1 // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3 // found in the LICENSE file.
5 #include "media/filters/audio_renderer_algorithm.h"
7 #include <algorithm>
8 #include <cmath>
10 #include "base/bind.h"
11 #include "base/logging.h"
12 #include "cc/base/math_util.h"
13 #include "media/base/audio_bus.h"
14 #include "media/base/audio_timestamp_helper.h"
15 #include "media/base/limits.h"
16 #include "media/filters/wsola_internals.h"
18 namespace media {
21 // Waveform Similarity Overlap-and-add (WSOLA).
22 //
23 // One WSOLA iteration
24 //
25 // 1) Extract |target_block_| as input frames at indices
26 //    [|target_block_index_|, |target_block_index_| + |ola_window_size_|).
27 //    Note that |target_block_| is the "natural" continuation of the output.
28 //
29 // 2) Extract |search_block_| as input frames at indices
30 //    [|search_block_index_|,
31 //     |search_block_index_| + |num_candidate_blocks_| + |ola_window_size_|).
32 //
33 // 3) Find a block within the |search_block_| that is most similar
34 //    to |target_block_|. Let |optimal_index| be the index of such block and
35 //    write it to |optimal_block_|.
36 //
37 // 4) Update:
38 //    |optimal_block_| = |transition_window_| * |target_block_| +
39 //    (1 - |transition_window_|) * |optimal_block_|.
40 //
41 // 5) Overlap-and-add |optimal_block_| to the |wsola_output_|.
42 //
43 // 6) Update:
44 //    |target_block_| = |optimal_index| + |ola_window_size_| / 2.
45 //    |output_index_| = |output_index_| + |ola_window_size_| / 2,
46 //    |search_block_center_offset_| = |output_index_| * |playback_rate|, and
47 //    |search_block_index_| = |search_block_center_offset_| -
48 //        |search_block_center_offset_|.
50 // Overlap-and-add window size in milliseconds.
51 constexpr base::TimeDelta kOlaWindowSize =
52     base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(20);
54 // Size of search interval in milliseconds. The search interval is
55 // [-delta delta] around |output_index_| * |playback_rate|. So the search
56 // interval is 2 * delta.
57 constexpr base::TimeDelta kWsolaSearchInterval =
58     base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(30);
60 // The maximum size for the |audio_buffer_|. Arbitrarily determined.
61 constexpr base::TimeDelta kMaxCapacity = base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(3);
63 // The minimum size for the |audio_buffer_|. Arbitrarily determined.
64 constexpr base::TimeDelta kStartingCapacity =
65     base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(200);
67 // The minimum size for the |audio_buffer_| for encrypted streams.
68 // Set this to be larger than |kStartingCapacity| because the performance of
69 // encrypted playback is always worse than clear playback, due to decryption and
70 // potentially IPC overhead. For the context, see https://crbug.com/403462,
71 // https://crbug.com/718161 and https://crbug.com/879970.
72 constexpr base::TimeDelta kStartingCapacityForEncrypted =
73     base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(500);
AudioRendererAlgorithm(MediaLog * media_log)75 AudioRendererAlgorithm::AudioRendererAlgorithm(MediaLog* media_log)
76     : AudioRendererAlgorithm(
77           media_log,
78           {kMaxCapacity, kStartingCapacity, kStartingCapacityForEncrypted}) {}
AudioRendererAlgorithm(MediaLog * media_log,AudioRendererAlgorithmParameters params)80 AudioRendererAlgorithm::AudioRendererAlgorithm(
81     MediaLog* media_log,
82     AudioRendererAlgorithmParameters params)
83     : media_log_(media_log),
84       audio_renderer_algorithm_params_(std::move(params)),
85       channels_(0),
86       samples_per_second_(0),
87       is_bitstream_format_(false),
88       capacity_(0),
89       output_time_(0.0),
90       search_block_center_offset_(0),
91       search_block_index_(0),
92       num_candidate_blocks_(0),
93       target_block_index_(0),
94       ola_window_size_(0),
95       ola_hop_size_(0),
96       num_complete_frames_(0),
97       initial_capacity_(0),
98       max_capacity_(0) {}
100 AudioRendererAlgorithm::~AudioRendererAlgorithm() = default;
Initialize(const AudioParameters & params,bool is_encrypted)102 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::Initialize(const AudioParameters& params,
103                                         bool is_encrypted) {
104   CHECK(params.IsValid());
106   channels_ = params.channels();
107   samples_per_second_ = params.sample_rate();
108   is_bitstream_format_ = params.IsBitstreamFormat();
109   min_playback_threshold_ = params.frames_per_buffer() * 2;
110   initial_capacity_ = capacity_ = playback_threshold_ = std::max(
111       min_playback_threshold_,
112       AudioTimestampHelper::TimeToFrames(
113           is_encrypted
114               ? audio_renderer_algorithm_params_.starting_capacity_for_encrypted
115               : audio_renderer_algorithm_params_.starting_capacity,
116           samples_per_second_));
117   max_capacity_ = std::max(
118       initial_capacity_,
119       AudioTimestampHelper::TimeToFrames(
120           audio_renderer_algorithm_params_.max_capacity, samples_per_second_));
121   num_candidate_blocks_ = AudioTimestampHelper::TimeToFrames(
122       kWsolaSearchInterval, samples_per_second_);
123   ola_window_size_ =
124       AudioTimestampHelper::TimeToFrames(kOlaWindowSize, samples_per_second_);
126   // Make sure window size in an even number.
