1 /*
2  * tkImgPNG.c --
3  *
4  *	A Tk photo image file handler for PNG files.
5  *
6  * Copyright © 2006-2008 Muonics, Inc.
7  * Copyright © 2008 Donal K. Fellows
8  *
9  * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
10  * this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
11  */
13 #include "tkInt.h"
15 #define	PNG_INT32(a,b,c,d)	\
16 	(((long)(a) << 24) | ((long)(b) << 16) | ((long)(c) << 8) | (long)(d))
17 #define	PNG_BLOCK_SZ	1024		/* Process up to 1k at a time. */
18 #define PNG_MIN(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
20 /*
21  * Every PNG image starts with the following 8-byte signature.
22  */
24 #define PNG_SIG_SZ	8
25 static const unsigned char pngSignature[] = {
26     137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10
27 };
29 static const int startLine[8] = {
30     0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 1
31 };
33 /*
34  * Chunk type flags.
35  */
37 #define PNG_CF_ANCILLARY 0x20000000L	/* Non-critical chunk (can ignore). */
38 #define PNG_CF_PRIVATE   0x00100000L	/* Application-specific chunk. */
39 #define PNG_CF_RESERVED  0x00001000L	/* Not used. */
40 #define PNG_CF_COPYSAFE  0x00000010L	/* Opaque data safe for copying. */
42 /*
43  * Chunk types, not all of which have support implemented. Note that there are
44  * others in the official extension set which we will never support (as they
45  * are officially deprecated).
46  */
48 #define CHUNK_IDAT	PNG_INT32('I','D','A','T')	/* Pixel data. */
49 #define CHUNK_IEND	PNG_INT32('I','E','N','D')	/* End of Image. */
50 #define CHUNK_IHDR	PNG_INT32('I','H','D','R')	/* Header. */
51 #define CHUNK_PLTE	PNG_INT32('P','L','T','E')	/* Palette. */
53 #define CHUNK_bKGD	PNG_INT32('b','K','G','D')	/* Background Color */
54 #define CHUNK_cHRM	PNG_INT32('c','H','R','M')	/* Chroma values. */
55 #define CHUNK_gAMA	PNG_INT32('g','A','M','A')	/* Gamma. */
56 #define CHUNK_hIST	PNG_INT32('h','I','S','T')	/* Histogram. */
57 #define CHUNK_iCCP	PNG_INT32('i','C','C','P')	/* Color profile. */
58 #define CHUNK_iTXt	PNG_INT32('i','T','X','t')	/* Internationalized
59 							 * text (comments,
60 							 * etc.) */
61 #define CHUNK_oFFs	PNG_INT32('o','F','F','s')	/* Image offset. */
62 #define CHUNK_pCAL	PNG_INT32('p','C','A','L')	/* Pixel calibration
63 							 * data. */
64 #define CHUNK_pHYs	PNG_INT32('p','H','Y','s')	/* Physical pixel
65 							 * dimensions. */
66 #define CHUNK_sBIT	PNG_INT32('s','B','I','T')	/* Significant bits */
67 #define CHUNK_sCAL	PNG_INT32('s','C','A','L')	/* Physical scale. */
68 #define CHUNK_sPLT	PNG_INT32('s','P','L','T')	/* Suggested
69 							 * palette. */
70 #define CHUNK_sRGB	PNG_INT32('s','R','G','B')	/* Standard RGB space
71 							 * declaration. */
72 #define CHUNK_tEXt	PNG_INT32('t','E','X','t')	/* Plain Latin-1
73 							 * text. */
74 #define CHUNK_tIME	PNG_INT32('t','I','M','E')	/* Time stamp. */
75 #define CHUNK_tRNS	PNG_INT32('t','R','N','S')	/* Transparency. */
76 #define CHUNK_zTXt	PNG_INT32('z','T','X','t')	/* Compressed Latin-1
77 							 * text. */
79 /*
80  * Color flags.
81  */
83 #define PNG_COLOR_INDEXED	1
84 #define PNG_COLOR_USED		2
85 #define PNG_COLOR_ALPHA		4
87 /*
88  * Actual color types.
89  */
91 #define PNG_COLOR_GRAY		0
97 /*
98  * Compression Methods.
99  */
103 /*
104  * Filter Methods.
105  */
109 /*
110  * Interlacing Methods.
111  */
113 #define	PNG_INTERLACE_NONE	0
114 #define PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7	1
116 /*
117  * State information, used to store everything about the PNG image being
118  * currently parsed or created.
119  */
121 typedef struct {
122     /*
123      * PNG data source/destination channel/object/byte array.
124      */
126     Tcl_Channel channel;	/* Channel for from-file reads. */
127     Tcl_Obj *objDataPtr;
128     unsigned char *strDataBuf;	/* Raw source data for from-string reads. */
129     TkSizeT strDataLen;		/* Length of source data. */
130     unsigned char *base64Data;	/* base64 encoded string data. */
131     unsigned char base64Bits;	/* Remaining bits from last base64 read. */
132     unsigned char base64State;	/* Current state of base64 decoder. */
133     double alpha;		/* Alpha from -format option. */
135     /*
136      * Image header information.
137      */
139     unsigned char bitDepth;	/* Number of bits per pixel. */
140     unsigned char colorType;	/* Grayscale, TrueColor, etc. */
141     unsigned char compression;	/* Compression Mode (always zlib). */
142     unsigned char filter;	/* Filter mode (0 - 3). */
143     unsigned char interlace;	/* Type of interlacing (if any). */
144     unsigned char numChannels;	/* Number of channels per pixel. */
145     unsigned char bytesPerPixel;/* Bytes per pixel in scan line. */
146     int bitScale;		/* Scale factor for RGB/Gray depths < 8. */
147     int currentLine;		/* Current line being unfiltered. */
148     unsigned char phase;	/* Interlacing phase (0..6). */
149     Tk_PhotoImageBlock block;
150     int blockLen;		/* Number of bytes in Tk image pixels. */
152     /*
153      * For containing data read from PLTE (palette) and tRNS (transparency)
154      * chunks.
155      */
157     int paletteLen;		/* Number of PLTE entries (1..256). */
158     int useTRNS;		/* Flag to indicate whether there was a
159 				 * palette given. */
160     struct {
161 	unsigned char red;
162 	unsigned char green;
163 	unsigned char blue;
164 	unsigned char alpha;
165     } palette[256];		/* Palette RGB/Transparency table. */
166     unsigned char transVal[6];	/* Fully-transparent RGB/Gray Value. */
168     /*
169      * For compressing and decompressing IDAT chunks.
170      */
172     Tcl_ZlibStream stream;	/* Inflating or deflating stream; this one is
173 				 * not bound to a Tcl command. */
174     Tcl_Obj *lastLineObj;	/* Last line of pixels, for unfiltering. */
175     Tcl_Obj *thisLineObj;	/* Current line of pixels to process. */
176     int lineSize;		/* Number of bytes in a PNG line. */
177     int phaseSize;		/* Number of bytes/line in current phase. */
180     /*
181      * Physical size: pHYS chunks.
182      */
184     double DPI;
185     double aspect;
187 } PNGImage;
189 /*
190  * Maximum size of various chunks.
