1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2import inspect
3import os
4import sys
5import traceback
7from django.conf import settings
8from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand, CommandError
9from django.utils.datastructures import OrderedSet
11from django_extensions.management.shells import import_objects
12from django_extensions.management.utils import signalcommand
13from django_extensions.management.debug_cursor import monkey_patch_cursordebugwrapper
16def use_vi_mode():
17    editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR')
18    if not editor:
19        return False
20    editor = os.path.basename(editor)
21    return editor.startswith('vi') or editor.endswith('vim')
24def shell_runner(flags, name, help=None):
25    """
26    Decorates methods with information about the application they are starting
28    :param flags: The flags used to start this runner via the ArgumentParser.
29    :param name: The name of this runner for the help text for the ArgumentParser.
30    :param help: The optional help for the ArgumentParser if the dynamically generated help is not sufficient.
31    """
33    def decorator(fn):
34        fn.runner_flags = flags
35        fn.runner_name = name
36        fn.runner_help = help
38        return fn
40    return decorator
43class Command(BaseCommand):
44    help = "Like the 'shell' command but autoloads the models of all installed Django apps."
45    extra_args = None
46    tests_mode = False
48    def __init__(self):
49        super().__init__()
50        self.runners = [member for name, member in inspect.getmembers(self)
51                        if hasattr(member, 'runner_flags')]
53    def add_arguments(self, parser):
54        super().add_arguments(parser)
56        group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
57        for runner in self.runners:
58            if runner.runner_help:
59                help = runner.runner_help
60            else:
61                help = 'Tells Django to use %s.' % runner.runner_name
63            group.add_argument(
64                *runner.runner_flags, action='store_const', dest='runner', const=runner, help=help)
66        parser.add_argument(
67            '--connection-file', action='store', dest='connection_file',
68            help='Specifies the connection file to use if using the --kernel option'
69        )
70        parser.add_argument(
71            '--no-startup', action='store_true', dest='no_startup',
72            default=False,
73            help='When using plain Python, ignore the PYTHONSTARTUP environment variable and ~/.pythonrc.py script.'
74        )
75        parser.add_argument(
76            '--use-pythonrc', action='store_true', dest='use_pythonrc',
77            default=False,
78            help='When using plain Python, load the PYTHONSTARTUP environment variable and ~/.pythonrc.py script.'
79        )
80        parser.add_argument(
81            '--print-sql', action='store_true',
82            default=False,
83            help="Print SQL queries as they're executed"
84        )
85        parser.add_argument(
86            '--print-sql-location', action='store_true',
87            default=False,
88            help="Show location in code where SQL query generated from"
89        )
90        parser.add_argument(
91            '--dont-load', action='append', dest='dont_load', default=[],
92            help='Ignore autoloading of some apps/models. Can be used several times.'
93        )
94        parser.add_argument(
95            '--quiet-load', action='store_true',
96            default=False,
97            dest='quiet_load', help='Do not display loaded models messages'
98        )
99        parser.add_argument(
100            '--vi', action='store_true', default=use_vi_mode(), dest='vi_mode',
101            help='Load Vi key bindings (for --ptpython and --ptipython)'
102        )
103        parser.add_argument(
104            '--no-browser', action='store_true',
105            default=False,
106            dest='no_browser',
107            help='Don\'t open the notebook in a browser after startup.'
