3 * Detailed Gallery Statistics
4 *
5 * This plugin shows statistical graphs and info about your gallery\'s images and albums
6 *
7 * @package admin
8 */
9define('OFFSET_PATH', 3);
11require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/admin-globals.php');
12require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/image_album_statistics.php');
14if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
15	require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/zenpage/zenpage-admin-functions.php');
18$buttonlist[] = array(
19		'category' => gettext('Info'),
20		'enable' => true,
21		'button_text' => gettext('Gallery Statistics'),
22		'formname' => 'gallery_statistics.php',
23		'action' => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . UTILITIES_FOLDER . '/gallery_statistics.php',
24		'icon' => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/bar_graph.png',
25		'title' => gettext('Shows statistical graphs and info about your gallery’s images and albums.'),
26		'alt' => '',
27		'hidden' => '',
28		'rights' => ADMIN_RIGHTS
31admin_securityChecks(OVERVIEW_RIGHTS, currentRelativeURL());
34$webpath = WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/';
36$zenphoto_tabs['overview']['subtabs'] = array(gettext('Statistics') => FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . UTILITIES_FOLDER . '/gallery_statistics.php');
37printAdminHeader('overview', 'statistics');
40<link rel="stylesheet" href="../admin-statistics.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
43 * http://php.net/manual/de/function.filesize.php
44 *
45 * @author Jonas Sweden
46 */
48function gallerystats_filesize_r($path) {
49	if (!file_exists($path))
50		return 0;
51	if (is_file($path))
52		return filesize($path);
53	$ret = 0;
54	foreach (safe_glob($path . "/*") as $fn) {
55		$ret += gallerystats_filesize_r($fn);
56	}
57	return $ret;
61 * Prints a table with a bar graph of the values.
62 *
63 * @param string $sortorder "popular", "mostrated","toprated","mostcommented" or - only if $type = "albums"! - "mostimages"
64 * @param string_type $type "albums", "images", "pages", "news", "tags"
65 * @param int $limit Number of entries to show
66 */
67function printBarGraph($sortorder = "mostimages", $type = "albums", $from_number = 0, $to_number = 10) {
68	global $webpath;
69	$limit = $from_number . "," . $to_number;
70	$bargraphmaxsize = 90;
71	switch ($type) {
72		case "albums":
73			$typename = gettext("Albums");
74			$dbquery = "SELECT * FROM " . prefix('albums');
75			break;
76		case "images":
77			$typename = gettext("Images");
78			$dbquery = "SELECT * FROM " . prefix('images');
79			break;
80		case "pages":
81			$typename = gettext("Pages");
82			$dbquery = "SELECT * FROM " . prefix('pages');
83			break;
84		case "news":
85			$typename = gettext("News Articles");
86			$dbquery = "SELECT * FROM " . prefix('news');
87			break;
88		case "newscategories":
89			$typename = gettext("News Categories");
90			$dbquery = "SELECT * FROM " . prefix('news_categories');
91			break;
92		case "tags":
93			$typename = gettext("Tags");
94			break;
95		case "rss":
96			$typename = gettext("rss");
97			break;
98	}
99	switch ($sortorder) {
100		case "mostused":
101			switch ($type) {
102				case "tags":
103					$itemssorted = query_full_array("SELECT tagobj.tagid, count(*) as tagcount, tags.* FROM " . prefix('obj_to_tag') . " AS tagobj, " . prefix('tags') . " AS tags WHERE tags.id=tagobj.tagid GROUP BY tags.id ORDER BY tagcount DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
104					if (empty($itemssorted)) {
105						$maxvalue = 0;
106					} else {
107						$maxvalue = $itemssorted[0]['tagcount'];
108					}
109					break;
110				case"newscategories":
111					$itemssorted = query_full_array("SELECT news2cat.cat_id, count(*) as catcount, cats.* FROM " . prefix('news2cat') . " AS news2cat, " . prefix('news_categories') . " AS cats WHERE cats.id=news2cat.cat_id GROUP BY news2cat.cat_id ORDER BY catcount DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
112					if (empty($itemssorted)) {
113						$maxvalue = 0;
114					} else {
115						$maxvalue = $itemssorted[0]['catcount'];
116					}
117					break;
118			}
119			$headline = $typename . " - " . gettext("most used");
120			break;
121		case "popular":
122			switch ($type) {
123				case 'rss':
124					$itemssorted = query_full_array("SELECT `type`,`aux`, `data` FROM " . prefix('plugin_storage') . " WHERE `type` = 'rsshitcounter' ORDER BY CONVERT(data,UNSIGNED) DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
