2# Copyright (c) 2012 Ashok P. Nadkarni
3# All rights reserved.
5# See the file LICENSE for license
7package require twapi_ui;       # SetCursorPos etc.
9# Enable window input
10proc twapi::enable_window_input {hwin} {
11    return [expr {[EnableWindow $hwin 1] != 0}]
14# Disable window input
15proc twapi::disable_window_input {hwin} {
16    return [expr {[EnableWindow $hwin 0] != 0}]
19# CHeck if window input is enabled
20proc twapi::window_input_enabled {hwin} {
21    return [IsWindowEnabled $hwin]
24# Simulate user input
25proc twapi::send_input {inputlist} {
26    array set input_defs {
27        MOUSEEVENTF_MOVE        0x0001
28        MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN    0x0002
29        MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP      0x0004
30        MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTDOWN   0x0008
31        MOUSEEVENTF_RIGHTUP     0x0010
33        MOUSEEVENTF_MIDDLEUP    0x0040
34        MOUSEEVENTF_XDOWN       0x0080
35        MOUSEEVENTF_XUP         0x0100
36        MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL       0x0800
38        MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE    0x8000
41        KEYEVENTF_KEYUP       0x0002
42        KEYEVENTF_UNICODE     0x0004
43        KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE    0x0008
45        XBUTTON1      0x0001
46        XBUTTON2      0x0002
47    }
49    set inputs [list ]
50    foreach input $inputlist {
51        if {[string equal [lindex $input 0] "mouse"]} {
52            lassign $input mouse xpos ypos
53            set mouseopts [lrange $input 3 end]
54            array unset opts
55            array set opts [parseargs mouseopts {
56                relative moved
57                ldown lup rdown rup mdown mup x1down x1up x2down x2up
58                wheel.int
59            }]
60            set flags 0
61            if {! $opts(relative)} {
62                set flags $input_defs(MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE)
63            }
65            if {[info exists opts(wheel)]} {
66                if {($opts(x1down) || $opts(x1up) || $opts(x2down) || $opts(x2up))} {
67                    error "The -wheel input event attribute may not be specified with -x1up, -x1down, -x2up or -x2down events"
68                }
69                set mousedata $opts(wheel)
70                set flags $input_defs(MOUSEEVENTF_WHEEL)
71            } else {
72                if {$opts(x1down) || $opts(x1up)} {
73                    if {$opts(x2down) || $opts(x2up)} {
74                        error "The -x1down, -x1up mouse input attributes are mutually exclusive with -x2down, -x2up attributes"
75                    }
76                    set mousedata $input_defs(XBUTTON1)
77                } else {
78                    if {$opts(x2down) || $opts(x2up)} {
79                        set mousedata $input_defs(XBUTTON2)
80                    } else {
81                        set mousedata 0
82                    }
83                }
84            }
85            foreach {opt flag} {
86                moved MOVE
87                ldown LEFTDOWN
88                lup   LEFTUP
89                rdown RIGHTDOWN
90                rup   RIGHTUP
91                mdown MIDDLEDOWN
92                mup   MIDDLEUP
93                x1down XDOWN
94                x1up   XUP
95                x2down XDOWN
96                x2up   XUP
97            } {
98                if {$opts($opt)} {
99                    set flags [expr {$flags | $input_defs(MOUSEEVENTF_$flag)}]
100                }
101            }
103            lappend inputs [list mouse $xpos $ypos $mousedata $flags]
105        } else {
106            lassign $input inputtype vk scan keyopts
107            if {"-extended" ni $keyopts} {
108                set extended 0
109            } else {
110                set extended $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_EXTENDEDKEY)
111            }
112            if {"-usescan" ni $keyopts} {
113                set usescan 0
