1<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2">
3	<file source-language="en" datatype="plaintext" original="EXT:frontend/Resources/Private/Language/locallang_csh_ttcontent.xlf" date="2011-10-17T20:22:32Z" product-name="context_help">
4		<header/>
5		<body>
6			<trans-unit id=".description" resname=".description">
7				<source>All visible content on webpages is typically made by "Page Content" records, often referred to as "Content Elements". Content Elements are managed by the "Page" Module which organizes Content Elements in multiple columns and languages.</source>
8			</trans-unit>
9			<trans-unit id=".details" resname=".details">
10				<source>"Page Content" records are sortable and can be rearranged. The "Language" and "Column" selectors of the "Page Content" records determines when and where they appear. If you do not change the value of the "Language" and "Column" selectors the Content Element will appear in the default configuration.</source>
11			</trans-unit>
12			<trans-unit id="_.seeAlso" resname="_.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
13				<source>Page Content Principles | https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/GettingStartedTutorial/GeneralPrinciples/PageContent/,
15			</trans-unit>
16			<trans-unit id="_.image" resname="_.image" xml:space="preserve">
17				<source>EXT:frontend/Resources/Public/Images/cshimages/ttcontent_1.png,
20				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
21			</trans-unit>
22			<trans-unit id=".image_descr" resname=".image_descr" xml:space="preserve">
23				<source>The Page Module is used to manage Content Elements arranged in columns and languages.
24A Content Element has an editing form with many options. The "Type" determines which options are visible.
25In the Frontend, a Content Element like the above could look like this.</source>
26			</trans-unit>
27			<trans-unit id="CType.description" resname="CType.description">
28				<source>Select the kind of Page Content this element represents. New options will appear when you save the record.</source>
29			</trans-unit>
30			<trans-unit id="CType.details" resname="CType.details" xml:space="preserve">
31				<source>The 'Type' of content you select determines which options are available in the editing form so be sure to save the record before making other changes.
33This is a description of the various types:
36This type allows you to insert a standard Content Element header and nothing more.
37Almost all the other types described below also include the Header and its options. The Header type provides a way to insert a header without any other content.
40The Text type allows you to insert regular page content. It is generally used for text only content.
42&lt;strong&gt;Text &amp; Images&lt;/strong&gt;
43This is the same as the Text type (regular page content) but with the option of attaching images.
46The Image type allows you to insert image only page content.
48&lt;strong&gt;Bullet List&lt;/strong&gt;
49Lets you create a bullet list. Each line in the text field will appear as a single bullet.
52Lets you create &lt;em&gt;simple&lt;/em&gt; tables. Each line represents a row in the table and vertical bars ('|') separate each column. A popup wizard is also available.
54&lt;strong&gt;File Links&lt;/strong&gt;
55Allows you to present a list of files for download. Thumbnails can be attached to the list and you can also display the file size.
58Lets you create mail forms using a special syntax or a popup wizard.
61This inserts a search box and also shows the search results when a search is performed on the page.
64Displays a login box for website users. This is only useful if you have already created website users and usergroups.
67Offers a selection of menus and a sitemap you can insert on a page.
69&lt;strong&gt;Insert records&lt;/strong&gt;
70This acts as placeholder for other records. With this content element, you can reuse multiple content elements from other pages.
72&lt;strong&gt;Insert plugin&lt;/strong&gt;
73This will allows you to insert news, forums, guestbooks, lists of addresses, and other functionality. Plugins are typically provided by TYPO3 extensions. The available fields and required configuration depend on the extension.
76This inserts a simple horizontal rule on a page.