108        )
109        parser.add_argument(
110            '-c', '--command',
111            help='Instead of opening an interactive shell, run a command as Django and exit.',
112        )
114    def run_from_argv(self, argv):
115        if '--' in argv[2:]:
116            idx = argv.index('--')
117            self.extra_args = argv[idx + 1:]
118            argv = argv[:idx]
119        return super().run_from_argv(argv)
121    def get_ipython_arguments(self, options):
122        ipython_args = 'IPYTHON_ARGUMENTS'
123        arguments = getattr(settings, ipython_args, [])
124        if not arguments:
125            arguments = os.environ.get(ipython_args, '').split()
126        return arguments
128    def get_notebook_arguments(self, options):
129        notebook_args = 'NOTEBOOK_ARGUMENTS'
130        arguments = getattr(settings, notebook_args, [])
131        if not arguments:
132            arguments = os.environ.get(notebook_args, '').split()
133        return arguments
135    def get_imported_objects(self, options):
136        imported_objects = import_objects(options, self.style)
137        if self.tests_mode:
138            # save imported objects so we can run tests against it later
139            self.tests_imported_objects = imported_objects
140        return imported_objects
142    @shell_runner(flags=['--kernel'], name='IPython Kernel')
143    def get_kernel(self, options):
144        try:
145            from IPython import release
146            if release.version_info[0] < 2:
147                print(self.style.ERROR("--kernel requires at least IPython version 2.0"))
148                return
149            from IPython import start_kernel
150        except ImportError:
151            return traceback.format_exc()
153        def run_kernel():
154            imported_objects = self.get_imported_objects(options)
155            kwargs = dict(
156                argv=[],
157                user_ns=imported_objects,
158            )
159            connection_file = options['connection_file']
160            if connection_file:
161                kwargs['connection_file'] = connection_file
162            start_kernel(**kwargs)
163        return run_kernel
165    def load_base_kernel_spec(self, app):
166        """Finds and returns the base Python kernelspec to extend from."""
167        ksm = app.kernel_spec_manager
168        try_spec_names = getattr(settings, 'NOTEBOOK_KERNEL_SPEC_NAMES', [
169            'python3',
170            'python',
171        ])
173        if isinstance(try_spec_names, str):
174            try_spec_names = [try_spec_names]
176        ks = None
177        for spec_name in try_spec_names:
178            try:
179                ks = ksm.get_kernel_spec(spec_name)
180                break
181            except Exception:
182                continue
183        if not ks:
184            raise CommandError("No notebook (Python) kernel specs found. Tried %r" % try_spec_names)
186        return ks
188    def generate_kernel_specs(self, app, ipython_arguments):
189        """Generate an IPython >= 3.0 kernelspec that loads django extensions"""
190        ks = self.load_base_kernel_spec(app)
191        ks.argv.extend(ipython_arguments)
192        ks.display_name = getattr(settings, 'IPYTHON_KERNEL_DISPLAY_NAME', "Django Shell-Plus")
194        manage_py_dir, manage_py = os.path.split(os.path.realpath(sys.argv[0]))
195        if manage_py == 'manage.py' and os.path.isdir(manage_py_dir):
196            pythonpath = ks.env.get('PYTHONPATH', os.environ.get('PYTHONPATH', ''))
197            pythonpath = pythonpath.split(os.pathsep)
198            if manage_py_dir not in pythonpath:
199                pythonpath.append(manage_py_dir)
201            ks.env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(filter(None, pythonpath))
203        return {'django_extensions': ks}
205    def run_notebookapp(self, app, options, use_kernel_specs=True):
206        no_browser = options['no_browser']
208        if self.extra_args:
209            # if another '--' is found split the arguments notebook, ipython
210            if '--' in self.extra_args:
211                idx = self.extra_args.index('--')
212                notebook_arguments = self.extra_args[:idx]
213                ipython_arguments = self.extra_args[idx + 1:]
214            # otherwise pass the arguments to the notebook
215            else:
216                notebook_arguments = self.extra_args
217                ipython_arguments = []
218        else:
219            notebook_arguments = self.get_notebook_arguments(options)
220            ipython_arguments = self.get_ipython_arguments(options)
222        # Treat IPYTHON_ARGUMENTS from settings
223        if 'django_extensions.management.notebook_extension' not in ipython_arguments:
224            ipython_arguments.extend(['--ext', 'django_extensions.management.notebook_extension'])
226        # Treat NOTEBOOK_ARGUMENTS from settings
227        if no_browser and '--no-browser' not in notebook_arguments:
228            notebook_arguments.append('--no-browser')
229        if '--notebook-dir' not in notebook_arguments and not any(e.startswith('--notebook-dir=') for e in notebook_arguments):
230            notebook_arguments.extend(['--notebook-dir', '.'])
