1"""Notebook Javascript Test Controller
3This module runs one or more subprocesses which will actually run the Javascript
4test suite.
7# Copyright (c) Jupyter Development Team.
8# Distributed under the terms of the Modified BSD License.
10import argparse
11import json
12import multiprocessing.pool
13import os
14import re
15import requests
16import signal
17import sys
18import subprocess
19import time
20from io import BytesIO
21from threading import Thread, Lock, Event
23from unittest.mock import patch
25from jupyter_core.paths import jupyter_runtime_dir
26from ipython_genutils.py3compat import bytes_to_str, which
27from notebook._sysinfo import get_sys_info
28from ipython_genutils.tempdir import TemporaryDirectory
30from subprocess import TimeoutExpired
31def popen_wait(p, timeout):
32    return p.wait(timeout)
36have = {}
37have['casperjs'] = bool(which('casperjs'))
38have['phantomjs'] = bool(which('phantomjs'))
39have['slimerjs'] = bool(which('slimerjs'))
41class StreamCapturer(Thread):
42    daemon = True  # Don't hang if main thread crashes
43    started = False
44    def __init__(self, echo=False):
45        super().__init__()
46        self.echo = echo
47        self.streams = []
48        self.buffer = BytesIO()
49        self.readfd, self.writefd = os.pipe()
50        self.buffer_lock = Lock()
51        self.stop = Event()
53    def run(self):
54        self.started = True
56        while not self.stop.is_set():
57            chunk = os.read(self.readfd, 1024)
59            with self.buffer_lock:
60                self.buffer.write(chunk)
61            if self.echo:
62                sys.stdout.write(bytes_to_str(chunk))
64        os.close(self.readfd)
65        os.close(self.writefd)
67    def reset_buffer(self):
68        with self.buffer_lock:
69            self.buffer.truncate(0)
70            self.buffer.seek(0)
72    def get_buffer(self):
73        with self.buffer_lock:
74            return self.buffer.getvalue()
76    def ensure_started(self):
77        if not self.started:
78            self.start()
80    def halt(self):
81        """Safely stop the thread."""
82        if not self.started:
83            return
85        self.stop.set()
86        os.write(self.writefd, b'\0')  # Ensure we're not locked in a read()
87        self.join()
90class TestController(object):
91    """Run tests in a subprocess
92    """
93    #: str, test group to be executed.
94    section = None
95    #: list, command line arguments to be executed
96    cmd = None
97    #: dict, extra environment variables to set for the subprocess
98    env = None
99    #: list, TemporaryDirectory instances to clear up when the process finishes
100    dirs = None
101    #: subprocess.Popen instance
102    process = None
103    #: str, process stdout+stderr
104    stdout = None
106    def __init__(self):
107        self.cmd = []
108        self.env = {}
109        self.dirs = []
111    def setup(self):
112        """Create temporary directories etc.
114        This is only called when we know the test group will be run. Things
115        created here may be cleaned up by self.cleanup().
116        """
117        pass
119    def launch(self, buffer_output=False, capture_output=False):
120        # print('*** ENV:', self.env)  # dbg
121        # print('*** CMD:', self.cmd)  # dbg
122        env = os.environ.copy()
123        env.update(self.env)
124        if buffer_output:
125            capture_output = True
126        self.stdout_capturer = c = StreamCapturer(echo=not buffer_output)
127        c.start()
128        stdout = c.writefd if capture_output else None
129        stderr = subprocess.STDOUT if capture_output else None
130        self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.cmd, stdout=stdout,
131                stderr=stderr, env=env)
133    def wait(self):
134        self.process.wait()
135        self.stdout_capturer.halt()
136        self.stdout = self.stdout_capturer.get_buffer()
137        return self.process.returncode
139    def print_extra_info(self):
140        """Print extra information about this test run.
142        If we're running in parallel and showing the concise view, this is only
143        called if the test group fails. Otherwise, it's called before the test
144        group is started.
146        The base implementation does nothing, but it can be overridden by
147        subclasses.
148        """
149        return
151    def cleanup_process(self):
152        """Cleanup on exit by killing any leftover processes."""
153        subp = self.process
154        if subp is None or (subp.poll() is not None):
155            return  # Process doesn't exist, or is already dead.
157        try:
158            print('Cleaning up stale PID: %d' % subp.pid)
159            subp.kill()
160        except: # (OSError, WindowsError) ?
161            # This is just a best effort, if we fail or the process was
162            # really gone, ignore it.
163            pass
164        else:
165            for i in range(10):
166                if subp.poll() is None:
167                    time.sleep(0.1)
168                else:
169                    break
171        if subp.poll() is None:
172            # The process did not die...
173            print('... failed. Manual cleanup may be required.')