191  */
193 #define	PNG_PLTE_MAXSZ 768	/* 3 bytes/RGB entry, 256 entries max */
194 #define	PNG_TRNS_MAXSZ 256	/* 1-byte alpha, 256 entries max */
196 /*
197  * Forward declarations of non-global functions defined in this file:
198  */
200 static void		ApplyAlpha(PNGImage *pngPtr);
201 static int		CheckColor(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr);
202 static inline int	CheckCRC(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
203 			    unsigned long calculated);
204 static void		CleanupPNGImage(PNGImage *pngPtr);
205 static int		DecodeLine(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr);
206 static int		DecodePNG(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
207 			    Tcl_Obj *fmtObj, Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle,
208 			    int destX, int destY);
209 static int		EncodePNG(Tcl_Interp *interp,
210 			    Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr, PNGImage *pngPtr,
211 			    Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj);
212 static int		FileMatchPNG(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Channel chan,
213 			    const char *fileName, Tcl_Obj *fmtObj,
214 			    Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj, int *widthPtr,
215 			    int *heightPtr, Tcl_Obj *metadataOut);
216 static int		FileReadPNG(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Channel chan,
217 			    const char *fileName, Tcl_Obj *fmtObj,
218 			    Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj, Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle,
219 			    int destX, int destY, int width, int height,
220 			    int srcX, int srcY, Tcl_Obj *metadataOutPtr);
221 static int		FileWritePNG(Tcl_Interp *interp, const char *filename,
222 			    Tcl_Obj *fmtObj, Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj,
223 			    Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr);
224 static int		InitPNGImage(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
225 			    Tcl_Channel chan, Tcl_Obj *objPtr, int dir);
226 static inline unsigned char Paeth(int a, int b, int c);
227 static int		ParseFormat(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *fmtObj,
228 			    PNGImage *pngPtr);
229 static int		ReadBase64(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
230 			    unsigned char *destPtr, size_t destSz,
231 			    unsigned long *crcPtr);
232 static int		ReadByteArray(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
233 			    unsigned char *destPtr, size_t destSz,
234 			    unsigned long *crcPtr);
235 static int		ReadData(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
236 			    unsigned char *destPtr, size_t destSz,
237 			    unsigned long *crcPtr);
238 static int		ReadChunkHeader(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
239 			    size_t *sizePtr, unsigned long *typePtr,
240 			    unsigned long *crcPtr);
241 static int		ReadIDAT(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
242 			    int chunkSz, unsigned long crc);
243 static int		ReadIHDR(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr);
244 static inline int	ReadInt32(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
245 			    unsigned long *resultPtr, unsigned long *crcPtr);
246 static int		ReadPLTE(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
247 			    int chunkSz, unsigned long crc);
248 static int		ReadTRNS(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
249 			    int chunkSz, unsigned long crc);
250 static int		SkipChunk(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
251 			    int chunkSz, unsigned long crc);
252 static int		StringMatchPNG(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *pObjData,
253 			    Tcl_Obj *fmtObj, Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj,
254 			    int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr,
255 			    Tcl_Obj *metadataOutObj);
256 static int		StringReadPNG(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *pObjData,
257 			    Tcl_Obj *fmtObj, Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj,
258 			    Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle,
259 			    int destX, int destY, int width, int height,
260 			    int srcX, int srcY, Tcl_Obj *metadataOutObj);
262 static int		StringWritePNG(Tcl_Interp *interp, Tcl_Obj *fmtObj,
263 			    Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj,
264 			    Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr);
265 static int		UnfilterLine(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr);
266 static inline int	WriteByte(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
267 			    unsigned char c, unsigned long *crcPtr);
268 static inline int	WriteChunk(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
269 			    unsigned long chunkType,
270 			    const unsigned char *dataPtr, size_t dataSize);
271 static int		WriteData(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
272 			    const unsigned char *srcPtr, size_t srcSz,
273 			    unsigned long *crcPtr);
274 static int		WriteExtraChunks(Tcl_Interp *interp,
275 			    PNGImage *pngPtr, Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj);
276 static int		WriteIHDR(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
277 			    Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr);
278 static int		WriteIDAT(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
279 			    Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr);
280 static inline int	WriteInt32(Tcl_Interp *interp, PNGImage *pngPtr,
281 			    unsigned long l, unsigned long *crcPtr);
283 /*
284  * The format record for the PNG file format:
285  */
287 Tk_PhotoImageFormatVersion3 tkImgFmtPNG = {
288     "png",			/* name */
289     FileMatchPNG,		/* fileMatchProc */
290     StringMatchPNG,		/* stringMatchProc */
291     FileReadPNG,		/* fileReadProc */
292     StringReadPNG,		/* stringReadProc */
293     FileWritePNG,		/* fileWriteProc */
294     StringWritePNG,		/* stringWriteProc */
295     NULL
296 };
298 /*
299  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
300  *
301  * InitPNGImage --
302  *
303  *	This function is invoked by each of the Tk image handler procs
304  *	(MatchStringProc, etc.) to initialize state information used during
305  *	the course of encoding or decoding a PNG image.
306  *
307  * Results:
308  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if initialization failed.
309  *
310  * Side effects:
311  *	The reference count of the -data Tcl_Obj*, if any, is incremented.
312  *
313  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
314  */
316 static int
InitPNGImage(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,Tcl_Channel chan,Tcl_Obj * objPtr,int dir)317 InitPNGImage(
318     Tcl_Interp *interp,
319     PNGImage *pngPtr,
320     Tcl_Channel chan,
321     Tcl_Obj *objPtr,
322     int dir)
323 {
324     memset(pngPtr, 0, sizeof(PNGImage));
326     pngPtr->channel = chan;
327     pngPtr->alpha = 1.0;
329     /*
330      * If decoding from a -data string object, increment its reference count
331      * for the duration of the decode and get its length and byte array for
332      * reading with ReadData().
333      */
335     if (objPtr) {
336 	Tcl_IncrRefCount(objPtr);
337 	pngPtr->objDataPtr = objPtr;
338 	pngPtr->strDataBuf =
339 		Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(objPtr, &pngPtr->strDataLen);
340     }
342     /*
343      * Initialize the palette transparency table to fully opaque.
344      */
346     memset(pngPtr->palette, 255, sizeof(pngPtr->palette));
348     /*
349      * Initialize Zlib inflate/deflate stream.
350      */
352     if (Tcl_ZlibStreamInit(NULL, dir, TCL_ZLIB_FORMAT_ZLIB,
353 	    TCL_ZLIB_COMPRESS_DEFAULT, NULL, &pngPtr->stream) != TCL_OK) {
354 	if (interp) {
355 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
356 		    "zlib initialization failed", -1));
357 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "ZLIB_INIT", NULL);
358 	}
359 	if (objPtr) {
360 	    Tcl_DecrRefCount(objPtr);
361 	}
362 	return TCL_ERROR;
363     }
365     /*
366      * Initialize physical size pHYS values
367      */
369     pngPtr->DPI = -1;
370     pngPtr->aspect = -1;
372     return TCL_OK;
373 }
375 /*
376  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
377  *
378  * CleanupPNGImage --
379  *
380  *	This function is invoked by each of the Tk image handler procs
381  *	(MatchStringProc, etc.) prior to returning to Tcl in order to clean up
382  *	any allocated memory and call other cleanup handlers such as zlib's
383  *	inflateEnd/deflateEnd.
384  *
385  * Results:
386  *	None.
387  *
388  * Side effects:
389  *	The reference count of the -data Tcl_Obj*, if any, is decremented.
390  *	Buffers are freed, streams are closed. The PNGImage should not be used
391  *	for any purpose without being reinitialized post-cleanup.
392  *
393  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
394  */
396 static void
CleanupPNGImage(PNGImage * pngPtr)397 CleanupPNGImage(
398     PNGImage *pngPtr)
399 {
400     /*
401      * Don't need the object containing the -data value anymore.
402      */
404     if (pngPtr->objDataPtr) {
405 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(pngPtr->objDataPtr);
406     }
408     /*
409      * Discard pixel buffer.
410      */
412     if (pngPtr->stream) {
413 	Tcl_ZlibStreamClose(pngPtr->stream);
414     }
416     if (pngPtr->block.pixelPtr) {
417 	ckfree(pngPtr->block.pixelPtr);
418     }
419     if (pngPtr->thisLineObj) {
420 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(pngPtr->thisLineObj);
421     }
422     if (pngPtr->lastLineObj) {
423 	Tcl_DecrRefCount(pngPtr->lastLineObj);
424     }
426     memset(pngPtr, 0, sizeof(PNGImage));
427 }
429 /*
430  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
431  *
432  * ReadBase64 --
433  *
434  *	This function is invoked to read the specified number of bytes from
435  *	base-64 encoded image data.
436  *
437  *	Note: It would be better if the Tk_PhotoImage stuff handled this by
438  *	creating a channel from the -data value, which would take care of
439  *	base64 decoding and made the data readable as if it were coming from a
440  *	file.
