2// (c) Copyright by authors of the Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware Project
4// All Rights Reserved. See copyright.txt for details and a complete list of authors.
5// Licensed under the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. See license.txt for details.
6// $Id$
8if (strpos($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"], basename(__FILE__)) !== false) {
9	header("location: index.php");
10	exit;
14 * We change the client_charset value from 'utf8' to 'utf8mb4' if it is still 'utf8'.
15 * Since db/local.php is a very important file, we keep a backup if we edit it.
16 *
17 * @param $installer
18 */
19function upgrade_20181127_convert_db_local_to_utf8mb4_tiki($installer)
21	$localfile = TikiInit::getCredentialsFile();
22	$date = date("Ymd");
23	$time = date("His");
24	// Unique name so as to avoid losing the backup in case something goes wrong
25	$backuplocalfile = "db/obsolete_${date}-${time}_local.php";
27	// Parse local.php file and look for obsolete 'utf8' client_charset value
28	$contents = @file($localfile);
30	if ($contents !== false) {
31		$last_matched_line = "";
32		$last_matched_charset = "";
33		foreach ($contents as $key => $line) {
34			// Detect last value and line for client_charset
35			$extract = preg_match("/^[ 	]*[$]client_charset[ ]*=[ ]*['\"](.*)['\"];/", $line, $match);
36			if (isset($match[1])) {
37				// echo "Match: " . $match[1] . PHP_EOL;
38				$last_matched_line = $key;
39				$last_matched_charset = $match[1];
40			}
41		}
42	} else {
43		echo "Failed to read 'db/local.php'" . PHP_EOL;
44		echo "Please edit db/local.php manually and change the \$client_charset value from 'utf8' to 'utf8mb4'" . PHP_EOL;
45		return true;
46	}
48	// If obsolete 'utf8' client_charset value was found, backup and edit
49	if ($last_matched_charset == 'utf8') {
50		// Backup db/local.php
51		if (! rename($localfile, $backuplocalfile)) {
52			echo "Failed to backup 'db/local.php'" . PHP_EOL;
53			echo "Please edit db/local.php manually and change the \$client_charset value from 'utf8' to 'utf8mb4'" . PHP_EOL;
54			return false;
55		}
56		// Rewrite the new db/local.php
57		$handle = fopen($localfile, 'xb');
58		$contents[$last_matched_line] = "// Commented by installer on ${date} // " . $contents[$last_matched_line] . "\$client_charset='utf8mb4';" . PHP_EOL;
59		reset($contents);
60		foreach ($contents as $key => $line) {
61			fwrite($handle, $line);
62		}
63		fclose($handle);
64		return true;
65	} elseif ($last_matched_charset == 'utf8mb4') {
66		// Nothing to do, leave with success return code
67		// echo "debug nothing to do\n";
68		return true;
69	} else {
70		echo "Please edit db/local.php manually and change the \$client_charset value from '" . $last_matched_charset . "' to 'utf8mb4'" . PHP_EOL;
71		return true;
72	}
74	// This place should not be reached
75	return false;