114            } else {
115                set usescan $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_SCANCODE)
116            }
117            switch -exact -- $inputtype {
118                keydown {
119                    lappend inputs [list key $vk $scan [expr {$extended|$usescan}]]
120                }
121                keyup {
122                    lappend inputs [list key $vk $scan \
123                                        [expr {$extended
124                                               | $usescan
125                                               | $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_KEYUP)
126                                           }]]
127                }
128                key {
129                    lappend inputs [list key $vk $scan [expr {$extended|$usescan}]]
130                    lappend inputs [list key $vk $scan \
131                                        [expr {$extended
132                                               | $usescan
133                                               | $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_KEYUP)
134                                           }]]
135                }
136                unicode {
137                    lappend inputs [list key 0 $scan $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_UNICODE)]
138                    lappend inputs [list key 0 $scan \
139                                        [expr {$input_defs(KEYEVENTF_UNICODE)
140                                               | $input_defs(KEYEVENTF_KEYUP)
141                                           }]]
142                }
143                default {
144                    error "Unknown input type '$inputtype'"
145                }
146            }
147        }
148    }
150    SendInput $inputs
153# Block the input
154proc twapi::block_input {} {
155    return [BlockInput 1]
158# Unblock the input
159proc twapi::unblock_input {} {
160    return [BlockInput 0]
163# Send the given set of characters to the input queue
164proc twapi::send_input_text {s} {
165    return [Twapi_SendUnicode $s]
168# send_keys - uses same syntax as VB SendKeys function
169proc twapi::send_keys {keys} {
170    set inputs [_parse_send_keys $keys]
171    send_input $inputs
175# Handles a hotkey notification
176proc twapi::_hotkey_handler {msg atom key msgpos ticks} {
177    variable _hotkeys
179    # Note it is not an error if a hotkey does not exist since it could
180    # have been deregistered in the time between hotkey input and receiving it.
181    set code 0
182    if {[info exists _hotkeys($atom)]} {
183        foreach handler $_hotkeys($atom) {
184            set code [catch {uplevel #0 $handler} msg]
185            switch -exact -- $code {
186                0 {
187                    # Normal, keep going
188                }
189                1 {
190                    # Error - put in background and abort
191                    after 0 [list error $msg $::errorInfo $::errorCode]
192                    break
193                }
194                3 {
195                    break;      # Ignore remaining handlers
196                }
197                default {
198                    # Keep going
199                }
200            }
201        }
202    }
203    return -code $code ""
206proc twapi::register_hotkey {hotkey script args} {
207    variable _hotkeys
209    # 0x312 -> WM_HOTKEY
210    _register_script_wm_handler 0x312 [list [namespace current]::_hotkey_handler] 1
212    array set opts [parseargs args {
213        append
214    } -maxleftover 0]
216#    set script [lrange $script 0 end]; # Ensure a valid list
218    lassign  [_hotkeysyms_to_vk $hotkey]  modifiers vk
219    set hkid "twapi_hk_${vk}_$modifiers"
220    set atom [GlobalAddAtom $hkid]
221    if {[info exists _hotkeys($atom)]} {
222        GlobalDeleteAtom $atom; # Undo above AddAtom since already there
223        if {$opts(append)} {
224            lappend _hotkeys($atom) $script
225        } else {
226            set _hotkeys($atom) [list $script]; # Replace previous script