125					if (empty($itemssorted)) {
126						$maxvalue = 0;
127					} else {
128						$maxvalue = $itemssorted[0]['data'];
129					}
130					break;
131				default:
132					$itemssorted = query_full_array($dbquery . " ORDER BY hitcounter DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
133					if (empty($itemssorted)) {
134						$maxvalue = 0;
135					} else {
136						$maxvalue = $itemssorted[0]['hitcounter'];
137					}
138					break;
139			}
140			$headline = $typename . " - " . gettext("most viewed");
141			break;
142		case "popularimages":
143			$dbquery = "SELECT a.*, ROUND(AVG( i.hitcounter ), 0) AS average FROM " . prefix('albums') . " a INNER JOIN " . prefix('images') . " i ON i.albumid = a.id ";
144			$itemssorted = query_full_array($dbquery . " GROUP BY i.albumid ORDER BY average DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
145			if (empty($itemssorted)) {
146				$maxvalue = 0;
147			} else {
148				$maxvalue = $itemssorted[0]['average'];
149			}
150			$headline = $typename . " - " . gettext("most viewed images");
151			break;
152		case "mostrated":
153			$itemssorted = query_full_array($dbquery . " ORDER BY total_votes DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
154			if (empty($itemssorted)) {
155				$maxvalue = 0;
156			} else {
157				$maxvalue = $itemssorted[0]['total_votes'];
158			}
159			$headline = $typename . " - " . gettext("most rated");
160			break;
161		case "toprated":
162			$itemssorted = query_full_array($dbquery . " ORDER BY (total_value/total_votes) DESC, total_value DESC LIMIT $limit");
163			if (empty($itemssorted)) {
164				$maxvalue = 0;
165			} else {
166				if ($itemssorted[0]['total_votes'] != 0) {
167					$maxvalue = ($itemssorted[0]['total_value'] / $itemssorted[0]['total_votes']);
168				} else {
169					$maxvalue = 0;
170				}
171			}
172			$headline = $typename . " - " . gettext("top rated");
173			break;
174		case "mostcommented":
175			switch ($type) {
176				case "albums":
177					$itemssorted = query_full_array("SELECT comments.ownerid, count(*) as commentcount, albums.* FROM " . prefix('comments') . " AS comments, " . prefix('albums') . " AS albums WHERE albums.id=comments.ownerid AND type = 'albums' GROUP BY comments.ownerid ORDER BY commentcount DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
178					break;
179				case "images":
180					$itemssorted = query_full_array("SELECT comments.ownerid, count(*) as commentcount, images.* FROM " . prefix('comments') . " AS comments, " . prefix('images') . " AS images WHERE images.id=comments.ownerid AND type = 'images' GROUP BY comments.ownerid ORDER BY commentcount DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
181					break;
182				case "pages":
183					$itemssorted = query_full_array("SELECT comments.ownerid, count(*) as commentcount, pages.* FROM " . prefix('comments') . " AS comments, " . prefix('pages') . " AS pages WHERE pages.id=comments.ownerid AND type = 'pages' GROUP BY comments.ownerid ORDER BY commentcount DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
184					break;
185				case "news":
186					$itemssorted = query_full_array("SELECT comments.ownerid, count(*) as commentcount, news.* FROM " . prefix('comments') . " AS comments, " . prefix('news') . " AS news WHERE news.id=comments.ownerid AND type = 'news' GROUP BY comments.ownerid ORDER BY commentcount DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
187					break;
188			}
189			if (empty($itemssorted)) {
190				$maxvalue = 0;
191			} else {
192				$maxvalue = $itemssorted[0]['commentcount'];
193			}
194			$headline = $typename . " - " . gettext("most commented");
195			break;
196		case "mostimages":
197			$itemssorted = query_full_array("SELECT images.albumid, count(*) as imagenumber, albums.* FROM " . prefix('images') . " AS images, " . prefix('albums') . " AS albums WHERE albums.id=images.albumid GROUP BY images.albumid ORDER BY imagenumber DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
198			if (empty($itemssorted)) {
199				$maxvalue = 0;
200			} else {
201				$maxvalue = $itemssorted[0]['imagenumber'];
202			}
203			$headline = $typename . " - " . gettext("most images");
204			break;
205		case "latest":
206			switch ($type) {
207				case "albums":
208					$allalbums = query_full_array($dbquery . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
209					$albums = array();
210					foreach ($allalbums as $album) {
211						$albumobj = newAlbum($album['folder']);
212						if ($albumobj->loaded) {