441  *
442  * Results:
443  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error occurs.
444  *
445  * Side effects:
446  *	The file position will change. The running CRC is updated if a pointer
447  *	to it is provided.
448  *
449  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
450  */
452 static int
ReadBase64(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,unsigned char * destPtr,size_t destSz,unsigned long * crcPtr)453 ReadBase64(
454     Tcl_Interp *interp,
455     PNGImage *pngPtr,
456     unsigned char *destPtr,
457     size_t destSz,
458     unsigned long *crcPtr)
459 {
460     static const unsigned char from64[] = {
461 	0x82, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x80, 0x80,
462 	0x83, 0x80, 0x80, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
463 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x80,
464 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x3e,
465 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x3f, 0x34, 0x35, 0x36, 0x37, 0x38, 0x39, 0x3a,
466 	0x3b, 0x3c, 0x3d, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x81, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x00,
467 	0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b,
468 	0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f, 0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16,
469 	0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x1a, 0x1b,
470 	0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26,
471 	0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f, 0x30, 0x31,
472 	0x32, 0x33, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
473 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
474 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
475 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
476 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
477 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
478 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
479 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
480 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
481 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
482 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
483 	0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83, 0x83,
484 	0x83, 0x83
485     };
487     /*
488      * Definitions for the base-64 decoder.
489      */
491 #define PNG64_SPECIAL	0x80	/* Flag bit */
492 #define PNG64_SPACE	0x80	/* Whitespace */
493 #define PNG64_PAD	0x81	/* Padding */
494 #define PNG64_DONE	0x82	/* End of data */
495 #define PNG64_BAD	0x83	/* Ooooh, naughty! */
497     while (destSz && pngPtr->strDataLen) {
498 	unsigned char c = 0;
499 	unsigned char c64 = from64[*pngPtr->strDataBuf++];
501 	pngPtr->strDataLen--;
503 	if (PNG64_SPACE == c64) {
504 	    continue;
505 	}
507 	if (c64 & PNG64_SPECIAL) {
508 	    c = (unsigned char) pngPtr->base64Bits;
509 	} else {
510 	    switch (pngPtr->base64State++) {
511 	    case 0:
512 		pngPtr->base64Bits = c64 << 2;
513 		continue;
514 	    case 1:
515 		c = (unsigned char) (pngPtr->base64Bits | (c64 >> 4));
516 		pngPtr->base64Bits = (c64 & 0xF) << 4;
517 		break;
518 	    case 2:
519 		c = (unsigned char) (pngPtr->base64Bits | (c64 >> 2));
520 		pngPtr->base64Bits = (c64 & 0x3) << 6;
521 		break;
522 	    case 3:
523 		c = (unsigned char) (pngPtr->base64Bits | c64);
524 		pngPtr->base64State = 0;
525 		pngPtr->base64Bits = 0;
526 		break;
527 	    }
528 	}
530 	if (crcPtr) {
531 	    *crcPtr = Tcl_ZlibCRC32(*crcPtr, &c, 1);
532 	}
534 	if (destPtr) {
535 	    *destPtr++ = c;
536 	}
538 	destSz--;
540 	if (c64 & PNG64_SPECIAL) {
541 	    break;
542 	}
543     }
545     if (destSz) {
546 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
547 		"unexpected end of image data", -1));
548 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "EARLY_END", NULL);
549 	return TCL_ERROR;
550     }
552     return TCL_OK;
553 }
555 /*
556  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
557  *
558  * ReadByteArray --
559  *
560  *	This function is invoked to read the specified number of bytes from a
561  *	non-base64-encoded byte array provided via the -data option.
562  *
563  *	Note: It would be better if the Tk_PhotoImage stuff handled this by
564  *	creating a channel from the -data value and made the data readable as
565  *	if it were coming from a file.
566  *
567  * Results:
568  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error occurs.
569  *
570  * Side effects:
571  *	The file position will change. The running CRC is updated if a pointer
572  *	to it is provided.
573  *
574  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
575  */
577 static int
ReadByteArray(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,unsigned char * destPtr,size_t destSz,unsigned long * crcPtr)578 ReadByteArray(
579     Tcl_Interp *interp,
580     PNGImage *pngPtr,
581     unsigned char *destPtr,
582     size_t destSz,
583     unsigned long *crcPtr)
584 {
585     /*
586      * Check to make sure the number of requested bytes are available.
587      */
589     if ((size_t)pngPtr->strDataLen < destSz) {
590 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
591 		"unexpected end of image data", -1));
592 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "EARLY_END", NULL);
593 	return TCL_ERROR;
594     }
596     while (destSz) {
597 	size_t blockSz = PNG_MIN(destSz, PNG_BLOCK_SZ);
599 	memcpy(destPtr, pngPtr->strDataBuf, blockSz);
601 	pngPtr->strDataBuf += blockSz;
602 	pngPtr->strDataLen -= blockSz;
604 	if (crcPtr) {
605 	    *crcPtr = Tcl_ZlibCRC32(*crcPtr, destPtr, blockSz);
606 	}
608 	destPtr += blockSz;
609 	destSz -= blockSz;
610     }
612     return TCL_OK;
613 }
615 /*
616  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
617  *
618  * ReadData --
619  *
620  *	This function is invoked to read the specified number of bytes from
621  *	the image file or data. It is a wrapper around the choice of byte
622  *	array Tcl_Obj or Tcl_Channel which depends on whether the image data
623  *	is coming from a file or -data.
624  *
625  * Results:
626  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error occurs.
627  *
628  * Side effects:
629  *	The file position will change. The running CRC is updated if a pointer
630  *	to it is provided.
631  *
632  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
633  */
635 static int
ReadData(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,unsigned char * destPtr,size_t destSz,unsigned long * crcPtr)636 ReadData(
637     Tcl_Interp *interp,
638     PNGImage *pngPtr,
639     unsigned char *destPtr,
640     size_t destSz,
641     unsigned long *crcPtr)
642 {
643     if (pngPtr->base64Data) {
644 	return ReadBase64(interp, pngPtr, destPtr, destSz, crcPtr);
645     } else if (pngPtr->strDataBuf) {
646 	return ReadByteArray(interp, pngPtr, destPtr, destSz, crcPtr);
647     }
649     while (destSz) {
650 	TkSizeT blockSz = PNG_MIN(destSz, PNG_BLOCK_SZ);
652 	blockSz = Tcl_Read(pngPtr->channel, (char *)destPtr, blockSz);
653 	if (blockSz == TCL_IO_FAILURE) {
654 	    /* TODO: failure info... */
655 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
656 		    "channel read failed: %s", Tcl_PosixError(interp)));
657 	    return TCL_ERROR;
658 	}
660 	/*
661 	 * Update CRC, pointer, and remaining count if anything was read.
662 	 */
664 	if (blockSz) {
665 	    if (crcPtr) {
666 		*crcPtr = Tcl_ZlibCRC32(*crcPtr, destPtr, blockSz);
667 	    }
669 	    destPtr += blockSz;
670 	    destSz -= blockSz;
671 	}
673 	/*
674 	 * Check for EOF before all desired data was read.
675 	 */
677 	if (destSz && Tcl_Eof(pngPtr->channel)) {
678 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
679 		    "unexpected end of file", -1));
680 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "EOF", NULL);
681 	    return TCL_ERROR;
682 	}
683     }
685     return TCL_OK;
686 }
688 /*
689  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
690  *
691  * ReadInt32 --
692  *
693  *	This function is invoked to read a 32-bit integer in network byte
694  *	order from the image data and return the value in host byte order.
695  *	This is used, for example, to read the 32-bit CRC value for a chunk
696  *	stored in the image file for comparison with the calculated CRC value.
697  *
698  * Results:
699  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error occurs.
700  *
701  * Side effects:
702  *	The file position will change. The running CRC is updated if a pointer
703  *	to it is provided.
