2--                  GtkAda - Ada95 binding for Gtk+/Gnome                   --
3--                                                                          --
4--                     Copyright (C) 2010-2015, AdaCore                     --
5--                                                                          --
6-- This library is free software;  you can redistribute it and/or modify it --
7-- under terms of the  GNU General Public License  as published by the Free --
8-- Software  Foundation;  either version 3,  or (at your  option) any later --
9-- version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, --
10-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;  without even the implied warranty of MERCHAN- --
11-- TABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                            --
12--                                                                          --
13-- As a special exception under Section 7 of GPL version 3, you are granted --
14-- additional permissions described in the GCC Runtime Library Exception,   --
15-- version 3.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.               --
16--                                                                          --
17-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License and    --
18-- a copy of the GCC Runtime Library Exception along with this program;     --
19-- see the files COPYING3 and COPYING.RUNTIME respectively.  If not, see    --
20-- <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.                                          --
21--                                                                          --
24--  <description>
25--  Generic matrix operations.
26--  </description>
28--  <c_version>1.8.8</c_version>
29--  <group>Cairo</group>
31package Cairo.Matrix is
33   procedure Init
34     (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix;
35      Xx     : Gdouble;
36      Yx     : Gdouble;
37      Xy     : Gdouble;
38      Yy     : Gdouble;
39      X0     : Gdouble;
40      Y0     : Gdouble);
41   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
42   --  Xx: Xx component of the affine transformation
43   --  Yx: Yx component of the affine transformation
44   --  Xy: Xy component of the affine transformation
45   --  Yy: Yy component of the affine transformation
46   --  X0: X translation component of the affine transformation
47   --  Y0: Y translation component of the affine transformation
48   --
49   --  Sets matrix to be the affine transformation given by
50   --  Xx, Yx, Xy, Yy, X0, Y0. The transformation is given
51   --  by:
52   --
53   --    X_new = Xx * X + Xy * Y + X0;
54   --    Y_new = Yx * X + Yy * Y + Y0;
56   procedure Init_Identity (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix);
57   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
58   --
59   --  Modifies matrix to be an identity transformation.
61   procedure Init_Translate
62     (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix;
63      Tx     : Gdouble;
64      Ty     : Gdouble);
65   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
66   --  Tx: amount to translate in the X direction
67   --  Ty: amount to translate in the Y direction
68   --
69   --  Initializes matrix to a transformation that translates by Tx and
70   --  Ty in the X and Y dimensions, respectively.
72   procedure Init_Scale
73     (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix;
74      Sx     : Gdouble;
75      Sy     : Gdouble);
76   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
77   --  Sx: scale factor in the X direction
78   --  Sy: scale factor in the Y direction
79   --
80   --  Initializes matrix to a transformation that scales by Sx and Sy
81   --  in the X and Y dimensions, respectively.
83   procedure Init_Rotate (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix; Radians : Gdouble);
84   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
85   --  Radians: angle of rotation, in Radians. The direction of rotation
86   --  is defined such that positive angles rotate in the direction from
87   --  the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. With the default
88   --  axis orientation of cairo, positive angles rotate in a clockwise
89   --  direction.
90   --
91   --  Initialized matrix to a transformation that rotates by radians.
93   procedure Translate
94     (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix;
95      Tx     : Gdouble;
96      Ty     : Gdouble);
97   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
98   --  Tx: amount to translate in the X direction
99   --  Ty: amount to translate in the Y direction
100   --
101   --  Applies a translation by Tx, Ty to the transformation in
102   --  matrix. The effect of the new transformation is to first translate
103   --  the coordinates by Tx and Ty, then apply the original transformation
104   --  to the coordinates.
106   procedure Scale
107     (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix;
108      Sx     : Gdouble;
109      Sy     : Gdouble);
110   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
111   --  Sx: scale factor in the X direction
112   --  Sy: scale factor in the Y direction
113   --
114   --  Applies scaling by Sx, Sy to the transformation in matrix. The
115   --  effect of the new transformation is to first scale the coordinates
116   --  by Sx and Sy, then apply the original transformation to the coordinates.
