1 /*
2  *  Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3  *
4  *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5  *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6  *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7  *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8  *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9  */
11 #include "modules/congestion_controller/bbr/bbr_network_controller.h"
13 #include <algorithm>
14 #include <array>
15 #include <string>
16 #include <vector>
18 #include "absl/base/macros.h"
19 #include "rtc_base/checks.h"
20 #include "rtc_base/logging.h"
21 #include "system_wrappers/include/field_trial.h"
23 namespace webrtc {
24 namespace bbr {
25 namespace {
27 // If greater than zero, mean RTT variation is multiplied by the specified
28 // factor and added to the congestion window limit.
29 const double kBbrRttVariationWeight = 0.0f;
31 // Congestion window gain for QUIC BBR during PROBE_BW phase.
32 const double kProbeBWCongestionWindowGain = 2.0f;
34 // The maximum packet size of any QUIC packet, based on ethernet's max size,
35 // minus the IP and UDP headers. IPv6 has a 40 byte header, UDP adds an
36 // additional 8 bytes.  This is a total overhead of 48 bytes.  Ethernet's
37 // max packet size is 1500 bytes,  1500 - 48 = 1452.
38 const DataSize kMaxPacketSize = DataSize::Bytes(1452);
40 // Default maximum packet size used in the Linux TCP implementation.
41 // Used in QUIC for congestion window computations in bytes.
42 constexpr DataSize kDefaultTCPMSS = DataSize::Bytes(1460);
43 // Constants based on TCP defaults.
44 constexpr DataSize kMaxSegmentSize = kDefaultTCPMSS;
46 // The gain used for the slow start, equal to 2/ln(2).
47 const double kHighGain = 2.885f;
48 // The gain used in STARTUP after loss has been detected.
49 // 1.5 is enough to allow for 25% exogenous loss and still observe a 25% growth
50 // in measured bandwidth.
51 const double kStartupAfterLossGain = 1.5;
52 // The gain used to drain the queue after the slow start.
53 const double kDrainGain = 1.f / kHighGain;
55 // The length of the gain cycle.
56 const size_t kGainCycleLength = 8;
57 // The size of the bandwidth filter window, in round-trips.
58 const BbrRoundTripCount kBandwidthWindowSize = kGainCycleLength + 2;
60 // The time after which the current min_rtt value expires.
61 constexpr int64_t kMinRttExpirySeconds = 10;
62 // The minimum time the connection can spend in PROBE_RTT mode.
63 constexpr int64_t kProbeRttTimeMs = 200;
64 // If the bandwidth does not increase by the factor of |kStartupGrowthTarget|
65 // within |kRoundTripsWithoutGrowthBeforeExitingStartup| rounds, the connection
66 // will exit the STARTUP mode.
67 const double kStartupGrowthTarget = 1.25;
68 // Coefficient to determine if a new RTT is sufficiently similar to min_rtt that
69 // we don't need to enter PROBE_RTT.
70 const double kSimilarMinRttThreshold = 1.125;
72 constexpr int64_t kInitialBandwidthKbps = 300;
74 const int64_t kInitialCongestionWindowPackets = 32;
75 // The minimum CWND to ensure delayed acks don't reduce bandwidth measurements.
76 // Does not inflate the pacing rate.
77 const int64_t kDefaultMinCongestionWindowPackets = 4;
78 const int64_t kDefaultMaxCongestionWindowPackets = 2000;
80 const char kBbrConfigTrial[] = "WebRTC-BweBbrConfig";
82 }  // namespace
BbrControllerConfig(std::string field_trial)84 BbrNetworkController::BbrControllerConfig::BbrControllerConfig(
85     std::string field_trial)
86     : probe_bw_pacing_gain_offset("probe_bw_pacing_gain_offset", 0.25),
87       encoder_rate_gain("encoder_rate_gain", 1),
88       encoder_rate_gain_in_probe_rtt("encoder_rate_gain_in_probe_rtt", 1),
89       exit_startup_rtt_threshold("exit_startup_rtt_threshold",
90                                  TimeDelta::PlusInfinity()),
91       initial_congestion_window(
92           "initial_cwin",
93           kInitialCongestionWindowPackets * kDefaultTCPMSS),
94       min_congestion_window(
95           "min_cwin",
96           kDefaultMinCongestionWindowPackets * kDefaultTCPMSS),
97       max_congestion_window(
98           "max_cwin",
99           kDefaultMaxCongestionWindowPackets * kDefaultTCPMSS),
100       probe_rtt_congestion_window_gain("probe_rtt_cwin_gain", 0.75),
101       pacing_rate_as_target("pacing_rate_as_target", false),
102       exit_startup_on_loss("exit_startup_on_loss", true),
103       num_startup_rtts("num_startup_rtts", 3),
104       rate_based_recovery("rate_based_recovery", false),
105       max_aggregation_bytes_multiplier("max_aggregation_bytes_multiplier", 0),
106       slower_startup("slower_startup", false),
107       rate_based_startup("rate_based_startup", false),
108       initial_conservation_in_startup("initial_conservation",
109                                       CONSERVATION,
110                                       {
111                                           {"NOT_IN_RECOVERY", NOT_IN_RECOVERY},
112                                           {"CONSERVATION", CONSERVATION},