213							$albumentry = array("id" => $albumobj->getID(), "title" => $albumobj->getTitle(), "folder" => $albumobj->name, "imagenumber" => $albumobj->getNumImages(), "show" => $albumobj->isPublished());
214							array_unshift($albums, $albumentry);
215						}
216					}
217					$maxvalue = 1;
218					$itemssorted = sortMultiArray($albums, 'id', true, true); // The items are originally sorted by id;
219					$headline = $typename . " - " . gettext("latest");
220					break;
221				case "images":
222					$itemssorted = query_full_array($dbquery . " ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT " . $limit);
223					$barsize = 0;
224					$maxvalue = 1;
225					$headline = $typename . " - " . gettext("latest");
226					break;
227			}
228			break;
229 case "latestupdated":
230      $albums = getAlbumStatistic($to_number, 'latestupdated', '');
231      $maxvalue = 1;
232      if (!empty($albums)) {
233        $stats_albums = array();
234        foreach ($albums as $key => $albumobj) {
235          if ($albumobj->loaded) {
236            $stats_albums[$key]['title'] = $albumobj->getTitle();
237            $stats_albums[$key]['folder'] = $albumobj->name;
238            $stats_albums[$key]['imagenumber'] = $albumobj->getNumImages();
239          }
240        }
241      }
242      $itemssorted = $stats_albums;
243      $headline = $typename . " - " . gettext("latest updated");
244      break;
245  }
247  if ($maxvalue == 0 || empty($itemssorted)) {
248		$maxvalue = 1;
249		$no_hitcount_enabled_msg = '';
250		if ($sortorder == 'popular' && $type != 'rss' && !extensionEnabled('hitcounter')) {
251			$no_hitcount_enabled_msg = gettext("(The hitcounter plugin is not enabled.)");
252		}
253		$no_statistic_message = "<tr><td><em>" . gettext("No statistic available.") . $no_hitcount_enabled_msg . "</em></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>";
254	} else {
255		$no_statistic_message = "";
256		if (($sortorder == 'popular' || $sortorder == 'popularimages') && $type != 'rss' && !extensionEnabled('hitcounter')) {
257			$no_statistic_message = "<tr><td colspan='4'><em>" . gettext("Note: The hitcounter plugin is not enabled, therefore any existing values will not get updated.") . "</em></td><td></td><td></td><td></td></tr>";
258		}
259	}
260	if ($from_number <= 1) {
261		$count = 1;
262	} else {
263		$count = $from_number;
264	}
265	$countlines = 0;
266	echo "<table class='bordered'>";
267	echo "<tr><th colspan='4'><strong>" . $headline . "</strong>";
269	if (isset($_GET['stats'])) {
270		echo "<a href='gallery_statistics.php'> | " . gettext("Back to the top 10 lists") . "</a>";
271	} else {
272		if (empty($no_statistic_message)) {
273			echo "<a href='gallery_statistics.php?stats=" . $sortorder . "&amp;type=" . $type . "'> | " . gettext("View more") . "</a>";
274		}
275		echo "<a href='#top'> | " . gettext("top") . "</a>";
276	}
277	echo "</th></tr>";
278	echo $no_statistic_message;
279	foreach ($itemssorted as $item) {
280		if (array_key_exists("filename", $item)) {
281			$name = $item['filename'];
282		} else if (array_key_exists("folder", $item)) {
283			$name = $item['folder'];
284		} else if ($type === "pages" OR $type === "news") {
285			$name = $item['titlelink'];
286		} else if ($type === "newscategories") {
287			$name = $item['titlelink'];
288		} else if ($type === "tags") {
289			$name = "";
290		}
291		switch ($sortorder) {
292			case "popular":
293				switch ($type) {
294					case 'rss':
295						$barsize = round($item['data'] / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
296						$value = $item['data'];
297						break;
298					default:
299						$barsize = round($item['hitcounter'] / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
300						$value = $item['hitcounter'];
301						break;
302				}
303				break;
304			case 'popularimages':
305				$barsize = round($item['average'] / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
306				$value = $item['average'] . " views / image";
307				break;
308			case "mostrated":
309				if ($item['total_votes'] != 0) {
310					$barsize = round($item['total_votes'] / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
311				} else {
312					$barsize = 0;
313				}
314				$value = $item['total_votes'];
315				break;
316			case "toprated":
317				if ($item['total_votes'] != 0) {
318					$barsize = round(($item['total_value'] / $item['total_votes']) / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
319					$value = round($item['total_value'] / $item['total_votes']);
320				} else {
321					$barsize = 0;
322					$value = 0;
323				}
