1 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 // Name:        mimetype.h
3 // Purpose:     interface of wxMimeTypesManager
4 // Author:      wxWidgets team
5 // Licence:     wxWindows licence
6 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
8 /**
9     @class wxMimeTypesManager
11     This class allows the application to retrieve information about all known
12     MIME types from a system-specific location and the filename extensions to the
13     MIME types and vice versa.
15     MIME stands for "Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions" and was originally
16     used in mail protocols. It's standardized by several RFCs.
18     Under Windows, the MIME type information is queried from registry.
19     Under Linux and Unix, it is queried from the XDG data directories.
21     Currently, wxMimeTypesManager is limited to @e reading MIME type information.
23     The application should not construct its own manager: it should use the
24     object pointer ::wxTheMimeTypesManager.
25     The functions GetFileTypeFromMimeType() and GetFileTypeFromExtension()
26     return a wxFileType object which may be further queried for file description,
27     icon and other attributes.
29     @section mimetypemanager_helpers Helper functions
31     All of these functions are static (i.e. don't need a wxMimeTypesManager object
32     to call them) and provide some useful operations for string representations of
33     MIME types. Their usage is recommended instead of directly working with MIME
34     types using wxString functions.
36     - wxMimeTypesManager::IsOfType()
38     @section mimetypemanager_query Query database
40     These functions are the heart of this class: they allow to find a file type
41     object from either file extension or MIME type.
42     If the function is successful, it returns a pointer to the wxFileType object
43     which must be deleted by the caller, otherwise @NULL will be returned.
45     - wxMimeTypesManager::GetFileTypeFromMimeType()
46     - wxMimeTypesManager::GetFileTypeFromExtension()
48     @library{wxbase}
49     @category{cfg}
51     @see wxFileType
52 */
53 class wxMimeTypesManager
54 {
55 public:
56     /**
57         Constructor puts the object in the "working" state.
58     */
59     wxMimeTypesManager();
61     /**
62         Destructor is not virtual, so this class should not be derived from.
63     */
64     ~wxMimeTypesManager();
66     /**
67         This function may be used to provide hard-wired fallbacks for the MIME types
68         and extensions that might not be present in the system MIME database.
69         Please see the typetest sample for an example of using it.
70     */
71     void AddFallbacks(const wxFileTypeInfo* fallbacks);
73     /**
74         Gather information about the files with given extension and return the
75         corresponding wxFileType object or @NULL if the extension is unknown.
77         The @a extension parameter may have, or not, the leading dot, if it has it,
78         it is stripped automatically. It must not however be empty.
79     */
80     wxFileType* GetFileTypeFromExtension(const wxString& extension);
82     /**
83         Gather information about the files with given MIME type and return the
84         corresponding wxFileType object or @NULL if the MIME type is unknown.
85     */
86     wxFileType* GetFileTypeFromMimeType(const wxString& mimeType);
89     /**
90         This function returns @true if either the given @a mimeType is exactly
91         the same as @a wildcard or if it has the same category and the subtype of
92         @a wildcard is '*'. Note that the '*' wildcard is not allowed in
93         @a mimeType itself.
95         The comparison don by this function is case insensitive so it is not
96         necessary to convert the strings to the same case before calling it.
97     */
98     static bool IsOfType(const wxString& mimeType, const wxString& wildcard);
101     /**
102        Create a new association using the fields of wxFileTypeInfo (at least
103        the MIME type and the extension should be set).
104     */
105     wxFileType *Associate(const wxFileTypeInfo& ftInfo);
107     /**
108        Undo Associate().
109     */
110     bool Unassociate(wxFileType *ft) ;
112     /**
113        Enumerate all known file types.  Returns the number of retrieved items.
114      */
115     size_t EnumAllFileTypes(wxArrayString& mimetypes);
117 };
120 /**
121     The global wxMimeTypesManager instance.
122 */
123 wxMimeTypesManager* wxTheMimeTypesManager;
127 /**
128     @class wxFileType
130     This class holds information about a given @e file type.
132     File type is the same as MIME type under Unix, but under Windows it corresponds
133     more to an extension than to MIME type (in fact, several extensions may
134     correspond to a file type).
