2--               GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome               --
3--                                                                   --
4--   Copyright (C) 1998-2000 E. Briot, J. Brobecker and A. Charlet   --
5--                Copyright (C) 2000-2013, AdaCore                   --
6--                                                                   --
7-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or     --
8-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public               --
9-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either      --
10-- version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  --
11--                                                                   --
12-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,   --
13-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of    --
15-- General Public License for more details.                          --
16--                                                                   --
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public         --
18-- License along with this library; if not, write to the             --
19-- Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,      --
20-- Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.                                       --
21--                                                                   --
22-- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from  --
23-- this unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an   --
24-- executable, this  unit  does not  by itself cause  the resulting  --
25-- executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. This  --
26-- exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the   --
27-- executable file  might be covered by the  GNU Public License.     --
30--  <description>
32--  This widget is the base of the tree for displayable objects.
33--  (A displayable object is one which takes up some amount
34--  of screen real estate). It provides a common base and interface
35--  which actual widgets must adhere to.
37--  This package provides some services which might have been more appropriate
38--  in some other packages, but could not because of dependency circularities
39--  (there are for instance some functions relating to colors and colormaps).
40--  We have tried to reference these functions in the other packages as well.
42--  </description>
43--  <c_version>2.16.6</c_version>
44--  <group>Abstract base classes</group>
46with System;
47with Glib.Object;
48with Glib.Properties;
49with Glib.Glist;
50pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.Glist);
51with Glib.GSlist;
52pragma Elaborate_All (Glib.GSlist);
53with Glib.Values;
55with Pango.Context;
56with Pango.Font;
57with Pango.Layout;
59with Gdk.Color;
60with Gdk.Event;
61with Gdk.Bitmap;
62with Gdk.Rectangle;
63with Gdk.Region;
64with Gdk.Pixbuf;
65with Gdk.Pixmap;
66with Gdk.Types;
67with Gdk.Visual;
68with Gdk.Window;
70with Gtk.Accel_Group;
71with Gtk.Adjustment;
72with Gtk.Enums;
73with Gtk.Style;
75package Gtk.Widget is
76   type Gtk_Widget_Record is new Glib.Object.GObject_Record with private;
77   type Gtk_Widget is access all Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
79   type Gtk_Requisition is record
80      Width  : Gint;
81      Height : Gint;
82   end record;
83   --  Gtk_Requisition is the desired amount of screen real-estate a widget
84   --  requests to the server. Its real allocated size might be different.
85   --  See the section in the GtkAda user guide on how to create new widgets
86   --  in Ada, and the examples/base_widget directory for an example on how to
87   --  use this.
88   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Requisition);
90   type Gtk_Requisition_Access is access all Gtk_Requisition;
91   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Requisition_Access);
92   --  This type is used to create new widgets.
94   type Gtk_Allocation is record
95      X      : Gint;
96      Y      : Gint;
97      Width  : Allocation_Int;
98      Height : Allocation_Int;
99   end record;
100   --  Gtk_Allocation indicates a size and position a widget was allocated.
101   --  See the section in the user guide on how to create new widgets for more
102   --  information.
103   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Allocation);
105   type Gtk_Allocation_Access is access all Gtk_Allocation;
106   pragma Convention (C, Gtk_Allocation_Access);
107   --  This type is used to create new widgets.
109   function Get_Type return Glib.GType;
110   --  Return the internal type associated with a Gtk_Widget.
112   function Requisition_Get_Type return Glib.GType;
113   --  Return the internal type for a Gtk_Requisition
115   --------------------------------------
116   -- Definitions for lists of widgets --
117   --------------------------------------
119   --  <doc_ignore>
120   function Convert (W : Gtk_Widget) return System.Address;
121   function Convert (W : System.Address) return Gtk_Widget;
122   --  </doc_ignore>
124   package Widget_List is new Glib.Glist.Generic_List (Gtk_Widget);
125   package Widget_SList is new Glib.GSlist.Generic_SList (Gtk_Widget);
127   -------------------------
128   -- Widgets' life cycle --
129   -------------------------
131   procedure Destroy (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
132   --  Destroy the widget.
133   --  This emits a "destroy" signal, calls all your handlers, and then
134   --  unconnects them all. The object is then unref-ed, and if its reference
135   --  count goes down to 0, the memory associated with the object and its
136   --  user data is freed.
137   --  Note that when you destroy handlers are called, the user_data is still
138   --  available.
139   --
140   --  When a widget is destroyed, it will break any references it holds to
141   --  other objects. If the widget is inside a container, the widget will be
142   --  removed from the container. If the widget is a toplevel (derived from
143   --  Gtk_Window), it will be removed from the list of toplevels, and the
144   --  reference GTK+ holds to it will be removed. Removing widget from its
145   --  container or the list of toplevels results in the widget being
146   --  finalized, unless you've added additional references to the widget with
147   --  Ref.
148   --
149   --  In most cases, only toplevel widgets (windows) require explicit
150   --  destruction, because when you destroy a toplevel its children will be
151   --  destroyed as well.
153   procedure Destroy_Cb (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
154   --  This function should be used as a callback to destroy a widget.
155   --  All it does is call Destroy on its argument, but its profile is
156   --  compatible with the handlers found in Gtk.Handlers.
158   procedure Unparent (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
159   --  This function is only for use in widget implementations.
160   --  Should be called by implementations of the remove method
161   --  on Gtk_Container, to dissociate a child from the container.
162   --  Users should call Remove instead.
163   --  This function might be dangereous: it correctly updates widget to
164   --  reflect that it no longer belongs to its parent, however the parent
165   --  keeps an internal pointer to the widget, which will result in a
166   --  storage_error if you try to further access it.
168   procedure Show (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
169   --  Schedule the widget to be displayed on the screen when its parent is
170   --  also shown (emits the "show" signal).
171   --  If its ancestors are already mapped to the screen, then the widget is
172   --  immediately displayed through a call to Map below.
174   procedure Show_Now (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
175   --  Show the widget.
176   --  If it is an unmapped toplevel widget, wait for it to be mapped. This
177   --  creates a recursive main_loop.
179   procedure Hide (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
180   --  Hide the widget from the screen (emits the "hide" signal).
181   --  If Widget was visible, it is immediately hidden.
182   --  If one of its ancestor is later shown on the screen, Widget won't
183   --  appear.
184   --  Note that on some window managers, including CDE, hiding an iconified
185   --  window will not do anything. You should in addition call
186   --  Gdk.Window.Withdraw to make sure the window is properly hidden.
188   procedure Show_All (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
189   --  Show Widget and all its children recursively.
190   --  See also Set_Child_Visible below
192   procedure Hide_All (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
193   --  Hide Widget and all its children.
194   --  Note that if you simply want to delete Widget from the screen, you can
195   --  simply call the Hide subprogram on it. This procedure Hide_All should
196   --  only be used if you want to unschedule a widget to be displayed later,
197   --  not to remove an actual widget from the screen.
198   --  See also Set_Child_Visible below.
200   procedure Set_No_Show_All
201     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record; No_Show_All : Boolean);
202   function Get_No_Show_All
203     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Boolean;
204   --  Sets the "no_show_all" property, which determines whether calls to
205   --  Show_All() and Hide_All() will affect this widget.
206   --  This is mostly for use in constructing widget hierarchies with
207   --  externally controlled visibility.
209   procedure Map (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
210   --  Map a widget to the screen.
211   --  A window is created for it on the screen (through a call to Realize) and
212   --  Widget is then drawn on the screen (if its ancestors are also mapped).
213   --  This function is recursive and will also map all the children of Widget.
214   --
215   --  It is recommended to use the higher-level Show instead.
217   procedure Unmap (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
218   --  Unmap a widget from the screen.
219   --  This results in the widget being hidden, but not destroyed. It can be
220   --  shown again any time through a call to Map (provided its ancestors are
221   --  also mapped).
222   --
223   --  It is recommended to use the higher-level Hide instead.
225   procedure Realize (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
226   --  Create a window for Widget and its ancestors (emit the "realize" signal)
227   --  This does not mean that the widget will appear on the screen, but
228   --  resources such as colormaps, etc. become available.
229   --  Some routines require that the widget is realized before any call.
230   --  You must set the Event_Mask before calling this routine if you want to
231   --  change it from its default value.
233   procedure Unrealize (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
234   --  Hide the widget from the screen and deletes the associated window.
235   --  This does not destroy the widget itself, only its server-side
236   --  resources.
238   generic
239      type Widget_Type is new Gtk_Widget_Record with private;
240      with procedure Realize_Proc (Widget : access Widget_Type'Class);
241   package Realize_Handling is
243      procedure Set_Realize (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
244      --  Set the realize handler at the low level.
245      --  This is needed to replace the default realize in new widgets.
247   private
248      --  <doc_ignore>
249      procedure Internal_Realize (Widget : System.Address);
250      --  The wrapper passed to Gtk+.
251      pragma Convention (C, Internal_Realize);
252      --  </doc_ignore>
253   end Realize_Handling;
255   function Hide_On_Delete (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class)
256      return Boolean;
257   --  Hide widget and return True.
258   --  This function is intended to be used as a callback.
260   procedure Set_Child_Visible
261     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record; Is_Visible : Boolean);
262   function Get_Child_Visible
263     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Boolean;
264   --  Sets whether Widget should be mapped along with its parent when its
265   --  parent is mapped and Widget has been shown with Show.
266   --
267   --  "mapped" indicates the moment the window is actually shown on the
268   --  screen. Show and Hide indicate your intention to show Widget on the
269   --  scree or not, but if the parent of Widget is itself not shown at that
270   --  time, the two commands Show and Hide have no immediate effect, and just
271   --  set a flag to save your intent.
272   --  Set_Child_Visible indicates that the widget shouldn't be part of the
273   --  recursive processing done by Show_All and Hide_All on the parent. You
274   --  have decided once and for all what the behavior should be, and you don't
275   --  want it to be changed by future calls to Show_All and Hide_All.
276   --
277   --  The child visibility can be set for widget before it is added to a
278   --  container with Set_Parent, to avoid mapping children unnecessary before
279   --  immediately unmapping them. However it will be reset to its default
280   --  state of True when the widget is removed from a container.
281   --
282   --  Note that changing the child visibility of a widget does not
283   --  queue a resize on the widget. Most of the time, the size of
284   --  a widget is computed from all visible children, whether or
285   --  not they are mapped. If this is not the case, the container
286   --  can queue a resize itself.
287   --
288   --  This function is only useful for container implementations and
289   --  should generally not be called by an application.
291   function Has_Screen (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Boolean;
292   --  Checks whether there is a Gdk_Screen is associated with
293   --  this widget. All toplevel widgets have an associated
294   --  screen, and all widgets added into a hierarchy with a toplevel
295   --  window at the top.
297   ----------------------
298   -- Drawing a widget --
299   ----------------------
301   procedure Queue_Draw (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
302   --  Add a drawing request to the event queue for the whole widget.
303   --  This is more efficient than calling Draw directly, since GtkAda groups
304   --  drawing requests as much as possible to speed up the drawing process.
305   --  The actual drawing will take place as soon as GtkAda is not busy
306   --  processing other events, but before idle events.
308   procedure Queue_Draw_Area
309     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
310      X      : Gint;
311      Y      : Gint;
312      Width  : Gint;
313      Height : Gint);
314   --  Add a drawing request to the event queue for part of the widget.
315   --  This is more efficient that calling Draw directly (see Queue_Draw).
317   procedure Queue_Resize (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
318   --  Queue drawing requests after a resizing of the widget.
319   --  This clears the widget, and its parent if any, so that everything is
320   --  correctly redrawn.
321   --  You should not have to call this function directly.
322   --  For a Gtk_Window, check the procedure Gtk.Window.Resize instead.
324   procedure Queue_Resize_No_Redraw (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
325   --  This function works like Queue_Resize(), except that the
326   --  widget is not invalidated (ie will not be redrawn)
328   function Create_Pango_Context
329     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Pango.Context.Pango_Context;
330   --  Create a new Pango_Context with the appropriate colormap, font
331   --  description, and base direction for drawing text for this widget. See
332   --  also Get_Pango_Context.
333   --  The returned context must be freed by the caller.