324				break;
325			case "mostcommented":
326				if ($maxvalue != 0) {
327					$barsize = round($item['commentcount'] / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
328				} else {
329					$barsize = 0;
330				}
331				$value = $item['commentcount'];
332				break;
333			case "mostimages":
334				$barsize = round($item['imagenumber'] / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
335				$value = $item['imagenumber'];
336				break;
337			case "latest":
338				switch ($type) {
339					case "albums":
340						$barsize = 0; //round($item['imagenumber'] / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
341						$value = sprintf(gettext("%s images"), $item['imagenumber']);
342						break;
343					case "images":
344						$barsize = 0;
345						$value = "";
346						break;
347				}
348				break;
349			case "latestupdated":
350				$barsize = 0; //round($item['imagenumber'] / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
351				$value = sprintf(gettext("%s images"), $item['imagenumber']);
352				break;
353			case "mostused":
354				switch ($type) {
355					case "tags":
356						if ($maxvalue != 0) {
357							$barsize = round($item['tagcount'] / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
358						} else {
359							$barsize = 0;
360						}
361						$value = $item['tagcount'];
362						break;
363					case "newscategories":
364						if ($maxvalue != 0) {
365							$barsize = round($item['catcount'] / $maxvalue * $bargraphmaxsize);
366						} else {
367							$barsize = 0;
368						}
369						$value = $item['catcount'];
370						break;
371				}
372				break;
373		}
374		// counter to have a gray background of every second line
375		if ($countlines === 1) {
376			$style = " style='background-color: #f4f4f4'"; // a little ugly but the already attached class for the table is so easiest overriden...
377			$countlines = 0;
378		} else {
379			$style = "";
380			$countlines++;
381		}
382		switch ($type) {
383			case "albums":
384				$editurl = $webpath . "/admin-edit.php?page=edit&amp;album=" . $name;
385				$viewurl = WEBPATH . "/index.php?album=" . $name;
386				$title = get_language_string($item['title']);
387				break;
388			case "images":
389				if ($item['albumid']) {
390					$getalbumfolder = query_single_row("SELECT title, folder, `show` from " . prefix("albums") . " WHERE id = " . $item['albumid']);
391					if ($sortorder === "latest") {
392						$value = "<span";
393						if ($getalbumfolder['show'] != "1") {
394							$value = $value . " class='unpublished_item'";
395						}
396						$value = $value . ">" . get_language_string($getalbumfolder['title']) . "</span> (" . $getalbumfolder['folder'] . ")";
397					}
398					$editurl = $webpath . "/admin-edit.php?page=edit&amp;album=" . $getalbumfolder['folder'] . "&amp;image=" . $item['filename'] . "&amp;tab=imageinfo#IT";
399					$viewurl = WEBPATH . "/index.php?album=" . $getalbumfolder['folder'] . "&amp;image=" . $name;
400					$title = get_language_string($item['title']);
401				}
402				break;
403			case "pages":
404				$editurl = $webpath . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . "/zenpage/admin-edit.php?page&amp;titlelink=" . $name;
405				$viewurl = WEBPATH . "/index.php?p=pages&amp;title=" . $name;
406				$title = get_language_string($item['title']);
407				break;
408			case "news":
409				$editurl = $webpath . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . "/zenpage/admin-edit.php?news&amp;titlelink=" . $name;
410				$viewurl = WEBPATH . "/index.php?p=news&amp;title=" . $name;
411				$title = get_language_string($item['title']);
412				break;
413			case "newscategories":
414				$editurl = $webpath . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . "/zenpage/admin-categories.php?edit&amp;id=" . $item['id'];
415				$viewurl = WEBPATH . "/index.php?p=news&amp;category=" . $name;
416				$title = get_language_string($item['title']);
417				break;
418			case "tags":
419				$editurl = $webpath . "/admin-tags.php";
420				$viewurl = WEBPATH . "/index.php?p=search&amp;searchfields=tags&amp;words=" . $item['name'];
421				$title = $item['name'];
422				break;
423			case "rss":
424				$editurl = '';
425				$viewurl = WEBPATH . "/index.php?" . html_encode(strrchr($item['aux'], 'rss'));
426				$title = html_encode(strrchr($item['aux'], 'rss'));
427				break;
428		}
429		if (isset($item['show'])) {
430			if ($item['show'] != "1") {
431				$show = " class='unpublished_item'";
432			} else {
433				$show = "";
434			}
435		} else {
436			$show = "";
437		}