704  *
705  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
706  */
708 static inline int
ReadInt32(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,unsigned long * resultPtr,unsigned long * crcPtr)709 ReadInt32(
710     Tcl_Interp *interp,
711     PNGImage *pngPtr,
712     unsigned long *resultPtr,
713     unsigned long *crcPtr)
714 {
715     unsigned char p[4];
717     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, p, 4, crcPtr) == TCL_ERROR) {
718 	return TCL_ERROR;
719     }
721     *resultPtr = PNG_INT32(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3]);
723     return TCL_OK;
724 }
726 /*
727  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
728  *
729  * CheckCRC --
730  *
731  *	This function is reads the final 4-byte integer CRC from a chunk and
732  *	compares it to the running CRC calculated over the chunk type and data
733  *	fields.
734  *
735  * Results:
736  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error or CRC mismatch occurs.
737  *
738  * Side effects:
739  *	The file position will change.
740  *
741  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
742  */
744 static inline int
CheckCRC(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,unsigned long calculated)745 CheckCRC(
746     Tcl_Interp *interp,
747     PNGImage *pngPtr,
748     unsigned long calculated)
749 {
750     unsigned long chunked;
752     /*
753      * Read the CRC field at the end of the chunk.
754      */
756     if (ReadInt32(interp, pngPtr, &chunked, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
757 	return TCL_ERROR;
758     }
760     /*
761      * Compare the read CRC to what we calculate to make sure they match.
762      */
764     if (calculated != chunked) {
765 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj("CRC check failed", -1));
766 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "CRC", NULL);
767 	return TCL_ERROR;
768     }
770     return TCL_OK;
771 }
773 /*
774  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
775  *
776  * SkipChunk --
777  *
778  *	This function is used to skip a PNG chunk that is not used by this
779  *	implementation. Given the input stream has had the chunk length and
780  *	chunk type fields already read, this function will read the number of
781  *	bytes indicated by the chunk length, plus four for the CRC, and will
782  *	verify that CRC is correct for the skipped data.
783  *
784  * Results:
785  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error or CRC mismatch occurs.
786  *
787  * Side effects:
788  *	The file position will change.
789  *
790  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
791  */
793 static int
SkipChunk(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,int chunkSz,unsigned long crc)794 SkipChunk(
795     Tcl_Interp *interp,
796     PNGImage *pngPtr,
797     int chunkSz,
798     unsigned long crc)
799 {
800     unsigned char buffer[PNG_BLOCK_SZ];
802     /*
803      * Skip data in blocks until none is left. Read up to PNG_BLOCK_SZ bytes
804      * at a time, rather than trusting the claimed chunk size, which may not
805      * be trustworthy.
806      */
808     while (chunkSz) {
809 	int blockSz = PNG_MIN(chunkSz, PNG_BLOCK_SZ);
811 	if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, buffer, blockSz, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
812 	    return TCL_ERROR;
813 	}
815 	chunkSz -= blockSz;
816     }
818     if (CheckCRC(interp, pngPtr, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
819 	return TCL_ERROR;
820     }
822     return TCL_OK;
823 }
825 /*
826  * 4.3. Summary of standard chunks
827  *
828  * This table summarizes some properties of the standard chunk types.
829  *
830  *	Critical chunks (must appear in this order, except PLTE is optional):
831  *
832  *		Name   Multiple	 Ordering constraints OK?
833  *
834  *		IHDR	No	 Must be first
835  *		PLTE	No	 Before IDAT
836  *		IDAT	Yes	 Multiple IDATs must be consecutive
837  *		IEND	No	 Must be last
838  *
839  *	Ancillary chunks (need not appear in this order):
840  *
841  *		Name   Multiple	 Ordering constraints OK?
842  *
843  *		cHRM	No	 Before PLTE and IDAT
844  *		gAMA	No	 Before PLTE and IDAT
845  *		iCCP	No	 Before PLTE and IDAT
846  *		sBIT	No	 Before PLTE and IDAT
847  *		sRGB	No	 Before PLTE and IDAT
848  *		bKGD	No	 After PLTE; before IDAT
849  *		hIST	No	 After PLTE; before IDAT
850  *		tRNS	No	 After PLTE; before IDAT
851  *		pHYs	No	 Before IDAT
852  *		sPLT	Yes	 Before IDAT
853  *		tIME	No	 None
854  *		iTXt	Yes	 None
855  *		tEXt	Yes	 None
856  *		zTXt	Yes	 None
857  *
858  *	[From the PNG specification.]
859  */
861 /*
862  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
863  *
864  * ReadChunkHeader --
865  *
866  *	This function is used at the start of each chunk to extract the
867  *	four-byte chunk length and four-byte chunk type fields. It will
868  *	continue reading until it finds a chunk type that is handled by this
869  *	implementation, checking the CRC of any chunks it skips.
870  *
871  * Results:
872  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error occurs or an unknown critical
873  *	chunk type is encountered.
874  *
875  * Side effects:
876  *	The file position will change. The running CRC is updated.
877  *
878  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
879  */
881 static int
ReadChunkHeader(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,size_t * sizePtr,unsigned long * typePtr,unsigned long * crcPtr)882 ReadChunkHeader(
883     Tcl_Interp *interp,
884     PNGImage *pngPtr,
885     size_t *sizePtr,
886     unsigned long *typePtr,
887     unsigned long *crcPtr)
888 {
889     unsigned long chunkType = 0;
890     int chunkSz = 0;
891     unsigned long crc = 0;
893     /*
894      * Continue until finding a chunk type that is handled.
895      */
897     while (!chunkType) {
898 	unsigned long temp;
899 	unsigned char pc[4];
900 	int i;
902 	/*
903 	 * Read the 4-byte length field for the chunk. The length field is not
904 	 * included in the CRC calculation, so the running CRC must be reset
905 	 * afterward. Limit chunk lengths to INT_MAX, to align with the
906 	 * maximum size for Tcl_Read, Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj, etc.
907 	 */
909 	if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, pc, 4, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
910 	    return TCL_ERROR;
911 	}
913 	temp = PNG_INT32(pc[0], pc[1], pc[2], pc[3]);
915 	if (temp > INT_MAX) {
916 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
917 		    "chunk size is out of supported range on this architecture",
918 		    -1));
919 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "OUTSIZE", NULL);
920 	    return TCL_ERROR;
921 	}
923 	chunkSz = (int) temp;
924 	crc = Tcl_ZlibCRC32(0, NULL, 0);
926 	/*
927 	 * Read the 4-byte chunk type.
928 	 */
930 	if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, pc, 4, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
931 	    return TCL_ERROR;
932 	}
934 	/*
935 	 * Convert it to a host-order integer for simple comparison.
936 	 */
938 	chunkType = PNG_INT32(pc[0], pc[1], pc[2], pc[3]);
940 	/*
941 	 * Check to see if this is a known/supported chunk type. Note that the
942 	 * PNG specs require non-critical (i.e., ancillary) chunk types that
943 	 * are not recognized to be ignored, rather than be treated as an
944 	 * error. It does, however, recommend that an unknown critical chunk
945 	 * type be treated as a failure.
946 	 *
947 	 * This switch/loop acts as a filter of sorts for undesired chunk
948 	 * types. The chunk type should still be checked elsewhere for
949 	 * determining it is in the correct order.
950 	 */
952 	switch (chunkType) {
953 	    /*
954 	     * These chunk types are required and/or supported.
955 	     */
957 	case CHUNK_IDAT:
958 	case CHUNK_IEND:
959 	case CHUNK_IHDR:
960 	case CHUNK_pHYs:
961 	case CHUNK_PLTE:
962 	case CHUNK_tRNS:
963 	    break;
965 	    /*
966 	     * These chunk types are part of the standard, but are not used by
967 	     * this implementation (at least not yet). Note that these are all
968 	     * ancillary chunks (lowercase first letter).
