1/* this file is in UTF-8 format! */
3"Contact" = "Kontakts";
4"Address" = "Adrese";
5"Photos" = "Fotoattēli";
6"Other" = "Cits";
7"Address Books" = "Adrešu grāmatas";
8"Addressbook" = "Adrešu grāmata";
9"Addresses" = "Adreses";
10"Update" = "Atjaunināt";
11"Cancel" = "Atcelt";
12"Common" = "Kopīgs";
13"Contact editor" = "Kontaktpersonu redaktors";
14"Contact viewer" = "Kontaktpersona skatītājs";
15"Email" = "E-pasts";
16"Screen Name" = "Ekrāna vārds";
17"Extended" = "Paplašināts";
18"Fax" = "Fax";
19"Firstname" = "Vārds";
20"Home" = "Mājas";
21"HomePhone" = "Mājas tālrunis";
22"Lastname" = "Uzvārds";
23"Location" = "Vieta";
24"Add a category" = "Pievienot kategorijai";
25"MobilePhone" = "Mobilais tālrunis";
26"Name" = "Nosaukums";
27"OfficePhone" = "Darba tālrunis";
28"Organization" = "Organizācija";
29"Work Phone" = "Tālrunis darbā";
30"Cell" = "Šūna";
31"Pager" = "Peidžeris";
32"Pref" = "Pref.";
33"Phone" = "Tālrunis";
34"Phones" = "Tālruņi";
35"Postal" = "Pasts";
36"Save" = "Saglabāt";
37"Internet" = "Internets";
38"Unit" = "Vienība";
39"delete" = "dzēst";
40"edit" = "labot";
41"invalidemailwarn" = "Norādītā e-pasta adrese ir nederīga";
42"new" = "jauns";
43"Preferred Phone" = "Vēlamais tālrunis";
44"Move To" = "Pārvietot uz";
45"Copy To" = "Kopēt uz";
46"Add to" = "Pievienot";
47"To" = "Kam";
48"Carbon Copy (Cc)" = "Kopija (Cc)";
49"Blind Carbon Copy (Bcc)" = "Diskrētā kopija (Bcc)";
51/* Search scope: name fields */
52"name" = "Vārds";
54/* Search scope: name fields */
55"c_cn" = "Vārds";
57/* Search scope: secondary email field */
58"mozillanickname" = "Sekundārais e-pasts";
60/* Search scope: screen name field */
61"nsaimid" = "Ekrāna vārds";
63/* Search scope: mail fields */
64"mail" = "E-pasts";
66/* Search scope: mail fields */
67"c_mail" = "E-pasts";
69/* Search scope: telephone field */
70"telephonenumber" = "Tālrunis";
72/* Search scope: telephone field */
73"homephone" = "Tālrunis";
75/* Search scope: mobile field */
76"mobile" = "Mobilais";
78/* Search scope: fax field */
79"facsimiletelephonenumber" = "Fax";
81/* Search scope: pager field */
82"pager" = "Peidžeris";
84/* Search scope: categories field */
85"c_categories" = "Kategorijas";
87/* Search scope: categories field */
88"vcardcategories" = "Kategorijas";
90/* Search scope: title field */
91"title" = "Nosaukums";
93/* Search scope: organization field */
94"c_o" = "Organizācija";
96/* Search scope: organization field */
97"o" = "Organizācija";
99/* Search scope: department field */
100"ou" = "Departaments";
102/* Search scope: city field */
103"l" = "Pilsēta";
105/* Search scope: country field */
106"c" = "Valsts";
108/* Search scope: home address field */
109"mozillahomestreet" = "Mājas adrese";
111/* Search scope: state/province field */
112"st" = "Valsts/province";
114/* Search scope: home state/province field */
115"mozillahomestate" = "Mītnes valsts/province";
117/* Search scope: zip/postal code field */
118"postalCode" = "ZIP/Pasta indekss";
120/* Search scope: home zip/postal code field */
121"mozillahomepostalcode" = "ZIP/Pasta indekss";
123/* Search scope: home country field */
124"mozillahomecountryname" = "Mītnes zeme";
126/* Search scope: home web page field */
127"mozillahomeurl" = "Mājas lapa";
129/* Search scope: work web page field */
130"mozillaworkurl" = "Interneta lappuse";
132/* Search scope: note field */
133"description" = "Piezīme";
135/* Subheader of empty addressbook */
136"No contact" = "Nav kontaktpersonas";
