1# xchat2.theme for irssi - http://waxman.org/irssi/irssi
3# xchat2.theme, Public Beta, 7.3.1 2006/06/20
5# Copyright 2006 Dave Waxman
7# Please report any bugs to dave@waxman.org
9# This theme is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
14# This theme is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17# GNU General Public License for more details.
19# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
20# along with this theme; if not, write to the Free Software
21# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307,
22# USA.
29# default foreground color (%w) - -1 is the "default terminal color"
30default_color = "-1";
32# print timestamp/servertag at the end of line, not at beginning
33info_eol = "false";
35# these characters are automatically replaced with specified color
36# (dark grey by default)
37#replaces = { "[]=" = "%b$*%n"; };
39abstracts = {
41  # text to insert at the beginning of each non-message line
42  line_start = "";
44  # timestamp styling, nothing by default
45  timestamp = "%K$0-%n ";
47  # any kind of text that needs hilighting, default is to bold
48  hilight = "%_$*%_";
50  # any kind of error message, default is bright red
51  error = "%R$*%n";
53  # channel name is printed
54  channel = "$*";
56  # nick is printed
57  nick = "%_$*%_";
59  # nick host is printed
60  nickhost = "%K[%n$*%K]%n";
62  # server name is printed
63  server = "%_$*%_";
65  # some kind of comment is printed
66  comment = "$*";
68  # reason for something is printed (part, quit, kick, ..)
69  reason = "{comment $*}";
71  # highlighted nick/host is printed (joins)
72  channick_hilight = "%W$*%w";
73  chanhost_hilight = "{nickhost %c$*%w}";
75  # nick/host is printed (parts, quits, etc.)
76  channick = "%w$*%w";
77  chanhost = "{nickhost $*}";
79  # highlighted channel name is printed
80  channelhilight = "%n$*%n";
82  # ban/ban exception/invite list mask is printed
83  ban = "%c$*%n";
85  # Actions
87  action_core = "%m*%W $*%n";
89  # generic one that's used by most actions
90  action = "{action_core $*} ";
92  # own action, both private/public
93  ownaction = "{action $*}";
95  # own action with target, both private/public
96  ownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%W:%c$1%n ";
98  # private action sent by others
99  pvtaction = "%G (*) $*%n ";
100  pvtaction_query = "{action $*}";
102  # public action sent by others
103  pubaction = "{action $*}";
105  # wallops
106  wallop = "%b$*%n: ";
107  wallop_nick = "%w$*";
108  wallop_action = "%W * $*%n ";
110  # DCC
111  dcc = " %w-%c-%C-%G $*%n";
112  dccfile = "%_$*%_";
114  # DCC chat, own msg/action
115  dccownmsg = "%K[%r$0%b($1-%b)%w%K] ";
116  dccownnick = "%R$*%n";
117  dccownquerynick = "%G$*%n";
118  dccownaction = "{action $*}";
119  dccownaction_target = "{action_core $0}%W:%c$1%n ";
121  # DCC chat, others
122  dccmsg = "%K[%G$1-%b(%g$0%b)%w%K]%n ";
123  dccquerynick = "%G$*%w";
124  dccaction = "%W (*dcc*) $*%w %|";
126  msgnick = "%n$0$1-%M:%n %|";
127  ##
128  ## statusbar
129  ##
131  # default background for all statusbars. You can also give
132  # the default foreground color for statusbar items.
133  sb_background = "%n%n";
135  # background for prompt / input line
136  sb_prompt_bg = "%w";
137  # background for info statusbar
138  sb_info_bg = "%8";
140  # text at the beginning of statusbars. sb-item already puts
141  # space there,so we don't use anything by default.
142  sbstart = "%K-(";
143  # text at the end of statusbars. Use space so that it's never
144  # used for anything.