113                                           {"MEDIUM_GROWTH", MEDIUM_GROWTH},
114                                           {"GROWTH", GROWTH},
115                                       }),
116       fully_drain_queue("fully_drain_queue", false),
117       max_ack_height_window_multiplier("max_ack_height_window_multiplier", 1),
118       probe_rtt_based_on_bdp("probe_rtt_based_on_bdp", false),
119       probe_rtt_skipped_if_similar_rtt("probe_rtt_skipped_if_similar_rtt",
120                                        false),
121       probe_rtt_disabled_if_app_limited("probe_rtt_disabled_if_app_limited",
122                                         false) {
123   ParseFieldTrial(
124       {
125           &exit_startup_on_loss,
126           &encoder_rate_gain,
127           &encoder_rate_gain_in_probe_rtt,
128           &exit_startup_rtt_threshold,
129           &fully_drain_queue,
130           &initial_congestion_window,
131           &initial_conservation_in_startup,
132           &max_ack_height_window_multiplier,
133           &max_aggregation_bytes_multiplier,
134           &max_congestion_window,
135           &min_congestion_window,
136           &num_startup_rtts,
137           &pacing_rate_as_target,
138           &probe_bw_pacing_gain_offset,
139           &probe_rtt_based_on_bdp,
140           &probe_rtt_congestion_window_gain,
141           &probe_rtt_disabled_if_app_limited,
142           &probe_rtt_skipped_if_similar_rtt,
143           &rate_based_recovery,
144           &rate_based_startup,
145           &slower_startup,
146       },
147       field_trial);
148 }
149 BbrNetworkController::BbrControllerConfig::~BbrControllerConfig() = default;
150 BbrNetworkController::BbrControllerConfig::BbrControllerConfig(
151     const BbrControllerConfig&) = default;
152 BbrNetworkController::BbrControllerConfig
FromTrial()153 BbrNetworkController::BbrControllerConfig::FromTrial() {
154   return BbrControllerConfig(
155       webrtc::field_trial::FindFullName(kBbrConfigTrial));
156 }
DebugState(const BbrNetworkController & sender)158 BbrNetworkController::DebugState::DebugState(const BbrNetworkController& sender)
159     : mode(sender.mode_),
160       max_bandwidth(sender.max_bandwidth_.GetBest()),
161       round_trip_count(sender.round_trip_count_),
162       gain_cycle_index(sender.cycle_current_offset_),
163       congestion_window(sender.congestion_window_),
164       is_at_full_bandwidth(sender.is_at_full_bandwidth_),
165       bandwidth_at_last_round(sender.bandwidth_at_last_round_),
166       rounds_without_bandwidth_gain(sender.rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_),
167       min_rtt(sender.min_rtt_),
168       min_rtt_timestamp(sender.min_rtt_timestamp_),
169       recovery_state(sender.recovery_state_),
170       recovery_window(sender.recovery_window_),
171       last_sample_is_app_limited(sender.last_sample_is_app_limited_),
172       end_of_app_limited_phase(sender.sampler_->end_of_app_limited_phase()) {}
174 BbrNetworkController::DebugState::DebugState(const DebugState& state) = default;
BbrNetworkController(NetworkControllerConfig config)176 BbrNetworkController::BbrNetworkController(NetworkControllerConfig config)
177     : config_(BbrControllerConfig::FromTrial()),
178       rtt_stats_(),
179       random_(10),
180       loss_rate_(),
181       mode_(STARTUP),
182       sampler_(new BandwidthSampler()),
183       round_trip_count_(0),
184       last_sent_packet_(0),
185       current_round_trip_end_(0),
186       max_bandwidth_(kBandwidthWindowSize, DataRate::Zero(), 0),
187       default_bandwidth_(DataRate::KilobitsPerSec(kInitialBandwidthKbps)),
188       max_ack_height_(kBandwidthWindowSize, DataSize::Zero(), 0),
189       aggregation_epoch_start_time_(),
190       aggregation_epoch_bytes_(DataSize::Zero()),
191       bytes_acked_since_queue_drained_(DataSize::Zero()),
192       max_aggregation_bytes_multiplier_(0),
193       min_rtt_(TimeDelta::Zero()),
194       last_rtt_(TimeDelta::Zero()),
195       min_rtt_timestamp_(Timestamp::MinusInfinity()),
196       congestion_window_(config_.initial_congestion_window),
197       initial_congestion_window_(config_.initial_congestion_window),
198       min_congestion_window_(config_.min_congestion_window),
199       max_congestion_window_(config_.max_congestion_window),
200       pacing_rate_(DataRate::Zero()),
201       pacing_gain_(1),
202       congestion_window_gain_constant_(kProbeBWCongestionWindowGain),
203       rtt_variance_weight_(kBbrRttVariationWeight),
204       cycle_current_offset_(0),
205       last_cycle_start_(Timestamp::MinusInfinity()),
206       is_at_full_bandwidth_(false),
207       rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_(0),
208       bandwidth_at_last_round_(DataRate::Zero()),
209       exiting_quiescence_(false),
210       exit_probe_rtt_at_(),
211       probe_rtt_round_passed_(false),
212       last_sample_is_app_limited_(false),
213       recovery_state_(NOT_IN_RECOVERY),
214       end_recovery_at_(),
215       recovery_window_(max_congestion_window_),
