1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
5Taken from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/502283/
7locks.py - Read-Write lock thread lock implementation
9See the class documentation for more info.
11Copyright (C) 2007, Heiko Wundram.
12Released under the BSD-license.
15# Imports
16# -------
18from threading import Condition, Lock, currentThread
19from time import time
21# Read write lock
22# ---------------
25class ReadWriteLock(object):
26    """Read-Write lock class. A read-write lock differs from a standard
27    threading.RLock() by allowing multiple threads to simultaneously hold a
28    read lock, while allowing only a single thread to hold a write lock at the
29    same point of time.
31    When a read lock is requested while a write lock is held, the reader
32    is blocked; when a write lock is requested while another write lock is
33    held or there are read locks, the writer is blocked.
35    Writers are always preferred by this implementation: if there are blocked
36    threads waiting for a write lock, current readers may request more read
37    locks (which they eventually should free, as they starve the waiting
38    writers otherwise), but a new thread requesting a read lock will not
39    be granted one, and block. This might mean starvation for readers if
40    two writer threads interweave their calls to acquire_write() without
41    leaving a window only for readers.
43    In case a current reader requests a write lock, this can and will be
44    satisfied without giving up the read locks first, but, only one thread
45    may perform this kind of lock upgrade, as a deadlock would otherwise
46    occur. After the write lock has been granted, the thread will hold a
47    full write lock, and not be downgraded after the upgrading call to
48    acquire_write() has been match by a corresponding release().
49    """
51    def __init__(self):
52        """Initialize this read-write lock."""
54        # Condition variable, used to signal waiters of a change in object
55        # state.
56        self.__condition = Condition(Lock())
58        # Initialize with no writers.
59        self.__writer = None
60        self.__upgradewritercount = 0
61        self.__pendingwriters = []
63        # Initialize with no readers.
64        self.__readers = {}
66    def acquire_read(self, timeout=None):
67        """Acquire a read lock for the current thread, waiting at most
68        timeout seconds or doing a non-blocking check in case timeout is <= 0.
70        In case timeout is None, the call to acquire_read blocks until the
71        lock request can be serviced.
73        In case the timeout expires before the lock could be serviced, a
74        RuntimeError is thrown."""
76        if timeout is not None:
77            endtime = time() + timeout
78        me = currentThread()
79        self.__condition.acquire()
80        try:
81            if self.__writer is me:
82                # If we are the writer, grant a new read lock, always.
83                self.__writercount += 1
84                return
85            while True:
86                if self.__writer is None:
87                    # Only test anything if there is no current writer.
88                    if self.__upgradewritercount or self.__pendingwriters:
89                        if me in self.__readers:
90                            # Only grant a read lock if we already have one
91                            # in case writers are waiting for their turn.
92                            # This means that writers can't easily get starved
93                            # (but see below, readers can).
94                            self.__readers[me] += 1
95                            return
96                        # No, we aren't a reader (yet), wait for our turn.
97                    else:
98                        # Grant a new read lock, always, in case there are
99                        # no pending writers (and no writer).
100                        self.__readers[me] = self.__readers.get(me, 0) + 1
101                        return
102                if timeout is not None:
103                    remaining = endtime - time()
104                    if remaining <= 0:
105                        # Timeout has expired, signal caller of this.
106                        raise RuntimeError("Acquiring read lock timed out")
107                    self.__condition.wait(remaining)
108                else:
109                    self.__condition.wait()
110        finally:
111            self.__condition.release()
113    def acquire_write(self, timeout=None):
114        """Acquire a write lock for the current thread, waiting at most
115        timeout seconds or doing a non-blocking check in case timeout is <= 0.
117        In case the write lock cannot be serviced due to the deadlock
118        condition mentioned above, a ValueError is raised.
120        In case timeout is None, the call to acquire_write blocks until the
121        lock request can be serviced.
123        In case the timeout expires before the lock could be serviced, a
124        RuntimeError is thrown."""
126        if timeout is not None:
127            endtime = time() + timeout
128        me, upgradewriter = currentThread(), False
129        self.__condition.acquire()
130        try:
131            if self.__writer is me:
132                # If we are the writer, grant a new write lock, always.
133                self.__writercount += 1
134                return
135            elif me in self.__readers:
136                # If we are a reader, no need to add us to pendingwriters,
137                # we get the upgradewriter slot.
138                if self.__upgradewritercount:
139                    # If we are a reader and want to upgrade, and someone
140                    # else also wants to upgrade, there is no way we can do
141                    # this except if one of us releases all his read locks.
142                    # Signal this to user.
143                    raise ValueError("Inevitable dead lock, denying write lock")
144                upgradewriter = True
145                self.__upgradewritercount = self.__readers.pop(me)
146            else:
147                # We aren't a reader, so add us to the pending writers queue
148                # for synchronization with the readers.
149                self.__pendingwriters.append(me)
150            while True:
151                if not self.__readers and self.__writer is None:
152                    # Only test anything if there are no readers and writers.
153                    if self.__upgradewritercount:
154                        if upgradewriter:
155                            # There is a writer to upgrade, and it's us. Take
156                            # the write lock.
157                            self.__writer = me
158                            self.__writercount = self.__upgradewritercount + 1
159                            self.__upgradewritercount = 0
160                            return
161                        # There is a writer to upgrade, but it's not us.
162                        # Always leave the upgrade writer the advance slot,
163                        # because he presumes he'll get a write lock directly
164                        # from a previously held read lock.
165                    elif self.__pendingwriters[0] is me:
166                        # If there are no readers and writers, it's always
167                        # fine for us to take the writer slot, removing us
168                        # from the pending writers queue.
169                        # This might mean starvation for readers, though.
170                        self.__writer = me
171                        self.__writercount = 1
172                        self.__pendingwriters = self.__pendingwriters[1:]
173                        return
174                if timeout is not None:
175                    remaining = endtime - time()
176                    if remaining <= 0:
177                        # Timeout has expired, signal caller of this.
178                        if upgradewriter:
179                            # Put us back on the reader queue. No need to
180                            # signal anyone of this change, because no other
181                            # writer could've taken our spot before we got
182                            # here (because of remaining readers), as the test
183                            # for proper conditions is at the start of the
184                            # loop, not at the end.
185                            self.__readers[me] = self.__upgradewritercount
186                            self.__upgradewritercount = 0
187                        else:
188                            # We were a simple pending writer, just remove us
189                            # from the FIFO list.
190                            self.__pendingwriters.remove(me)
191                        raise RuntimeError("Acquiring write lock timed out")
192                    self.__condition.wait(remaining)
193                else:
194                    self.__condition.wait()
195        finally:
196            self.__condition.release()
198    def release(self):
199        """Release the currently held lock.
201        In case the current thread holds no lock, a ValueError is thrown."""
203        me = currentThread()
204        self.__condition.acquire()
205        try:
206            if self.__writer is me:
207                # We are the writer, take one nesting depth away.
208                self.__writercount -= 1
209                if not self.__writercount:
210                    # No more write locks; take our writer position away and
211                    # notify waiters of the new circumstances.
212                    self.__writer = None
213                    self.__condition.notifyAll()
214            elif me in self.__readers:
215                # We are a reader currently, take one nesting depth away.
216                self.__readers[me] -= 1
217                if not self.__readers[me]:
218                    # No more read locks, take our reader position away.
219                    del self.__readers[me]
220                    if not self.__readers:
221                        # No more readers, notify waiters of the new
222                        # circumstances.
223                        self.__condition.notifyAll()
224            else:
225                raise ValueError("Trying to release unheld lock")
226        finally:
227            self.__condition.release()