438		if ($value != 0 OR $sortorder === "latest") {
439			if (empty($name)) {
440				$name = "";
441			} else {
442				$name = "(" . $name . ")";
443			}
444			?>
445			<tr class="statistic_wrapper">
446				<td class="statistic_counter" <?php echo $style; ?>>
447					<?php echo $count; ?>
448				</td>
449				<td class="statistic_title" <?php echo $style; ?>>
450					<strong<?php echo $show; ?>><?php echo $title; ?></strong> <?php echo $name; ?>
451				</td>
452				<td class="statistic_graphwrap" <?php echo $style; ?>>
453					<div class="statistic_bargraph" style="width: <?php echo $barsize; ?>%"></div>
454					<div class="statistic_value"><?php echo $value; ?></div>
455				</td>
456				<td class="statistic_link" <?php echo $style; ?>>
457					<?php
458					switch ($type) {
459						case 'rss':
460							echo "<a href='" . $viewurl . "' title='" . $name . "'>" . gettext("View") . "</a></td>";
461							break;
462						default:
463							echo "<a href='" . $editurl . "' title='" . $name . "'>" . gettext("Edit") . "</a> | <a href='" . $viewurl . "' title='" . $name . "'>" . gettext("View") . "</a></td>";
464							break;
465					}
466					echo "</tr>";
467					$count++;
468					if ($count === $limit) {
469						break;
470					}
471				}
472			} // foreach end
473			echo "</table>";
474		}
476		echo '</head>';
477		?>
480	<?php
481	printLogoAndLinks();
482	?>
483	<div id="main">
484		<span id="top"></span>
485		<?php
486		printTabs();
490// getting the counts
491		$albumcount = $_zp_gallery->getNumAlbums(true);
492		$albumscount_unpub = $albumcount - $_zp_gallery->getNumAlbums(true, true);
493		$imagecount = $_zp_gallery->getNumImages();
494		$imagecount_unpub = $imagecount - $_zp_gallery->getNumImages(true);
495		?>
496		<div id="content">
497			<?php printSubtabs() ?>
498			<div class="tabbox">
499				<?php zp_apply_filter('admin_note', 'statistics', ''); ?>
500				<h1><?php echo gettext("Gallery Statistics"); ?></h1>
501				<p><?php echo gettext("This page shows more detailed statistics of your gallery. For album statistics the bar graph always shows the total number of images in that album. For image statistics always the album the image is in is shown.<br />Un-published items are marked in dark red. Images are marked un-published if their (direct) album is, too."); ?></p>
503				<ul class="statistics_general"><li>
504						<?php
505						if ($imagecount_unpub > 0) {
506							printf(gettext('<strong>%1$u</strong> images (%2$u un-published)'), $imagecount, $imagecount_unpub);
507						} else {
508							printf(gettext('<strong>%u</strong> images'), $imagecount);
509						}
510						?>
511					</li><li>
512						<?php
513						if ($albumscount_unpub > 0) {
514							printf(gettext('<strong>%1$u</strong> albums (%2$u un-published)'), $albumcount, $albumscount_unpub);
515						} else {
516							printf(gettext('<strong>%u</strong> albums'), $albumcount);
517						}
518						?>
519					</li>
520					<li>
521						<?php
522						$commentcount = $_zp_gallery->getNumComments(true);
523						$commentcount_mod = $commentcount - $_zp_gallery->getNumComments(false);
524						if ($commentcount_mod > 0) {
525							if ($commentcount != 1) {
526								printf(gettext('<strong>%1$u</strong> comments (%2$u in moderation)'), $commentcount, $commentcount_mod);
527							} else {
528								printf(gettext('<strong>1</strong> comment (%u in moderation)'), $commentcount_mod);
529							}
530						} else {
531							if ($commentcount != 1) {
532								printf(gettext('<strong>%u</strong> comments'), $commentcount);
533							} else {
534								echo gettext('<strong>1</strong> comment');
535							}
536						}
537						?>
538					</li>
539					<?php if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) { ?>
540						<li>
541							<?php
542							list($total, $type, $unpub) = getNewsPagesStatistic("pages");
543							if (empty($unpub)) {
544								printf(gettext('<strong>%1$u</strong> Pages'), $total, $type);
545							} else {
546								printf(gettext('<strong>%1$u</strong> Pages (%2$u un-published)'), $total, $unpub);
547							}
548							?>
549						</li>
550						<li>
551							<?php
552							list($total, $type, $unpub) = getNewsPagesStatistic("news");
553							if (empty($unpub)) {
554								printf(gettext('<strong>%1$u</strong> News articles'), $total);
555							} else {
556								printf(gettext('<strong>%1$u</strong> News articles (%2$u un-published)'), $total, $unpub);
557							}
558							?>
559						</li>
560						<li>
561							<?php
562							list($total, $type, $unpub) = getNewsPagesStatistic("categories");