145  sbend = "%K)-";
147  topicsbstart = "{sbstart $*}%c";
148  topicsbend = "{sbend $*}";
149  sb_topic_bg = "%c";
150  prompt = "%K[%w$tag%K/%m$cumode%c$*%K]%n ";
153  sb = "%m-%K[%w$*%K]%m-%n";
154  sbmode = "%K(%n+%C$*%K)%n";
155  sbaway = "%K(%MzZzZ%K)";
156  sbservertag = "%n:$0 (change with ^X)";
158  # activity in statusbar
160  # ',' separator
161  sb_act_sep = "%K$*";
162  # normal text
163  sb_act_text = "%c$*";
164  # public message
165  sb_act_msg = "%W$*";
166  # hilight
167  sb_act_hilight = "%M$*";
168  # hilight with specified color, $0 = color, $1 = text
169  sb_act_hilight_color = "$0$1-%w";
172formats = {
173  "fe-text" = {
174    lastlog_too_long = "%w-%c-%C- %W/LASTLOG %nwould print %C$0 %nlines.  Use the -force option to print all of them.";
175    lastlog_count = "%w-%c-%C- %W/LASTLOG %C$0 $nlines";
176    lastlog_start = "%w-%c-%C- %nBegining of LASTLOG:";
177    lastlog_end = "%w-%c-%C- %nEnd of LASTLOG";
178    lastlog_separator = "%w-%c-%C- %c---";
179    refnum_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nWindow number %C{hilight $0] %ndoes not exist";
180    window_too_small = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nNot enough room to resize this window";
181    cant_hide_last = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nYou can't hide the last window";
182    cant_hide_sticky_windows = "%w-%c-%C- %RError: %nYou can't hide sticky windows";
183    cant_show_sticky_windows = "%w-%c-%C- %RError: %nYou can't show sticky windows";
184    window_not_sticky = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow is not sticky";
185    window_set_sticky = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow set sticky";
186    window_unset_sticky = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow set not sticky";
187    window_info_sticky = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow Sticky   : $0";
188    Window_info_scroll = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow Scroll   : $0";
189    paste_warning = "%w-%c-%C- %rWARNING: %nTrying to paste %C$0%n lines to %W$1%n.";
190    paste_prompt = "%RPress Ctrl-K to continue, Ctrl-C to abort.";
191  };
192  "fe-common/core" = {
193    servertag = "%B[%n$0%B]%n ";
194    line_start_irssi = "";
195    join = "%w-%c-%C>%n {channick_hilight $0} {chanhost_hilight $1} has joined %c{channel $2}";
196    part = "%w<%c-%C-%n {channick_hilight $0} {chanhost_hilight $1} has left %c{channel $_$2$_} %K(%n{reason  $3}%K)";
197    kick = "%w<%c-%C-%n {nick $2} has kicked {channick_hilight $0} %nfrom %c{channel $_$1$_} %K(%n{reason $3}%K)";
198    quit = "%w<%c-%C-%n {channick_hilight $0} %K[%c$1%K] %nhas quit %K(%n{reason $2}%K)";
199    names = "%w-%c-%C-%C Users on $0:";
200    names_prefix = "%w-%c-%C- ";
201    names_nick_op = "%K[%C$0%n$1-%K] ";
202    names_nick_halfop = "%K[%c$0%n$1-%K] ";
203    names_nick_voice = "%K[%c$0%n$1-%K] ";
204    names_nick = "%K[%n$0$1%K] ";
205    endofnames = "%w-%c-%C- %nUsers %c$1 %nnicks %K[%c$2 %nops, %c$3 %nhalfops, %c$4 %nvoices, %c$5 %nnormal%K]";
206    quit_once = "{channel $3} {channick $0} {chanhost $1} %K(%n{reason $2}%K)%n {channel $_$2$_}";
207    nick_changed = "%w-%c-%C- %W$0 %nis now known as %C$1";
208    chanmode_change = "%w-%c-%C- %W{nickhilight $2} %nsets modes %K[%n{$channelhilight $0} {mode $1}%K]";
209    channel_mode = "%w-%c-%C- %W{nickhilight $2} %nsets modes %K[%n{$channelhilight $0} {mode $1}%K]";
210    topic = "%w-%c-%C- %nTopic for {channelhilight $0} is $1";
211    new_topic = "%w-%c-%C- %W{nick $0} %nhas changed the topic to: %C$2";
212    topic_unset = "%w-%c-%C- %nTopic unset by {nick $0} on {channel $1}";
213    daychange = "%w-%c-%C- %nDay changed to %%d %%b %%Y";
214    your_nick_changed = "%w-%c-%C- %nYou're now known as %W$1";
216    talking_with = "%w-%c-%C- %nYou are now talking with %W$0";
