1 /*=========================================================================
3   Library:   CTK
5   Copyright (c) Kitware Inc.
7   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
8   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
9   You may obtain a copy of the License at
11       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt
13   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
14   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
15   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
16   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
17   limitations under the License.
19 =========================================================================*/
21 // Qt includes
22 #include <QDebug>
24 // CTK includes
25 #include "ctkLogger.h"
26 #include "ctkVTKThumbnailView.h"
28 // VTK includes
29 #include <vtkCamera.h>
30 #include <vtkFollower.h>
31 #include <vtkInteractorStyle.h>
32 #include <vtkMath.h>
33 #include <vtkOutlineSource.h>
34 #include <vtkPolyDataMapper.h>
35 #include <vtkProperty.h>
36 #include <vtkRenderWindow.h>
37 #include <vtkRenderWindowInteractor.h>
38 #include <vtkRenderer.h>
39 #include <vtkSmartPointer.h>
40 #include <vtkVersion.h>
41 #include <vtkWeakPointer.h>
43 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 static ctkLogger logger("org.slicer.libs.qmrmlwidgets.ctkVTKThumbnailView");
45 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 #define DEGREES2RADIANS 0.0174532925
49 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 class ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate
51 {
52   Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(ctkVTKThumbnailView);
53 protected:
54   ctkVTKThumbnailView* const q_ptr;
55 public:
56   ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate(ctkVTKThumbnailView& object);
57   ~ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate();
59   void init();
60   void initCamera();
61   void updateBounds();
62   void updateCamera();
63   void resetCamera();
65   vtkRenderer*                       Renderer;
66   vtkWeakPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> Interactor;
68   vtkOutlineSource*                  FOVBox;
69   vtkPolyDataMapper*                 FOVBoxMapper;
70   vtkFollower*                       FOVBoxActor;
71 };
73 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
74 // ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate methods
76 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate(ctkVTKThumbnailView & object)77 ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate::ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate(ctkVTKThumbnailView& object)
78   : q_ptr(&object)
79 {
80   this->Renderer = 0;
81   this->Interactor = 0;
83   this->FOVBox = 0;
84   this->FOVBoxMapper = 0;
85   this->FOVBoxActor = 0;
86 }
88 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
~ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate()89 ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate::~ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate()
90 {
91   this->FOVBox->Delete();
92   this->FOVBoxMapper->Delete();
93   this->FOVBoxActor->Delete();
94 }
96 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
init()97 void ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate::init()
98 {
99   Q_Q(ctkVTKThumbnailView);
101   this->FOVBox = vtkOutlineSource::New();
102   this->FOVBoxMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
103 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5
104   this->FOVBoxMapper->SetInput( this->FOVBox->GetOutput() );
105 #else
106   this->FOVBoxMapper->SetInputConnection( this->FOVBox->GetOutputPort() );
107 #endif
108   this->FOVBoxActor = vtkFollower::New();
110   this->FOVBoxMapper->Update();
112   this->FOVBoxActor->SetMapper( this->FOVBoxMapper );
113   this->FOVBoxActor->SetPickable(0);
114   this->FOVBoxActor->SetDragable(0);
115   this->FOVBoxActor->SetVisibility(1);
116   this->FOVBoxActor->SetScale(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
117   this->FOVBoxActor->GetProperty()->SetColor( 0.1, 0.45, 0.1 );
118   this->FOVBoxActor->GetProperty()->SetLineWidth (2.0);
120   q->renderWindow()->GetInteractor()->SetInteractorStyle(0);
122   // not sure what's for...
