1#!/usr/bin/env vpython
2# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6""" A utility to generate an up-to-date orderfile.
8The orderfile is used by the linker to order text sections such that the
9sections are placed consecutively in the order specified. This allows us
10to page in less code during start-up.
12Example usage:
13  tools/cygprofile/orderfile_generator_backend.py -l 20 -j 1000 --use-goma \
14    --target-arch=arm
17from __future__ import print_function
19import argparse
20import hashlib
21import json
22import glob
23import logging
24import os
25import shutil
26import subprocess
27import sys
28import tempfile
29import time
31import cluster
32import cyglog_to_orderfile
33import patch_orderfile
34import process_profiles
35import profile_android_startup
36import symbol_extractor
38_SRC_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), os.pardir, os.pardir)
39sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'third_party', 'catapult', 'devil'))
40from devil.android import device_utils
41from devil.android.sdk import version_codes
44_SRC_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),
45                         os.pardir, os.pardir)
46sys.path.append(os.path.join(_SRC_PATH, 'build', 'android'))
47import devil_chromium
48from pylib import constants
51# Needs to happen early for GetBuildType()/GetOutDirectory() to work correctly
55# Architecture specific GN args. Trying to build an orderfile for an
56# architecture not listed here will eventually throw.
58    'arm': [ 'target_cpu = "arm"' ],
59    'arm64': [ 'target_cpu = "arm64"',
60               'android_64bit_browser = true'],
63class CommandError(Exception):
64  """Indicates that a dispatched shell command exited with a non-zero status."""
66  def __init__(self, value):
67    super(CommandError, self).__init__()
68    self.value = value
70  def __str__(self):
71    return repr(self.value)
74def _GenerateHash(file_path):
75  """Calculates and returns the hash of the file at file_path."""
76  sha1 = hashlib.sha1()
77  with open(file_path, 'rb') as f:
78    while True:
79      # Read in 1mb chunks, so it doesn't all have to be loaded into memory.
80      chunk = f.read(1024 * 1024)
81      if not chunk:
82        break
83      sha1.update(chunk)
84  return sha1.hexdigest()
87def _GetFileExtension(file_name):
88  """Calculates the file extension from a file name.
90  Args:
91    file_name: The source file name.
92  Returns:
93    The part of file_name after the dot (.) or None if the file has no
94    extension.
95    Examples: /home/user/foo.bar     -> bar
96              /home/user.name/foo    -> None
97              /home/user/.foo        -> None
98              /home/user/foo.bar.baz -> baz
99  """
100  file_name_parts = os.path.basename(file_name).split('.')
101  if len(file_name_parts) > 1:
102    return file_name_parts[-1]
103  else:
104    return None
107def _StashOutputDirectory(buildpath):
108  """Takes the output directory and stashes it in the default output directory.
110  This allows it to be used for incremental builds next time (after unstashing)
111  by keeping it in a place that isn't deleted normally, while also ensuring
112  that it is properly clobbered when appropriate.
114  This is a dirty hack to deal with the needs of clobbering while also handling
115  incremental builds and the hardcoded relative paths used in some of the
116  project files.
118  Args:
119    buildpath: The path where the building happens.  If this corresponds to the
120               default output directory, no action is taken.
121  """
122  if os.path.abspath(buildpath) == os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(
123      constants.GetOutDirectory())):
124    return
125  name = os.path.basename(buildpath)
126  stashpath = os.path.join(constants.GetOutDirectory(), name)
127  if not os.path.exists(buildpath):
128    return
129  if os.path.exists(stashpath):
130    shutil.rmtree(stashpath, ignore_errors=True)
131  shutil.move(buildpath, stashpath)
134def _UnstashOutputDirectory(buildpath):
135  """Inverse of _StashOutputDirectory.
137  Moves the output directory stashed within the default output directory
138  (out/Release) to the position where the builds can actually happen.
140  This is a dirty hack to deal with the needs of clobbering while also handling
141  incremental builds and the hardcoded relative paths used in some of the
142  project files.
144  Args:
145    buildpath: The path where the building happens.  If this corresponds to the
146               default output directory, no action is taken.
147  """
148  if os.path.abspath(buildpath) == os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(
149      constants.GetOutDirectory())):
150    return
151  name = os.path.basename(buildpath)
152  stashpath = os.path.join(constants.GetOutDirectory(), name)
153  if not os.path.exists(stashpath):
154    return
155  if os.path.exists(buildpath):
156    shutil.rmtree(buildpath, ignore_errors=True)
157  shutil.move(stashpath, buildpath)
160class StepRecorder(object):
161  """Records steps and timings."""
163  def __init__(self, buildbot):
164    self.timings = []
165    self._previous_step = ('', 0.0)
166    self._buildbot = buildbot
167    self._error_recorded = False
169  def BeginStep(self, name):
170    """Marks a beginning of the next step in the script.
172    On buildbot, this prints a specially formatted name that will show up
173    in the waterfall. Otherwise, just prints the step name.
175    Args:
176      name: The name of the step.
177    """
178    self.EndStep()
179    self._previous_step = (name, time.time())
180    print('Running step: ', name)
182  def EndStep(self):
183    """Records successful completion of the current step.
185    This is optional if the step is immediately followed by another BeginStep.
186    """
187    if self._previous_step[0]:
188      elapsed = time.time() - self._previous_step[1]
189      print('Step %s took %f seconds' % (self._previous_step[0], elapsed))
190      self.timings.append((self._previous_step[0], elapsed))
192    self._previous_step = ('', 0.0)
194  def FailStep(self, message=None):
195    """Marks that a particular step has failed.