227        }
228        return $atom
229    }
230    trap {
231        RegisterHotKey $atom $modifiers $vk
232    } onerror {} {
233        GlobalDeleteAtom $atom; # Undo above AddAtom
234        rethrow
235    }
236    set _hotkeys($atom) [list $script]; # Replace previous script
237    return $atom
240proc twapi::unregister_hotkey {atom} {
241    variable _hotkeys
242    if {[info exists _hotkeys($atom)]} {
243        UnregisterHotKey $atom
244        GlobalDeleteAtom $atom
245        unset _hotkeys($atom)
246    }
250# Simulate clicking a mouse button
251proc twapi::click_mouse_button {button} {
252    switch -exact -- $button {
253        1 -
254        left { set down -ldown ; set up -lup}
255        2 -
256        right { set down -rdown ; set up -rup}
257        3 -
258        middle { set down -mdown ; set up -mup}
259        x1     { set down -x1down ; set up -x1up}
260        x2     { set down -x2down ; set up -x2up}
261        default {error "Invalid mouse button '$button' specified"}
262    }
264    send_input [list \
265                    [list mouse 0 0 $down] \
266                    [list mouse 0 0 $up]]
267    return
270# Simulate mouse movement
271proc twapi::move_mouse {xpos ypos {mode ""}} {
272    # If mouse trails are enabled, it leaves traces when the mouse is
273    # moved and does not clear them until mouse is moved again. So
274    # we temporarily disable mouse trails if we can
276    if {[llength [info commands ::twapi::get_system_parameters_info]] != 0} {
277        set trail [get_system_parameters_info SPI_GETMOUSETRAILS]
278        set_system_parameters_info SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS 0
279    }
280    switch -exact -- $mode {
281        -relative {
282            lappend cmd -relative
283            lassign [GetCursorPos] curx cury
284            incr xpos $curx
285            incr ypos $cury
286        }
287        -absolute -
288        ""        { }
289        default   { error "Invalid mouse movement mode '$mode'" }
290    }
292    SetCursorPos $xpos $ypos
294    # Restore trail setting if we had disabled it and it was originally enabled
295    if {[info exists trail] && $trail} {
296        set_system_parameters_info SPI_SETMOUSETRAILS $trail
297    }
300# Simulate turning of the mouse wheel
301proc twapi::turn_mouse_wheel {wheelunits} {
302    send_input [list [list mouse 0 0 -relative -wheel $wheelunits]]
303    return
306# Get the mouse/cursor position
307proc twapi::get_mouse_location {} {
308    return [GetCursorPos]
311proc twapi::get_input_idle_time {} {
312    # The formats are to convert wrapped 32bit signed to unsigned
313    set last_event [format 0x%x [GetLastInputInfo]]
314    set now [format 0x%x [GetTickCount]]
316    # Deal with wrap around
317    if {$now >= $last_event} {
318        return [expr {$now - $last_event}]
319    } else {
320        return [expr {$now + (0xffffffff - $last_event) + 1}]
321    }
324# Initialize the virtual key table
325proc twapi::_init_vk_map {} {
326    variable vk_map
328    if {![info exists vk_map]} {
329        # Map tokens to VK_* key codes
330        array set vk_map {
331            + {0x10 0}   ^ {0x11 0}   % {0x12 0}   BACK {0x08 0}
332            BACKSPACE {0x08 0}   BS {0x08 0}   BKSP {0x08 0}   TAB {0x09 0}
333            CLEAR {0x0C 0}   RETURN {0x0D 0}   ENTER {0x0D 0}   SHIFT {0x10 0}
334            CONTROL {0x11 0}   MENU {0x12 0}   ALT {0x12 0}   PAUSE {0x13 0}
335            BREAK {0x13 0}   CAPITAL {0x14 0}   CAPSLOCK {0x14 0}
336            KANA {0x15 0}   HANGEUL {0x15 0}   HANGUL {0x15 0}   JUNJA {0x17 0}
337            FINAL {0x18 0}   HANJA {0x19 0}   KANJI {0x19 0}   ESCAPE {0x1B 0}
338            ESC {0x1B 0}   CONVERT {0x1C 0}   NONCONVERT {0x1D 0}
339            ACCEPT {0x1E 0}   MODECHANGE {0x1F 0}   SPACE {0x20 0}
340            PRIOR {0x21 0}   PGUP {0x21 0}   NEXT {0x22 0}   PGDN {0x22 0}
341            END {0x23 0}   HOME {0x24 0}   LEFT {0x25 0}   UP {0x26 0}
342            RIGHT {0x27 0}   DOWN {0x28 0}   SELECT {0x29 0}