232        # IPython < 3 passes through kernel args from notebook CLI
233        if not use_kernel_specs:
234            notebook_arguments.extend(ipython_arguments)
236        app.initialize(notebook_arguments)
238        # IPython >= 3 uses kernelspecs to specify kernel CLI args
239        if use_kernel_specs:
240            ksm = app.kernel_spec_manager
241            for kid, ks in self.generate_kernel_specs(app, ipython_arguments).items():
242                roots = [os.path.dirname(ks.resource_dir), ksm.user_kernel_dir]
243                success = False
244                for root in roots:
245                    kernel_dir = os.path.join(root, kid)
246                    try:
247                        if not os.path.exists(kernel_dir):
248                            os.makedirs(kernel_dir)
250                        with open(os.path.join(kernel_dir, 'kernel.json'), 'w') as f:
251                            f.write(ks.to_json())
253                        success = True
254                        break
255                    except OSError:
256                        continue
258                if not success:
259                    raise CommandError("Could not write kernel %r in directories %r" % (kid, roots))
261        app.start()
263    @shell_runner(flags=['--notebook'], name='IPython Notebook')
264    def get_notebook(self, options):
265        try:
266            from IPython import release
267        except ImportError:
268            return traceback.format_exc()
269        try:
270            from notebook.notebookapp import NotebookApp
271        except ImportError:
272            if release.version_info[0] >= 7:
273                return traceback.format_exc()
274            try:
275                from IPython.html.notebookapp import NotebookApp
276            except ImportError:
277                if release.version_info[0] >= 3:
278                    return traceback.format_exc()
279                try:
280                    from IPython.frontend.html.notebook import notebookapp
281                    NotebookApp = notebookapp.NotebookApp
282                except ImportError:
283                    return traceback.format_exc()
285        use_kernel_specs = release.version_info[0] >= 3
287        def run_notebook():
288            app = NotebookApp.instance()
289            self.run_notebookapp(app, options, use_kernel_specs)
291        return run_notebook
293    @shell_runner(flags=['--lab'], name='JupyterLab Notebook')
294    def get_jupyterlab(self, options):
295        try:
296            from jupyterlab.labapp import LabApp
297        except ImportError:
298            return traceback.format_exc()
300        def run_jupyterlab():
301            app = LabApp.instance()
302            self.run_notebookapp(app, options)
304        return run_jupyterlab
306    @shell_runner(flags=['--plain'], name='plain Python')
307    def get_plain(self, options):
308        # Using normal Python shell
309        import code
310        imported_objects = self.get_imported_objects(options)
311        try:
312            # Try activating rlcompleter, because it's handy.
313            import readline
314        except ImportError:
315            pass
316        else:
317            # We don't have to wrap the following import in a 'try', because
318            # we already know 'readline' was imported successfully.
319            import rlcompleter
320            readline.set_completer(rlcompleter.Completer(imported_objects).complete)
321            # Enable tab completion on systems using libedit (e.g. macOS).
322            # These lines are copied from Lib/site.py on Python 3.4.
323            readline_doc = getattr(readline, '__doc__', '')
324            if readline_doc is not None and 'libedit' in readline_doc:
325                readline.parse_and_bind("bind ^I rl_complete")
326            else:
327                readline.parse_and_bind("tab:complete")
329        use_pythonrc = options['use_pythonrc']
330        no_startup = options['no_startup']
332        # We want to honor both $PYTHONSTARTUP and .pythonrc.py, so follow system
333        # conventions and get $PYTHONSTARTUP first then .pythonrc.py.