197    On buildbot, this will mark the current step as failed on the waterfall.
198    Otherwise we will just print an optional failure message.
200    Args:
201      message: An optional explanation as to why the step failed.
202    """
203    print('STEP FAILED!!')
204    if message:
205      print(message)
206    self._error_recorded = True
207    self.EndStep()
209  def ErrorRecorded(self):
210    """True if FailStep has been called."""
211    return self._error_recorded
213  def RunCommand(self, cmd, cwd=constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, raise_on_error=True,
214                 stdout=None):
215    """Execute a shell command.
217    Args:
218      cmd: A list of command strings.
219      cwd: Directory in which the command should be executed, defaults to build
220           root of script's location if not specified.
221      raise_on_error: If true will raise a CommandError if the call doesn't
222          succeed and mark the step as failed.
223      stdout: A file to redirect stdout for the command to.
225    Returns:
226      The process's return code.
228    Raises:
229      CommandError: An error executing the specified command.
230    """
231    print('Executing %s in %s' % (' '.join(cmd), cwd))
232    process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=stdout, cwd=cwd, env=os.environ)
233    process.wait()
234    if raise_on_error and process.returncode != 0:
235      self.FailStep()
236      raise CommandError('Exception executing command %s' % ' '.join(cmd))
237    return process.returncode
240class ClankCompiler(object):
241  """Handles compilation of clank."""
243  def __init__(self, out_dir, step_recorder, arch, use_goma, goma_dir,
244               system_health_profiling, monochrome, public, orderfile_location):
245    self._out_dir = out_dir
246    self._step_recorder = step_recorder
247    self._arch = arch
248    self._use_goma = use_goma
249    self._goma_dir = goma_dir
250    self._system_health_profiling = system_health_profiling
251    self._public = public
252    self._orderfile_location = orderfile_location
253    if monochrome:
254      self._apk = 'Monochrome.apk'
255      self._apk_target = 'monochrome_apk'
256      self._libname = 'libmonochrome'
257      self._libchrome_target = 'libmonochrome'
258    else:
259      self._apk = 'Chrome.apk'
260      self._apk_target = 'chrome_apk'
261      self._libname = 'libchrome'
262      self._libchrome_target = 'libchrome'
263    if public:
264      self._apk = self._apk.replace('.apk', 'Public.apk')
265      self._apk_target = self._apk_target.replace('_apk', '_public_apk')
267    self.obj_dir = os.path.join(self._out_dir, 'Release', 'obj')
268    self.lib_chrome_so = os.path.join(
269        self._out_dir, 'Release', 'lib.unstripped',
270        '{}.so'.format(self._libname))
271    self.chrome_apk = os.path.join(self._out_dir, 'Release', 'apks', self._apk)
273  def Build(self, instrumented, use_call_graph, target):
274    """Builds the provided ninja target with or without order_profiling on.
276    Args:
277      instrumented: (bool) Whether we want to build an instrumented binary.
278      use_call_graph: (bool) Whether to use the call graph instrumentation.
279      target: (str) The name of the ninja target to build.
280    """
281    self._step_recorder.BeginStep('Compile %s' % target)
282    assert not use_call_graph or instrumented, ('You can not enable call graph '
283                                                'without instrumentation!')
285    # Set the "Release Official" flavor, the parts affecting performance.
286    args = [
287        'enable_resource_whitelist_generation=false',
288        'is_chrome_branded=' + str(not self._public).lower(),
289        'is_debug=false',
290        'is_official_build=true',
291        'symbol_level=1',  # to fit 30 GiB RAM on the bot when LLD is running
292        'target_os="android"',
293        'use_goma=' + str(self._use_goma).lower(),
294        'use_order_profiling=' + str(instrumented).lower(),
295        'use_call_graph=' + str(use_call_graph).lower(),
296    ]
297    args += _ARCH_GN_ARGS[self._arch]
298    if self._goma_dir:
299      args += ['goma_dir="%s"' % self._goma_dir]
300    if self._system_health_profiling:
301      args += ['devtools_instrumentation_dumping = ' +
302               str(instrumented).lower()]
304    if self._public and os.path.exists(self._orderfile_location):
305      # GN needs the orderfile path to be source-absolute.
306      src_abs_orderfile = os.path.relpath(self._orderfile_location,
307                                          constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT)
308      args += ['chrome_orderfile="//{}"'.format(src_abs_orderfile)]
310    self._step_recorder.RunCommand(
311        ['gn', 'gen', os.path.join(self._out_dir, 'Release'),
312         '--args=' + ' '.join(args)])
314    self._step_recorder.RunCommand(
315        ['autoninja', '-C',
316         os.path.join(self._out_dir, 'Release'), target])
318  def ForceRelink(self):
319    """Forces libchrome.so or libmonochrome.so to be re-linked.
321    With partitioned libraries enabled, deleting these library files does not
322    guarantee they'll be recreated by the linker (they may simply be
323    re-extracted from a combined library). To be safe, touch a source file
324    instead. See http://crbug.com/972701 for more explanation.
325    """
326    file_to_touch = os.path.join(constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'chrome', 'browser',
327                              'chrome_browser_main_android.cc')
328    assert os.path.exists(file_to_touch)
329    self._step_recorder.RunCommand(['touch', file_to_touch])
331  def CompileChromeApk(self, instrumented, use_call_graph, force_relink=False):
332    """Builds a Chrome.apk either with or without order_profiling on.
334    Args:
335      instrumented: (bool) Whether to build an instrumented apk.
336      use_call_graph: (bool) Whether to use the call graph instrumentation.