217    refnum_too_low = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow number must be greater than 1";
218    error_server_sticky = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow's server is sticky, use -unsticky option to change";
219    set_server_sticky = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow's server set sticky";
220    unset_server_sticky = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow's server set not sticky";
221    window_name_not_unique = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow names must be unique";
222    window_level = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow level is now %C$0";
223    window_set_immortal = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow set immortal";
224    window_unset_immortal = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nbWindow set not immortal";
225    window_immortal_error = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow is immortal";
226    windowlist_header = "%w-%c-%C- %nRef Name                 Active item     Server          Level";
227    windowlist_line = "%w-%c-%C- %n$[3]0 %|$[20]1 $[15]2 $[15]3 $4";
228    windowlist_footer = "";
229    windows_layout_saved = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nLayout of windows saved";
230    windows_layout_reset = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nLayout of windows reset to defaults";
231    window_info_header = "";
232    window_info_footer = "";
233    window_info_refnum = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow  : %W$0";
234    window_info_refnum_sticky = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nWindow  : %W{hilight #$0 (sticky)}";
235    window_info_name = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nName    : $0";
236    window_info_history = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nHistory : $0";
237    window_info_immortal = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nImmortal: yes";
238    window_info_size = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nSize    : $0x$1";
239    window_info_level = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nLevel   : $0";
240    window_info_server = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nServer  : $0";
241    window_info_server_sticky = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nServer  : $0 (sticky)";
242    window_info_theme = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nTheme   : $0$1";
243    window_info_bound_items_header = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nBounds  : {hilight Name                           Server tag}";
244    window_info_bound_item = "%n        : $[!30]0 $[!15]1 $2";
245    window_info_bound_items_footer = "";
246    window_info_items_header = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %nItems   : {hilight Name                           Server tag}";
247    window_info_item = "%w-%c-%C- %WWindow: %n$[7]0: $[!30]1 $2";
248    window_info_items_footer = "";
249    looking_up = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer: %nLooking up host %W$0";
250    connecting = "%w-%c-%C- %WConnecting to %W$0 %K(%C$1%K) %non port %C$2";
251    connection_established = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Connection to %W$0 %nestablished";
252    cant_connect = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Unable to connect to %W$0 %non port %C$1 %K(%C$2%K)";
253    connection_lost = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Connection lost to %W$0";
254    lag_disconnected = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n No PONG reply from server %W$0 %nin %C$1 %nseconds, disconnecting";
255    disconnected = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Disconnected from %W$0 %K(%C$1%K)";
256    server_quit = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Disconnecting from server %W$0%n: %C$1";
