1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# (c) 2009-2021 Martin Wendt and contributors; see WsgiDAV https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav
3# Original PyFileServer (c) 2005 Ho Chun Wei.
4# Licensed under the MIT license:
5# http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
7WSGI application that handles one single WebDAV request.
9from wsgidav import compat, util, xml_tools
10from wsgidav.dav_error import (
24    HTTP_OK,
27    DAVError,
28    PRECONDITION_CODE_LockTokenMismatch,
29    PRECONDITION_CODE_PropfindFiniteDepth,
30    as_DAVError,
31    get_http_status_string,
33from wsgidav.util import etree
35__docformat__ = "reStructuredText"
37_logger = util.get_module_logger(__name__)
42# ========================================================================
43# RequestServer
44# ========================================================================
45class RequestServer(object):
46    def __init__(self, dav_provider):
47        self._davProvider = dav_provider
48        self.allow_propfind_infinite = True
49        self._verbose = 3
50        self.block_size = DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE
51        # _logger.debug("RequestServer: __init__")
53        self._possible_methods = ["OPTIONS", "HEAD", "GET", "PROPFIND"]
54        # if self._davProvider.prop_manager is not None:
55        #     self._possible_methods.extend( [ "PROPFIND" ] )
56        if not self._davProvider.is_readonly():
57            self._possible_methods.extend(
58                ["PUT", "DELETE", "COPY", "MOVE", "MKCOL", "PROPPATCH", "POST"]
59            )
60            # if self._davProvider.prop_manager is not None:
61            #     self._possible_methods.extend( [ "PROPPATCH" ] )
62            if self._davProvider.lock_manager is not None:
63                self._possible_methods.extend(["LOCK", "UNLOCK"])
65    def __del__(self):
66        # _logger.debug("RequestServer: __del__")
67        pass
69    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
70        assert "wsgidav.verbose" in environ
71        provider = self._davProvider
72        # TODO: allow anonymous somehow: this should run, even if http_authenticator middleware
73        # is not installed
74        #        assert "wsgidav.auth.user_name" in environ
75        if "wsgidav.auth.user_name" not in environ:
76            _logger.warning("Missing 'wsgidav.auth.user_name' in environ")
78        environ["wsgidav.user_name"] = environ.get(
79            "wsgidav.auth.user_name", "anonymous"
80        )
81        requestmethod = environ["REQUEST_METHOD"]
83        self.block_size = environ["wsgidav.config"].get(
84            "block_size", DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE
85        )
87        # Convert 'infinity' and 'T'/'F' to a common case
88        if environ.get("HTTP_DEPTH") is not None:
89            environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] = environ["HTTP_DEPTH"].lower()
90        if environ.get("HTTP_OVERWRITE") is not None:
91            environ["HTTP_OVERWRITE"] = environ["HTTP_OVERWRITE"].upper()
93        if "HTTP_EXPECT" in environ:
94            pass
96        # Dispatch HTTP request methods to 'do_METHOD()' handlers
97        method = None
98        if requestmethod in self._possible_methods:
99            method_name = "do_{}".format(requestmethod)
100            method = getattr(self, method_name, None)
101        if not method:
102            _logger.error("Invalid HTTP method {!r}".format(requestmethod))
103            self._fail(HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
105        if environ.get("wsgidav.debug_break"):
106            pass  # Set a break point here
108        if environ.get("wsgidav.debug_profile"):
109            from cProfile import Profile
111            profile = Profile()
112            res = profile.runcall(
113                provider.custom_request_handler, environ, start_response, method
114            )
115            # sort: 0:"calls",1:"time", 2: "cumulative"
116            profile.print_stats(sort=2)
117            for v in res:
118                yield v
119            if hasattr(res, "close"):
120                res.close()
121            return
123        # Run requesthandler (provider may override, #55)
124        # _logger.warning("#1...")
125        app_iter = provider.custom_request_handler(environ, start_response, method)
126        # _logger.warning("#1... 2")
127        try:
128            # _logger.warning("#1... 3")
129            for v in app_iter:
130                # _logger.warning("#1... 4")
131                yield v
132            # _logger.warning("#1... 5")
133        # except Exception:
134        #     _logger.warning("#1... 6")
135        #     _logger.exception("")
136        #     status = "500 Oops"
137        #     response_headers = [("content-type", "text/plain")]
138        #     start_response(status, response_headers, sys.exc_info())
139        #     return ["error body goes here"]
140        finally:
141            # _logger.warning("#1... 7")
142            if hasattr(app_iter, "close"):
143                # _logger.warning("#1... 8")
144                app_iter.close()
145        return
147    def _fail(self, value, context_info=None, src_exception=None, err_condition=None):
148        """Wrapper to raise (and log) DAVError."""
149        util.fail(value, context_info, src_exception, err_condition)
151    def _send_response(
152        self, environ, start_response, root_res, success_code, error_list
153    ):
154        """Send WSGI response (single or multistatus).
156        - If error_list is None or [], then <success_code> is send as response.
157        - If error_list contains a single error with a URL that matches root_res,
158          then this error is returned.
159        - If error_list contains more than one error, then '207 Multi-Status' is
160          returned.
161        """
162        assert success_code in (HTTP_CREATED, HTTP_NO_CONTENT, HTTP_OK)
163        if not error_list:
164            # Status OK
165            return util.send_status_response(environ, start_response, success_code)
166        if len(error_list) == 1 and error_list[0][0] == root_res.get_href():
167            # Only one error that occurred on the root resource
168            return util.send_status_response(environ, start_response, error_list[0][1])
170        # Multiple errors, or error on one single child
171        multistatusEL = xml_tools.make_multistatus_el()
173        for refurl, e in error_list:
174            # assert refurl.startswith("http:")
175            assert refurl.startswith("/")
176            assert isinstance(e, DAVError)
177            responseEL = etree.SubElement(multistatusEL, "{DAV:}response")
178            etree.SubElement(responseEL, "{DAV:}href").text = refurl
179            etree.SubElement(responseEL, "{DAV:}status").text = "HTTP/1.1 {}".format(
180                get_http_status_string(e)
181            )
183        return util.send_multi_status_response(environ, start_response, multistatusEL)
185    def _check_write_permission(self, res, depth, environ):
186        """Raise DAVError(HTTP_LOCKED), if res is locked.
188        If depth=='infinity', we also raise when child resources are locked.
189        """
190        lock_man = self._davProvider.lock_manager
191        if lock_man is None or res is None:
192            return True
194        ref_url = res.get_ref_url()
196        if "wsgidav.conditions.if" not in environ:
197            util.parse_if_header_dict(environ)
199        # raise HTTP_LOCKED if conflict exists
200        lock_man.check_write_permission(
201            ref_url,
202            depth,
203            environ["wsgidav.ifLockTokenList"],
204            environ["wsgidav.user_name"],
205        )
207    def _evaluate_if_headers(self, res, environ):
208        """Apply HTTP headers on <path>, raising DAVError if conditions fail.