969 	     */
971 	case CHUNK_bKGD:
972 	case CHUNK_cHRM:
973 	case CHUNK_gAMA:
974 	case CHUNK_hIST:
975 	case CHUNK_iCCP:
976 	case CHUNK_iTXt:
977 	case CHUNK_oFFs:
978 	case CHUNK_pCAL:
979 	case CHUNK_sBIT:
980 	case CHUNK_sCAL:
981 	case CHUNK_sPLT:
982 	case CHUNK_sRGB:
983 	case CHUNK_tEXt:
984 	case CHUNK_tIME:
985 	case CHUNK_zTXt:
986 	    /*
987 	     * TODO: might want to check order here.
988 	     */
990 	    if (SkipChunk(interp, pngPtr, chunkSz, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
991 		return TCL_ERROR;
992 	    }
994 	    chunkType = 0;
995 	    break;
997 	default:
998 	    /*
999 	     * Unknown chunk type. If it's critical, we can't continue.
1000 	     */
1002 	    if (!(chunkType & PNG_CF_ANCILLARY)) {
1003 		if (chunkType & PNG_INT32(128,128,128,128)) {
1004 		    /*
1005 		     * No nice ASCII conversion; shouldn't happen either, but
1006 		     * we'll be doubly careful.
1007 		     */
1009 		    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1010 			    "encountered an unsupported critical chunk type",
1011 			    -1));
1012 		} else {
1013 		    char typeString[5];
1015 		    typeString[0] = (char) ((chunkType >> 24) & 255);
1016 		    typeString[1] = (char) ((chunkType >> 16) & 255);
1017 		    typeString[2] = (char) ((chunkType >> 8) & 255);
1018 		    typeString[3] = (char) (chunkType & 255);
1019 		    typeString[4] = '\0';
1020 		    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
1021 			    "encountered an unsupported critical chunk type"
1022 			    " \"%s\"", typeString));
1023 		}
1024 		Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG",
1026 		return TCL_ERROR;
1027 	    }
1029 	    /*
1030 	     * Check to see if the chunk type has legal bytes.
1031 	     */
1033 	    for (i=0 ; i<4 ; i++) {
1034 		if ((pc[i] < 65) || (pc[i] > 122) ||
1035 			((pc[i] > 90) && (pc[i] < 97))) {
1036 		    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1037 			    "invalid chunk type", -1));
1038 		    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG",
1039 			    "INVALID_CHUNK", NULL);
1040 		    return TCL_ERROR;
1041 		}
1042 	    }
1044 	    /*
1045 	     * It seems to be an otherwise legally labelled ancillary chunk
1046 	     * that we don't want, so skip it after at least checking its CRC.
1047 	     */
1049 	    if (SkipChunk(interp, pngPtr, chunkSz, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1050 		return TCL_ERROR;
1051 	    }
1053 	    chunkType = 0;
1054 	}
1055     }
1057     /*
1058      * Found a known chunk type that's handled, albiet possibly not in the
1059      * right order. Send back the chunk type (for further checking or
1060      * handling), the chunk size and the current CRC for the rest of the
1061      * calculation.
1062      */
1064     *typePtr = chunkType;
1065     *sizePtr = chunkSz;
1066     *crcPtr = crc;
1068     return TCL_OK;
1069 }
1071 /*
1072  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1073  *
1074  * CheckColor --
1075  *
1076  *	Do validation on color type, depth, and related information, and
1077  *	calculates storage requirements and offsets based on image dimensions
1078  *	and color.
1079  *
1080  * Results:
1081  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if color information is invalid or some other
1082  *	failure occurs.
1083  *
1084  * Side effects:
1085  *	None
1086  *
1087  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1088  */
1090 static int
CheckColor(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr)1091 CheckColor(
1092     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1093     PNGImage *pngPtr)
1094 {
1095     int offset;
1097     /*
1098      * Verify the color type is valid and the bit depth is allowed.
1099      */
1101     switch (pngPtr->colorType) {
1102     case PNG_COLOR_GRAY:
1103 	pngPtr->numChannels = 1;
1104 	if ((1 != pngPtr->bitDepth) && (2 != pngPtr->bitDepth) &&
1105 		(4 != pngPtr->bitDepth) && (8 != pngPtr->bitDepth) &&
1106 		(16 != pngPtr->bitDepth)) {
1107 	    goto unsupportedDepth;
1108 	}
1109 	break;
1111     case PNG_COLOR_RGB:
1112 	pngPtr->numChannels = 3;
1113 	if ((8 != pngPtr->bitDepth) && (16 != pngPtr->bitDepth)) {
1114 	    goto unsupportedDepth;
1115 	}
1116 	break;
1118     case PNG_COLOR_PLTE:
1119 	pngPtr->numChannels = 1;
1120 	if ((1 != pngPtr->bitDepth) && (2 != pngPtr->bitDepth) &&
1121 		(4 != pngPtr->bitDepth) && (8 != pngPtr->bitDepth)) {
1122 	    goto unsupportedDepth;
1123 	}
1124 	break;
1126     case PNG_COLOR_GRAYALPHA:
1127 	pngPtr->numChannels = 2;
1128 	if ((8 != pngPtr->bitDepth) && (16 != pngPtr->bitDepth)) {
1129 	    goto unsupportedDepth;
1130 	}
1131 	break;
1133     case PNG_COLOR_RGBA:
1134 	pngPtr->numChannels = 4;
1135 	if ((8 != pngPtr->bitDepth) && (16 != pngPtr->bitDepth)) {
1136 	unsupportedDepth:
1137 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1138 		    "bit depth is not allowed for given color type", -1));
1139 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_DEPTH", NULL);
1140 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1141 	}
1142 	break;
1144     default:
1145 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
1146 		"unknown color type field %d", pngPtr->colorType));
1147 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "UNKNOWN_COLOR", NULL);
1148 	return TCL_ERROR;
1149     }
1151     /*
1152      * Set up the Tk photo block's pixel size and channel offsets. offset
1153      * array elements should already be 0 from the memset during InitPNGImage.
1154      */
1156     offset = (pngPtr->bitDepth > 8) ? 2 : 1;
1158     if (pngPtr->colorType & PNG_COLOR_USED) {
1159 	pngPtr->block.pixelSize = offset * 4;
1160 	pngPtr->block.offset[1] = offset;
1161 	pngPtr->block.offset[2] = offset * 2;
1162 	pngPtr->block.offset[3] = offset * 3;
1163     } else {
1164 	pngPtr->block.pixelSize = offset * 2;
1165 	pngPtr->block.offset[3] = offset;
1166     }
1168     /*
1169      * Calculate the block pitch, which is the number of bytes per line in the
1170      * image, given image width and depth of color. Make sure that it it isn't
1171      * larger than Tk can handle.
1172      */
1174     if (pngPtr->block.width > INT_MAX / pngPtr->block.pixelSize) {
1175 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1176 		"image pitch is out of supported range on this architecture",
1177 		-1));
1178 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "PITCH", NULL);
1179 	return TCL_ERROR;
1180     }
1182     pngPtr->block.pitch = pngPtr->block.pixelSize * pngPtr->block.width;
1184     /*
1185      * Calculate the total size of the image as represented to Tk given pitch
1186      * and image height. Make sure that it isn't larger than Tk can handle.
1187      */
1189     if (pngPtr->block.height > INT_MAX / pngPtr->block.pitch) {
1190 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1191 		"image total size is out of supported range on this architecture",
1192 		-1));
1193 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "SIZE", NULL);
1194 	return TCL_ERROR;
1195     }
1197     pngPtr->blockLen = pngPtr->block.height * pngPtr->block.pitch;
1199     /*
1200      * Determine number of bytes per pixel in the source for later use.
