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Name Date Size #Lines LOC




BUILD.gnH A D07-Nov-20201.8 KiB6858

DEPSH A D07-Nov-2020146 65

LICENSEH A D07-Nov-2020376.5 KiB7,9446,573

OWNERSH A D07-Nov-2020179 108

README.chromiumH A D07-Nov-20202 KiB4638

controller_test_api_java.infoH A D07-Nov-2020327 1412

display_synchronizer_jni.hH A D07-Nov-20204.5 KiB152109

gvr_api_jni.hH A D07-Nov-202047.6 KiB1,7481,590

gvr_common_java.infoH A D07-Nov-20202.8 KiB1412

gvr_controller_java.infoH A D07-Nov-2020327 1412

libgvr_shim_static_arm64_1.a.sha1H A D07-Nov-202040 11

libgvr_shim_static_arm64_Cr.a.sha1H A D07-Nov-202040 11

libgvr_shim_static_arm64_ndk1.a.sha1H A D07-Nov-202040 11

libgvr_shim_static_arm_1.a.sha1H A D07-Nov-202040 11

libgvr_shim_static_arm_Cr.a.sha1H A D07-Nov-202040 11

libgvr_shim_static_arm_ndk1.a.sha1H A D07-Nov-202040 11

native_callbacks_jni.hH A D07-Nov-20208.8 KiB349293


1Name: GVR Android SDK
2Short Name: gvr
3URL: https://github.com/googlevr/gvr-android-sdk
4Version: 1.130.0
5Date: 1 March 2018
6Revision: 233e7fe922a543e0bc55382d64cacd047307d0e7
7License: Apache 2.0
8License File: LICENSE
9Security Critical: yes
12The GVR Android SDK supports both Daydream and Cardboard, including a simple API
13used for creating apps inserted into Cardboard viewers, and the more complex API
14for supporting Daydream-ready phones and the Daydream controller.
16Local Modifications:
17- Due to binary size concern, we have decided to use a static shim library
18instead of the shared library that comes with this checkout. The static
19libraries are downloaded from a public storage through gclient sync.
21- For Version 1.10.0, we have two date: 6 Dec 2016 and 10 Feb 2017. The latter
22version cherrypick a CL that fix a crash on K and L.
24- All JNI calls in the static library also needs to be manually registered. So
25we have 3 jni related files. These files were generated by
26base/android/jni_generator/jni_generator.py from Java files. Modifications to
27these generated files are documented in the files.
29 - The files generated by jni_generator.py use base::size which is not available
30 from third_party; std::extent<decltype> was used instead, which is standard C++
31 and available.
33- In order to run automated end-to-end tests on VR features, VR Services
34(com.google.vr.vrcore) and in some cases Daydream Home
35(com.google.android.vr.home) need to be installed before running tests. These
36are downloaded into test-apks/vr_services and test-apks/daydream_home,
37respectively. The downloaded APKs are the release APKs that are or were
38publicly available via the Play Store.
40- In order to run automated end-to-end tests that involve a Daydream controller,
41controller_test_api.aar needs to be present. This allows us to send controller
42events using broadcasts like a real controller sends them over Bluetooth. The
43library is open-sourced similar to the other .aars, but since it's only useful
44for Chromium at the moment, it is uploaded to storage instead of to GitHub like
45the GVR SDK.