210        Add environ['wsgidav.conditions.if'] and environ['wsgidav.ifLockTokenList'].
211        Handle these headers:
213          - If-Match, If-Modified-Since, If-None-Match, If-Unmodified-Since:
215          - If:
216            Raising HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED
218        @see http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#HEADER_If
219        @see util.evaluate_http_conditionals
220        """
221        # Add parsed If header to environ
222        if "wsgidav.conditions.if" not in environ:
223            util.parse_if_header_dict(environ)
225        # Bail out, if res does not exist
226        if res is None:
227            return
229        ifDict = environ["wsgidav.conditions.if"]
231        # Raise HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED or HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED, if standard
232        # HTTP condition fails
233        last_modified = -1  # nonvalid modified time
234        entitytag = "[]"  # Non-valid entity tag
235        if res.get_last_modified() is not None:
236            last_modified = int(res.get_last_modified())
237        if res.get_etag() is not None:
238            entitytag = res.get_etag()
240        if (
241            "HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE" in environ
242            or "HTTP_IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE" in environ
243            or "HTTP_IF_MATCH" in environ
244            or "HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH" in environ
245        ):
246            util.evaluate_http_conditionals(res, last_modified, entitytag, environ)
248        if "HTTP_IF" not in environ:
249            return
251        # Raise HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED, if DAV 'If' condition fails
252        # TODO: handle empty locked resources
253        # TODO: handle unmapped locked resources
254        #            isnewfile = not provider.exists(mappedpath)
256        ref_url = res.get_ref_url()
257        lock_man = self._davProvider.lock_manager
258        locktokenlist = []
259        if lock_man:
260            lockList = lock_man.get_indirect_url_lock_list(
261                ref_url, environ["wsgidav.user_name"]
262            )
263            for lock in lockList:
264                locktokenlist.append(lock["token"])
266        if not util.test_if_header_dict(res, ifDict, ref_url, locktokenlist, entitytag):
267            self._fail(HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED, "'If' header condition failed.")
269        return
271    def do_PROPFIND(self, environ, start_response):
272        """
273        TODO: does not yet support If and If HTTP Conditions
274        @see http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#METHOD_PROPFIND
275        """
276        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
277        res = self._davProvider.get_resource_inst(path, environ)
279        # RFC: By default, the PROPFIND method without a Depth header MUST act
280        # as if a "Depth: infinity" header was included.
281        environ.setdefault("HTTP_DEPTH", "infinity")
282        if not environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] in ("0", "1", "infinity"):
283            self._fail(
284                HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
285                "Invalid Depth header: '{}'.".format(environ["HTTP_DEPTH"]),
286            )
288        if environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] == "infinity" and not self.allow_propfind_infinite:
289            self._fail(
290                HTTP_FORBIDDEN,
291                "PROPFIND 'infinite' was disabled for security reasons.",
292                err_condition=PRECONDITION_CODE_PropfindFiniteDepth,
293            )
295        if res is None:
296            self._fail(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, path)
298        if environ.get("wsgidav.debug_break"):
299            pass  # break point
301        self._evaluate_if_headers(res, environ)
303        # Parse PROPFIND request
304        requestEL = util.parse_xml_body(environ, allow_empty=True)
305        if requestEL is None:
306            # An empty PROPFIND request body MUST be treated as a request for
307            # the names and values of all properties.
308            requestEL = etree.XML(
309                "<D:propfind xmlns:D='DAV:'><D:allprop/></D:propfind>"
310            )
312        if requestEL.tag != "{DAV:}propfind":
313            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
315        propNameList = []
316        propFindMode = None
317        for pfnode in requestEL:
318            if pfnode.tag == "{DAV:}allprop":
319                if propFindMode:
320                    # RFC: allprop and name are mutually exclusive
321                    self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
322                propFindMode = "allprop"
323            # TODO: implement <include> option
324            #            elif pfnode.tag == "{DAV:}include":
325            #                if not propFindMode in (None, "allprop"):
326            #                    self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
327            #                        "<include> element is only valid with 'allprop'.")
328            #                for pfpnode in pfnode:
329            #                    propNameList.append(pfpnode.tag)
330            elif pfnode.tag == "{DAV:}name":
331                if propFindMode:  # RFC: allprop and name are mutually exclusive
332                    self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
333                propFindMode = "name"
334            elif pfnode.tag == "{DAV:}prop":
335                # RFC: allprop and name are mutually exclusive
336                if propFindMode not in (None, "named"):
337                    self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
338                propFindMode = "named"
339                for pfpnode in pfnode:
340                    propNameList.append(pfpnode.tag)
342        # --- Build list of resource URIs
344        reslist = res.get_descendants(depth=environ["HTTP_DEPTH"], add_self=True)
345        #        if environ["wsgidav.verbose"] >= 3:
346        #            pprint(reslist, indent=4)
348        multistatusEL = xml_tools.make_multistatus_el()
349        responsedescription = []
351        for child in reslist:
353            if propFindMode == "allprop":
354                propList = child.get_properties("allprop")
355            elif propFindMode == "name":
356                propList = child.get_properties("name")
357            else:
358                propList = child.get_properties("named", name_list=propNameList)
360            href = child.get_href()
361            util.add_property_response(multistatusEL, href, propList)
363        if responsedescription:
364            etree.SubElement(
365                multistatusEL, "{DAV:}responsedescription"
366            ).text = "\n".join(responsedescription)
368        return util.send_multi_status_response(environ, start_response, multistatusEL)
370    def do_PROPPATCH(self, environ, start_response):
371        """Handle PROPPATCH request to set or remove a property.
373        @see http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#METHOD_PROPPATCH
374        """
375        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
376        res = self._davProvider.get_resource_inst(path, environ)
378        # Only accept Depth: 0 (but assume this, if omitted)
379        environ.setdefault("HTTP_DEPTH", "0")
380        if environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] != "0":
381            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Depth must be '0'.")
383        if res is None:
384            self._fail(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, path)
386        self._evaluate_if_headers(res, environ)
387        self._check_write_permission(res, "0", environ)
389        # Parse request
390        requestEL = util.parse_xml_body(environ)
392        if requestEL.tag != "{DAV:}propertyupdate":
393            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
395        # Create a list of update request tuples: (name, value)
396        propupdatelist = []
398        for ppnode in requestEL:
399            propupdatemethod = None
400            if ppnode.tag == "{DAV:}remove":
401                propupdatemethod = "remove"
402            elif ppnode.tag == "{DAV:}set":
403                propupdatemethod = "set"
404            else:
405                self._fail(
406                    HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown tag (expected 'set' or 'remove')."
407                )
409            for propnode in ppnode:
410                if propnode.tag != "{DAV:}prop":
411                    self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Unknown tag (expected 'prop').")
413                for propertynode in propnode:
414                    propvalue = None
415                    if propupdatemethod == "remove":
416                        propvalue = None  # Mark as 'remove'
417                        if len(propertynode) > 0:
418                            # 14.23: All the XML elements in a 'prop' XML
419                            # element inside of a 'remove' XML element MUST be
420                            # empty
421                            self._fail(
422                                HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
423                                "prop element must be empty for 'remove'.",
424                            )
425                    else:
426                        propvalue = propertynode
428                    propupdatelist.append((propertynode.tag, propvalue))
430        # Apply updates in SIMULATION MODE and create a result list (name,
431        # result)
432        successflag = True
433        writeresultlist = []
435        for (name, propvalue) in propupdatelist:
436            try:
437                res.set_property_value(name, propvalue, dry_run=True)
438            except Exception as e:
439                writeresult = as_DAVError(e)
440            else:
441                writeresult = "200 OK"
442            writeresultlist.append((name, writeresult))
443            successflag = successflag and writeresult == "200 OK"
445        # Generate response list of 2-tuples (name, value)
446        # <value> is None on success, or an instance of DAVError
447        propResponseList = []
448        responsedescription = []
450        if not successflag:
451            # If dry run failed: convert all OK to FAILED_DEPENDENCY.