337      force_relink: Whether libchromeview.so should be re-created.
338    """
339    if force_relink:
340      self.ForceRelink()
341    self.Build(instrumented, use_call_graph, self._apk_target)
343  def CompileLibchrome(self, instrumented, use_call_graph, force_relink=False):
344    """Builds a libchrome.so either with or without order_profiling on.
346    Args:
347      instrumented: (bool) Whether to build an instrumented apk.
348      use_call_graph: (bool) Whether to use the call graph instrumentation.
349      force_relink: (bool) Whether libchrome.so should be re-created.
350    """
351    if force_relink:
352      self.ForceRelink()
353    self.Build(instrumented, use_call_graph, self._libchrome_target)
356class OrderfileUpdater(object):
357  """Handles uploading and committing a new orderfile in the repository.
359  Only used for testing or on a bot.
360  """
364  _UPLOAD_TO_CLOUD_COMMAND = 'upload_to_google_storage.py'
366  def __init__(self, repository_root, step_recorder):
367    """Constructor.
369    Args:
370      repository_root: (str) Root of the target repository.
371      step_recorder: (StepRecorder) Step recorder, for logging.
372    """
373    self._repository_root = repository_root
374    self._step_recorder = step_recorder
376  def CommitStashedFileHashes(self, files):
377    """Commits unpatched and patched orderfiles hashes if changed.
379    The files are committed only if their associated sha1 hash files match, and
380    are modified in git. In normal operations the hash files are changed only
381    when a file is uploaded to cloud storage. If the hash file is not modified
382    in git, the file is skipped.
384    Args:
385      files: [str or None] specifies file paths. None items are ignored.
387    Raises:
388      Exception if the hash file does not match the file.
389      NotImplementedError when the commit logic hasn't been overridden.
390    """
391    files_to_commit = list(filter(None, files))
392    if files_to_commit:
393      self._CommitStashedFiles(files_to_commit)
395  def UploadToCloudStorage(self, filename, use_debug_location):
396    """Uploads a file to cloud storage.
398    Args:
399      filename: (str) File to upload.
400      use_debug_location: (bool) Whether to use the debug location.
401    """
402    bucket = (self._CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET_FOR_DEBUG if use_debug_location
403              else self._CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET)
404    extension = _GetFileExtension(filename)
405    cmd = [self._UPLOAD_TO_CLOUD_COMMAND, '--bucket', bucket]
406    if extension:
407      cmd.extend(['-z', extension])
408    cmd.append(filename)
409    self._step_recorder.RunCommand(cmd)
410    print('Download: https://sandbox.google.com/storage/%s/%s' %
411          (bucket, _GenerateHash(filename)))
413  def _GetHashFilePathAndContents(self, filename):
414    """Gets the name and content of the hash file created from uploading the
415    given file.
417    Args:
418      filename: (str) The file that was uploaded to cloud storage.
420    Returns:
421      A tuple of the hash file name, relative to the reository root, and the
422      content, which should be the sha1 hash of the file
423      ('base_file.sha1', hash)
424    """
425    abs_hash_filename = filename + '.sha1'
426    rel_hash_filename = os.path.relpath(
427        abs_hash_filename, self._repository_root)
428    with open(abs_hash_filename, 'r') as f:
429      return (rel_hash_filename, f.read())
431  def _CommitFiles(self, files_to_commit, commit_message_lines):
432    """Commits a list of files, with a given message."""
433    raise NotImplementedError
435  def _GitStash(self):
436    """Git stash the current clank tree.
438    Raises:
439      NotImplementedError when the stash logic hasn't been overridden.
440    """
441    raise NotImplementedError
443  def _CommitStashedFiles(self, expected_files_in_stash):
444    """Commits stashed files.
446    The local repository is updated and then the files to commit are taken from
447    modified files from the git stash. The modified files should be a subset of
448    |expected_files_in_stash|. If there are unexpected modified files, this
449    function may raise. This is meant to be paired with _GitStash().
451    Args:
452      expected_files_in_stash: [str] paths to a possible superset of files
453        expected to be stashed & committed.
455    Raises:
456      NotImplementedError when the commit logic hasn't been overridden.
457    """
458    raise NotImplementedError
461class OrderfileNoopUpdater(OrderfileUpdater):
462  def CommitFileHashes(self, unpatched_orderfile_filename, orderfile_filename):
463    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
464    return
466  def UploadToCloudStorage(self, filename, use_debug_location):
467    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
468    return
470  def _CommitFiles(self, files_to_commit, commit_message_lines):
471    raise NotImplementedError
474class OrderfileGenerator(object):
475  """A utility for generating a new orderfile for Clank.
477  Builds an instrumented binary, profiles a run of the application, and
478  generates an updated orderfile.
479  """
480  _CHECK_ORDERFILE_SCRIPT = os.path.join(
481      constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, 'tools', 'cygprofile', 'check_orderfile.py')
482  _BUILD_ROOT = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(
483      constants.GetOutDirectory())))  # Normally /path/to/src
485  # Previous orderfile_generator debug files would be overwritten.
486  _DIRECTORY_FOR_DEBUG_FILES = '/tmp/orderfile_generator_debug_files'
488  def _PrepareOrderfilePaths(self):
489    if self._options.public:
490      self._clank_dir = os.path.join(constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT,
491                                     '')
492      if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self._clank_dir, 'orderfiles')):
493        os.makedirs(os.path.join(self._clank_dir, 'orderfiles'))
494    else:
495      self._clank_dir = os.path.join(constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT,
496                                     'clank')
498    self._unpatched_orderfile_filename = os.path.join(
499        self._clank_dir, 'orderfiles', 'unpatched_orderfile.%s')
500    self._path_to_orderfile = os.path.join(
501        self._clank_dir, 'orderfiles', 'orderfile.%s.out')
503  def _GetPathToOrderfile(self):
504    """Gets the path to the architecture-specific orderfile."""