335   function Create_Pango_Layout
336     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record; Text : UTF8_String := "")
337      return Pango.Layout.Pango_Layout;
338   --  Return a new pango_layout that displays Text. This fully handles
339   --  internationalization, and should be the preferred way to display text,
340   --  rather than Gdk.Drawable.Draw_Text
341   --  Text must be a valid Utf8 text, see Glib.Convert.
343   -----------------------
344   -- Size and position --
345   -----------------------
347   procedure Size_Request
348     (Widget      : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
349      Requisition : in out Gtk_Requisition);
350   --  Emit a "size_request" event for the widget
352   procedure Set_Size_Request
353     (Widget      : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
354      Width, Height : Gint := -1);
355   procedure Get_Size_Request
356     (Widget        : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
357      Width, Height : out Gint);
358   --  Sets the minimum size of a widget; that is, the widget's size request
359   --  will be Width by Height. You can use this function to force a widget to
360   --  be either larger or smaller than it normally would be.
361   --
362   --  In most cases, Set_Default_Size is a better choice for toplevel windows
363   --  than this function; setting the default size will still allow users to
364   --  shrink the window. Setting the size request will force them to leave the
365   --  window at least as large as the size request. When dealing with window
366   --  sizes, Gtk.Windo.Set_Geometry_Hints can be a useful function as well.
367   --
368   --  Note the inherent danger of setting any fixed size - themes,
369   --  translations into other languages, different fonts, and user action can
370   --  all change the appropriate size for a given widget. So, it's basically
371   --  impossible to hardcode a size that will always be correct.
372   --
373   --  The size request of a widget is the smallest size a widget can accept
374   --  while still functioning well and drawing itself correctly.  However in
375   --  some strange cases a widget may be allocated less than its requested
376   --  size, and in many cases a widget may be allocated more space than it
377   --  requested.
378   --
379   --  If the size request in a given direction is -1 (unset), then
380   --  the "natural" size request of the widget will be used instead.
381   --
382   --  Widgets can't actually be allocated a size less than 1 by 1, but
383   --  you can pass 0,0 to this function to mean "as small as possible."
385   procedure Size_Allocate
386     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
387      Allocation : Gtk_Allocation);
388   --  Emit a "size_allocate" event for the widget.
389   --  Allocation'size is first constrained to a range between 1x1 and
390   --  32767x32767.
391   --  A clear and draw request is also queued if required.
393   function Get_Child_Requisition
394     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gtk_Requisition;
395   --  Return the size requests by the widget.
396   --  This is the ideal size for the widget, not necessarily its actual size.
397   --  See the user guide's section on how to create new widgets for more
398   --  information on the size requisition and allocation.
400   function Get_Allocation_Width
401     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Allocation_Int;
402   --  Return the current width of the widget.
404   function Get_Allocation_Height
405     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Allocation_Int;
406   --  Return the current height of the widget.
408   function Get_Allocation_X (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gint;
409   --  Return the current position of the widget, relative to its parent.
411   function Get_Allocation_Y (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gint;
412   --  Return the current position of the widget, relative to its parent.
414   procedure Set_Redraw_On_Allocate
415     (Widget             : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
416      Redraw_On_Allocate : Boolean);
417   --  Sets whether the entire widget is queued for drawing when its size
418   --  allocation changes. By default, this setting is %TRUE and the entire
419   --  widget is redrawn on every size change. If your widget leaves the upper
420   --  left unchanged when made bigger, turning this setting on will improve
421   --  performance. Note that for %NO_WINDOW widgets setting this flag to
422   --  %FALSE turns off all allocation on resizing: the widget will not even
423   --  redraw if its position changes; this is to allow containers that don't
424   --  draw anything to avoid excess invalidations. If you set this flag on
425   --  %NO_WINDOW widget that *does* draw on Get_Window (Widget), you are
426   --  responsible for invalidating both the old and new allocation of the
427   --  widget when the widget is moved and responsible for invalidating regions
428   --  newly when the widget increases size.
430   ------------------
431   -- Accelerators --
432   ------------------
434   procedure Add_Accelerator
435     (Widget       : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
436      Accel_Signal : Glib.Signal_Name;
437      Accel_Group  : Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group;
438      Accel_Key    : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
439      Accel_Mods   : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type;
440      Accel_Flags  : Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Flags);
441   --  Add a new accelerator for the widget.
442   --  The signal Accel_Signal will be sent to Widget when the matching
443   --  key is pressed and the widget has the focus.
444   --  Consider using Gtk.Accel_Map.Add_Entry instead, which is compatible with
445   --  interactive change of accelerators by the user.
447   procedure Remove_Accelerator
448     (Widget       : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
449      Accel_Group  : Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group;
450      Accel_Key    : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Key_Type;
451      Accel_Mods   : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Modifier_Type);
452   --  Remove an accelerator for the widget.
454   function Can_Activate_Accel
455     (Widget    : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
456      Signal_Id : Gulong) return Boolean;
457   --  Determines whether an accelerator that activates the signal identified
458   --  by Signal_Id can currently be activated. This is done by emitting the
459   --  GtkWidget::can-activate-accel signal on Widget; if the signal isn't
460   --  overridden by handler or in a derived widget, then the default check is
461   --  that the widget must be sensitive, and the widget and all its ancestors
462   --  mapped.
463   --  Signal_Id comes from the value returned by Gtk.Handlers.Connect
465   procedure Set_Accel_Path
466     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
467      Accel_Path : UTF8_String;
468      Group      : Gtk.Accel_Group.Gtk_Accel_Group);
469   --  Set the path that will be used to reference the widget in calls to the
470   --  subprograms in Gtk.Accel_Map. This means, for instance, that the widget
471   --  is fully setup for interactive modification of the shortcuts by the
472   --  user, should he choose to activate this possibility in his themes (see
473   --  gtk-accel_map.ads for more information).
475   function List_Mnemonic_Labels
476     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record)
477      return Widget_List.Glist;
478   --  Returns a newly allocated list of the widgets, normally labels, for
479   --  which this widget is a the target of a mnemonic (see for example,
480   --  gtk.label.set_mnemonic_widget).
481   --  The widgets in the list are not individually referenced. If you want to
482   --  iterate through the list and perform actions involving callbacks that
483   --  might destroy the widgets, you must call Ref first, and then unref all
484   --  the widgets afterwards.
485   --  The caller must free the returned list.
487   procedure Add_Mnemonic_Label
488     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
489      Label  : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
490   --  Adds a widget to the list of mnemonic labels for this widget. (See
491   --  List_Mnemonic_Labels). Note the list of mnemonic labels for the widget
492   --  is cleared when the widget is destroyed, so the caller must make sure to
493   --  update its internal state at this point as well, by using a connection
494   --  to the ::destroy signal or a weak notifier.
496   procedure Remove_Mnemonic_Label
497     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
498      Label  : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
499   --  Removes a widget from the list of mnemonic labels for this widget. The
500   --  widget must have previously been added to the list with
501   --  Add_Mnemonic_Label.
503   function Mnemonic_Activate
504     (Widget        : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
505      Group_Cycling : Boolean) return Boolean;
506   --  Emits the signal "mnemonic_activate".
507   --  In general (depending on what is connected to this signal), this results
508   --  in calling the "activate" signal on the widget, as if a mnemonic had
509   --  been used (when Group_Cycling if False), or to grab the focus on the
510   --  widget when Group_Cycling is True)
512   -------------------------
513   --  Events and signals --
514   -------------------------
516   function Event
517     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
518      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event) return Boolean;
519   --  Emit a signal on the widget.
520   --  The exact signal depends on the event type (i.e. if the type is
521   --  Gdk_Button_Press, then a "button_press" signal is emitted).
523   procedure Send_Expose
524     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
525      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Expose);
526   --  Emit an expose event signals on a widget.
527   --  This function is not normally used directly. The only time it is used
528   --  is when propagating an expose event to a child No_Window widget, and
529   --  that is normally done using Gtk.Container.Propagate_Expose.
530   --
531   --  If you want to force an area of a window to be redrawn,
532   --  use Gdk.Window.Invalidate_Rect or Gdk.Window.Invalidate_Region.
533   --  To cause the redraw to be done immediately, follow that call
534   --  with a call to Gdk.Window.Process_Updates.
536   procedure Activate (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
537   --  Emit an activate signal on the widget.
538   --  The exact signal emitted depends on the widget type (i.e. for a
539   --  Gtk_Button this emits a "clicked" signal, for a Gtk_Editable this emits
540   --  the "activate" signal, ...).
542   procedure Grab_Focus (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
543   --  Emit the "grab_focus" signal for the widget.
544   --  This is sent when the widget gets the focus. Its visual aspect might
545   --  change.
546   --  The "Can_Focus" flag must have been set first.
547   --  See also Gtk.Widget.Child_Focus, which should be used instead when
548   --  writting new widgets in Ada
550   function Is_Focus (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Boolean;
551   --  Determines if the widget is the focus widget within its
552   --  toplevel. (This does not mean that the HAS_FOCUS flag is
553   --  necessarily set; HAS_FOCUS will only be set if the
554   --  toplevel widget additionally has the global input focus)
556   function Child_Focus
557     (Child     : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
558      Direction : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Direction_Type := Gtk.Enums.Dir_Tab_Forward)
559      return Boolean;
560   --  Used by custom widget implementations to indicate the focus child.
561   --  If you're writing an app, you'd use Grab_Focus to move the focus to a
562   --  particular widget, and Gtk.Container.Set_Focus_Chain to change the focus
563   --  tab order. So you may want to investigate those functions instead.
564   --
565   --  Child_Focus is called by containers as the user moves around
566   --  the window using keyboard shortcuts. Direction indicates what kind of
567   --  motion is taking place (up, down, left, right, tab forward, tab
568   --  backward). Child_Focus invokes the "focus" signal on Child;
569   --  widgets override the default handler for this signal in order to
570   --  implement appropriate focus behavior.
571   --
572   --  The "focus" default handler for a widget should return True if moving in
573   --  Direction left the focus on a focusable location inside that widget, and
574   --  False if moving in Direction moved the focus outside the widget. If
575   --  returning True, widgets normally call Grab_Focus to place the
576   --  focus accordingly; if returning False, they don't modify the current
577   --  focus location.
578   --
579   --  This function replaces Gtk.Container.Focus from GTK+ 1.2.  It was
580   --  necessary to check that the child was visible, sensitive, and focusable
581   --  before calling Gtk.Container.Focus. Child_Focus returns False
582   --  if the widget is not currently in a focusable state, so there's no need
583   --  for those checks.
584   --
585   --  Return value: True if focus ended up inside Child
587   procedure Set_Events
588     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
589      Events : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Mask);
590   function Get_Events
591     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Mask;
592   --  Sets or gets the event mask for the widget.
593   --  Widget should not have been realized before, or nothing is done.
594   --  This is the only way you can explicitly get mouse or keyboards events on
595   --  widgets that do not automatically get them, as for instance in a
596   --  Gtk_Drawing_Area.
598   procedure Add_Events
599     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
600      Events : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Mask);
601   --  Add some events to the current event mask of the widget.
603   procedure Set_Extension_Events
604     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
605      Mode   : Gdk.Types.Gdk_Extension_Mode);
606   function Get_Extension_Events
607     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Types.Gdk_Extension_Mode;
608   --  Set the extension event mask for the widget.
609   --  This is used to activate some special input modes for other devices than
610   --  keyboard and mouse.
612   function Default_Motion_Notify_Event
613     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
614      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event) return Gint;
615   --  Access to the standard default callback for motion events:
616   --  This is mainly used for rulers in Gtk.Ruler (See the example in
617   --  testgtk, with create_rulers.adb)
619   function Has_Default_Motion_Notify_Handler
620     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
621   --  Return True if Widget has a default handler for motion_notify events.
622   --  Note that the function Default_Motion_Notify_Event should not be called
623   --  if this one returns False, since it would create a segmentation fault.
625   procedure Error_Bell (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
626   --  Notifies the user about an input-related error on this widget.
627   --  If the GtkSettings:gtk-error-bell setting is True, it calls
628   --  Gdk_Window_Beep, otherwise it does nothing.
629   --
630   --  Note that the effect of Gdk_Window_Beep can be configured in many
631   --  ways, depending on the windowing backend and the desktop environment
632   --  or window manager that is used.