79This is plain HTML content. Anything added in the HTML Code of this Content Element will be displayed directly on the page without any preprocessing.</source>
80			</trans-unit>
81			<trans-unit id="_CType.seeAlso" resname="_CType.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
82				<source>tt_content:colPos,
84About Content Elements | https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/GettingStartedTutorial/EditAndCreatePagesAndContent/EditPageContent/</source>
85				<note from="developer">A part of this string is an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy this part into the translation field and do not change it. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
86			</trans-unit>
87			<trans-unit id="_CType.image" resname="_CType.image">
88				<source>EXT:frontend/Resources/Public/Images/cshimages/ttcontent_4.png</source>
89				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
90			</trans-unit>
91			<trans-unit id="hidden.description" resname="hidden.description">
92				<source>Uncheck this box if you wish to disable the Content Element and keep it from being displayed on the website.</source>
93			</trans-unit>
94			<trans-unit id="_hidden.seeAlso" resname="_hidden.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
95				<source>tt_content:starttime,
100				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
101			</trans-unit>
102			<trans-unit id="starttime.description" resname="starttime.description">
103				<source>Enter the date when the Content Element should be published and displayed on the website.</source>
104			</trans-unit>
105			<trans-unit id="_starttime.seeAlso" resname="_starttime.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
106				<source>pages:starttime,
110				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
111			</trans-unit>
112			<trans-unit id="endtime.description" resname="endtime.description">
113				<source>Enter the date when the Content Element should expire and disappear from the website.</source>
114			</trans-unit>
115			<trans-unit id="_endtime.seeAlso" resname="_endtime.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
116				<source>pages:endtime,
120				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
121			</trans-unit>
122			<trans-unit id="fe_group.description" resname="fe_group.description">
123				<source>If Usergroup Access Rights are set to a usergroup name, only website users who are logged in and members of the selected usergroup will be able to view the Content Element. The special option 'Hide at Login' means the Content Element will &lt;em&gt;not&lt;/em&gt; be visible for any website users that are logged in. Likewise "Show at Any Login" will make the Content Element visible for any logged in website user.</source>
124			</trans-unit>
125			<trans-unit id="fe_group.details" resname="fe_group.details">
126				<source>The 'Hide at Login' option is is useful if you want to present information like "How to Login" that becomes irrelevant when a website user is actually logged in.</source>
127			</trans-unit>
128			<trans-unit id="_fe_group.seeAlso" resname="_fe_group.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
129				<source>tt_content:hidden,
135				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
136			</trans-unit>
137			<trans-unit id="sys_language_uid.description" resname="sys_language_uid.description">
138				<source>Select the system language of this Content Element. &lt;strong&gt;Notice:&lt;/strong&gt; This will affect the Content Element visibility by limiting it to a certain language.</source>
139			</trans-unit>
140			<trans-unit id="sys_language_uid.details" resname="sys_language_uid.details" xml:space="preserve">
141				<source>This allows you to assign a specific language to the Content Element. If you select anything but the default value, the element will &lt;em&gt;not&lt;/em&gt; be visible unless the language assigned is also configured by the TypoScript template.
142The available system languages are created by the administrator.</source>
143			</trans-unit>
144			<trans-unit id="_sys_language_uid.seeAlso" resname="_sys_language_uid.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
145				<source>tt_content:colPos,
147Localization concepts [Technical] | http://typo3.org/documentation/tips-tricks/multi-language-sites-in-typo3/,
149				<note from="developer">A part of this string is an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy this part into the translation field and do not change it. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
150			</trans-unit>
151			<trans-unit id="layout.description" resname="layout.description">
152				<source>Select a Layout.</source>
153			</trans-unit>
154			<trans-unit id="layout.details" resname="layout.details" xml:space="preserve">
155				<source>This option does not work by default for all Content Elements but your website may display Content Elements differently depending on the layout.
157The File Links Content Element does make use of the Layout field by default:
158"Normal" will provide a list of file links with no thumbnail.
159"Layout 1" adds a file icon to the left of the link
160"Layout 2" adds a thumbnail for image files and an icon for other files. A black border is wrapped around the icon.