505    return self._path_to_orderfile % self._options.arch
507  def _GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename(self):
508    """Gets the path to the architecture-specific unpatched orderfile."""
509    return self._unpatched_orderfile_filename % self._options.arch
511  def _SetDevice(self):
512    """ Selects the device to be used by the script.
514    Returns:
515      (Device with given serial ID) : if the --device flag is set.
516      (Device running Android[K,L]) : if --use-legacy-chrome-apk flag is set or
517                                      no device running Android N+ was found.
518      (Device running Android N+) : Otherwise.
520    Raises Error:
521      If no device meeting the requirements has been found.
522    """
523    devices = None
524    if self._options.device:
525      devices = [device_utils.DeviceUtils(self._options.device)]
526    else:
527      devices = device_utils.DeviceUtils.HealthyDevices()
529    assert devices, 'Expected at least one connected device'
531    if self._options.use_legacy_chrome_apk:
532      self._monochrome = False
533      for device in devices:
534        device_version = device.build_version_sdk
535        if (device_version >= version_codes.KITKAT
536            and device_version <= version_codes.LOLLIPOP_MR1):
537          return device
539    assert not self._options.use_legacy_chrome_apk, \
540      'No device found running suitable android version for Chrome.apk.'
542    preferred_device = None
543    for device in devices:
544      if device.build_version_sdk >= version_codes.NOUGAT:
545        preferred_device = device
546        break
548    self._monochrome = preferred_device is not None
550    return preferred_device if preferred_device else devices[0]
553  def __init__(self, options, orderfile_updater_class):
554    self._options = options
555    self._instrumented_out_dir = os.path.join(
556        self._BUILD_ROOT, self._options.arch + '_instrumented_out')
557    if self._options.use_call_graph:
558      self._instrumented_out_dir += '_call_graph'
560    self._uninstrumented_out_dir = os.path.join(
561        self._BUILD_ROOT, self._options.arch + '_uninstrumented_out')
562    self._no_orderfile_out_dir = os.path.join(
563        self._BUILD_ROOT, self._options.arch + '_no_orderfile_out')
565    self._PrepareOrderfilePaths()
567    if options.profile:
568      output_directory = os.path.join(self._instrumented_out_dir, 'Release')
569      host_profile_dir = os.path.join(output_directory, 'profile_data')
570      urls = [profile_android_startup.AndroidProfileTool.TEST_URL]
571      use_wpr = True
572      simulate_user = False
573      urls = options.urls
574      use_wpr = not options.no_wpr
575      simulate_user = options.simulate_user
576      device = self._SetDevice()
577      self._profiler = profile_android_startup.AndroidProfileTool(
578          output_directory, host_profile_dir, use_wpr, urls, simulate_user,
579          device, debug=self._options.streamline_for_debugging)
580      if options.pregenerated_profiles:
581        self._profiler.SetPregeneratedProfiles(
582            glob.glob(options.pregenerated_profiles))
583    else:
584      assert not options.pregenerated_profiles, (
585          '--pregenerated-profiles cannot be used with --skip-profile')
586      assert not options.profile_save_dir, (
587          '--profile-save-dir cannot be used with --skip-profile')
588      self._monochrome = not self._options.use_legacy_chrome_apk
590    # Outlined function handling enabled by default for all architectures.
591    self._order_outlined_functions = not options.noorder_outlined_functions
593    self._output_data = {}
594    self._step_recorder = StepRecorder(options.buildbot)
595    self._compiler = None
596    if orderfile_updater_class is None:
597      if options.public:
598        orderfile_updater_class = OrderfileNoopUpdater
599      else:
600        orderfile_updater_class = OrderfileUpdater
601    assert issubclass(orderfile_updater_class, OrderfileUpdater)
602    self._orderfile_updater = orderfile_updater_class(self._clank_dir,
603                                                      self._step_recorder)
604    assert os.path.isdir(constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT), 'No src directory found'
605    symbol_extractor.SetArchitecture(options.arch)
607  @staticmethod
608  def _RemoveBlanks(src_file, dest_file):
609    """A utility to remove blank lines from a file.
611    Args:
612      src_file: The name of the file to remove the blanks from.
613      dest_file: The name of the file to write the output without blanks.
614    """
615    assert src_file != dest_file, 'Source and destination need to be distinct'
617    try:
618      src = open(src_file, 'r')
619      dest = open(dest_file, 'w')
620      for line in src:
621        if line and not line.isspace():
622          dest.write(line)
623    finally:
624      src.close()
625      dest.close()
627  def _GenerateAndProcessProfile(self):
628    """Invokes a script to merge the per-thread traces into one file.
630    The produced list of offsets is saved in
631    self._GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename().
632    """
633    self._step_recorder.BeginStep('Generate Profile Data')
634    files = []
635    logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
637    if self._options.profile_save_dir:
638      # The directory must not preexist, to ensure purity of data. Check
639      # before profiling to save time.