634   function Keynav_Failed
635     (Widget    : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
636      Direction : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Direction_Type)
637      return Boolean;
638   --  This function should be called whenever keyboard navigation within
639   --  a single widget hits a boundary. The function emits the
640   --  GtkWidget::keynav-failed signal on the widget and its return
641   --  value should be interpreted in a way similar to the return value of
642   --  Child_Focus.
643   --
644   --  When True is returned, stay in the widget, the failed keyboard
645   --  navigation is Ok and/or there is nowhere we can/should move the
646   --  focus to.
647   --
648   --  When False is returned, the caller should continue with keyboard
649   --  navigation outside the widget, e.g. by calling Child_Focus on the
650   --  widget's toplevel.
651   --
652   --  The default ::keynav-failed handler returns True for
653   --  Dir_Tab_Forward and Dir_Tab_Backward. For the other values of
654   --  Gtk_Direction_Type, it looks at the
655   --  GtkSettings:gtk-keynav-cursor-only setting and returns False
656   --  if the setting is True. This way the entire user interface
657   --  becomes cursor-navigatable on input devices such as mobile phones
658   --  which only have cursor keys but no tab key.
659   --
660   --  Whenever the default handler returns True, it also calls
661   --  Error_Bell to notify the user of the failed keyboard navigation.
662   --
663   --  A use case for providing an own implementation of ::keynav-failed
664   --  (either by connecting to it or by overriding it) would be a row of
665   --  Gtk_Entry widgets where the user should be able to navigate the
666   --  entire row with the cursor keys, as e.g. known from user interfaces
667   --  that require entering license keys.
669   --------------------------
670   -- Colors and colormaps --
671   --------------------------
673   procedure Set_Colormap
674     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
675      Cmap   : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap);
676   function Get_Colormap
677     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap;
678   --  Modify the colormap of the widget.
679   --  The widget must not have been realized when you set the colormap.
680   --  The colormap is generally the same one for all widget, but might be
681   --  different if for instance Gtk_Drawing_Area needs to display some
682   --  different colors on a screen that only has a limited amount of colors.
684   function Get_Visual
685     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual;
686   --  Get the visual used for the widget.
687   --  I.e. the structure that indicates the depth of the widget (number of
688   --  bits per pixel), and some information used internally by GtkAda to
689   --  handle colors and colormaps.
691   procedure Push_Colormap (Cmap : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap);
692   procedure Pop_Colormap;
693   --  Modify temporarily the default colormap set for newly created widgets.
694   --  You should use this in pair with Pop_Colormap (Push the new value,
695   --  create the widget, and pop the value).
697   procedure Set_Default_Colormap (Cmap : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap);
698   function Get_Default_Colormap return Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap;
699   --  Modify permanently the default colormap used when a widget is created.
700   --  If you only want to modify this colormap temporarily for a few widgets,
701   --  you should consider using Push_Colormap and Pop_Colormap instead.
702   --  See also Gdk.Screen.Get_Default_Colormap for a multihead-aware version
704   function Get_Default_Visual return Gdk.Visual.Gdk_Visual;
705   --  Return the default visual used when a new widget is created.
707   function Is_Composited (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Boolean;
708   --  Returns whether Widget can rely on having its alpha channel
709   --  drawn correctly. On X11 this function returns whether a
710   --  compositing manager is running for Widget's screen.
711   --
712   --  Please note that the semantics of this call will change
713   --  in the future if used on a widget that has a composited
714   --  window in its hierarchy (as set by Gdk.Window.Set_Composited).
716   ------------
717   -- Styles --
718   ------------
720   procedure Set_Style
721     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
722      Style  : Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style);
723   function Get_Style (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record)
724     return Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style;
725   --  Set or get the style for a given widget.
726   --  See also Gtk.Rc.Modify_Style
728   function Get_Default_Style return Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style;
729   --  Get the default global style.
731   procedure Ensure_Style (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
732   --  Make sure that the widget has a style associated to it.
733   --  Either the default one as set by Set_Default_Style above or one set by
734   --  the user with Set_Style.
736   procedure Restore_Default_Style (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
737   --  Restore the default style that was set for the widget.
738   --  The default style is the first one that was set either by a call
739   --  to Set_Style or Set_Default_Style.
741   procedure Reset_Rc_Styles (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
742   --  Restore the Rc style recursively for widget and its children.
744   function Get_Pango_Context (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record)
745      return Pango.Context.Pango_Context;
746   --  Get a Pango_Context with the appropriate colormap, font description and
747   --  base direction for this widget. Unlike the context returned by
748   --  Create_Pango_Context, this context is owned by the widget (it can be
749   --  used as long as widget exists), and will be updated to match any changes
750   --  to the widget's attributes.
751   --
752   --  If you create and keep a Pango_Layout using this context, you must deal
753   --  with changes to the context by calling Pango_Layout.Context_Changed on
754   --  the layout in response to the ::style_set and ::direction_set signals
755   --  for the widget.
757   procedure Modify_Fg
758     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
759      State_Type : Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
760      Color      : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
761   --  Sets the foreground color for a widget in a particular state.  All
762   --  other style values are left untouched.
764   procedure Modify_Bg
765     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
766      State_Type : Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
767      Color      : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
768   --  Sets the background color for a widget in a particular state.  All
769   --  other style values are left untouched. This procedure has no effect
770   --  when Widget has no physical window associated to it (for instance
771   --  a Gtk_Label). In such cases, you must put widget inside a
772   --  Gtk_Event_Box, and set the background color of the box itself.
774   procedure Modify_Text
775     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
776      State_Type : Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
777      Color      : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
778   --  Sets the text color for a widget in a particular state.  All other
779   --  style values are left untouched. The text color is the foreground
780   --  color used along with the base color (see Modify_Base)
781   --  for widgets such as Gtk_Entry and Gtk_Text_View.
782   --
783   --  Note that this will not work with a Gtk_Button. Modify_Fg should be
784   --  called on the button's label in order to set the color of its label.
785   --  For example, assuming a simple button with a label attached to it:
786   --
787   --     Modify_Fg (Get_Child (My_Button), My_State, My_New_Color);
789   procedure Modify_Base
790     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
791      State_Type : Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
792      Color      : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
793   --  Sets the base color for a widget in a particular state.
794   --  All other style values are left untouched. The base color
795   --  is the background color used along with the text color
796   --  (see Modify_Text) for widgets such as Gtk_Entry and Gtk_Text_View.
798   procedure Modify_Font
799     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
800      Desc   : Pango.Font.Pango_Font_Description);
801   --  Modify the font used for the widget.
802   --  Desc must be freed by the caller to avoid memory leaks
804   procedure Set_Default_Direction (Dir : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction);
805   function Get_Default_Direction return Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction;
806   --  Obtains the current default reading direction. See
807   --  Set_Default_Direction().
809   procedure Set_Direction
810     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record; Dir : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction);
811   function Get_Direction
812     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Text_Direction;
813   --  Sets the reading direction on a particular widget. This direction
814   --  controls the primary direction for widgets containing text,
815   --  and also the direction in which the children of a container are
816   --  packed. The ability to set the direction is present in order
817   --  so that correct localization into languages with right-to-left
818   --  reading directions can be done. Generally, applications will
819   --  let the default reading direction present, except for containers
820   --  where the containers are arranged in an order that is explicitely
821   --  visual rather than logical (such as buttons for text justification).
822   --
823   --  If the direction is set to TEXT_DIR_NONE, then the value
824   --  set by Set_Default_Direction will be used.
826   procedure Modify_Cursor
827     (Widget    : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
828      Primary   : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
829      Secondary : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color);
830   --  Sets the cursor color to use in a widget, overriding the
831   --  GtkWidget:cursor-color and GtkWidget:secondary-cursor-color
832   --  style properties. All other style values are left untouched.
833   --  See also Gtk.Rc.Modify_Style.
835   -------------------
836   -- Widgets' tree --
837   -------------------
839   procedure Set_Name
840     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
841      Name   : UTF8_String);
842   --  Set the name for the widget.
843   --  This name is used purely internally to identify the widget, and does not
844   --  give any visual clue.
846   function Get_Name (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return UTF8_String;
847   --  Return the name of the widget if it was set by Set_Name.
848   --  Return the name of its class otherwise.
850   function Path          (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return String;
851   function Path_Reversed (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return String;
852   --  Obtains the full path to Widget. The path is simply the name of a
853   --  widget and all its parents in the container hierarchy, separated by
854   --  periods. The name of a widget comes from
855   --  Get_Name. Paths are used to apply styles to a widget
856   --  in gtkrc configuration files.  Widget names are the type of the
857   --  widget by default (e.g. "GtkButton") or can be set to an
858   --  application-specific value with Set_Name.  By setting
859   --  the name of a widget, you allow users or theme authors to apply
860   --  styles to that specific widget in their gtkrc
861   --  file.
862   --  Path_Reverse fills in the path in reverse order, starting with widget's
863   --  name instead of starting with the name of the outermost ancestor.
865   function Class_Path (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return String;
866   function Class_Path_Reversed
867     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return String;
868   --  Same as Path(), but always uses the name of a widget's type,
869   --  never uses a custom name set with Set_Name.
871   function Get_Ancestor
872     (Widget        : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
873      Ancestor_Type : Gtk_Type) return Gtk_Widget;
874   --  Return the closest ancestor of Widget which is of type Ancestor_Type.
875   --  Return null if there is none.
877   procedure Set_Parent
878     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
879      Parent : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
880   function Get_Parent (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gtk_Widget;
881   --  Modify the parent for the widget.
882   --  This is not the recommended way to do this, you should use
883   --  Gtk.Container.Add or Gtk.Box.Pack_Start instead.
885   procedure Set_Parent_Window
886     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
887      Window : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);
888   function Get_Parent_Window
889     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
890   --  Set the parent window for the actual Gdk_Window of the widget. This sets
891   --  up required internal fields, and should be used only when you implement
892   --  your own container, as opposed to using one of the standard containers.
894   function Get_Toplevel (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gtk_Widget;
895   --  This function returns the topmost widget in the container hierarchy
896   --  Widget is a part of. If Widget has no parent widgets, it will be
897   --  returned as the topmost widget.
898   --
899   --  Note the difference in behavior vs. Get_Ancestor:
900   --  Get_Ancestor (Widget, GTK_TYPE_WINDOW) would return null
901   --  if Widget wasn't inside a toplevel window, and if the
902   --  window was inside a Gtk_Window-derived widget which was in turn
903   --  inside the toplevel Gtk_Window. While the second case may
904   --  seem unlikely, it actually happens when a Gtk_Plug is embedded
905   --  inside a Gtk_Socket within the same application.
906   --
907   --  To reliably find the toplevel Gtk_Window, use
908   --  Get_Toplevel and check if the "toplevel" flag
909   --  is set on the result:
910   --
911   --  Toplevel := Get_Toplevel (Widget);
912   --  if Top_Level_Is_Set (Toplevel) then
913   --     [ Perform some action on Toplevel. ]
914   --  end if;
916   function Is_Ancestor
917     (Widget   : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
918      Ancestor : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
919   --  Return True if Ancestor is in the ancestor tree for Widget.
920   --  I.e. if Widget is contained within Ancestor.
922   procedure Reparent
923     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
924      New_Parent : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
925   --  Change the parent of the widget dynamically.
926   --  If both the new parent and the widget are shown, then the widget is
927   --  visually redrawn in its new parent.
929   procedure Translate_Coordinates
930     (Src_Widget  : Gtk_Widget;
931      Dest_Widget : Gtk_Widget;
932      Src_X       : Gint;
933      Src_Y       : Gint;
934      Dest_X      : out Gint;
935      Dest_Y      : out Gint;
936      Result      : out Boolean);
937   --  Translate coordinates relative to Src_Widget's allocation to coordinates
938   --  relative to Dest_Widget's allocations. In order to perform this
939   --  operation, both widgets must be realized, and must share a common
940   --  toplevel.
941   --
942   --  Result is set to False if either widget was not realized, or there
943   --  was no common ancestor. In this case, nothing is stored in Dest_X and
944   --  Dest_Y. Otherwise True.
946   function Get_Root_Window
947     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
948   --  Get the root window where this widget is located. This function can only
949   --  be called after the widget has been added to a widget hierarchy.
