1# VBForm version file=1.2 builder=0.2
2# [preload] Prima::ComboBox
5	return (
6	'TabbedNotebook1' => {
7		class   => 'Prima::TabbedNotebook',
8		module  => 'Prima::Notebooks',
9		extras => {
10			AddBtn => '3',
11			CmdLine => '2',
12			Color => '0',
13			CopyCount => '0',
14			DelBtn => '3',
15			HelpBtn => '1',
16			ImageViewer1 => '0',
17			ImageViewer2 => '0',
18			ImageViewer3 => '0',
19			ImageViewer4 => '0',
20			ImportBtn => '3',
21			LPLabel => '2',
22			LPRadio => '2',
23			LParams => '2',
24			Label1 => '0',
25			Label2 => '0',
26			Label3 => '0',
27			Label4 => '0',
28			Orientation => '0',
29			PaperSize => '0',
30			Profiles => '3',
31			Radio1 => '0',
32			Radio2 => '0',
33			Radio3 => '0',
34			Radio4 => '0',
35			Radio6 => '2',
36			Radio7 => '2',
37			RenameBtn => '3',
38			Resolution => '0',
39			SaveBtn => '3',
40			Scaling => '0',
41			Spool => '2',
42			VBool => '1',
43			VCombo => '1',
44			VHint => '1',
45			VList => '1',
46			VText => '1',
47			ValueBook => '1',
48			ValueBox => '1',
49		},
50		actions => {
51			onChild => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('$_[2]-> defaultInsertPage( $_[1]-> {extras}-> {$_[3]})
52','TabbedNotebook1', 'onChild'),
53		},
54		profile => {
55			growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowHiY,
56			name => 'TabbedNotebook1',
57			origin => [ 0, 64],
58			owner => 'Form1',
59			size => [ 329, 366],
60			tabs => ['Page setup', 'Advanced', 'Spooling', 'Profiles', ],
61	}},
62	'Form1' => {
63		class   => 'Prima::Window',
64		module  => 'Prima::Classes',
65		parent => 1,
66		code => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB(''),
67		profile => {
68			bottom => 348,
69			centered => 1,
70			designScale => [ 6, 16],
71			height => 430,
72			left => 440,
73			name => 'Form1',
74			onCreate => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
75$self-> {imgConvProc} = sub {
76  my $self = $_[0];
77  my $a = $self-> image-> dup;
78  $a-> set( rop => rop::Whiteness, rop2 => rop::Blackness);
79  $a-> map( $a-> pixel( $a-> width - 1, $a-> height - 1));
80  $a->type(1);
81  my $x = $self-> image-> dup;
82  $x-> set( rop2 => rop::NoOper, rop => rop::Blackness);
83  $x-> map( $x-> pixel( $x-> width - 1, $a-> height - 1));
84  my $i  = Prima::Icon-> create;
85  $i-> combine( $x, $a);
86  $self-> image(  $i);
88','Form1', 'onCreate'),
89			onExecute => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
90my $x = $self-> TabbedNotebook1-> Notebook;
91$x-> HelpBtn-> notify(\'Click\') if
92   $x->bring("ValueBox") && $x-> ValueBox-> ValueBook-> pageIndex == 3;
93','Form1', 'onExecute'),
94			origin => [ 795, 325],
95			originDontCare => 0,
96			size => [ 330, 430],
97			sizeDontCare => 0,
98			text => 'PostScript printer settings',
99			width => 330,
100	}},
101	'Label1' => {
102		class   => 'Prima::Label',
103		module  => 'Prima::Label',
104		siblings => [qw(focusLink)],
105		profile => {
106			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
107			name => 'Label1',
108			origin => [ 9, 241],
109			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
110			size => [ 100, 20],
111			text => 'Paper si~ze:',
112	}},
113	'PaperSize' => {
114		class   => 'Prima::ComboBox',
115		module  => 'Prima::ComboBox',
116		profile => {
117			growMode => gm::GrowLoX,
118			name => 'PaperSize',
119			origin => [ 114, 241],
120			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
121			size => [ 178, 21],
122			style => cs::DropDownList,
123	}},
124	'Label3' => {
125		class   => 'Prima::Label',
126		module  => 'Prima::Label',
127		siblings => [qw(focusLink)],
128		profile => {
129			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
130			name => 'Label3',
131			origin => [ 9, 189],
132			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