257    server_changed = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Changed to %W{hilight $2} %nserver %C$1";
258    unknown_server_tag = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR:%n Server tag %W$0 %nnot found";
259    no_connected_servers = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR:%n Not connected to any servers";
260    server_list = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n $0: $1:$2 ($3)";
261    server_lookup_list = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n $0: $1:$2 ($3) (connecting...)";
262    server_reconnect_list = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n $0: $1:$2 ($3) ($5 left before reconnecting)";
263    server_reconnect_removed = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Removed reconnection to server %W$0 %nport %C$1";
264    server_reconnect_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Reconnection tag %W{hilight $0} %ndoes not exist";
265    setupserver_added = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Server %W{hilight $0} %nsaved";
266    setupserver_removed = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Server %W{hilight $0} %nremoved";
267    setupserver_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n Server %W{hilight $0} %ndoes not exist";
268    your_nick = "%w-%c-%C- %nYour nickname is %W$0";
269    invite = "%w-%c-%C- %W$0 %ninvites you to channel %W$1";
270    not_invited = "%w-%c-%C- %nYou have not been invited to a channel!";
271    chanlist_header = "%w-%c-%C- %WChannel: %nYou are on the following channels:";
272    chanlist_line = "%w-%c-%C- %WChannel: %C{hilight $0} (+$1) [$2]: $3";
273    chansetup_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %WChannel: %nChannel %W{hilight $0} %ndoes not exist";
274    chansetup_added = "%w-%c-%C- %WChannel: %nChannel %W{hilight $0} %nsaved";
275    chansetup_removed = "%w-%c-%C- %WChannel: %nChannel %W{hilight $0} %nremoved";
276    chansetup_header = "%w-%c-%C- %WChannel         Network    Password   Settings";
277    chansetup_line = "%w-%c-%C- %n{hilight $[15]0} $[10]1 $[10]2 $3";
278    chansetup_footer = "";
279    no_msgs_got = "%b{fq Error} %bYou have not received a message from anyone yet";
280    no_msgs_sent = "%b{fq Error} %bYou have not sent a message to anyone yet";
281    query_start = "%w-%c-%C- %WQuery: %nStarting query with %W$0 %non %C$1";
282    query_stop = "%w-%c-%C- %WQuery: %nClosing query with %W$0";
283    no_query = "%w-%c-%C- %WQuery: %nNo query with %W$0";
284    query_server_changed = "%w-%c-%C- %WQuery: %nQuery with %W$0 %nchanged to %C$1";
285    hilight_header = "";
286    hilight_line = "%w-%c-%C- %WHilight: %n$[-4]0 $1 $2 $3$4";
287    hilight_footer = "";
288    hilight_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %WHighlight: %nHilight item %C{hilight $0} %ndoes not exist";
289    hilight_removed = "%w-%c-%C- %WHilight: %nHighlight item %C{hilight $0} removed";
290    alias_added = "%w-%c-%C- %WAlias: %nAlias %W{hilight $0} %nadded";
291    alias_removed = "%w-%c-%C- %WAlias: %nAlias %W{hilight $0} %nremoved";
292    alias_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %WAlias: %nAlias %W{hilight $0} %ndoes not exist";
293    aliaslist_header = "";
294    aliaslist_line = "%w-%c-%C- %WAlias: %n$[10]0 $1";
295    aliaslist_footer = "";
296    no_away_msgs = "%w-%c-%C- %WAwayLog: %nYou have no messages waiting";
297    away_msgs = "%w-%c-%C- %WAwayLog: %nYou have %C$1 %nmessages waiting:";
298    command_unknown = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nUnknown command %C{hilight $0}";
299    command_ambiguous = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nAmbiguous command %C{hilight $0}";
300    option_unknown = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nUnknown option %C{hilight $0}";
301    option_ambiguous = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nAmbiguous option %C{hilight $0}";