563							printf(gettext('<strong>%1$u</strong> Categories'), $total);
564							?>
565						</li>
566					<?php }
567					?>
568					<li><nobr><?php printf(gettext("Albums folder size: <strong>%s</strong>"), byteConvert(gallerystats_filesize_r(ALBUM_FOLDER_SERVERPATH))); ?></nobr></li>
569					<li><nobr><?php printf(gettext("Image cache size: <strong>%s</strong>"), byteConvert(gallerystats_filesize_r(SERVERPATH . '/' . CACHEFOLDER))); ?></nobr></li>
570					<li><nobr><?php printf(gettext("HTML cache size: <strong>%s</strong>"), byteConvert(gallerystats_filesize_r(SERVERPATH . '/' . STATIC_CACHE_FOLDER))); ?></nobr></li>
571					<li><nobr><?php printf(gettext("Uploaded folder size: <strong>%s</strong>"), byteConvert(gallerystats_filesize_r(SERVERPATH . '/' . UPLOAD_FOLDER))); ?></nobr></li>
572					<li><nobr><?php printf(gettext("Zenphoto scripts size: <strong>%s</strong>"), byteConvert(gallerystats_filesize_r(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER))); ?></nobr></li>
574				</ul>
576				<?php
577				if (!isset($_GET['stats']) AND ! isset($_GET['fulllist'])) {
578					?>
579					<ul class="statistic_navlist">
580						<li><strong><?php echo gettext("Images"); ?></strong>
581							<ul>
582								<li><a href="#images-latest"><?php echo gettext("latest"); ?></a> | </li>
583								<li><a href="#images-popular"><?php echo gettext("most viewed"); ?></a> | </li>
584								<li><a href="#images-mostrated"><?php echo gettext("most rated"); ?></a> | </li>
585								<li><a href="#images-toprated"><?php echo gettext("top rated"); ?></a> | </li>
586								<li><a href="#images-mostcommented"><?php echo gettext("most commented"); ?></a></li>
587							</ul>
588						</li>
589						<li><strong><?php echo gettext("Albums"); ?></strong>
590							<ul>
591								<li><a href="#albums-latest"><?php echo gettext("latest"); ?></a> | </li>
592								<li><a href="#albums-latestupdated"><?php echo gettext("latest updated"); ?></a> | </li>
593								<li><a href="#albums-mostimages"><?php echo gettext("most images"); ?></a> | </li>
594								<li><a href="#albums-popular"><?php echo gettext("most viewed"); ?></a> | </li>
595								<li><a href="#albums-popularimages"><?php echo gettext("most viewed images"); ?></a> | </li>
596								<li><a href="#albums-mostrated"><?php echo gettext("most rated"); ?></a> | </li>
597								<li><a href="#albums-toprated"><?php echo gettext("top rated"); ?></a> | </li>
598								<li><a href="#albums-mostcommented"><?php echo gettext("most commented"); ?></a></li>
599							</ul>
600						</li>
601						<li><strong><?php echo gettext("Tags"); ?></strong>
602							<ul>
603								<li><a href="#tags-mostused"><?php echo gettext("most used"); ?></a></li>
604							</ul>
605						</li>
606						<?php if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) { ?>
607							<li><strong><?php echo gettext("Pages"); ?></strong>
608								<ul>
609									<li><a href="#pages-popular"><?php echo gettext("most viewed"); ?></a> | </li>
610									<li><a href="#pages-mostcommented"><?php echo gettext("most commented"); ?></a> | </li>
611									<li><a href="#pages-mostrated"><?php echo gettext("most rated"); ?></a> | </li>
612									<li><a href="#pages-toprated"><?php echo gettext("top rated"); ?></a></li>
613								</ul>
614							</li>
615							<li><strong><?php echo gettext("News articles"); ?></strong>
616								<ul>
617									<li><a href="#news-popular"><?php echo gettext("most viewed"); ?></a> | </li>
618									<li><a href="#news-mostcommented"><?php echo gettext("most commented"); ?></a> | </li>
619									<li><a href="#news-mostrated"><?php echo gettext("most rated"); ?></a> | </li>
620									<li><a href="#news-toprated"><?php echo gettext("top rated"); ?></a></li>
621								</ul>
622							</li>
623							<li><strong><?php echo gettext("News categories"); ?></strong>
624								<ul>
625									<li><a href="#newscategories-popular"><?php echo gettext("most viewed"); ?></a> | </li>
626									<li><a href="#newscategories-mostused"><?php echo gettext("most used"); ?></a></li>
627								</ul>
628							</li>
629							<li><strong><?php echo gettext("RSS feeds"); ?></strong>
630								<ul>
631									<li><a href="#rss-popular"><?php echo gettext("most viewed"); ?></a></li>
632								</ul>
633							</li>
634						<?php } ?>
635					</ul>
636					<br style="clear:both" />
638					<!-- images -->
639					<span id="images-latest"></span>
640					<?php printBarGraph("latest", "images"); ?>