133			size => [ 100, 20],
134			text => '~Scaling, %:',
135	}},
136	'Scaling' => {
137		class   => 'Prima::SpinEdit',
138		module  => 'Prima::Sliders',
139		profile => {
140			growMode => gm::GrowLoX,
141			max => 1000,
142			min => 1,
143			name => 'Scaling',
144			origin => [ 114, 190],
145			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
146			size => [ 178, 20],
147			step => 10,
148			value => 100,
149	}},
150	'Label4' => {
151		class   => 'Prima::Label',
152		module  => 'Prima::Label',
153		siblings => [qw(focusLink)],
154		profile => {
155			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
156			origin => [ 9, 215],
157			name => 'Label4',
158			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
159			size => [ 100, 20],
160			text => '~Resolution:',
161	}},
162	'Label2' => {
163		class   => 'Prima::Label',
164		module  => 'Prima::Label',
165		siblings => [qw(focusLink)],
166		profile => {
167			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
168			name => 'Label2',
169			origin => [ 9, 163],
170			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
171			size => [ 100, 20],
172			text => '~Copy count:',
173	}},
174	'Resolution' => {
175		class   => 'Prima::SpinEdit',
176		module  => 'Prima::Sliders',
177		profile => {
178			growMode => gm::GrowLoX,
179			max => 32000,
180			min => 25,
181			name => 'Resolution',
182			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
183			origin => [ 114, 215],
184			size => [ 178, 20],
185			step => 100,
186			value => 300,
187	}},
188	'Orientation' => {
189		class   => 'Prima::RadioGroup',
190		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
191		profile => {
192			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
193			name => 'Orientation',
194			origin => [ 8, 86],
195			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
196			size => [ 287, 76],
197			text => 'Orientation',
198	}},
199	'CopyCount' => {
200		class   => 'Prima::SpinEdit',
201		module  => 'Prima::Sliders',
202		profile => {
203			growMode => gm::GrowLoX,
204			max => 1000,
205			min => 1,
206			name => 'CopyCount',
207			origin => [ 114, 164],
208			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
209			size => [ 178, 20],
210			value => 1,
211	}},
212	'ImageViewer1' => {
213		class   => 'Prima::ImageViewer',
214		module  => 'Prima::ImageViewer',
215		profile => {
216			autoHScroll => 0,
217			autoVScroll => 0,
218			image => Prima::Image-> create( width=>24, height=>29, type => im::bpp4,
219palette => [ 0,0,0,0,0,128,0,128,0,0,128,128,128,0,0,128,0,128,128,128,0,128,128,128,192,192,192,0,0,255,0,255,0,0,255,255,255,0,0,255,0,255,255,255,0,255,255,255],
220 data =>
240			name => 'ImageViewer1',
241			onCreate => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('$_[0]-> owner-> owner-> owner-> owner-> {imgConvProc}->($_[0]);
242','ImageViewer1', 'onCreate'),
243			origin => [ 12, 17],
244			owner => 'Orientation',
245			size => [ 24, 29],
246			stretch => 1,
247	}},
248	'Radio1' => {
249		class   => 'Prima::Radio',
250		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
251		profile => {
252			name => 'Radio1',
253			origin => [ 43, 12],
254			owner => 'Orientation',
255			size => [ 89, 36],
256			text => '~Portrait',
257	}},
258	'ImageViewer2' => {
259		class   => 'Prima::ImageViewer',
260		module  => 'Prima::ImageViewer',
261		profile => {
262			autoHScroll => 0,
263			autoVScroll => 0,
264			image => Prima::Image-> create( width=>29, height=>23, type => im::bpp4,
265palette => [ 0,0,0,0,0,128,0,128,0,0,128,128,128,0,0,128,0,128,128,128,0,128,128,128,192,192,192,0,0,255,0,255,0,0,255,255,255,0,0,255,0,255,255,255,0,255,255,255],
266 data =>
287			name => 'ImageViewer2',
