2=head1 Articles
4Articles are a way of managing stock answers or frequently asked
5questions.  Articles are a collection of custom fields whose values can
6be easily inserted into ticket replies or searched and browsed within
7RT.  They are organized into classes and topics.
9=head2 UI
11The user interface to Articles is available from the Articles menu.  Admin
12functionality can be found under Admin -> Articles.  Once configured, articles
13will become available for searching on the Reply/Comment page on tickets.
14There are L</"Configuration Options"> to make Articles available on ticket
17For the Articles menu to be visible to your Privileged users, you must grant
18Privileged the ShowArticlesMenu right globally (Admin -> Global -> Group
19Rights).  You may grant the right as selectively as you wish if, for example,
20you only want a certain group of your users to use articles.
22=head2 Basics
24You will need to make some decisions about how to organize your
25articles.  Articles will be organized into one Class and multiple
26Topics.  They will use Custom Fields to store their article data.
27These Custom Fields can be configured on a Class by Class basis.
28Classes can be made available globally or on a per-Queue basis.
30=head2 Organization
32=head3 Classes
34Classes are equivalent to RT's queues.  They can be created by going
35to Admin -> Articles -> Classes -> New Class.  Articles
36are assigned to one Class.  When you create Custom Fields for use with
37Articles, they will be applied Globally or to a Class, like Custom
38Fields are applied to a Queue in RT.
40A common use for Articles is to store frequently
41used replies for requestors, like troubleshooting steps or how to sign
42up for a new account. When you insert Article text, you may or may not
43want to include the Article name and summary, in addition to the content,
44when inserting the Article in a reply. You can control this behavior on
45the Class configuration page.
47Classes need to be Applied, just like a Custom Field, by using the
48Applies To link on the Modify Class page (Admin ->
49Articles -> Classes, select the class to modify).  You can apply
50them globally or on a queue-by-queue basis.
52=head3 Topics
54You can also use Topics to organize your Articles.  While editing a
55Class, there is a Topics tab for Class-specific Topics.  You can create
56global Topics from the Global tab under Admin.
58When editing Topics, type the name (and optionally description) of the
59Topic, and then click the button at the appropriate location in the
60Topic hierarchy. This should allow you to build a tree of Topics. This
61tree of Topics should show up when creating or modifying articles in
62the class. These can be arbitrarily nested.
64Global Topics will be available for all Articles, regardless of their
65Class.  Articles can belong to both global and Class-specific Topics.
67Article topics can be set from the Modify screen for the article --
68simply select as many topics as you desire from the list at the bottom
69of the screen.
71=head2 Custom Fields
73Articles don't have a single "body" section for each
74article. Everything is a custom field (except for name, summary and
75some other basic metadata). So to put information on an
76Article, you need to create some custom fields to hold the Article
77body and other data.  When you create these new Custom Fields, set
78the Applies To field to Articles.
80Once you've created your Custom Fields, go into your Classes, click
81on Custom Fields, and add the Custom Fields you want to each Class.
82Alternatively, use the Applies To link from each Custom Field.
84=head2 Creating Articles
86You can create an Article from scratch by going to Tools -> Articles ->
87New Article and then picking which Class to create the Article under.
88You must have a Class to assign the new Article to.
89The Summary, Description and Custom Fields will all be searchable when
90including an Article and you can control what Custom Fields end up in
91your Ticket from the Class configuration page.
93=head3 Extracting an Article
95You can extract the body of a ticket into an article. Within RT, you
96should now see an "Extract to article" button in the upper right hand
97corner of RT's UI when working with tickets. When you click that
98button, RT will ask you which Class to create your new Article in.
99Once you click on a Class name, the Ticket's transactions will be
100displayed, along with a set of select boxes. For each transaction, you
101can pick which Custom Field that transaction should be extracted to.
102From there on in, it's just regular Article creation.
104=head2 Including an Article
106When replying to or commenting on tickets or creating tickets, there
107is a UI widget that lets you search for and include Articles in
108your reply.  (They're editable, of course).
110The Include Article dropdown contains articles from any classes that
111are applied to the queue the ticket is in. When the list of articles
112exceeds the configured L<RT_Config/DropdownMenuLimit>, it
113automatically turns into a search box which allows you to type an
114article name. The search box will help you by auto-completing to
115matching articles as you type.
117=head3 Disabling Escaped HTML
119By default, when an article is inserted into the ticket message box,
120as a security measure, HTML tags are escaped and only text is displayed.
121For example, RT will display "Me You Greeting Hello world!" from the
122following XML:
124  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
125  <note>
126    <to>Me</to>
127    <from>You</from>
128    <heading>Greeting</heading>
129    <body>Hello world!</body>
130  </note>
132In cases as above, where the content is harmless and displaying it on the
133ticket might be necessary, there is an option to disable escaping these
134tags per article class. This can be done by unchecking the "Escape HTML"
135box on the Modify Class page. Please note this is potentially unsafe and
136its use should be limited to trusted administrators.
138=head3 Disabling Ticket Linking
140When an article is included in a ticket's comment or reply, the article
141is automatically added as a link to the ticket. This means that the article
142will be listed under the Links portlet on ticket display page, and also on
143the article display page. If you use an article many times, it can result
144in a very long list of links on the article page.
146To avoid this, you can disable automatic linking globally (via
147L<RT_Config/LinkArticlesOnInclude>) or by class. To disable it on the class
148level, uncheck the "Link article to ticket" option under "When inserting
149articles in this class into emails" on class modify page. Note that
150disabling this feature will only affect future comments/replies on tickets.
151Existing links to articles will remain linked.
153=head2 Queue-Specific List of Articles
155You can use Topics to organize a set of Queue-specific Articles.
156Simply create a global Topic called 'Queues' and then create Topics
157under Queues named after each of your Queues.  Within each Queue-named
158Topic, create some Topics and then assign Articles to those
159sub-topics.  This creates a hierarchy like this:
162\-> General
163    \-> Topic 1
164    \-> Topic 2
166If you are replying to a Ticket in the General Queue you will be
167offered a choice of Topic 1 and Topic 2 along with the searching.
168After choosing Topic 1 or Topic 2, you will be given a list of
169relevant articles to choose.
171You can also organize articles into separate classes and selectively
172apply classes to the queues they should be used for.
174=head2 SelfService Interface
176If you grant the Unprivileged user group the right ShowArticle, they
177will get a Search box at the top of their interface.  This allows users
178to look through your Articles for answers to questions before creating
179a Ticket.
181=head1 Configuration Options
183=head2 ArticleOnTicketCreate
185Set this to a true value to display the Article include interface on the
186Ticket Create page in addition to the Reply/Comment page (Create.html
187in addition to Update.html).
189=head2 HideArticleSearchOnReplyCreate
191On Ticket Reply (and Create if you set the above config var)
192RT's Article system normally displays a search box and an include box
193(for inputting an article id) and configurable dropdowns
194of Articles.  These can be configured using Global Topics or
195on the Class page.
197If you set this to a true value, RT will only display
198dropdowns and hide the search boxes.