for the operation layer.' =>
7404            '',
7405        'GenericInterface module registration for the transport layer.' =>
7406            '',
7407        'German' => 'Saksa',
7408        'German stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.' =>
7409            '',
7410        'Gives customer users group based access to tickets from customer users of the same customer (ticket CustomerID is a CustomerID of the customer user).' =>
7411            '',
7412        'Gives end users the possibility to override the separator character for CSV files, defined in the translation files. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7413            '',
7414        'Global Search Module.' => '',
7415        'Go to dashboard!' => '',
7416        'Good PGP signature.' => '',
7417        'Google Authenticator' => '',
7418        'Graph: Bar Chart' => '',
7419        'Graph: Line Chart' => '',
7420        'Graph: Stacked Area Chart' => '',
7421        'Greek' => 'Kreeka',
7422        'Hebrew' => 'Heebrea',
7423        'Helps to extend your articles full-text search (From, To, Cc, Subject and Body search). It will strip all articles and will build an index after article creation, increasing fulltext searches about 50%. To create an initial index use "bin/otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::FulltextIndex --rebuild".' =>
7424            '',
7425        'High Contrast' => '',
7426        'High contrast skin for visually impaired users.' => '',
7427        'Hindi' => 'Hindi',
7428        'Hungarian' => 'Ungari',
7429        'If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, a database driver (normally autodetection is used) can be specified.' =>
7430            '',
7431        'If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, a password to connect to the customer table can be specified.' =>
7432            '',
7433        'If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, a username to connect to the customer table can be specified.' =>
7434            '',
7435        'If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the DSN for the connection to the customer table must be specified.' =>
7436            '',
7437        'If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the column name for the CustomerPassword in the customer table must be specified.' =>
7438            '',
7439        'If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the encryption type of passwords must be specified.' =>
7440            '',
7441        'If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the name of the column for the CustomerKey in the customer table must be specified.' =>
7442            '',
7443        'If "DB" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the name of the table where your customer data should be stored must be specified.' =>
7444            '',
7445        'If "DB" was selected for SessionModule, a table in database where session data will be stored must be specified.' =>
7446            '',
7447        'If "FS" was selected for SessionModule, a directory where the session data will be stored must be specified.' =>
7448            '',
7449        'If "HTTPBasicAuth" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, you can specify (by using a RegExp) to strip parts of REMOTE_USER (e. g. for to remove trailing domains). RegExp-Note, $1 will be the new Login.' =>
7450            '',
7451        'If "HTTPBasicAuth" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, you can specify to strip leading parts of user names (e. g. for domains like example_domain\user to user).' =>
7452            '',
7453        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule and if you want to add a suffix to every customer login name, specifiy it here, e. g. you just want to write the username user but in your LDAP directory exists user@domain.' =>
7454            '',
7455        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule and special paramaters are needed for the Net::LDAP perl module, you can specify them here. See "perldoc Net::LDAP" for more information about the parameters.' =>
7456            '',
7457        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule and your users have only anonymous access to the LDAP tree, but you want to search through the data, you can do this with a user who has access to the LDAP directory. Specify the password for this special user here.' =>
7458            '',
7459        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule and your users have only anonymous access to the LDAP tree, but you want to search through the data, you can do this with a user who has access to the LDAP directory. Specify the username for this special user here.' =>
7460            '',
7461        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the BaseDN must be specified.' =>
7462            '',
7463        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the LDAP host can be specified.' =>
7464            '',
7465        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the user identifier must be specified.' =>
7466            '',
7467        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, user attributes can be specified. For LDAP posixGroups use UID, for non LDAP posixGroups use full user DN.' =>
7468            '',
7469        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, you can specify access attributes here.' =>
7470            '',
7471        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, you can specify if the applications will stop if e. g. a connection to a server can\'t be established due to network problems.' =>
7472            '',
7473        'If "LDAP" was selected for Customer::Authmodule, you can check if the user is allowed to authenticate because he is in a posixGroup, e.g. user needs to be in a group xyz to use OTRS. Specify the group, who may access the system.' =>
7474            '',
7475        'If "LDAP" was selected, you can add a filter to each LDAP query, e.g. (mail=*), (objectclass=user) or (!objectclass=computer).' =>
7476            '',
7477        'If "Radius" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the password to authenticate to the radius host must be specified.' =>
7478            '',
7479        'If "Radius" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, the radius host must be specified.' =>
7480            '',
7481        'If "Radius" was selected for Customer::AuthModule, you can specify if the applications will stop if e. g. a connection to a server can\'t be established due to network problems.' =>
7482            '',
7483        'If "Sendmail" was selected as SendmailModule, the location of the sendmail binary and the needed options must be specified.' =>
7484            '',
7485        'If "SysLog" was selected for LogModule, a special log facility can be specified.' =>
7486            '',
7487        'If "SysLog" was selected for LogModule, the charset that should be used for logging can be specified.' =>
7488            '',
7489        'If "bcrypt" was selected for CryptType, use cost specified here for bcrypt hashing. Currently max. supported cost value is 31.' =>
7490            '',
7491        'If "file" was selected for LogModule, a logfile must be specified. If the file doesn\'t exist, it will be created by the system.' =>
7492            '',
7493        'If active, none of the regular expressions may match the user\'s email address to allow registration.' =>
7494            '',
7495        'If active, one of the regular expressions has to match the user\'s email address to allow registration.' =>
7496            '',
7497        'If any of the "SMTP" mechanisms was selected as SendmailModule, and authentication to the mail server is needed, a password must be specified.' =>
7498            '',
7499        'If any of the "SMTP" mechanisms was selected as SendmailModule, and authentication to the mail server is needed, an username must be specified.' =>
7500            '',
7501        'If any of the "SMTP" mechanisms was selected as SendmailModule, the mailhost that sends out the mails must be specified.' =>
7502            '',
7503        'If any of the "SMTP" mechanisms was selected as SendmailModule, the port where your mailserver is listening for incoming connections must be specified.' =>
7504            '',
7505        'If enabled debugging information for ACLs is logged.' => '',
7506        'If enabled debugging information for transitions is logged.' => '',
7507        'If enabled the daemon will redirect the standard error stream to a log file.' =>
7508            '',
7509        'If enabled the daemon will redirect the standard output stream to a log file.' =>
7510            '',
7511        'If enabled the daemon will use this directory to create its PID files. Note: Please stop the daemon before any change and use this setting only if <$OTRSHome>/var/run/ can not be used.' =>
7512            '',
7513        'If enabled, OTRS will deliver all CSS files in minified form.' =>
7514            '',
7515        'If enabled, OTRS will deliver all JavaScript files in minified form.' =>
7516            '',
7517        'If enabled, TicketPhone and TicketEmail will be open in new windows.' =>
7518            '',
7519        'If enabled, the OTRS version tag will be removed from the Webinterface, the HTTP headers and the X-Headers of outgoing mails. NOTE: If you change this option, please make sure to delete the cache.' =>
7520            '',
7521        'If enabled, the cache data be held in memory.' => '',
7522        'If enabled, the cache data will be stored in cache backend.' => '',
7523        'If enabled, the customer can search for tickets in all services (regardless what services are assigned to the customer).' =>
7524            '',
7525        'If enabled, the different overviews (Dashboard, LockedView, QueueView) will automatically refresh after the specified time.' =>
7526            '',
7527        'If enabled, the first level of the main menu opens on mouse hover (instead of click only).' =>
7528            '',
7529        'If enabled, users that haven\'t selected a time zone yet will be notified to do so. Note: Notification will not be shown if (1) user has not yet selected a time zone and (2) OTRSTimeZone and UserDefaultTimeZone do match and (3) are not set to UTC.' =>
7530            '',
7531        'If no SendmailNotificationEnvelopeFrom is specified, this setting makes it possible to use the email\'s from address instead of an empty envelope sender (required in certain mail server configurations).' =>
7532            '',
7533        'If set, this address is used as envelope sender header in outgoing notifications. If no address is specified, the envelope sender header is empty (unless SendmailNotificationEnvelopeFrom::FallbackToEmailFrom is set).' =>
7534            '',
7535        'If set, this address is used as envelope sender in outgoing messages (not notifications - see below). If no address is specified, the envelope sender is equal to queue e-mail address.' =>
7536            '',
7537        'If this option is enabled, tickets created via the web interface, via Customers or Agents, will receive an autoresponse if configured. If this option is not enabled, no autoresponses will be sent.' =>
7538            '',
7539        'If this regex matches, no message will be send by the autoresponder.' =>
7540            '',
7541        'If this setting is enabled, it is possible to install packages which are not verified by OTRS Group. These packages could threaten your whole system!' =>
7542            '',
7543        'If this setting is enabled, local modifications will not be highlighted as errors in the package manager and support data collector.' =>
7544            '',
7545        'If you\'re going to be out of office, you may wish to let other users know by setting the exact dates of your absence.' =>
7546            '',
7547        'Ignore system sender article types (e. g. auto responses or email notifications) to be flagged as \'Unread Article\' in AgentTicketZoom or expanded automatically in Large view screens.' =>
7548            '',
7549        'Import appointments screen.' => '',
7550        'Include tickets of subqueues per default when selecting a queue.' =>
7551            '',
7552        'Include unknown customers in ticket filter.' => '',
7553        'Includes article create times in the ticket search of the agent interface.' =>
7554            '',
7555        'Incoming Phone Call.' => '',
7556        'IndexAccelerator: to choose your backend TicketViewAccelerator module. "RuntimeDB" generates each queue view on the fly from ticket table (no performance problems up to approx. 60.000 tickets in total and 6.000 open tickets in the system). "StaticDB" is the most powerful module, it uses an extra ticket-index table that works like a view (recommended if more than 80.000 and 6.000 open tickets are stored in the system). Use the command "bin/otrs.Console.pl Maint::Ticket::QueueIndexRebuild" for initial index creation.' =>
7557            '',
7558        'Indicates if a bounce e-mail should always be treated as normal follow-up.' =>
7559            '',
7560        'Indonesian' => '',
7561        'Inline' => '',
7562        'Input' => '',
7563        'Interface language' => 'Kasutajaliidese keel',
7564        'Internal communication channel.' => '',
7565        'International Workers\' Day' => 'kevadpüha',
7566        'It is possible to configure different skins, for example to distinguish between diferent agents, to be used on a per-domain basis within the application. Using a regular expression (regex), you can configure a Key/Content pair to match a domain. The value in "Key" should match the domain, and the value in "Content" should be a valid skin on your system. Please see the example entries for the proper form of the regex.' =>
7567            '',
7568        'It is possible to configure different skins, for example to distinguish between diferent customers, to be used on a per-domain basis within the application. Using a regular expression (regex), you can configure a Key/Content pair to match a domain. The value in "Key" should match the domain, and the value in "Content" should be a valid skin on your system. Please see the example entries for the proper form of the regex.' =>
7569            '',