123   q->qvtkConnect(q->renderWindow(), vtkCommand::AbortCheckEvent,
124                  q, SLOT(checkAbort()));
125 }
127 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
initCamera()128 void ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate::initCamera()
129 {
130   Q_Q(ctkVTKThumbnailView);
131   vtkRenderer* ren = this->Renderer;
132   if (!ren)
133     {
134     return;
135     }
136   vtkCamera *cam = ren->IsActiveCameraCreated() ? ren->GetActiveCamera() : NULL;
137   if (!cam)
138     {
139     return;
140     }
141   vtkCamera *navcam = q->activeCamera();
142   if (!navcam)
143     {
144     return;
145     }
146   navcam->SetPosition ( cam->GetPosition() );
147   navcam->SetFocalPoint ( cam->GetFocalPoint() );
148   navcam->ComputeViewPlaneNormal();
149   navcam->SetViewUp( cam->GetViewUp() );
150   this->FOVBoxActor->SetCamera (navcam);
151   this->FOVBox->SetBoxTypeToOriented ( );
152 }
154 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
updateBounds()155 void ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate::updateBounds()
156 {
157   Q_Q(ctkVTKThumbnailView);
158   vtkRenderer* ren = this->Renderer;
160   vtkActorCollection *mainActors;
161   vtkActor *mainActor;
162   vtkActor *newActor;
163   vtkPolyDataMapper *newMapper;
165   // iterate thru the actor collection,
166   // remove item, delete actor, delete mapper.
167   vtkActorCollection *navActors = q->renderer()->GetActors();
169   if (!navActors)
170     {
171     q->renderer()->RemoveAllViewProps();
172     navActors->RemoveAllItems();
173     }
174   if (!ren)
175     {
176     return;
177     }
179   double bounds[6];
180   double dimension;
181   double x,y,z;
182   double cutoff = 0.1;
183   double cutoffDimension;
185   ren->ComputeVisiblePropBounds( bounds );
186   x = bounds[1] - bounds[0];
187   y = bounds[3] - bounds[2];
188   z = bounds[5] - bounds[4];
189   dimension = x*x + y*y + z*z;
190   cutoffDimension = cutoff * dimension;
192   // Get actor collection from the main viewer's renderer
193   mainActors = ren->GetActors();
194   if (!mainActors)
195     {
196     return;
197     }
199   // add the little FOV box to NavigationWidget's actors
200   q->renderer()->AddViewProp(this->FOVBoxActor);
202   for(mainActors->InitTraversal(); (mainActor = mainActors->GetNextActor()); )
203     {
204     // get the bbox of this actor
205     int vis = mainActor->GetVisibility();
206     //if (vis)
207     //  {
208       mainActor->GetBounds ( bounds );
209       // check to see if it's big enough to include in the scene...
210       x = bounds[1] - bounds[0];
211       y = bounds[3] - bounds[2];
212       z = bounds[5] - bounds[4];
213       dimension = x*x + y*y + z*z;
214      // }
215     // add a copy of the actor to the renderer
216     // only if it's big enough to count (don't bother with tiny
217     // and don't bother with invisible stuff)
218     if ( dimension > cutoffDimension && vis )
219       {
220       // ---new: create new actor, mapper, deep copy, add it.
221       newMapper = vtkPolyDataMapper::New();
222       newMapper->ShallowCopy (mainActor->GetMapper() );
223 #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION <= 5
224       newMapper->SetInput ( vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(mainActor->GetMapper()->GetInput()) );
225 #else
226       newMapper->SetInputData ( vtkPolyData::SafeDownCast(mainActor->GetMapper()->GetInput()) );
227 #endif
229       newActor = vtkActor::New();
230       newActor->ShallowCopy (mainActor );
231       newActor->SetMapper ( newMapper );
232       newMapper->Delete();
234       q->renderer()->AddActor( newActor );
235       newActor->Delete();
236       }
237     }
238 }
240 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
updateCamera()241 void ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate::updateCamera()
242 {
243   Q_Q(ctkVTKThumbnailView);
244    // Scale the FOVBox actor to show the
245   // MainViewer's window on the scene.