452            for (name, result) in writeresultlist:
453                if result == "200 OK":
454                    result = DAVError(HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY)
455                elif isinstance(result, DAVError):
456                    responsedescription.append(result.get_user_info())
457                propResponseList.append((name, result))
459        else:
460            # Dry-run succeeded: set properties again, this time in 'real' mode
461            # In theory, there should be no exceptions thrown here, but this is
462            # real live...
463            for (name, propvalue) in propupdatelist:
464                try:
465                    res.set_property_value(name, propvalue, dry_run=False)
466                    # Set value to None, so the response xml contains empty tags
467                    propResponseList.append((name, None))
468                except Exception as e:
469                    e = as_DAVError(e)
470                    propResponseList.append((name, e))
471                    responsedescription.append(e.get_user_info())
473        # Generate response XML
474        multistatusEL = xml_tools.make_multistatus_el()
475        href = res.get_href()
476        util.add_property_response(multistatusEL, href, propResponseList)
477        if responsedescription:
478            etree.SubElement(
479                multistatusEL, "{DAV:}responsedescription"
480            ).text = "\n".join(responsedescription)
482        # Send response
483        return util.send_multi_status_response(environ, start_response, multistatusEL)
485    def do_MKCOL(self, environ, start_response):
486        """Handle MKCOL request to create a new collection.
488        @see http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#METHOD_MKCOL
489        """
490        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
491        provider = self._davProvider
492        #        res = provider.get_resource_inst(path, environ)
494        # Do not understand ANY request body entities
495        if util.get_content_length(environ) != 0:
496            self._fail(
498                "The server does not handle any body content.",
499            )
501        # Only accept Depth: 0 (but assume this, if omitted)
502        if environ.setdefault("HTTP_DEPTH", "0") != "0":
503            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Depth must be '0'.")
505        if provider.exists(path, environ):
506            self._fail(
507                HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED,
508                "MKCOL can only be executed on an unmapped URL.",
509            )
511        parentRes = provider.get_resource_inst(util.get_uri_parent(path), environ)
512        if not parentRes or not parentRes.is_collection:
513            self._fail(HTTP_CONFLICT, "Parent must be an existing collection.")
515        # TODO: should we check If headers here?
516        #        self._evaluate_if_headers(res, environ)
517        # Check for write permissions on the PARENT
518        self._check_write_permission(parentRes, "0", environ)
520        parentRes.create_collection(util.get_uri_name(path))
522        return util.send_status_response(environ, start_response, HTTP_CREATED)
524    def do_POST(self, environ, start_response):
525        """
526        @see http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#METHOD_POST
527        @see http://stackoverflow.com/a/22606899/19166
528        """
529        self._fail(HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED)
531    def do_DELETE(self, environ, start_response):
532        """
533        @see: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#METHOD_DELETE
534        """
535        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
536        provider = self._davProvider
537        res = provider.get_resource_inst(path, environ)
539        # --- Check request preconditions -------------------------------------
541        if util.get_content_length(environ) != 0:
542            self._fail(
544                "The server does not handle any body content.",
545            )
546        if res is None:
547            self._fail(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, path)
549        if res.is_collection:
550            # Delete over collection
551            # "The DELETE method on a collection MUST act as if a
552            # 'Depth: infinity' header was used on it. A client MUST NOT submit
553            # a Depth header with a DELETE on a collection with any value but
554            # infinity."
555            if environ.setdefault("HTTP_DEPTH", "infinity") != "infinity":
556                self._fail(
557                    HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
558                    "Only Depth: infinity is supported for collections.",
559                )
560        else:
561            if not environ.setdefault("HTTP_DEPTH", "0") in ("0", "infinity"):
562                self._fail(
563                    HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
564                    "Only Depth: 0 or infinity are supported for non-collections.",
565                )
567        self._evaluate_if_headers(res, environ)
568        # We need write access on the parent collection. Also we check for
569        # locked children
570        parentRes = provider.get_resource_inst(util.get_uri_parent(path), environ)
571        if parentRes:
572            #            self._check_write_permission(parentRes, environ["HTTP_DEPTH"], environ)
573            self._check_write_permission(parentRes, "0", environ)
574        else:
575            #            self._check_write_permission(res, environ["HTTP_DEPTH"], environ)
576            self._check_write_permission(res, "0", environ)
578        # --- Let provider handle the request natively ------------------------
580        # Errors in deletion; [ (<ref-url>, <DAVError>), ... ]
581        error_list = []
583        try:
584            handled = res.handle_delete()
585            assert handled in (True, False) or type(handled) is list
586            if type(handled) is list:
587                error_list = handled
588                handled = True
589        except Exception as e:
590            error_list = [(res.get_href(), as_DAVError(e))]
591            handled = True
592        if handled:
593            return self._send_response(
594                environ, start_response, res, HTTP_NO_CONTENT, error_list
595            )
597        # --- Let provider implement own recursion ----------------------------
599        # Get a list of all resources (parents after children, so we can remove
600        # them in that order)
601        reverseChildList = res.get_descendants(
602            depth_first=True, depth=environ["HTTP_DEPTH"], add_self=True
603        )
605        if res.is_collection and res.support_recursive_delete():
606            has_conflicts = False
607            for childRes in reverseChildList:
608                try:
609                    self._evaluate_if_headers(childRes, environ)
610                    self._check_write_permission(childRes, "0", environ)
611                except Exception:
612                    has_conflicts = True
613                    break
615            if not has_conflicts:
616                try:
617                    error_list = res.delete()
618                except Exception as e:
619                    error_list = [(res.get_href(), as_DAVError(e))]
620                return self._send_response(
621                    environ, start_response, res, HTTP_NO_CONTENT, error_list
622                )
624        # --- Implement file-by-file processing -------------------------------
626        # Hidden paths (ancestors of failed deletes) {<path>: True, ...}
627        ignore_dict = {}
628        for childRes in reverseChildList:
629            if childRes.path in ignore_dict:
630                _logger.debug(
631                    "Skipping {} (contains error child)".format(childRes.path)
632                )
633                ignore_dict[util.get_uri_parent(childRes.path)] = ""
634                continue
636            try:
637                # 9.6.1.: Any headers included with delete must be applied in
638                #         processing every resource to be deleted
639                self._evaluate_if_headers(childRes, environ)
640                self._check_write_permission(childRes, "0", environ)
641                childRes.delete()
642                # Double-check, if deletion succeeded
643                if provider.exists(childRes.path, environ):
644                    raise DAVError(
645                        HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Resource could not be deleted."
646                    )
647            except Exception as e:
648                error_list.append((childRes.get_href(), as_DAVError(e)))
649                ignore_dict[util.get_uri_parent(childRes.path)] = True
651        # --- Send response ---------------------------------------------------
653        return self._send_response(
654            environ, start_response, res, HTTP_NO_CONTENT, error_list
655        )
657    def _stream_data_chunked(self, environ, block_size):
658        """Get the data from a chunked transfer."""
659        # Chunked Transfer Coding
660        # http://www.servlets.com/rfcs/rfc2616-sec3.html#sec3.6.1
662        if "Darwin" in environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "") and environ.get(
664        ):
665            # Mac Finder, that does not prepend chunk-size + CRLF ,
666            # like it should to comply with the spec. It sends chunk
667            # size as integer in a HTTP header instead.