136     This object may be created in several different ways: the program might know the
137     file extension and wish to find out the corresponding MIME type or, conversely, it
138     might want to find the right extension for the file to which it writes the
139     contents of given MIME type. Depending on how it was created some fields may be
140     unknown so the return value of all the accessors @b must be checked: @false
141     will be returned if the corresponding information couldn't be found.
143     The objects of this class are never created by the application code but are
144     returned by wxMimeTypesManager::GetFileTypeFromMimeType and
145     wxMimeTypesManager::GetFileTypeFromExtension methods.
146     But it is your responsibility to delete the returned pointer when you're done
147     with it!
149     A brief reminder about what the MIME types are (see the RFC 1341 for more
150     information): basically, it is just a pair category/type (for example,
151     "text/plain") where the category is a basic indication of what a file is.
152     Examples of categories are "application", "image", "text", "binary", and
153     type is a precise definition of the document format: "plain" in the example
154     above means just ASCII text without any formatting, while "text/html" is the
155     HTML document source.
157     A MIME type may have one or more associated extensions: "text/plain" will
158     typically correspond to the extension ".txt", but may as well be associated with
159     ".ini" or ".conf".
162     @section filetype_example MessageParameters class
164     One of the most common usages of MIME is to encode an e-mail message.
165     The MIME type of the encoded message is an example of a message parameter.
166     These parameters are found in the message headers ("Content-XXX").
168     At the very least, they must specify the MIME type and the version of MIME
169     used, but almost always they provide additional information about the message
170     such as the original file name or the charset (for the text documents).
171     These parameters may be useful to the program used to open, edit, view or
172     print the message, so, for example, an e-mail client program will have to
173     pass them to this program. Because wxFileType itself cannot know about
174     these parameters, it uses MessageParameters class to query them.
176     The default implementation only requires the caller to provide the file name
177     (always used by the program to be called - it must know which file to open)
178     and the MIME type and supposes that there are no other parameters.
180     If you wish to supply additional parameters, you must derive your own class
181     from MessageParameters and override GetParamValue() function, for example:
183     @code
184     // provide the message parameters for the MIME type manager
185     class MailMessageParameters : public wxFileType::MessageParameters
186     {
187     public:
188         MailMessageParameters(const wxString& filename,
189                                 const wxString& mimetype)
190             : wxFileType::MessageParameters(filename, mimetype)
191         {
192         }
194         virtual wxString GetParamValue(const wxString& name) const
195         {
196             // parameter names are not case-sensitive
197             if ( name.CmpNoCase("charset") == 0 )
198                 return "US-ASCII";
199             else
200                 return wxFileType::MessageParameters::GetParamValue(name);
201         }
202     };
203     @endcode
205     Now you only need to create an object of this class and pass it to, for example,
206     GetOpenCommand like this:
208     @code
209     wxString command;
210     if ( filetype->GetOpenCommand(&command,
211                                 MailMessageParameters("foo.txt", "text/plain")) )
212     {
213         // the full command for opening the text documents is in 'command'
214         // (it might be "notepad foo.txt" under Windows or "cat foo.txt" under Unix)
215     }
216     else
217     {
218         // we don't know how to handle such files...
219     }
220     @endcode
222     Windows: As only the file name is used by the program associated with the
223     given extension anyhow (but no other message parameters), there is no need
224     to ever derive from MessageParameters class for a Windows-only program.
227     @library{wxbase}
228     @category{data}
230     @see wxMimeTypesManager
231 */
232 class wxFileType
233 {
234 private:
235     /**
236         The default constructor is private because you should never create objects of
237         this type: they are only returned by wxMimeTypesManager methods.
238     */
239     wxFileType();
241 public:
242     /**
243         Class representing message parameters.
245         An object of this class may be passed to wxFileType::GetOpenCommand()
246         and GetPrintCommand() if more than the file name needs to be specified.