343            PRINT {0x2A 0}   PRTSC {0x2C 0}   EXECUTE {0x2B 0}
344            SNAPSHOT {0x2C 0}   INSERT {0x2D 0}   INS {0x2D 0}
345            DELETE {0x2E 0}   DEL {0x2E 0}   HELP {0x2F 0}   LWIN {0x5B 0}
346            RWIN {0x5C 0}   APPS {0x5D 0}   SLEEP {0x5F 0}   NUMPAD0 {0x60 0}
347            NUMPAD1 {0x61 0}   NUMPAD2 {0x62 0}   NUMPAD3 {0x63 0}
348            NUMPAD4 {0x64 0}   NUMPAD5 {0x65 0}   NUMPAD6 {0x66 0}
349            NUMPAD7 {0x67 0}   NUMPAD8 {0x68 0}   NUMPAD9 {0x69 0}
350            MULTIPLY {0x6A 0}   ADD {0x6B 0}   SEPARATOR {0x6C 0}
351            SUBTRACT {0x6D 0}   DECIMAL {0x6E 0}   DIVIDE {0x6F 0}
352            F1 {0x70 0}   F2 {0x71 0}   F3 {0x72 0}   F4 {0x73 0}
353            F5 {0x74 0}   F6 {0x75 0}   F7 {0x76 0}   F8 {0x77 0}
354            F9 {0x78 0}   F10 {0x79 0}   F11 {0x7A 0}   F12 {0x7B 0}
355            F13 {0x7C 0}   F14 {0x7D 0}   F15 {0x7E 0}   F16 {0x7F 0}
356            F17 {0x80 0}   F18 {0x81 0}   F19 {0x82 0}   F20 {0x83 0}
357            F21 {0x84 0}   F22 {0x85 0}   F23 {0x86 0}   F24 {0x87 0}
358            NUMLOCK {0x90 0}   SCROLL {0x91 0}   SCROLLLOCK {0x91 0}
359            LSHIFT {0xA0 0}   RSHIFT {0xA1 0 -extended}   LCONTROL {0xA2 0}
360            RCONTROL {0xA3 0 -extended}   LMENU {0xA4 0}   LALT {0xA4 0}
361            RMENU {0xA5 0 -extended}   RALT {0xA5 0 -extended}
362            BROWSER_BACK {0xA6 0}   BROWSER_FORWARD {0xA7 0}
363            BROWSER_REFRESH {0xA8 0}   BROWSER_STOP {0xA9 0}
364            BROWSER_SEARCH {0xAA 0}   BROWSER_FAVORITES {0xAB 0}
365            BROWSER_HOME {0xAC 0}   VOLUME_MUTE {0xAD 0}
366            VOLUME_DOWN {0xAE 0}   VOLUME_UP {0xAF 0}
367            MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK {0xB0 0}   MEDIA_PREV_TRACK {0xB1 0}
368            MEDIA_STOP {0xB2 0}   MEDIA_PLAY_PAUSE {0xB3 0}
369            LAUNCH_MAIL {0xB4 0}   LAUNCH_MEDIA_SELECT {0xB5 0}
370            LAUNCH_APP1 {0xB6 0}   LAUNCH_APP2 {0xB7 0}
371        }
372    }
376# Constructs a list of input events by parsing a string in the format
377# used by Visual Basic's SendKeys function
378proc twapi::_parse_send_keys {keys {inputs ""}} {
379    variable vk_map
381    _init_vk_map
383    set n [string length $keys]
384    set trailer [list ]
385    for {set i 0} {$i < $n} {incr i} {
386        set key [string index $keys $i]
387        switch -exact -- $key {
388            "+" -
389            "^" -
390            "%" {
391                lappend inputs [concat keydown $vk_map($key)]
392                set trailer [linsert $trailer 0 [concat keyup $vk_map($key)]]
393            }
394            "~" {
395                lappend inputs [concat key $vk_map(RETURN)]
396                set inputs [concat $inputs $trailer]
397                set trailer [list ]
398            }
399            "(" {
400                # Recurse for paren expression
401                set nextparen [string first ")" $keys $i]
402                if {$nextparen == -1} {
403                    error "Invalid key sequence - unterminated ("
404                }
405                set inputs [concat $inputs [_parse_send_keys [string range $keys [expr {$i+1}] [expr {$nextparen-1}]]]]
406                set inputs [concat $inputs $trailer]
407                set trailer [list ]
408                set i $nextparen
409            }
410            "\{" {
411                set nextbrace [string first "\}" $keys $i]
412                if {$nextbrace == -1} {
413                    error "Invalid key sequence - unterminated $key"
414                }
416                if {$nextbrace == ($i+1)} {
417                    # Look for the next brace
418                    set nextbrace [string first "\}" $keys $nextbrace]
419                    if {$nextbrace == -1} {
420                        error "Invalid key sequence - unterminated $key"
421                    }
422                }
424                set key [string range $keys [expr {$i+1}] [expr {$nextbrace-1}]]
425                set bracepat [string toupper $key]