127   ola_window_size_ += ola_window_size_ & 1;
128   ola_hop_size_ = ola_window_size_ / 2;
130   // |num_candidate_blocks_| / 2 is the offset of the center of the search
131   // block to the center of the first (left most) candidate block. The offset
132   // of the center of a candidate block to its left most point is
133   // |ola_window_size_| / 2 - 1. Note that |ola_window_size_| is even and in
134   // our convention the center belongs to the left half, so we need to subtract
135   // one frame to get the correct offset.
136   //
137   //                             Search Block
138   //              <------------------------------------------->
139   //
140   //   |ola_window_size_| / 2 - 1
141   //              <----
142   //
143   //             |num_candidate_blocks_| / 2
144   //                   <----------------
145   //                                 center
146   //              X----X----------------X---------------X-----X
147   //              <---------->                     <---------->
148   //                Candidate      ...               Candidate
149   //                   1,          ...         |num_candidate_blocks_|
150   search_block_center_offset_ =
151       num_candidate_blocks_ / 2 + (ola_window_size_ / 2 - 1);
153   // If no mask is provided, assume all channels are valid.
154   if (channel_mask_.empty())
155     SetChannelMask(std::vector<bool>(channels_, true));
156 }
SetChannelMask(std::vector<bool> channel_mask)158 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::SetChannelMask(std::vector<bool> channel_mask) {
159   DCHECK_EQ(channel_mask.size(), static_cast<size_t>(channels_));
160   channel_mask_ = std::move(channel_mask);
161   if (ola_window_)
162     CreateSearchWrappers();
163 }
OnResamplerRead(int frame_delay,AudioBus * audio_bus)165 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::OnResamplerRead(int frame_delay,
166                                              AudioBus* audio_bus) {
167   const int requested_frames = audio_bus->frames();
168   int read_frames = audio_buffer_.ReadFrames(requested_frames, 0, audio_bus);
170   if (read_frames < requested_frames) {
171     // We should only be filling up |resampler_| with silence if we are playing
172     // out all remaining frames.
173     DCHECK(reached_end_of_stream_);
174     audio_bus->ZeroFramesPartial(read_frames, requested_frames - read_frames);
175   }
176 }
MarkEndOfStream()178 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::MarkEndOfStream() {
179   reached_end_of_stream_ = true;
180 }
ResampleAndFill(AudioBus * dest,int dest_offset,int requested_frames,double playback_rate)182 int AudioRendererAlgorithm::ResampleAndFill(AudioBus* dest,
183                                             int dest_offset,
184                                             int requested_frames,
185                                             double playback_rate) {
186   if (!resampler_) {
187     resampler_ = std::make_unique<MultiChannelResampler>(
188         channels_, playback_rate, SincResampler::kDefaultRequestSize,
189         base::BindRepeating(&AudioRendererAlgorithm::OnResamplerRead,
190                             base::Unretained(this)));
191   }
193   // |resampler_| can request more than |requested_frames|, due to the
194   // requests size not being aligned. To prevent having to fill it with silence,
195   // we find the max number of reads it could request, and make sure we have
196   // enough data to satisfy all of those reads.