247      */
248     class MessageParameters
249     {
250     public:
251         /// Trivial default constructor.
252         MessageParameters();
254         /// Constructor taking a filename and a mime type.
255         MessageParameters(const wxString& filename,
256                           const wxString& mimetype = wxEmptyString);
258         /// Return the filename.
259         const wxString& GetFileName() const;
261         /// Return the MIME type.
262         const wxString& GetMimeType() const;
264         /// Overridable method for derived classes. Returns empty string by default.
265         virtual wxString GetParamValue(const wxString& name) const;
267         /// Trivial but virtual dtor as this class can be inherited from.
268         virtual ~MessageParameters();
269     };
271     /**
272         Copy ctor.
273     */
274     wxFileType(const wxFileTypeInfo& ftInfo);
276     /**
277         The destructor of this class is not virtual, so it should not be derived from.
278     */
279     ~wxFileType();
281     /**
282         This function is primarily intended for GetOpenCommand and GetPrintCommand
283         usage but may be also used by the application directly if, for example, you
284         want to use some non-default command to open the file.
286         The function replaces all occurrences of:
287         - %s with the full file name
288         - %t with the MIME type
289         - %{param} with the value of the parameter @e param
290         using the MessageParameters object you pass to it.
292         If there is no '%s' in the command string (and the string is not empty), it is
293         assumed that the command reads the data on stdin and so the effect is the same
294         as " %s" were appended to the string.
296         Unlike all other functions of this class, there is no error return for this
297         function.
298     */
299     static wxString ExpandCommand(const wxString& command,
300                                   const MessageParameters& params);
302     /**
303         If the function returns @true, the string pointed to by @a desc is filled
304         with a brief description for this file type: for example, "text document" for
305         the "text/plain" MIME type.
306     */
307     bool GetDescription(wxString* desc) const;
309     /**
310         If the function returns @true, the array @a extensions is filled
311         with all extensions associated with this file type: for example, it may
312         contain the following two elements for the MIME type "text/html"
313         (notice the absence of the leading dot): "html" and "htm".
315         @b Windows: This function is currently not implemented: there is no
316         (efficient) way to retrieve associated extensions from the given MIME type
317         on this platform, so it will only return @true if the wxFileType object was
318         created by wxMimeTypesManager::GetFileTypeFromExtension function in the
319         first place.
320     */
321     bool GetExtensions(wxArrayString& extensions);
323     /**
324         If the function returns @true, the @c iconLoc is filled with the
325         location of the icon for this MIME type.
327         A wxIcon may be created from @a iconLoc later.
329         \note Under Unix MIME manager gathers information about icons from
330         GNOME and KDE settings and thus GetIcon's success depends on
331         availability of these desktop environments.
332     */
333     bool GetIcon(wxIconLocation* iconLoc) const;
335     /**
336         If the function returns @true, the string pointed to by @a mimeType is filled
337         with full MIME type specification for this file type: for example, "text/plain".
338     */
339     bool GetMimeType(wxString* mimeType) const;
341     /**
342         Same as GetMimeType() but returns array of MIME types.
344         This array will contain only one item in most cases but sometimes,
345         notably under Unix with KDE, may contain more MIME types.
346         This happens when one file extension is mapped to different MIME types
347         by KDE, mailcap and mime.types.
348     */
349     bool GetMimeTypes(wxArrayString& mimeTypes) const;
351     //@{
352     /**
353         With the first version of this method, if the @true is returned, the
354         string pointed to by @a command is filled with the command which must be
355         executed (see wxExecute()) in order to open the file of the given type.
357         In this case, the name of the file as well as any other parameters
358         is retrieved from MessageParameters() class.
360         In the second case, only the filename is specified and the command to be used
361         to open this kind of file is returned directly. An empty string is returned to
362         indicate that an error occurred (typically meaning that there is no standard way
363         to open this kind of files).