288			onCreate => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('$_[0]-> owner-> owner-> owner-> owner-> {imgConvProc}->($_[0]);
289','ImageViewer2', 'onCreate'),
290			origin => [ 138, 19],
291			owner => 'Orientation',
292			size => [ 29, 24],
293			stretch => 1,
294	}},
295	'Radio2' => {
296		class   => 'Prima::Radio',
297		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
298		profile => {
299			name => 'Radio2',
300			origin => [ 174, 12],
301			owner => 'Orientation',
302			size => [ 103, 36],
303			text => '~Landscape',
304	}},
305	'Color' => {
306		class   => 'Prima::RadioGroup',
307		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
308		profile => {
309			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
310			name => 'Color',
311			origin => [ 8, 9],
312			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
313			size => [ 287, 76],
314			text => 'Color appearance',
315	}},
316	'ImageViewer3' => {
317		class   => 'Prima::ImageViewer',
318		module  => 'Prima::ImageViewer',
319		profile => {
320			autoHScroll => 0,
321			autoVScroll => 0,
322			image => Prima::Image-> create( width=>26, height=>32, type => im::bpp4,
323palette => [ 0,0,0,0,0,128,0,128,0,0,128,128,128,0,0,128,0,128,128,128,0,128,128,128,192,192,192,0,0,255,0,255,0,0,255,255,255,0,0,255,0,255,255,255,0,255,255,255],
324 data =>
352			name => 'ImageViewer3',
353			onCreate => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('$_[0]-> owner-> owner-> owner-> owner-> {imgConvProc}->($_[0]);
354','ImageViewer3', 'onCreate'),
355			origin => [ 11, 18],
356			owner => 'Color',
357			size => [ 26, 32],
358			stretch => 1,
359	}},
360	'ImageViewer4' => {
361		class   => 'Prima::ImageViewer',
362		module  => 'Prima::ImageViewer',
363		profile => {
364			autoHScroll => 0,
365			autoVScroll => 0,
366			image => Prima::Image-> create( width=>26, height=>32, type => im::bpp4,
367palette => [ 0,0,0,0,0,128,0,128,0,0,128,128,128,0,0,128,0,128,128,128,0,128,128,128,192,192,192,0,0,255,0,255,0,0,255,255,255,0,0,255,0,255,255,255,0,255,255,255],
368 data =>
396			name => 'ImageViewer4',
397			onCreate => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('$_[0]-> owner-> owner-> owner-> owner-> {imgConvProc}->($_[0]);
398','ImageViewer4', 'onCreate'),
399			origin => [ 138, 18],
400			owner => 'Color',
401			size => [ 26, 32],
402			stretch => 1,
403	}},
404	'Radio3' => {
405		class   => 'Prima::Radio',
406		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
407		profile => {
408			name => 'Radio3',
409			origin => [ 43, 12],
410			owner => 'Color',
411			size => [ 89, 36],
412			text => '~Gray',
413	}},
414	'Radio4' => {
415		class   => 'Prima::Radio',
416		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
417		profile => {
418			name => 'Radio4',
419			origin => [ 174, 12],
420			owner => 'Color',
421			size => [ 103, 36],
422			text => 'C~olor',
423	}},
424	'VList' => {
425		class   => 'Prima::DetailedList',
426		module  => 'Prima::DetailedList',
427		profile => {
428			clickable => 0,
429			columns => 2,
430			dragable => 0,
431			growMode => gm::GrowLoY | gm::GrowHiX,
432			headers => ['Item', 'Setting', ],
433			items => [['IsEPS', ' ', '1', '0', ],['MediaType', ' ', '0', ' ', ],['MediaColor', ' ', '0', ' ', ],['MediaWeight', ' ', '0', ' ', ],['MediaClass', ' ', '0', ' ', ],['InsertSheet', ' ', '1', '0', ],['LeadingEdge', ' ', '2', '0', ],['ManualFeed', ' ', '1', '0', ],['TraySwitch', ' ', '1', '0', ],['MediaPosition', ' ', '0', ' ', ],['DeferredMediaSelection', ' ', '1', '0', ],['MatchAll', ' ', '1', '0', ],],
434			name => 'VList',
435			onCreate => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
436$self-> widths([($self->width / 2 ) x 2]);
438$self-> {helpData} = {
439   IsEPS => <<A,
440Generate encapsulated postscript document
