1Credits, Copyrights and Licenses
3NOTE: If your name is missing in this Krusader credits list feel free to add your name in the proper section.
4      Since it's almost impossible to add all contributor names in this list,
5      we would like to thank everyone who has contributed to Krusader.
6      You can get a full list of contributors from git log of the official repository
7      located at [https://cgit.kde.org/krusader.git/]
13Program Copyrights:
14Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Shie Erlich <erlich * users sourceforge net>
15Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Rafi Yanai <yanai * users sourceforge net>
16Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org]
18This program is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.
19For details see COPYING file.
21Documentation Copyrights:
22Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Shie Erlich <erlich * users sourceforge net>
23Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Rafi Yanai <yanai * users sourceforge net>
24Copyright (C) 2004-2010 Frank Schoolmeesters <frank_schoolmeesters * yahoo com>
25Copyright (C) 2004-2019 Krusader Krew [https://krusader.org]
27The documentation is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
29Krusader is developed by a dedicated team of individuals, known as the Krusader Krew.
30For the list of members please see README file.
32The project is written using KDevelop, Qt Creator and Qt™ Designer.
34We would especially like to thank Dirk Eschler the Krusader web master.
35If you visit the Krusader website https://krusader.org/ you'll appreciate the hard work and effort that Dirk
36has put into the site as much as we do.
40This documentation is licensed under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License.
45- kde.org
46- kde translation teams
47- Sourceforge.net, webhosting services
48- Jonas Bähr (webspace)
49- Christian Bock (former webspace)
50- Jiri Klement, KDE4 porting help
51- kde-files.org & KDE-APPS.org creator Frank Karlitschek
52- Google.com
53- Krusader Mac OS-X port with the fink-project: Jonas Bähr, Bodo Tasche, Alexander K. Hansen Catalin Hritcu
54- Krusader Mac OS-X port with the macports.org project.
55- Technical Communication team of 2007, University of Oulu, Finland; Documentation fixes for Krusader 1.80.0
56- Jiří Paleček, QA, bug-hunting, patches and general help
57- Andrew Neupokoev (nwmod) Krusader Logo and Icons, art contest winner.
58- Angel Ramos, Debian® package maintainer
59- Terry "Fudoki" Wilkinson, handbook proofreader
60- Gábor Lehel (illissius), Viewer module for the 3rd Hand Panel
61- Szombathelyi György, ISO KIO slave
62- David Harel, panel toolbar buttons
63- Jan Willem van de Meent (Adios), Krusader icons
64- usefularts.org, Krusader icons
65- Hans Loffler, folder history list
66- Jan Halasa, new bookmark module
67- Mikolaj Machowski, Usability and QA
68- Cristi Dumitrescu, QA, bug-hunting, patches and general help
69- Aurelien Gateau, patch for KViewer
70- Milan Brabec, the first patch ever!
76Thanks to all translators team of l10n.kde.org
78Below are translator credits before Krusader has joined KDE Extragear.
80Thanks to the Documentation translators:
81- Russian: Roman Batejkin
83Thanks to the GUI translators:
84- Bosnian: Asim Husanovic
85- Brazilian Portuguese: Doutor Zero
86- Bulgarian: Milen Ivanov
87- Catalan: Rafael Munoz Rodriguez, Quim Perez Noguer
88- Chinese: Jinghua Luo
89- Czech: Martin Sixta, Václav Jůza
90- Danish: Anders Bruun Olsen, Christian Sonne, Peter H.S.
91- Dutch: Frank Schoolmeesters
92- French: René-Pierre Lehmann, David Guillerm
93- German: Christoph Thielecke, Dirk Eschler
94- Greek: Spiros Georgaras
95- Hungarian: Kukk Zoltan, Arpad Biro, Karai Csaba
96- Italian: Giuseppe Bordoni
97- Japanese: UTUMI Hirosi, Hideki Kimura
98- Korean: Jee Seongnam
99- Lithuanian: Dovydas Sankauskas
100- Polish: Marcin Szafran, Lukasz Janyst, Marcin Garski, Pawel Salawa, Tomek Grzejszczyk
101- Portuguese: Bruno Queirós
102- Russian: Dmitry V. Chernyak, Denis Koryavov, Nick Shaforostoff, Dmitry A. Bugay
103- Serbian: Sasa Tomic
104- Slovak: Zdenko Podobný
105- Slovenian: Matej Urbančič
106- Spanish: Rafael Munoz Rodriguez, Alejandro Araiza Alvarado, Alex Araiza
107- Swedish: Erik Johansson, Anders Lindén, Peter Landgren
108- Turkish: Bekir Sonat
109- Ukrainian: Ivan Petrouchtchak
111And to all the other translators, we are sorry we can not list all of your names here.
112Please take a look in the headers of the foo.po files to see more translator credits.
118We would like to thank the following organisations and individuals for their recent financial support.
119In addition we would to thank those who have contributed anonymously. Your support is very much appreciated.
120- distroWatch.com (donation)
121- Sven Opitz (the first donation ever!)