668            WORKAROUND_CHUNK_LENGTH = True
669            buf = environ.get("HTTP_X_EXPECTED_ENTITY_LENGTH", "0")
670            length = int(buf)
671        else:
672            WORKAROUND_CHUNK_LENGTH = False
673            buf = environ["wsgi.input"].readline()
674            environ["wsgidav.some_input_read"] = 1
675            if buf == compat.b_empty:
676                length = 0
677            else:
678                length = int(buf, 16)
680        while length > 0:
681            buf = environ["wsgi.input"].read(block_size)
682            yield buf
683            if WORKAROUND_CHUNK_LENGTH:
684                environ["wsgidav.some_input_read"] = 1
685                # Keep receiving until we read expected size or reach
686                # EOF
687                if buf == compat.b_empty:
688                    length = 0
689                else:
690                    length -= len(buf)
691            else:
692                environ["wsgi.input"].readline()
693                buf = environ["wsgi.input"].readline()
694                if buf == compat.b_empty:
695                    length = 0
696                else:
697                    length = int(buf, 16)
698        environ["wsgidav.all_input_read"] = 1
700    def _stream_data(self, environ, content_length, block_size):
701        """Get the data from a non-chunked transfer."""
702        if content_length == 0:
703            # TODO: review this
704            # Windows MiniRedir submit PUT with Content-Length 0,
705            # before LOCK and the real PUT. So we have to accept this.
706            _logger.debug("PUT: Content-Length == 0. Creating empty file...")
708        #        elif content_length < 0:
709        #            # TODO: review this
710        #            # If CONTENT_LENGTH is invalid, we may try to workaround this
711        #            # by reading until the end of the stream. This may block however!
712        #            # The iterator produced small chunks of varying size, but not
713        #            # sure, if we always get everything before it times out.
714        #            _logger.warning("PUT with invalid Content-Length (%s). "
715        #                            "Trying to read all (this may timeout)..."
716        #                            .format(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH")))
717        #            nb = 0
718        #            try:
719        #                for s in environ["wsgi.input"]:
720        #                    environ["wsgidav.some_input_read"] = 1
721        #                    _logger.debug("PUT: read from wsgi.input.__iter__, len=%s" % len(s))
722        #                    yield s
723        #                    nb += len (s)
724        #            except socket.timeout:
725        #                _logger.warning("PUT: input timed out after writing %s bytes" % nb)
726        #                hasErrors = True
727        else:
728            assert content_length > 0
729            contentremain = content_length
730            while contentremain > 0:
731                n = min(contentremain, block_size)
732                readbuffer = environ["wsgi.input"].read(n)
733                # This happens with litmus expect-100 test:
734                if not len(readbuffer) > 0:
735                    _logger.error("input.read({}) returned 0 bytes".format(n))
736                    break
737                environ["wsgidav.some_input_read"] = 1
738                yield readbuffer
739                contentremain -= len(readbuffer)
741            if contentremain == 0:
742                environ["wsgidav.all_input_read"] = 1
744    def do_PUT(self, environ, start_response):
745        """
746        @see: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#METHOD_PUT
747        """
748        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
749        provider = self._davProvider
750        res = provider.get_resource_inst(path, environ)
751        parentRes = provider.get_resource_inst(util.get_uri_parent(path), environ)
753        isnewfile = res is None
755        # Test for unsupported stuff
756        if "HTTP_CONTENT_ENCODING" in environ:
757            util.fail(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "Content-encoding header is not supported.")
759        # An origin server that allows PUT on a given target resource MUST send
760        # a 400 (Bad Request) response to a PUT request that contains a
761        # Content-Range header field
762        # (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7231#section-4.3.4)
763        if "HTTP_CONTENT_RANGE" in environ:
764            util.fail(
765                HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Content-range header is not allowed on PUT requests."
766            )
768        if res and res.is_collection:
769            self._fail(HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "Cannot PUT to a collection")
770        elif (
771            parentRes is None or not parentRes.is_collection
772        ):  # TODO: allow parentRes==None?
773            self._fail(HTTP_CONFLICT, "PUT parent must be a collection")
775        self._evaluate_if_headers(res, environ)
777        if isnewfile:
778            self._check_write_permission(parentRes, "0", environ)
779            res = parentRes.create_empty_resource(util.get_uri_name(path))
780        else:
781            self._check_write_permission(res, "0", environ)
783        # Start Content Processing
784        # Content-Length may be 0 or greater. (Set to -1 if missing or invalid.)
785        #        WORKAROUND_BAD_LENGTH = True
786        try:
787            content_length = max(-1, int(environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", -1)))
788        except ValueError:
789            content_length = -1
791        #        if content_length < 0 and not WORKAROUND_BAD_LENGTH:
792        if (content_length < 0) and (
793            environ.get("HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING", "").lower() != "chunked"
794        ):
795            # HOTFIX: not fully understood, but MS sends PUT without content-length,
796            # when creating new files
797            agent = environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT", "")
798            if "Microsoft-WebDAV-MiniRedir" in agent or "gvfs/" in agent:  # issue #10
799                _logger.warning(
800                    "Setting misssing Content-Length to 0 for MS / gvfs client"
801                )
802                content_length = 0
803            else:
804                util.fail(
805                    HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED,
806                    "PUT request with invalid Content-Length: ({})".format(
807                        environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH")
808                    ),
809                )
811        hasErrors = False
812        try:
813            if environ.get("HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING", "").lower() == "chunked":
814                data_stream = self._stream_data_chunked(environ, self.block_size)
815            else:
816                data_stream = self._stream_data(
817                    environ, content_length, self.block_size
818                )
820            fileobj = res.begin_write(content_type=environ.get("CONTENT_TYPE"))
822            # Process the data in the body.
824            # If the fileobj has a writelines() method, give it the data stream.
825            # If it doesn't, itearate the stream and call write() for each
826            # iteration. This gives providers more flexibility in how they
827            # consume the data.
828            if getattr(fileobj, "writelines", None):
829                fileobj.writelines(data_stream)
830            else:
831                for data in data_stream:
832                    fileobj.write(data)
834            fileobj.close()
836        except Exception as e:
837            res.end_write(with_errors=True)
838            _logger.exception("PUT: byte copy failed")
839            util.fail(e)
841        res.end_write(hasErrors)
843        headers = None
844        if res.support_etag():
845            entitytag = res.get_etag()
846            if entitytag is not None:
847                headers = [("ETag", '"{}"'.format(entitytag))]
849        if isnewfile:
850            return util.send_status_response(
851                environ, start_response, HTTP_CREATED, add_headers=headers
852            )
853        return util.send_status_response(
854            environ, start_response, HTTP_NO_CONTENT, add_headers=headers
855        )
857    def do_COPY(self, environ, start_response):
858        return self._copy_or_move(environ, start_response, False)
860    def do_MOVE(self, environ, start_response):
861        return self._copy_or_move(environ, start_response, True)
863    def _copy_or_move(self, environ, start_response, is_move):
864        """
865        @see: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#METHOD_COPY
866        @see: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#METHOD_MOVE
867        """
868        src_path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
869        provider = self._davProvider
870        src_res = provider.get_resource_inst(src_path, environ)
871        src_parent_res = provider.get_resource_inst(
872            util.get_uri_parent(src_path), environ
873        )
875        def _debug_exception(e):
876            """Log internal exceptions with stacktrace that otherwise would be hidden."""
877            if self._verbose >= 5:
878                _logger.exception("_debug_exception")
879            return
881        # --- Check source ----------------------------------------------------
883        if src_res is None:
884            self._fail(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, src_path)
885        if "HTTP_DESTINATION" not in environ:
886            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing required Destination header.")
887        if not environ.setdefault("HTTP_OVERWRITE", "T") in ("T", "F"):
888            # Overwrite defaults to 'T'
889            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid Overwrite header.")