950   --
951   --  The root window is useful for such purposes as creating a popup
952   --  Gdk_Window associated with the window. In general, you should only
953   --  create display specific resources when a widget has been realized, and
954   --  you should free those resources when the widget is unrealized.
956   procedure Set_Composite_Name
957     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record; Name : String);
958   function Get_Composite_Name
959     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return String;
960   --  Sets or gets a widgets composite name. The widget must be
961   --  a composite child of its parent; see Push_Composite_Child.
963   procedure Push_Composite_Child;
964   procedure Pop_Composite_Child;
965   --  Makes all newly-created widgets as composite children until
966   --  the corresponding Pop_Composite_Child call.
967   --
968   --  A composite child is a child that's an implementation detail of the
969   --  container it's inside and should not be visible to people using the
970   --  container. Composite children aren't treated differently by GTK (but
971   --  see gtk.container.foreach() vs. gtk.container.forall()), but e.g. GUI
972   --  builders might want to treat them in a different way.
973   --
974   --  Here is a simple example:
975   --      Push_Composite_Child;
976   --      Gtk_New (Scrolled_Window.Hscrollbar, Hadjustment);
977   --      Set_Composite_Name (Scrolled_Window.Hscrollbar, "hscrollbar");
978   --      Pop_Composite_Child;
979   --      Set_Parent (Scrolled_Window.Hscrollbar, Scrolled_Window);
980   --      Ref (Scrolled_Window.Hscrollbar);
982   --------------------
983   -- Misc functions --
984   --------------------
986   procedure Set_Scroll_Adjustments
987     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
988      Hadj   : Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment;
989      Vadj   : Gtk.Adjustment.Gtk_Adjustment);
990   --  Emit the "set_scroll_adjustments" signal.
991   --  The exact signal emitted depends on the widget type (see
992   --  Glib.Object.Initialize_Class_Record).
993   --  The handler creates the adjustments if null is passed as argument, and
994   --  makes sure both adjustments are in the correct range.
996   function Intersect
997     (Widget       : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
998      Area         : Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle;
999      Intersection : access Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle) return Boolean;
1000   --  Return True if the widget intersects the screen area Area.
1001   --  The intersection area is returned in Intersection.
1003   function Region_Intersect
1004     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1005      Region : Gdk.Region.Gdk_Region)
1006      return Gdk.Region.Gdk_Region;
1007   --  Region must be in the same coordinate system as the widget's allocation,
1008   --  ie relative to the widget's window, or to the parent's window for
1009   --  No_Window widgets.
1010   --  Returns a newly allocated region. The coordinats are in the same system
1011   --  as described above.
1012   --  Computes the intersection of a Widget's area and Region, returning
1013   --  the intersection. The result may be empty, use gdk.region.empty to
1014   --  check.
1016   procedure Grab_Default (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
1017   --  The widget becomes the default widget for its parent window or dialog.
1018   --  All keyboard events will be sent to it if no other widget has the focus.
1019   --  Note that the "Can_Default" flag must have been set first on WIDGET.
1021   procedure Set_State
1022     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1023      State  : Enums.Gtk_State_Type);
1024   function Get_State
1025     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Enums.Gtk_State_Type;
1026   --  Modify the state of the widget.
1027   --  This modifies its visual aspect, and thus should be used only if you
1028   --  change its behavior at the same time, so as not to confuse the user.
1030   procedure Set_Sensitive
1031     (Widget    : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1032      Sensitive : Boolean := True);
1033   --  Modify the sensitivity of the widget.
1034   --  An insensitive widget is generally grayed out, and can not be activated.
1035   --  For instance, an insensitive menu item is grayed, and can never be
1036   --  selected.
1038   procedure Set_App_Paintable
1039     (Widget        : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1040      App_Paintable : Boolean);
1041   --  Modify the "App_Paintable" flag for the widget.
1043   procedure Set_Double_Buffered
1044     (Widget          : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1045      Double_Buffered : Boolean := True);
1046   --  Modify the "Double_Buffered" flag for the widget.
1048   procedure Get_Pointer
1049     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1050      X      : out Gint;
1051      Y      : out Gint);
1052   --  Return the coordinates of the pointer (i.e. mouse) relative to Widget.
1054   procedure Set_Window
1055     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1056      Window : Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window);
1057   function Get_Window
1058     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gdk.Window.Gdk_Window;
1059   --  Set the Gdk window associated with the widget.
1060   --  You can use this window if you need to draw directly on the widget using
1061   --  the functions found in the Gdk hierarchy.
1062   --  These functions are rarely used except when you implement your own own
1063   --  widget types. Predefined widgets takes care of that automatically.
1065   procedure Shape_Combine_Mask
1066     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1067      Shape_Mask : Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap;
1068      Offset_X   : Gint;
1069      Offset_Y   : Gint);
1070   --  Modify the shape of the window that contains the widget.
1071   --  This allows for transparent windows, and requires the Xext library to be
1072   --  available on your system. If this library is not available, your program
1073   --  will still work.
1074   --  See the manual page for XShapeCombineMask(3x) for more information.
1076   procedure Input_Shape_Combine_Mask
1077     (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1078      Shape_Mask : Gdk.Bitmap.Gdk_Bitmap;
1079      Offset_X   : Gint;
1080      Offset_Y   : Gint);
1081   --  Sets an input shape for this widget's GDK window. This allows for
1082   --  windows which react to mouse click in a nonrectangular region, see
1083   --  Gdk.Window.Input_Shape_Combine_Mask for more information.
1085   procedure Reset_Shapes (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
1086   --  Recursively resets the shape on this widget and its descendants.
1088   function Render_Icon
1089     (Widget   : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1090      Stock_Id : String;
1091      Size     : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_Icon_Size;
1092      Detail   : UTF8_String := "") return Gdk.Pixbuf.Gdk_Pixbuf;
1093   --  A convenience function that uses the theme engine for Widget, to lookup
1094   --  a Stock_Id (see Gtk.Stock) and render it to a pixbuf (see Gdk.Pixbuf).
1095   --  Detail should be a string that identifies the widget or code doing the
1096   --  rendering, so that the theme engine can special-case rendering for that
1097   --  widget or code. It can be left to the empty stirng to get the default
1098   --  behavior.
1099   --
1100   --  Null is returned if Stock_Id wasn't known.
1102   function Get_Snapshot
1103     (Widget    : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1104      Clip_Rect : Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle_Access)
1105      return Gdk.Pixmap.Gdk_Pixmap;
1106   --  Create a Gdk_Pixmap of the contents of the widget and its children.
1107   --
1108   --  Works even if the widget is obscured. The depth and visual of the
1109   --  resulting pixmap is dependent on the widget being snapshot and likely
1110   --  differs from those of a target widget displaying the pixmap.
1111   --  The function Gdk.Pixbuf.Get_From_Drawable can be used to convert
1112   --  the pixmap to a visual independant representation.
1113   --
1114   --  The snapshot area used by this function is the Widget's allocation plus
1115   --  any extra space occupied by additional windows belonging to this widget
1116   --  (such as the arrows of a spin button).  Thus, the resulting snapshot
1117   --  pixmap is possibly larger than the allocation.
1118   --
1119   --  If Clip_Rect is non-null, the resulting pixmap is shrunken to
1120   --  match the specified clip_rect. The (x,y) coordinates of Clip_Rect are
1121   --  interpreted widget relative. If width or height of Clip_Rect are 0 or
1122   --  negative, the width or height of the resulting pixmap will be shrunken
1123   --  by the respective amount.
1124   --
1125   --  For instance using a Clip_Rect'(+5, +5, -10, -10) will chop off 5 pixels
1126   --  at each side of the snapshot pixmap.
1127   --
1128   --  If non-null, Clip_Rect will contain the exact widget-relative snapshot
1129   --  coordinates upon return. A Clip_Rect of (-1, -1, 0, 0) can be used to
1130   --  preserve the auto-grown snapshot area and use Clip_Rect as a pure output
1131   --  parameter.
1132   --
1133   --  The returned pixmap can be null, if the resulting Clip_Area was empty.
1135   --------------
1136   -- Tooltips --
1137   --------------
1139   function Get_Tooltip_Text
1140     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return UTF8_String;
1141   procedure Set_Tooltip_Text
1142     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1143      Text   : UTF8_String);
1144   --  Gets/Sets text as the contents of the tooltip. This function will take
1145   --  care of setting GtkWidget::has-tooltip to TRUE and of the default
1146   --  handler for the GtkWidget::query-tooltip signal.
1147   --
1148   --  See also the GtkWidget:tooltip-text property and Gtk_Tooltips.Set_Text.
1150   function Get_Tooltip_Markup
1151     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return UTF8_String;
1152   procedure Set_Tooltip_Markup
1153     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1154      Text   : UTF8_String);
1155   --  Gets/Sets tooltip contents, marked up with the Pango text markup
1156   --  language.
1157   --
1158   --  This function will take care of setting GtkWidget:has-tooltip to TRUE
1159   --  and of the default handler for the GtkWidget::query-tooltip signal.
1160   --
1161   --  See also the GtkWidget::tooltip-markup property and
1162   --  Gtk_Tooltips.Set_Markup.
1164   procedure Set_Tooltip_Window
1165     (Widget        : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1166      Custom_Window : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1167   --   Custom_Window : access Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window_Record'Class);
1168   --
1169   --  Replaces the default, usually yellow, window used for displaying
1170   --  tooltips with custom_window. GTK+ will take care of showing and hiding
1171   --  Custom_Window at the right moment, to behave likewise as the default
1172   --  tooltip window. If Custom_Window is NULL, the default tooltip window
1173   --  will be used.
1175   function Get_Tooltip_Window
1176     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Gtk_Widget;
1177   --    return Gtk.Window.Gtk_Window;
1178   --
1179   --  Returns the GtkWindow of the current tooltip. This can be the GtkWindow
1180   --  created by default, or the custom tooltip window set using
1181   --  Gtk.Widget.Set_Tooltip_Window.
1183   function Get_Has_Tooltip (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Boolean;
1184   procedure Set_Has_Tooltip
1185     (Widget      : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1186      Has_Tooltip : Boolean);
1187   --  Gets/Sets the has-tooltip property on Widget to Has_Tooltip.  See
1188   --  GtkWidget:has-tooltip for more information.
1190   procedure Trigger_Tooltip_Query (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
1191   --  Triggers a tooltip query on the display where the toplevel of Widget
1192   --  is located. See Gtk.Tooltip.Trigger_Tooltip_Query for more
1193   --  information.
1195   --------------------------
1196   -- Creating new widgets --
1197   --------------------------
1198   --  Although the core subprogram for creating new widgets is
1199   --  Glib.Gobjects.Initialize_Class_Record, it is often useful to override
1200   --  some internal pointers to functions.
1201   --  The functions below are not needed unless you are writting your own
1202   --  widgets, and should be reserved for advanced customization of the
1203   --  standard widgets.
1205   procedure Set_Scroll_Adjustments_Signal
1206     (Widget : Glib.Object.GObject_Class; Signal : String);
1207   --  Modify the signal to be sent when the adjustments are modified.
1208   --  This is only useful when you are rewritting your own widget that can be
1209   --  embedded directly in a Gtk_Scrolled_Window, without any Gtk_Viewport.
1210   --
1211   --  Signal is the name of the signal that will be emitted when Widget is
1212   --  put inside a Gtk_Scrolled_Window.
1213   --
1214   --  Note that the handlers for this signal must take two arguments in
1215   --  addition to the widget (the horizontal and vertical adjustments to be
1216   --  used). See Gtk.Scrolled_Window and Gtk.Widget.Set_Scroll_Adjustment for
1217   --  more information on this signal.
1219   type Size_Allocate_Handler is access procedure
1220     (Widget : System.Address; Allocation : Gtk_Allocation);
1221   pragma Convention (C, Size_Allocate_Handler);
1222   --  Widget is the gtk+ C widget, that needs to be converted to Ada through
1223   --  a call to:
1224   --    declare
1225   --       Stub : Gtk_Widget_Record; --  or the exact type you expect
1226   --    begin
1227   --       My_Widget := Gtk_Widget (Glib.Object.Get_User_Data (Widget, Stub);
1228   --    end;
1230   procedure Set_Default_Size_Allocate_Handler
1231     (Klass   : Glib.Object.GObject_Class;
1232      Handler : Size_Allocate_Handler);
1233   --  Override the default size_allocate handler for this class. This handler
1234   --  is automatically called in several cases (when a widget is dynamically
1235   --  resized for instance), not through a signal. Thus, if you need to
1236   --  override the default behavior provided by one of the standard
1237   --  containers, you can not simply use Gtk.Handlers.Emit_Stop_By_Name, and
1238   --  you must override the default handler. Note also that this handler
1239   --  is automatically inherited by children of this class.