1201      */
1203     switch (pngPtr->colorType) {
1204     case PNG_COLOR_GRAY:
1205 	pngPtr->bytesPerPixel = (pngPtr->bitDepth > 8) ? 2 : 1;
1206 	break;
1207     case PNG_COLOR_RGB:
1208 	pngPtr->bytesPerPixel = (pngPtr->bitDepth > 8) ? 6 : 3;
1209 	break;
1210     case PNG_COLOR_PLTE:
1211 	pngPtr->bytesPerPixel = 1;
1212 	break;
1213     case PNG_COLOR_GRAYALPHA:
1214 	pngPtr->bytesPerPixel = (pngPtr->bitDepth > 8) ? 4 : 2;
1215 	break;
1216     case PNG_COLOR_RGBA:
1217 	pngPtr->bytesPerPixel = (pngPtr->bitDepth > 8) ? 8 : 4;
1218 	break;
1219     default:
1220 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
1221 		"unknown color type %d", pngPtr->colorType));
1222 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "UNKNOWN_COLOR", NULL);
1223 	return TCL_ERROR;
1224     }
1226     /*
1227      * Calculate scale factor for bit depths less than 8, in order to adjust
1228      * them to a minimum of 8 bits per pixel in the Tk image.
1229      */
1231     if (pngPtr->bitDepth < 8) {
1232 	pngPtr->bitScale = 255 / (int)(pow(2, pngPtr->bitDepth) - 1);
1233     } else {
1234 	pngPtr->bitScale = 1;
1235     }
1237     return TCL_OK;
1238 }
1240 /*
1241  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1242  *
1243  * ReadIHDR --
1244  *
1245  *	This function reads the PNG header from the beginning of a PNG file
1246  *	and returns the dimensions of the image.
1247  *
1248  * Results:
1249  *	The return value is 1 if file "f" appears to start with a valid PNG
1250  *	header, 0 otherwise. If the header is valid, then *widthPtr and
1251  *	*heightPtr are modified to hold the dimensions of the image.
1252  *
1253  * Side effects:
1254  *	The access position in f advances.
1255  *
1256  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1257  */
1259 static int
ReadIHDR(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr)1260 ReadIHDR(
1261     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1262     PNGImage *pngPtr)
1263 {
1264     unsigned char sigBuf[PNG_SIG_SZ];
1265     unsigned long chunkType;
1266     size_t chunkSz;
1267     unsigned long crc;
1268     unsigned long width, height;
1269     int mismatch;
1271     /*
1272      * Read the appropriate number of bytes for the PNG signature.
1273      */
1275     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, sigBuf, PNG_SIG_SZ, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
1276 	return TCL_ERROR;
1277     }
1279     /*
1280      * Compare the read bytes to the expected signature.
1281      */
1283     mismatch = memcmp(sigBuf, pngSignature, PNG_SIG_SZ);
1285     /*
1286      * If reading from string, reset position and try base64 decode.
1287      */
1289     if (mismatch && pngPtr->strDataBuf) {
1290 	pngPtr->strDataBuf = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(pngPtr->objDataPtr,
1291 		&pngPtr->strDataLen);
1292 	pngPtr->base64Data = pngPtr->strDataBuf;
1294 	if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, sigBuf, PNG_SIG_SZ, NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
1295 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1296 	}
1298 	mismatch = memcmp(sigBuf, pngSignature, PNG_SIG_SZ);
1299     }
1301     if (mismatch) {
1302 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1303 		"data stream does not have a PNG signature", -1));
1304 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "NO_SIG", NULL);
1305 	return TCL_ERROR;
1306     }
1308     if (ReadChunkHeader(interp, pngPtr, &chunkSz, &chunkType,
1309 	    &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1310 	return TCL_ERROR;
1311     }
1313     /*
1314      * Read in the IHDR (header) chunk for width, height, etc.
1315      *
1316      * The first chunk in the file must be the IHDR (headr) chunk.
1317      */
1319     if (chunkType != CHUNK_IHDR) {
1320 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1321 		"expected IHDR chunk type", -1));
1322 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "NO_IHDR", NULL);
1323 	return TCL_ERROR;
1324     }
1326     if (chunkSz != 13) {
1327 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1328 		"invalid IHDR chunk size", -1));
1329 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_IHDR", NULL);
1330 	return TCL_ERROR;
1331     }
1333     /*
1334      * Read and verify the image width and height to be sure Tk can handle its
1335      * dimensions. The PNG specification does not permit zero-width or
1336      * zero-height images.
1337      */
1339     if (ReadInt32(interp, pngPtr, &width, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1340 	return TCL_ERROR;
1341     }
1343     if (ReadInt32(interp, pngPtr, &height, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1344 	return TCL_ERROR;
1345     }
1347     if (!width || !height || (width > INT_MAX) || (height > INT_MAX)) {
1348 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1349 		"image dimensions are invalid or beyond architecture limits",
1350 		-1));
1351 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "DIMENSIONS", NULL);
1352 	return TCL_ERROR;
1353     }
1355     /*
1356      * Set height and width for the Tk photo block.
1357      */
1359     pngPtr->block.width = (int) width;
1360     pngPtr->block.height = (int) height;
1362     /*
1363      * Read and the Bit Depth and Color Type.
1364      */
1366     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, &pngPtr->bitDepth, 1, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1367 	return TCL_ERROR;
1368     }
1370     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, &pngPtr->colorType, 1, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1371 	return TCL_ERROR;
1372     }
1374     /*
1375      * Verify that the color type is valid, the bit depth is allowed for the
1376      * color type, and calculate the number of channels and pixel depth (bits
1377      * per pixel * channels). Also set up offsets and sizes in the Tk photo
1378      * block for the pixel data.
1379      */
1381     if (CheckColor(interp, pngPtr) == TCL_ERROR) {
1382 	return TCL_ERROR;
1383     }
1385     /*
1386      * Only one compression method is currently defined by the standard.
1387      */
1389     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, &pngPtr->compression, 1, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1390 	return TCL_ERROR;
1391     }
1393     if (pngPtr->compression != PNG_COMPRESS_DEFLATE) {
1394 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
1395 		"unknown compression method %d", pngPtr->compression));
1396 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_COMPRESS", NULL);
1397 	return TCL_ERROR;
1398     }
1400     /*
1401      * Only one filter method is currently defined by the standard; the method
1402      * has five actual filter types associated with it.
1403      */
1405     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, &pngPtr->filter, 1, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1406 	return TCL_ERROR;
1407     }
1409     if (pngPtr->filter != PNG_FILTMETH_STANDARD) {
1410 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
1411 		"unknown filter method %d", pngPtr->filter));
1412 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_FILTER", NULL);
1413 	return TCL_ERROR;
1414     }
1416     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, &pngPtr->interlace, 1, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1417 	return TCL_ERROR;
1418     }
1420     switch (pngPtr->interlace) {
1421     case PNG_INTERLACE_NONE:
1422     case PNG_INTERLACE_ADAM7:
1423 	break;
1425     default:
1426 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
1427 		"unknown interlace method %d", pngPtr->interlace));
1428 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_INTERLACE", NULL);
1429 	return TCL_ERROR;
1430     }
1432     return CheckCRC(interp, pngPtr, crc);
1433 }
1435 /*
1436  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1437  *
1438  * ReadPLTE --
1439  *
1440  *	This function reads the PLTE (indexed color palette) chunk data from
1441  *	the PNG file and populates the palette table in the PNGImage
1442  *	structure.
1443  *
1444  * Results:
1445  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error occurs or the PLTE chunk is
1446  *	invalid.
1447  *
1448  * Side effects:
1449  *	The access position in f advances.
1450  *
1451  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1452  */
1454 static int
ReadPLTE(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,int chunkSz,unsigned long crc)1455 ReadPLTE(
1456     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1457     PNGImage *pngPtr,
1458     int chunkSz,
1459     unsigned long crc)
1460 {
1461     unsigned char buffer[PNG_PLTE_MAXSZ];
1462     int i, c;
1464     /*
1465      * This chunk is mandatory for color type 3 and forbidden for 2 and 6.
1466      */
1468     switch (pngPtr->colorType) {
1469     case PNG_COLOR_GRAY:
1470     case PNG_COLOR_GRAYALPHA:
1471 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1472 		"PLTE chunk type forbidden for grayscale", -1));
1473 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "PLTE_UNEXPECTED",
1474 		NULL);
1475 	return TCL_ERROR;
1477     default:
1478 	break;
1479     }
1481     /*
1482      * The palette chunk contains from 1 to 256 palette entries. Each entry
1483      * consists of a 3-byte RGB value. It must therefore contain a non-zero
1484      * multiple of 3 bytes, up to 768.