890        if util.get_content_length(environ) != 0:
891            # RFC 2518 defined support for <propertybehavior>.
892            # This was dropped with RFC 4918.
893            # Still clients may send it (e.g. DAVExplorer 0.9.1 File-Copy) sends
894            # <A:propertybehavior xmlns:A="DAV:"> <A:keepalive>*</A:keepalive>
895            body = environ["wsgi.input"].read(util.get_content_length(environ))
896            environ["wsgidav.all_input_read"] = 1
897            _logger.info("Ignored copy/move  body: '{}'...".format(body[:50]))
899        if src_res.is_collection:
900            # The COPY method on a collection without a Depth header MUST act as
901            # if a Depth header with value "infinity" was included.
902            # A client may submit a Depth header on a COPY on a collection with
903            # a value of "0" or "infinity".
904            environ.setdefault("HTTP_DEPTH", "infinity")
905            if not environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] in ("0", "infinity"):
906                self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid Depth header.")
907            if is_move and environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] != "infinity":
908                self._fail(
909                    HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
910                    "Depth header for MOVE collection must be 'infinity'.",
911                )
912        else:
913            # It's an existing non-collection: assume Depth 0
914            # Note: litmus 'copymove: 3 (copy_simple)' sends 'infinity' for a
915            # non-collection resource, so we accept that too
916            environ.setdefault("HTTP_DEPTH", "0")
917            if not environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] in ("0", "infinity"):
918                self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid Depth header.")
919            environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] = "0"
921        # --- Get destination path and check for cross-realm access -----------
923        # Destination header may be quoted (e.g. DAV Explorer sends unquoted,
924        # Windows quoted)
925        http_destination = compat.unquote(environ["HTTP_DESTINATION"])
927        # Return fragments as part of <path>
928        # Fixes litmus -> running `basic': 9. delete_fragment....... WARNING:
929        # DELETE removed collection resource withRequest-URI including
930        # fragment; unsafe
931        (
932            dest_scheme,
933            dest_netloc,
934            dest_path,
935            _dest_params,
936            _dest_query,
937            _dest_frag,
938        ) = compat.urlparse(http_destination, allow_fragments=False)
940        if src_res.is_collection:
941            dest_path = dest_path.rstrip("/") + "/"
943        dest_scheme = dest_scheme.lower() if dest_scheme else ""
944        url_scheme = environ["wsgi.url_scheme"].lower()
945        fwd_scheme = environ.get("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO", "").lower()
946        if dest_scheme and dest_scheme not in (url_scheme, fwd_scheme):
947            self._fail(
948                HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY,
949                "Source and destination must have the same scheme.\n"
950                "If you are running behind a reverse proxy, you may have to "
951                "rewrite the 'Destination' haeader.\n"
952                "(See https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav/issues/183)",
953            )
954        elif dest_netloc and dest_netloc.lower() != environ["HTTP_HOST"].lower():
955            # TODO: this should consider environ["SERVER_PORT"] also
956            self._fail(
957                HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, "Source and destination must have the same host name."
958            )
959        elif not dest_path.startswith(provider.mount_path + provider.share_path):
960            # Inter-realm copying not supported, since its not possible to
961            # authentication-wise
962            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY, "Inter-realm copy/move is not supported.")
964        dest_path = dest_path[len(provider.mount_path + provider.share_path) :]
965        assert dest_path.startswith("/")
967        # dest_path is now relative to current mount/share starting with '/'
969        dest_res = provider.get_resource_inst(dest_path, environ)
970        dest_exists = dest_res is not None
972        dest_parent_res = provider.get_resource_inst(
973            util.get_uri_parent(dest_path), environ
974        )
976        if not dest_parent_res or not dest_parent_res.is_collection:
977            self._fail(HTTP_CONFLICT, "Destination parent must be a collection.")
979        self._evaluate_if_headers(src_res, environ)
980        self._evaluate_if_headers(dest_res, environ)
981        # Check permissions
982        # http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#rfc.section.7.4
983        if is_move:
984            self._check_write_permission(src_res, "infinity", environ)
985            # Cannot remove members from locked-0 collections
986            if src_parent_res:
987                self._check_write_permission(src_parent_res, "0", environ)
989        # Cannot create or new members in locked-0 collections
990        if not dest_exists:
991            self._check_write_permission(dest_parent_res, "0", environ)
992        # If target exists, it must not be locked
993        self._check_write_permission(dest_res, "infinity", environ)
995        if src_path == dest_path:
996            self._fail(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Cannot copy/move source onto itself")
997        elif util.is_equal_or_child_uri(src_path, dest_path):
998            self._fail(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Cannot copy/move source below itself")
1000        if dest_exists and environ["HTTP_OVERWRITE"] != "T":
1001            self._fail(
1002                HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED,
1003                "Destination already exists and Overwrite is set to false",
1004            )
1006        # --- Let provider handle the request natively ------------------------
1008        # Errors in copy/move; [ (<ref-url>, <DAVError>), ... ]
1009        error_list = []
1010        success_code = HTTP_CREATED
1011        if dest_exists:
1012            success_code = HTTP_NO_CONTENT
1014        try:
1015            if is_move:
1016                handled = src_res.handle_move(dest_path)
1017            else:
1018                isInfinity = environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] == "infinity"
1019                handled = src_res.handle_copy(dest_path, isInfinity)
1020            assert handled in (True, False) or type(handled) is list
1021            if type(handled) is list:
1022                error_list = handled
1023                handled = True
1024        except Exception as e:
1025            _debug_exception(e)
1026            error_list = [(src_res.get_href(), as_DAVError(e))]
1027            handled = True
1028        if handled:
1029            return self._send_response(
1030                environ, start_response, src_res, HTTP_NO_CONTENT, error_list
1031            )
1033        # --- Cleanup destination before copy/move ----------------------------
1035        src_list = src_res.get_descendants(add_self=True)
1037        src_root_len = len(src_path)
1038        dest_root_len = len(dest_path)
1040        if dest_exists:
1041            if is_move or not dest_res.is_collection or not src_res.is_collection:
1042                # MOVE:
1043                # If a resource exists at the destination and the Overwrite
1044                # header is "T", then prior to performing the move, the server
1045                # MUST perform a DELETE with "Depth: infinity" on the
1046                # destination resource.
1047                _logger.debug("Remove dest before move: '{}'".format(dest_res))
1048                dest_res.delete()
1049                dest_res = None
1050            else:
1051                # COPY collection over collection:
1052                # Remove destination files, that are not part of source, because
1053                # source and dest collections must not be merged (9.8.4).
1054                # This is not the same as deleting the complete dest collection
1055                # before copying, because that would also discard the history of
1056                # existing resources.
1057                reverse_dest_list = dest_res.get_descendants(
1058                    depth_first=True, add_self=False
1059                )
1060                src_path_list = [s.path for s in src_list]
1061                _logger.debug("check src_path_list: {}".format(src_path_list))
1062                for dres in reverse_dest_list:
1063                    _logger.debug("check unmatched dest before copy: {}".format(dres))
1064                    rel_url = dres.path[dest_root_len:]
1065                    sp = src_path + rel_url
1066                    if sp not in src_path_list:
1067                        _logger.debug(
1068                            "Remove unmatched dest before copy: {}".format(dres)
1069                        )
1070                        dres.delete()
1072        # --- Let provider implement recursive move ---------------------------
1073        # We do this only, if the provider supports it, and no conflicts exist.
1074        # A provider can implement this very efficiently, without allocating
1075        # double memory as a copy/delete approach would.
