1 /*
2  * "$Id$"
3  *
4  * Filename header file for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
5  *
6  * Copyright 1998-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
7  *
8  * This library is free software. Distribution and use rights are outlined in
9  * the file "COPYING" which should have been included with this file.  If this
10  * file is missing or damaged, see the license at:
11  *
12  *     http://www.fltk.org/COPYING.php
13  *
14  * Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
15  *
16  *     http://www.fltk.org/str.php
17  */
18 /** \file
19  File names and URI utility functions.
20  */
22 /* Xcode on OS X includes files by recursing down into directories.
23  * This code catches the cycle and directly includes the required file.
24  */
25 #ifdef fl_dirent_h_cyclic_include
26 #  include "/usr/include/dirent.h"
27 #endif
29 #ifndef FL_FILENAME_H
30 #  define FL_FILENAME_H
32 #  include "Fl_Export.H"
34 /** \addtogroup filenames File names and URI utility functions
35  File names and URI functions defined in <FL/filename.H>
36     @{ */
38 #  define FL_PATH_MAX 2048 /**< all path buffers should use this length */
39 /** Gets the file name from a path.
40     Similar to basename(3), exceptions shown below.
41     \code
42     #include <FL/filename.H>
43     [..]
44     const char *out;
45     out = fl_filename_name("/usr/lib");     // out="lib"
46     out = fl_filename_name("/usr/");        // out=""      (basename(3) returns "usr" instead)
47     out = fl_filename_name("/usr");         // out="usr"
48     out = fl_filename_name("/");            // out=""      (basename(3) returns "/" instead)
49     out = fl_filename_name(".");            // out="."
50     out = fl_filename_name("..");           // out=".."
51     \endcode
52     \return a pointer to the char after the last slash, or to \p filename if there is none.
53  */
54 FL_EXPORT const char *fl_filename_name(const char * filename);
55 FL_EXPORT const char *fl_filename_ext(const char *buf);
56 FL_EXPORT char *fl_filename_setext(char *to, int tolen, const char *ext);
57 FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_expand(char *to, int tolen, const char *from);
58 FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_absolute(char *to, int tolen, const char *from);
59 FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_relative(char *to, int tolen, const char *from);
60 FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_match(const char *name, const char *pattern);
61 FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_isdir(const char *name);
63 #  if defined(__cplusplus) && !defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
64 /*
65  * Under WIN32, we include filename.H from numericsort.c; this should probably change...
66  */
fl_filename_setext(char * to,const char * ext)68 inline char *fl_filename_setext(char *to, const char *ext) { return fl_filename_setext(to, FL_PATH_MAX, ext); }
fl_filename_expand(char * to,const char * from)69 inline int fl_filename_expand(char *to, const char *from) { return fl_filename_expand(to, FL_PATH_MAX, from); }
fl_filename_absolute(char * to,const char * from)70 inline int fl_filename_absolute(char *to, const char *from) { return fl_filename_absolute(to, FL_PATH_MAX, from); }
71 FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_relative(char *to, int tolen, const char *from, const char *cwd);
fl_filename_relative(char * to,const char * from)72 inline int fl_filename_relative(char *to, const char *from) { return fl_filename_relative(to, FL_PATH_MAX, from); }
73 #  endif /* __cplusplus */
76 #  if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__CYGWIN__) && !defined(__WATCOMC__)
78 struct dirent {char d_name[1];};
80 #  elif defined(__WATCOMC__)
81 #    include <sys/types.h>
82 #    include <direct.h>
84 #  else
85 /*
86  * WARNING: on some systems (very few nowadays?) <dirent.h> may not exist.
87  * The correct information is in one of these files:
88  *
89  *     #include <sys/ndir.h>
90  *     #include <sys/dir.h>
91  *     #include <ndir.h>
92  *
93  * plus you must do the following #define:
94  *
95  *     #define dirent direct
96  *
97  * It would be best to create a <dirent.h> file that does this...
98  */
99 #    include <sys/types.h>
100 #    define fl_dirent_h_cyclic_include
101 #    include <dirent.h>
102 #    undef fl_dirent_h_cyclic_include
103 #  endif
105 #  if defined (__cplusplus)
106 extern "C" {
107 #  endif /* __cplusplus */
109 #  if !defined(FL_DOXYGEN)
110 FL_EXPORT int fl_alphasort(struct dirent **, struct dirent **);
111 FL_EXPORT int fl_casealphasort(struct dirent **, struct dirent **);
112 FL_EXPORT int fl_casenumericsort(struct dirent **, struct dirent **);
113 FL_EXPORT int fl_numericsort(struct dirent **, struct dirent **);
114 #  endif
116   typedef int (Fl_File_Sort_F)(struct dirent **, struct dirent **); /**< File sorting function. \see fl_filename_list() */
118 #  if defined(__cplusplus)
119 }
121 /*
122  * Portable "scandir" function.  Ugly but necessary...
123  */
125 FL_EXPORT int fl_filename_list(const char *d, struct dirent ***l,
126                                Fl_File_Sort_F *s = fl_numericsort);
127 FL_EXPORT void fl_filename_free_list(struct dirent ***l, int n);
129 /*
130  * Generic function to open a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) using a
131  * system-defined program (added in FLTK 1.1.8)
132  */
134 FL_EXPORT int	fl_open_uri(const char *uri, char *msg = (char *)0,
135 		            int msglen = 0);
137 FL_EXPORT void fl_decode_uri(char *uri);
139 #    ifndef FL_DOXYGEN
140 /*
141  * _fl_filename_isdir_quick() is a private function that checks for a
142  * trailing slash and assumes that the passed name is a directory if
143  * it finds one.  This function is used by Fl_File_Browser and
144  * Fl_File_Chooser to avoid extra stat() calls, but is not supported
145  * outside of FLTK...
146  */
147 int _fl_filename_isdir_quick(const char *name);
148 #    endif
150 #  endif /* __cplusplus */
152 /*
153  * FLTK 1.0.x compatibility definitions...
154  */
156 #  ifdef FLTK_1_0_COMPAT
157 #    define filename_absolute	fl_filename_absolute
158 #    define filename_expand	fl_filename_expand
159 #    define filename_ext	fl_filename_ext
160 #    define filename_isdir	fl_filename_isdir
161 #    define filename_list	fl_filename_list
162 #    define filename_match	fl_filename_match
163 #    define filename_name	fl_filename_name
164 #    define filename_relative	fl_filename_relative
165 #    define filename_setext	fl_filename_setext
166 #    define numericsort		fl_numericsort
167 #  endif /* FLTK_1_0_COMPAT */
170 #endif /* FL_FILENAME_H */
172 /** @} */
174 /*
175  * End of "$Id$".
176  */