1"""Provide helper classes used by other models."""
2import random
3import time
6class BoundedSet(object):
7    """A set with a maximum size that evicts the oldest items when necessary.
9    This class does not implement the complete set interface.
10    """
12    def __init__(self, max_items):
13        """Construct an instance of the BoundedSet."""
14        self.max_items = max_items
15        self._fifo = []
16        self._set = set()
18    def __contains__(self, item):
19        """Test if the BoundedSet contains item."""
20        return item in self._set
22    def add(self, item):
23        """Add an item to the set discarding the oldest item if necessary."""
24        if len(self._set) == self.max_items:
25            self._set.remove(self._fifo.pop(0))
26        self._fifo.append(item)
27        self._set.add(item)
30class ExponentialCounter(object):
31    """A class to provide an exponential counter with jitter."""
33    def __init__(self, max_counter):
34        """Initialize an instance of ExponentialCounter.
36        :param max_counter: The maximum base value. Note that the computed
37            value may be 3.125% higher due to jitter.
38        """
39        self._base = 1
40        self._max = max_counter
42    def counter(self):
43        """Increment the counter and return the current value with jitter."""
44        max_jitter = self._base / 16.0
45        value = self._base + random.random() * max_jitter - max_jitter / 2
46        self._base = min(self._base * 2, self._max)
47        return value
49    def reset(self):
50        """Reset the counter to 1."""
51        self._base = 1
54def permissions_string(permissions, known_permissions):
55    """Return a comma separated string of permission changes.
57    :param permissions: A list of strings, or ``None``. These strings can
58       exclusively contain ``+`` or ``-`` prefixes, or contain no prefixes at
59       all. When prefixed, the resulting string will simply be the joining of
60       these inputs. When not prefixed, all permissions are considered to be
61       additions, and all permissions in the ``known_permissions`` set that
62       aren't provided are considered to be removals. When None, the result is
63       ``+all``.
64    :param known_permissions: A set of strings representing the available
65       permissions.
67    """
68    to_set = []
69    if permissions is None:
70        to_set = ["+all"]
71    else:
72        to_set = ["-all"]
73        omitted = sorted(known_permissions - set(permissions))
74        to_set.extend("-{}".format(x) for x in omitted)
75        to_set.extend("+{}".format(x) for x in permissions)
76    return ",".join(to_set)
79def stream_generator(
80    function,
81    pause_after=None,
82    skip_existing=False,
83    attribute_name="fullname",
84    **function_kwargs
86    """Yield new items from ListingGenerators and ``None`` when paused.
88    :param function: A callable that returns a ListingGenerator, e.g.
89       ``subreddit.comments`` or ``subreddit.new``.
91    :param pause_after: An integer representing the number of requests that
92        result in no new items before this function yields ``None``,
93        effectively introducing a pause into the stream. A negative value
94        yields ``None`` after items from a single response have been yielded,
95        regardless of number of new items obtained in that response. A value of
96        ``0`` yields ``None`` after every response resulting in no new items,
97        and a value of ``None`` never introduces a pause (default: None).
99    :param skip_existing: When True does not yield any results from the first
100        request thereby skipping any items that existed in the stream prior to
101        starting the stream (default: False).
103    :param attribute_name: The field to use as an id (default: "fullname").
105    Additional keyword arguments will be passed to ``function``.
107    .. note:: This function internally uses an exponential delay with jitter
108       between subsequent responses that contain no new results, up to a
109       maximum delay of just over a 16 seconds. In practice that means that the
110       time before pause for ``pause_after=N+1`` is approximately twice the
111       time before pause for ``pause_after=N``.
113    For example, to create a stream of comment replies, try:
115    .. code:: python
117       reply_function = reddit.inbox.comment_replies
118       for reply in praw.models.util.stream_generator(reply_function):
119           print(reply)
121    To pause a comment stream after six responses with no new
122    comments, try:
124    .. code:: python
126       subreddit = reddit.subreddit('redditdev')
127       for comment in subreddit.stream.comments(pause_after=6):
128           if comment is None:
129               break
130           print(comment)
132    To resume fetching comments after a pause, try:
134    .. code:: python
136       subreddit = reddit.subreddit('help')
137       comment_stream = subreddit.stream.comments(pause_after=5)
139       for comment in comment_stream:
140           if comment is None:
141               break
142           print(comment)
143       # Do any other processing, then try to fetch more data
144       for comment in comment_stream:
145           if comment is None:
146               break
147           print(comment)
149    To bypass the internal exponential backoff, try the following. This
150    approach is useful if you are monitoring a subreddit with infrequent
151    activity, and you want the to consistently learn about new items from the
152    stream as soon as possible, rather than up to a delay of just over sixteen
153    seconds.
155    .. code:: python
157       subreddit = reddit.subreddit('help')
158       for comment in subreddit.stream.comments(pause_after=0):
159           if comment is None:
160               continue
161           print(comment)
163    """
164    before_attribute = None
165    exponential_counter = ExponentialCounter(max_counter=16)
166    seen_attributes = BoundedSet(301)
167    without_before_counter = 0
168    responses_without_new = 0
169    valid_pause_after = pause_after is not None
170    while True:
171        found = False
172        newest_attribute = None
173        limit = 100
174        if before_attribute is None:
175            limit -= without_before_counter
176            without_before_counter = (without_before_counter + 1) % 30
177        for item in reversed(
178            list(
179                function(
180                    limit=limit,
181                    params={"before": before_attribute},
182                    **function_kwargs
183                )
184            )
185        ):
186            attribute = getattr(item, attribute_name)
187            if attribute in seen_attributes:
188                continue
189            found = True
190            seen_attributes.add(attribute)
191            newest_attribute = attribute
192            if not skip_existing:
193                yield item
194        before_attribute = newest_attribute
195        skip_existing = False
196        if valid_pause_after and pause_after < 0:
197            yield None
198        elif found:
199            exponential_counter.reset()
200            responses_without_new = 0
201        else:
202            responses_without_new += 1
203            if valid_pause_after and responses_without_new > pause_after:
204                exponential_counter.reset()
205                responses_without_new = 0
206                yield None
207            else:
208                time.sleep(exponential_counter.counter())