7570        'It is possible to configure different themes, for example to distinguish between agents and customers, to be used on a per-domain basis within the application. Using a regular expression (regex), you can configure a Key/Content pair to match a domain. The value in "Key" should match the domain, and the value in "Content" should be a valid theme on your system. Please see the example entries for the proper form of the regex.' =>
7571            '',
7572        'It was not possible to check the PGP signature, this may be caused by a missing public key or an unsupported algorithm.' =>
7573            '',
7574        'Italian' => 'Itaalia',
7575        'Italian stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.' =>
7576            '',
7577        'Ivory' => '',
7578        'Ivory (Slim)' => '',
7579        'Japanese' => 'Jaapani',
7580        'JavaScript function for the search frontend.' => '',
7581        'Korean' => '',
7582        'Language' => 'Keel',
7583        'Large' => 'Suur',
7584        'Last Screen Overview' => '',
7585        'Last customer subject' => '',
7586        'Lastname Firstname' => '',
7587        'Lastname Firstname (UserLogin)' => '',
7588        'Lastname, Firstname' => '',
7589        'Lastname, Firstname (UserLogin)' => '',
7590        'LastnameFirstname' => '',
7591        'Latvian' => 'Läti',
7592        'Left' => '',
7593        'Link Object' => 'Seo objekt',
7594        'Link Object.' => '',
7595        'Link agents to groups.' => 'Töötajate sidumine rühmadega.',
7596        'Link agents to roles.' => 'Töötajate sidumine rollidega',
7597        'Link customer users to customers.' => '',
7598        'Link customer users to groups.' => '',
7599        'Link customer users to services.' => '',
7600        'Link customers to groups.' => '',
7601        'Link queues to auto responses.' => 'Järjekordade sidumine automaatvastustega.',
7602        'Link roles to groups.' => 'Rollide sidumine rühmadega.',
7603        'Link templates to attachments.' => '',
7604        'Link templates to queues.' => 'Seo mallid järjekordadega.',
7605        'Link this ticket to other objects' => 'Seo see intsident teiste objektidega',
7606        'Links 2 tickets with a "Normal" type link.' => '',
7607        'Links 2 tickets with a "ParentChild" type link.' => '',
7608        'Links appointments and tickets with a "Normal" type link.' => '',
7609        'List of CSS files to always be loaded for the agent interface.' =>
7610            '',
7611        'List of CSS files to always be loaded for the customer interface.' =>
7612            '',
7613        'List of JS files to always be loaded for the agent interface.' =>
7614            '',
7615        'List of JS files to always be loaded for the customer interface.' =>
7616            '',
7617        'List of all CustomerCompany events to be displayed in the GUI.' =>
7618            '',
7619        'List of all CustomerUser events to be displayed in the GUI.' => '',
7620        'List of all DynamicField events to be displayed in the GUI.' => '',
7621        'List of all LinkObject events to be displayed in the GUI.' => '',
7622        'List of all Package events to be displayed in the GUI.' => '',
7623        'List of all appointment events to be displayed in the GUI.' => '',
7624        'List of all article events to be displayed in the GUI.' => '',
7625        'List of all calendar events to be displayed in the GUI.' => '',
7626        'List of all queue events to be displayed in the GUI.' => '',
7627        'List of all ticket events to be displayed in the GUI.' => '',
7628        'List of colors in hexadecimal RGB which will be available for selection during calendar creation. Make sure the colors are dark enough so white text can be overlayed on them.' =>
7629            '',
7630        'List of default Standard Templates which are assigned automatically to new Queues upon creation.' =>
7631            '',
7632        'List of responsive CSS files to always be loaded for the agent interface.' =>
7633            '',
7634        'List of responsive CSS files to always be loaded for the customer interface.' =>
7635            '',
7636        'List view' => '',
7637        'Lithuanian' => 'Leedu',
7638        'Loader module registration for the agent interface.' => '',
7639        'Loader module registration for the customer interface.' => '',
7640        'Lock / unlock this ticket' => '',
7641        'Locked Tickets' => 'Lukustatud intsidendid',
7642        'Locked Tickets.' => '',
7643        'Locked ticket.' => 'Intsident lukustati.',
7644        'Logged in users.' => '',
7645        'Logged-In Users' => '',
7646        'Logout of customer panel.' => '',
7647        'Look into a ticket!' => 'Vaata intsidenti!',
7648        'Loop protection: no auto-response sent to "%s".' => '',
7649        'Macedonian' => '',
7650        'Mail Accounts' => 'E-posti kontod',
7651        'MailQueue configuration settings.' => '',
7652        'Main menu item registration.' => '',
7653        'Main menu registration.' => '',
7654        'Makes the application block external content loading.' => '',
7655        'Makes the application check the MX record of email addresses before sending an email or submitting a telephone or email ticket.' =>
7656            '',
7657        'Makes the application check the syntax of email addresses.' => 'Paneb rakenduse kontrollima e-posti aadresside süntaksit.',
7658        'Makes the session management use html cookies. If html cookies are disabled or if the client browser disabled html cookies, then the system will work as usual and append the session id to the links.' =>
7659            '',
7660        'Malay' => 'Malai',
7661        'Manage OTRS Group cloud services.' => '',
7662        'Manage PGP keys for email encryption.' => 'E-posti krüptimiseks kasutatavate PGP võtmete haldamine.',
7663        'Manage POP3 or IMAP accounts to fetch email from.' => 'E-posti tõmbamiseks kasutatavate POP3 ja IMAP kontode haldamine.',
7664        'Manage S/MIME certificates for email encryption.' => 'E-posti krüptimiseks kasutatavate S/MIME sertifikaatide haldamine.',
7665        'Manage System Configuration Deployments.' => '',
7666        'Manage different calendars.' => '',
7667        'Manage existing sessions.' => 'Olemasolevate seansside haldamine.',
7668        'Manage support data.' => '',
7669        'Manage system registration.' => '',
7670        'Manage tasks triggered by event or time based execution.' => '',
7671        'Mark as Spam!' => 'Märgi spämmiks!',
7672        'Mark this ticket as junk!' => '',
7673        'Max size (in characters) of the customer information table (phone and email) in the compose screen.' =>
7674            '',
7675        'Max size (in rows) of the informed agents box in the agent interface.' =>
7676            '',
7677        'Max size (in rows) of the involved agents box in the agent interface.' =>
7678            '',
7679        'Max size of the subjects in an email reply and in some overview screens.' =>
7680            '',
7681        'Maximal auto email responses to own email-address a day (Loop-Protection).' =>
7682            '',
7683        'Maximal auto email responses to own email-address a day, configurable by email address (Loop-Protection).' =>
7684            '',
7685        'Maximal size in KBytes for mails that can be fetched via POP3/POP3S/IMAP/IMAPS (KBytes).' =>
7686            '',
7687        'Maximum Number of a calendar shown in a dropdown.' => '',
7688        'Maximum length (in characters) of the dynamic field in the article of the ticket zoom view.' =>
7689            '',
7690        'Maximum length (in characters) of the dynamic field in the sidebar of the ticket zoom view.' =>
7691            '',
7692        'Maximum number of active calendars in overview screens. Please note that large number of active calendars can have a performance impact on your server by making too much simultaneous calls.' =>
7693            '',
7694        'Maximum number of tickets to be displayed in the result of a search in the agent interface.' =>
7695            '',
7696        'Maximum number of tickets to be displayed in the result of a search in the customer interface.' =>
7697            '',
7698        'Maximum number of tickets to be displayed in the result of this operation.' =>
7699            '',
7700        'Maximum size (in characters) of the customer information table in the ticket zoom view.' =>
7701            '',
7702        'Medium' => 'Keskmine',
7703        'Merge this ticket and all articles into another ticket' => '',
7704        'Merged Ticket (%s/%s) to (%s/%s).' => '',
7705        'Merged Ticket <OTRS_TICKET> to <OTRS_MERGE_TO_TICKET>.' => '',
7706        'Minute' => '',
7707        'Miscellaneous' => 'Varia',
7708        'Module for To-selection in new ticket screen in the customer interface.' =>
7709            '',
7710        'Module to check if a incoming e-mail message is bounce.' => '',
7711        'Module to check if arrived emails should be marked as internal (because of original forwarded internal email). IsVisibleForCustomer and SenderType define the values for the arrived email/article.' =>
7712            '',
7713        'Module to check the group permissions for customer access to tickets.' =>
7714            '',
7715        'Module to check the group permissions for the access to tickets.' =>
7716            '',
7717        'Module to compose signed messages (PGP or S/MIME).' => '',
7718        'Module to define the email security options to use (PGP or S/MIME).' =>
7719            '',
7720        'Module to encrypt composed messages (PGP or S/MIME).' => '',
7721        'Module to fetch customer users SMIME certificates of incoming messages.' =>
7722            '',
7723        'Module to filter and manipulate incoming messages. Block/ignore all spam email with From: noreply@ address.' =>
7724            '',
7725        'Module to filter and manipulate incoming messages. Get a 4 digit number to ticket free text, use regex in Match e. g. From => \'(.+?)@.+?\', and use () as [***] in Set =>.' =>
7726            '',
7727        'Module to filter encrypted bodies of incoming messages.' => '',
7728        'Module to generate accounted time ticket statistics.' => '',
7729        'Module to generate html OpenSearch profile for short ticket search in the agent interface.' =>
7730            '',
7731        'Module to generate html OpenSearch profile for short ticket search in the customer interface.' =>
7732            '',
7733        'Module to generate ticket solution and response time statistics.' =>
7734            '',
7735        'Module to generate ticket statistics.' => '',
7736        'Module to grant access if the CustomerID of the customer has necessary group permissions.' =>
7737            '',
7738        'Module to grant access if the CustomerID of the ticket matches the CustomerID of the customer.' =>
7739            '',
7740        'Module to grant access if the CustomerUserID of the ticket matches the CustomerUserID of the customer.' =>
7741            '',
7742        'Module to grant access to any agent that has been involved in a ticket in the past (based on ticket history entries).' =>
7743            '',
7744        'Module to grant access to the agent responsible of a ticket.' =>
7745            '',
7746        'Module to grant access to the creator of a ticket.' => '',
7747        'Module to grant access to the owner of a ticket.' => '',
7748        'Module to grant access to the watcher agents of a ticket.' => '',
7749        'Module to show notifications and escalations (ShownMax: max. shown escalations, EscalationInMinutes: Show ticket which will escalation in, CacheTime: Cache of calculated escalations in seconds).' =>
7750            '',
7751        'Module to use database filter storage.' => '',
7752        'Module used to detect if attachments are present.' => '',
7753        'Multiselect' => '',
7754        'My Queues' => 'Minu järjekorrad',
7755        'My Services' => '',
7756        'My Tickets.' => '',
7757        'Name of custom queue. The custom queue is a queue selection of your preferred queues and can be selected in the preferences settings.' =>
7758            '',
7759        'Name of custom service. The custom service is a service selection of your preferred services and can be selected in the preferences settings.' =>
7760            '',
7761        'NameX' => '',
7762        'New Ticket' => 'Uus intsident',
7763        'New Tickets' => 'Uued intsidendid',
7764        'New Window' => 'Uus aken',
7765        'New Year\'s Day' => 'uusaasta',
7766        'New Year\'s Eve' => 'vana-aasta õhtu',
7767        'New process ticket' => '',
7768        'News about OTRS releases!' => 'OTRSi versiooniuudised',
7769        'News about OTRS.' => '',
7770        'Next possible ticket states after adding a phone note in the ticket phone inbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
7771            '',
7772        'Next possible ticket states after adding a phone note in the ticket phone outbound screen of the agent interface.' =>
7773            '',
7774        'No public key found.' => '',
7775        'No valid OpenPGP data found.' => '',
7776        'None' => 'puudub',
7777        'Norwegian' => 'Norra',
7778        'Notification Settings' => 'Teavituste seaded',
7779        'Notified about response time escalation.' => '',
7780        'Notified about solution time escalation.' => '',
7781        'Notified about update time escalation.' => '',
7782        'Number of displayed tickets' => 'Kuvatavate intsidentide arv',
7783        'Number of lines (per ticket) that are shown by the search utility in the agent interface.' =>
7784            '',
7785        'Number of tickets to be displayed in each page of a search result in the agent interface.' =>
7786            '',
7787        'Number of tickets to be displayed in each page of a search result in the customer interface.' =>
7788            '',
7789        'Number of tickets to be displayed in each page.' => '',
7790        'OTRS Group Services' => '',
7791        'OTRS News' => 'OTRS uudised',
7792        'OTRS can use one or more readonly mirror databases for expensive operations like fulltext search or statistics generation. Here you can specify the DSN for the first mirror database.' =>
7793            '',