246   vtkRenderer *ren = this->Renderer;
247   vtkCamera *cam = ren ? (ren->IsActiveCameraCreated() ? ren->GetActiveCamera() : NULL) : NULL;
248   if (!cam)
249     {
250     return;
251     }
253   // 3DViewer's camera configuration
254   double *focalPoint = cam->GetFocalPoint ( );
255   double *camPos= cam->GetPosition ( );
256   double *vpn = cam->GetViewPlaneNormal ();
257   double thetaV = (cam->GetViewAngle()) / 2.0;
259   // camera distance, and distance of FOVBox from focalPoint
260   double camDist = cam->GetDistance ();
261   double boxDist = camDist * 0.89;
263   // configure navcam based on main renderer's camera
264   vtkRenderer *navren = q->renderer();
265   vtkCamera *navcam = q->activeCamera();
267   if ( navcam == 0 )
268     {
269     return;
270     }
271   // give navcam the same parameters as MainViewer's ActiveCamera
272   navcam->SetPosition ( camPos );
273   navcam->SetFocalPoint ( focalPoint );
274   navcam->SetViewUp( cam->GetViewUp() );
275   navcam->ComputeViewPlaneNormal ( );
277   // compute FOVBox height & width to correspond
278   // to the main viewer's size and aspect ratio, in world-coordinates,
279   // positioned just behind the near clipping plane, to make sure
280   // nothing in the scene occludes it.
281   double boxHalfHit;
282   if ( cam->GetParallelProjection() )
283     {
284     boxHalfHit = cam->GetParallelScale();
285     }
286   else
287     {
288     boxHalfHit = (camDist) * tan ( thetaV * DEGREES2RADIANS);
289     }
291   // 3D MainViewer height and width for computing aspect
292   int mainViewerWid = ren->GetRenderWindow()->GetSize()[0];
293   int mainViewerHit = ren->GetRenderWindow()->GetSize()[1];
294   // width of the FOVBox that represents MainViewer window.
295   double boxHalfWid = boxHalfHit * static_cast<double>(mainViewerWid)
296                        / static_cast<double>(mainViewerHit);
298   // configure and position the FOVBox
299   double data [24];
300   data[0] = -1.0;
301   data[1] = -1.0;
302   data[2] = 0.0;
303   data[3] = 1.0;
304   data[4] = -1.0;
305   data[5] = 0.0;
306   data[6] = -1.0;
307   data[7] = 1.0;
308   data[8] = 0.0;
309   data[9] = 1.0;
310   data[10] = 1.0;
311   data[11] = 0.0;
313   data[12] = -1.0;
314   data[13] = -1.0;
315   data[14] = 0.0;
316   data[15] = 1.0;
317   data[16] = -1.0;
318   data[17] = 0.0;
319   data[18] = -1.0;
320   data[19] = 1.0;
321   data[20] = 0.0;
322   data[21] = 1.0;
323   data[22] = 1.0;
324   data[23] = 0.0;
325   this->FOVBox->SetCorners ( data );
326   // Position and scale FOVBox very close to camera,
327   // to prevent things in the scene from occluding it.
328   this->FOVBoxActor->SetScale ( boxHalfWid, boxHalfHit, 1.0);
329   this->FOVBoxActor->SetPosition (focalPoint[0]+ (vpn[0]*boxDist),
330                                   focalPoint[1] + (vpn[1]*boxDist),
331                                   focalPoint[2] + (vpn[2]*boxDist));
332   this->resetCamera();
333   // put the focal point back into the center of
334   // the scene without the FOVBox included,
335   // since ResetNavigationCamera moved it.
