1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<package packagerversion="1.7.2" version="2.0" xmlns="http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0" xmlns:tasks="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/tasks-1.0.xsd http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0 http://pear.php.net/dtd/package-2.0.xsd">
3 <name>HTTP_Client</name>
4 <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
5 <summary>Easy way to perform multiple HTTP requests and process their results</summary>
6 <description>The HTTP_Client class wraps around HTTP_Request and provides a higher level interface
7for performing multiple HTTP requests.
10* Manages cookies and referrers between requests
11* Handles HTTP redirection
12* Has methods to set default headers and request parameters
13* Implements the Subject-Observer design pattern: the base class sends
14events to listeners that do the response processing.</description>
15 <lead>
16  <name>Alexey Borzov</name>
17  <user>avb</user>
18  <email>avb@php.net</email>
19  <active>yes</active>
20 </lead>
21 <date>2008-10-25</date>
22 <time>21:08:26</time>
23 <version>
24  <release>1.2.1</release>
25  <api>1.2.0</api>
26 </version>
27 <stability>
28  <release>stable</release>
29  <api>stable</api>
30 </stability>
31 <license uri="http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
32 <notes>Cookies set by sub.example.com for example.com were incorrectly rejected.
33Thanks to Dylan Doxey (hyperion at doxey dot org) for report and initial patch.</notes>
34 <contents>
35  <dir baseinstalldir="HTTP" name="/">
36   <file baseinstalldir="HTTP" md5sum="4ef1b2315ab7d045e9b6ffabd8afd083" name="Client/CookieManager.php" role="php">
37    <tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
38   </file>
39   <file baseinstalldir="HTTP" md5sum="fe44c646afe5b3df5f0147f1f369dc6f" name="examples/link-checker.php" role="doc" />
40   <file baseinstalldir="HTTP" md5sum="dbb10b9bc9cc738cfe0f38228633c1f3" name="Client.php" role="php">
41    <tasks:replace from="@package_version@" to="version" type="package-info" />
42   </file>
43  </dir>
44 </contents>
45 <dependencies>
46  <required>
47   <php>
48    <min>4.3.0</min>
49   </php>
50   <pearinstaller>
51    <min>1.4.3</min>
52   </pearinstaller>
53   <package>
54    <name>HTTP_Request</name>
55    <channel>pear.php.net</channel>
56    <min>1.4.0</min>
57   </package>
58  </required>
59 </dependencies>
60 <phprelease />
61 <changelog>
62  <release>
63   <version>
64    <release>1.2.0</release>
65    <api>1.2.0</api>
66   </version>
67   <stability>
68    <release>stable</release>
69    <api>stable</api>
70   </stability>
71   <date>2008-10-16</date>
72   <license uri="http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
73   <notes>* Proper dependencies&apos; versions
74* Implemented put() and delete() methods (request #2073 and numerous others)
75* Implemented methods to iterate over the responses (see request #12322)
76* Perform GET request when redirecting via &lt;meta&gt; tag after POST (bug #13487)
77* Handle the case of quoted redirect url in &lt;meta&gt; tag (bug #13903)</notes>
78  </release>
79  <release>
80   <version>
81    <release>1.1.1</release>
82    <api>1.1.1</api>
83   </version>
84   <stability>
85    <release>stable</release>
86    <api>stable</api>
87   </stability>
88   <date>2007-05-19</date>
89   <license uri="http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php">BSD</license>
90   <notes>* Switched to package.xml 2.0
91* Switched to BSD license
92* Proper header comment blocks and various phpdoc fixes
93* Added a switch controlling serialization of session cookies to CookieManager
94  class, use serializeSessionCookies(true) to enable their serialization. The
95  default behaviour is still to delete them (request #8778, also #9142)</notes>
96  </release>
97  <release>
98   <version>
99    <release>1.1.0</release>
100    <api>1.1.0</api>
101   </version>
102   <stability>
103    <release>stable</release>
104    <api>stable</api>
105   </stability>
106   <date>2006-06-03</date>
107   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
108   <notes>Fixes:
109* Fixed PHP warning if cookie path was empty (bug #1987)
110* Fixed fatal PHP error on empty URL, PEAR_Error is returned now (bug #2933)
111* Do not try to follow redirects to non-HTTP URLs (bug #5759)
113Feature additions:
114* It is possible to define a constant HTTP_CLIENT_QUIRK_MODE in your script,
115  if it is present then HTTP_Client will follow common browser behaviour
116  rather than RFC 2616. Currently this means: always do a GET request
117  on a 301 redirect (request #1854).
118* HTTP_Client now analyzes the response body for &lt;meta http-equiv=&quot;Refresh&quot;&gt;
119  tags and follows the redirects defined in them (request #5734)
120* Added possibility to send extra headers with requests (request #7552)
121* It is now much easier to store permanent cookies received by HTTP_Client:
122  added magic __sleep() and __wakeup() methods to CookieManager class to aid
123  in its (un)serialization, added getCookieManager() method to HTTP_Client,
124  added possibility to pass CookieManager object to HTTP_Client&apos;s
125  constructor (request #7578).</notes>
126  </release>
127  <release>
128   <version>
129    <release>1.0.0</release>
130    <api>1.0.0</api>
131   </version>
132   <stability>
133    <release>stable</release>
134    <api>stable</api>
135   </stability>
136   <date>2004-06-11</date>
137   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
138   <notes>Since no problems were discovered with release 1.0.0beta1, the same code
139is now re-released with &quot;stable&quot; status.</notes>
140  </release>
141  <release>
142   <version>
143    <release>1.0.0beta1</release>
144    <api>1.0.0beta1</api>
145   </version>
146   <stability>
147    <release>beta</release>
148    <api>beta</api>
149   </stability>
150   <date>2004-04-30</date>
151   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
152   <notes>* REMOVED deprecated HTTP_Client_Listener
153* Applied patch from #1151, cookies with empty values are now deleted
154* Added method enableHistory() allowing to enable/disable saving of history,
155  suggested by Matthew Feinberg</notes>
156  </release>
157  <release>
158   <version>
159    <release>0.2</release>
160    <api>0.2</api>
161   </version>
162   <stability>
163    <release>beta</release>
164    <api>beta</api>
165   </stability>
166   <date>2004-01-18</date>
167   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
168   <notes>* Depend on most recent version of HTTP_Request
169  - HTTP_Client_Listener is deprecated in favor of HTTP_Request_Listener
170  - Added possibilty to attach Listeners to created HTTP_Request objects
171  - Added support for file uploads in post() method
172* Better handling of secure cookies (thanks to Denis Malinovsky)
173* Added setMaxRedirects() method</notes>
174  </release>
175  <release>
176   <version>
177    <release>0.1</release>
178    <api>0.1</api>
179   </version>
180   <stability>
181    <release>beta</release>
182    <api>beta</api>
183   </stability>
184   <date>2003-06-05</date>
185   <license uri="http://www.php.net/license">PHP License</license>
186   <notes>Initial PEAR release</notes>
187  </release>
188 </changelog>