1077        if is_move and src_res.support_recursive_move(dest_path):
1078            has_conflicts = False
1079            for s in src_list:
1080                try:
1081                    self._evaluate_if_headers(s, environ)
1082                except Exception as e:
1083                    _debug_exception(e)
1084                    has_conflicts = True
1085                    break
1087            if not has_conflicts:
1088                try:
1089                    _logger.debug(
1090                        "Recursive move: {} -> '{}'".format(src_res, dest_path)
1091                    )
1092                    error_list = src_res.move_recursive(dest_path)
1093                except Exception as e:
1094                    _debug_exception(e)
1095                    error_list = [(src_res.get_href(), as_DAVError(e))]
1097                return self._send_response(
1098                    environ, start_response, src_res, success_code, error_list
1099                )
1101        # --- Copy/move file-by-file using copy/delete ------------------------
1103        # We get here, if
1104        # - the provider does not support recursive moves
1105        # - this is a copy request
1106        #   In this case we would probably not win too much by a native provider
1107        #   implementation, since we had to handle single child errors anyway.
1108        # - the source tree is partially locked
1109        #   We would have to pass this information to the native provider.
1111        # Hidden paths (paths of failed copy/moves) {<src_path>: True, ...}
1112        ignore_dict = {}
1114        for sres in src_list:
1115            # Skip this resource, if there was a failure copying a parent
1116            parent_error = False
1117            for ignorePath in ignore_dict.keys():
1118                if util.is_equal_or_child_uri(ignorePath, sres.path):
1119                    parent_error = True
1120                    break
1121            if parent_error:
1122                _logger.debug(
1123                    "Copy: skipping '{}', because of parent error".format(sres.path)
1124                )
1125                continue
1127            try:
1128                rel_url = sres.path[src_root_len:]
1129                dpath = dest_path + rel_url
1131                self._evaluate_if_headers(sres, environ)
1133                # We copy resources and their properties top-down.
1134                # Collections are simply created (without members), for
1135                # non-collections bytes are copied (overwriting target)
1136                sres.copy_move_single(dpath, is_move)
1138                # If copy succeeded, and it was a non-collection delete it now.
1139                # So the source tree shrinks while the destination grows and we
1140                # don't have to allocate the memory twice.
1141                # We cannot remove collections here, because we have not yet
1142                # copied all children.
1143                if is_move and not sres.is_collection:
1144                    sres.delete()
1146            except Exception as e:
1147                _debug_exception(e)
1148                ignore_dict[sres.path] = True
1149                # TODO: the error-href should be 'most appropriate of the source
1150                # and destination URLs'. So maybe this should be the destination
1151                # href sometimes.
1152                # http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#rfc.section.9.8.5
1153                error_list.append((sres.get_href(), as_DAVError(e)))
1155        # MOVE: Remove source tree (bottom-up)
1156        if is_move:
1157            reverse_src_list = src_list[:]
1158            reverse_src_list.reverse()
1159            _logger.debug("Delete after move, ignore_dict={}".format(ignore_dict))
1160            for sres in reverse_src_list:
1161                # Non-collections have already been removed in the copy loop.
1162                if not sres.is_collection:
1163                    continue
1164                # Skip collections that contain errors (unmoved resources)
1165                child_error = False
1166                for ignorePath in ignore_dict.keys():
1167                    if util.is_equal_or_child_uri(sres.path, ignorePath):
1168                        child_error = True
1169                        break
1170                if child_error:
1171                    _logger.debug(
1172                        "Delete after move: skipping '{}', because of child error".format(
1173                            sres.path
1174                        )
1175                    )
1176                    continue
1178                try:
1179                    _logger.debug("Remove collection after move: {}".format(sres))
1180                    sres.delete()
1181                except Exception as e:
1182                    _debug_exception(e)
1183                    error_list.append((src_res.get_href(), as_DAVError(e)))
1185            _logger.debug("ErrorList: {}".format(error_list))
1187        # --- Return response -------------------------------------------------
1189        return self._send_response(
1190            environ, start_response, src_res, success_code, error_list
1191        )
1193    def do_LOCK(self, environ, start_response):
1194        """
1195        @see: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#METHOD_LOCK
1196        """
1197        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
1198        provider = self._davProvider
1199        res = provider.get_resource_inst(path, environ)
1200        lock_man = provider.lock_manager
1202        if lock_man is None:
1203            # http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#rfc.section.6.3
1204            self._fail(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "This realm does not support locking.")
1205        if res and res.prevent_locking():
1206            self._fail(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "This resource does not support locking.")
1208        if environ.setdefault("HTTP_DEPTH", "infinity") not in ("0", "infinity"):
1209            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Expected Depth: 'infinity' or '0'.")
1211        self._evaluate_if_headers(res, environ)
1213        timeout_secs = util.read_timeout_value_header(environ.get("HTTP_TIMEOUT", ""))
1214        submitted_token_list = environ["wsgidav.ifLockTokenList"]
1216        lockinfo_el = util.parse_xml_body(environ, allow_empty=True)
1218        # --- Special case: empty request body --------------------------------
1220        if lockinfo_el is None:
1221            # TODO: @see 9.10.2
1222            # TODO: 'URL of a resource within the scope of the lock'
1223            #       Other (shared) locks are unaffected and don't prevent refreshing
1224            # TODO: check for valid user
1225            # TODO: check for If with single lock token
1226            environ["HTTP_DEPTH"] = "0"  # MUST ignore depth header on refresh
1228            if res is None:
1229                self._fail(
1230                    HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "LOCK refresh must specify an existing resource."
1231                )
1232            if len(submitted_token_list) != 1:
1233                self._fail(
1234                    HTTP_BAD_REQUEST,
1235                    "Expected a lock token (only one lock may be refreshed at a time).",
1236                )
1237            elif not lock_man.is_url_locked_by_token(
1238                res.get_ref_url(), submitted_token_list[0]
1239            ):
1240                self._fail(
1241                    HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED,
1242                    "Lock token does not match URL.",
1243                    err_condition=PRECONDITION_CODE_LockTokenMismatch,
1244                )
1245            # TODO: test, if token is owned by user
1247            lock = lock_man.refresh(submitted_token_list[0], timeout_secs)
1249            # The lock root may be <path>, or a parent of <path>.
1250            lock_path = provider.ref_url_to_path(lock["root"])
1251            lock_res = provider.get_resource_inst(lock_path, environ)
1253            prop_el = xml_tools.make_prop_el()
1254            # TODO: handle exceptions in get_property_value
1255            lockdiscovery_el = lock_res.get_property_value("{DAV:}lockdiscovery")
1256            prop_el.append(lockdiscovery_el)
1258            # Lock-Token header is not returned
1259            xml = xml_tools.xml_to_bytes(prop_el)
1260            start_response(
1261                "200 OK",
1262                [
1263                    ("Content-Type", "application/xml"),
1264                    ("Content-Length", str(len(xml))),
1265                    ("Date", util.get_rfc1123_time()),
1266                ],
1267            )
1268            return [xml]
1270        # --- Standard case: parse xml body -----------------------------------
1272        if lockinfo_el.tag != "{DAV:}lockinfo":
1273            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST)
1275        lock_type = None
1276        lock_scope = None
1277        lock_owner = compat.to_bytes("")
1278        lock_depth = environ.setdefault("HTTP_DEPTH", "infinity")
1280        for linode in lockinfo_el:
1281            if linode.tag == "{DAV:}lockscope":
1282                for lsnode in linode:
1283                    if lsnode.tag == "{DAV:}exclusive":
1284                        lock_scope = "exclusive"
1285                    elif lsnode.tag == "{DAV:}shared":
1286                        lock_scope = "shared"
1287                    break
1288            elif linode.tag == "{DAV:}locktype":
1289                for ltnode in linode:
1290                    if ltnode.tag == "{DAV:}write":
1291                        lock_type = "write"  # only type accepted
1292                    break
1294            elif linode.tag == "{DAV:}owner":
1295                # Store whole <owner> tag, so we can use etree.XML() later
1296                lock_owner = xml_tools.xml_to_bytes(linode, pretty_print=False)
1298            else:
1299                self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid node '{}'.".format(linode.tag))
1301        if not lock_scope:
1302            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing or invalid lockscope.")