216       app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_(false),
217       min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_(TimeDelta::PlusInfinity()) {
218   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Creating BBR controller";
219   if (config.constraints.starting_rate)
220     default_bandwidth_ = *config.constraints.starting_rate;
221   constraints_ = config.constraints;
222   Reset();
223 }
~BbrNetworkController()225 BbrNetworkController::~BbrNetworkController() {}
Reset()227 void BbrNetworkController::Reset() {
228   round_trip_count_ = 0;
229   rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_ = 0;
230   if (config_.num_startup_rtts > 0) {
231     is_at_full_bandwidth_ = false;
232     EnterStartupMode();
233   } else {
234     is_at_full_bandwidth_ = true;
235     EnterProbeBandwidthMode(constraints_->at_time);
236   }
237 }
CreateRateUpdate(Timestamp at_time) const239 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::CreateRateUpdate(
240     Timestamp at_time) const {
241   DataRate bandwidth = BandwidthEstimate();
242   if (bandwidth.IsZero())
243     bandwidth = default_bandwidth_;
244   TimeDelta rtt = GetMinRtt();
245   DataRate pacing_rate = PacingRate();
246   DataRate target_rate =
247       config_.pacing_rate_as_target ? pacing_rate : bandwidth;
249   if (mode_ == PROBE_RTT)
250     target_rate = target_rate * config_.encoder_rate_gain_in_probe_rtt;
251   else
252     target_rate = target_rate * config_.encoder_rate_gain;
253   target_rate = std::min(target_rate, pacing_rate);
255   if (constraints_) {
256     if (constraints_->max_data_rate) {
257       target_rate = std::min(target_rate, *constraints_->max_data_rate);
258       pacing_rate = std::min(pacing_rate, *constraints_->max_data_rate);
259     }
260     if (constraints_->min_data_rate) {
261       target_rate = std::max(target_rate, *constraints_->min_data_rate);
262       pacing_rate = std::max(pacing_rate, *constraints_->min_data_rate);
263     }
264   }
266   NetworkControlUpdate update;
268   TargetTransferRate target_rate_msg;
269   target_rate_msg.network_estimate.at_time = at_time;
270   target_rate_msg.network_estimate.round_trip_time = rtt;
272   // TODO(srte): Fill in field below with proper value.
273   target_rate_msg.network_estimate.loss_rate_ratio = 0;
274   // In in PROBE_BW, target bandwidth is expected to vary over the cycle period.
275   // In other modes the is no given period, therefore the same value as in
276   // PROBE_BW is used for consistency.
277   target_rate_msg.network_estimate.bwe_period =
278       rtt * static_cast<int64_t>(kGainCycleLength);
280   target_rate_msg.target_rate = target_rate;
281   target_rate_msg.at_time = at_time;
282   update.target_rate = target_rate_msg;
284   PacerConfig pacer_config;
285   // A small time window ensures an even pacing rate.
286   pacer_config.time_window = rtt * 0.25;
287   pacer_config.data_window = pacer_config.time_window * pacing_rate;
289   if (IsProbingForMoreBandwidth())
290     pacer_config.pad_window = pacer_config.data_window;
291   else
292     pacer_config.pad_window = DataSize::Zero();
294   pacer_config.at_time = at_time;
295   update.pacer_config = pacer_config;
297   update.congestion_window = GetCongestionWindow();
298   return update;
299 }
OnNetworkAvailability(NetworkAvailability msg)301 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnNetworkAvailability(
302     NetworkAvailability msg) {
303   Reset();
304   rtt_stats_.OnConnectionMigration();
305   return CreateRateUpdate(msg.at_time);
306 }
OnNetworkRouteChange(NetworkRouteChange msg)308 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnNetworkRouteChange(
309     NetworkRouteChange msg) {
310   constraints_ = msg.constraints;
311   Reset();
312   if (msg.constraints.starting_rate)
313     default_bandwidth_ = *msg.constraints.starting_rate;
315   rtt_stats_.OnConnectionMigration();
316   return CreateRateUpdate(msg.at_time);
317 }
OnProcessInterval(ProcessInterval msg)319 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnProcessInterval(
320     ProcessInterval msg) {
321   return CreateRateUpdate(msg.at_time);
322 }
OnStreamsConfig(StreamsConfig msg)324 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnStreamsConfig(StreamsConfig msg) {
325   return NetworkControlUpdate();
326 }
OnTargetRateConstraints(TargetRateConstraints msg)328 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnTargetRateConstraints(
329     TargetRateConstraints msg) {
330   constraints_ = msg;
331   return CreateRateUpdate(msg.at_time);
332 }
InSlowStart() const334 bool BbrNetworkController::InSlowStart() const {
335   return mode_ == STARTUP;
336 }
OnSentPacket(SentPacket msg)338 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnSentPacket(SentPacket msg) {
339   last_sent_packet_ = msg.sequence_number;
341   if (msg.data_in_flight.IsZero() && sampler_->is_app_limited()) {
342     exiting_quiescence_ = true;
343   }
345   if (!aggregation_epoch_start_time_) {
346     aggregation_epoch_start_time_ = msg.send_time;