7794        'OTRS doesn\'t support recurring Appointments without end date or number of iterations. During import process, it might happen that ICS file contains such Appointments. Instead, system creates all Appointments in the past, plus Appointments for the next N months (120 months/10 years by default).' =>
7795            '',
7796        'Open an external link!' => '',
7797        'Open tickets (customer user)' => 'Avatud piletid (klientkasutaja)',
7798        'Open tickets (customer)' => '',
7799        'Option' => '',
7800        'Optional queue limitation for the CreatorCheck permission module. If set, permission is only granted for tickets in the specified queues.' =>
7801            '',
7802        'Optional queue limitation for the InvolvedCheck permission module. If set, permission is only granted for tickets in the specified queues.' =>
7803            '',
7804        'Optional queue limitation for the OwnerCheck permission module. If set, permission is only granted for tickets in the specified queues.' =>
7805            '',
7806        'Optional queue limitation for the ResponsibleCheck permission module. If set, permission is only granted for tickets in the specified queues.' =>
7807            '',
7808        'Other Customers' => '',
7809        'Out Of Office' => 'Töölt eemal',
7810        'Out Of Office Time' => '',
7811        'Out of Office users.' => '',
7812        'Overloads (redefines) existing functions in Kernel::System::Ticket. Used to easily add customizations.' =>
7813            '',
7814        'Overview Escalated Tickets.' => '',
7815        'Overview Refresh Time' => '',
7816        'Overview of all Tickets per assigned Queue.' => '',
7817        'Overview of all appointments.' => '',
7818        'Overview of all escalated tickets.' => '',
7819        'Overview of all open Tickets.' => '',
7820        'Overview of all open tickets.' => '',
7821        'Overview of customer tickets.' => '',
7822        'PGP Key' => 'PGP võti',
7823        'PGP Key Management' => 'PGP võtme haldus',
7824        'PGP Keys' => 'PGP võtmed',
7825        'Package event module file a scheduler task for update registration.' =>
7826            '',
7827        'Parameters for the CreateNextMask object in the preference view of the agent interface. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7828            '',
7829        'Parameters for the CustomQueue object in the preference view of the agent interface. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7830            '',
7831        'Parameters for the CustomService object in the preference view of the agent interface. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7832            '',
7833        'Parameters for the RefreshTime object in the preference view of the agent interface. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7834            '',
7835        'Parameters for the column filters of the small ticket overview. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7836            '',
7837        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the customer company information of the agent interface. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.' =>
7838            '',
7839        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the customer id list overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.' =>
7840            '',
7841        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the customer id status widget of the agent interface . "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.' =>
7842            '',
7843        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the customer user information of the agent interface. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.' =>
7844            '',
7845        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the customer user list overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin.' =>
7846            '',
7847        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the new tickets overview of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
7848            '',
7849        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the new tickets overview of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
7850            '',
7851        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the open tickets overview of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
7852            '',
7853        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the open tickets overview of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
7854            '',
7855        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the queue overview widget of the agent interface. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "QueuePermissionGroup" is not mandatory, queues are only listed if they belong to this permission group if you enable it. "States" is a list of states, the key is the sort order of the state in the widget. "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
7856            '',
7857        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the running process tickets overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
7858            '',
7859        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket escalation overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
7860            '',
7861        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket escalation overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
7862            '',
7863        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket escalation overview of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
7864            '',
7865        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket events calendar of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
7866            '',
7867        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket pending reminder overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
7868            '',
7869        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket pending reminder overview of the agent interface . "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
7870            '',
7871        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket pending reminder overview of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. Note: Only Ticket attributes and Dynamic Fields (DynamicField_NameX) are allowed for DefaultColumns.' =>
7872            '',
7873        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the ticket stats of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
7874            '',
7875        'Parameters for the dashboard backend of the upcoming events widget of the agent interface. "Limit" is the number of entries shown by default. "Group" is used to restrict the access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" determines if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "CacheTTLLocal" is the cache time in minutes for the plugin. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
7876            '',
7877        'Parameters for the pages (in which the communication log entries are shown) of the communication log overview.' =>
7878            '',
7879        'Parameters for the pages (in which the dynamic fields are shown) of the dynamic fields overview. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7880            '',
7881        'Parameters for the pages (in which the tickets are shown) of the medium ticket overview. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7882            '',
7883        'Parameters for the pages (in which the tickets are shown) of the small ticket overview. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7884            '',
7885        'Parameters for the pages (in which the tickets are shown) of the ticket preview overview. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
7886            '',
7887        'Parameters of the example SLA attribute Comment2.' => '',
7888        'Parameters of the example queue attribute Comment2.' => '',
7889        'Parameters of the example service attribute Comment2.' => '',
7890        'Parent' => 'Ülem',
7891        'ParentChild' => '',
7892        'Path for the log file (it only applies if "FS" was selected for LoopProtectionModule and it is mandatory).' =>
7893            '',
7894        'Pending time' => '',
7895        'People' => 'Inimesed',
7896        'Performs the configured action for each event (as an Invoker) for each configured web service.' =>
7897            '',
7898        'Permitted width for compose email windows.' => '',
7899        'Permitted width for compose note windows.' => '',
7900        'Persian' => 'Farsi',
7901        'Phone Call Inbound' => 'Sisenev kõne',
7902        'Phone Call Outbound' => 'Väljuv kõne',
7903        'Phone Call.' => '',
7904        'Phone call' => 'Telefonikõne',
7905        'Phone communication channel.' => '',
7906        'Phone-Ticket' => 'Telefonist',
7907        'Picture Upload' => '',
7908        'Picture upload module.' => '',
7909        'Picture-Upload' => '',
7910        'Plugin search' => '',
7911        'Plugin search module for autocomplete.' => '',
7912        'Polish' => 'Poola',
7913        'Portuguese' => 'Portugali',
7914        'Portuguese (Brasil)' => 'Portugali (Brasiilia)',
7915        'PostMaster Filters' => 'Postiülema filtrid',
7916        'PostMaster Mail Accounts' => 'Postiülema e-posti kontod',
7917        'Print this ticket' => 'Trüki see intsident',
7918        'Priorities' => 'Prioriteedid',
7919        'Process Management Activity Dialog GUI' => '',
7920        'Process Management Activity GUI' => '',
7921        'Process Management Path GUI' => '',
7922        'Process Management Transition Action GUI' => '',
7923        'Process Management Transition GUI' => '',
7924        'Process Ticket.' => '',
7925        'Process pending tickets.' => '',
7926        'ProcessID' => '',
7927        'Processes & Automation' => '',
7928        'Product News' => 'Toote uudised',
7929        'Protection against CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery) exploits (for more info see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-site_request_forgery).' =>
7930            '',
7931        'Provides a matrix overview of the tickets per state per queue' =>
7932            '',
7933        'Provides customer users access to tickets even if the tickets are not assigned to a customer user of the same customer ID(s), based on permission groups.' =>
7934            '',
7935        'Public Calendar' => '',
7936        'Public calendar.' => '',
7937        'Queue view' => 'Järjekorra vaade',
7938        'Queues ↔ Auto Responses' => '',
7939        'Rebuild the ticket index for AgentTicketQueue.' => '',
7940        'Recognize if a ticket is a follow-up to an existing ticket using an external ticket number. Note: the first capturing group from the \'NumberRegExp\' expression will be used as the ticket number value.' =>
7941            '',
7942        'Refresh interval' => 'Värskendusvahemik',
7943        'Registers a log module, that can be used to log communication related information.' =>
7944            '',
7945        'Reminder Tickets' => 'Meeldetuletatud intsidendid',
7946        'Removed subscription for user "%s".' => 'Removed subscription for user "%s".',
7947        'Removes old generic interface debug log entries created before the specified amount of days.' =>
7948            '',
7949        'Removes old system configuration deployments (Sunday mornings).' =>
7950            '',
7951        'Removes old ticket number counters (each 10 minutes).' => '',
7952        'Removes the ticket watcher information when a ticket is archived.' =>
7953            '',
7954        'Renew existing SMIME certificates from customer backend. Note: SMIME and SMIME::FetchFromCustomer needs to be enabled in SysConfig and customer backend needs to be configured to fetch UserSMIMECertificate attribute.' =>
7955            '',
7956        'Replaces the original sender with current customer\'s email address on compose answer in the ticket compose screen of the agent interface.' =>
7957            '',
7958        'Reports' => 'Raportid',
7959        'Reports (OTRS Business Solution™)' => 'Raportid (OTRS Business Solution™)',
7960        'Reprocess mails from spool directory that could not be imported in the first place.' =>
7961            '',
7962        'Required permissions to change the customer of a ticket in the agent interface.' =>
7963            '',
7964        'Required permissions to use the close ticket screen in the agent interface.' =>
7965            '',
7966        'Required permissions to use the email outbound screen in the agent interface.' =>
7967            '',
7968        'Required permissions to use the email resend screen in the agent interface.' =>
7969            '',
7970        'Required permissions to use the ticket bounce screen in the agent interface.' =>
7971            '',
7972        'Required permissions to use the ticket compose screen in the agent interface.' =>
7973            '',
7974        'Required permissions to use the ticket forward screen in the agent interface.' =>
7975            '',
7976        'Required permissions to use the ticket free text screen in the agent interface.' =>
7977            '',
7978        'Required permissions to use the ticket merge screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
7979            '',
7980        'Required permissions to use the ticket note screen in the agent interface.' =>
7981            '',
7982        'Required permissions to use the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
7983            '',
7984        'Required permissions to use the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
7985            '',
7986        'Required permissions to use the ticket phone inbound screen in the agent interface.' =>
7987            '',
7988        'Required permissions to use the ticket phone outbound screen in the agent interface.' =>
7989            '',
7990        'Required permissions to use the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
7991            '',
7992        'Required permissions to use the ticket responsible screen in the agent interface.' =>
7993            '',
7994        'Resend Ticket Email.' => '',
7995        'Resent email to "%s".' => '',
7996        'Resets and unlocks the owner of a ticket if it was moved to another queue.' =>