442   MediaType => <<A,
443An arbitrary string representing special attributes of the medium other
444than its size, color, and weight. This parameter can be used to identify special
445media such as envelopes, letterheads, or preprinted forms.
447   MediaClass => <<A,
448(Level 3) An arbitrary string representing attributes of the medium
449that may require special action by the output device, such as the selection
450of a color rendering dictionary. Devices should use the value of this
451parameter to trigger such media-related actions, reserving the MediaType
452parameter (above) for generic attributes requiring no device-specific action.
453The MediaClass entry in the output device dictionary defines the allowable
454values for this parameter on a given device; attempting to set it to an unsupported
455value will cause a configuration error.
457   InsertSheet => <<A,
458(Level 3) A flag specifying whether to insert a sheet of some special
459medium directly into the output document. Media coming from a source
460for which this attribute is Yes are sent directly to the output bin without
461passing through the device\'s usual imaging mechanism (such as the fuser
462assembly on a laser printer). Consequently, nothing painted on the current
463page is actually imaged on the inserted medium.
465   LeadingEdge => <<A,
466(Level 3) A value specifying the edge of the input medium that will
467enter the printing engine or imager first and across which data will be imaged.
468Values reflect positions relative to a canonical page in portrait orientation
469(width smaller than height). When duplex printing is enabled, the canonical
470page orientation refers only to the front (recto) side of the medium.
472   ManualFeed => <<A,
473Flag indicating whether the input medium is to be fed manually by a human
474operator (Yes) or automatically (No). A Yes value asserts that the
475human operator will manually feed media conforming to the specified attributes
476( MediaColor, MediaWeight, MediaType, MediaClass, and InsertSheet). Thus, those
477attributes are not used to select from available media sources in the normal way,
478although their values may be presented to the human operator as an aid in selecting
479the correct medium. On devices that offer more than one manual feeding mechanism,
480the attributes may select among them.
482   TraySwitch => <<A,
483(Level 3)  A flag specifying whether the output device supports
484automatic switching of media sources. When the originally selected source
485runs out of medium, some devices with multiple media sources can switch
486automatically, without human intervention, to an alternate source with the
487same attributes (such as PageSize and MediaColor) as the original.
489   MediaPosition => <<A,
490(Level 3) The position number of the media source to be used.
491This parameter does not override the normal media selection process
492described in the text, but if specified it will be honored - provided it can
493satisfy the input media request in a manner consistent with normal media
494selection - even if the media source it specifies is not the best available
495match for the requested attributes.
497   DeferredMediaSelection => <<A,
498(Level 3) A flag determining when to perform media selection.
499If Yes, media will be selected by an independent printing subsystem associated
500with the output device itself.
502   MediaColor => <<AX,
503A string identifying the color of the medium.
505   MediaWeight => <<A,
506The weight of the medium in grams per square meter. \\"Basis weight\\" or
507or null \\"ream weight\\" in pounds can be converted to grams per square meter by
508multiplying by 3.76; for example, 10-pound paper is approximately 37.6
509grams per square meter.