197   if (!reached_end_of_stream_ &&
198       audio_buffer_.frames() <
199           resampler_->GetMaxInputFramesRequested(requested_frames)) {
200     // Exit early, forgoing at most a total of |audio_buffer_.frames()| +
201     // |resampler_->BufferedFrames()|.
202     // If we have reached the end of stream, |resampler_| will output silence
203     // after running out of frames, which is ok.
204     return 0;
205   }
206   resampler_->SetRatio(playback_rate);
208   // Directly use |dest| for the most common case of having 0 offset.
209   if (!dest_offset) {
210     resampler_->Resample(requested_frames, dest);
211     return requested_frames;
212   }
214   // This is only really used once, at the beginning of a stream, which means
215   // we can use a temporary variable, rather than saving it as a member.
216   // NOTE: We don't wrap |dest|'s channel data in an AudioBus wrapper, because
217   // |dest_offset| isn't aligned always with AudioBus::kChannelAlignment.
218   std::unique_ptr<AudioBus> resampler_output =
219       AudioBus::Create(channels_, requested_frames);
221   resampler_->Resample(requested_frames, resampler_output.get());
222   resampler_output->CopyPartialFramesTo(0, requested_frames, dest_offset, dest);
224   return requested_frames;
225 }
FillBuffer(AudioBus * dest,int dest_offset,int requested_frames,double playback_rate)227 int AudioRendererAlgorithm::FillBuffer(AudioBus* dest,
228                                        int dest_offset,
229                                        int requested_frames,
230                                        double playback_rate) {
231   if (playback_rate == 0)
232     return 0;
234   DCHECK_GT(playback_rate, 0);
235   DCHECK_EQ(channels_, dest->channels());
237   // In case of compressed bitstream formats, no post processing is allowed.
238   if (is_bitstream_format_)
239     return audio_buffer_.ReadFrames(requested_frames, dest_offset, dest);
241   int slower_step = ceil(ola_window_size_ * playback_rate);
242   int faster_step = ceil(ola_window_size_ / playback_rate);
244   // Optimize the most common |playback_rate| ~= 1 case to use a single copy
245   // instead of copying frame by frame.
246   if (ola_window_size_ <= faster_step && slower_step >= ola_window_size_) {
247     const int frames_to_copy =
248         std::min(audio_buffer_.frames(), requested_frames);
249     const int frames_read =
250         audio_buffer_.ReadFrames(frames_to_copy, dest_offset, dest);
251     DCHECK_EQ(frames_read, frames_to_copy);
252     return frames_read;
253   }
255   // WSOLA at playback rates that are close to 1.0 produces noticeable
256   // warbling and stuttering. We prefer resampling the audio at these speeds.
257   // This does results in a noticeable pitch shift.
258   // NOTE: The cutoff values are arbitrary, and picked based off of a tradeoff
259   // between "resample pitch shift" vs "WSOLA distortions".
260   if (kLowerResampleThreshold <= playback_rate &&
261       playback_rate <= kUpperResampleThreshold) {
262     return ResampleAndFill(dest, dest_offset, requested_frames, playback_rate);
263   }
265   // Destroy the resampler if it was used before, but it's no longer needed
266   // (e.g. before playback rate has changed). This ensures that we don't try to
267   // play later any samples still buffered in the resampler.
268   if (resampler_)
269     resampler_.reset();
271   // Allocate structures on first non-1.0 playback rate; these can eat a fair
272   // chunk of memory. ~56kB for stereo 48kHz, up to ~765kB for 7.1 192kHz.
273   if (!ola_window_) {
274     ola_window_.reset(new float[ola_window_size_]);
275     internal::GetSymmetricHanningWindow(ola_window_size_, ola_window_.get());
277     transition_window_.reset(new float[ola_window_size_ * 2]);
278     internal::GetSymmetricHanningWindow(2 * ola_window_size_,
279                                         transition_window_.get());
281     // Initialize for overlap-and-add of the first block.
282     wsola_output_ =
283         AudioBus::Create(channels_, ola_window_size_ + ola_hop_size_);
284     wsola_output_->Zero();
286     // Auxiliary containers.
287     optimal_block_ = AudioBus::Create(channels_, ola_window_size_);
288     search_block_ = AudioBus::Create(
289         channels_, num_candidate_blocks_ + (ola_window_size_ - 1));
290     target_block_ = AudioBus::Create(channels_, ola_window_size_);
292     // Create potentially smaller wrappers for playback rate adaptation.