161"Layout 3" is similar to Layout 2, but without the black border.</source>
162			</trans-unit>
163			<trans-unit id="colPos.description" resname="colPos.description">
164				<source>Select the column position of this element. &lt;strong&gt;Notice:&lt;/strong&gt; This may affect whether the Content Element is visible depending on your website template.</source>
165			</trans-unit>
166			<trans-unit id="colPos.details" resname="colPos.details" xml:space="preserve">
167				<source>Many websites only use one column of content. Some templates, however, let you put content in multiple columns using the Column option.
169&lt;strong&gt;Notice:&lt;/strong&gt; Selecting a column other than "Normal" may cause the Content Element to disappear if the website template does not use that column. If your Content Element mysteriously disappears make sure the Column and Language selectors are set correctly.</source>
170			</trans-unit>
171			<trans-unit id="_colPos.seeAlso" resname="_colPos.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
172				<source>tt_content:sys_language_uid,
175				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
176			</trans-unit>
177			<trans-unit id="date.description" resname="date.description">
178				<source>Enter a date to be displayed above the header.</source>
179			</trans-unit>
180			<trans-unit id="header.description" resname="header.description">
181				<source>Enter header text for the Content Element.</source>
182			</trans-unit>
183			<trans-unit id="header.details" resname="header.details" xml:space="preserve">
184				<source>Almost all Content Elements will display this header above the content. If you don't want the header displayed, set the header Layout to "Hidden". You can also choose not to enter any content in this field.
186Some content element types do not display the header by default. In those cases the Header field is typically labeled "Name" instead. One example is the HTML Content Element.</source>
187			</trans-unit>
188			<trans-unit id="_header.seeAlso" resname="_header.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
189				<source>tt_content:header_position,
193				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
194			</trans-unit>
195			<trans-unit id="_header.image" resname="_header.image">
196				<source>EXT:frontend/Resources/Public/Images/cshimages/ttcontent_6.png</source>
197				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
198			</trans-unit>
199			<trans-unit id="header_position.description" resname="header_position.description">
200				<source>Aligns the header to the left, center, or right.</source>
201			</trans-unit>
202			<trans-unit id="_header_position.seeAlso" resname="_header_position.seeAlso">
203				<source>tt_content:header</source>
204				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
205			</trans-unit>
206			<trans-unit id="header_link.description" resname="header_link.description">
207				<source>Creates a link from the header to a Page ID, email address, or URL.</source>
208			</trans-unit>
209			<trans-unit id="header_link.syntax" resname="header_link.syntax" xml:space="preserve">
210				<source>If you insert a Page ID (ex. 51), the link will point to the page with id=51 &lt;em&gt;inside&lt;/em&gt; TYPO3.
211If you insert an email address (ex. name@my-domain.test), the link will point to that email address.
212If you insert an URL or domain, (ex. www.typo3.org or http://www.my-domain.org), the link will point to that website.</source>
213			</trans-unit>
214			<trans-unit id="_header_link.seeAlso" resname="_header_link.seeAlso">
215				<source>tt_content:header</source>
216				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
217			</trans-unit>
218			<trans-unit id="header_layout.description" resname="header_layout.description">
219				<source>Select a visual design for the header.</source>
220			</trans-unit>
221			<trans-unit id="header_layout.details" resname="header_layout.details" xml:space="preserve">
222				<source>If you select "Default" the standard design (which is one of the layouts 1-5) will be used.
223Alternatively you can select from Layout 1 through 5 which are configured in the website template with individual visual designs.