347   }
349   sampler_->OnPacketSent(msg.send_time, msg.sequence_number, msg.size,
350                          msg.data_in_flight);
351   return NetworkControlUpdate();
352 }
CanSend(DataSize bytes_in_flight)354 bool BbrNetworkController::CanSend(DataSize bytes_in_flight) {
355   return bytes_in_flight < GetCongestionWindow();
356 }
PacingRate() const358 DataRate BbrNetworkController::PacingRate() const {
359   if (pacing_rate_.IsZero()) {
360     return kHighGain * initial_congestion_window_ / GetMinRtt();
361   }
362   return pacing_rate_;
363 }
BandwidthEstimate() const365 DataRate BbrNetworkController::BandwidthEstimate() const {
366   return max_bandwidth_.GetBest();
367 }
GetCongestionWindow() const369 DataSize BbrNetworkController::GetCongestionWindow() const {
370   if (mode_ == PROBE_RTT) {
371     return ProbeRttCongestionWindow();
372   }
374   if (InRecovery() && !config_.rate_based_recovery &&
375       !(config_.rate_based_startup && mode_ == STARTUP)) {
376     return std::min(congestion_window_, recovery_window_);
377   }
379   return congestion_window_;
380 }
GetPacingGain(int round_offset) const382 double BbrNetworkController::GetPacingGain(int round_offset) const {
383   if (round_offset == 0)
384     return 1 + config_.probe_bw_pacing_gain_offset;
385   else if (round_offset == 1)
386     return 1 - config_.probe_bw_pacing_gain_offset;
387   else
388     return 1;
389 }
InRecovery() const391 bool BbrNetworkController::InRecovery() const {
392   return recovery_state_ != NOT_IN_RECOVERY;
393 }
IsProbingForMoreBandwidth() const395 bool BbrNetworkController::IsProbingForMoreBandwidth() const {
396   return (mode_ == PROBE_BW && pacing_gain_ > 1) || mode_ == STARTUP;
397 }
OnTransportPacketsFeedback(TransportPacketsFeedback msg)399 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnTransportPacketsFeedback(
400     TransportPacketsFeedback msg) {
401   if (msg.packet_feedbacks.empty())
402     return NetworkControlUpdate();
404   Timestamp feedback_recv_time = msg.feedback_time;
405   SentPacket last_sent_packet = msg.PacketsWithFeedback().back().sent_packet;
407   Timestamp send_time = last_sent_packet.send_time;
408   TimeDelta send_delta = feedback_recv_time - send_time;
409   rtt_stats_.UpdateRtt(send_delta, TimeDelta::Zero(), feedback_recv_time);
411   const DataSize total_data_acked_before = sampler_->total_data_acked();
413   bool is_round_start = false;
414   bool min_rtt_expired = false;
416   std::vector<PacketResult> lost_packets = msg.LostWithSendInfo();
417   DiscardLostPackets(lost_packets);
419   std::vector<PacketResult> acked_packets = msg.ReceivedWithSendInfo();
421   int packets_sent =
422       static_cast<int>(lost_packets.size() + acked_packets.size());
423   int packets_lost = static_cast<int>(lost_packets.size());
424   loss_rate_.UpdateWithLossStatus(msg.feedback_time.ms(), packets_sent,
425                                   packets_lost);
427   // Input the new data into the BBR model of the connection.
428   if (!acked_packets.empty()) {
429     int64_t last_acked_packet =
430         acked_packets.rbegin()->sent_packet.sequence_number;
432     is_round_start = UpdateRoundTripCounter(last_acked_packet);
433     min_rtt_expired =
434         UpdateBandwidthAndMinRtt(msg.feedback_time, acked_packets);
435     UpdateRecoveryState(last_acked_packet, !lost_packets.empty(),
436                         is_round_start);
438     const DataSize data_acked =
439         sampler_->total_data_acked() - total_data_acked_before;
441     UpdateAckAggregationBytes(msg.feedback_time, data_acked);
442     if (max_aggregation_bytes_multiplier_ > 0) {
443       if (msg.data_in_flight <=
444           1.25 * GetTargetCongestionWindow(pacing_gain_)) {
445         bytes_acked_since_queue_drained_ = DataSize::Zero();
446       } else {
447         bytes_acked_since_queue_drained_ += data_acked;
448       }
449     }
450   }
452   // Handle logic specific to PROBE_BW mode.
453   if (mode_ == PROBE_BW) {
454     UpdateGainCyclePhase(msg.feedback_time, msg.prior_in_flight,
455                          !lost_packets.empty());
456   }
458   // Handle logic specific to STARTUP and DRAIN modes.
459   if (is_round_start && !is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
460     CheckIfFullBandwidthReached();
461   }
462   MaybeExitStartupOrDrain(msg);
464   // Handle logic specific to PROBE_RTT.
465   MaybeEnterOrExitProbeRtt(msg, is_round_start, min_rtt_expired);
467   // Calculate number of packets acked and lost.
468   DataSize data_acked = sampler_->total_data_acked() - total_data_acked_before;
469   DataSize data_lost = DataSize::Zero();
470   for (const PacketResult& packet : lost_packets) {
471     data_lost += packet.sent_packet.size;
472   }
474   // After the model is updated, recalculate the pacing rate and congestion
475   // window.
476   CalculatePacingRate();
477   CalculateCongestionWindow(data_acked);
478   CalculateRecoveryWindow(data_acked, data_lost, msg.data_in_flight);
479   // Cleanup internal state.