511  MatchAll => <<A,
512A flag specifying whether input media request should match to all
513non-null values - MediaColor, MediaWeight etc.
517$self->{helpData}->{$_} =~ s/\\n/ /g for keys %{$self->{helpData}};
519','VList', 'onCreate'),
520			onSelectItem => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my ( $self, $index, $selectState) = @_;
521my @i = @{$self-> get_items( $$index[0])};
522my $vbox = $self-> owner-> ValueBox;
523$vbox-> text( "Change \'$i[0]\' setting");
524if ( $vbox-> ValueBook-> pageIndex == 3) {
525    $vbox-> ValueBook-> lock;
526    $self-> owner-> HelpBtn-> notify(q(Click));
527    $self-> owner-> HelpBtn-> notify(q(Click));
528    $vbox-> ValueBook-> unlock;
529    return;
531$vbox-> ValueBook-> pageIndex( $i[2]);
532my @vdt = qw(VText VBool VCombo);
533my @vdv = qw(text checked focusedItem);
534$vbox-> ValueBook-> bring($vdt[$i[2]])-> set( $vdv[$i[2]] => $i[3]);
535','VList', 'onSelectItem'),
536			origin => [ 5, 78],
537			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
538			scalable => 1,
539			size => [ 288, 180],
540	}},
541	'ValueBox' => {
542		class   => 'Prima::GroupBox',
543		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
544		profile => {
545			growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowHiY,
546			name => 'ValueBox',
547			origin => [ 4, 3],
548			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
549			size => [ 266, 66],
550			text => '',
551	}},
552	'ValueBook' => {
553		class   => 'Prima::Notebook',
554		module  => 'Prima::Notebooks',
555		extras => {
556			VBool => '1',
557			VCombo => '2',
558			VHint => '3',
559			VText => '0',
560		},
561		actions => {
562			onChild => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('$_[2]-> defaultInsertPage( $_[1]-> {extras}-> {$_[3]})
563','ValueBook', 'onChild'),
564		},
565		profile => {
566			growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowHiY,
567			name => 'ValueBook',
568			origin => [ 2, 3],
569			owner => 'ValueBox',
570			pageCount => 5,
571			pageIndex => 4,
572			size => [ 260, 47],
573	}},
574	'HelpBtn' => {
575		class   => 'Prima::Button',
576		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
577		profile => {
578			font => {style => fs::Bold, },
579			growMode => gm::GrowLoX,
580			name => 'HelpBtn',
581			onClick => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
582my $x = $self-> owner-> ValueBox-> ValueBook;
583if ( $x-> pageIndex == 3) {
584   $x-> pageIndex( $self-> {opa});
585} else {
586   my $y = $self-> owner-> VList;
587   my $i  = $y-> get_items( $y-> focusedItem);
588   $self-> {opa} = $x-> pageIndex;
589   if ( exists $y-> {helpData}-> {$$i[0]}) {
590       $x-> VHint-> text( $y-> {helpData}-> {$$i[0]});
591       $x-> pageIndex( 3);
592   }
594','HelpBtn', 'onClick'),
595			origin => [ 275, 41],
596			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
597			size => [ 20, 20],
598			text => '?',
599	}},
600	'VText' => {
601		class   => 'Prima::InputLine',
602		module  => 'Prima::InputLine',
603		profile => {
604			growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowHiY,
605			name => 'VText',
606			onChange => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
607my $x = $self-> owner-> owner-> owner-> VList;
608my $i = $x-> get_items( $x-> focusedItem);
609my $t = $self-> text;
610if (  $i-> [0] eq \'MediaPosition\' ||
611      $i-> [0] eq \'MediaWeight\' ) {
612    $t =~ s/^\\s*//; $t =~ s/\\s*$//;
613    if ( length $t) {
614         if ( $i-> [0] eq \'MediaWeight\') {
615             return unless $t =~ m/^\\s*([+-]?)(?=\\d|\\.\\d)\\d*(\\.\\d*)?([Ee]([+-]?\\d+))?\\s*$/;
616         } else {
617             return unless $t =~ m/^\\d+$/;
618         }
619    }
621$i-> [1] = $i-> [3] = $t;
622$x-> redraw_items( $x-> focusedItem);