224If you select "Hidden" the header will simply not appear. This is useful when you don't need a header to display on the website but still want to identify the Content Element in the Backend.</source>
225			</trans-unit>
226			<trans-unit id="_header_layout.seeAlso" resname="_header_layout.seeAlso">
227				<source>tt_content:header</source>
228				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
229			</trans-unit>
230			<trans-unit id="subheader.description" resname="subheader.description">
231				<source>Enter a subheader to be displayed below the main header. If the Content Element is a "Form" this field is instead used as the Recipient Email.</source>
232			</trans-unit>
233			<trans-unit id="subheader.details" resname="subheader.details">
234				<source>A subheader is displayed only with "Header" Content Elements and with "Form" Content Elements (as the Recipient Email).</source>
235			</trans-unit>
236			<trans-unit id="_subheader.seeAlso" resname="_subheader.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
237				<source>tt_content:header
239				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
240			</trans-unit>
241			<trans-unit id="bodytext.description" resname="bodytext.description">
242				<source>Enter the main text.</source>
243			</trans-unit>
244			<trans-unit id="bodytext.details" resname="bodytext.details" xml:space="preserve">
245				<source>The main text of the Content Element is entered here and can be formatted with HTML or a Rich Text Editor.
246The field is reused in other Content Element types so changing the type will cause any text to be reused in that new Content Element type.
248When you're using this field with the "Text" and "Text &amp; Images" types, the content is normal body text. Each linebreak signifies a new paragraph, you can use the special TYPO3 tag, &amp;lt;LINK&amp;gt;, for making links. You can use many HTML tags but there are limitations depending on your website configuration.
249A Rich Text Editor is commonly used to add a visual editing interface for 'Text' and 'Text &amp; Images' Content Elements.
251&lt;b&gt;Bullet Lists:&lt;/b&gt;
252If the type is "Bullet List" each line in this field is a bullet item.
255If the type is "Table" each line represents a table row. Within each line, columns are divided by a vertical bar ('|'). A table row with 3 columns could look like "This is column 1 | Column 2 here | Third column!". The table wizard can also be used for creating tables and is much easier than hand coding them.</source>
256			</trans-unit>
257			<trans-unit id="_bodytext.seeAlso" resname="_bodytext.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
258				<source>tt_content:CType,
261				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
262			</trans-unit>
263			<trans-unit id="image.description" resname="image.description">
264				<source>Insert one or more images.</source>
265			</trans-unit>
266			<trans-unit id="image.details" resname="image.details" xml:space="preserve">
267				<source>You can attach multiple images to the Content Element.
268Depending on the configuration of TYPO3, you can attach images in many formats without worrying about size and compression. TYPO3's graphics processing handles these details for you.
270When you use the "Text &amp; Images" type, it's important to select a proper position for images. For this purpose, use the Position and Alignment selector. See link to "Page Content / Position" below.
271You can also display images in multiple columns and even enable an option that opens full size images when thumbnails are clicked.</source>
272			</trans-unit>
273			<trans-unit id="_image.seeAlso" resname="_image.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
274				<source>tt_content:imagewidth,
283Using images ("Getting Started") | https://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/GettingStartedTutorial/TheFileModuleOrImageArchives/ManagingFilesInTypo3/
284Using images (Animation) | FILE:EXT:welcome/modsub/ani_10.gif</source>
285				<note from="developer">A part of this string is an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy this part into the translation field and do not change it. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
286			</trans-unit>
287			<trans-unit id="_image.image" resname="_image.image">
288				<source>EXT:frontend/Resources/Public/Images/cshimages/ttcontent_5.png</source>
289				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
290			</trans-unit>
291			<trans-unit id="image.image_descr" resname="image.image_descr">
292				<source>This shows all the options related to inserting images in Content Elements. Depending on user permissions, you may not be able to use all of them.</source>
293			</trans-unit>
294			<trans-unit id="imagewidth.description" resname="imagewidth.description">
295				<source>Enter the width (in pixels) for displaying the image in the Frontend of your website.</source>
296			</trans-unit>
297			<trans-unit id="imagewidth.details" resname="imagewidth.details">
298				<source>The TypoScript template is normally configured with maximum image width so you shouldn't need to specify a width. In unique cases, this provides additional flexibility though.</source>
299			</trans-unit>
300			<trans-unit id="_imagewidth.seeAlso" resname="_imagewidth.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
301				<source>tt_content:imageheight,
303				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
304			</trans-unit>
305			<trans-unit id="imageheight.description" resname="imageheight.description">
306				<source>Enter the height (in pixels) for displaying the images in the Frontend of your website.</source>
307			</trans-unit>
308			<trans-unit id="_imageheight.seeAlso" resname="_imageheight.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
309				<source>tt_content:imagewidth,
311				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
312			</trans-unit>
313			<trans-unit id="imageorient.description" resname="imageorient.description">
314				<source>Select the position and alignment of the images relative to the body text.</source>
315			</trans-unit>
316			<trans-unit id="imageorient.details" resname="imageorient.details" xml:space="preserve">
317				<source>The positions above and below the body text are pretty straight forward.