640      if os.path.exists(self._options.profile_save_dir):
641        raise Exception('Profile save directory must not pre-exist')
642      os.makedirs(self._options.profile_save_dir)
644    if self._options.system_health_orderfile:
645      files = self._profiler.CollectSystemHealthProfile(
646          self._compiler.chrome_apk)
647      self._MaybeSaveProfile(files)
648      try:
649        self._ProcessPhasedOrderfile(files)
650      except Exception:
651        for f in files:
652          self._SaveForDebugging(f)
653        self._SaveForDebugging(self._compiler.lib_chrome_so)
654        raise
655      finally:
656        self._profiler.Cleanup()
657    else:
658      self._CollectLegacyProfile()
659    logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)
661  def _ProcessPhasedOrderfile(self, files):
662    """Process the phased orderfiles produced by system health benchmarks.
664    The offsets will be placed in _GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename().
666    Args:
667      file: Profile files pulled locally.
668    """
669    self._step_recorder.BeginStep('Process Phased Orderfile')
670    profiles = process_profiles.ProfileManager(files)
671    processor = process_profiles.SymbolOffsetProcessor(
672        self._compiler.lib_chrome_so)
673    ordered_symbols = cluster.ClusterOffsets(profiles, processor,
674        call_graph=self._options.use_call_graph)
675    if not ordered_symbols:
676      raise Exception('Failed to get ordered symbols')
677    for sym in ordered_symbols:
678      assert not sym.startswith('OUTLINED_FUNCTION_'), (
679          'Outlined function found in instrumented function, very likely '
680          'something has gone very wrong!')
681    self._output_data['offsets_kib'] = processor.SymbolsSize(
682            ordered_symbols) / 1024
683    with open(self._GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename(), 'w') as orderfile:
684      orderfile.write('\n'.join(ordered_symbols))
686  def _CollectLegacyProfile(self):
687    files = []
688    try:
689      files = self._profiler.CollectProfile(
690          self._compiler.chrome_apk,
691          constants.PACKAGE_INFO['chrome'])
692      self._MaybeSaveProfile(files)
693      self._step_recorder.BeginStep('Process profile')
694      assert os.path.exists(self._compiler.lib_chrome_so)
695      offsets = process_profiles.GetReachedOffsetsFromDumpFiles(
696          files, self._compiler.lib_chrome_so)
697      if not offsets:
698        raise Exception('No profiler offsets found in {}'.format(
699            '\n'.join(files)))
700      processor = process_profiles.SymbolOffsetProcessor(
701          self._compiler.lib_chrome_so)
702      ordered_symbols = processor.GetOrderedSymbols(offsets)
703      if not ordered_symbols:
704        raise Exception('No symbol names from  offsets found in {}'.format(
705            '\n'.join(files)))
706      with open(self._GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename(), 'w') as orderfile:
707        orderfile.write('\n'.join(ordered_symbols))
708    except Exception:
709      for f in files:
710        self._SaveForDebugging(f)
711      raise
712    finally:
713      self._profiler.Cleanup()
715  def _MaybeSaveProfile(self, files):
716    if self._options.profile_save_dir:
717      logging.info('Saving profiles to %s', self._options.profile_save_dir)
718      for f in files:
719        shutil.copy(f, self._options.profile_save_dir)
720        logging.info('Saved profile %s', f)
722  def _PatchOrderfile(self):
723    """Patches the orderfile using clean version of libchrome.so."""
724    self._step_recorder.BeginStep('Patch Orderfile')
725    patch_orderfile.GeneratePatchedOrderfile(
726        self._GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename(), self._compiler.lib_chrome_so,
727        self._GetPathToOrderfile(), self._order_outlined_functions)
729  def _VerifySymbolOrder(self):
730    self._step_recorder.BeginStep('Verify Symbol Order')
731    return_code = self._step_recorder.RunCommand(
732        [self._CHECK_ORDERFILE_SCRIPT, self._compiler.lib_chrome_so,
733         self._GetPathToOrderfile(),
734         '--target-arch=' + self._options.arch],
735        constants.DIR_SOURCE_ROOT,
736        raise_on_error=False)
737    if return_code:
738      self._step_recorder.FailStep('Orderfile check returned %d.' % return_code)
740  def _RecordHash(self, file_name):
741    """Records the hash of the file into the output_data dictionary."""
742    self._output_data[os.path.basename(file_name) + '.sha1'] = _GenerateHash(
743        file_name)
745  def _SaveFileLocally(self, file_name, file_sha1):
746    """Saves the file to a temporary location and prints the sha1sum."""
747    if not os.path.exists(self._DIRECTORY_FOR_DEBUG_FILES):
748      os.makedirs(self._DIRECTORY_FOR_DEBUG_FILES)
749    shutil.copy(file_name, self._DIRECTORY_FOR_DEBUG_FILES)
750    print('File: %s, saved in: %s, sha1sum: %s' %
751          (file_name, self._DIRECTORY_FOR_DEBUG_FILES, file_sha1))
753  def _SaveForDebugging(self, filename):
754    """Uploads the file to cloud storage or saves to a temporary location."""
755    file_sha1 = _GenerateHash(filename)
756    if not self._options.buildbot:
757      self._SaveFileLocally(filename, file_sha1)
758    else:
759      print('Uploading file for debugging: ' + filename)
760      self._orderfile_updater.UploadToCloudStorage(
761          filename, use_debug_location=True)
763  def _SaveForDebuggingWithOverwrite(self, file_name):
764    """Uploads and overwrites the file in cloud storage or copies locally.
766    Should be used for large binaries like lib_chrome_so.
768    Args:
769      file_name: (str) File to upload.