1241   procedure Set_Allocation
1242     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class; Alloc : Gtk_Allocation);
1243   --  Modifies directly the internal field of Widget to register the new
1244   --  allocation.
1245   --  Beware that the only use of this method is inside a callback set
1246   --  by Set_Default_Size_Allocate_Handler. If you simply want to resize
1247   --  or reposition a widget, use Size_Allocate instead.
1249   type Expose_Event_Handler is access function
1250     (Widget : System.Address; Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event) return Boolean;
1251   pragma Convention (C, Expose_Event_Handler);
1252   function Default_Expose_Event_Handler (Klass : GObject_Class)
1253      return Expose_Event_Handler;
1254   --  Return the default expose event handler for the widget class Klass. The
1255   --  typical use for this function is when you are writting your own
1256   --  container class. You should then, from your own handler for
1257   --  expose_event, call the one of the parent class, so that all the children
1258   --  are automatically redrawn.
1260   -----------
1261   -- Flags --
1262   -----------
1263   --  Some flags are defined for all the visual objects (widgets).
1264   --  These flags are important in that they define exactly the different
1265   --  states a widget can be in.
1266   --
1267   --  - "Toplevel":
1268   --    Set if the widget is a toplevel widget, ie has no parent. This is
1269   --    mostly true for windows and dialogs.
1270   --
1271   --  - "No_Window":
1272   --    Set if the widget does not have an associated X11 window, ie can not
1273   --    receive events directly. For instance, a Gtk_Toolbar does not have
1274   --    an associated window. These objects are more lightweight, but require
1275   --    more work from GtkAda. This flag is only set if the widget will never
1276   --    have a window, even after it is realized.
1277   --
1278   --  - "Realized":
1279   --    Set if the widget has been realized, ie its associated X11 window has
1280   --    been created (providing the widget excepts a window, see the No_Window
1281   --    flag
1282   --
1283   --  - "Mapped":
1284   --    Set if the widget is visible on the screen. This is only possible if
1285   --    the Visible flag is also set.
1286   --
1287   --  - "Visible":
1288   --    Set if the widget will be displayed on the screen when mapped (see the
1289   --    functions Show and Hide in this package).
1290   --
1291   --  - "Sensitive":
1292   --    Set if the widget is listening to events. See the function
1293   --    Set_Sensitive in this package. An insensitive widget will generally
1294   --    have a different visual aspect to clue that it is unavailable (for
1295   --    instance an insensitive item menu will be grayed)
1296   --
1297   --  - "Parent_Sensitive":
1298   --    Set if the parent is sensitive. A widget is sensitive only if both
1299   --    the Sensitive and Parent_Sensitive are set.
1300   --
1301   --  - "Can_Focus":
1302   --    Set if the widget can have the focus, ie get keyboard events. Most
1303   --    widgets can not have the focus.
1304   --
1305   --  - "Has_Focus":
1306   --    Set if the widget currently has the focus. See the function Grab_Focus
1307   --    in this package. See also the subprogram Gtk.Widget.Is_Focus
1308   --
1309   --  - "Can_Default":
1310   --    Set if the widget can be the default widget in a window, ie the one
1311   --    that will get the keyboard events by default. For instance, the
1312   --    default button in a dialog is the one that gets clicked on when the
1313   --    user pressed Enter anywhere in the dialog.
1314   --
1315   --  - "Has_Default":
1316   --    Set if the widget is currently the default widget. See the function
1317   --    Grab_Default in this package.
1318   --
1319   --  - "Has_Grab":
1320   --    Set if the widget currently grabs all mouse and keyboard events in
1321   --    the application, even if it does not have the focus. There can be only
1322   --    such widget per application at any given time.
1323   --
1324   --  - "Rc_Style":
1325   --    Set if the widget's style is either the default style, or in a
1326   --    customization file. This is unset if the style has been modified by
1327   --    the user.
1328   --
1329   --  - "Composite_Child":
1330   --    This indicates whether the widget is composed of other widgets
1331   --
1332   --  - "No_Reparent":
1333   --    This flags is never used in gtk+.
1334   --
1335   --  - "App_Paintable":
1336   --    For some containers (including Gtk_Window and Gtk_Layout), this is
1337   --    unset when the container itself has some special drawing routines. It
1338   --    indicates whether the application will paint directly on the widget.
1339   --
1340   --  - "Receives_Default":
1341   --    Set when the widget receives the default at the time it receives the
1342   --    focus. This is how the default button in a dialog is automatically
1343   --    changed when you press another button.
1345   In_Destruction : constant := 2 ** 0;
1346   Floating       : constant := 2 ** 1;
1347   Reserved_1     : constant := 2 ** 2;
1348   Reserved_2     : constant := 2 ** 3;
1349   Toplevel         : constant := 2 ** 4;
1350   No_Window        : constant := 2 ** 5;
1351   Realized         : constant := 2 ** 6;
1352   Mapped           : constant := 2 ** 7;
1353   Visible          : constant := 2 ** 8;
1354   Sensitive        : constant := 2 ** 9;
1355   Parent_Sensitive : constant := 2 ** 10;
1356   Can_Focus        : constant := 2 ** 11;
1357   Has_Focus        : constant := 2 ** 12;
1358   Can_Default      : constant := 2 ** 13;
1359   Has_Default      : constant := 2 ** 14;
1360   Has_Grab         : constant := 2 ** 15;
1361   Rc_Style         : constant := 2 ** 16;
1362   Composite_Child  : constant := 2 ** 17;
1363   No_Reparent      : constant := 2 ** 18;
1364   App_Paintable    : constant := 2 ** 19;
1365   Receives_Default : constant := 2 ** 20;
1366   Double_Buffered  : constant := 2 ** 21;
1368   function Flags (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record) return Guint32;
1369   --  Return the flags that are set for the object, as a binary mask.
1371   procedure Set_Flags (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record; Flags : Guint32);
1372   --  Set some specific flags for the object.
1373   --  Flags is a mask that will be added to the current flags of the object.
1375   procedure Unset_Flags (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record; Flags : Guint32);
1376   --  Unset some specific flags for the object.
1377   --  Flags is a mask that will be deleted from the current flags of the
1378   --  object.
1380   function Flag_Is_Set
1381     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record; Flag : Guint32) return Boolean;
1382   --  Return True if the specific flag Flag is set for the object.
1384   function In_Destruction_Is_Set
1385     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1386   --  Test if the Destroyed flag is set for the object.
1388   --  <doc_ignore>
1389   function Destroyed_Is_Set (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class)
1390      return Boolean renames In_Destruction_Is_Set;
1391   --  backward compatibility only
1392   --  </doc_ignore>
1394   function Floating_Is_Set
1395     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1396   --  Test if the Floating flag is set for the object.
1398   function Toplevel_Is_Set
1399     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1400   --  Test whether the Toplevel flag is set.
1402   function No_Window_Is_Set
1403     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1404   --  Test whether the No_Window flag is set.
1406   function Realized_Is_Set
1407     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1408   --  Test whether the Realized flag is set.
1410   function Mapped_Is_Set
1411     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1412   --  Test whether the Mapped flag is set.
1414   function Visible_Is_Set
1415     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1416   --  Test whether the Visible flag is set.
1418   function Drawable_Is_Set
1419     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1420   --  True if the widget is both visible and mapped.
1421   --  In other words, if it does appear on the screen.
1423   function Is_Sensitive
1424     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1425   --  Test whether the widget is Sensitive.
1427   function Can_Focus_Is_Set
1428     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1429   --  Test whether the Can_Focus flag is set.
1431   function Has_Focus_Is_Set
1432     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1433   --  Test whether the Has_Focus flag is set.
1435   function Has_Default_Is_Set
1436     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1437   --  Test whether the Has_Default flag is set.
1439   function Has_Grab_Is_Set
1440     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1441   --  Test whether the Has_Grab flag is set.
1443   function Rc_Style_Is_Set
1444     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1445   --  Test whether the Rc_Style flag is set.
1447   function Double_Buffered_Is_Set
1448     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class) return Boolean;
1449   --  Test whether the Double_Buffered flag is set.
1451   --------------------
1452   -- GValue support --
1453   --------------------
1455   function Get_Requisition
1456     (Value : Glib.Values.GValue) return Gtk_Requisition_Access;
1457   --  Convert a value into a Gtk_Requisition_Access.
1459   function Get_Allocation
1460     (Value : Glib.Values.GValue) return Gtk_Allocation_Access;
1461   --  Convert a value into a Gtk_Allocation_Access.
1463   -----------------
1464   -- Obsolescent --
1465   -----------------
1466   --  All subprograms below are now obsolescent in gtk+. They might be removed
1467   --  from future versions of gtk+ (and therefore GtkAda).
1468   --  To find out whether your code uses any of these, we recommend compiling
1469   --  with the -gnatwj switch
1470   --  <doc_ignore>
1472   procedure Draw
1473     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1474      Area   : Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle := Gdk.Rectangle.Full_Area);
1475   pragma Obsolescent;  --  Draw
1476   --  Emit a "draw" signal for a specific area of the widget.
1477   --  The visual aspect might be different whether the widget has the focus
1478   --  or not.
1480   procedure Set_UPosition
1481     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1482      X, Y   : Gint);
1483   pragma Obsolescent;  --  Set_Uposition
1484   --  Modify the position of the widget.
1485   --  This should be used only for toplevel widgets (windows and dialogs),
1486   --  since other widgets' positions are handled by their parent.
1488   procedure Set_USize
1489     (Widget        : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1490      Width, Height : Gint);
1491   pragma Obsolescent ("Use Set_Size_Request instead");  --  Set_Usize
1492   --  Modify the size of the widget.
1493   --  This sets an absolute size for the widget, no matter what its requested
1494   --  size would be. For Gtk_Windows, you should consider using
1495   --  Set_Default_Size instead, which sets a minimal size, but use the
1496   --  widget's requested size if it is bigger.
1497   --  If Width or Height is negative, they are ignored, and the widget's
1498   --  default width is kept.
1500   procedure Queue_Clear (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
1501   pragma Obsolescent; --  Queue_Clear
1502   --  Add a clear request to the event queue for the whole widget.
1503   --  This is added to the same list as for Queue_Draw, and thus is coalesced
1504   --  as much as possible with other drawing requests.
1506   procedure Queue_Clear_Area
1507     (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1508      X      : Gint;
1509      Y      : Gint;
1510      Width  : Gint;
1511      Height : Gint);
1512   pragma Obsolescent; --  Queue_Clear_Area
1513   --  Add a clear request to the event queue for part of the widget.
1514   --  This is added to the same list as for Queue_Draw, and thus is coalesced
1515   --  as much as possible with other drawing requests.
1517   --  </doc_ignore>
1519   ----------------
1520   -- Properties --
1521   ----------------
1522   --  The following properties are defined for this widget. See
1523   --  Glib.Properties for more information on properties.
1525   --  <properties>
1526   --  Name:  Name_Property
1527   --  Type:  UTF8_String
1528   --  Flags: read-write
1529   --  Descr: The name of the widget
1530   --  See also:  Set_Name procedure
1531   --
1532   --  Name:  Parent_Property
1533   --  Type:  Gtk_Container'Class
1534   --  Flags: read-write
1535   --  Descr: The parent widget of this widget.