138/* Subheader of system addressbook */
139"Start a search to browse this address book" = "Sākt meklēt, lai pārlūkotu šo adrešu grāmatu";
141/* Number of contacts in addressbook; string is prefixed by number */
142"contacts" = "kontakti";
144/* No contact matching search criteria */
145"No matching contact" = "Neviens atbilstošs kontakts";
147/* Number of contacts matching search criteria; string is prefixed by number */
148"matching contacts" = "atbilstoši kontakti";
150/* Number of selected contacts in list */
151"selected" = "atlasīts";
153/* Empty right pane */
154"No contact selected" = "Nav atlasīta neviena kontaktpersona";
156/* Tooltips */
157"Create a new address book card" = "Izveidot jaunu adrešu grāmatas kartiņu";
158"Create a new list" = "Izveidot jaunu sarakstu";
159"Edit the selected card" = "Rediģēt atlasīto kartiņu";
160"Send a mail message" = "Nosūtīt e-pasta ziņojumu";
161"Delete selected card or address book" = "Dzēst izvēlēto kartiņu vai adrešu grāmatu";
162"Reload all contacts" = "Pārlādēt visus kontaktus";
163"htmlMailFormat_UNKNOWN" = "Nezināms";
164"htmlMailFormat_FALSE" = "Plain Text";
165"htmlMailFormat_TRUE" = "HTML";
166"Name or Email" = "Vārds vai e-pasts";
167"Category" = "Kategorija";
168"Personal Addressbook" = "Personiskā adrešu grāmata";
169"Search in Addressbook" = "Meklēt adrešu grāmatā";
170"New Card" = "Jauna kartiņa";
171"New List" = "Jauns saraksts";
172"Edit" = "Labot";
173"Properties" = "Rekvizīti";
174"Sharing..." = "Koplieto...";
175"Write" = "Rakstīt";
176"Delete" = "Dzēst";
177"Instant Message" = "Tūlītējais ziņojums";
178"Add..." = "Pievienot...";
179"Remove" = "Noņemt";
180"Please wait..." = "Lūdzu, uzgaidiet...";
181"No possible subscription" = "Nav iespējams abonēt";
182"Preferred" = "Vēlamais";
183"Display" = "Rādīt";
184"Display Name" = "Parādāmais nosaukums";
185"Additional Email" = "Papildu e-pasts";
186"Phone Number" = "Tālruņa numurs";
187"Prefers to receive messages formatted as" = "Vēlas saņemt ziņojumus formātā";
188"Categories" = "Kategorijas";
189"First" = "Vārds";
190"Last" = "Uzvārds";
191"Nickname" = "Iesauka";
192"Telephone" = "Tālrunis";
193"Work" = "Darbs";
194"Mobile" = "Mobilais";
195"Pager" = "Peidžeris";
197/* categories */
198"contacts_category_labels" = "Kolēģi, konkurenti, klienti, draugi, ģimene, biznesa partneri, piegādātāji, Prese, VIP";
199"New category" = "Jauna kategorija";
201/* adresses */
202"Title" = "Nosaukums";
203"Service" = "Pakalpojums";
204"Company" = "Uzņēmums";
205"Department" = "Departaments";
206"City" = "Pilsēta";
207"State_Province" = "Štats / province";
208"ZIP_Postal Code" = "ZIP/Pasta indekss";
209"Country" = "Valsts";
210"Web Page" = "Interneta lappuse";
211"Other Infos" = "Cita informācija";
212"Note" = "Piezīme";
213"Timezone" = "Laika josla";
214"Birthday" = "Dzimšanas diena";
215"Birthday (yyyy-mm-dd)" = "Dzimšanas diena (yyyy-mm-dd)";
216"Freebusy URL" = "Aizņemtības URL";
217"Add as..." = "Pievienot kā...";
218"Recipient" = "Adresāts";
219"Carbon Copy" = "Kopija";
220"Blind Carbon Copy" = "Diskrētā kopija";
221"New Addressbook..." = "Jauna adrešu grāmata...";
222"Subscribe to an Addressbook..." = "Parakstīties uz adrešu grāmatu...";
223"Remove the selected Addressbook" = "Noņemt atlasīto adrešu katalogu";
224"Subscribe to a shared folder" = "Parakstīties uz koplietojamu mapi";
225"Search User" = "Meklēt lietotāju";
226"Name of the Address Book" = "Adrešu grāmatas nosaukums";
227"Are you sure you want to delete the selected address book?"