302    option_missing_arg = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nMissing required argument for %C{hilight $0}";
303    not_enough_params = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nNot enough parameters given";
304    not_connected = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nNot connected to server";
305    not_joined = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nNot joined to any channel";
306    chan_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nNot joined to this channel";
307    chan_not_synced = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nChannel not fully synchronized yet, try again after a while";
308    illegal_proto = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nCommand isn't designed for the chat protocol of the active server";
309    not_good_idea = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nDoing this is not a good idea. Add -YES if you really mean it";
310    format_title = "%w-%c-%C- %WFormat: %n{hilight $0}%n%:      %w-%c-%C- %WFormat: %n {hilight $1}";
311    format_subtitle = "%w-%c-%C- %WFormat: %n {hilight $0}";
312    format_item = "%w-%c-%C- %WFormat:%W  $0 =%C \"$1\";";
313    ignored = "%w-%c-%C- %WIgnore: %nIgnoring %C{hilight $1} %nfrom %W{nick $0}";
314    ignored_options = "%w-%c-%C- %WIgnore: %nIgnoring %C{hilight $1} %nfrom %W{nick $0} ($2)";
315    unignored = "%w-%c-%C- %WIgnore: %nUnignored %W{nick $0}";
316    ignore_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %W{nick $0} %nis not being ignored";
317    ignore_no_ignores = "%w-%c-%C- %nThere are no ignores";
318    ignore_header = "%w-%c-%C- %n%# Num Mask                             Type       Options";
319    ignore_line = "%w-%c-%C- %n%#$[-4]0 $[32]1 $[10]2 $3 $4";
320    ignore_footer = "";
321    bind_header = "%w-%c-%C- %n%#Key              Action";
322    bind_list = "%w-%c-%C- %n%#$[!16]0 $1 $2";
323    bind_footer = "";
324    no_completions = "%w-%c-%C- %nThere are no completions";
325    completion_removed = "%w-%c-%C- %nRemoved completion %W$0";
326    completion_header = "%w-%c-%C- %n%#Key        Value                                    Auto";
327    completion_line = "%w-%c-%C- %n%#$[10]0 $[!40]1 $2";
328    completion_footer = "";
329    theme_saved = "%w-%c-%C- %nTheme saved to %W$0";
330    theme_save_failed = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR:%n Error saving theme to %W$0: $1";
331    theme_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR:%n Theme %W{hilight $0} %nnot found";
332    theme_changed = "%w-%c-%C- %nNow using theme %W{hilight $0} ($1)";
333    unknown_chatnet = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nUnknown chat network %W{hilight $0}";
334    perl_error = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %n%RPerl error: $0";
335    config_saved = "%w-%c-%C- %WSaved configuration to file %C$0";
336    config_reloaded = "%w-%c-%C- %WReloaded configuration";
337    config_modified = "%w-%c-%C- %WConfiguration file was modified since irssi was last started - do you want to overwrite the possible changes?";
338    set_title = "%w-%c-%C- %WSET: %W{hilight $0}:";
339    set_item = "%w-%c-%C- %WSET:%W  $0 %n= %C$1";
340    set_unknown = "%w-%c-%C- %WSET: %nUnknown setting {hilight $0}";
341    set_not_boolean = "%w-%c-%C- %WSET: %nSetting %C{hilight $0} %nis not boolean, use /SET";
342    not_toggle = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nValue must be either ON, OFF or TOGGLE";
343    talking_in = "%b{fq Irssi}%n %bYou are now talking in %W$0";
344    not_in_channels = "%b{fq Channels}%n %bYou are not on any channels";
345    current_channel = "%b{fq Channels}%n %bCurrent channel $0";
346    pubmsg = "{pubmsgnick $2 {pubnick \00303$0}}$1";
347  };
348  "fe-common/irc" = {
349    usermode_change = "%w-%c-%C- %nMode change %C{mode $0}%n for user {nick $1}";