7997            '',
7998        'Resource Overview (OTRS Business Solution™)' => '',
7999        'Responsible Tickets' => '',
8000        'Responsible Tickets.' => '',
8001        'Restores a ticket from the archive (only if the event is a state change to any open available state).' =>
8002            '',
8003        'Retains all services in listings even if they are children of invalid elements.' =>
8004            '',
8005        'Right' => '',
8006        'Roles ↔ Groups' => '',
8007        'Romanian' => '',
8008        'Run file based generic agent jobs (Note: module name needs to be specified in -configuration-module param e.g. "Kernel::System::GenericAgent").' =>
8009            '',
8010        'Running Process Tickets' => '',
8011        'Runs an initial wildcard search of the existing customer company when accessing the AdminCustomerCompany module.' =>
8012            '',
8013        'Runs an initial wildcard search of the existing customer users when accessing the AdminCustomerUser module.' =>
8014            '',
8015        'Runs the system in "Demo" mode. If enabled, agents can change preferences, such as selection of language and theme via the agent web interface. These changes are only valid for the current session. It will not be possible for agents to change their passwords.' =>
8016            '',
8017        'Russian' => 'Vene',
8018        'S/MIME Certificates' => 'S/MIME sertifikaadid',
8019        'SMS' => 'SMS',
8020        'SMS (Short Message Service)' => '',
8021        'Salutations' => 'Tervitused',
8022        'Sample command output' => '',
8023        'Saves the attachments of articles. "DB" stores all data in the database (not recommended for storing big attachments). "FS" stores the data on the filesystem; this is faster but the webserver should run under the OTRS user. You can switch between the modules even on a system that is already in production without any loss of data. Note: Searching for attachment names is not supported when "FS" is used.' =>
8024            '',
8025        'Schedule a maintenance period.' => '',
8026        'Screen after new ticket' => 'Järgmine lehekülg pärast intsidendi sisestamist',
8027        'Search Customer' => 'Otsi klienti',
8028        'Search Ticket.' => '',
8029        'Search Tickets.' => '',
8030        'Search User' => '',
8031        'Search backend default router.' => '',
8032        'Search backend router.' => '',
8033        'Search.' => '',
8034        'Second Christmas Day' => 'teine jõulupüha',
8035        'Second Queue' => '',
8036        'Select after which period ticket overviews should refresh automatically.' =>
8037            '',
8038        'Select how many tickets should be shown in overviews by default.' =>
8039            '',
8040        'Select the main interface language.' => '',
8041        'Select the separator character used in CSV files (stats and searches). If you don\'t select a separator here, the default separator for your language will be used.' =>
8042            '',
8043        'Select your frontend Theme.' => 'Vali kujunduse teema.',
8044        'Select your personal time zone. All times will be displayed relative to this time zone.' =>
8045            '',
8046        'Select your preferred layout for the software.' => '',
8047        'Select your preferred theme for OTRS.' => '',
8048        'Selects the cache backend to use.' => '',
8049        'Selects the module to handle uploads via the web interface. "DB" stores all uploads in the database, "FS" uses the file system.' =>
8050            '',
8051        'Selects the ticket number generator module. "AutoIncrement" increments the ticket number, the SystemID and the counter are used with SystemID.counter format (e.g. 1010138, 1010139). With "Date" the ticket numbers will be generated by the current date, the SystemID and the counter. The format looks like Year.Month.Day.SystemID.counter (e.g. 200206231010138, 200206231010139). With "DateChecksum"  the counter will be appended as checksum to the string of date and SystemID. The checksum will be rotated on a daily basis. The format looks like Year.Month.Day.SystemID.Counter.CheckSum (e.g. 2002070110101520, 2002070110101535).' =>
8052            '',
8053        'Send new outgoing mail from this ticket' => '',
8054        'Send notifications to users.' => 'Kasutajatele teavituste saatmine.',
8055        'Sender type for new tickets from the customer inteface.' => '',
8056        'Sends agent follow-up notification only to the owner, if a ticket is unlocked (the default is to send the notification to all agents).' =>
8057            '',
8058        'Sends all outgoing email via bcc to the specified address. Please use this only for backup reasons.' =>
8059            '',
8060        'Sends customer notifications just to the mapped customer.' => '',
8061        'Sends registration information to OTRS group.' => '',
8062        'Sends reminder notifications of unlocked ticket after reaching the reminder date (only sent to ticket owner).' =>
8063            '',
8064        'Sends the notifications which are configured in the admin interface under "Ticket Notifications".' =>
8065            '',
8066        'Sent "%s" notification to "%s" via "%s".' => '',
8067        'Sent auto follow-up to "%s".' => '',
8068        'Sent auto reject to "%s".' => '',
8069        'Sent auto reply to "%s".' => '',
8070        'Sent email to "%s".' => '',
8071        'Sent email to customer.' => '',
8072        'Sent notification to "%s".' => '',
8073        'Serbian Cyrillic' => 'Serbia kirillitsa',
8074        'Serbian Latin' => 'Serbia ladina',
8075        'Service Level Agreements' => 'Teenustaseme lepingud',
8076        'Service view' => '',
8077        'ServiceView' => '',
8078        'Set a new password by filling in your current password and a new one.' =>
8079            '',
8080        'Set sender email addresses for this system.' => 'Süsteemi saatjate e-posti aadresside seadistamine.',
8081        'Set the default height (in pixels) of inline HTML articles in AgentTicketZoom.' =>
8082            '',
8083        'Set the limit of tickets that will be executed on a single genericagent job execution.' =>
8084            '',
8085        'Set the maximum height (in pixels) of inline HTML articles in AgentTicketZoom.' =>
8086            '',
8087        'Set the minimum log level. If you select \'error\', just errors are logged. With \'debug\' you get all logging messages. The order of log levels is: \'debug\', \'info\', \'notice\' and \'error\'.' =>
8088            '',
8089        'Set this ticket to pending' => '',
8090        'Sets if SLA must be selected by the agent.' => '',
8091        'Sets if SLA must be selected by the customer.' => '',
8092        'Sets if note must be filled in by the agent. Can be overwritten by Ticket::Frontend::NeedAccountedTime.' =>
8093            '',
8094        'Sets if queue must be selected by the agent.' => '',
8095        'Sets if service must be selected by the agent.' => '',
8096        'Sets if service must be selected by the customer.' => '',
8097        'Sets if state must be selected by the agent.' => '',
8098        'Sets if ticket owner must be selected by the agent.' => '',
8099        'Sets if ticket responsible must be selected by the agent.' => '',
8100        'Sets the PendingTime of a ticket to 0 if the state is changed to a non-pending state.' =>
8101            '',
8102        'Sets the age in minutes (first level) for highlighting queues that contain untouched tickets.' =>
8103            '',
8104        'Sets the age in minutes (second level) for highlighting queues that contain untouched tickets.' =>
8105            '',
8106        'Sets the configuration level of the administrator. Depending on the config level, some sysconfig options will be not shown. The config levels are in in ascending order: Expert, Advanced, Beginner. The higher the config level is (e.g. Beginner is the highest), the less likely is it that the user can accidentally configure the system in a way that it is not usable any more.' =>
8107            '',
8108        'Sets the count of articles visible in preview mode of ticket overviews.' =>
8109            '',
8110        'Sets the default article customer visibility for new email tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8111            '',
8112        'Sets the default article customer visibility for new phone tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8113            '',
8114        'Sets the default body text for notes added in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
8115            '',
8116        'Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket move screen of the agent interface.' =>
8117            '',
8118        'Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
8119            '',
8120        'Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8121            '',
8122        'Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8123            '',
8124        'Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8125            '',
8126        'Sets the default body text for notes added in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
8127            '',
8128        'Sets the default error message for the login screen on Agent and Customer interface, it\'s shown when a running system maintenance period is active.' =>
8129            '',
8130        'Sets the default link type of split tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8131            '',
8132        'Sets the default link type of splitted tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8133            '',
8134        'Sets the default message for the login screen on Agent and Customer interface, it\'s shown when a running system maintenance period is active.' =>
8135            '',
8136        'Sets the default message for the notification is shown on a running system maintenance period.' =>
8137            '',
8138        'Sets the default next state for new phone tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8139            '',
8140        'Sets the default next ticket state, after the creation of an email ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8141            '',
8142        'Sets the default note text for new telephone tickets. E.g \'New ticket via call\' in the agent interface.' =>
8143            '',
8144        'Sets the default priority for new email tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8145            '',
8146        'Sets the default priority for new phone tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8147            '',
8148        'Sets the default sender type for new email tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8149            '',
8150        'Sets the default sender type for new phone ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8151            '',
8152        'Sets the default subject for new email tickets (e.g. \'email Outbound\') in the agent interface.' =>
8153            '',
8154        'Sets the default subject for new phone tickets (e.g. \'Phone call\') in the agent interface.' =>
8155            '',
8156        'Sets the default subject for notes added in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
8157            '',
8158        'Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket move screen of the agent interface.' =>
8159            '',
8160        'Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
8161            '',
8162        'Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8163            '',
8164        'Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8165            '',
8166        'Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8167            '',
8168        'Sets the default subject for notes added in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
8169            '',
8170        'Sets the default text for new email tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8171            '',
8172        'Sets the inactivity time (in seconds) to pass before a session is killed and a user is logged out.' =>
8173            '',
8174        'Sets the maximum number of active agents within the timespan defined in SessionMaxIdleTime before a prior warning will be visible for the logged in agents.' =>
8175            '',
8176        'Sets the maximum number of active agents within the timespan defined in SessionMaxIdleTime.' =>
8177            '',
8178        'Sets the maximum number of active customers within the timespan defined in SessionMaxIdleTime.' =>
8179            '',
8180        'Sets the maximum number of active sessions per agent within the timespan defined in SessionMaxIdleTime.' =>
8181            '',
8182        'Sets the maximum number of active sessions per customers within the timespan defined in SessionMaxIdleTime.' =>
8183            '',
8184        'Sets the method PGP will use to sing and encrypt emails. Note Inline method is not compatible with RichText messages.' =>
8185            '',
8186        'Sets the minimal ticket counter size if "AutoIncrement" was selected as TicketNumberGenerator. Default is 5, this means the counter starts from 10000.' =>
8187            '',
8188        'Sets the minutes a notification is shown for notice about upcoming system maintenance period.' =>
8189            '',
8190        'Sets the number of lines that are displayed in text messages (e.g. ticket lines in the QueueZoom).' =>
8191            '',
8192        'Sets the options for PGP binary.' => '',
8193        'Sets the password for private PGP key.' => '',
8194        'Sets the prefered time units (e.g. work units, hours, minutes).' =>
8195            '',
8196        'Sets the preferred digest to be used for PGP binary.' => '',
8197        'Sets the prefix to the scripts folder on the server, as configured on the web server. This setting is used as a variable, OTRS_CONFIG_ScriptAlias which is found in all forms of messaging used by the application, to build links to the tickets within the system.' =>
8198            '',
8199        'Sets the queue in the ticket close screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8200            '',
8201        'Sets the queue in the ticket free text screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8202            '',