228= "Vai tiešām vēlaties izdzēst atlasīto adrešu grāmatu?";
229"Are you sure you want to delete the addressbook \"%{0}\"?"
230= "Vai tiešām vēlaties dzēst adrešu grāmatu \"%{0}\"?";
231"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from a public addressbook."
232= "Nevar noņemt nedz atteikties no publiskā adrešu kataloga.";
233"You cannot remove nor unsubscribe from your personal addressbook."
234= "Jūs nevarat noņemt abonementu, no jūsu personiskās adrešu grāmatas.";
235"Are you sure you want to delete the selected contacts?"
236= "Vai tiešām vēlaties izdzēst atlasītās kontaktpersonas?";
237"Are you sure you want to delete the card of %{0}?" = "Vai tiešām vēlaties izdzēst šo kartiņu %{0}?";
238"You cannot delete the card of \"%{0}\"."
239= "Nevar dzēst kartiņu \"%{0}\".";
240"You cannot subscribe to a folder that you own!"
241= "Jūs nevarat abonēt mapi, kas jums pieder.";
242"Unable to subscribe to that folder!"
243= "Nevar parakstīties uz šo mapi.";
245/* security */
246"Security" = "Drošība";
247"Uninstall" = "Atinstalēt";
248"Error reading the card certificate." = "Kļūda, lasot kartes sertifikātu.";
249"No certificate associated to card." = "Kartei nav piesaistīts sertifikāts.";
251/* acls */
252"Access rights to" = "Piekļuves tiesības";
253"For user" = "Lietotājam";
254"Any Authenticated User" = "Visi autentificētie lietotāji";
255"Public Access" = "Publiska piekļuve";
256"This person can add cards to this addressbook."
257= "Šī persona var pievienot ierakstus adrešu katalogā.";
258"This person can edit the cards of this addressbook."
259= "Šī persona var rediģēt ierakstus adrešu katalogā.";
260"This person can list the content of this addressbook."
261= "Šī persona var skatīt adrešu grāmatas saturu.";
262"This person can read the cards of this addressbook."
263= "Šīs personas var lasīt ierakstus no adrešu kataloga.";
264"This person can erase cards from this addressbook."
265= "Šī persona var dzēst ierakstus no adrešu kataloga.";
266"The selected contact has no email address."