642					<span id="images-popular"></span>
643					<?php printBarGraph("popular", "images"); ?>
645					<span id="images-mostrated"></span>
646					<?php printBarGraph("mostrated", "images"); ?>
648					<span id="images-toprated"></span>
649					<?php printBarGraph("toprated", "images"); ?>
651					<span id="images-mostcommented"></span>
652					<?php printBarGraph("mostcommented", "images"); ?>
654					<hr />
656					<!-- albums -->
657					<span id="albums-latest"></a>
658						<?php printBarGraph("latest", "albums"); ?>
660						<span id="albums-latestupdated"></span>
661						<?php printBarGraph("latestupdated", "albums"); ?>
663						<span id="albums-mostimages"></span>
664						<?php printBarGraph("mostimages", "albums"); ?>
666						<span id="albums-popular"></span>
667						<?php printBarGraph("popular", "albums"); ?>
669						<span id="albums-popularimages"></span>
670						<?php printBarGraph("popularimages", "albums"); ?>
672						<span id="albums-mostrated"></span>
673						<?php printBarGraph("mostrated", "albums"); ?>
675						<span id="albums-toprated"></span>
676						<?php printBarGraph("toprated", "albums"); ?>
678						<span id="albums-mostcommented"></span>
679						<?php printBarGraph("mostcommented", "albums"); ?>
681						<hr />
683						<span id="tags-mostused"></span>
684						<?php printBarGraph("mostused", "tags"); ?>
686						<?php if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) { ?>
687							<hr />
688							<!-- Zenpage pages -->
689							<span id="pages-popular"></span>
690							<?php printBarGraph("popular", "pages"); ?>
692							<span id="pages-mostcommented"></span>
693							<?php printBarGraph("mostcommented", "pages"); ?>
695							<span id="pages-mostrated"></span>
696							<?php printBarGraph("mostrated", "pages"); ?>
698							<span id="pages-toprated"></span>
699							<?php printBarGraph("toprated", "pages"); ?>
701							<hr />
703							<!-- Zenpage news articles -->
704							<span id="news-popular"></a>
705								<?php printBarGraph("popular", "news"); ?>
707								<span id="news-mostcommented"></span>
708								<?php printBarGraph("mostcommented", "news"); ?>
710								<span id="news-mostrated"></span>
711								<?php printBarGraph("mostrated", "news"); ?>
713								<span id="news-toprated"></span>
714								<?php printBarGraph("toprated", "news"); ?>
715								<hr />
717								<h2><?php echo gettext('Statistics for news categories'); ?></h2>
718								<span id="newscategories-popular"></span>
719								<?php printBarGraph("popular", "newscategories"); ?>
721								<span id="newscategories-mostarticles"></span>
722								<?php printBarGraph("mostused", "newscategories"); ?>
724								<h2><?php echo gettext('Statistics for RSS feeds'); ?></h2>
725								<span id="rss-popular"></span>
726								<?php printBarGraph("popular", "rss"); ?>
728							<?php } ?>
729							<?php
730						}
732// If a single list is requested
733						if (isset($_GET['type'])) {
734							if (!isset($_GET['from_number'])) {
735								$from_number = 0;
736								$from_number_display = 1;
737							} else {
738								$from_number = sanitize_numeric($_GET['from_number']) - 1;
739								$from_number_display = sanitize_numeric($_GET['from_number']);
740							}
741							if (!isset($_GET['to_number'])) {
742								$to_number = 50;
743								if ($_GET['type'] === "images" AND $to_number > $imagecount) {
744									$to_number = $imagecount;
745								}
746								if ($_GET['type'] === "albums" AND $to_number > $albumcount) {
747									$to_number = $albumcount;
748								}
749								$to_number_display = $to_number;
750							} else {
751								$to_number = sanitize_numeric($_GET['to_number']);
752								$to_number_display = $to_number;
753								if ($from_number < $to_number) {
754									$to_number_display = $to_number;
755									$to_number = $to_number - $from_number;
756								}
757							}
758							?>
759							<form name="limit" id="limit" action="gallery_statistics.php">
760								<label for="from_number"><?php echo gettext("From "); ?></label>
761								<input type ="text" size="10" id="from_number" name="from_number" value="<?php echo $from_number_display; ?>" />
762								<label for="to_number"><?php echo gettext("to "); ?></label>
763								<input type ="text" size="10" id="to_number" name="to_number" value="<?php echo $to_number_display; ?>" />
764								<input type="hidden" name="stats"	value="<?php echo html_encode(sanitize($_GET['stats'])); ?>" />