350    ircnet_added = "%w-%c-%C- %WIRCnet %W{hilight $0} %nsaved";
351    ircnet_removed = "%w-%c-%C- %WIRCnet %W{hilight $0} %nremoved";
352    ircnet_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %WIRCnet %W{hilight $0} %ndoes not exist";
353    ircnet_header = "%w-%c-%C- %WIRCnets:";
354    ircnet_footer = "";
355    setupserver_header = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer               Port  Network    Settings";
356    setupserver_line = "%w-%c-%C- %n$[!20]0 $[5]1 $[10]2 $3";
357    setupserver_footer = "";
358    joinerror_toomany = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nCannot join channel %W$0%n (You have joined too many channels)";
359    joinerror_full = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nCannot join channel %W$0%n (Channel is full)";
360    joinerror_invite = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nCannot join channel %W$0%n (Channel is invite only)";
361    joinerror_banned = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nCannot join channel %W$0%n (You are banned!)";
362    joinerror_bad_key = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nCannot join channel %W$0%n (Channel is keyword protected)";
363    joinerror_bad_mask = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nCannot join channel %W$0%n (Bad channel mask)";
364    joinerror_unavail = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nCannot join channel %W$0%n (Channel is temporarily unavailable)";
365    joinerror_duplicate = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nCannot create channel %W$0%n, it already exists";
366    joinerror_rejoin = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %nChannel %W$0%n is temporarily unavailable.  Trying to rejoin automatically, use /RMREJOINS to abort.";
367    inviting = "%w-%c-%C- %WInviting: %W$0 %nto %C$1";
368    chanmode_change = "%w-%c-%C- %W{nickhilight $2} %nsets modes %K[%n{$channelhilight $0} {mode $1}%K]";
369    url = "%w-%c-%C- %nHome page for channel %W$0 %nis at %C$1";
370    bantype = "%w-%c-%C- %nBan type set to $0";
371    no_bans = "%w-%c-%C- %nNo bans set in channel %C$0";
372    banlist = "%w-%c-%C- %n$[-2]0. $1: $2";
373    banlist_long = "%w-%c-%C- %n$[-2]0. $1: $2 (set by $3 $4 secs ago)";
374    nick_away = "%w-%c-%C- %W$0 %nis away: %C$1";
375    no_such_nick = "%w-%c-%C- %W{hilight $0}%n: no such nick/channel";
376    nick_in_use = "%w-%c-%C- %nNick %W$0%n is already in use";
377    nick_unavailable = "%w-%c-%C- %nNick %W$0%n is temporarily unavailable";
378    your_nick_owned = "%w-%c-%C- %nYour nick is owned by %W$3 %K(%C$1@$2%K)";
379    notice_server = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer: $n[$0] $1";
380    kill = "%w-%c-%C- %RKILLED!!  %nYou were killed by %W$0 %C($1): $2 (Path: $3)";
381    kill_server = "%w-%c-%C- %RKILLED!!  %nYou were killed by $0: $1 (Path: $2)";
382    error = "%w-%c-%C- %RERROR: %n$0";
383    default_event = "%w-%c-%C- %WServer:%n $1";
384    default_event_server = "%w-%c-%C- %n[$0] $2: $1";
385    channel_mode = "%w-%c-%C- %W{nick $2} %nsets modes %K[%n{$channelhilight $0} {mode $1}%K]";
386    topic = "%w-%c-%C- %nTopic for %W{channelhilight $0}%n is:%C $1";
387    channel_created = "%w-%c-%C- %nChannel %W$0 %nwas created on %c$1";
388    no_topic = "%w-%c-%C- %nNo topic set for {channelhilight $0}";
389    topic_info = "%w-%c-%C- %nTopic set by {nick $0} {nickhost $2} {comment $1}";
390    away = "";
391    unaway = "";
392    whois = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b] %n($1@$2) %n: $3 ";
393    whois_channels = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b] %n$1";
394    whois_idle = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b] %n$1 days $2 hours $3 minet $4 secs";
395    whois_server = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b] %n$1 [$2]";
396    whois_idle_signon = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b] %nIdle%n $1 days $2 hours $3 minutes $4 seconds, Signon $5";