364     */
365     bool GetOpenCommand(wxString* command, const MessageParameters& params);
366     wxString GetOpenCommand(const wxString& filename) const;
367     //@}
369     /**
370         If the function returns @true, the string pointed to by @a command is filled
371         with the command which must be executed (see wxExecute()) in order to
372         print the file of the given type.
374         The name of the file is retrieved from the MessageParameters class.
375     */
376     bool GetPrintCommand(wxString* command,
377                          const MessageParameters& params) const;
379     /**
380        Returns the number of commands for this mime type, and fills the verbs
381        and commands arrays with the command information.
382      */
383     size_t GetAllCommands(wxArrayString *verbs, wxArrayString *commands,
384                           const wxFileType::MessageParameters& params) const;
385 };
389 /**
390     Container of information about wxFileType.
392     This class simply stores information associated with the file type. It
393     doesn't do anything on its own and is used only to allow constructing
394     wxFileType from it (instead of specifying all the constituent pieces
395     separately) and also with wxMimeTypesManager::AddFallbacks().
396  */
397 class wxFileTypeInfo
398 {
399 public:
400     /**
401         Default constructor creates an invalid file type info object.
403         Such invalid/empty object should be used to terminate the list of file
404         types passed to wxMimeTypesManager::AddFallbacks().
405      */
406     wxFileTypeInfo();
408     /**
409         Constructor specifying just the MIME type name.
411         Use the various setter methods below to fully initialize the object.
413         @since 2.9.2
414      */
415     wxFileTypeInfo(const wxString& mimeType);
417     /**
418         Constructor allowing to specify all the fields at once.
420         This is a vararg constructor taking an arbitrary number of extensions
421         after the first four required parameters. The list must be terminated
422         by @c wxNullPtr, notice that @c NULL can't be used here in portable
423         code (C++0x @c nullptr can be used as well if your compiler supports
424         it).
425      */
426     wxFileTypeInfo(const wxString& mimeType,
427                    const wxString& openCmd,
428                    const wxString& printCmd,
429                    const wxString& description,
430                    const wxString& extension,
431                    ...);
433     /**
434        Constuctor using an array of string elements corresponding to the
435        parameters of the ctor above in the same order.
436     */
437     wxFileTypeInfo(const wxArrayString& sArray);
439     /**
440         Add another extension associated with this file type.
442         @since 2.9.2
443      */
444     void AddExtension(const wxString& ext);
446     /**
447         Set the file type description.
449         @since 2.9.2
450      */
451     void SetDescription(const wxString& description);
453     /**
454         Set the command to be used for opening files of this type.
456         @since 2.9.2
457      */
458     void SetOpenCommand(const wxString& command);
460     /**
461         Set the command to be used for printing files of this type.
463         @since 2.9.2
464      */
465     void SetPrintCommand(const wxString& command);
467     /**
468         Set the short description for the files of this type.
470         This is only used under MSW for some of the registry keys used for the
471         file type registration.
472      */
473     void SetShortDesc(const wxString& shortDesc);
475     /**
476        Set the icon information.
477     */
478     void SetIcon(const wxString& iconFile, int iconIndex = 0);
480     /**
481        Get the MIME type
482     */
483     const wxString& GetMimeType() const;
485     /**
486        Get the open command
487     */
488     const wxString& GetOpenCommand() const;
490     /**
491        Get the print command
492     */
493     const wxString& GetPrintCommand() const;
495     /**
496        Get the short description (only used under Win32 so far)
497     */
498     const wxString& GetShortDesc() const;
500     /**
501        Get the long, user visible description
502     */
503     const wxString& GetDescription() const;
505     /**
506        Get the array of all extensions
507     */
508     const wxArrayString& GetExtensions() const;
510     /**
511        Get the number of extensions.
512     */
513     size_t GetExtensionsCount() const;
515     /**
516        Get the icon filename
517     */
518     const wxString& GetIconFile() const;
520     /**
521        Get the index of the icon within the icon file.
522     */
523     int GetIconIndex() const;
525 };