480   if (!acked_packets.empty()) {
481     sampler_->RemoveObsoletePackets(
482         acked_packets.back().sent_packet.sequence_number);
483   }
484   return CreateRateUpdate(msg.feedback_time);
485 }
OnRemoteBitrateReport(RemoteBitrateReport msg)487 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnRemoteBitrateReport(
488     RemoteBitrateReport msg) {
489   return NetworkControlUpdate();
490 }
OnRoundTripTimeUpdate(RoundTripTimeUpdate msg)491 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnRoundTripTimeUpdate(
492     RoundTripTimeUpdate msg) {
493   return NetworkControlUpdate();
494 }
OnTransportLossReport(TransportLossReport msg)495 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnTransportLossReport(
496     TransportLossReport msg) {
497   return NetworkControlUpdate();
498 }
OnReceivedPacket(ReceivedPacket msg)500 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnReceivedPacket(
501     ReceivedPacket msg) {
502   return NetworkControlUpdate();
503 }
OnNetworkStateEstimate(NetworkStateEstimate msg)505 NetworkControlUpdate BbrNetworkController::OnNetworkStateEstimate(
506     NetworkStateEstimate msg) {
507   return NetworkControlUpdate();
508 }
GetMinRtt() const510 TimeDelta BbrNetworkController::GetMinRtt() const {
511   return !min_rtt_.IsZero() ? min_rtt_
512                             : TimeDelta::Micros(rtt_stats_.initial_rtt_us());
513 }
GetTargetCongestionWindow(double gain) const515 DataSize BbrNetworkController::GetTargetCongestionWindow(double gain) const {
516   DataSize bdp = GetMinRtt() * BandwidthEstimate();
517   DataSize congestion_window = gain * bdp;
519   // BDP estimate will be zero if no bandwidth samples are available yet.
520   if (congestion_window.IsZero()) {
521     congestion_window = gain * initial_congestion_window_;
522   }
524   return std::max(congestion_window, min_congestion_window_);
525 }
ProbeRttCongestionWindow() const527 DataSize BbrNetworkController::ProbeRttCongestionWindow() const {
528   if (config_.probe_rtt_based_on_bdp) {
529     return GetTargetCongestionWindow(config_.probe_rtt_congestion_window_gain);
530   }
531   return min_congestion_window_;
532 }
EnterStartupMode()534 void BbrNetworkController::EnterStartupMode() {
535   mode_ = STARTUP;
536   pacing_gain_ = kHighGain;
537   congestion_window_gain_ = kHighGain;
538 }
EnterProbeBandwidthMode(Timestamp now)540 void BbrNetworkController::EnterProbeBandwidthMode(Timestamp now) {
541   mode_ = PROBE_BW;
542   congestion_window_gain_ = congestion_window_gain_constant_;
544   // Pick a random offset for the gain cycle out of {0, 2..7} range. 1 is
545   // excluded because in that case increased gain and decreased gain would not
546   // follow each other.
547   cycle_current_offset_ = random_.Rand(kGainCycleLength - 2);
548   if (cycle_current_offset_ >= 1) {
549     cycle_current_offset_ += 1;
550   }
552   last_cycle_start_ = now;
553   pacing_gain_ = GetPacingGain(cycle_current_offset_);
554 }
DiscardLostPackets(const std::vector<PacketResult> & lost_packets)556 void BbrNetworkController::DiscardLostPackets(
557     const std::vector<PacketResult>& lost_packets) {
558   for (const PacketResult& packet : lost_packets) {
559     sampler_->OnPacketLost(packet.sent_packet.sequence_number);
560   }
561 }
UpdateRoundTripCounter(int64_t last_acked_packet)563 bool BbrNetworkController::UpdateRoundTripCounter(int64_t last_acked_packet) {
564   if (last_acked_packet > current_round_trip_end_) {
565     round_trip_count_++;
566     current_round_trip_end_ = last_sent_packet_;
567     return true;
568   }
570   return false;
571 }
UpdateBandwidthAndMinRtt(Timestamp now,const std::vector<PacketResult> & acked_packets)573 bool BbrNetworkController::UpdateBandwidthAndMinRtt(
574     Timestamp now,
575     const std::vector<PacketResult>& acked_packets) {
576   TimeDelta sample_rtt = TimeDelta::PlusInfinity();
577   for (const auto& packet : acked_packets) {
578     BandwidthSample bandwidth_sample =
579         sampler_->OnPacketAcknowledged(now, packet.sent_packet.sequence_number);
580     last_sample_is_app_limited_ = bandwidth_sample.is_app_limited;
581     if (!bandwidth_sample.rtt.IsZero()) {
582       sample_rtt = std::min(sample_rtt, bandwidth_sample.rtt);
583     }
585     if (!bandwidth_sample.is_app_limited ||
586         bandwidth_sample.bandwidth > BandwidthEstimate()) {
587       max_bandwidth_.Update(bandwidth_sample.bandwidth, round_trip_count_);
588     }
589   }
591   // If none of the RTT samples are valid, return immediately.