426                if {[info exists vk_map($bracepat)]} {
427                    lappend inputs [concat key $vk_map($bracepat)]
428                } else {
429                    # May be pattern of the type {C} or {C N} where
430                    # C is a single char and N is a count
431                    set c [string index $key 0]
432                    set count [string trim [string range $key 1 end]]
433                    scan $c %c unicode
434                    if {[string length $count] == 0} {
435                        set count 1
436                    } else {
437                        # Note if $count is not an integer, an error
438                        # will be generated as we want
439                        incr count 0
440                        if {$count < 0} {
441                            error "Negative character count specified in braced key input"
442                        }
443                    }
444                    for {set j 0} {$j < $count} {incr j} {
445                        lappend inputs [list unicode 0 $unicode]
446                    }
447                }
448                set inputs [concat $inputs $trailer]
449                set trailer [list ]
450                set i $nextbrace
451            }
452            default {
453                scan $key %c unicode
454                # Alphanumeric keys are treated separately so they will
455                # work correctly with control modifiers
456                if {$unicode >= 0x61 && $unicode <= 0x7A} {
457                    # Lowercase letters
458                    lappend inputs [list key [expr {$unicode-32}] 0]
459                } elseif {$unicode >= 0x30 && $unicode <= 0x39} {
460                    # Digits
461                    lappend inputs [list key $unicode 0]
462                } else {
463                    lappend inputs [list unicode 0 $unicode]
464                }
465                set inputs [concat $inputs $trailer]
466                set trailer [list ]
467            }
468        }
469    }
470    return $inputs
473# utility procedure to map symbolic hotkey to {modifiers virtualkey}
474# We allow modifier map to be passed in because different api's use
475# different bits for key modifiers
476proc twapi::_hotkeysyms_to_vk {hotkey {modifier_map {ctrl 2 control 2 alt 1 menu 1 shift 4 win 8}}} {
477    variable vk_map
479    _init_vk_map
481    set keyseq [split [string tolower $hotkey] -]
482    set key [lindex $keyseq end]
484    # Convert modifiers to bitmask
485    set modifiers 0
486    foreach modifier [lrange $keyseq 0 end-1] {
487        setbits modifiers [dict! $modifier_map [string tolower $modifier]]
488    }
489    # Map the key to a virtual key code
490    if {[string length $key] == 1} {
491        # Single character
492        scan $key %c unicode
494        # Only allow alphanumeric keys and a few punctuation symbols
495        # since keyboard layouts are not standard
496        if {$unicode >= 0x61 && $unicode <= 0x7A} {
497            # Lowercase letters - change to upper case virtual keys
498            set vk [expr {$unicode-32}]
499        } elseif {($unicode >= 0x30 && $unicode <= 0x39)
500                  || ($unicode >= 0x41 && $unicode <= 0x5A)} {
501            # Digits or upper case
502            set vk $unicode
503        } else {
504            error "Only alphanumeric characters may be specified for the key. For non-alphanumeric characters, specify the virtual key code"
505        }
506    } elseif {[info exists vk_map($key)]} {
507        # It is a virtual key name
508        set vk [lindex $vk_map($key) 0]
509    } elseif {[info exists vk_map([string toupper $key])]} {
510        # It is a virtual key name
511        set vk [lindex $vk_map([string toupper $key]) 0]
512    } elseif {[string is integer -strict $key]} {
513        # Actual virtual key specification
514        set vk $key
515    } else {
516        error "Unknown or invalid key specifier '$key'"
517    }
519    return [list $modifiers $vk]