8203        'Sets the queue in the ticket note screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8204            '',
8205        'Sets the queue in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8206            '',
8207        'Sets the queue in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8208            '',
8209        'Sets the queue in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8210            '',
8211        'Sets the queue in the ticket responsible screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8212            '',
8213        'Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
8214            '',
8215        'Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.' =>
8216            '',
8217        'Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
8218            '',
8219        'Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
8220            '',
8221        'Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8222            '',
8223        'Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8224            '',
8225        'Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8226            '',
8227        'Sets the responsible agent of the ticket in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
8228            '',
8229        'Sets the service in the close ticket screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be enabled).' =>
8230            '',
8231        'Sets the service in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be enabled).' =>
8232            '',
8233        'Sets the service in the ticket note screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be enabled).' =>
8234            '',
8235        'Sets the service in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be enabled).' =>
8236            '',
8237        'Sets the service in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be enabled).' =>
8238            '',
8239        'Sets the service in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be enabled).' =>
8240            '',
8241        'Sets the service in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Service needs to be enabled).' =>
8242            '',
8243        'Sets the state of a ticket in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
8244            '',
8245        'Sets the state of a ticket in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.' =>
8246            '',
8247        'Sets the state of a ticket in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
8248            '',
8249        'Sets the state of a ticket in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
8250            '',
8251        'Sets the state of a ticket in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
8252            '',
8253        'Sets the state of the ticket in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8254            '',
8255        'Sets the state of the ticket in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8256            '',
8257        'Sets the state of the ticket in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8258            '',
8259        'Sets the stats hook.' => '',
8260        'Sets the ticket owner in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
8261            '',
8262        'Sets the ticket owner in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.' =>
8263            '',
8264        'Sets the ticket owner in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
8265            '',
8266        'Sets the ticket owner in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
8267            '',
8268        'Sets the ticket owner in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8269            '',
8270        'Sets the ticket owner in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8271            '',
8272        'Sets the ticket owner in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8273            '',
8274        'Sets the ticket owner in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
8275            '',
8276        'Sets the ticket type in the close ticket screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be enabled).' =>
8277            '',
8278        'Sets the ticket type in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.' =>
8279            '',
8280        'Sets the ticket type in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be enabled).' =>
8281            '',
8282        'Sets the ticket type in the ticket note screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be enabled).' =>
8283            '',
8284        'Sets the ticket type in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be enabled).' =>
8285            '',
8286        'Sets the ticket type in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be enabled).' =>
8287            '',
8288        'Sets the ticket type in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be enabled).' =>
8289            '',
8290        'Sets the ticket type in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface (Ticket::Type needs to be enabled).' =>
8291            '',
8292        'Sets the time zone being used internally by OTRS to e. g. store dates and times in the database. WARNING: This setting must not be changed once set and tickets or any other data containing date/time have been created.' =>
8293            '',
8294        'Sets the time zone that will be assigned to newly created users and will be used for users that haven\'t yet set a time zone. This is the time zone being used as default to convert date and time between the OTRS time zone and the user\'s time zone.' =>
8295            '',
8296        'Sets the timeout (in seconds) for http/ftp downloads.' => '',
8297        'Sets the timeout (in seconds) for package downloads. Overwrites "WebUserAgent::Timeout".' =>
8298            '',
8299        'Shared Secret' => '',
8300        'Show a responsible selection in phone and email tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8301            '',
8302        'Show article as rich text even if rich text writing is disabled.' =>
8303            '',
8304        'Show command line output.' => '',
8305        'Show queues even when only locked tickets are in.' => '',
8306        'Show the current owner in the customer interface.' => '',
8307        'Show the current queue in the customer interface.' => '',
8308        'Show the history for this ticket' => '',
8309        'Show the ticket history' => 'Näita intsidendi ajalugu',
8310        'Shows a count of attachments in the ticket zoom, if the article has attachments.' =>
8311            '',
8312        'Shows a link in the menu for creating a calendar appointment linked to the ticket directly from the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8313            '',
8314        'Shows a link in the menu for subscribing / unsubscribing from a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8315            '',
8316        'Shows a link in the menu that allows linking a ticket with another object in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface.  Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8317            '',
8318        'Shows a link in the menu that allows merging tickets in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8319            '',
8320        'Shows a link in the menu to access the history of a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8321            '',
8322        'Shows a link in the menu to add a free text field in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8323            '',
8324        'Shows a link in the menu to add a note in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8325            '',
8326        'Shows a link in the menu to add a note to a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface.' =>
8327            '',
8328        'Shows a link in the menu to add a phone call inbound in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8329            '',
8330        'Shows a link in the menu to add a phone call outbound in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8331            '',
8332        'Shows a link in the menu to change the customer who requested the ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8333            '',
8334        'Shows a link in the menu to change the owner of a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8335            '',
8336        'Shows a link in the menu to change the responsible agent of a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8337            '',
8338        'Shows a link in the menu to close a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface.' =>
8339            '',
8340        'Shows a link in the menu to close a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8341            '',
8342        'Shows a link in the menu to delete a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
8343            '',
8344        'Shows a link in the menu to delete a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8345            '',
8346        'Shows a link in the menu to enroll a ticket into a process in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface.' =>
8347            '',
8348        'Shows a link in the menu to go back in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8349            '',
8350        'Shows a link in the menu to lock / unlock a ticket in the ticket overviews of the agent interface.' =>
8351            '',
8352        'Shows a link in the menu to lock/unlock tickets in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8353            '',
8354        'Shows a link in the menu to move a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface.' =>
8355            '',
8356        'Shows a link in the menu to print a ticket or an article in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8357            '',
8358        'Shows a link in the menu to see the history of a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface.' =>
8359            '',
8360        'Shows a link in the menu to see the priority of a ticket in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8361            '',
8362        'Shows a link in the menu to send an outbound email in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8363            '',
8364        'Shows a link in the menu to set a ticket as junk in every ticket overview of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
8365            '',
8366        'Shows a link in the menu to set a ticket as pending in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8367            '',
8368        'Shows a link in the menu to set the priority of a ticket in every ticket overview of the agent interface.' =>
8369            '',
8370        'Shows a link in the menu to zoom a ticket in the ticket overviews of the agent interface.' =>
8371            '',
8372        'Shows a link to access article attachments via a html online viewer in the zoom view of the article in the agent interface.' =>
8373            '',
8374        'Shows a link to download article attachments in the zoom view of the article in the agent interface.' =>
8375            '',
8376        'Shows a link to see a zoomed email ticket in plain text.' => '',
8377        'Shows a link to set a ticket as junk in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2". To cluster menu items use for Key "ClusterName" and for the Content any name you want to see in the UI. Use "ClusterPriority" to configure the order of a certain cluster within the toolbar.' =>
8378            '',
8379        'Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
8380            '',
8381        'Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
8382            '',
8383        'Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
8384            '',
8385        'Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8386            '',
8387        'Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8388            '',
8389        'Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8390            '',
8391        'Shows a list of all the involved agents on this ticket, in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
8392            '',
8393        'Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
8394            '',
8395        'Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
8396            '',
8397        'Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
8398            '',
8399        'Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8400            '',
8401        'Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8402            '',
8403        'Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8404            '',
8405        'Shows a list of all the possible agents (all agents with note permissions on the queue/ticket) to determine who should be informed about this note, in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
8406            '',
8407        'Shows a preview of the ticket overview (CustomerInfo => 1 - shows also Customer-Info, CustomerInfoMaxSize max. size in characters of Customer-Info).' =>
8408            '',
8409        'Shows a teaser link in the menu for the ticket attachment view of OTRS Business Solution™.' =>
8410            '',
8411        'Shows all both ro and rw queues in the queue view.' => '',
8412        'Shows all both ro and rw tickets in the service view.' => '',
8413        'Shows all open tickets (even if they are locked) in the escalation view of the agent interface.' =>
8414            '',
8415        'Shows all the articles of the ticket (expanded) in the agent zoom view.' =>
8416            '',
8417        'Shows all the articles of the ticket (expanded) in the customer zoom view.' =>
8418            '',
8419        'Shows all the customer identifiers in a multi-select field (not useful if you have a lot of customer identifiers).' =>
8420            '',
8421        'Shows all the customer user identifiers in a multi-select field (not useful if you have a lot of customer user identifiers).' =>
8422            '',
8423        'Shows an owner selection in phone and email tickets in the agent interface.' =>
8424            '',
8425        'Shows customer history tickets in AgentTicketPhone, AgentTicketEmail and AgentTicketCustomer.' =>
8426            '',
8427        'Shows either the last customer article\'s subject or the ticket title in the small format overview.' =>