318The options for "In text" mean that images are displayed with text wrapped around them. When you select this option the template will probably force the images into smaller dimensions to accommodate the width of the template and the width of the text. The bodytext will float &lt;em&gt;under&lt;/em&gt; the image block when it reaches the end of the image block. In other words, the body text &lt;em&gt;wraps around&lt;/em&gt; the image block. If you select "In text" below the "No wrap" divider, the body text will not float under the image block, but simply continue in its column.
319Apart from the visual difference there is a technical aspect as well. If you choose to allow the content to wrap the image block you will experience a strange phenomenon when you do not have enough bodytext to make it float around the image: subsequent content elements on the page will appear to be layered on top of the image block. However it's easily solved by changing the "In text" position to the equal value but below the "No wrap" divider.</source>
320			</trans-unit>
321			<trans-unit id="imageborder.description" resname="imageborder.description">
322				<source>Displays a colored border around the images.</source>
323			</trans-unit>
324			<trans-unit id="_imageborder.seeAlso" resname="_imageborder.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
325				<source>tt_content:imagecols,
327				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
328			</trans-unit>
329			<trans-unit id="image_link.description" resname="image_link.description">
330				<source>Enter a link for the image. For multiple images, separate the links with commas.</source>
331			</trans-unit>
332			<trans-unit id="image_link.details" resname="image_link.details" xml:space="preserve">
333				<source>By default all images share the same link. Your TypoScript template may be configured to allow a separate link for each image. If this is the case, you simply separate the links with a comma.
335See Page Content&gt;Link below for details on syntax.</source>
336			</trans-unit>
337			<trans-unit id="_image_link.seeAlso" resname="_image_link.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
338				<source>tt_content:header_link,
341				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
342			</trans-unit>
343			<trans-unit id="image_zoom.description" resname="image_zoom.description">
344				<source>When enabled, clicking an image will open a larger version in a popup window.</source>
345			</trans-unit>
346			<trans-unit id="image_zoom.details" resname="image_zoom.details">
347				<source>This option overrides the value in the Links field.</source>
348			</trans-unit>
349			<trans-unit id="_image_zoom.seeAlso" resname="_image_zoom.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
350				<source>tt_content:image_link,
352				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
353			</trans-unit>
354			<trans-unit id="image_frames.description" resname="image_frames.description">
355				<source>Select special image framing options.</source>
356			</trans-unit>
357			<trans-unit id="_image_frames.seeAlso" resname="_image_frames.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
358				<source>tt_content:image</source>
359				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
360			</trans-unit>
361			<trans-unit id="imagecols.description" resname="imagecols.description">
362				<source>Set the number of columns when the images are displayed in the Frontend of the website.</source>
363			</trans-unit>
364			<trans-unit id="_imagecols.seeAlso" resname="_imagecols.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
365				<source>tt_content:image</source>
366				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
367			</trans-unit>
368			<trans-unit id="imagecaption.description" resname="imagecaption.description">
369				<source>Enter captions for the images. For multiple images, enter one caption per line.</source>
370			</trans-unit>
371			<trans-unit id="imagecaption.details" resname="imagecaption.details" xml:space="preserve">
372				<source>By default, the caption is positioned below the images. However, your TypoScript template may be configured to allow individual image captions by setting "styles.content.imgtext.captionSplit=1" in your template constants.