1536   --  See also:  Set_Parent or Add procecures
1537   --
1538   --  Name:  X_Property
1539   --  Type:  Gint
1540   --  Flags: read-write
1541   --  Descr: The x coordinate of the top-left corner of the widget,
1542   --         or -1 if not set
1543   --
1544   --  Name:  Y_Property
1545   --  Type:  Gint
1546   --  Flags: read-write
1547   --  Descr: The y coordinate of the top-left corner of the widget,
1548   --         or -1 if not set
1549   --
1550   --  Name:  Width_Property
1551   --  Type:  Gint
1552   --  Flags: read-write
1553   --  Descr: The width of the widget or -1 if not set
1554   --  See also:  Set_USize
1555   --
1556   --  Name:  Height_Property
1557   --  Type:  Gint
1558   --  Flags: read-write
1559   --  Descr: The height of the widget or -1 if not set
1560   --  See also:  Set_USize
1561   --
1562   --  Name:  Visible_Property
1563   --  Type:  Boolean
1564   --  Flags: read-write
1565   --  Descr: Whether the widget is visible
1566   --  See also:  Hide and Show procedures
1567   --
1568   --  Name:  Sensitive_Property
1569   --  Type:  Boolean
1570   --  Flags: read-write
1571   --  Descr: Whether the widget responds to input
1572   --  See also: Set_Sensitive
1573   --
1574   --  Name:  App_Paintable_Property
1575   --  Type:  Boolean
1576   --  Flags: read-write
1577   --  Descr: Whether the application will paint directly on the widget
1578   --  See also: Set_App_Paintable
1579   --
1580   --  Name:  Can_Focus_Property
1581   --  Type:  Boolean
1582   --  Flags: read-write
1583   --  Descr: Whether the widget can accept the input focus (keyboard)
1584   --  See also: Set or unset the flag Can_Focus
1585   --
1586   --  Name:  Has_Focus_Property
1587   --  Type:  Boolean
1588   --  Flags: read-write
1589   --  Descr: Whether the widget has the input focus
1590   --  See also: Grab_Focus
1591   --
1592   --  Name:  Can_Default_Property
1593   --  Type:  Boolean
1594   --  Flags: read-write
1595   --  Descr: Whether the widget can be the default widget
1596   --  See also: Set or unset the flag Can_Default
1597   --
1598   --  Name:  Has_Default_Property
1599   --  Type:  Boolean
1600   --  Flags: read-write
1601   --  Descr: Whether the widget is the default widget
1602   --  See also: Grab_Default
1603   --
1604   --  Name:  Receives_Default_Property
1605   --  Type:  Boolean
1606   --  Flags: read-write
1607   --  Descr: If True, the widget will receive the default action when
1608   --         it is focused
1609   --  See also: Set or unset the flag Receives_Default
1610   --
1611   --  Name:  Composite_Child_Property
1612   --  Type:  Boolean
1613   --  Flags: read-write
1614   --  Descr: Whether the widget is composed of other widgets
1615   --  See also: Set or unset the flag Composite_Child
1616   --
1617   --  Name:  Style_Property
1618   --  Type:  Gtk_Style
1619   --  Flags: read-write
1620   --  Descr: The style of the widget, which contains information about how
1621   --         it will look (colors etc).
1622   --  See also: Set_Style
1623   --
1624   --  Name:  Events_Property
1625   --  Type:  flags
1626   --  Flags: read-write
1627   --  Descr: The event mask that decides what kind of GdkEvents this widget
1628   --         gets.
1629   --  See also: Set_Events
1630   --
1631   --  Name:  Prop_Extensions_Events_Property
1632   --  Type:  flags
1633   --  Flags: read-write
1634   --  Descr: The mask that decides what kind of extension events this widget
1635   --         gets.
1636   --  See also: Set_Extension_Events
1637   --
1638   --  Name:  Extension_Events_Property
1639   --  Type:  Enum
1640   --  Descr: The mask that decides what kind of extension events this widget
1641   --         gets
1642   --
1643   --  Name:  Height_Request_Property
1644   --  Type:  Int
1645   --  Descr: Override for height request of the widget, or -1 if natural
1646   --         request should be used
1647   --
1648   --  Name:  Is_Focus_Property
1649   --  Type:  Boolean
1650   --  Descr: Whether the widget is the focus widget within the toplevel
1651   --
1652   --  Name:  No_Show_All_Property
1653   --  Type:  Boolean
1654   --  Descr: Whether gtk_widget_show_all() should not affect this widget
1655   --
1656   --  Name:  Width_Request_Property
1657   --  Type:  Int
1658   --  Descr: Override for width request of the widget, or -1 if natural
1659   --         request should be used
1660   --
1661   --  Name:  Tooltip_Markup_Property
1662   --  Type:  String
1663   --  Descr: The contents of the tooltip for this widget
1664   --
1665   --  Name:  Tooltip_Text_Property
1666   --  Type:  String
1667   --  Descr: The contents of the tooltip for this widget
1668   --
1669   --  Name:  Has_Tooltip
1670   --  Type:  Boolean
1671   --  Descr: Enables or disables the emission of "query-tooltip" on widget. A
1672   --         value of TRUE indicates that widget can have a tooltip, in this
1673   --         case the widget will be queried using "query-tooltip" to
1674   --         determine whether it will provide a tooltip or not.
1675   --
1676   --         Note that setting this property to TRUE for the first time will
1677   --         change the event masks of the GdkWindows of this widget to
1678   --         include leave-notify and motion-notify events. This cannot and
1679   --         will not be undone when the property is set to FALSE again.
1680   --
1681   --  Name:  Window_Property
1682   --  Type:  Object
1683   --  Descr: The widget's window if it is realized
1684   --
1685   --  </properties>
1687   procedure Child_Notify
1688     (Widget         : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1689      Child_Property : String);
1690   --  Emits a "child-notify" signal for the child property on Widget.
1691   --  This signal indicates the the value of the child property has changed on
1692   --  the parent, and thus that Widget should refresh itself if needed.
1693   --
1694   --  Child_Property is the name of a child property installed on Widget's
1695   --  parent. You should use Glib.Propert_Name to get the name from the
1696   --  property declaration in each of the GtkAda packages
1698   procedure Freeze_Child_Notify (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
1699   --  Stops emission of "child-notify" signals on Widget. The signals are
1700   --  queued until Thaw_Child_Notify() is called on Wwidget.
1702   procedure Thaw_Child_Notify (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record);
1703   --  Reverts the effect of a previous call to Freeze_Child_Notify.
1704   --  This causes all queued "child-notify" signals on Widget to be emitted.
1706   procedure Class_Install_Style_Property
1707     (Klass : Glib.Object.GObject_Class;
1708      Pspec : Glib.Param_Spec);
1709   --  Installs a style property on a widget class. The parser for the
1710   --  style property is determined by the value type of Pspec.
1711   --  A style property configures the look-and-feel of a widget class. They
1712   --  are generally modified by the current gtk+ theme, although users can
1713   --  also modify them in their own configuration file.
1715   function Class_List_Style_Properties
1716     (Klass : Glib.Object.GObject_Class) return Glib.Param_Spec_Array;
1717   --  Returns all style properties of a widget class.
1719   function Class_Find_Style_Property
1720     (Klass         : Glib.Object.GObject_Class;
1721      Property_Name : String) return Glib.Param_Spec;
1722   --  Finds a style property of a widget class by name.
1723   --  Klass must be a descendent of Gtk_Widget.
1724   --  You should use Glib.Property_Name to get the name from the property
1725   --  declaration in each of the GtkAda packages
1727   procedure Style_Get_Property
1728     (Widget        : access Gtk_Widget_Record;
1729      Property_Name : String;
1730      Value         : out Glib.Values.GValue);
1731   --  Gets the value of a style property of Widget.
1732   --  You should use Glib.Property_Name to get the name from the property
1733   --  declaration in each of the GtkAda packages
1735   Name_Property                  : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String;
1736   Parent_Property                : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object;
1737   X_Property                     : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1738   Y_Property                     : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1739   Width_Property                 : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1740   Height_Property                : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1741   Visible_Property               : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1742   Sensitive_Property             : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1743   App_Paintable_Property         : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1744   Can_Focus_Property             : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1745   Has_Focus_Property             : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1746   Can_Default_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1747   Has_Default_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1748   Receives_Default_Property      : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1749   Composite_Child_Property       : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1750   Style_Property                 : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object;
1751   Events_Property                : constant Gdk.Event.Property_Gdk_Event_Mask;
1752   Prop_Extensions_Events_Property :
1753     constant Gdk.Types.Property_Gdk_Extension_Mode;
1754   Extension_Events_Property  : constant Gdk.Types.Property_Gdk_Extension_Mode;
1755   Height_Request_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1756   Is_Focus_Property              : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1757   No_Show_All_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1758   Width_Request_Property         : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1759   Tooltip_Markup_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String;
1760   Tooltip_Text_Property          : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String;
1761   Has_Tooltip_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1762   Window_Property                : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object;
1764   ----------------------
1765   -- Style Properties --
1766   ----------------------
1767   --  The following properties can be changed through the gtk theme and
1768   --  configuration files, and retrieved through Gtk.Widget.Style_Get_Property
1770   --  <style_properties>
1771   --  Name:  Cursor_Aspect_Ratio_Property
1772   --  Type:  Float
1773   --  Descr: Aspect ratio with which to draw insertion cursor
1774   --
1775   --  Name:  Cursor_Color_Property
1776   --  Type:  Boxed
1777   --  Descr: Color with which to draw insertion cursor
1778   --
1779   --  Name:  Draw_Border_Property
1780   --  Type:  Boxed
1781   --  Descr: Size of areas outside the widget's allocation to draw
1782   --
1783   --  Name:  Focus_Line_Pattern_Property
1784   --  Type:  String
1785   --  Descr: Dash pattern used to draw the focus indicator
1786   --
1787   --  Name:  Focus_Line_Width_Property
1788   --  Type:  Int
1789   --  Descr: Width, in pixels, of the focus indicator line
1790   --
1791   --  Name:  Focus_Padding_Property
1792   --  Type:  Int
1793   --  Descr: Width, in pixels, between focus indicator and the widget 'box'
1794   --
1795   --  Name:  Interior_Focus_Property
1796   --  Type:  Boolean
1797   --  Descr: Whether to draw the focus indicator inside widgets
1798   --
1799   --  Name:  Link_Color_Property
1800   --  Type:  Boxed
1801   --  Descr: Color of unvisited links
1802   --
1803   --  Name:  Scroll_Arrow_Hlength_Property
1804   --  Type:  Int
1805   --  Descr: The length of horizontal scroll arrows
1806   --
1807   --  Name:  Scroll_Arrow_Vlength_Property
1808   --  Type:  Int
1809   --  Descr: The length of vertical scroll arrows
1810   --
1811   --  Name:  Secondary_Cursor_Color_Property
1812   --  Type:  Boxed
1813   --  Descr: Color with which to draw the secondary insertion cursor when
1814   --         editing mixed right-to-left and left-to-right text
1815   --
1816   --  Name:  Separator_Height_Property
1817   --  Type:  Int
1818   --  Descr: The height of separators if \
1819   --
1820   --  Name:  Separator_Width_Property
1821   --  Type:  Int
1822   --  Descr: The width of separators if wide-separators is TRUE
1823   --
1824   --  Name:  Visited_Link_Color_Property
1825   --  Type:  Boxed
1826   --  Descr: Color of visited links
1827   --
1828   --  Name:  Wide_Separators_Property
1829   --  Type:  Boolean
1830   --  Descr: Whether separators have configurable width and should be drawn
1831   --         using a box instead of a line
1832   --  </style_properties>
1834   Cursor_Aspect_Ratio_Property  : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Float;
1835   --  Cursor_Color_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boxed;
1836   --  Draw_Border_Property         : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boxed;
1837   Focus_Line_Pattern_Property   : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String;
1838   Focus_Line_Width_Property     : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1839   Focus_Padding_Property        : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1840   Interior_Focus_Property       : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1841   Link_Color_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boxed;
1842   Scroll_Arrow_Hlength_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1843   Scroll_Arrow_Vlength_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1844   --  Secondary_Cursor_Color_Property : constant
1845   --    Glib.Properties.Property_Boxed;
1846   Separator_Height_Property     : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1847   Separator_Width_Property      : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int;
1848   Visited_Link_Color_Property   : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boxed;
1849   Wide_Separators_Property      : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean;
1851   -------------
1852   -- Signals --
1853   -------------
1855   --  <signals>
1856   --  The following new signals are defined for this widget:
1857   --
1858   --  - "show"
1859   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1860   --    Emitted when a widget is to be shown (see explanation for the Show
1861   --    subprogam). This schedules the widget to be displayed on the screen,
1862   --    and if this is a toplevel widget it actually appears on the screen
1863   --    and all its children that have been shown.