8428            '',
8429        'Shows existing parent/child queue lists in the system in the form of a tree or a list.' =>
8430            '',
8431        'Shows information on how to start OTRS Daemon' => '',
8432        'Shows link to external page in the ticket zoom view of the agent interface. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
8433            '',
8434        'Shows the article head information in the agent zoom view.' => '',
8435        'Shows the articles sorted normally or in reverse, under ticket zoom in the agent interface.' =>
8436            '',
8437        'Shows the customer user information (phone and email) in the compose screen.' =>
8438            '',
8439        'Shows the enabled ticket attributes in the customer interface (0 = Disabled and 1 = Enabled).' =>
8440            '',
8441        'Shows the message of the day (MOTD) in the agent dashboard. "Group" is used to restrict access to the plugin (e. g. Group: admin;group1;group2;). "Default" indicates if the plugin is enabled by default or if the user needs to enable it manually. "Mandatory" determines if the plugin is always shown and can not be removed by agents.' =>
8442            '',
8443        'Shows the message of the day on login screen of the agent interface.' =>
8444            '',
8445        'Shows the ticket history (reverse ordered) in the agent interface.' =>
8446            '',
8447        'Shows the ticket priority options in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
8448            '',
8449        'Shows the ticket priority options in the move ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
8450            '',
8451        'Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket bulk screen of the agent interface.' =>
8452            '',
8453        'Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
8454            '',
8455        'Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
8456            '',
8457        'Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8458            '',
8459        'Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8460            '',
8461        'Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8462            '',
8463        'Shows the ticket priority options in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
8464            '',
8465        'Shows the title field in the close ticket screen of the agent interface.' =>
8466            '',
8467        'Shows the title field in the ticket free text screen of the agent interface.' =>
8468            '',
8469        'Shows the title field in the ticket note screen of the agent interface.' =>
8470            '',
8471        'Shows the title field in the ticket owner screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8472            '',
8473        'Shows the title field in the ticket pending screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8474            '',
8475        'Shows the title field in the ticket priority screen of a zoomed ticket in the agent interface.' =>
8476            '',
8477        'Shows the title field in the ticket responsible screen of the agent interface.' =>
8478            '',
8479        'Shows time in long format (days, hours, minutes), if enabled; or in short format (days, hours), if not enabled.' =>
8480            '',
8481        'Shows time use complete description (days, hours, minutes), if enabled; or just first letter (d, h, m), if not enabled.' =>
8482            '',
8483        'Signature data.' => '',
8484        'Signatures' => 'Allkirjad',
8485        'Simple' => '',
8486        'Skin' => 'Kujundus',
8487        'Slovak' => '',
8488        'Slovenian' => 'Sloveenia',
8489        'Small' => 'Väike',
8490        'Software Package Manager.' => '',
8491        'Solution time' => '',
8492        'SolutionDiffInMin' => '',
8493        'SolutionInMin' => '',
8494        'Some description!' => '',
8495        'Some picture description!' => '',
8496        'Sorts the tickets (ascendingly or descendingly) when a single queue is selected in the queue view and after the tickets are sorted by priority. Values: 0 = ascending (oldest on top, default), 1 = descending (youngest on top). Use the QueueID for the key and 0 or 1 for value.' =>
8497            '',
8498        'Sorts the tickets (ascendingly or descendingly) when a single queue is selected in the service view and after the tickets are sorted by priority. Values: 0 = ascending (oldest on top, default), 1 = descending (youngest on top). Use the ServiceID for the key and 0 or 1 for value.' =>
8499            '',
8500        'Spam' => '',
8501        'Spam Assassin example setup. Ignores emails that are marked with SpamAssassin.' =>
8502            '',
8503        'Spam Assassin example setup. Moves marked mails to spam queue.' =>
8504            '',
8505        'Spanish' => 'Hispaania',
8506        'Spanish (Colombia)' => 'Hispaania (Colombia)',
8507        'Spanish (Mexico)' => 'Hispaania (Mehhiko)',
8508        'Spanish stop words for fulltext index. These words will be removed from the search index.' =>
8509            '',
8510        'Specifies if an agent should receive email notification of his own actions.' =>
8511            '',
8512        'Specifies the directory to store the data in, if "FS" was selected for ArticleStorage.' =>
8513            '',
8514        'Specifies the directory where SSL certificates are stored.' => '',
8515        'Specifies the directory where private SSL certificates are stored.' =>
8516            '',
8517        'Specifies the email address that should be used by the application when sending notifications. The email address is used to build the complete display name for the notification master (i.e. "OTRS Notifications" otrs@your.example.com). You can use the OTRS_CONFIG_FQDN variable as set in your configuation, or choose another email address.' =>
8518            '',
8519        'Specifies the email addresses to get notification messages from scheduler tasks.' =>
8520            '',
8521        'Specifies the group where the user needs rw permissions so that he can access the "SwitchToCustomer" feature.' =>
8522            '',
8523        'Specifies the group where the user needs rw permissions so that they can edit other users preferences.' =>
8524            '',
8525        'Specifies the name that should be used by the application when sending notifications. The sender name is used to build the complete display name for the notification master (i.e. "OTRS Notifications" otrs@your.example.com).' =>
8526            '',
8527        'Specifies the order in which the firstname and the lastname of agents will be displayed.' =>
8528            '',
8529        'Specifies the path of the file for the logo in the page header (gif|jpg|png, 700 x 100 pixel).' =>
8530            '',
8531        'Specifies the path of the file for the performance log.' => '',
8532        'Specifies the path to the converter that allows the view of Microsoft Excel files, in the web interface.' =>
8533            '',
8534        'Specifies the path to the converter that allows the view of Microsoft Word files, in the web interface.' =>
8535            '',
8536        'Specifies the path to the converter that allows the view of PDF documents, in the web interface.' =>
8537            '',
8538        'Specifies the path to the converter that allows the view of XML files, in the web interface.' =>
8539            '',
8540        'Specifies the text that should appear in the log file to denote a CGI script entry.' =>
8541            '',
8542        'Specifies user id of the postmaster data base.' => '',
8543        'Specifies whether all storage backends should be checked when looking for attachments. This is only required for installations where some attachments are in the file system, and others in the database.' =>
8544            '',
8545        'Specifies whether the (MIMEBase) article attachments will be indexed and searchable.' =>
8546            '',
8547        'Specify how many sub directory levels to use when creating cache files. This should prevent too many cache files being in one directory.' =>
8548            '',
8549        'Specify the channel to be used to fetch OTRS Business Solution™ updates. Warning: Development releases might not be complete, your system might experience unrecoverable errors and on extreme cases could become unresponsive!' =>
8550            '',
8551        'Specify the password to authenticate for the first mirror database.' =>
8552            '',
8553        'Specify the username to authenticate for the first mirror database.' =>
8554            '',
8555        'Stable' => '',
8556        'Standard available permissions for agents within the application. If more permissions are needed, they can be entered here. Permissions must be defined to be effective. Some other good permissions have also been provided built-in: note, close, pending, customer, freetext, move, compose, responsible, forward, and bounce. Make sure that "rw" is always the last registered permission.' =>
8557            '',
8558        'Start number for statistics counting. Every new stat increments this number.' =>
8559            '',
8560        'Started response time escalation.' => '',
8561        'Started solution time escalation.' => '',
8562        'Started update time escalation.' => '',
8563        'Starts a wildcard search of the active object after the link object mask is started.' =>
8564            '',
8565        'Stat#' => 'Statistika nr.',
8566        'States' => 'Seisund',
8567        'Statistic Reports overview.' => '',
8568        'Statistics overview.' => '',
8569        'Status view' => 'Seisundi vaade',
8570        'Stopped response time escalation.' => '',
8571        'Stopped solution time escalation.' => '',
8572        'Stopped update time escalation.' => '',
8573        'Stores cookies after the browser has been closed.' => '',
8574        'Strips empty lines on the ticket preview in the queue view.' => '',
8575        'Strips empty lines on the ticket preview in the service view.' =>
8576            '',
8577        'Support Agent' => '',
8578        'Swahili' => 'Suahiili',
8579        'Swedish' => 'Rootsi',
8580        'System Address Display Name' => '',
8581        'System Configuration Deployment' => '',
8582        'System Configuration Group' => '',
8583        'System Maintenance' => '',
8584        'Templates ↔ Attachments' => '',
8585        'Templates ↔ Queues' => '',
8586        'Textarea' => 'Tekstiala',
8587        'Thai' => 'Tai',
8588        'The PGP signature is expired.' => '',
8589        'The PGP signature was made by a revoked key, this could mean that the signature is forged.' =>
8590            '',
8591        'The PGP signature was made by an expired key.' => '',
8592        'The PGP signature with the keyid has not been verified successfully.' =>
8593            '',
8594        'The PGP signature with the keyid is good.' => '',
8595        'The agent skin\'s InternalName which should be used in the agent interface. Please check the available skins in Frontend::Agent::Skins.' =>
8596            '',
8597        'The customer skin\'s InternalName which should be used in the customer interface. Please check the available skins in Frontend::Customer::Skins.' =>
8598            '',
8599        'The daemon registration for the scheduler cron task manager.' =>
8600            '',
8601        'The daemon registration for the scheduler future task manager.' =>
8602            '',
8603        'The daemon registration for the scheduler generic agent task manager.' =>
8604            '',
8605        'The daemon registration for the scheduler task worker.' => '',
8606        'The daemon registration for the system configuration deployment sync manager.' =>
8607            '',
8608        'The divider between TicketHook and ticket number. E.g \': \'.' =>
8609            '',
8610        'The duration in minutes after emitting an event, in which the new escalation notify and start events are suppressed.' =>
8611            '',
8612        'The format of the subject. \'Left\' means \'[TicketHook#:12345] Some Subject\', \'Right\' means \'Some Subject [TicketHook#:12345]\', \'None\' means \'Some Subject\' and no ticket number. In the latter case you should verify that the setting PostMaster::CheckFollowUpModule###0200-References is activated to recognize followups based on email headers.' =>
8613            '',
8614        'The headline shown in the customer interface.' => 'Kliendiliideses kuvatav pealkiri.',
8615        'The identifier for a ticket, e.g. Ticket#, Call#, MyTicket#. The default is Ticket#.' =>
8616            '',
8617        'The logo shown in the header of the agent interface for the skin "High Contrast". See "AgentLogo" for further description.' =>
8618            '',
8619        'The logo shown in the header of the agent interface for the skin "default". See "AgentLogo" for further description.' =>
8620            '',
8621        'The logo shown in the header of the agent interface for the skin "ivory". See "AgentLogo" for further description.' =>
8622            '',
8623        'The logo shown in the header of the agent interface for the skin "ivory-slim". See "AgentLogo" for further description.' =>
8624            '',
8625        'The logo shown in the header of the agent interface for the skin "slim". See "AgentLogo" for further description.' =>
8626            '',
8627        'The logo shown in the header of the agent interface. The URL to the image can be a relative URL to the skin image directory, or a full URL to a remote web server.' =>
8628            '',
8629        'The logo shown in the header of the customer interface. The URL to the image can be a relative URL to the skin image directory, or a full URL to a remote web server.' =>
8630            '',
8631        'The logo shown on top of the login box of the agent interface. The URL to the image can be a relative URL to the skin image directory, or a full URL to a remote web server.' =>
8632            '',
8633        'The maximal number of articles expanded on a single page in AgentTicketZoom.' =>
8634            '',
8635        'The maximal number of articles shown on a single page in AgentTicketZoom.' =>
8636            '',
8637        'The maximum number of mails fetched at once before reconnecting to the server.' =>