373In this case, each line in this field will be the image caption of the corresponding image in the list.
375The caption text field is also used by the Content Element type "File Links" where each line represents a description of a file in the list.</source>
376			</trans-unit>
377			<trans-unit id="cols.description" resname="cols.description">
378				<source>Select a fixed number of table columns</source>
379			</trans-unit>
380			<trans-unit id="pages.description" resname="pages.description">
381				<source>Select a target page or multiple target pages.</source>
382			</trans-unit>
383			<trans-unit id="pages.details" resname="pages.details" xml:space="preserve">
384				<source>This field is used by many of the Content Element types to create a relation to either a single target page or multiple target pages. If no target page is specified, the current page will generally be used.
386Using the "Search" Content Element, the target page is where search results will appear. You must make sure that this page has a similar "Search" Content Element to display the results.
388The "Login" Content Element (not to be confused with the Login plugin available when the felogin extension is installed) also uses this field to redirect the login to a certain page. That page does not need to contain a "Login" Content Element in order to perform the authentication since any TYPO3 page can handle a login request.
389If you specify a second page in this list, the ID will be passed to the login system as the page inside TYPO3 where website users are found. You should use this only if your template is not already configured to pass this value on.
390In order for the login procedure to work you must make sure that you have created website users and website usergroups, have specified where these website users can be found (typically a SysFolder), a page ID in the page list, and ensured that cookies are enabled for the site.
392The "Menu/Sitemap" Content Elements also use this field. In this case the page will determine the starting point for the menu or the actual pages shown in the menu. This behavior depends on the menu type you have selected.
394Finally the "Form" element uses this field as the target page to which the form is submitted. A common use is the "Thank you" page after the form is completed.</source>
395			</trans-unit>
396			<trans-unit id="_pages.seeAlso" resname="_pages.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
397				<source>tt_content:CType,
399				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
400			</trans-unit>
401			<trans-unit id="recursive.description" resname="recursive.description">
402				<source>The number of subpage levels that should also be included for each page in the list.</source>
403			</trans-unit>
404			<trans-unit id="recursive.details" resname="recursive.details" xml:space="preserve">
405				<source>This feature depends on the TypoScript template configuration and Content Element type. If enabled, each page listed in the "Pages" field will also have its subpages included to the specified depth.
407&lt;strong&gt;Warning:&lt;/strong&gt; If there are many subpages, be aware that this option may return a large number of results</source>
408			</trans-unit>
409			<trans-unit id="_recursive.seeAlso" resname="_recursive.seeAlso">
410				<source>tt_content:pages</source>
411				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
412			</trans-unit>
413			<trans-unit id="menu_type.description" resname="menu_type.description">
414				<source>Select the type of menu you wish to create.</source>
415			</trans-unit>
416			<trans-unit id="menu_type.details" resname="menu_type.details" xml:space="preserve">
417				<source>This is a short description of each type:
419&lt;strong&gt;Menu of selected pages&lt;/strong&gt;
420This will create a menu with links to the pages in the Selected Pages list.
422&lt;strong&gt;Menu of subpages of selected pages&lt;/strong&gt;
423This will create in a menu with links to the subpages of the pages in the Selected Pages list. If you do not specify any pages, the subpages to the current page will be used.
425&lt;strong&gt;Menu of subpages of selected pages (with abstract)&lt;/strong&gt;
426Like the previous option, but also displays the content of the Abstract field (or the Description field) for each page in the menu. The Abstract field is given priority over the Description field if both are complete.
428&lt;strong&gt;Menu of subpages of selected pages + sections&lt;/strong&gt;
429Like the previous option, but includes links to all Content Elements on the page that are marked to Show In Section Menus.
432Generates a classic tree sitemap. Notice that the sitemap will begin from the current page unless you select another page instead.
434&lt;strong&gt;Section index (page content marked for section menus)&lt;/strong&gt;
435This makes a menu of Content Elements on the selected pages for all Content Elements marked to Show In Section Menu. This is a great way to make an index at the top of the page.