1485      */
1487     if (!chunkSz || (chunkSz > PNG_PLTE_MAXSZ) || (chunkSz % 3)) {
1488 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1489 		"invalid palette chunk size", -1));
1490 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_PLTE", NULL);
1491 	return TCL_ERROR;
1492     }
1494     /*
1495      * Read the palette contents and stash them for later, possibly.
1496      */
1498     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, buffer, chunkSz, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1499 	return TCL_ERROR;
1500     }
1502     if (CheckCRC(interp, pngPtr, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1503 	return TCL_ERROR;
1504     }
1506     /*
1507      * Stash away the palette entries and entry count for later mapping each
1508      * pixel's palette index to its color.
1509      */
1511     for (i=0, c=0 ; c<chunkSz ; i++) {
1512 	pngPtr->palette[i].red = buffer[c++];
1513 	pngPtr->palette[i].green = buffer[c++];
1514 	pngPtr->palette[i].blue = buffer[c++];
1515     }
1517     pngPtr->paletteLen = i;
1518     return TCL_OK;
1519 }
1521 /*
1522  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1523  *
1524  * ReadTRNS --
1525  *
1526  *	This function reads the tRNS (transparency) chunk data from the PNG
1527  *	file and populates the alpha field of the palette table in the
1528  *	PNGImage structure or the single color transparency, as appropriate
1529  *	for the color type.
1530  *
1531  * Results:
1532  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error occurs or the tRNS chunk is
1533  *	invalid.
1534  *
1535  * Side effects:
1536  *	The access position in f advances.
1537  *
1538  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1539  */
1541 static int
ReadTRNS(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,int chunkSz,unsigned long crc)1542 ReadTRNS(
1543     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1544     PNGImage *pngPtr,
1545     int chunkSz,
1546     unsigned long crc)
1547 {
1548     unsigned char buffer[PNG_TRNS_MAXSZ];
1549     int i;
1551     if (pngPtr->colorType & PNG_COLOR_ALPHA) {
1552 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1553 		"tRNS chunk not allowed color types with a full alpha channel",
1554 		-1));
1555 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "INVALID_TRNS", NULL);
1556 	return TCL_ERROR;
1557     }
1559     /*
1560      * For indexed color, there is up to one single-byte transparency value
1561      * per palette entry (thus a max of 256).
1562      */
1564     if (chunkSz > PNG_TRNS_MAXSZ) {
1565 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1566 		"invalid tRNS chunk size", -1));
1567 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_TRNS", NULL);
1568 	return TCL_ERROR;
1569     }
1571     /*
1572      * Read in the raw transparency information.
1573      */
1575     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, buffer, chunkSz, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1576 	return TCL_ERROR;
1577     }
1579     if (CheckCRC(interp, pngPtr, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1580 	return TCL_ERROR;
1581     }
1583     switch (pngPtr->colorType) {
1584     case PNG_COLOR_GRAYALPHA:
1585     case PNG_COLOR_RGBA:
1586 	break;
1588     case PNG_COLOR_PLTE:
1589 	/*
1590 	 * The number of tRNS entries must be less than or equal to the number
1591 	 * of PLTE entries, and consists of a single-byte alpha level for the
1592 	 * corresponding PLTE entry.
1593 	 */
1595 	if (chunkSz > pngPtr->paletteLen) {
1596 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1597 		    "size of tRNS chunk is too large for the palette", -1));
1598 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "TRNS_SIZE", NULL);
1599 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1600 	}
1602 	for (i=0 ; i<chunkSz ; i++) {
1603 	    pngPtr->palette[i].alpha = buffer[i];
1604 	}
1605 	break;
1607     case PNG_COLOR_GRAY:
1608 	/*
1609 	 * Grayscale uses a single 2-byte gray level, which we'll store in
1610 	 * palette index 0, since we're not using the palette.
1611 	 */
1613 	if (chunkSz != 2) {
1614 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1615 		    "invalid tRNS chunk size - must 2 bytes for grayscale",
1616 		    -1));
1617 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_TRNS", NULL);
1618 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1619 	}
1621 	/*
1622 	 * According to the PNG specs, if the bit depth is less than 16, then
1623 	 * only the lower byte is used.
1624 	 */
1626 	if (16 == pngPtr->bitDepth) {
1627 	    pngPtr->transVal[0] = buffer[0];
1628 	    pngPtr->transVal[1] = buffer[1];
1629 	} else {
1630 	    pngPtr->transVal[0] = buffer[1];
1631 	}
1632 	pngPtr->useTRNS = 1;
1633 	break;
1635     case PNG_COLOR_RGB:
1636 	/*
1637 	 * TrueColor uses a single RRGGBB triplet.
1638 	 */
1640 	if (chunkSz != 6) {
1641 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1642 		    "invalid tRNS chunk size - must 6 bytes for RGB", -1));
1643 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_TRNS", NULL);
1644 	    return TCL_ERROR;
1645 	}
1647 	/*
1648 	 * According to the PNG specs, if the bit depth is less than 16, then
1649 	 * only the lower byte is used. But the tRNS chunk still contains two
1650 	 * bytes per channel.
1651 	 */
1653 	if (16 == pngPtr->bitDepth) {
1654 	    memcpy(pngPtr->transVal, buffer, 6);
1655 	} else {
1656 	    pngPtr->transVal[0] = buffer[1];
1657 	    pngPtr->transVal[1] = buffer[3];
1658 	    pngPtr->transVal[2] = buffer[5];
1659 	}
1660 	pngPtr->useTRNS = 1;
1661 	break;
1662     }
1664     return TCL_OK;
1665 }
1667 /*
1668  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1669  *
1670  * ReadPHYS --
1671  *
1672  *	This function reads the PHYS (physical size) chunk data from
1673  *	the PNG file and populates the fields in the PNGImage
1674  *	structure.
1675  *
1676  * Results:
1677  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error occurs or the PHYS chunk is
1678  *	invalid.
1679  *
1680  * Side effects:
1681  *	The access position in f advances.
1682  *
1683  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1684  */
1686 static int
ReadPHYS(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,int chunkSz,unsigned long crc)1687 ReadPHYS(
1688     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1689     PNGImage *pngPtr,
1690     int chunkSz,
1691     unsigned long crc)
1692 {
1693     unsigned long PPUx, PPUy;
1694     char unitSpecifier;
1696     /*
1697      * Check chunk size equal 9 bytes
1698      */
1700     if (chunkSz != 9) {
1701 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1702 		"invalid physical chunk size", -1));
1703 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_PHYS", NULL);
1704 	return TCL_ERROR;
1705     }
1707     /*
1708      * Read the chunk data
1709      * 4 bytes: Pixels per unit, x axis
1710      * 4 bytes: Pixels per unit, y axis
1711      * 1 byte: unit specifier
1712      */
1714     if (ReadInt32(interp, pngPtr, &PPUx, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1715 	return TCL_ERROR;
1716     }
1717     if (ReadInt32(interp, pngPtr, &PPUy, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1718 	return TCL_ERROR;
1719     }
1720     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, (unsigned char *)&unitSpecifier, 1, &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1721 	return TCL_ERROR;
1722     }
1724     if (CheckCRC(interp, pngPtr, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
1725 	return TCL_ERROR;
1726     }
1728     if ( PPUx > 2147483647 || PPUy > 2147483647
1729 	    || unitSpecifier > 1 ) {
1730 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
1731 		"invalid physical size value", -1));
1732 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_PHYS", NULL);
1733 	return TCL_ERROR;
1734     }
1736     if (PPUx > 0) {
1737 	pngPtr->aspect = ((double) PPUy) / ((double) PPUx);
1738     }
1739     if (1 == unitSpecifier) {
1740 	pngPtr->DPI = ((double) PPUx) * 0.0254;
1741     }
1742     return TCL_OK;
1743 }
1745 /*
1746  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1747  *
1748  * Paeth --
1749  *
1750  *	Utility function for applying the Paeth filter to a pixel. The Paeth
1751  *	filter is a linear function of the pixel to be filtered and the pixels
1752  *	to the left, above, and above-left of the pixel to be unfiltered.