397    whois_oper = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b]%n $1 $2 $3 $4";
398    whois_ip = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b]%n IP: $1";
399    end_of_whois = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b] %nEnd of WHOIS List";
400    whois_away = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b] %nis Away: %|$1";
401    whois_registered = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b] %nhas registered this nick";
402    whowas = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b]%n WAS ($1@$2) : $3";
403    end_of_whowas = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b] %nEnd of WHOWAS List";
404    who = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$1%b]%n %n$4@$5 ($6) [Server: $7, $3 Hops]";
405    end_of_who = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b] %nEnd of WHO list";
406    whois_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %b[%n$0%b]%n No such nick";
407    notice_public = "%B-%M${1}%B- %W$0%M:%n $2";
408    notice_private = "%B-%M${0}%B- %b(%M$1%b)%n $2";
409    own_notice = "%G>%W$0%G< %n$1-";
410    channel_synced = "%w-%c-%C- %nChannel %W{channel $0} %nwas synced in %C{hilight $1} %nseconds";
411    netsplit = "%w<%c-%C- %RNetsplit:%W $0 %R<-> %W$1 %nquits: %C$2";
412    netsplit_more = "%w<%c-%C- %RNetsplit: %W$0%R <-> %W$1 %nquits: %C$2 %n(+$3 more)";
413    netsplit_join = "%w-%c-%C> %gNetsplit Over%n - Joins: %C$0";
414    netsplit_join_more = "%w-%c-%C> %nJoins: %n$0 (+$1 more)";
415    no_netsplits = "%w-%c-%C- %nThere are no net splits";
416    netsplits_header = "%w-%c-%C- %n%C%#Nick            Channel    Server               Splitted server";
417    netsplits_line = "%w-%c-%C- %n%#$[15]0 $[10]1 $[20]2 $[20]3";
418    netsplits_footer = "";
419    server_chanmode_change = "%w-%c-%C- %W$2%n sets modes %K[%n$0 $1%K]%n";
420    ctcp_reply = "%w-%c-%C- %nGot %C$0 %nreply from %W$1: %C$2";
421    ctcp_reply_channel = "%w-%c-%C- %nGot %C$0 %nreply from %W$1 %nin channel %c$3: $2";
422    ctcp_ping_reply = "%w-%c-%C- %nGot %CPING %nresponse from %W$0: %c$1.$[-3.0]2 %nseconds";
423    ctcp_requested = "%w-%c-%C- %nGot %C$2 %nrequest from %W$0 %n($1) to $4: $3";
424    ctcp_requested_unknown = "%w-%c-%C- %nGot unknown %C$2%n request from %c$0 %n($1) to %n$4: $3";
425    own_ctcp = "%w-%c-%C- %nSending %WCTCP %C$1 %nto %c$0: $2";
426  };
427  "fe-common/perl" = {
428    script_not_found = "%w-%c-%C- %rScript: %W{hilight $0} %nnot found";
429    script_not_loaded = "%w-%c-%C- %rScript: %W{hilight $0} is not loaded";
430    script_loaded = "%w-%c-%C- %rScript: %nLoded script %W{hilight $0}";
431    script_unloaded = "%w-%c-%C- %rScript: %nUnloaded script %W{hilight $0}";
432    no_scripts_loaded = "%w-%c-%C- %rScript: %nNo scripts are loaded";
433    script_list_header = "%w-%c-%C- %rScript               Path";
434    script_list_line = "%w-%c-%C- %n$[!20]0 $1";
435    script_list_footer = "";
436    script_error = "%w-%c-%C- %rScript: ERROR %n in script %W{hilight $0}:";
437  };
439  "fe-common/irc/notifylist" = {
440    notify_join = "%w-%c-%C- %WNotify: %W{hilight $0} %C($1@$2) [$3] %nhas connected to %C$4";
441    notify_part = "%w-%c-%C- %WNotify: %W{hilight $0}%n has disconnected from %C$4";
442    notify_away = "%w-%c-%C- %WNotify: %W{hilight $0} %C[$5] ($1@$2) [$3] %nis now away: %C$4";
443    notify_unaway = "%w-%c-%C- %WNotify: %W{hilight $0} %C($1@$2) [$3] %nis no longer away on %C$4";
444    notify_unidle = "%w-%c-%C- %WNotify: %W{hilight $0} %C($1@$2) [$3] %njust stopped idling on %C$5";
445    notify_online = "%w-%c-%C- %WNotify: %WOnline: $0: {hilight $1}";
446    notify_offline = "%w-%c-%C- %WNotify: %WOffline: $0";
447    notify_list = "%w-%c-%C- %n#$0: $1 $2 $3";
448    notify_list_empty = " %w-%c-%C- %WNotify: %nThe notify list is empty";
449  };