770    """
771    file_sha1 = _GenerateHash(file_name)
772    if not self._options.buildbot:
773      self._SaveFileLocally(file_name, file_sha1)
774    else:
775      print('Uploading file for debugging: %s, sha1sum: %s' % (file_name,
776                                                               file_sha1))
777      upload_location = '%s/%s' % (
778          self._CLOUD_STORAGE_BUCKET_FOR_DEBUG, os.path.basename(file_name))
779      self._step_recorder.RunCommand([
780          'gsutil.py', 'cp', file_name, 'gs://' + upload_location])
781      print('Uploaded to: https://sandbox.google.com/storage/' +
782            upload_location)
784  def _MaybeArchiveOrderfile(self, filename):
785    """In buildbot configuration, uploads the generated orderfile to
786    Google Cloud Storage.
788    Args:
789      filename: (str) Orderfile to upload.
790    """
791    # First compute hashes so that we can download them later if we need to.
792    self._step_recorder.BeginStep('Compute hash for ' + filename)
793    self._RecordHash(filename)
794    if self._options.buildbot:
795      self._step_recorder.BeginStep('Archive ' + filename)
796      self._orderfile_updater.UploadToCloudStorage(
797          filename, use_debug_location=False)
799  def UploadReadyOrderfiles(self):
800    self._step_recorder.BeginStep('Upload Ready Orderfiles')
801    for file_name in [self._GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename(),
802        self._GetPathToOrderfile()]:
803      self._orderfile_updater.UploadToCloudStorage(
804          file_name, use_debug_location=False)
806  def _NativeCodeMemoryBenchmark(self, apk):
807    """Runs system_health.memory_mobile to assess native code memory footprint.
809    Args:
810      apk: (str) Path to the apk.
812    Returns:
813      results: ([int]) Values of native code memory footprint in bytes from the
814                       benchmark results.
815    """
816    self._step_recorder.BeginStep("Running orderfile.memory_mobile")
817    try:
818      out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
819      self._profiler._RunCommand(['tools/perf/run_benchmark',
820                                  '--device={}'.format(
821                                      self._profiler._device.serial),
822                                  '--browser=exact',
823                                  '--output-format=csv',
824                                  '--output-dir={}'.format(out_dir),
825                                  '--reset-results',
826                                  '--browser-executable={}'.format(apk),
827                                  'orderfile.memory_mobile'])
829      out_file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'results.csv')
830      if not os.path.exists(out_file_path):
831        raise Exception('Results file not found!')
833      results = {}
834      with open(out_file_path, 'r') as f:
835        reader = csv.DictReader(f)
836        for row in reader:
837          if not row['name'].endswith('NativeCodeResidentMemory'):
838            continue
839          # Note: NativeCodeResidentMemory records a single sample from each
840          # story run, so this average (reported as 'avg') is exactly the value
841          # of that one sample. Each story is run multiple times, so this loop
842          # will accumulate into a list all values for all runs of each story.
843          results.setdefault(row['name'], {}).setdefault(
844              row['stories'], []).append(row['avg'])
846      if not results:
847        raise Exception('Could not find relevant results')
849      return results
851    except Exception as e:
852      return 'Error: ' + str(e)
854    finally:
855      shutil.rmtree(out_dir)
858  def _PerformanceBenchmark(self, apk):
859    """Runs Speedometer2.0 to assess performance.
861    Args:
862      apk: (str) Path to the apk.
864    Returns:
865      results: ([float]) Speedometer2.0 results samples in milliseconds.
866    """
867    self._step_recorder.BeginStep("Running Speedometer2.0.")
868    try:
869      out_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
870      self._profiler._RunCommand(['tools/perf/run_benchmark',
871                                  '--device={}'.format(
872                                      self._profiler._device.serial),
873                                  '--browser=exact',
874                                  '--output-format=histograms',
875                                  '--output-dir={}'.format(out_dir),
876                                  '--reset-results',
877                                  '--browser-executable={}'.format(apk),
878                                  'speedometer2'])
880      out_file_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'histograms.json')
881      if not os.path.exists(out_file_path):
882        raise Exception('Results file not found!')
884      with open(out_file_path, 'r') as f:
885        results = json.load(f)
887      if not results:
888        raise Exception('Results file is empty.')
890      for el in results:
891        if 'name' in el and el['name'] == 'Total' and 'sampleValues' in el:
892          return el['sampleValues']
894      raise Exception('Unexpected results format.')
896    except Exception as e:
897      return 'Error: ' + str(e)
899    finally:
900      shutil.rmtree(out_dir)
903  def RunBenchmark(self, out_directory, no_orderfile=False):
904    """Builds chrome apk and runs performance and memory benchmarks.
906    Builds a non-instrumented version of chrome.
907    Installs chrome apk on the device.
908    Runs Speedometer2.0 benchmark to assess performance.
909    Runs system_health.memory_mobile to evaluate memory footprint.
911    Args:
912      out_directory: (str) Path to out directory for this build.
913      no_orderfile: (bool) True if chrome to be built without orderfile.
915    Returns:
916      benchmark_results: (dict) Results extracted from benchmarks.
917    """
918    try:
919      _UnstashOutputDirectory(out_directory)
920      self._compiler = ClankCompiler(out_directory, self._step_recorder,
921                                     self._options.arch, self._options.use_goma,
922                                     self._options.goma_dir,
923                                     self._options.system_health_orderfile,
924                                     self._monochrome, self._options.public,
925                                     self._GetPathToOrderfile())
927      if no_orderfile:
928        orderfile_path = self._GetPathToOrderfile()
929        backup_orderfile = orderfile_path + '.backup'
930        shutil.move(orderfile_path, backup_orderfile)
931        open(orderfile_path, 'w').close()
933      # Build APK to be installed on the device.