293     CreateSearchWrappers();
294   }
296   // Silent audio can contain non-zero samples small enough to result in
297   // subnormals internalls. Disabling subnormals can be significantly faster in
298   // these cases.
299   cc::ScopedSubnormalFloatDisabler disable_subnormals;
301   int rendered_frames = 0;
302   do {
303     rendered_frames +=
304         WriteCompletedFramesTo(requested_frames - rendered_frames,
305                                dest_offset + rendered_frames, dest);
306   } while (rendered_frames < requested_frames &&
307            RunOneWsolaIteration(playback_rate));
308   return rendered_frames;
309 }
FlushBuffers()311 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::FlushBuffers() {
312   // Clear the queue of decoded packets (releasing the buffers).
313   audio_buffer_.Clear();
314   output_time_ = 0.0;
315   search_block_index_ = 0;
316   target_block_index_ = 0;
317   if (wsola_output_)
318     wsola_output_->Zero();
319   num_complete_frames_ = 0;
321   resampler_.reset();
322   reached_end_of_stream_ = false;
324   // Reset |capacity_| and |playback_threshold_| so growth triggered by
325   // underflows doesn't penalize seek time. When |latency_hint_| is set we don't
326   // increase the queue for underflow, so avoid resetting it on flush.
327   if (!latency_hint_) {
328     capacity_ = playback_threshold_ = initial_capacity_;
329   }
330 }
EnqueueBuffer(scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> buffer_in)332 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::EnqueueBuffer(
333     scoped_refptr<AudioBuffer> buffer_in) {
334   DCHECK(!buffer_in->end_of_stream());
335   audio_buffer_.Append(std::move(buffer_in));
336 }
SetLatencyHint(base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> latency_hint)338 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::SetLatencyHint(
339     base::Optional<base::TimeDelta> latency_hint) {
340   DCHECK_GE(playback_threshold_, min_playback_threshold_);
341   DCHECK_LE(playback_threshold_, capacity_);
342   DCHECK_LE(capacity_, max_capacity_);
344   latency_hint_ = latency_hint;
346   if (!latency_hint) {
347     // Restore default values.
348     playback_threshold_ = capacity_ = initial_capacity_;
350     MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, media_log_)
351         << "Audio latency hint cleared. Default buffer size ("
352         << AudioTimestampHelper::FramesToTime(playback_threshold_,
353                                               samples_per_second_)
354         << ") restored";
355     return;
356   }
358   int latency_hint_frames =
359       AudioTimestampHelper::TimeToFrames(*latency_hint_, samples_per_second_);
361   // Set |plabyack_threshold_| using hint, clamped between
362   // [min_playback_threshold_, max_capacity_].
363   std::string clamp_string;
364   if (latency_hint_frames > max_capacity_) {
365     playback_threshold_ = max_capacity_;
366     clamp_string = " (clamped to max)";
367   } else if (latency_hint_frames < min_playback_threshold_) {
368     playback_threshold_ = min_playback_threshold_;
369     clamp_string = " (clamped to min)";
370   } else {
371     playback_threshold_ = latency_hint_frames;
372   }
374   // Use |initial_capacity_| if possible. Increase if needed.
375   capacity_ = std::max(playback_threshold_, initial_capacity_);
377   MEDIA_LOG(DEBUG, media_log_)
378       << "Audio latency hint set:" << *latency_hint << ". "
379       << "Effective buffering latency:"
380       << AudioTimestampHelper::FramesToTime(playback_threshold_,
381                                             samples_per_second_)
382       << clamp_string;
384   DCHECK_GE(playback_threshold_, min_playback_threshold_);
385   DCHECK_LE(playback_threshold_, capacity_);
386   DCHECK_LE(capacity_, max_capacity_);
387 }
IsQueueAdequateForPlayback()389 bool AudioRendererAlgorithm::IsQueueAdequateForPlayback() {
390   return audio_buffer_.frames() >= playback_threshold_;
391 }
IsQueueFull()393 bool AudioRendererAlgorithm::IsQueueFull() {
394   return audio_buffer_.frames() >= capacity_;
395 }
IncreasePlaybackThreshold()397 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::IncreasePlaybackThreshold() {
398   DCHECK(!latency_hint_) << "Don't override the user specified latency";
399   DCHECK_EQ(playback_threshold_, capacity_);
400   DCHECK_LE(capacity_, max_capacity_);
402   playback_threshold_ = capacity_ = std::min(2 * capacity_, max_capacity_);
403 }
GetMemoryUsage() const405 int64_t AudioRendererAlgorithm::GetMemoryUsage() const {
406   return BufferedFrames() * channels_ * sizeof(float);
407 }
BufferedFrames() const409 int AudioRendererAlgorithm::BufferedFrames() const {
410   return audio_buffer_.frames() +
411          (resampler_ ? static_cast<int>(resampler_->BufferedFrames()) : 0);
412 }
CanPerformWsola() const414 bool AudioRendererAlgorithm::CanPerformWsola() const {
415   const int search_block_size = num_candidate_blocks_ + (ola_window_size_ - 1);
416   const int frames = audio_buffer_.frames();
417   return target_block_index_ + ola_window_size_ <= frames &&
418       search_block_index_ + search_block_size <= frames;
419 }
RunOneWsolaIteration(double playback_rate)421 bool AudioRendererAlgorithm::RunOneWsolaIteration(double playback_rate) {
422   if (!CanPerformWsola())
423     return false;
425   GetOptimalBlock();
427   // Overlap-and-add.