175    def cleanup(self):
176        "Kill process if it's still alive, and clean up temporary directories"
177        self.cleanup_process()
178        for td in self.dirs:
179            td.cleanup()
181    __del__ = cleanup
184def get_js_test_dir():
185    import notebook.tests as t
186    return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(t.__file__), '')
188def all_js_groups():
189    import glob
190    test_dir = get_js_test_dir()
191    all_subdirs = glob.glob(test_dir + '[!_]*/')
192    return [os.path.relpath(x, test_dir) for x in all_subdirs]
194class JSController(TestController):
195    """Run CasperJS tests """
197    requirements =  ['casperjs']
199    def __init__(self, section, xunit=True, engine='phantomjs', url=None):
200        """Create new test runner."""
201        TestController.__init__(self)
202        self.engine = engine
203        self.section = section
204        self.xunit = xunit
205        self.url = url
206        # run with a base URL that would be escaped,
207        # to test that we don't double-escape URLs
208        self.base_url = '/a@b/'
209        self.slimer_failure = re.compile('^FAIL.*', flags=re.MULTILINE)
210        js_test_dir = get_js_test_dir()
211        includes = '--includes=' + os.path.join(js_test_dir,'util.js')
212        test_cases = os.path.join(js_test_dir, self.section)
213        self.cmd = ['casperjs', 'test', includes, test_cases, '--engine=%s' % self.engine]
215    def setup(self):
216        self.ipydir = TemporaryDirectory()
217        self.config_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
218        self.nbdir = TemporaryDirectory()
219        self.home = TemporaryDirectory()
220        self.env = {
221            'HOME': self.home.name,
222            'JUPYTER_CONFIG_DIR': self.config_dir.name,
223            'IPYTHONDIR': self.ipydir.name,
224        }
225        self.dirs.append(self.ipydir)
226        self.dirs.append(self.home)
227        self.dirs.append(self.config_dir)
228        self.dirs.append(self.nbdir)
229        os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.nbdir.name, os.path.join(u'sub ∂ir1', u'sub ∂ir 1a')))
230        os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.nbdir.name, os.path.join(u'sub ∂ir2', u'sub ∂ir 1b')))
232        if self.xunit:
233            self.add_xunit()
235        # If a url was specified, use that for the testing.
236        if self.url:
237            try:
238                alive = requests.get(self.url).status_code == 200
239            except:
240                alive = False
242            if alive:
243                self.cmd.append("--url=%s" % self.url)
244            else:
245                raise Exception('Could not reach "%s".' % self.url)
246        else:
247            # start the ipython notebook, so we get the port number
248            self.server_port = 0
249            self._init_server()
250            if self.server_port:
251                self.cmd.append('--url=http://localhost:%i%s' % (self.server_port, self.base_url))
252            else:
253                # don't launch tests if the server didn't start
254                self.cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', 'raise SystemExit(1)']
256    def add_xunit(self):
257        xunit_file = os.path.abspath(self.section.replace('/','.') + '.xunit.xml')
258        self.cmd.append('--xunit=%s' % xunit_file)
260    def launch(self, buffer_output):
261        # If the engine is SlimerJS, we need to buffer the output because
262        # SlimerJS does not support exit codes, so CasperJS always returns 0.
263        if self.engine == 'slimerjs' and not buffer_output:
264            return super().launch(capture_output=True)
266        else:
267            return super().launch(buffer_output=buffer_output)
269    def wait(self, *pargs, **kwargs):
270        """Wait for the JSController to finish"""
271        ret = super().wait(*pargs, **kwargs)
272        # If this is a SlimerJS controller, check the captured stdout for
273        # errors.  Otherwise, just return the return code.
274        if self.engine == 'slimerjs':
275            stdout = bytes_to_str(self.stdout)
276            if ret != 0:
277                # This could still happen e.g. if it's stopped by SIGINT
278                return ret
279            return bool(self.slimer_failure.search(stdout))
280        else:
281            return ret
283    def print_extra_info(self):
284        print("Running tests with notebook directory %r" % self.nbdir.name)
286    @property
287    def will_run(self):
288        should_run = all(have[a] for a in self.requirements + [self.engine])
289        return should_run
291    def _init_server(self):
292        "Start the notebook server in a separate process"
293        self.server_command = command = [sys.executable,
294            '-m', 'notebook',
295            '--no-browser',
296            '--notebook-dir', self.nbdir.name,
297            '--NotebookApp.token=',
298            '--NotebookApp.base_url=%s' % self.base_url,
299        ]
300        # ipc doesn't work on Windows, and darwin has crazy-long temp paths,
301        # which run afoul of ipc's maximum path length.