1303        if not lock_type:
1304            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing or invalid locktype.")
1306        if environ.get("wsgidav.debug_break"):
1307            pass  # break point
1309        # TODO: check for locked parents BEFORE creating an empty child
1311        # http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#rfc.section.9.10.4
1312        # Locking unmapped URLs: must create an empty resource
1313        createdNewResource = False
1314        if res is None:
1315            parentRes = provider.get_resource_inst(util.get_uri_parent(path), environ)
1316            if not parentRes or not parentRes.is_collection:
1317                self._fail(HTTP_CONFLICT, "LOCK-0 parent must be a collection")
1318            res = parentRes.create_empty_resource(util.get_uri_name(path))
1319            createdNewResource = True
1321        # --- Check, if path is already locked --------------------------------
1323        # May raise DAVError(HTTP_LOCKED):
1324        lock = lock_man.acquire(
1325            res.get_ref_url(),
1326            lock_type,
1327            lock_scope,
1328            lock_depth,
1329            lock_owner,
1330            timeout_secs,
1331            environ["wsgidav.user_name"],
1332            submitted_token_list,
1333        )
1335        # Lock succeeded
1336        prop_el = xml_tools.make_prop_el()
1337        # TODO: handle exceptions in get_property_value
1338        lockdiscovery_el = res.get_property_value("{DAV:}lockdiscovery")
1339        prop_el.append(lockdiscovery_el)
1341        respcode = "200 OK"
1342        if createdNewResource:
1343            respcode = "201 Created"
1345        xml = xml_tools.xml_to_bytes(prop_el)
1346        start_response(
1347            respcode,
1348            [
1349                ("Content-Type", "application/xml"),
1350                ("Content-Length", str(len(xml))),
1351                ("Lock-Token", lock["token"]),
1352                ("Date", util.get_rfc1123_time()),
1353            ],
1354        )
1355        return [xml]
1357        # TODO: LOCK may also fail with HTTP_FORBIDDEN.
1358        #       In this case we should return 207 Multi-Status.
1359        #       http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#rfc.section.9.10.9
1360        #       Checking this would require to call res.prevent_locking()
1361        #       recursively.
1363    #        # --- Locking FAILED: return fault response
1364    #        if len(conflictList) == 1 and conflictList[0][0]["root"] == res.get_ref_url():
1365    #            # If there is only one error for the root URL, send as simple error response
1366    #            return util.send_status_response(environ, start_response, conflictList[0][1])
1367    #
1368    #        dictStatus = {}
1369    #
1370    #        for lock_dict, e in conflictList:
1371    #            dictStatus[lock_dict["root"]] = e
1372    #
1373    #        if not res.get_ref_url() in dictStatus:
1374    #            dictStatus[res.get_ref_url()] = DAVError(HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY)
1375    #
1376    #        # Return multi-status fault response
1377    #        multistatusEL = xml_tools.make_multistatus_el()
1378    #        for nu, e in dictStatus.items():
1379    #            responseEL = etree.SubElement(multistatusEL, "{DAV:}response")
1380    #            etree.SubElement(responseEL, "{DAV:}href").text = nu
1381    #            etree.SubElement(responseEL, "{DAV:}status").text = "HTTP/1.1 %s" %
1382    #                get_http_status_string(e)
1383    #            # TODO: all responses should have this(?):
1384    #            if e.context_info:
1385    #                etree.SubElement(multistatusEL, "{DAV:}responsedescription").text = e.context_info
1386    #
1387    # if responsedescription:
1388    #            etree.SubElement(multistatusEL, "{DAV:}responsedescription").text = "\n".join(
1389    #                responsedescription)
1390    #
1391    # return util.send_multi_status_response(environ, start_response,
1392    # multistatusEL)
1394    def do_UNLOCK(self, environ, start_response):
1395        """
1396        @see: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#METHOD_UNLOCK
1397        """
1398        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
1399        provider = self._davProvider
1400        res = self._davProvider.get_resource_inst(path, environ)
1402        lock_man = provider.lock_manager
1403        if lock_man is None:
1404            self._fail(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "This share does not support locking.")
1405        elif util.get_content_length(environ) != 0:
1406            self._fail(
1408                "The server does not handle any body content.",
1409            )
1410        elif res is None:
1411            self._fail(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, path)
1412        elif "HTTP_LOCK_TOKEN" not in environ:
1413            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Missing lock token.")
1415        self._evaluate_if_headers(res, environ)
1417        lock_token = environ["HTTP_LOCK_TOKEN"].strip("<>")
1418        ref_url = res.get_ref_url()
1420        if not lock_man.is_url_locked_by_token(ref_url, lock_token):
1421            self._fail(
1422                HTTP_CONFLICT,
1423                "Resource is not locked by token.",
1424                err_condition=PRECONDITION_CODE_LockTokenMismatch,
1425            )
1427        if not lock_man.is_token_locked_by_user(
1428            lock_token, environ["wsgidav.user_name"]
1429        ):
1430            # TODO: there must be a way to allow this for admins.
1431            #       Maybe test for "remove_locks" in environ["wsgidav.roles"]
1432            self._fail(HTTP_FORBIDDEN, "Token was created by another user.")
1434        # TODO: Is this correct?: unlock(a/b/c) will remove Lock for 'a/b'
1435        lock_man.release(lock_token)
1437        return util.send_status_response(environ, start_response, HTTP_NO_CONTENT)
1439    def do_OPTIONS(self, environ, start_response):
1440        """
1441        @see http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#HEADER_DAV
1442        """
1443        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
1444        provider = self._davProvider
1445        res = provider.get_resource_inst(path, environ)
1447        dav_compliance_level = "1,2"
1448        if provider is None or provider.is_readonly() or provider.lock_manager is None:
1449            dav_compliance_level = "1"
1451        headers = [
1452            ("Content-Type", "text/html"),
1453            ("Content-Length", "0"),
1454            ("DAV", dav_compliance_level),
1455            ("Date", util.get_rfc1123_time()),
1456        ]
1458        if path == "/":
1459            path = "*"  # Hotfix for WinXP
1461        if path == "*":
1462            # Answer HTTP 'OPTIONS' method on server-level.
1463            # From RFC 2616
1464            # If the Request-URI is an asterisk ("*"), the OPTIONS request is
1465            # intended to apply to the server in general rather than to a specific
1466            # resource. Since a server's communication options typically depend on
1467            # the resource, the "*" request is only useful as a "ping" or "no-op"
1468            # type of method; it does nothing beyond allowing the client to test the
1469            # capabilities of the server. For example, this can be used to test a
1470            # proxy for HTTP/1.1 compliance (or lack thereof).