436If you don't want certain Content Elements to appear in the list, just uncheck the Show in Section Menus checkbox for those elements.
438&lt;strong&gt;Recently updated pages&lt;/strong&gt;
439This displays the 10 most recently updated pages.
440&lt;strong&gt;Notice:&lt;/strong&gt; If you update a page and the updated page is not included in this list, clearing the Page Cache will resolve the issue.
442&lt;strong&gt;Related pages (based on keywords)&lt;/strong&gt;
443Displays other related pages based on the keywords of the selected pages matched against the keywords of other pages.</source>
444			</trans-unit>
445			<trans-unit id="_menu_type.seeAlso" resname="_menu_type.seeAlso" xml:space="preserve">
446				<source>tt_content:pages,
448				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
449			</trans-unit>
450			<trans-unit id="list_type.description" resname="list_type.description">
451				<source>Select a plugin to insert.</source>
452			</trans-unit>
453			<trans-unit id="list_type.details" resname="list_type.details">
454				<source>The list of plugins you can insert on a page. The available plugins depend on which extensions are installed.</source>
455			</trans-unit>
456			<trans-unit id="_list_type.seeAlso" resname="_list_type.seeAlso">
457				<source>_MOD_tools_em</source>
458				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
459			</trans-unit>
460			<trans-unit id="_list_type.image" resname="_list_type.image">
461				<source>EXT:frontend/Resources/Public/Images/cshimages/ttcontent_7.png</source>
462				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
463			</trans-unit>
464			<trans-unit id="media.description" resname="media.description">
465				<source>Files can be added to the list here.</source>
466			</trans-unit>
467			<trans-unit id="multimedia.description" resname="multimedia.description">
468				<source>Insert a multimedia element here (ex. Flash movie)</source>
469			</trans-unit>
470			<trans-unit id="filelink_size.description" resname="filelink_size.description">
471				<source>Enable the display of file sizes.</source>
472			</trans-unit>
473			<trans-unit id="records.description" resname="records.description">
474				<source>Insert records to be displayed on this page.</source>
475			</trans-unit>
476			<trans-unit id="sectionIndex.description" resname="sectionIndex.description">
477				<source>If set, the Content Element will appear in Section Menus.</source>
478			</trans-unit>
479			<trans-unit id="sectionIndex.details" resname="sectionIndex.details">
480				<source>See more details about Section Menus by clicking below.</source>
481			</trans-unit>
482			<trans-unit id="linkToTop.description" resname="linkToTop.description">
483				<source>If checked, a small  "To Top" link will be added after the Content Element, linking back to the top of the page.</source>
484			</trans-unit>
485			<trans-unit id="rte_enabled.description" resname="rte_enabled.description">
486				<source>If checked, the Rich Text Editor will be disabled for the "Text" and "Text &amp; Image" types (&lt;em&gt;in this Content Element only&lt;/em&gt;).</source>
487			</trans-unit>
488			<trans-unit id="_rte_enabled.seeAlso" resname="_rte_enabled.seeAlso">
489				<source>tt_content:bodytext</source>
490				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
491			</trans-unit>
492			<trans-unit id="pi_flexform.description" resname="pi_flexform.description">
493				<source>Plugin Configuration</source>
494			</trans-unit>
495			<trans-unit id="pi_flexform.details" resname="pi_flexform.details">
496				<source>Some plugins may provide configuration options, but the actual options vary based on the plugin. Behind the scenes, these are based on FlexForms and stored as XML.</source>
497			</trans-unit>
498			<trans-unit id="_pi_flexform.seeAlso" resname="_pi_flexform.seeAlso">
499				<source>tt_content:list_type</source>
500				<note from="developer">This string contains an internal text, which must not be changed. Just copy the original text into the translation field. For more information have a look at the Tutorial.</note>
501			</trans-unit>
502		</body>
503	</file>