302        if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
303            command.append('--KernelManager.transport=ipc')
304        self.stream_capturer = c = StreamCapturer()
305        c.start()
306        env = os.environ.copy()
307        env.update(self.env)
308        self.server = subprocess.Popen(command,
309            stdout = c.writefd,
310            stderr = subprocess.STDOUT,
311            cwd=self.nbdir.name,
312            env=env,
313        )
314        with patch.dict('os.environ', {'HOME': self.home.name}):
315            runtime_dir = jupyter_runtime_dir()
316        self.server_info_file = os.path.join(runtime_dir,
317            'nbserver-%i.json' % self.server.pid
318        )
319        self._wait_for_server()
321    def _wait_for_server(self):
322        """Wait 30 seconds for the notebook server to start"""
323        for i in range(300):
324            if self.server.poll() is not None:
325                return self._failed_to_start()
326            if os.path.exists(self.server_info_file):
327                try:
328                    self._load_server_info()
329                except ValueError:
330                    # If the server is halfway through writing the file, we may
331                    # get invalid JSON; it should be ready next iteration.
332                    pass
333                else:
334                    return
335            time.sleep(0.1)
336        print("Notebook server-info file never arrived: %s" % self.server_info_file,
337            file=sys.stderr
338        )
340    def _failed_to_start(self):
341        """Notebook server exited prematurely"""
342        captured = self.stream_capturer.get_buffer().decode('utf-8', 'replace')
343        print("Notebook failed to start: ", file=sys.stderr)
344        print(self.server_command)
345        print(captured, file=sys.stderr)
347    def _load_server_info(self):
348        """Notebook server started, load connection info from JSON"""
349        with open(self.server_info_file) as f:
350            info = json.load(f)
351        self.server_port = info['port']
353    def cleanup(self):
354        if hasattr(self, 'server'):
355            try:
356                self.server.terminate()
357            except OSError:
358                # already dead
359                pass
360            # wait 10s for the server to shutdown
361            try:
362                popen_wait(self.server, NOTEBOOK_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT)
363            except TimeoutExpired:
364                # server didn't terminate, kill it
365                try:
366                    print("Failed to terminate notebook server, killing it.",
367                        file=sys.stderr
368                    )
369                    self.server.kill()
370                except OSError:
371                    # already dead
372                    pass
373            # wait another 10s
374            try:
375                popen_wait(self.server, NOTEBOOK_SHUTDOWN_TIMEOUT)
376            except TimeoutExpired:
377                print("Notebook server still running (%s)" % self.server_info_file,
378                    file=sys.stderr
379                )
381            self.stream_capturer.halt()
382        TestController.cleanup(self)
385def prepare_controllers(options):
386    """Returns two lists of TestController instances, those to run, and those
387    not to run."""
388    testgroups = options.testgroups
389    if not testgroups:
390        testgroups = all_js_groups()
392    engine = 'slimerjs' if options.slimerjs else 'phantomjs'
393    c_js = [JSController(name, xunit=options.xunit, engine=engine, url=options.url) for name in testgroups]
395    controllers = c_js
396    to_run = [c for c in controllers if c.will_run]
397    not_run = [c for c in controllers if not c.will_run]
398    return to_run, not_run
400def do_run(controller, buffer_output=True):
401    """Setup and run a test controller.
403    If buffer_output is True, no output is displayed, to avoid it appearing
404    interleaved. In this case, the caller is responsible for displaying test
405    output on failure.
407    Returns
408    -------
409    controller : TestController
410      The same controller as passed in, as a convenience for using map() type
411      APIs.
412    exitcode : int
413      The exit code of the test subprocess. Non-zero indicates failure.
414    """
415    try:
416        try:
417            controller.setup()
418            if not buffer_output:
419                controller.print_extra_info()
420            controller.launch(buffer_output=buffer_output)
421        except Exception:
422            import traceback
423            traceback.print_exc()
424            return controller, 1  # signal failure
426        exitcode = controller.wait()
427        return controller, exitcode
429    except KeyboardInterrupt:
430        return controller, -signal.SIGINT
431    finally:
432        controller.cleanup()
434def report():
435    """Return a string with a summary report of test-related variables."""
436    inf = get_sys_info()
437    out = []
438    def _add(name, value):
439        out.append((name, value))
441    _add('Python version', inf['sys_version'].replace('\n',''))
442    _add('sys.executable', inf['sys_executable'])
443    _add('Platform', inf['platform'])
445    width = max(len(n) for (n,v) in out)
446    out = ["{:<{width}}: {}\n".format(n, v, width=width) for (n,v) in out]
448    avail = []
449    not_avail = []
451    for k, is_avail in have.items():
452        if is_avail:
453            avail.append(k)
454        else:
455            not_avail.append(k)
457    if avail:
458        out.append('\nTools and libraries available at test time:\n')
459        avail.sort()
460        out.append('   ' + ' '.join(avail)+'\n')
462    if not_avail:
463        out.append('\nTools and libraries NOT available at test time:\n')
464        not_avail.sort()
465        out.append('   ' + ' '.join(not_avail)+'\n')
467    return ''.join(out)
469def run_jstestall(options):
470    """Run the entire Javascript test suite.