592   if (sample_rtt.IsInfinite()) {
593     return false;
594   }
596   last_rtt_ = sample_rtt;
597   min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_ =
598       std::min(min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_, sample_rtt);
600   const TimeDelta kMinRttExpiry = TimeDelta::Seconds(kMinRttExpirySeconds);
601   // Do not expire min_rtt if none was ever available.
602   bool min_rtt_expired =
603       !min_rtt_.IsZero() && (now > (min_rtt_timestamp_ + kMinRttExpiry));
605   if (min_rtt_expired || sample_rtt < min_rtt_ || min_rtt_.IsZero()) {
606     if (ShouldExtendMinRttExpiry()) {
607       min_rtt_expired = false;
608     } else {
609       min_rtt_ = sample_rtt;
610     }
611     min_rtt_timestamp_ = now;
612     // Reset since_last_probe_rtt fields.
613     min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_ = TimeDelta::PlusInfinity();
614     app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_ = false;
615   }
617   return min_rtt_expired;
618 }
ShouldExtendMinRttExpiry() const620 bool BbrNetworkController::ShouldExtendMinRttExpiry() const {
621   if (config_.probe_rtt_disabled_if_app_limited &&
622       app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_) {
623     // Extend the current min_rtt if we've been app limited recently.
624     return true;
625   }
626   const bool min_rtt_increased_since_last_probe =
627       min_rtt_since_last_probe_rtt_ > min_rtt_ * kSimilarMinRttThreshold;
628   if (config_.probe_rtt_skipped_if_similar_rtt &&
629       app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_ &&
630       !min_rtt_increased_since_last_probe) {
631     // Extend the current min_rtt if we've been app limited recently and an rtt
632     // has been measured in that time that's less than 12.5% more than the
633     // current min_rtt.
634     return true;
635   }
636   return false;
637 }
UpdateGainCyclePhase(Timestamp now,DataSize prior_in_flight,bool has_losses)639 void BbrNetworkController::UpdateGainCyclePhase(Timestamp now,
640                                                 DataSize prior_in_flight,
641                                                 bool has_losses) {
642   // In most cases, the cycle is advanced after an RTT passes.
643   bool should_advance_gain_cycling = now - last_cycle_start_ > GetMinRtt();
645   // If the pacing gain is above 1.0, the connection is trying to probe the
646   // bandwidth by increasing the number of bytes in flight to at least
647   // pacing_gain * BDP.  Make sure that it actually reaches the target, as long
648   // as there are no losses suggesting that the buffers are not able to hold
649   // that much.
650   if (pacing_gain_ > 1.0 && !has_losses &&
651       prior_in_flight < GetTargetCongestionWindow(pacing_gain_)) {
652     should_advance_gain_cycling = false;
653   }
655   // If pacing gain is below 1.0, the connection is trying to drain the extra
656   // queue which could have been incurred by probing prior to it.  If the number
657   // of bytes in flight falls down to the estimated BDP value earlier, conclude
658   // that the queue has been successfully drained and exit this cycle early.
659   if (pacing_gain_ < 1.0 && prior_in_flight <= GetTargetCongestionWindow(1)) {
660     should_advance_gain_cycling = true;
661   }
663   if (should_advance_gain_cycling) {
664     cycle_current_offset_ = (cycle_current_offset_ + 1) % kGainCycleLength;
665     last_cycle_start_ = now;
666     // Stay in low gain mode until the target BDP is hit.
667     // Low gain mode will be exited immediately when the target BDP is achieved.
668     if (config_.fully_drain_queue && pacing_gain_ < 1 &&
669         GetPacingGain(cycle_current_offset_) == 1 &&
670         prior_in_flight > GetTargetCongestionWindow(1)) {
671       return;
672     }
673     pacing_gain_ = GetPacingGain(cycle_current_offset_);
674   }
675 }
CheckIfFullBandwidthReached()677 void BbrNetworkController::CheckIfFullBandwidthReached() {
678   if (last_sample_is_app_limited_) {
679     return;
680   }
682   DataRate target = bandwidth_at_last_round_ * kStartupGrowthTarget;
683   if (BandwidthEstimate() >= target) {
684     bandwidth_at_last_round_ = BandwidthEstimate();
685     rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_ = 0;
686     return;
687   }
689   rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_++;
690   if ((rounds_without_bandwidth_gain_ >= config_.num_startup_rtts) ||
691       (config_.exit_startup_on_loss && InRecovery())) {
692     is_at_full_bandwidth_ = true;
693   }
694 }
MaybeExitStartupOrDrain(const TransportPacketsFeedback & msg)696 void BbrNetworkController::MaybeExitStartupOrDrain(
697     const TransportPacketsFeedback& msg) {
698   TimeDelta exit_threshold = config_.exit_startup_rtt_threshold;
699   TimeDelta rtt_delta = last_rtt_ - min_rtt_;
700   if (mode_ == STARTUP &&
701       (is_at_full_bandwidth_ || rtt_delta > exit_threshold)) {
702     if (rtt_delta > exit_threshold)
703       RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Exiting startup due to rtt increase from: "
704                        << ToString(min_rtt_) << " to:" << ToString(last_rtt_)
705                        << " > " << ToString(min_rtt_ + exit_threshold);
706     mode_ = DRAIN;
707     pacing_gain_ = kDrainGain;
708     congestion_window_gain_ = kHighGain;
709   }
710   if (mode_ == DRAIN && msg.data_in_flight <= GetTargetCongestionWindow(1)) {
711     EnterProbeBandwidthMode(msg.feedback_time);
712   }
713 }
MaybeEnterOrExitProbeRtt(const TransportPacketsFeedback & msg,bool is_round_start,bool min_rtt_expired)715 void BbrNetworkController::MaybeEnterOrExitProbeRtt(
716     const TransportPacketsFeedback& msg,
717     bool is_round_start,
718     bool min_rtt_expired) {
719   if (min_rtt_expired && !exiting_quiescence_ && mode_ != PROBE_RTT) {
720     mode_ = PROBE_RTT;
721     pacing_gain_ = 1;
722     // Do not decide on the time to exit PROBE_RTT until the |bytes_in_flight|
723     // is at the target small value.