334        if use_pythonrc or not no_startup:
335            for pythonrc in OrderedSet([os.environ.get("PYTHONSTARTUP"), os.path.expanduser('~/.pythonrc.py')]):
336                if not pythonrc:
337                    continue
338                if not os.path.isfile(pythonrc):
339                    continue
340                with open(pythonrc) as handle:
341                    pythonrc_code = handle.read()
342                # Match the behavior of the cpython shell where an error in
343                # PYTHONSTARTUP prints an exception and continues.
344                try:
345                    exec(compile(pythonrc_code, pythonrc, 'exec'), imported_objects)
346                except Exception:
347                    traceback.print_exc()
348                    if self.tests_mode:
349                        raise
351        def run_plain():
352            code.interact(local=imported_objects)
353        return run_plain
355    @shell_runner(flags=['--bpython'], name='BPython')
356    def get_bpython(self, options):
357        try:
358            from bpython import embed
359        except ImportError:
360            return traceback.format_exc()
362        def run_bpython():
363            imported_objects = self.get_imported_objects(options)
364            kwargs = {}
365            if self.extra_args:
366                kwargs['args'] = self.extra_args
367            embed(imported_objects, **kwargs)
368        return run_bpython
370    @shell_runner(flags=['--ipython'], name='IPython')
371    def get_ipython(self, options):
372        try:
373            from IPython import start_ipython
375            def run_ipython():
376                imported_objects = self.get_imported_objects(options)
377                ipython_arguments = self.extra_args or self.get_ipython_arguments(options)
378                start_ipython(argv=ipython_arguments, user_ns=imported_objects)
379            return run_ipython
380        except ImportError:
381            str_exc = traceback.format_exc()
382            # IPython < 0.11
383            # Explicitly pass an empty list as arguments, because otherwise
384            # IPython would use sys.argv from this script.
385            # Notebook not supported for IPython < 0.11.
386            try:
387                from IPython.Shell import IPShell
388            except ImportError:
389                return str_exc + "\n" + traceback.format_exc()
391            def run_ipython():
392                imported_objects = self.get_imported_objects(options)
393                shell = IPShell(argv=[], user_ns=imported_objects)
394                shell.mainloop()
395            return run_ipython
397    @shell_runner(flags=['--ptpython'], name='PTPython')
398    def get_ptpython(self, options):
399        try:
400            from ptpython.repl import embed, run_config
401        except ImportError:
402            tb = traceback.format_exc()
403            try:  # prompt_toolkit < v0.27
404                from prompt_toolkit.contrib.repl import embed, run_config
405            except ImportError:
406                return tb
408        def run_ptpython():
409            imported_objects = self.get_imported_objects(options)
410            history_filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ptpython_history')
411            embed(globals=imported_objects, history_filename=history_filename,
412                  vi_mode=options['vi_mode'], configure=run_config)
413        return run_ptpython
415    @shell_runner(flags=['--ptipython'], name='PT-IPython')
416    def get_ptipython(self, options):
417        try:
418            from ptpython.repl import run_config
419            from ptpython.ipython import embed
420        except ImportError:
421            tb = traceback.format_exc()
422            try:  # prompt_toolkit < v0.27
423                from prompt_toolkit.contrib.repl import run_config
424                from prompt_toolkit.contrib.ipython import embed
425            except ImportError:
426                return tb
428        def run_ptipython():
429            imported_objects = self.get_imported_objects(options)
430            history_filename = os.path.expanduser('~/.ptpython_history')
431            embed(user_ns=imported_objects, history_filename=history_filename,
432                  vi_mode=options['vi_mode'], configure=run_config)
433        return run_ptipython
435    @shell_runner(flags=['--idle'], name='Idle')
436    def get_idle(self, options):
437        from idlelib.pyshell import main
439        def run_idle():
440            sys.argv = [
441                sys.argv[0],
442                '-c',
443                """
444from django_extensions.management import shells
445from django.core.management.color import no_style
446for k, m in shells.import_objects({}, no_style()).items():