623','VText', 'onChange'),
624			origin => [ 9, 15],
625			owner => 'ValueBook',
626			size => [ 240, 20],
627			text => '',
628	}},
629	'VCombo' => {
630		class   => 'Prima::ComboBox',
631		module  => 'Prima::ComboBox',
632		profile => {
633			growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowHiY,
634			items => ['None', 'Short edge, top of page', 'Long edge, right side of page', 'Short edge, bottom of page', 'Long edge, left side of page', ],
635			name => 'VCombo',
636			onChange => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
637my $x = $self-> owner-> owner-> owner-> VList;
638my $i = $x-> get_items( $x-> focusedItem);
639$i->[1] = $self-> text;
640$i-> [3] = $self-> focusedItem;
641$x-> redraw_items( $x-> focusedItem);
642','VCombo', 'onChange'),
643			origin => [ 13, 14],
644			owner => 'ValueBook',
645			size => [ 233, 23],
646			style => cs::DropDownList,
647	}},
648	'VBool' => {
649		class   => 'Prima::CheckBox',
650		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
651		profile => {
652			growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowHiY,
653			name => 'VBool',
654			onCheck => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
655my $x = $self-> owner-> owner-> owner-> VList;
656my $i = $x-> get_items( $x-> focusedItem);
657$i-> [3] = $self-> checked;
658$i->[1] = $i-> [3] ? \'Yes\' : \'No\';
659$x-> redraw_items( $x-> focusedItem);
660','VBool', 'onCheck'),
661			origin => [ 10, 8],
662			owner => 'ValueBook',
663			size => [ 100, 36],
664			text => '',
665	}},
666	'VHint' => {
667		class   => 'Prima::Edit',
668		module  => 'Prima::Edit',
669		profile => {
670			backColor => wc::Dialog | cl::Back,
671			growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowHiY,
672			name => 'VHint',
673			origin => [ 0, 0],
674			owner => 'ValueBook',
675			readOnly => 1,
676			size => [ 260, 47],
677			text => '',
678			vScroll => 1,
679			wordWrap => 1,
680	}},
681	'LPRadio' => {
682		class   => 'Prima::Radio',
683		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
684		profile => {
685			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
686			name => 'LPRadio',
687			onCreate => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
688$self-> enabled( 0) if
689  Prima::Application-> get_system_info->{apc} != apc::Unix;
690','LPRadio', 'onCreate'),
691			origin => [ 14, 148],
692			owner => 'Spool',
693			size => [ 272, 36],
694			text => 'Unix ~line printer (LP)',
695	}},
696	'Spool' => {
697		class   => 'Prima::RadioGroup',
698		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
699		profile => {
700			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
701			name => 'Spool',
702			origin => [ 5, 5],
703			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
704			size => [ 288, 208],
705			text => 'Output',
706	}},
707	'Profiles' => {
708		class   => 'Prima::ListBox',
709		module  => 'Prima::Lists',
710		profile => {
711			growMode => gm::GrowHiX | gm::GrowHiY,
712			name => 'Profiles',
713			origin => [ 4, 5],
714			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
715			size => [ 188, 256],
716	}},
717	'LPLabel' => {
718		class   => 'Prima::Label',
719		module  => 'Prima::Label',
720		siblings => [qw(focusLink)],
721		profile => {
722			name => 'LPLabel',
723			onCreate => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
724$self-> enabled( 0) if
725  Prima::Application-> get_system_info->{apc} != apc::Unix;
726','LPLabel', 'onCreate'),
727			origin => [ 14, 121],
728			owner => 'Spool',
729			size => [ 74, 20],
730			text => '~Parameters',
731	}},
732	'LParams' => {
733		class   => 'Prima::InputLine',
734		module  => 'Prima::InputLine',
735		profile => {
736			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
737			name => 'LParams',