724     exit_probe_rtt_at_.reset();
725   }
727   if (mode_ == PROBE_RTT) {
728     sampler_->OnAppLimited();
730     if (!exit_probe_rtt_at_) {
731       // If the window has reached the appropriate size, schedule exiting
732       // PROBE_RTT.  The CWND during PROBE_RTT is kMinimumCongestionWindow, but
733       // we allow an extra packet since QUIC checks CWND before sending a
734       // packet.
735       if (msg.data_in_flight < ProbeRttCongestionWindow() + kMaxPacketSize) {
736         exit_probe_rtt_at_ =
737             msg.feedback_time + TimeDelta::Millis(kProbeRttTimeMs);
738         probe_rtt_round_passed_ = false;
739       }
740     } else {
741       if (is_round_start) {
742         probe_rtt_round_passed_ = true;
743       }
744       if (msg.feedback_time >= *exit_probe_rtt_at_ && probe_rtt_round_passed_) {
745         min_rtt_timestamp_ = msg.feedback_time;
746         if (!is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
747           EnterStartupMode();
748         } else {
749           EnterProbeBandwidthMode(msg.feedback_time);
750         }
751       }
752     }
753   }
755   exiting_quiescence_ = false;
756 }
UpdateRecoveryState(int64_t last_acked_packet,bool has_losses,bool is_round_start)758 void BbrNetworkController::UpdateRecoveryState(int64_t last_acked_packet,
759                                                bool has_losses,
760                                                bool is_round_start) {
761   // Exit recovery when there are no losses for a round.
762   if (has_losses) {
763     end_recovery_at_ = last_sent_packet_;
764   }
766   switch (recovery_state_) {
767     case NOT_IN_RECOVERY:
768       // Enter conservation on the first loss.
769       if (has_losses) {
770         recovery_state_ = CONSERVATION;
771         if (mode_ == STARTUP) {
772           recovery_state_ = config_.initial_conservation_in_startup;
773         }
774         // This will cause the |recovery_window_| to be set to the correct
775         // value in CalculateRecoveryWindow().
776         recovery_window_ = DataSize::Zero();
777         // Since the conservation phase is meant to be lasting for a whole
778         // round, extend the current round as if it were started right now.
779         current_round_trip_end_ = last_sent_packet_;
780       }
781       break;
783     case CONSERVATION:
784     case MEDIUM_GROWTH:
785       if (is_round_start) {
786         recovery_state_ = GROWTH;
787       }
789     case GROWTH:
790       // Exit recovery if appropriate.
791       if (!has_losses &&
792           (!end_recovery_at_ || last_acked_packet > *end_recovery_at_)) {
793         recovery_state_ = NOT_IN_RECOVERY;
794       }
796       break;
797   }
798 }
UpdateAckAggregationBytes(Timestamp ack_time,DataSize newly_acked_bytes)800 void BbrNetworkController::UpdateAckAggregationBytes(
801     Timestamp ack_time,
802     DataSize newly_acked_bytes) {
803   if (!aggregation_epoch_start_time_) {
805         << "Received feedback before information about sent packets.";
806     RTC_DCHECK(aggregation_epoch_start_time_.has_value());
807     return;
808   }
809   // Compute how many bytes are expected to be delivered, assuming max bandwidth
810   // is correct.
811   DataSize expected_bytes_acked =
812       max_bandwidth_.GetBest() * (ack_time - *aggregation_epoch_start_time_);
813   // Reset the current aggregation epoch as soon as the ack arrival rate is less
814   // than or equal to the max bandwidth.
815   if (aggregation_epoch_bytes_ <= expected_bytes_acked) {
816     // Reset to start measuring a new aggregation epoch.
817     aggregation_epoch_bytes_ = newly_acked_bytes;
818     aggregation_epoch_start_time_ = ack_time;
819     return;
820   }
822   // Compute how many extra bytes were delivered vs max bandwidth.
823   // Include the bytes most recently acknowledged to account for stretch acks.
824   aggregation_epoch_bytes_ += newly_acked_bytes;
825   max_ack_height_.Update(aggregation_epoch_bytes_ - expected_bytes_acked,
826                          round_trip_count_);
827 }
CalculatePacingRate()829 void BbrNetworkController::CalculatePacingRate() {
830   if (BandwidthEstimate().IsZero()) {
831     return;
832   }
834   DataRate target_rate = pacing_gain_ * BandwidthEstimate();
835   if (config_.rate_based_recovery && InRecovery()) {
836     pacing_rate_ = pacing_gain_ * max_bandwidth_.GetThirdBest();
837   }
838   if (is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
839     pacing_rate_ = target_rate;
840     return;
841   }
843   // Pace at the rate of initial_window / RTT as soon as RTT measurements are
844   // available.
