1 // This may look like C code, but it's really -*- C++ -*-
2 /*
3  * Copyright (C) 2017 Emweb bv, Herent, Belgium.
4  *
5  * See the LICENSE file for terms of use.
6  */
10 #include <Wt/Auth/OidcService.h>
12 namespace Wt {
13   namespace Auth {
15 /*! \brief %OAuth service for Google as third-party authenticator.
16  *
17  * The configuration of the service is done using properties, whose
18  * values need to match the values configured at Google.
19  *
20  * - <tt>google-oauth2-redirect-endpoint</tt>: the URL of the local
21  *   redirect endpoint, to which the google OAuth service redirects the user
22  *   after authentication. See also redirectEndpoint()
23  * - <tt>google-oauth2-redirect-endpoint-path</tt>: optionally, the deployment
24  *   path that corresponds to the redirect endpoint. See also
25  *   redirectEndpointPath()
26  * - <tt>google-oauth2-client-id</tt>: The client ID
27  * - <tt>google-oauth2-client-secret</tt>: The client secret.
28  *
29  * For example:
30  * \code
31  * <properties>
32  *   <property name="google-oauth2-redirect-endpoint">
33  *     http://localhost:8080/oauth2callback
34  *   </property>
35  *   <property name="google-oauth2-client-id">
36  *     123456789012.apps.googleusercontent.com
37  *   </property>
38  *   <property name="google-oauth2-client-secret">
39  *     abcdefghijk-12312312312
40  *   </property>
41  * </properties>
42  * \endcode
43  *
44  * Like all <b>service classes</b>, this class holds only
45  * configuration state. Thus, once configured, it can be safely shared
46  * between multiple sessions since its state (the configuration) is
47  * read-only.
48  * \if cpp
49  * A "const GoogleService" object is thus thread-safe.
50  * \endif
51  *
52  * \if cpp
53  * \sa https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2
54  * \sa https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect
55  * \elseif java
56  * See also: https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2
57  *           https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OpenIDConnect
58  * \endif
59  *
60  * \if cpp
61  * \note For FastCGI, see also additional configuration in OAuthService
62  * \endif
63  *
64  * \ingroup auth
65  */
66 class WT_API GoogleService : public OidcService
67 {
68 public:
69   /*! \brief Constructor.
70    */
71   GoogleService(const AuthService& baseAuth);
73   /*! \brief Checks whether a GoogleAuth service is properly configured.
74    *
75    * This returns \c true if a value is found for the three
76    * configuration properties.
77    */
78   static bool configured();
80   virtual std::string redirectEndpointPath() const override;
81 };
83   }
84 }
86 #endif // GOOGLE_SERVICE_H_