447    globals()[k] = m
449            ]
450            main()
452        return run_idle
454    def set_application_name(self, options):
455        """
456        Set the application_name on PostgreSQL connection
458        Use the fallback_application_name to let the user override
459        it with PGAPPNAME env variable
461        http://www.postgresql.org/docs/9.4/static/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-PARAMKEYWORDS  # noqa
462        """
463        supported_backends = ['django.db.backends.postgresql',
464                              'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2']
465        opt_name = 'fallback_application_name'
466        default_app_name = 'django_shell'
467        app_name = default_app_name
468        dbs = getattr(settings, 'DATABASES', [])
470        # lookup over all the databases entry
471        for db in dbs.keys():
472            if dbs[db]['ENGINE'] in supported_backends:
473                try:
474                    options = dbs[db]['OPTIONS']
475                except KeyError:
476                    options = {}
478                # dot not override a defined value
479                if opt_name in options.keys():
480                    app_name = dbs[db]['OPTIONS'][opt_name]
481                else:
482                    dbs[db].setdefault('OPTIONS', {}).update({opt_name: default_app_name})
483                    app_name = default_app_name
485        return app_name
487    @signalcommand
488    def handle(self, *args, **options):
489        verbosity = options["verbosity"]
490        get_runner = options['runner']
491        print_sql = getattr(settings, 'SHELL_PLUS_PRINT_SQL', False)
492        runner = None
493        runner_name = None
495        with monkey_patch_cursordebugwrapper(print_sql=options["print_sql"] or print_sql, print_sql_location=options["print_sql_location"], confprefix="SHELL_PLUS"):
496            SETTINGS_SHELL_PLUS = getattr(settings, 'SHELL_PLUS', None)
498            def get_runner_by_flag(flag):
499                for runner in self.runners:
500                    if flag in runner.runner_flags:
501                        return runner
502                return None
504            self.set_application_name(options)
506            if not get_runner and SETTINGS_SHELL_PLUS:
507                get_runner = get_runner_by_flag('--%s' % SETTINGS_SHELL_PLUS)
508                if not get_runner:
509                    runner = None
510                    runner_name = SETTINGS_SHELL_PLUS
512            if get_runner:
513                runner = get_runner(options)
514                runner_name = get_runner.runner_name
515            else:
516                def try_runner(get_runner):
517                    runner_name = get_runner.runner_name
518                    if verbosity > 2:
519                        print(self.style.NOTICE("Trying: %s" % runner_name))
521                    runner = get_runner(options)
522                    if callable(runner):
523                        if verbosity > 1:
524                            print(self.style.NOTICE("Using: %s" % runner_name))
525                        return runner
526                    return None
528                tried_runners = set()
530                # try the runners that are least unexpected (normal shell runners)
531                preferred_runners = ['ptipython', 'ptpython', 'bpython', 'ipython', 'plain']
532                for flag_suffix in preferred_runners:
533                    get_runner = get_runner_by_flag('--%s' % flag_suffix)
534                    tried_runners.add(get_runner)
535                    runner = try_runner(get_runner)
536                    if runner:
537                        runner_name = get_runner.runner_name
538                        break
540                # try any remaining runners if needed
541                if not runner:
542                    for get_runner in self.runners:
543                        if get_runner not in tried_runners:
544                            runner = try_runner(get_runner)
545                            if runner:
546                                runner_name = get_runner.runner_name
547                                break
549            if not callable(runner):
550                if runner:
551                    print(runner)
552                if not runner_name:
553                    raise CommandError("No shell runner could be found.")
554                raise CommandError("Could not load shell runner: '%s'." % runner_name)
556            if self.tests_mode:
557                return 130
559            if options['command']:
560                imported_objects = self.get_imported_objects(options)
561                exec(options['command'], {}, imported_objects)
562                return
564            runner()