845   if (pacing_rate_.IsZero() && !rtt_stats_.min_rtt().IsZero()) {
846     pacing_rate_ = initial_congestion_window_ / rtt_stats_.min_rtt();
847     return;
848   }
849   // Slow the pacing rate in STARTUP once loss has ever been detected.
850   const bool has_ever_detected_loss = end_recovery_at_.has_value();
851   if (config_.slower_startup && has_ever_detected_loss) {
852     pacing_rate_ = kStartupAfterLossGain * BandwidthEstimate();
853     return;
854   }
856   // Do not decrease the pacing rate during the startup.
857   pacing_rate_ = std::max(pacing_rate_, target_rate);
858 }
CalculateCongestionWindow(DataSize bytes_acked)860 void BbrNetworkController::CalculateCongestionWindow(DataSize bytes_acked) {
861   if (mode_ == PROBE_RTT) {
862     return;
863   }
865   DataSize target_window = GetTargetCongestionWindow(congestion_window_gain_);
867   if (rtt_variance_weight_ > 0.f && !BandwidthEstimate().IsZero()) {
868     target_window += rtt_variance_weight_ * rtt_stats_.mean_deviation() *
869                      BandwidthEstimate();
870   } else if (max_aggregation_bytes_multiplier_ > 0 && is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
871     // Subtracting only half the bytes_acked_since_queue_drained ensures sending
872     // doesn't completely stop for a long period of time if the queue hasn't
873     // been drained recently.
874     if (max_aggregation_bytes_multiplier_ * max_ack_height_.GetBest() >
875         bytes_acked_since_queue_drained_ / 2) {
876       target_window +=
877           max_aggregation_bytes_multiplier_ * max_ack_height_.GetBest() -
878           bytes_acked_since_queue_drained_ / 2;
879     }
880   } else if (is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
881     target_window += max_ack_height_.GetBest();
882   }
884   // Instead of immediately setting the target CWND as the new one, BBR grows
885   // the CWND towards |target_window| by only increasing it |bytes_acked| at a
886   // time.
887   if (is_at_full_bandwidth_) {
888     congestion_window_ =
889         std::min(target_window, congestion_window_ + bytes_acked);
890   } else if (congestion_window_ < target_window ||
891              sampler_->total_data_acked() < initial_congestion_window_) {
892     // If the connection is not yet out of startup phase, do not decrease the
893     // window.
894     congestion_window_ = congestion_window_ + bytes_acked;
895   }
897   // Enforce the limits on the congestion window.
898   congestion_window_ = std::max(congestion_window_, min_congestion_window_);
899   congestion_window_ = std::min(congestion_window_, max_congestion_window_);
900 }
CalculateRecoveryWindow(DataSize bytes_acked,DataSize bytes_lost,DataSize bytes_in_flight)902 void BbrNetworkController::CalculateRecoveryWindow(DataSize bytes_acked,
903                                                    DataSize bytes_lost,
904                                                    DataSize bytes_in_flight) {
905   if (config_.rate_based_recovery ||
906       (config_.rate_based_startup && mode_ == STARTUP)) {
907     return;
908   }
910   if (recovery_state_ == NOT_IN_RECOVERY) {
911     return;
912   }
914   // Set up the initial recovery window.
915   if (recovery_window_.IsZero()) {
916     recovery_window_ = bytes_in_flight + bytes_acked;
917     recovery_window_ = std::max(min_congestion_window_, recovery_window_);
918     return;
919   }
921   // Remove losses from the recovery window, while accounting for a potential
922   // integer underflow.
923   recovery_window_ = recovery_window_ >= bytes_lost
924                          ? recovery_window_ - bytes_lost
925                          : kMaxSegmentSize;
927   // In CONSERVATION mode, just subtracting losses is sufficient.  In GROWTH,
928   // release additional |bytes_acked| to achieve a slow-start-like behavior.
929   // In MEDIUM_GROWTH, release |bytes_acked| / 2 to split the difference.
930   if (recovery_state_ == GROWTH) {
931     recovery_window_ += bytes_acked;
932   } else if (recovery_state_ == MEDIUM_GROWTH) {
933     recovery_window_ += bytes_acked / 2;
934   }
936   // Sanity checks.  Ensure that we always allow to send at least
937   // |bytes_acked| in response.
938   recovery_window_ = std::max(recovery_window_, bytes_in_flight + bytes_acked);
939   recovery_window_ = std::max(min_congestion_window_, recovery_window_);
940 }
OnApplicationLimited(DataSize bytes_in_flight)942 void BbrNetworkController::OnApplicationLimited(DataSize bytes_in_flight) {
943   if (bytes_in_flight >= GetCongestionWindow()) {
944     return;
945   }
947   app_limited_since_last_probe_rtt_ = true;
948   sampler_->OnAppLimited();
950   RTC_LOG(LS_INFO) << "Becoming application limited. Last sent packet: "
951                    << last_sent_packet_
952                    << ", CWND: " << ToString(GetCongestionWindow());
953 }
954 }  // namespace bbr
955 }  // namespace webrtc