8638            '',
8639        'The secret you supplied is invalid. The secret must only contain letters (A-Z, uppercase) and numbers (2-7) and must consist of 16 characters.' =>
8640            '',
8641        'The text at the beginning of the subject in an email reply, e.g. RE, AW, or AS.' =>
8642            'Tekst vastuskirja teemarea alguses, nt. Re, Vs.',
8643        'The text at the beginning of the subject when an email is forwarded, e.g. FW, Fwd, or WG.' =>
8644            'Tekst teemarea alguses, kui e-kiri on edasi saadetud, nt. Fw, Fwd, Ed.',
8645        'The value of the From field' => '',
8646        'Theme' => 'Teema',
8647        'This event module stores attributes from CustomerUser as DynamicFields tickets. Please see DynamicFieldFromCustomerUser::Mapping setting for how to configure the mapping.' =>
8648            '',
8649        'This is a Description for Comment on Framework.' => '',
8650        'This is a Description for DynamicField on Framework.' => '',
8651        'This is the default orange - black skin for the customer interface.' =>
8652            '',
8653        'This is the default orange - black skin.' => '',
8654        'This key is not certified with a trusted signature!' => '',
8655        'This module and its PreRun() function will be executed, if defined, for every request. This module is useful to check some user options or to display news about new applications.' =>
8656            '',
8657        'This module is part of the admin area of OTRS.' => '',
8658        'This option defines the dynamic field in which a Process Management activity entity id is stored.' =>
8659            '',
8660        'This option defines the dynamic field in which a Process Management process entity id is stored.' =>
8661            '',
8662        'This option defines the process tickets default lock.' => '',
8663        'This option defines the process tickets default priority.' => '',
8664        'This option defines the process tickets default queue.' => '',
8665        'This option defines the process tickets default state.' => '',
8666        'This option will deny the access to customer company tickets, which are not created by the customer user.' =>
8667            '',
8668        'This setting allows you to override the built-in country list with your own list of countries. This is particularly handy if you just want to use a small select group of countries.' =>
8669            '',
8670        'This setting is deprecated. Set OTRSTimeZone instead.' => '',
8671        'This setting shows the sorting attributes in all overview screen, not only in queue view.' =>
8672            '',
8673        'This will allow the system to send text messages via SMS.' => '',
8674        'Ticket Close.' => '',
8675        'Ticket Compose Bounce Email.' => '',
8676        'Ticket Compose email Answer.' => '',
8677        'Ticket Customer.' => '',
8678        'Ticket Forward Email.' => '',
8679        'Ticket FreeText.' => '',
8680        'Ticket History.' => '',
8681        'Ticket Lock.' => '',
8682        'Ticket Merge.' => '',
8683        'Ticket Move.' => '',
8684        'Ticket Note.' => '',
8685        'Ticket Notifications' => '',
8686        'Ticket Outbound Email.' => '',
8687        'Ticket Overview "Medium" Limit' => '',
8688        'Ticket Overview "Preview" Limit' => '',
8689        'Ticket Overview "Small" Limit' => '',
8690        'Ticket Owner.' => '',
8691        'Ticket Pending.' => '',
8692        'Ticket Print.' => '',
8693        'Ticket Priority.' => '',
8694        'Ticket Queue Overview' => '',
8695        'Ticket Responsible.' => '',
8696        'Ticket Watcher' => '',
8697        'Ticket Zoom' => '',
8698        'Ticket Zoom.' => '',
8699        'Ticket bulk module.' => '',
8700        'Ticket event module that triggers the escalation stop events.' =>
8701            '',
8702        'Ticket limit per page for Ticket Overview "Medium".' => '',
8703        'Ticket limit per page for Ticket Overview "Preview".' => '',
8704        'Ticket limit per page for Ticket Overview "Small".' => '',
8705        'Ticket notifications' => '',
8706        'Ticket overview' => 'Intsidendi ülevaade',
8707        'Ticket plain view of an email.' => '',
8708        'Ticket split dialog.' => '',
8709        'Ticket title' => '',
8710        'Ticket zoom view.' => '',
8711        'TicketNumber' => '',
8712        'Tickets.' => '',
8713        'Time in seconds that gets added to the actual time if setting a pending-state (default: 86400 = 1 day).' =>
8714            '',
8715        'To accept login information, such as an EULA or license.' => '',
8716        'To download attachments.' => '',
8717        'To view HTML attachments.' => '',
8718        'Toggles display of OTRS FeatureAddons list in PackageManager.' =>
8719            '',
8720        'Toolbar Item for a shortcut. Additional access control to show or not show this link can be done by using Key "Group" and Content like "rw:group1;move_into:group2".' =>
8721            '',
8722        'Transport selection for appointment notifications. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
8723            '',
8724        'Transport selection for ticket notifications. Please note: setting \'Active\' to 0 will only prevent agents from editing settings of this group in their personal preferences, but will still allow administrators to edit the settings of another user\'s behalf. Use \'PreferenceGroup\' to control in which area these settings should be shown in the user interface.' =>
8725            '',
8726        'Tree view' => '',
8727        'Triggers add or update of automatic calendar appointments based on certain ticket times.' =>
8728            '',
8729        'Triggers ticket escalation events and notification events for escalation.' =>
8730            '',
8731        'Turkish' => 'Türgi',
8732        'Turns off SSL certificate validation, for example if you use a transparent HTTPS proxy. Use at your own risk!' =>
8733            '',
8734        'Turns on drag and drop for the main navigation.' => '',
8735        'Turns on the remote ip address check. It should not be enabled if the application is used, for example, via a proxy farm or a dialup connection, because the remote ip address is mostly different for the requests.' =>
8736            '',
8737        'Tweak the system as you wish.' => '',
8738        'Type of daemon log rotation to use: Choose \'OTRS\' to let OTRS system to handle the file rotation, or choose \'External\' to use a 3rd party rotation mechanism (i.e. logrotate). Note: External rotation mechanism requires its own and independent configuration.' =>
8739            '',
8740        'Ukrainian' => 'Ukraina',
8741        'Unlock tickets that are past their unlock timeout.' => '',
8742        'Unlock tickets whenever a note is added and the owner is out of office.' =>
8743            'Eemalda lukk juhul kui piletile lisatakse märkus ning pileti omanik on töölt eemal.',
8744        'Unlocked ticket.' => 'Intsidendi lukk eemaldati.',
8745        'Up' => 'Üles',
8746        'Upcoming Events' => 'Peatsed sündmused',
8747        'Update Ticket "Seen" flag if every article got seen or a new Article got created.' =>
8748            '',
8749        'Update time' => '',
8750        'Updates the ticket escalation index after a ticket attribute got updated.' =>
8751            '',
8752        'Updates the ticket index accelerator.' => '',
8753        'Upload your PGP key.' => '',
8754        'Upload your S/MIME certificate.' => '',
8755        'Use new type of select and autocomplete fields in agent interface, where applicable (InputFields).' =>
8756            '',
8757        'Use new type of select and autocomplete fields in customer interface, where applicable (InputFields).' =>
8758            '',
8759        'User Profile' => 'Kasutaja profiil',
8760        'UserFirstname' => '',
8761        'UserLastname' => '',
8762        'Users, Groups & Roles' => '',
8763        'Uses richtext for viewing and editing ticket notification.' => '',
8764        'Uses richtext for viewing and editing: articles, salutations, signatures, standard templates, auto responses and notifications.' =>
8765            '',
8766        'Vietnam' => 'Vietnami',
8767        'View all attachments of the current ticket' => '',
8768        'View performance benchmark results.' => 'Jõudlustestide tulemuste vaatamine.',
8769        'Watch this ticket' => '',
8770        'Watched Tickets' => 'Vaatlejaga intsidendid',
8771        'Watched Tickets.' => '',
8772        'We are performing scheduled maintenance.' => '',
8773        'We are performing scheduled maintenance. Login is temporarily not available.' =>
8774            '',
8775        'We are performing scheduled maintenance. We should be back online shortly.' =>
8776            '',
8777        'Web Services' => 'Veebiteenused',
8778        'Web View' => '',
8779        'When agent creates a ticket, whether or not the ticket is automatically locked to the agent.' =>
8780            '',
8781        'When tickets are merged, a note will be added automatically to the ticket which is no longer active. Here you can define the body of this note (this text cannot be changed by the agent).' =>
8782            '',
8783        'When tickets are merged, a note will be added automatically to the ticket which is no longer active. Here you can define the subject of this note (this subject cannot be changed by the agent).' =>
8784            '',
8785        'When tickets are merged, the customer can be informed per email by setting the check box "Inform Sender". In this text area, you can define a pre-formatted text which can later be modified by the agents.' =>
8786            '',
8787        'Whether or not to collect meta information from articles using filters configured in Ticket::Frontend::ZoomCollectMetaFilters.' =>
8788            '',
8789        'Whether to force redirect all requests from http to https protocol. Please check that your web server is configured correctly for https protocol before enable this option.' =>
8790            '',
8791        'Yes, but hide archived tickets' => '',
8792        'Your email with ticket number "<OTRS_TICKET>" is bounced to "<OTRS_BOUNCE_TO>". Contact this address for further information.' =>
8793            '',
8794        'Your email with ticket number "<OTRS_TICKET>" is merged to "<OTRS_MERGE_TO_TICKET>".' =>
8795            'Teie kiri intsidendinumbriga "<OTRS_TICKET>" ühendati intsidendiga "<OTRS_MERGE_TO_TICKET>".',
8796        'Your queue selection of your preferred queues. You also get notified about those queues via email if enabled.' =>
8797            '',
8798        'Your service selection of your preferred services. You also get notified about those services via email if enabled.' =>
8799            '',
8800        'Zoom' => 'Lähemalt',
8801        'attachment' => '',
8802        'bounce' => '',
8803        'compose' => '',
8804        'debug' => '',
8805        'error' => '',
8806        'forward' => '',
8807        'info' => '',
8808        'inline' => '',
8809        'normal' => 'tavaline',
8810        'notice' => '',
8811        'pending' => '',
8812        'phone' => 'telefon',
8813        'responsible' => '',
8814        'reverse' => 'pööra ümber',
8815        'stats' => '',
8817    };
8819    $Self->{JavaScriptStrings} = [
8820        ' ...and %s more',
8821        ' ...show less',
8822        '%s B',
8823        '%s GB',
8824        '%s KB',
8825        '%s MB',
8826        '%s TB',
8827        '+%s more',
8828        'A key with this name (\'%s\') already exists.',
8829        'A package upgrade was recently finished. Click here to see the results.',
8830        'A popup of this screen is already open. Do you want to close it and load this one instead?',
8831        'A preview of this website can\'t be provided because it didn\'t allow to be embedded.',
8832        'Add',
8833        'Add Event Trigger',
8834        'Add all',
8835        'Add entry',
8836        'Add key',
8837        'Add new draft',
8838        'Add new entry',
8839        'Add to favourites',
8840        'Agent',
8841        'All occurrences',
8842        'All-day',
8843        'An error occurred during communication.',
8844        'An error occurred! Please check the browser error log for more details!',
8845        'An item with this name is already present.',
8846        'An unconnected transition is already placed on the canvas. Please connect this transition first before placing another transition.',
8847        'An unknown error occurred when deleting the attachment. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact your system administrator.',
8848        'An unknown error occurred. Please contact the administrator.',
8849        'Apply',
8850        'Appointment',
8851        'Apr',
8852        'April',
8853        'Are you sure you want to delete this appointment? This operation cannot be undone.',
8854        'Are you sure you want to update all installed packages?',
8855        'Are you using a browser plugin like AdBlock or AdBlockPlus? This can cause several issues and we highly recommend you to add an exception for this domain.',
8856        'Article display',
8857        'Article filter',
8858        'As soon as you use this button or link, you will leave this screen and its current state will be saved automatically. Do you want to continue?',
8859        'Ascending sort applied, ',
8860        'Attachment was deleted successfully.',
8861        'Attachments',
8862        'Aug',
8863        'August',
8864        'Available space %s of %s.',
8865        'Basic information',
8866        'By restoring this deployment all settings will be reverted to the value they had at the time of the deployment. Do you really want to continue?',
8867        'Calendar',
8868        'Cancel',
8869        'Cannot proceed',
8870        'Clear',
8871        'Clear all',
8872        'Clear debug log',
8873        'Clear search',
8874        'Click to delete this attachment.',
8875        'Click to select a file for upload.',
8876        'Click to select a file or just drop it here.',
8877        'Click to select files or just drop them here.',
8878        'Clone web service',
8879        'Close preview',
8880        'Close this dialog',
8881        'Complex %s with %s arguments',
8882        'Confirm',
8883        'Could not open popup window. Please disable any popup blockers for this application.',