472    This function constructs TestControllers and runs them in subprocesses.
474    Parameters
475    ----------
477    All parameters are passed as attributes of the options object.
479    testgroups : list of str
480      Run only these sections of the test suite. If empty, run all the available
481      sections.
483    fast : int or None
484      Run the test suite in parallel, using n simultaneous processes. If None
485      is passed, one process is used per CPU core. Default 1 (i.e. sequential)
487    inc_slow : bool
488      Include slow tests. By default, these tests aren't run.
490    slimerjs : bool
491      Use slimerjs if it's installed instead of phantomjs for casperjs tests.
493    url : unicode
494      Address:port to use when running the JS tests.
496    xunit : bool
497      Produce Xunit XML output. This is written to multiple foo.xunit.xml files.
499    extra_args : list
500      Extra arguments to pass to the test subprocesses, e.g. '-v'
501    """
502    to_run, not_run = prepare_controllers(options)
504    def justify(ltext, rtext, width=70, fill='-'):
505        ltext += ' '
506        rtext = (' ' + rtext).rjust(width - len(ltext), fill)
507        return ltext + rtext
509    # Run all test runners, tracking execution time
510    failed = []
511    t_start = time.time()
513    print()
514    if options.fast == 1:
515        # This actually means sequential, i.e. with 1 job
516        for controller in to_run:
517            print('Test group:', controller.section)
518            sys.stdout.flush()  # Show in correct order when output is piped
519            controller, res = do_run(controller, buffer_output=False)
520            if res:
521                failed.append(controller)
522                if res == -signal.SIGINT:
523                    print("Interrupted")
524                    break
525            print()
527    else:
528        # Run tests concurrently
529        try:
530            pool = multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool(options.fast)
531            for (controller, res) in pool.imap_unordered(do_run, to_run):
532                res_string = 'OK' if res == 0 else 'FAILED'
533                print(justify('Test group: ' + controller.section, res_string))
534                if res:
535                    controller.print_extra_info()
536                    print(bytes_to_str(controller.stdout))
537                    failed.append(controller)
538                    if res == -signal.SIGINT:
539                        print("Interrupted")
540                        break
541        except KeyboardInterrupt:
542            return
544    for controller in not_run:
545        print(justify('Test group: ' + controller.section, 'NOT RUN'))
547    t_end = time.time()
548    t_tests = t_end - t_start
549    nrunners = len(to_run)
550    nfail = len(failed)
551    # summarize results
552    print('_'*70)
553    print('Test suite completed for system with the following information:')
554    print(report())
555    took = "Took %.3fs." % t_tests
556    print('Status: ', end='')
557    if not failed:
558        print('OK (%d test groups).' % nrunners, took)
559    else:
560        # If anything went wrong, point out what command to rerun manually to
561        # see the actual errors and individual summary
562        failed_sections = [c.section for c in failed]
563        print('ERROR - {} out of {} test groups failed ({}).'.format(nfail,
564                                  nrunners, ', '.join(failed_sections)), took)
565        print()
566        print('You may wish to rerun these, with:')
567        print('  python -m notebook.jstest', *failed_sections)
568        print()
570    if failed:
571        # Ensure that our exit code indicates failure
572        sys.exit(1)
574argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Run Jupyter Notebook Javascript tests')
575argparser.add_argument('testgroups', nargs='*',
576                    help='Run specified groups of tests. If omitted, run '
577                    'all tests.')
578argparser.add_argument('--slimerjs', action='store_true',
579                    help="Use slimerjs if it's installed instead of phantomjs for casperjs tests.")
580argparser.add_argument('--url', help="URL to use for the JS tests.")
581argparser.add_argument('-j', '--fast', nargs='?', const=None, default=1, type=int,
582                    help='Run test sections in parallel. This starts as many '
583                    'processes as you have cores, or you can specify a number.')
584argparser.add_argument('--xunit', action='store_true',
585                    help='Produce Xunit XML results')
586argparser.add_argument('--subproc-streams', default='capture',
587                    help="What to do with stdout/stderr from subprocesses. "
588                    "'capture' (default), 'show' and 'discard' are the options.")
590def default_options():
591    """Get an argparse Namespace object with the default arguments, to pass to
592    :func:`run_iptestall`.
593    """
594    options = argparser.parse_args([])
595    options.extra_args = []
596    return options
598def main():
599    try:
600        ix = sys.argv.index('--')
601    except ValueError:
602        to_parse = sys.argv[1:]
603        extra_args = []
604    else:
605        to_parse = sys.argv[1:ix]
606        extra_args = sys.argv[ix+1:]
608    options = argparser.parse_args(to_parse)
609    options.extra_args = extra_args
611    run_jstestall(options)
614if __name__ == '__main__':
615    main()