118   procedure Rotate (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix; Radians : Gdouble);
119   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
120   --  Radians: angle of rotation, in Radians. The direction of rotation
121   --  is defined such that positive angles rotate in the direction from
122   --  the positive X axis toward the positive Y axis. With the default
123   --  axis orientation of cairo, positive angles rotate in a clockwise
124   --  direction.
125   --
126   --  Applies rotation by radians to the transformation in matrix. The effect
127   --  of the new transformation is to first rotate the coordinates by radians,
128   --  then apply the original transformation to the coordinates.
130   function Invert (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix) return Cairo_Status;
131   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
132   --
133   --  Changes matrix to be the inverse of its original value. Not
134   --  all transformation matrices have inverses; if the matrix
135   --  collapses points together (it is "degenerate"),
136   --  then it has no inverse and this function will fail.
137   --
138   --  Returns: If matrix has an inverse, modifies matrix to
139   --  be the inverse matrix and returns Cairo_Status_Success. Otherwise,
140   --  returns Cairo_Status_Invalid_Matrix.
142   procedure Multiply
143     (Result : access Cairo_Matrix;
144      A      : access Cairo_Matrix;
145      B      : access Cairo_Matrix);
146   --  Result: a Cairo_Matrix in which to store the Result
147   --  A: a Cairo_Matrix
148   --  B: a Cairo_Matrix
149   --
150   --  Multiplies the affine transformations in a and b together
151   --  and stores the result in result. The effect of the resulting
152   --  transformation is to first apply the transformation in a to the
153   --  coordinates and then apply the transformation in b to the
154   --  coordinates.
155   --
156   --  It is allowable for result to be identical to either a or b.
158   procedure Transform_Distance
159     (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix;
160      Dx     : access Gdouble;
161      Dy     : access Gdouble);
162   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
163   --  Dx: X component of a distance vector. An in/out parameter
164   --  Dy: Y component of a distance vector. An in/out parameter
165   --
166   --  Transforms the distance vector (Dx,Dy) by matrix. This is
167   --  similar to Cairo.Matrix.Transform_Point except that the translation
168   --  components of the transformation are ignored. The calculation of
169   --  the returned vector is as follows:
170   --
171   --  Dx2 = Dx1 * A + Dy1 * C;
172   --  Dy2 = Dx1 * B + Dy1 * D;
173   --
174   --  Affine transformations are position invariant, so the same vector
175   --  always transforms to the same vector. If (X1,Y1) transforms
176   --  to (X2,Y2) then (X1+Dx1,Y1+Dy1) will transform to
177   --  (X1+Dx2,Y1+Dy2) for all values of X1 and X2.
179   procedure Transform_Point
180     (Matrix : access Cairo_Matrix;
181      X      : access Gdouble;
182      Y      : access Gdouble);
183   --  Matrix: a Cairo_Matrix
184   --  X: X position. An in/out parameter
185   --  Y: Y position. An in/out parameter
186   --
187   --  Transforms the point (X, Y) by matrix.
191   pragma Import (C, Init, "cairo_matrix_init");
192   pragma Import (C, Init_Identity, "cairo_matrix_init_identity");
193   pragma Import (C, Init_Translate, "cairo_matrix_init_translate");
194   pragma Import (C, Init_Scale, "cairo_matrix_init_scale");
195   pragma Import (C, Init_Rotate, "cairo_matrix_init_rotate");
196   pragma Import (C, Translate, "cairo_matrix_translate");
197   pragma Import (C, Scale, "cairo_matrix_scale");
198   pragma Import (C, Rotate, "cairo_matrix_rotate");
199   pragma Import (C, Invert, "cairo_matrix_invert");
200   pragma Import (C, Multiply, "cairo_matrix_multiply");
201   pragma Import (C, Transform_Distance, "cairo_matrix_transform_distance");
202   pragma Import (C, Transform_Point, "cairo_matrix_transform_point");
204end Cairo.Matrix;