765								<input type="hidden" name="type" value="<?php echo html_encode(sanitize($_GET['type'])); ?>" />
766								<input type="submit" value="<?php echo gettext("Show"); ?>" />
767							</form>
768							<br />
769							<?php
770							switch ($_GET['type']) {
771								case "albums":
772									switch ($_GET['stats']) {
773										case "latest":
774											printBarGraph("latest", "albums", $from_number, $to_number);
775											break;
776										case "latestupdated":
777											printBarGraph("latestupdated", "albums", $from_number, $to_number);
778											break;
779										case "popular":
780											printBarGraph("popular", "albums", $from_number, $to_number);
781											break;
782        								case "popularimages":
783        									printBarGraph("popularimages", "albums", $from_number, $to_number);
784        									break;
785										case "mostrated":
786											printBarGraph("mostrated", "albums", $from_number, $to_number);
787											break;
788										case "toprated":
789											printBarGraph("toprated", "albums", $from_number, $to_number);
790											break;
791										case "mostcommented":
792											printBarGraph("mostcommented", "albums", $from_number, $to_number);
793											break;
794										case "mostimages":
795											printBarGraph("mostimages", "albums", $from_number, $to_number);
796											break;
797									}
798									break;
799								case "images":
800									switch ($_GET['stats']) {
801										case "latest":
802											printBarGraph("latest", "images", $from_number, $to_number);
803											break;
804										case "popular":
805											printBarGraph("popular", "images", $from_number, $to_number);
806											break;
807										case "mostrated":
808											printBarGraph("mostrated", "images", $from_number, $to_number);
809											break;
810										case "toprated":
811											printBarGraph("toprated", "images", $from_number, $to_number);
812											break;
813										case "mostcommented":
814											printBarGraph("mostcommented", "images", $from_number, $to_number);
815											break;
816									}
817									break;
818								case "tags":
819									printBarGraph("mostused", "tags", $from_number, $to_number);
820									break;
821								case "rss":
822									printBarGraph("popular", "rss", $from_number, $to_number);
823									break;
824								case "pages":
825									if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
826										switch ($_GET['stats']) {
827											case "popular":
828												printBarGraph("popular", "pages", $from_number, $to_number);
829												break;
830											case "mostcommented":
831												printBarGraph("mostcommented", "pages", $from_number, $to_number);
832												break;
833											case "mostrated":
834												printBarGraph("mostrated", "pages", $from_number, $to_number);
835												break;
836											case "toprated":
837												printBarGraph("toprated", "pages", $from_number, $to_number);
838												break;
839										}
840									}
841									break;
842								case "news":
843									if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
844										switch ($_GET['stats']) {
845											case "popular":
846												printBarGraph("popular", "news", $from_number, $to_number);
847												break;
848											case "mostcommented":
849												printBarGraph("mostcommented", "news", $from_number, $to_number);
850												break;
851											case "mostrated":
852												printBarGraph("mostrated", "news", $from_number, $to_number);
853												break;
854											case "toprated":
855												printBarGraph("toprated", "news", $from_number, $to_number);
856												break;
857										}
858									}
859									break;
860								case "newscategories":
861									if (extensionEnabled('zenpage')) {
862										switch ($_GET['stats']) {
863											case "popular":
864												printBarGraph("popular", "newscategories", $from_number, $to_number);
865												break;
866											case "mostused":
867												printBarGraph("mostused", "newscategories", $from_number, $to_number);
868												break;
869										}
870									}
871									break;
872							} // main switch end
873							echo "<a href='#top'>" . gettext("Back to top") . "</a>";
874						} // main if end
875						?>
876						</div>
877						</div><!-- content -->
878						<?php printAdminFooter(); ?>
879						</div><!-- main -->
880						</body>
881						<?php echo "</html>"; ?>