1864   --
1865   --  - "hide"
1866   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1867   --    Emitted when a widget is to be hidden (see explanation for the Hide
1868   --    subprogram). Hides the widget from the screen, and if its parent is
1869   --    shown, the widget will not appear on the screen again.
1870   --
1871   --  - "map"
1872   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1873   --    Emitted when a widget is mapped on the screen (the default handler
1874   --    simply emits the "show" signal).
1875   --
1876   --  - "unmap"
1877   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1878   --    Emitted when a widget needs to be unmapped on the screen (the default
1879   --    handler simply emits the "hide" signal).
1880   --
1881   --  - "realize"
1882   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1883   --    Emitted when a widget is realized. The default handler creates the
1884   --    Gdk window associated with the widget, and its ancestors.
1885   --
1886   --  - "unrealize"
1887   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1888   --    Emitted when a widget is unrealized. The default handler destroys the
1889   --    Gdk windows of the widget and all its children.
1890   --
1891   --  - "draw"
1892   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
1893   --                       Area   : Gdk.Rectangle.Gdk_Rectangle);
1894   --    Emitted when a widget needs to be drawn. The default handler emits
1895   --    the "expose" event.
1896   --
1897   --  - "draw_focus"
1898   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1899   --    Emitted when a widget needs to be drawn and it has the focus. Some
1900   --    widgets might want to provide visual clues that they have the focus,
1901   --    like a black border. This is never called if the widget can not have
1902   --    the focus (ie the "Can_Focus" flag is unset).
1903   --
1904   --  - "draw_default"
1905   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1906   --    Emitted when a widget needs to be drawn and it does not have the
1907   --    focus. This is never called if the widget can not have the focus
1908   --    (ie the "Can_Focus" flag is unset).
1909   --
1910   --  - "size_request"
1911   --    procedure Handler (Widget      : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
1912   --                       Requisition : access Gtk_Requisition);
1913   --    Should return (in Requisition) the ideal size the widget would like to
1914   --    have. It is not sure this is the size that will be assigned to it,
1915   --    since it depends on the size of its parent).
1916   --
1917   --  - "size_allocate"
1918   --    procedure Handler (Widget     : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
1919   --                       Allocation : Gtk_Allocation);
1920   --    A size and position were assigned to the widget. This is called every
1921   --    time the size of the widget changes.
1922   --    The default handler takes care of resizing and moving the widget.
1923   --
1924   --  - "state_changed"
1925   --    procedure Handler (Widget         : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
1926   --                       Previous_State : Gtk.Enums.Gtk_State_Type);
1927   --    The state of the widget has changed.
1928   --
1929   --  - "parent_set"
1930   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
1931   --                       Previous_Parent : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1932   --    A new parent has been set for the widget. The previous parent is
1933   --    given in arguments (if there was none,
1934   --    Gdk.Is_Created (Previous_Parent) returns False).
1935   --
1936   --  - "style_set"
1937   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1938   --                       Previous_Style : Gtk.Style.Gtk_Style);
1939   --    The widget's style has been changed (this is not call when some
1940   --    settings in the style are changed, only when the style itself is
1941   --    completely changed with a call to Set_Style or Set_Default_Style).
1942   --
1943   --  - "add_accelerator"
1944   --  ???
1945   --
1946   --  - "remove_accelerator"
1947   --  ???
1948   --
1949   --  - "grab_focus"
1950   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
1951   --    The widget has got the focus, ie will now get the keyboard events
1952   --    sent to a window. This is only called if the "Can_Focus" flag is
1953   --    set. The "Has_Focus" flag might not be set when this signal is
1954   --    emitted.
1955   --
1956   --  - "event"
1957   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
1958   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
1959   --                     return Boolean;
1960   --    Some event was sent to the widget. This covers all the cases
1961   --    below, and acts as a general handler. This is called in addition to
1962   --    the relevant specific handler below.
1963   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
1964   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
1965   --
1966   --  - "button_press_event"
1967   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
1968   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Button)
1969   --                     return Boolean;
1970   --    A button was pressed while the pointer was inside the widget.
1971   --    To get this signal, some widgets by have to use the Set_Events
1972   --    subprogram first to get this event.
1973   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
1974   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
1975   --
1976   --  - "button_release_event"
1977   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
1978   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Button)
1979   --                     return Boolean;
1980   --    A button was released while the pointer was inside the widget.
1981   --    Note that in some cases (Gtk_Buttons for instance), another "clicked"
1982   --    signal could be emitted). This "button_release_event" should mainly
1983   --    be used for widgets that don't already have specific signals to cover
1984   --    that case (Gtk_Drawing_Area for instance).
1985   --
1986   --    To get this signal, some widgets may have to use the Set_Events
1987   --    subprogram first to get this event.
1988   --
1989   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
1990   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
1991   --
1992   --  - "motion_notify_event"
1993   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
1994   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Motion)
1995   --                     return Boolean;
1996   --    The pointer has moved while remaining inside the widget.
1997   --    The Set_Events subprogram has to be called first to get this event.
1998   --
1999   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2000   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2001   --
2002   --  - "delete_event"
2003   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2004   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
2005   --                     return Boolean;
2006   --    The user has clicked on the "close" button in the window's frame
2007   --    (the button that is automatically set by the window manager). If the
2008   --    handler returns False, the widget will be destroyed (and the window
2009   --    closed), but if the handler returns True, nothing will be done.
2010   --    This is a good way to prevent the user from closing your application's
2011   --    window if there should be some clean ups first (like saving the
2012   --    document).
2013   --
2014   --  - "destroy"
2015   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
2016   --
2017   --    Raised when the widget is about to be destroyed. The "destroyed"
2018   --    flag has been set on the object first. Handlers should not keep
2019   --    a reference on the object.
2020   --    Note that when your destroy handlers are called, the user_data is
2021   --    still available.
2022   --    The default implementation destroys all the handlers.
2023   --
2024   --  - "destroy_event"
2025   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2026   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
2027   --                     return Boolean;
2028   --    This signal is apparently never emitted by Gtk+. You might want to
2029   --    use "destroy" instead.
2030   --
2031   --  - "expose_event"
2032   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2033   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Expose)
2034   --                     return Boolean;
2035   --    The widget needs to be partly redrawn. The exact area to redraw is
2036   --    found in Event. For some widgets, you should rather connect to the
2037   --    "draw" signal. However, for instance for Gtk_Drawing_Area widgets,
2038   --    you have to use this, after setting the correct event mask with
2039   --    Set_Events.
2040   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be passed to the parent
2041   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2042   --
2043   --  - "key_press_event"
2044   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2045   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Key)
2046   --                     return Boolean;
2047   --    A key has been pressed while Widget had the focus. Note that some
2048   --    widgets like Gtk_Editable provide some higher-level signals to handle
2049   --    this.
2050   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2051   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2052   --
2053   --  - "key_release_event"
2054   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2055   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Key)
2056   --                     return Boolean;
2057   --    A key has been released while Widget had the focus.
2058   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2059   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2060   --
2061   --  - "enter_notify_event"
2062   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2063   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Crossing)
2064   --                     return Boolean;
2065   --    The pointer has just entered the widget. If the "Can_Focus" flag is
2066   --    set, Widget will gain the focus, and the widget might be drawn
2067   --    differently.
2068   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2069   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2070   --
2071   --  - "leave_notify_event"
2072   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2073   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Crossing)
2074   --                     return Boolean;
2075   --    The pointer has just leaved the widget. If the "Can_Focus" flag is
2076   --    set, Widget will gain the focus, and the widget might be drawn
2077   --    differently.
2078   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2079   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2080   --
2081   --  - "configure_event"
2082   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2083   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Configure)
2084   --                     return Boolean;
2085   --    Some configuration of the window has changed (it has been
2086   --    moved or resized).
2087   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2088   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2089   --
2090   --  - "focus_in_event"
2091   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2092   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Focus)
2093   --                     return Boolean;
2094   --    The widget has just gained the focus.
2095   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2096   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2097   --    This event is only emitted if you called Add_Events with a
2098   --    Enter_Notify_Mask parameter
2099   --
2100   --  - "focus_out_event"
2101   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2102   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Focus)
2103   --                     return Boolean;
2104   --    The widget has just lost the focus.
2105   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2106   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2107   --    This event is only emitted if you called Add_Events with a
2108   --    Leave_Notify_Mask parameter
2109   --
2110   --  - "map_event"
2111   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2112   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
2113   --                     return Boolean;
2114   --    The widget has just been mapped. This is different from the "map"
2115   --    signal, which is called *before* the widget is actually mapped.
2116   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2117   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2118   --
2119   --  - "unmap_event"
2120   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2121   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
2122   --                     return Boolean;
2123   --    The widget has just been unmapped. This is different from the "unmap"
2124   --    signal, which is called *before* the widget is actually unmapped.
2125   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2126   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2127   --
2128   --  - "property_notify_event"
2129   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2130   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Property)
2131   --                     return Boolean;
2132   --    ???
2133   --
2134   --  - "selection_clear_event"
2135   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2136   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Selection)
2137   --                     return Boolean;
2138   --    ???
2139   --
2140   --  - "selection_request_event"
2141   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2142   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Selection)
2143   --                     return Boolean;
2144   --    ???
2145   --
2146   --  - "selection_notify_event"
2147   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2148   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Selection)
2149   --                     return Boolean;
2150   --    ???
2151   --
2152   --  - "selection_received"
2153   --    Related to the selection mechanism, see Gtk.Selection
2154   --
2155   --  - "selection_get"
2156   --    Related to the selection mechanism, see Gtk.Selection
2157   --
2158   --  - "proximity_in_event"
2159   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2160   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity)
2161   --                     return Boolean;
2162   --    Used for special input devices. See the description of
2163   --    Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity.
2164   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2165   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2166   --
2167   --  - "proximity_out_event"
2168   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2169   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity)
2170   --                     return Boolean;
2171   --    Used for special input devices. See the description of
2172   --    Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Proximity.
2173   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2174   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2175   --
2176   --  - "drag_leave"
2177   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
2178   --
2179   --  - "drag_begin"
2180   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
2181   --
2182   --  - "drag_end"
2183   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
2184   --
2185   --  - "drag_data_delete"
2186   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
2187   --
2188   --  - "drag_motion"
2189   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
2190   --
2191   --  - "drag_drop"
2192   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
2193   --
2194   --  - "drag_data_get"
2195   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
2196   --
2197   --  - "drag_data_received"
2198   --    Event related to drag-and-drop support. See the Gtk.Dnd documentation.
2199   --
2200   --  - "visibility_notify_event"
2201   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2202   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Visibility)
2203   --                     return Boolean;
2204   --    The visibility state of the widget has changed (partially visible,
2205   --    fully visible, ...). You might want to use the "expose" signal
2206   --    instead.
2207   --    If the handler returns False, the event might be pass to the parent
2208   --    of widget (if no other handler of widget has returned True).
2209   --
2210   --  - "client_event"
2211   --    ???
2212   --
2213   --  - "no_expose_event"
2214   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2215   --                      Event  : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event)
2216   --                     return Boolean;
2217   --    ???
2218   --
2219   --  - "child_notify"
2220   --    procedure Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class);
2221   --    This signal is emitted when the value of one of the child properties
2222   --    for the widget has been changed. If you are only interested in the
2223   --    changes for a specific property, you can also connect directly to
2224   --    "child_notify::<property>", for instance "child_notify:right_attach"
2225   --    for a child of Gtk.Menu.Gtk_Menu.
2226   --
2227   --
2228   --  - "query-tooltip"
2229   --    function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
2230   --                      Params : Glib.Values.GValues)
2231   --                     return Boolean;
2232   --    Emitted when "has-tooltip" is TRUE and the "gtk-tooltip-timeout" has
2233   --    expired with the cursor hovering "above" widget; or emitted when
2234   --    widget got focus in keyboard mode.
2235   --
2236   --    Using the given coordinates, the signal handler should determine
2237   --    whether a tooltip should be shown for widget. If this is the case TRUE
2238   --    should be returned, FALSE otherwise. Note that if keyboard_mode is
2239   --    TRUE, the values of x and y are undefined and should not be used.
2240   --
2241   --    The signal handler is free to manipulate tooltip with the therefore
2242   --    destined function calls.