267= "Izvēlētajam kontaktam nav e-pasta adreses.";
268"Please select a contact." = "Lūdzu, atlasiet kontaktpersonu.";
270/* Messages for move and copy */
271"%{0} card(s) copied" = "%{0} kartiņa(s) ir nokopēta/s";
272"%{0} card(s) moved" = "%{0} kartiņa(s) ir pārvietota/s";
273"SoAccessDeniedException" = "Jūs nevarat rakstīt adrešu grāmatā.";
274"Forbidden" = "Aizliegts";
275"Invalid Contact" = "Atlasītā kontaktpersona vairs nepastāv.";
276"Unknown Destination Folder" = "Izvēlētais adresāts adrešu grāmatā vairs nepastāv.";
278/* Lists */
279"List details" = "Saraksta detaļas";
280"List name" = "Saraksta nosaukums";
281"List nickname" = "Saraksta segvārds";
282"List description" = "Saraksta apraksts";
283"Members" = "Locekļi";
284"Contacts" = "Kontakti";
285"Add" = "Pievienot";
286"Lists can't be moved or copied." = "Sarakstus nevar pārvietot vai kopēt.";
287"Export" = "Eksportēt";
288"Export Address Book..." = "Eksportēt adrešu grāmatu...";
289"View Raw Source" = "Apskatīt RAW avotu";
291/* Import */
292"Import Cards" = "Importēt kartiņas";
293"Select a vCard or LDIF file." = "Izvēlieties vCard vai LDIF failu";
294"Upload" = "Augšupielādēt";
295"Uploading" = "Augšupielāde";
296"Done" = "Darīts";
297"An error occured while importing contacts." = "Importējot kontaktpersonas radās kļūda.";
298"No card was imported." = "Nav kartiņa importēta.";
299"A total of %{0} cards were imported in the addressbook." = "Kopumā no % {0} kartiņas tika importētas adrešu grāmatā.";
300"Reload" = "Pārlādēt";
302/* Properties window */
303"Address Book Name" = "Adrešu grāmatas nosaukums";
304"Links to this Address Book" = "Saites uz šo adrešu grāmatu";
305"Authenticated User Access" = "Autentificēto lietotāju piekļuve";
306"CardDAV URL" = "CardDAV URL";
307"Options" = "Opcijas";
308"Rename" = "Pārdēvēt";
309"Subscriptions" = "Abonementi";
310"Global Addressbooks" = "Globāla adrešu grāmata";
311"Search" = "Meklēšana";
312"Sort" = "Kārtot";
313"Descending Order" = "Dilstoša secība";
314"Back" = "Atpakaļ";
315"Select All" = "Atlasīt visu";
316"Copy contacts" = "Kopēt kontaktus";
317"More messages options" = "Vairāk ziņojumu opciju";
318"New Contact" = "Jauns kontakts";
319"Close" = "Aizvērt";
320"More contact options" = "Vairāk kontaktu iespējas";
321"Organization Unit" = "Organizācijas vienība";
322"Add Organizational Unit" = "Pievienot organizācijas vienību";
323"Type" = "Tips";
324"Email Address" = "E-pasta adrese";
325"New Email Address" = "Jauna e-pasta adrese";
326"New Phone Number" = "Jauns tālruņa numurs";
327"URL" = "URL";
328"New URL" = "Jauns URL";
329"street" = "iela";
330"street (continued)" = "iela (turpinājums)";
331"Postoffice" = "Pasts";
332"Region" = "Reģions";
333"Postal Code" = "Pasta indekss";
334"New Address" = "Jauna adrese";
335"Reset" = "Atiestatīt";
336"Description" = "Apraksts";
337"Add Member" = "Pievienot dalībnieku";
338"Subscribe" = "Abonēt";
339"Add Birthday" = "Pievienot dzimšanas dienu";
340"Import" = "Importēt";
341"More options" = "Papildu opcijas";
342"Role" = "Loma";
343"Add Screen Name" = "Pievienot ekrāna vārdu";
344"Custom 1" = "Pielāgots 1";
345"Custom 2" = "Pielāgots 2";
346"Custom 3" = "Pielāgots 3";
347"Custom 4" = "Pielāgots 4";
348"Custom Value" = "Pielāgota vērtība";
349"New Custom Value" = "Jauna pielāgota vērtība";
350"Synchronization" = "Sinhronizācija";
351"Synchronize" = "Sinhronizēt";
352"Sucessfully subscribed to address book" = "Sekmīgi abonējis adrešu grāmatu";
354/* Aria label for scope of search on contacts */
355"Search scope" = "Meklēšanas tvērums";
357/* Aria label for avatar button to select and unselect a card */
358"Toggle item" = "Pārslēgt vienumu";
360/* Hotkey to create a new card */
361"key_create_card" = "c";
363/* Hotkey to create a new list */
364"key_create_list" = "l";