738			onCreate => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
739$self-> enabled( 0) if
740  Prima::Application-> get_system_info->{apc} != apc::Unix;
741','LParams', 'onCreate'),
742			origin => [ 96, 122],
743			owner => 'Spool',
744			size => [ 182, 20],
745			text => '',
746	}},
747	'AddBtn' => {
748		class   => 'Prima::Button',
749		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
750		profile => {
751			growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
752			name => 'AddBtn',
753			origin => [ 195, 225],
754			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
755			size => [ 96, 36],
756			text => '~Add',
757	}},
758	'DelBtn' => {
759		class   => 'Prima::Button',
760		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
761		profile => {
762			growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
763			name => 'DelBtn',
764			origin => [ 195, 145],
765			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
766			size => [ 96, 36],
767			text => '~Remove',
768	}},
769	'Radio6' => {
770		class   => 'Prima::Radio',
771		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
772		profile => {
773			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
774			name => 'Radio6',
775			origin => [ 14, 79],
776			owner => 'Spool',
777			size => [ 272, 36],
778			text => '~File',
779	}},
780	'Radio7' => {
781		class   => 'Prima::Radio',
782		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
783		profile => {
784			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
785			name => 'Radio7',
786			origin => [ 14, 41],
787			owner => 'Spool',
788			size => [ 272, 36],
789			text => '~Command',
790	}},
791	'SaveBtn' => {
792		class   => 'Prima::Button',
793		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
794		profile => {
795			growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
796			name => 'SaveBtn',
797			origin => [ 195, 105],
798			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
799			size => [ 96, 36],
800			text => '~Save',
801	}},
802	'ImportBtn' => {
803		class   => 'Prima::Button',
804		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
805		profile => {
806			growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
807			name => 'ImportBtn',
808			onCreate => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
809$self-> enabled( 0) if
810  Prima::Application-> get_system_info->{apc} != apc::Unix;
811','ImportBtn', 'onCreate'),
812			origin => [ 195, 65],
813			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
814			size => [ 96, 36],
815			text => '~Import...',
816	}},
817	'RenameBtn' => {
818		class   => 'Prima::Button',
819		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
820		profile => {
821			growMode => gm::GrowLoX | gm::GrowLoY,
822			name => 'RenameBtn',
823			origin => [ 195, 185],
824			owner => 'TabbedNotebook1',
825			size => [ 96, 36],
826			text => 'Re~name',
827	}},
828	'CmdLine' => {
829		class   => 'Prima::InputLine',
830		module  => 'Prima::InputLine',
831		profile => {
832			growMode => gm::GrowHiX,
833			name => 'CmdLine',
834			origin => [ 37, 18],
835			owner => 'Spool',
836			size => [ 241, 20],
837			text => '',
838	}},
839	'OK' => {
840		class   => 'Prima::Button',
841		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
842		profile => {
843			default => 1,
844			name => 'OK',
845			origin => [ 5, 5],
846			owner => 'Form1',
847			size => [ 96, 36],
848			text => '~OK',
849	}},
850	'Cancel' => {
851		class   => 'Prima::Button',
852		module  => 'Prima::Buttons',
853		profile => {
854			name => 'Cancel',
855			onClick => Prima::VB::VBLoader::GO_SUB('my $self = $_[0];
856$self-> owner-> cancel;
857','Cancel', 'onClick'),
858			origin => [ 110, 5],
859			owner => 'Form1',
860			size => [ 96, 36],
861			text => 'Cancel',
862	}},
863	);