8884        'Current selection',
8885        'Currently not possible',
8886        'Customer interface does not support articles not visible for customers.',
8887        'Data Protection',
8888        'Date/Time',
8889        'Day',
8890        'Dec',
8891        'December',
8892        'Delete',
8893        'Delete Entity',
8894        'Delete conditions',
8895        'Delete draft',
8896        'Delete error handling module',
8897        'Delete field',
8898        'Delete invoker',
8899        'Delete operation',
8900        'Delete this Attachment',
8901        'Delete this Event Trigger',
8902        'Delete this Invoker',
8903        'Delete this Key Mapping',
8904        'Delete this Mail Account',
8905        'Delete this Operation',
8906        'Delete this PostMasterFilter',
8907        'Delete this Template',
8908        'Delete web service',
8909        'Deleting attachment...',
8910        'Deleting the field and its data. This may take a while...',
8911        'Deleting the mail account and its data. This may take a while...',
8912        'Deleting the postmaster filter and its data. This may take a while...',
8913        'Deleting the template and its data. This may take a while...',
8914        'Deploy',
8915        'Deploy now',
8916        'Deploying, please wait...',
8917        'Deployment comment...',
8918        'Deployment successful. You\'re being redirected...',
8919        'Descending sort applied, ',
8920        'Description',
8921        'Dismiss',
8922        'Do not show this warning again.',
8923        'Do you really want to continue?',
8924        'Do you really want to delete "%s"?',
8925        'Do you really want to delete this certificate?',
8926        'Do you really want to delete this dynamic field? ALL associated data will be LOST!',
8927        'Do you really want to delete this generic agent job?',
8928        'Do you really want to delete this key?',
8929        'Do you really want to delete this link?',
8930        'Do you really want to delete this notification language?',
8931        'Do you really want to delete this notification?',
8932        'Do you really want to delete this scheduled system maintenance?',
8933        'Do you really want to delete this statistic?',
8934        'Do you really want to reset this setting to it\'s default value?',
8935        'Do you really want to revert this setting to its historical value?',
8936        'Don\'t save, update manually',
8937        'Draft title',
8938        'Duplicate event.',
8939        'Duplicated entry',
8940        'Edit Field Details',
8941        'Edit this setting',
8942        'Edit this transition',
8943        'End date',
8944        'Error',
8945        'Error during AJAX communication',
8946        'Error during AJAX communication. Status: %s, Error: %s',
8947        'Error in the mail settings. Please correct and try again.',
8948        'Error: Browser Check failed!',
8949        'Event Type Filter',
8950        'Expanded',
8951        'Feb',
8952        'February',
8953        'Filters',
8954        'Find out more',
8955        'Finished',
8956        'First select a customer user, then select a customer ID to assign to this ticket.',
8957        'Fr',
8958        'Fri',
8959        'Friday',
8960        'Generate',
8961        'Generate Result',
8962        'Generating...',
8963        'Grouped',
8964        'Help',
8965        'Hide EntityIDs',
8966        'If you now leave this page, all open popup windows will be closed, too!',
8967        'Import web service',
8968        'Information about the OTRS Daemon',
8969        'Invalid date (need a future date)!',
8970        'Invalid date (need a past date)!',
8971        'Invalid date!',
8972        'It is going to be deleted from the field, please try again.',
8973        'It is not possible to add a new event trigger because the event is not set.',
8974        'It is not possible to set this entry to invalid. All affected configuration settings have to be changed beforehand.',
8975        'It was not possible to delete this draft.',
8976        'It was not possible to generate the Support Bundle.',
8977        'Jan',
8978        'January',
8979        'Jul',
8980        'July',
8981        'Jump',
8982        'Jun',
8983        'June',
8984        'Just this occurrence',
8985        'Keys with values can\'t be renamed. Please remove this key/value pair instead and re-add it afterwards.',
8986        'Less',
8987        'Link',
8988        'Loading, please wait...',
8989        'Loading...',
8990        'Location',
8991        'Mail check successful.',
8992        'Mapping for Key',
8993        'Mapping for Key %s',
8994        'Mar',
8995        'March',
8996        'May',
8997        'May_long',
8998        'Mo',
8999        'Mon',
9000        'Monday',
9001        'Month',
9002        'More',
9003        'Name',
9004        'Namespace %s could not be initialized, because %s could not be found.',
9005        'Next',
9006        'No Data Available.',
9007        'No TransitionActions assigned.',
9008        'No data found.',
9009        'No dialogs assigned yet. Just pick an activity dialog from the list on the left and drag it here.',
9010        'No matches found.',
9011        'No package information available.',
9012        'No response from get package upgrade result.',
9013        'No response from get package upgrade run status.',
9014        'No response from package upgrade all.',
9015        'No sort applied, ',
9016        'No space left for the following files: %s',
9017        'Not available',
9018        'Notice',
9019        'Notification',
9020        'Nov',
9021        'November',
9022        'OK',
9023        'Oct',
9024        'October',
9025        'One or more errors occurred!',
9026        'Open URL in new tab',
9027        'Open date selection',
9028        'Open this node in a new window',
9029        'Please add values for all keys before saving the setting.',
9030        'Please check the fields marked as red for valid inputs.',
9031        'Please either turn some off first or increase the limit in configuration.',
9032        'Please enter at least one search value or * to find anything.',
9033        'Please enter at least one search word to find anything.',
9034        'Please note that at least one of the settings you have changed requires a page reload. Click here to reload the current screen.',
9035        'Please only select at most %s files for upload.',
9036        'Please only select one file for upload.',
9037        'Please remove the following words from your search as they cannot be searched for:',
9038        'Please see the documentation or ask your admin for further information.',
9039        'Please turn off Compatibility Mode in Internet Explorer!',
9040        'Please wait...',
9041        'Preparing to deploy, please wait...',
9042        'Press Ctrl+C (Cmd+C) to copy to clipboard',
9043        'Previous',
9044        'Process state',
9045        'Queues',
9046        'Reload page',
9047        'Reload page (%ss)',
9048        'Remove',
9049        'Remove Entity from canvas',
9050        'Remove active filters for this widget.',
9051        'Remove all user changes.',
9052        'Remove from favourites',
9053        'Remove selection',
9054        'Remove the Transition from this Process',
9055        'Remove the filter',
9056        'Remove this dynamic field',
9057        'Remove this entry',
9058        'Repeat',
9059        'Request Details',
9060        'Request Details for Communication ID',
9061        'Reset',
9062        'Reset globally',
9063        'Reset locally',
9064        'Reset option is required!',
9065        'Reset options',
9066        'Reset setting',
9067        'Reset setting on global level.',
9068        'Resource',
9069        'Resources',
9070        'Restore default settings',
9071        'Restore web service configuration',
9072        'Rule',
9073        'Running',
9074        'Sa',
9075        'Sat',
9076        'Saturday',
9077        'Save',
9078        'Save and update automatically',
9079        'Scale preview content',
9080        'Search',
9081        'Search attributes',
9082        'Search the System Configuration',
9083        'Searching for linkable objects. This may take a while...',
9084        'Select a customer ID to assign to this ticket',
9085        'Select a customer ID to assign to this ticket.',
9086        'Select all',
9087        'Sending Update...',
9088        'Sep',
9089        'September',
9090        'Setting a template will overwrite any text or attachment.',
9091        'Settings',
9092        'Show',
9093        'Show EntityIDs',
9094        'Show current selection',
9095        'Show or hide the content.',
9096        'Slide the navigation bar',
9097        'Sorry, but you can\'t disable all methods for notifications marked as mandatory.',
9098        'Sorry, but you can\'t disable all methods for this notification.',
9099        'Sorry, the only existing condition can\'t be removed.',
9100        'Sorry, the only existing field can\'t be removed.',
9101        'Sorry, the only existing parameter can\'t be removed.',
9102        'Sorry, you can only upload %s files.',
9103        'Sorry, you can only upload one file here.',
9104        'Split',
9105        'Stacked',
9106        'Start date',
9107        'Status',
9108        'Stream',
9109        'Su',
9110        'Sun',
9111        'Sunday',
9112        'Support Bundle',
9113        'Support Data information was successfully sent.',
9114        'Switch to desktop mode',
9115        'Switch to mobile mode',
9116        'System Registration',
9117        'Team',
9118        'Th',
9119        'The browser you are using is too old.',
9120        'The deployment is already running.',
9121        'The following files are not allowed to be uploaded: %s',
9122        'The following files exceed the maximum allowed size per file of %s and were not uploaded: %s',
9123        'The following files were already uploaded and have not been uploaded again: %s',
9124        'The item you\'re currently viewing is part of a not-yet-deployed configuration setting, which makes it impossible to edit it in its current state. Please wait until the setting has been deployed. If you\'re unsure what to do next, please contact your system administrator.',
9125        'The key must not be empty.',
9126        'The mail could not be sent',
9127        'There are currently no elements available to select from.',
9128        'There are no more drafts available.',
9129        'There is a package upgrade process running, click here to see status information about the upgrade progress.',
9130        'There was an error deleting the attachment. Please check the logs for more information.',
9131        'There was an error. Please save all settings you are editing and check the logs for more information.',
9132        'This Activity cannot be deleted because it is the Start Activity.',
9133        'This Activity is already used in the Process. You cannot add it twice!',
9134        'This Transition is already used for this Activity. You cannot use it twice!',
9135        'This TransitionAction is already used in this Path. You cannot use it twice!',
9136        'This address already exists on the address list.',
9137        'This element has children elements and can currently not be removed.',
9138        'This event is already attached to the job, Please use a different one.',
9139        'This feature is part of the %s. Please contact us at %s for an upgrade.',
9140        'This field can have no more than 250 characters.',
9141        'This field is required.',
9142        'This is %s',
9143        'This is a repeating appointment',
9144        'This is currently disabled because of an ongoing package upgrade.',
9145        'This item still contains sub items. Are you sure you want to remove this item including its sub items?',
9146        'This option is currently disabled because the OTRS Daemon is not running.',
9147        'This software runs with a huge lists of browsers, please upgrade to one of these.',
9148        'This window must be called from compose window.',
9149        'Thu',
9150        'Thursday',
9151        'Timeline Day',
9152        'Timeline Month',
9153        'Timeline Week',
9154        'Title',
9155        'Today',
9156        'Too many active calendars',
9157        'Try again',
9158        'Tu',
9159        'Tue',
9160        'Tuesday',
9161        'Unfortunately deploying is currently not possible, maybe because another agent is already deploying. Please try again later.',
9162        'Unknown',
9163        'Unlock setting.',
9164        'Update All Packages',
9165        'Update Result',
9166        'Update all packages',
9167        'Update manually',
9168        'Upload information',
9169        'Uploading...',
9170        'Use options below to narrow down for which tickets appointments will be automatically created.',
9171        'WARNING: When you change the name of the group \'admin\', before making the appropriate changes in the SysConfig, you will be locked out of the administrations panel! If this happens, please rename the group back to admin per SQL statement.',
9172        'Warning',
9173        'Was not possible to send Support Data information.',
9174        'We',
9175        'Wed',
9176        'Wednesday',
9177        'Week',
9178        'Would you like to edit just this occurrence or all occurrences?',
9179        'Yes',
9180        'You can either have the affected settings updated automatically to reflect the changes you just made or do it on your own by pressing \'update manually\'.',
9181        'You can use the category selection to limit the navigation tree below to entries from the selected category. As soon as you select the category, the tree will be re-built.',
9182        'You have undeployed settings, would you like to deploy them?',
9183        'activate to apply a descending sort',
9184        'activate to apply an ascending sort',
9185        'activate to remove the sort',
9186        'and %s more...',
9187        'day',
9188        'month',
9189        'more',
9190        'no',
9191        'none',
9192        'or',
9193        'sorting is disabled',
9194        'user(s) have modified this setting.',
9195        'week',
9196        'yes',
9197    ];
9199    # $$STOP$$
9200    return;