428   for (int k = 0; k < channels_; ++k) {
429     if (!channel_mask_[k])
430       continue;
432     const float* const ch_opt_frame = optimal_block_->channel(k);
433     float* ch_output = wsola_output_->channel(k) + num_complete_frames_;
434     for (int n = 0; n < ola_hop_size_; ++n) {
435       ch_output[n] = ch_output[n] * ola_window_[ola_hop_size_ + n] +
436                      ch_opt_frame[n] * ola_window_[n];
437     }
439     // Copy the second half to the output.
440     memcpy(&ch_output[ola_hop_size_], &ch_opt_frame[ola_hop_size_],
441            sizeof(*ch_opt_frame) * ola_hop_size_);
442   }
444   num_complete_frames_ += ola_hop_size_;
445   UpdateOutputTime(playback_rate, ola_hop_size_);
446   RemoveOldInputFrames(playback_rate);
447   return true;
448 }
UpdateOutputTime(double playback_rate,double time_change)450 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::UpdateOutputTime(double playback_rate,
451                                               double time_change) {
452   output_time_ += time_change;
453   // Center of the search region, in frames.
454   const int search_block_center_index = static_cast<int>(
455       output_time_ * playback_rate + 0.5);
456   search_block_index_ = search_block_center_index - search_block_center_offset_;
457 }
RemoveOldInputFrames(double playback_rate)459 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::RemoveOldInputFrames(double playback_rate) {
460   const int earliest_used_index = std::min(target_block_index_,
461                                            search_block_index_);
462   if (earliest_used_index <= 0)
463     return;  // Nothing to remove.
465   // Remove frames from input and adjust indices accordingly.
466   audio_buffer_.SeekFrames(earliest_used_index);
467   target_block_index_ -= earliest_used_index;
469   // Adjust output index.
470   double output_time_change = static_cast<double>(earliest_used_index) /
471       playback_rate;
472   CHECK_GE(output_time_, output_time_change);
473   UpdateOutputTime(playback_rate, -output_time_change);
474 }
WriteCompletedFramesTo(int requested_frames,int dest_offset,AudioBus * dest)476 int AudioRendererAlgorithm::WriteCompletedFramesTo(
477     int requested_frames, int dest_offset, AudioBus* dest) {
478   int rendered_frames = std::min(num_complete_frames_, requested_frames);
480   if (rendered_frames == 0)
481     return 0;  // There is nothing to read from |wsola_output_|, return.
483   wsola_output_->CopyPartialFramesTo(0, rendered_frames, dest_offset, dest);
485   // Remove the frames which are read.
486   int frames_to_move = wsola_output_->frames() - rendered_frames;
487   for (int k = 0; k < channels_; ++k) {
488     if (!channel_mask_[k])
489       continue;
490     float* ch = wsola_output_->channel(k);
491     memmove(ch, &ch[rendered_frames], sizeof(*ch) * frames_to_move);
492   }
493   num_complete_frames_ -= rendered_frames;
494   return rendered_frames;
495 }
TargetIsWithinSearchRegion() const497 bool AudioRendererAlgorithm::TargetIsWithinSearchRegion() const {
498   const int search_block_size = num_candidate_blocks_ + (ola_window_size_ - 1);
500   return target_block_index_ >= search_block_index_ &&
501       target_block_index_ + ola_window_size_ <=
502       search_block_index_ + search_block_size;
503 }
GetOptimalBlock()505 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::GetOptimalBlock() {
506   int optimal_index = 0;
508   // An interval around last optimal block which is excluded from the search.