934      self._compiler.CompileChromeApk(instrumented=False,
935                                      use_call_graph=False,
936                                      force_relink=True)
937      benchmark_results = dict()
938      benchmark_results['Speedometer2.0'] = self._PerformanceBenchmark(
939          self._compiler.chrome_apk)
940      benchmark_results['orderfile.memory_mobile'] = (
941          self._NativeCodeMemoryBenchmark(self._compiler.chrome_apk))
943    except Exception as e:
944      benchmark_results['Error'] = str(e)
946    finally:
947      if no_orderfile and os.path.exists(backup_orderfile):
948        shutil.move(backup_orderfile, orderfile_path)
949      _StashOutputDirectory(out_directory)
951    return benchmark_results
953  def Generate(self):
954    """Generates and maybe upload an order."""
955    assert (bool(self._options.profile) ^
956            bool(self._options.manual_symbol_offsets))
957    if self._options.system_health_orderfile and not self._options.profile:
958      raise AssertionError('--system_health_orderfile must be not be used '
959                           'with --skip-profile')
960    if (self._options.manual_symbol_offsets and
961        not self._options.system_health_orderfile):
962      raise AssertionError('--manual-symbol-offsets must be used with '
963                           '--system_health_orderfile.')
965    if self._options.profile:
966      try:
967        _UnstashOutputDirectory(self._instrumented_out_dir)
968        self._compiler = ClankCompiler(
969            self._instrumented_out_dir, self._step_recorder, self._options.arch,
970            self._options.use_goma, self._options.goma_dir,
971            self._options.system_health_orderfile, self._monochrome,
972            self._options.public, self._GetPathToOrderfile())
973        if not self._options.pregenerated_profiles:
974          # If there are pregenerated profiles, the instrumented build should
975          # not be changed to avoid invalidating the pregenerated profile
976          # offsets.
977          self._compiler.CompileChromeApk(instrumented=True,
978                                          use_call_graph=
979                                          self._options.use_call_graph)
980        self._GenerateAndProcessProfile()
981        self._MaybeArchiveOrderfile(self._GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename())
982      finally:
983        _StashOutputDirectory(self._instrumented_out_dir)
984    elif self._options.manual_symbol_offsets:
985      assert self._options.manual_libname
986      assert self._options.manual_objdir
987      with file(self._options.manual_symbol_offsets) as f:
988        symbol_offsets = [int(x) for x in f.xreadlines()]
989      processor = process_profiles.SymbolOffsetProcessor(
990          self._compiler.manual_libname)
991      generator = cyglog_to_orderfile.OffsetOrderfileGenerator(
992          processor, cyglog_to_orderfile.ObjectFileProcessor(
993              self._options.manual_objdir))
994      ordered_sections = generator.GetOrderedSections(symbol_offsets)
995      if not ordered_sections:  # Either None or empty is a problem.
996        raise Exception('Failed to get ordered sections')
997      with open(self._GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename(), 'w') as orderfile:
998        orderfile.write('\n'.join(ordered_sections))
1000    if self._options.patch:
1001      if self._options.profile:
1002        self._RemoveBlanks(self._GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename(),
1003                           self._GetPathToOrderfile())
1004      try:
1005        _UnstashOutputDirectory(self._uninstrumented_out_dir)
1006        self._compiler = ClankCompiler(
1007            self._uninstrumented_out_dir, self._step_recorder,
1008            self._options.arch, self._options.use_goma, self._options.goma_dir,
1009            self._options.system_health_orderfile, self._monochrome,
1010            self._options.public, self._GetPathToOrderfile())
1012        self._compiler.CompileLibchrome(instrumented=False,
1013                                        use_call_graph=False)
1014        self._PatchOrderfile()
1015        # Because identical code folding is a bit different with and without
1016        # the orderfile build, we need to re-patch the orderfile with code
1017        # folding as close to the final version as possible.
1018        self._compiler.CompileLibchrome(instrumented=False,
1019                                        use_call_graph=False, force_relink=True)
1020        self._PatchOrderfile()
1021        self._compiler.CompileLibchrome(instrumented=False,
1022                                        use_call_graph=False, force_relink=True)
1023        self._VerifySymbolOrder()
1024        self._MaybeArchiveOrderfile(self._GetPathToOrderfile())
1025      finally:
1026        _StashOutputDirectory(self._uninstrumented_out_dir)
1028    if self._options.benchmark:
1029      self._output_data['orderfile_benchmark_results'] = self.RunBenchmark(
1030          self._uninstrumented_out_dir)
1031      self._output_data['no_orderfile_benchmark_results'] = self.RunBenchmark(
1032          self._no_orderfile_out_dir, no_orderfile=True)
1034    self._orderfile_updater._GitStash()
1035    self._step_recorder.EndStep()
1036    return not self._step_recorder.ErrorRecorded()
1038  def GetReportingData(self):
1039    """Get a dictionary of reporting data (timings, output hashes)"""
1040    self._output_data['timings'] = self._step_recorder.timings
1041    return self._output_data
1043  def CommitStashedOrderfileHashes(self):
1044    """Commit any orderfile hash files in the current checkout.
1046    Only possible if running on the buildbot.
1048    Returns: true on success.
1049    """
1050    if not self._options.buildbot:
1051      logging.error('Trying to commit when not running on the buildbot')
1052      return False
1053    self._orderfile_updater._CommitStashedFiles([
1054        filename + '.sha1'
1055        for filename in (self._GetUnpatchedOrderfileFilename(),
1056                         self._GetPathToOrderfile())])
1057    return True
1060def CreateArgumentParser():
1061  """Creates and returns the argument parser."""
1062  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
1063  parser.add_argument('--no-benchmark', action='store_false', dest='benchmark',
1064                      default=True, help='Disables running benchmarks.')