2243   --  </signals>
2245   Signal_Accel_Closures_Changed  : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2246                                      "accel_closures_changed";
2247   Signal_Button_Press_Event      : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2248                                      "button_press_event";
2249   Signal_Button_Release_Event    : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2250                                      "button_release_event";
2251   Signal_Can_Activate_Accel      : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2252                                      "can_activate_accel";
2253   Signal_Child_Notify            : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2254                                      "child_notify";
2255   Signal_Client_Event            : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2256                                      "client_event";
2257   Signal_Configure_Event         : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2258                                      "configure_event";
2259   Signal_Delete_Event            : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2260                                      "delete_event";
2261   Signal_Destroy                 : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2262                                      "destroy";
2263   Signal_Destroy_Event           : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2264                                      "destroy_event";
2265   Signal_Direction_Changed       : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2266                                      "direction_changed";
2267   Signal_Drag_Begin              : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2268                                      "drag_begin";
2269   Signal_Drag_Data_Delete        : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2270                                      "drag_data_delete";
2271   Signal_Drag_Data_Get           : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2272                                      "drag_data_get";
2273   Signal_Drag_Data_Received      : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2274                                      "drag_data_received";
2275   Signal_Drag_Drop               : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2276                                      "drag_drop";
2277   Signal_Drag_End                : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2278                                      "drag_end";
2279   Signal_Drag_Leave              : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2280                                      "drag_leave";
2281   Signal_Drag_Motion             : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2282                                      "drag_motion";
2283   Signal_Enter_Notify_Event      : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2284                                      "enter_notify_event";
2285   Signal_Event                   : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2286                                      "event";
2287   Signal_Event_After             : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2288                                      "event-after";
2289   Signal_Expose_Event            : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2290                                      "expose_event";
2291   Signal_Focus                   : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2292                                      "focus";
2293   Signal_Focus_In_Event          : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2294                                      "focus_in_event";
2295   Signal_Focus_Out_Event         : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2296                                      "focus_out_event";
2297   Signal_Grab_Broken_Event       : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2298                                      "grab_broken_event";
2299   Signal_Grab_Focus              : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2300                                      "grab_focus";
2301   Signal_Grab_Notify             : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2302                                      "grab_notify";
2303   Signal_Hide                    : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2304                                      "hide";
2305   Signal_Hierarchy_Changed       : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2306                                      "hierarchy_changed";
2307   Signal_Key_Press_Event         : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2308                                      "key_press_event";
2309   Signal_Key_Release_Event       : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2310                                      "key_release_event";
2311   Signal_Leave_Notify_Event      : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2312                                      "leave_notify_event";
2313   Signal_Map                     : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2314                                      "map";
2315   Signal_Map_Event               : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2316                                      "map_event";
2317   Signal_Mnemonic_Activate       : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2318                                      "mnemonic_activate";
2319   Signal_Motion_Notify_Event     : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2320                                      "motion_notify_event";
2321   Signal_No_Expose_Event         : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2322                                      "no_expose_event";
2323   Signal_Parent_Set              : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2324                                      "parent_set";
2325   Signal_Popup_Menu              : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2326                                      "popup_menu";
2327   Signal_Property_Notify_Event   : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2328                                      "property_notify_event";
2329   Signal_Proximity_In_Event      : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2330                                      "proximity_in_event";
2331   Signal_Proximity_Out_Event     : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2332                                      "proximity_out_event";
2333   Signal_Realize                 : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2334                                      "realize";
2335   Signal_Query_Tooltip           : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2336                                      "query-tooltip";
2337   Signal_Screen_Changed          : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2338                                      "screen_changed";
2339   Signal_Scroll_Event            : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2340                                      "scroll_event";
2341   Signal_Selection_Clear_Event   : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2342                                      "selection_clear_event";
2343   Signal_Selection_Get           : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2344                                      "selection_get";
2345   Signal_Selection_Notify_Event  : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2346                                      "selection_notify_event";
2347   Signal_Selection_Received      : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2348                                      "selection_received";
2349   Signal_Selection_Request_Event : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2350                                      "selection_request_event";
2351   Signal_Show                    : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2352                                      "show";
2353   Signal_Show_Help               : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2354                                      "show_help";
2355   Signal_Size_Allocate           : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2356                                      "size_allocate";
2357   Signal_Size_Request            : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2358                                      "size_request";
2359   Signal_State_Changed           : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2360                                      "state_changed";
2361   Signal_Style_Set               : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2362                                      "style_set";
2363   Signal_Unmap                   : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2364                                      "unmap";
2365   Signal_Unmap_Event             : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2366                                      "unmap_event";
2367   Signal_Unrealize               : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2368                                      "unrealize";
2369   Signal_Visibility_Notify_Event : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2370                                      "visibility_notify_event";
2371   Signal_Window_State_Event      : constant Glib.Signal_Name :=
2372                                      "window_state_event";
2376   type Gtk_Widget_Record is new Glib.Object.GObject_Record with null record;
2378   Name_Property                : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String :=
2379     Glib.Properties.Build ("name");
2380   Parent_Property              : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object :=
2381     Glib.Properties.Build ("parent");
2382   X_Property                   : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2383     Glib.Properties.Build ("x");
2384   Y_Property                   : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2385     Glib.Properties.Build ("y");
2386   Width_Property               : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2387     Glib.Properties.Build ("width");
2388   Height_Property              : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2389     Glib.Properties.Build ("height");
2390   Visible_Property             : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2391     Glib.Properties.Build ("visible");
2392   Sensitive_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2393     Glib.Properties.Build ("sensitive");
2394   App_Paintable_Property       : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2395     Glib.Properties.Build ("app_paintable");
2396   Can_Focus_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2397     Glib.Properties.Build ("can_focus");
2398   Has_Focus_Property           : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2399     Glib.Properties.Build ("has_focus");
2400   Can_Default_Property         : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2401     Glib.Properties.Build ("can_default");
2402   Has_Default_Property         : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2403     Glib.Properties.Build ("has_default");
2404   Receives_Default_Property    : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2405     Glib.Properties.Build ("receives_default");
2406   Composite_Child_Property     : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2407     Glib.Properties.Build ("composite_child");
2408   Style_Property               : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object :=
2409     Glib.Properties.Build ("style");
2410   Events_Property              : constant Gdk.Event.Property_Gdk_Event_Mask :=
2411     Gdk.Event.Build ("events");
2412   Prop_Extensions_Events_Property :
2413     constant Gdk.Types.Property_Gdk_Extension_Mode :=
2414     Gdk.Types.Build ("extension_events");
2415   Extension_Events_Property : constant Gdk.Types.Property_Gdk_Extension_Mode
2416     := Gdk.Types.Build ("extension-events");
2417   Height_Request_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2418     Glib.Properties.Build ("height-request");
2419   Is_Focus_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2420     Glib.Properties.Build ("is-focus");
2421   No_Show_All_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2422     Glib.Properties.Build ("no-show-all");
2423   Width_Request_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2424     Glib.Properties.Build ("width-request");
2425   Tooltip_Markup_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String :=
2426     Glib.Properties.Build ("tooltip-markup");
2427   Tooltip_Text_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String :=
2428     Glib.Properties.Build ("tooltip-text");
2429   Has_Tooltip_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2430     Glib.Properties.Build ("has-tooltip");
2431   Window_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Object :=
2432     Glib.Properties.Build ("window");
2434   Cursor_Aspect_Ratio_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Float :=
2435     Glib.Properties.Build ("cursor-aspect-ratio");
2436--     Cursor_Color_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boxed :=
2437--       Glib.Properties.Build ("cursor-color");
2438--     Draw_Border_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boxed :=
2439--       Glib.Properties.Build ("draw-border");
2440   Focus_Line_Pattern_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_String :=
2441     Glib.Properties.Build ("focus-line-pattern");
2442   Focus_Line_Width_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2443     Glib.Properties.Build ("focus-line-width");
2444   Focus_Padding_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2445     Glib.Properties.Build ("focus-padding");
2446   Interior_Focus_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2447     Glib.Properties.Build ("interior-focus");
2448   Link_Color_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boxed :=
2449     Glib.Properties.Build ("link-color");
2450   Scroll_Arrow_Hlength_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2451     Glib.Properties.Build ("scroll-arrow-hlength");
2452   Scroll_Arrow_Vlength_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2453     Glib.Properties.Build ("scroll-arrow-vlength");
2454   --  Secondary_Cursor_Color_Property : constant
2455   --    Glib.Properties.Property_Boxed :=
2456   --    Glib.Properties.Build ("secondary-cursor-color");
2457   Separator_Height_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2458     Glib.Properties.Build ("separator-height");
2459   Separator_Width_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Int :=
2460     Glib.Properties.Build ("separator-width");
2461   Visited_Link_Color_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boxed :=
2462     Glib.Properties.Build ("visited-link-color");
2463   Wide_Separators_Property : constant Glib.Properties.Property_Boolean :=
2464     Glib.Properties.Build ("wide-separators");
2466   pragma Import (C, Pop_Colormap, "gtk_widget_pop_colormap");
2467   pragma Import (C, Get_Type, "gtk_widget_get_type");
2468   pragma Import (C, Requisition_Get_Type, "gtk_requisition_get_type");
2469   pragma Import (C, Get_Default_Colormap, "gtk_widget_get_default_colormap");
2470   pragma Import (C, Get_Default_Visual, "gtk_widget_get_default_visual");
2471   pragma Import (C, Push_Colormap, "gtk_widget_push_colormap");
2472   pragma Import (C, Set_Default_Colormap, "gtk_widget_set_default_colormap");
2473   pragma Import (C, Set_Default_Size_Allocate_Handler,
2474                  "ada_gtk_widget_set_default_size_allocate_handler");
2475   pragma Import (C, Default_Expose_Event_Handler,
2476                  "ada_gtk_default_expose_event_handler");
2477   pragma Import (C, Push_Composite_Child, "gtk_widget_push_composite_child");
2478   pragma Import (C, Pop_Composite_Child, "gtk_widget_pop_composite_child");
2479   pragma Import
2480     (C, Get_Default_Direction, "gtk_widget_get_default_direction");
2481   pragma Import
2482     (C, Set_Default_Direction, "gtk_widget_set_default_direction");
2483   pragma Import
2484     (C, Class_Install_Style_Property,
2485      "gtk_widget_class_install_style_property");
2487   pragma Inline (Toplevel_Is_Set);
2488   pragma Inline (No_Window_Is_Set);
2489   pragma Inline (Realized_Is_Set);
2490   pragma Inline (Mapped_Is_Set);
2491   pragma Inline (Visible_Is_Set);
2492   pragma Inline (Drawable_Is_Set);
2493   pragma Inline (Is_Sensitive);
2494   pragma Inline (Can_Focus_Is_Set);
2495   pragma Inline (Has_Focus_Is_Set);
2496   pragma Inline (Has_Default_Is_Set);
2497   pragma Inline (Has_Grab_Is_Set);
2498   pragma Inline (Rc_Style_Is_Set);
2499   pragma Inline (Double_Buffered_Is_Set);
2501end Gtk.Widget;
2503--  Not needed, so not bound
2504--  No binding: gtk_requisition_copy
2505--  No binding: gtk_requisition_free
2506--  No binding: gtk_widget_ref
2507--  No binding: gtk_widget_unref
2508--  No binding: gtk_widget_new
2509--  No binding: gtk_widget_destroy
2510--  No binding: gtk_widget_destroyed
2511--  No binding: gtk_widget_get_accessible
2512--  No binding: gtk_widget_get_display
2513--  No binding: gtk_widget_get_screen
2514--  No binding: gtk_widget_style_get_valist
2515--  No binding: gtk_widget_set
2516--  No binding: gtk_widget_style_get
2518--  Might be useful, but very complex to explain
2519--  No binding: gtk_widget_list_accel_closures
2520--  No binding: gtk_widget_class_install_style_property_parser
2522--  Binding is in Gtk.RC
2523--  No binding: gtk_widget_modify_style
2524--  No binding: gtk_widget_get_modifier_style
2526--  Binding is in Gtk.Setting
2527--  No binding: gtk_widget_get_settings
2529--  Binding is in Gtk.Clipboard
2530--  No binding: gtk_widget_get_clipboard
2532--  Binding uses custom C glue
2533--  No binding: gtk_widget_get_window