509   // This is to reduce the buzzy sound. The number 160 is rather arbitrary and
510   // derived heuristically.
511   const int kExcludeIntervalLengthFrames = 160;
512   if (TargetIsWithinSearchRegion()) {
513     optimal_index = target_block_index_;
514     PeekAudioWithZeroPrepend(optimal_index, optimal_block_.get());
515   } else {
516     PeekAudioWithZeroPrepend(target_block_index_, target_block_.get());
517     PeekAudioWithZeroPrepend(search_block_index_, search_block_.get());
518     int last_optimal =
519         target_block_index_ - ola_hop_size_ - search_block_index_;
520     internal::Interval exclude_interval =
521         std::make_pair(last_optimal - kExcludeIntervalLengthFrames / 2,
522                        last_optimal + kExcludeIntervalLengthFrames / 2);
524     // |optimal_index| is in frames and it is relative to the beginning of the
525     // |search_block_|.
526     optimal_index =
527         internal::OptimalIndex(search_block_wrapper_.get(),
528                                target_block_wrapper_.get(), exclude_interval);
530     // Translate |index| w.r.t. the beginning of |audio_buffer_| and extract the
531     // optimal block.
532     optimal_index += search_block_index_;
533     PeekAudioWithZeroPrepend(optimal_index, optimal_block_.get());
535     // Make a transition from target block to the optimal block if different.
536     // Target block has the best continuation to the current output.
537     // Optimal block is the most similar block to the target, however, it might
538     // introduce some discontinuity when over-lap-added. Therefore, we combine
539     // them for a smoother transition. The length of transition window is twice
540     // as that of the optimal-block which makes it like a weighting function
541     // where target-block has higher weight close to zero (weight of 1 at index
542     // 0) and lower weight close the end.
543     for (int k = 0; k < channels_; ++k) {
544       if (!channel_mask_[k])
545         continue;
546       float* ch_opt = optimal_block_->channel(k);
547       const float* const ch_target = target_block_->channel(k);
548       for (int n = 0; n < ola_window_size_; ++n) {
549         ch_opt[n] = ch_opt[n] * transition_window_[n] +
550                     ch_target[n] * transition_window_[ola_window_size_ + n];
551       }
552     }
553   }
555   // Next target is one hop ahead of the current optimal.
556   target_block_index_ = optimal_index + ola_hop_size_;
557 }
PeekAudioWithZeroPrepend(int read_offset_frames,AudioBus * dest)559 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::PeekAudioWithZeroPrepend(
560     int read_offset_frames, AudioBus* dest) {
561   CHECK_LE(read_offset_frames + dest->frames(), audio_buffer_.frames());
563   int write_offset = 0;
564   int num_frames_to_read = dest->frames();
565   if (read_offset_frames < 0) {
566     int num_zero_frames_appended = std::min(-read_offset_frames,
567                                             num_frames_to_read);
568     read_offset_frames = 0;
569     num_frames_to_read -= num_zero_frames_appended;
570     write_offset = num_zero_frames_appended;
571     dest->ZeroFrames(num_zero_frames_appended);
572   }
573   audio_buffer_.PeekFrames(num_frames_to_read, read_offset_frames,
574                            write_offset, dest);
575 }
CreateSearchWrappers()577 void AudioRendererAlgorithm::CreateSearchWrappers() {
578   // WSOLA is quite expensive to run, so if a channel mask exists, use it to
579   // reduce the size of our search space.
580   std::vector<float*> active_target_channels;
581   std::vector<float*> active_search_channels;
582   for (int ch = 0; ch < channels_; ++ch) {
583     if (channel_mask_[ch]) {
584       active_target_channels.push_back(target_block_->channel(ch));
585       active_search_channels.push_back(search_block_->channel(ch));
586     }
587   }
589   target_block_wrapper_ =
590       AudioBus::WrapVector(target_block_->frames(), active_target_channels);
591   search_block_wrapper_ =
592       AudioBus::WrapVector(search_block_->frames(), active_search_channels);
593 }
595 }  // namespace media