336   navcam->SetFocalPoint ( focalPoint );
337   navren->ResetCameraClippingRange();
338   navren->UpdateLightsGeometryToFollowCamera();
339 }
341 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
resetCamera()342 void ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate::resetCamera()
343 {
344   Q_Q(ctkVTKThumbnailView);
346   vtkRenderer *ren = q->renderer();
347   vtkCamera *cam = q->activeCamera();
349   if (!ren || !cam)
350     {
351     logger.error("Trying to reset non-existant camera");
352     return;
353     }
355   double bounds[6];
356   ren->ComputeVisiblePropBounds( bounds );
358   if (!vtkMath::AreBoundsInitialized(bounds))
359     {
360     logger.error("Cannot reset camera!");
361     return;
362     }
363   ren->InvokeEvent(vtkCommand::ResetCameraEvent, ren);
365   double vn[3];
366   cam->GetViewPlaneNormal(vn);
368   double center[3];
369   center[0] = (bounds[0] + bounds[1])/2.0;
370   center[1] = (bounds[2] + bounds[3])/2.0;
371   center[2] = (bounds[4] + bounds[5])/2.0;
373   double w1 = bounds[1] - bounds[0];
374   double w2 = bounds[3] - bounds[2];
375   double w3 = bounds[5] - bounds[4];
376   w1 *= w1;
377   w2 *= w2;
378   w3 *= w3;
379   double radius = w1 + w2 + w3;
381   // If we have just a single point, pick a radius of 1.0
382   radius = (radius==0)?(1.0):(radius);
384   // compute the radius of the enclosing sphere
385   radius = sqrt(radius)*0.5;
387   // default so that the bounding sphere fits within the view fustrum
388   // compute the distance from the intersection of the view frustum with the
389   // bounding sphere. Basically in 2D draw a circle representing the bounding
390   // sphere in 2D then draw a horizontal line going out from the center of
391   // the circle. That is the camera view. Then draw a line from the camera
392   // position to the point where it intersects the circle. (it will be tangent
393   // to the circle at this point, this is important, only go to the tangent
394   // point, do not draw all the way to the view plane). Then draw the radius
395   // from the tangent point to the center of the circle. You will note that
396   // this forms a right triangle with one side being the radius, another being
397   // the target distance for the camera, then just find the target dist using
398   // a sin.
399   double viewAngle = 20.0;
400   double distance = radius/sin(viewAngle*vtkMath::Pi()/360.0);
402   // check view-up vector against view plane normal
403   double* vup = cam->GetViewUp();
404   if ( fabs(vtkMath::Dot(vup,vn)) > 0.999 )
405     {
406     logger.warn("Resetting view-up since view plane normal is parallel");
407     cam->SetViewUp(-vup[2], vup[0], vup[1]);
408     }
410   // update the camera
411   cam->SetFocalPoint(center[0],center[1],center[2]);
412   cam->SetPosition(center[0]+distance*vn[0],
413                    center[1]+distance*vn[1],
414                    center[2]+distance*vn[2]);
416   ren->ResetCameraClippingRange( bounds );
418   // setup default parallel scale
419   cam->SetParallelScale(radius);
420 }
422 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
423 // ctkVTKThumbnailView methods
425 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
ctkVTKThumbnailView(QWidget * _parent)426 ctkVTKThumbnailView::ctkVTKThumbnailView(QWidget* _parent) : Superclass(_parent)
427   , d_ptr(new ctkVTKThumbnailViewPrivate(*this))
428 {
429   Q_D(ctkVTKThumbnailView);
430   d->init();
432   // Hide orientation widget
433   this->setOrientationWidgetVisible(false);
434 }
436 // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
~ctkVTKThumbnailView()437 ctkVTKThumbnailView::~ctkVTKThumbnailView()
438 {
439 }
441 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
setRendererToListen(vtkRenderer * newRenderer)442 void ctkVTKThumbnailView::setRendererToListen(vtkRenderer* newRenderer)
443 {
444   Q_D(ctkVTKThumbnailView);
445   d->Renderer = newRenderer;
446   vtkRenderWindow* newRenderWindow = newRenderer ? newRenderer->GetRenderWindow() : 0;
447   vtkRenderWindowInteractor* newInteractor = newRenderWindow ? newRenderWindow->GetInteractor() : 0;
448   this->qvtkReconnect(d->Interactor, newInteractor,
449                       vtkCommand::EndInteractionEvent, this,SLOT(updateCamera()));
450   d->Interactor = newInteractor;
451   d->initCamera();
452   d->updateBounds();
453   d->updateCamera();
454 }
456 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
checkAbort()457 void ctkVTKThumbnailView::checkAbort()
458 {
459   if (this->renderWindow()->GetEventPending())
460     {
461     this->renderWindow()->SetAbortRender(1);
462     }
463 }
465 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
updateCamera()466 void ctkVTKThumbnailView::updateCamera()
467 {
468   Q_D(ctkVTKThumbnailView);
469   d->updateCamera();
470   this->scheduleRender();
471 }
473 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
updateBounds()474 void ctkVTKThumbnailView::updateBounds()
475 {
476   Q_D(ctkVTKThumbnailView);
477   d->updateBounds();
478   this->scheduleRender();
479 }