1065  parser.add_argument(
1066      '--buildbot', action='store_true',
1067      help='If true, the script expects to be run on a buildbot')
1068  parser.add_argument(
1069      '--device', default=None, type=str,
1070      help='Device serial number on which to run profiling.')
1071  parser.add_argument(
1072      '--verify', action='store_true',
1073      help='If true, the script only verifies the current orderfile')
1074  parser.add_argument('--target-arch', action='store', dest='arch',
1075                      default='arm',
1076                      choices=['arm', 'arm64'],
1077                      help='The target architecture for which to build.')
1078  parser.add_argument('--output-json', action='store', dest='json_file',
1079                      help='Location to save stats in json format')
1080  parser.add_argument(
1081      '--skip-profile', action='store_false', dest='profile', default=True,
1082      help='Don\'t generate a profile on the device. Only patch from the '
1083      'existing profile.')
1084  parser.add_argument(
1085      '--skip-patch', action='store_false', dest='patch', default=True,
1086      help='Only generate the raw (unpatched) orderfile, don\'t patch it.')
1087  parser.add_argument('--goma-dir', help='GOMA directory.')
1088  parser.add_argument(
1089      '--use-goma', action='store_true', help='Enable GOMA.', default=False)
1090  parser.add_argument('--adb-path', help='Path to the adb binary.')
1092  parser.add_argument('--public', action='store_true',
1093                      help='Required if your checkout is non-internal.',
1094                      default=False)
1095  parser.add_argument('--nosystem-health-orderfile', action='store_false',
1096                      dest='system_health_orderfile', default=True,
1097                      help=('Create an orderfile based on an about:blank '
1098                            'startup benchmark instead of system health '
1099                            'benchmarks.'))
1100  parser.add_argument(
1101      '--use-legacy-chrome-apk', action='store_true', default=False,
1102      help=('Compile and instrument chrome for [L, K] devices.'))
1103  parser.add_argument('--manual-symbol-offsets', default=None, type=str,
1104                      help=('File of list of ordered symbol offsets generated '
1105                            'by manual profiling. Must set other --manual* '
1106                            'flags if this is used, and must --skip-profile.'))
1107  parser.add_argument('--manual-libname', default=None, type=str,
1108                      help=('Library filename corresponding to '
1109                            '--manual-symbol-offsets.'))
1110  parser.add_argument('--manual-objdir', default=None, type=str,
1111                      help=('Root of object file directory corresponding to '
1112                            '--manual-symbol-offsets.'))
1113  parser.add_argument('--noorder-outlined-functions', action='store_true',
1114                      help='Disable outlined functions in the orderfile.')
1115  parser.add_argument('--pregenerated-profiles', default=None, type=str,
1116                      help=('Pregenerated profiles to use instead of running '
1117                            'profile step. Cannot be used with '
1118                            '--skip-profiles.'))
1119  parser.add_argument('--profile-save-dir', default=None, type=str,
1120                      help=('Directory to save any profiles created. These can '
1121                            'be used with --pregenerated-profiles.  Cannot be '
1122                            'used with --skip-profiles.'))
1123  parser.add_argument('--upload-ready-orderfiles', action='store_true',
1124                      help=('Skip orderfile generation and manually upload '
1125                            'orderfiles (both patched and unpatched) from '
1126                            'their normal location in the tree to the cloud '
1127                            'storage. DANGEROUS! USE WITH CARE!'))
1128  parser.add_argument('--streamline-for-debugging', action='store_true',
1129                      help=('Streamline where possible the run for faster '
1130                            'iteration while debugging. The orderfile '
1131                            'generated will be valid and nontrivial, but '
1132                            'may not be based on a representative profile '
1133                            'or other such considerations. Use with caution.'))
1134  parser.add_argument('--commit-hashes', action='store_true',
1135                      help=('Commit any orderfile hash files in the current '
1136                            'checkout; performs no other action'))
1137  parser.add_argument('--use-call-graph', action='store_true', default=False,
1138                      help='Use call graph instrumentation.')
1139  profile_android_startup.AddProfileCollectionArguments(parser)
1140  return parser
1143def CreateOrderfile(options, orderfile_updater_class=None):
1144  """Creates an orderfile.
1146  Args:
1147    options: As returned from optparse.OptionParser.parse_args()
1148    orderfile_updater_class: (OrderfileUpdater) subclass of OrderfileUpdater.
1149                             Use to explicitly set an OrderfileUpdater class,
1150                             the defaults are OrderfileUpdater, or
1151                             OrderfileNoopUpdater if --public is set.
1153  Returns:
1154    True iff success.
1155  """
1156  logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO)
1157  devil_chromium.Initialize(adb_path=options.adb_path)
1159  generator = OrderfileGenerator(options, orderfile_updater_class)
1160  try:
1161    if options.verify:
1162      generator._VerifySymbolOrder()
1163    elif options.commit_hashes:
1164      return generator.CommitStashedOrderfileHashes()
1165    elif options.upload_ready_orderfiles:
1166      return generator.UploadReadyOrderfiles()
1167    else:
1168      return generator.Generate()
1169  finally:
1170    json_output = json.dumps(generator.GetReportingData(),
1171                             indent=2) + '\n'
1172    if options.json_file:
1173      with open(options.json_file, 'w') as f:
1174        f.write(json_output)
1175    print(json_output)
1176  return False
1179def main():
1180  parser = CreateArgumentParser()
1181  options = parser.parse_args()
1182  return 0 if CreateOrderfile(options) else 1
1185if __name__ == '__main__':
1186  sys.exit(main())