1471            start_response("200 OK", headers)
1472            return [b""]
1474        # Determine allowed request methods
1475        allow = ["OPTIONS"]
1476        if res and res.is_collection:
1477            # Existing collection
1478            allow.extend(["HEAD", "GET", "PROPFIND"])
1479            # if provider.prop_manager is not None:
1480            #     allow.extend( [ "PROPFIND" ] )
1481            if not provider.is_readonly():
1482                allow.extend(["DELETE", "COPY", "MOVE", "PROPPATCH"])
1483                # if provider.prop_manager is not None:
1484                #     allow.extend( [ "PROPPATCH" ] )
1485                if provider.lock_manager is not None:
1486                    allow.extend(["LOCK", "UNLOCK"])
1487        elif res:
1488            # Existing resource
1489            allow.extend(["HEAD", "GET", "PROPFIND"])
1490            # if provider.prop_manager is not None:
1491            #     allow.extend( [ "PROPFIND" ] )
1492            if not provider.is_readonly():
1493                allow.extend(["PUT", "DELETE", "COPY", "MOVE", "PROPPATCH"])
1494                # if provider.prop_manager is not None:
1495                #     allow.extend( [ "PROPPATCH" ] )
1496                if provider.lock_manager is not None:
1497                    allow.extend(["LOCK", "UNLOCK"])
1498            if res.support_ranges():
1499                headers.append(("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"))
1500        elif provider.is_collection(util.get_uri_parent(path), environ):
1501            # A new resource below an existing collection
1502            # TODO: should we allow LOCK here? I think it is allowed to lock an
1503            # non-existing resource
1504            if not provider.is_readonly():
1505                allow.extend(["PUT", "MKCOL"])
1506        else:
1507            self._fail(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, path)
1509        headers.append(("Allow", ", ".join(allow)))
1511        if environ["wsgidav.config"].get("add_header_MS_Author_Via", False):
1512            headers.append(("MS-Author-Via", "DAV"))
1514        start_response("200 OK", headers)
1515        return [b""]
1517    def do_GET(self, environ, start_response):
1518        return self._send_resource(environ, start_response, is_head_method=False)
1520    def do_HEAD(self, environ, start_response):
1521        return self._send_resource(environ, start_response, is_head_method=True)
1523    def _send_resource(self, environ, start_response, is_head_method):
1524        """
1525        If-Range
1526            If the entity is unchanged, send me the part(s) that I am missing;
1527            otherwise, send me the entire new entity
1528            If-Range: "737060cd8c284d8af7ad3082f209582d"
1530        @see: http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec14.html#sec14.27
1531        """
1532        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
1533        res = self._davProvider.get_resource_inst(path, environ)
1535        if util.get_content_length(environ) != 0:
1536            self._fail(
1538                "The server does not handle any body content.",
1539            )
1540        elif environ.setdefault("HTTP_DEPTH", "0") != "0":
1541            self._fail(HTTP_BAD_REQUEST, "Only Depth: 0 supported.")
1542        elif res is None:
1543            self._fail(HTTP_NOT_FOUND, path)
1544        elif res.is_collection:
1545            self._fail(
1546                HTTP_FORBIDDEN,
1547                "Directory browsing is not enabled."
1548                "(to enable it put WsgiDavDirBrowser into middleware_stack"
1549                "option and set dir_browser -> enabled = True option.)",
1550            )
1552        self._evaluate_if_headers(res, environ)
1554        filesize = res.get_content_length()
1555        if filesize is None:
1556            filesize = -1  # flag logic to read until EOF
1558        last_modified = res.get_last_modified()
1559        if last_modified is None:
1560            last_modified = -1
1562        entitytag = res.get_etag()
1563        if entitytag is None:
1564            entitytag = "[]"
1566        # Ranges
1567        doignoreranges = (
1568            not res.support_content_length()
1569            or not res.support_ranges()
1570            or filesize == 0
1571        )
1572        if (
1573            "HTTP_RANGE" in environ
1574            and "HTTP_IF_RANGE" in environ
1575            and not doignoreranges
1576        ):
1577            ifrange = environ["HTTP_IF_RANGE"]
1578            # Try as http-date first (Return None, if invalid date string)
1579            secstime = util.parse_time_string(ifrange)
1580            if secstime:
1581                # cast to integer, as last_modified may be a floating point number
1582                if int(last_modified) != secstime:
1583                    doignoreranges = True
1584            else:
1585                # Use as entity tag
1586                ifrange = ifrange.strip('" ')
1587                if entitytag is None or ifrange != entitytag:
1588                    doignoreranges = True
1590        ispartialranges = False
1591        if "HTTP_RANGE" in environ and not doignoreranges:
1592            ispartialranges = True
1593            list_ranges, _totallength = util.obtain_content_ranges(
1594                environ["HTTP_RANGE"], filesize
1595            )
1596            if len(list_ranges) == 0:
1597                # No valid ranges present
1598                self._fail(HTTP_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE)
1600            # More than one range present -> take only the first range, since
1601            # multiple range returns require multipart, which is not supported
1602            # obtain_content_ranges supports more than one range in case the above
1603            # behaviour changes in future
1604            (range_start, range_end, range_length) = list_ranges[0]
1605        else:
1606            (range_start, range_end, range_length) = (0, filesize - 1, filesize)
1608        # Content Processing
1609        mimetype = res.get_content_type()  # provider.get_content_type(path)
1611        response_headers = []
1612        if res.support_content_length():
1613            # Content-length must be of type string
1614            response_headers.append(("Content-Length", str(range_length)))
1615        if res.support_modified():
1616            response_headers.append(
1617                ("Last-Modified", util.get_rfc1123_time(last_modified))
1618            )
1619        response_headers.append(("Content-Type", mimetype))
1620        response_headers.append(("Date", util.get_rfc1123_time()))
1621        if res.support_etag():
1622            response_headers.append(("ETag", '"{}"'.format(entitytag)))
1624        if res.support_ranges():
1625            response_headers.append(("Accept-Ranges", "bytes"))
1627        if "response_headers" in environ["wsgidav.config"]:
1628            customHeaders = environ["wsgidav.config"]["response_headers"]
1629            for header, value in customHeaders:
1630                response_headers.append((header, value))
1632        res.finalize_headers(environ, response_headers)
1634        if ispartialranges:
1635            # response_headers.append(("Content-Ranges", "bytes " + str(range_start) + "-" +
1636            #    str(range_end) + "/" + str(range_length)))
1637            response_headers.append(
1638                (
1639                    "Content-Range",
1640                    "bytes {}-{}/{}".format(range_start, range_end, filesize),
1641                )
1642            )
1643            start_response("206 Partial Content", response_headers)
1644        else:
1645            start_response("200 OK", response_headers)
1647        # Return empty body for HEAD requests
1648        if is_head_method:
1649            yield b""
1650            return
1652        fileobj = res.get_content()
1654        if not doignoreranges:
1655            fileobj.seek(range_start)
1657        contentlengthremaining = range_length
1658        try:
1659            while 1:
1660                if (
1661                    contentlengthremaining < 0
1662                    or contentlengthremaining > self.block_size
1663                ):
1664                    readbuffer = fileobj.read(self.block_size)
1665                else:
1666                    readbuffer = fileobj.read(contentlengthremaining)
1667                assert compat.is_bytes(readbuffer)
1668                yield readbuffer
1669                contentlengthremaining -= len(readbuffer)
1670                if len(readbuffer) == 0 or contentlengthremaining == 0:
1671                    break
1672        finally:
1673            # yield readbuffer MAY fail with a GeneratorExit error
1674            # we still need to close the file
1675            fileobj.close()
1676        return
1679#    def do_TRACE(self, environ, start_response):
1680#        """ TODO: TRACE pending, but not essential."""
1681#        self._fail(HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED)