2--               GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome               --
3--                                                                   --
4--   Copyright (C) 1998-1999 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet   --
5--                Copyright (C) 2000-2007 AdaCore                    --
6--                                                                   --
7-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
8-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
9-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
10-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
11--                                                                   --
12-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
13-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
15-- General Public License for more details.                          --
16--                                                                   --
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
18-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
19-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
20-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
21--                                                                   --
22-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
23-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
24-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
25-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
26-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
27-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --
30--  <description>
31--  This widget is an abstract widget designed to support the common
32--  functionalities of all widgets for editing text. It provides general
33--  services to manipulate an editable widget, a large number of action
34--  signals used for key bindings, and several signals that an
35--  application can connect to to modify the behavior of a widget.
36--  </description>
37--  <c_version>2.8.17</c_version>
38--  <group>Obsolescent widgets</group>
40with Gtk.Widget;
42package Gtk.Old_Editable is
43   pragma Obsolescent;
45   type Gtk_Old_Editable_Record is new
46     Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record with private;
47   type Gtk_Old_Editable is access all Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
49   function Get_Type return Gtk.Gtk_Type;
50   --  Return the internal value associated with a Gtk_Old_Editable.
52   procedure Changed (Editable : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record);
53   --  Cause the "changed" signal to be emitted.
55   procedure Claim_Selection
56     (Editable : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record;
57      Claim    : in Boolean := True;
58      Time     : in Guint32);
59   --  If Claim is set to True, claim the ownership of the primary X selection.
60   --  Otherwise, release it. "Time" should be set to the
61   --  time of the last-change time for the specified selection. It is
62   --  discarded if it is earlier than the current last-change time, or
63   --  later than the current X server time.
65   procedure Copy_Clipboard
66     (Editable : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record;
67      Time     : in Guint32);
68   --  Copy the characters in the current selection to the clipboard.
70   procedure Cut_Clipboard
71     (Editable : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record;
72      Time     : Guint32);
73   --  Copy the characters in the current selection to the clipboard.
74   --  The selection is then deleted.
76   procedure Delete_Selection (Editable : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record);
77   --  Disclaim and delete the current selection.
79   procedure Delete_Text
80     (Editable  : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record;
81      Start_Pos : Gint := 0;
82      End_Pos   : Gint := -1);
83   --  Delete the characters from Start_Pos to End_Pos.
84   --  If End_Pos is negative, the characters are deleted from Start_Pos to the
85   --  end of the text.
87   function Get_Chars
88     (Editable  : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record;
89      Start_Pos : Gint := 0;
90      End_Pos   : Gint := -1) return UTF8_String;
91   --  Get the text from Start_Pos to End_Pos.
92   --  If End_Pos is negative, the text from Start_Pos to the end is returned.
94   function Get_Clipboard_Text
95     (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record) return UTF8_String;
96   --  Return the last text copied from the clipboard.
98   function Get_Editable
99     (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record) return Boolean;
100   --  Return True if the widget is editable by the user.
102   procedure Set_Editable
103     (Widget   : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record;
104      Editable : Boolean := True);
105   --  Set the editable status of the entry.
106   --  If Editable is False, the user can not modify the contents of the entry.
107   --  This does not affect the user of the insertion functions above.
109   function Get_Has_Selection
110     (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record) return Boolean;
111   --  Return True if the selection is owned by the widget.
113   function Get_Selection_End_Pos
114     (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record) return Guint;
115   --  Return the position of the end of the current selection.
117   function Get_Selection_Start_Pos
118     (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record) return Guint;
119   --  Return the position of the beginning of the current selection.
121   procedure Insert_Text
122     (Editable : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record;
123      New_Text : UTF8_String;
124      Position : in out Gint);
125   --  Insert the given string at the given position.
126   --  Position is set to the new cursor position.
128   procedure Paste_Clipboard
129     (Editable : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record;
130      Time     : Guint32);
131   --  The contents of the clipboard is pasted into the given widget at
132   --  the current cursor position.
134   procedure Select_Region
135     (Editable : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record;
136      Start    : Gint;
137      The_End  : Gint := -1);
138   --  Select the region of text from Start to The_End.
139   --  The characters that are selected are those characters at positions
140   --  from Start up to, but not including The_End. If The_End_Pos is
141   --  negative, then the characters selected will be those characters
142   --  from Start to the end of the text.
144   procedure Set_Position
145     (Editable : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record;
146      Position : Gint);
147   --  Change the position of the cursor in the entry.
148   --  The cursor is displayed before the character with the given
149   --  index in the widget (the first character has index 0). The
150   --  value must be less than or equal to the number of characters in the
151   --  widget. A value of -1 indicates that the position
152   --  should be set after the last character in the entry.
153   --  Note that this position is in characters, not in bytes.
155   function Get_Position
156     (Editable : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record) return Gint;
157   --  Return the position of the cursor.
159   ---------------
160   --  Signals  --
161   ---------------
163   --  <signals>
164   --  The following new signals are defined for this widget:
165   --
166   --  - "changed"
167   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class);
168   --
169   --    emitted when the user has changed the text of the widget.
170   --
171   --  - "insert_text"
172   --    procedure Handler (Widget   : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
173   --                       Text     : in UTF8_String;
174   --                       Length   : in Gint;
175   --                       Position : in Gint_Access);
176   --
177   --    Emitted when some text is inserted inside the widget by the
178   --    user. The default handler inserts the text into the widget.
179   --    By connecting a handler to this signal, and then by stopping
180   --    the signal with Gtk.Handlers.Emit_Stop_By_Name, it is possible
181   --    to modify the inserted text, or even prevent it from being
182   --    inserted.
183   --    Position.all should be modified by the callback, and indicates
184   --    the new position of the cursor after the text has been inserted.
185   --
186   --  - "delete_text"
187   --    procedure Handler (Widget    : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
188   --                       Start_Pos : in Gint;
189   --                       End_Pos   : in Gint);
190   --
191   --    Emitted when some text is deleted by the user. As for the
192   --    "insert-text" handler, it is possible to override the default
193   --    behavior by connecting a handler to this signal, and then
194   --    stopping the signal.
195   --
196   --  - "activate"
197   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class);
198   --
199   --    Emitted when the user has activated the widget in some fashion.
200   --
201   --  - "set-editable"
202   --    procedure Handler (Widget     : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
203   --                       Is_Editable: in Boolean);
204   --
205   --    Emitting this signal is equivalent to calling Set_Old_Editable.
206   --
207   --  - "move_cursor"
208   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
209   --                       X, Y   : in Gint);
210   --
211   --    Emitting this signal will move the cursor position for X
212   --    characters horizontally, and Y characters vertically.
213   --
214   --  - "move_word"
215   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
216   --                       N      : in Gint);
217   --
218   --    Emitting this signal will move the cursor by N words (N can be
219   --    negative).
220   --
221   --  - "move_page"
222   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
223   --                       X, Y   : in Gint);
224   --
225   --    Emitting this signal will move the cursor for X pages
226   --    horizontally, and Y pages vertically.
227   --
228   --  - "move_to_row"
229   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
230   --                       Row    : in Gint);
231   --
232   --    Emitting this signal will move the cursor to the given row.
233   --
234   --  - "move_to_column"
235   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
236   --                       Column : in Gint);
237   --
238   --    Emitting this signal will move the cursor to the given column.
239   --
240   --  - "kill_char"
241   --    procedure Handler (Widget    : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
242   --                       Direction : in Gint);
243   --
244   --    Emitting this signal deletes a single character. If Direction
245   --    is positive, delete forward, else delete backward.
246   --
247   --  - "kill_word"
248   --    procedure Handler (Widget    : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
249   --                       Direction : in Gint);
250   --
251   --    Emitting this signal deletes a single word. If Direction is
252   --    positive, delete forward, otherwise delete backward.
253   --
254   --  - "kill_line"
255   --    procedure Handler (Widget    : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class;
256   --                       Direction : in Gint);
257   --
258   --    Emitting this signal deletes a single line. If Direction is
259   --    positive, delete forward, otherwise delete backward.
260   --
261   --  - "cut_clipboard"
262   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class);
263   --
264   --    Emitting this signal will cut the current selection to the
265   --    clipboard.
266   --
267   --  - "copy_clipboard"
268   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class);
269   --
270   --    Emitting this signal will copy the current selection to the
271   --    clipboard.
272   --
273   --  - "paste_clipboard"
274   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Old_Editable_Record'Class);
275   --
276   --    Emitting this signal will paste the clipboard into the text
277   --    of the widget at the current cursor position.
278   --
279   --  </signals>
281   Signal_Activate        : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "activate";
282   Signal_Copy_Clipboard  : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "copy_clipboard";
283   Signal_Cut_Clipboard   : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "cut_clipboard";
284   Signal_Kill_Char       : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "kill_char";
285   Signal_Kill_Line       : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "kill_line";
286   Signal_Kill_Word       : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "kill_word";
287   Signal_Move_Cursor     : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "move_cursor";
288   Signal_Move_Page       : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "move_page";
289   Signal_Move_To_Column  : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "move_to_column";
290   Signal_Move_To_Row     : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "move_to_row";
291   Signal_Move_Word       : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "move_word";
292   Signal_Paste_Clipboard : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "paste_clipboard";
293   Signal_Set_Editable    : constant Glib.Signal_Name := "set-editable";
296   type Gtk_Old_Editable_Record is new Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record
297     with null record;
298   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_old_editable_get_type");
299end Gtk.Old_Editable;