1753  *
1754  * Results:
1755  *	Result of the Paeth function for the left, above, and above-left
1756  *	pixels.
1757  *
1758  * Side effects:
1759  *	None
1760  *
1761  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1762  */
1764 static inline unsigned char
Paeth(int a,int b,int c)1765 Paeth(
1766     int a,
1767     int b,
1768     int c)
1769 {
1770     int pa = abs(b - c);
1771     int pb = abs(a - c);
1772     int pc = abs(a + b - c - c);
1774     if ((pa <= pb) && (pa <= pc)) {
1775 	return (unsigned char) a;
1776     }
1778     if (pb <= pc) {
1779 	return (unsigned char) b;
1780     }
1782     return (unsigned char) c;
1783 }
1785 /*
1786  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1787  *
1788  * UnfilterLine --
1789  *
1790  *	Applies the filter algorithm specified in first byte of a line to the
1791  *	line of pixels being read from a PNG image.
1792  *
1793  *	PNG specifies four filter algorithms (Sub, Up, Average, and Paeth)
1794  *	that combine a pixel's value with those of other pixels in the same
1795  *	and/or previous lines. Filtering is intended to make an image more
1796  *	compressible.
1797  *
1798  * Results:
1799  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if the filter type is not recognized.
1800  *
1801  * Side effects:
1802  *	Pixel data in thisLineObj are modified.
1803  *
1804  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1805  */
1807 static int
UnfilterLine(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr)1808 UnfilterLine(
1809     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1810     PNGImage *pngPtr)
1811 {
1812     unsigned char *thisLine =
1813 	    Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(pngPtr->thisLineObj, (int *)NULL);
1814     unsigned char *lastLine =
1815 	    Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(pngPtr->lastLineObj, (int *)NULL);
1817 #define	PNG_FILTER_NONE		0
1818 #define	PNG_FILTER_SUB		1
1819 #define	PNG_FILTER_UP		2
1820 #define	PNG_FILTER_AVG		3
1821 #define	PNG_FILTER_PAETH	4
1823     switch (*thisLine) {
1824     case PNG_FILTER_NONE:	/* Nothing to do */
1825 	break;
1826     case PNG_FILTER_SUB: {	/* Sub(x) = Raw(x) - Raw(x-bpp) */
1827 	unsigned char *rawBpp = thisLine + 1;
1828 	unsigned char *raw = rawBpp + pngPtr->bytesPerPixel;
1829 	unsigned char *end = thisLine + pngPtr->phaseSize;
1831 	while (raw < end) {
1832 	    *raw++ += *rawBpp++;
1833 	}
1834 	break;
1835     }
1836     case PNG_FILTER_UP:		/* Up(x) = Raw(x) - Prior(x) */
1837 	if (pngPtr->currentLine > startLine[pngPtr->phase]) {
1838 	    unsigned char *prior = lastLine + 1;
1839 	    unsigned char *raw = thisLine + 1;
1840 	    unsigned char *end = thisLine + pngPtr->phaseSize;
1842 	    while (raw < end) {
1843 		*raw++ += *prior++;
1844 	    }
1845 	}
1846 	break;
1847     case PNG_FILTER_AVG:
1848 	/* Avg(x) = Raw(x) - floor((Raw(x-bpp)+Prior(x))/2) */
1849 	if (pngPtr->currentLine > startLine[pngPtr->phase]) {
1850 	    unsigned char *prior = lastLine + 1;
1851 	    unsigned char *rawBpp = thisLine + 1;
1852 	    unsigned char *raw = rawBpp;
1853 	    unsigned char *end = thisLine + pngPtr->phaseSize;
1854 	    unsigned char *end2 = raw + pngPtr->bytesPerPixel;
1856 	    while ((raw < end2) && (raw < end)) {
1857 		*raw++ += *prior++ / 2;
1858 	    }
1860 	    while (raw < end) {
1861 		*raw++ += (unsigned char)
1862 			(((int) *rawBpp++ + (int) *prior++) / 2);
1863 	    }
1864 	} else {
1865 	    unsigned char *rawBpp = thisLine + 1;
1866 	    unsigned char *raw = rawBpp + pngPtr->bytesPerPixel;
1867 	    unsigned char *end = thisLine + pngPtr->phaseSize;
1869 	    while (raw < end) {
1870 		*raw++ += *rawBpp++ / 2;
1871 	    }
1872 	}
1873 	break;
1874     case PNG_FILTER_PAETH:
1875 	/* Paeth(x) = Raw(x) - PaethPredictor(Raw(x-bpp), Prior(x), Prior(x-bpp)) */
1876 	if (pngPtr->currentLine > startLine[pngPtr->phase]) {
1877 	    unsigned char *priorBpp = lastLine + 1;
1878 	    unsigned char *prior = priorBpp;
1879 	    unsigned char *rawBpp = thisLine + 1;
1880 	    unsigned char *raw = rawBpp;
1881 	    unsigned char *end = thisLine + pngPtr->phaseSize;
1882 	    unsigned char *end2 = rawBpp + pngPtr->bytesPerPixel;
1884 	    while ((raw < end) && (raw < end2)) {
1885 		*raw++ += *prior++;
1886 	    }
1888 	    while (raw < end) {
1889 		*raw++ += Paeth(*rawBpp++, *prior++, *priorBpp++);
1890 	    }
1891 	} else {
1892 	    unsigned char *rawBpp = thisLine + 1;
1893 	    unsigned char *raw = rawBpp + pngPtr->bytesPerPixel;
1894 	    unsigned char *end = thisLine + pngPtr->phaseSize;
1896 	    while (raw < end) {
1897 		*raw++ += *rawBpp++;
1898 	    }
1899 	}
1900 	break;
1901     default:
1902 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
1903 		"invalid filter type %d", *thisLine));
1904 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_FILTER", NULL);
1905 	return TCL_ERROR;
1906     }
1908     return TCL_OK;
1909 }
1911 /*
1912  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1913  *
1914  * DecodeLine --
1915  *
1916  *	Unfilters a line of pixels from the PNG source data and decodes the
1917  *	data into the Tk_PhotoImageBlock for later copying into the Tk image.
1918  *
1919  * Results:
1920  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if the filter type is not recognized.
1921  *
1922  * Side effects:
1923  *	Pixel data in thisLine and block are modified and state information
1924  *	updated.
1925  *
1926  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
1927  */
1929 static int
DecodeLine(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr)1930 DecodeLine(
1931     Tcl_Interp *interp,
1932     PNGImage *pngPtr)
1933 {
1934     unsigned char *pixelPtr = pngPtr->block.pixelPtr;
1935     int colNum = 0;		/* Current pixel column */
1936     unsigned char chan = 0;	/* Current channel (0..3) = (R, G, B, A) */
1937     unsigned char readByte = 0;	/* Current scan line byte */
1938     int haveBits = 0;		/* Number of bits remaining in current byte */
1939     unsigned char pixBits = 0;	/* Extracted bits for current channel */
1940     int shifts = 0;		/* Number of channels extracted from byte */
1941     int offset = 0;		/* Current offset into pixelPtr */
1942     int colStep = 1;		/* Column increment each pass */
1943     int pixStep = 0;		/* extra pixelPtr increment each pass */
1944     unsigned char lastPixel[6];
1945     unsigned char *p = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(pngPtr->thisLineObj, (int *)NULL);
1947     p++;
1948     if (UnfilterLine(interp, pngPtr) == TCL_ERROR) {
1949 	return TCL_ERROR;
1950     }
1951     if (pngPtr->currentLine >= pngPtr->block.height) {
1952 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
1953 		"PNG image data overflow"));
1954 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "DATA_OVERFLOW", NULL);
1955 	return TCL_ERROR;
1956     }
1959     if (pngPtr->interlace) {
1960 	switch (pngPtr->phase) {
1961 	case 1:			/* Phase 1: */
1962 	    colStep = 8;	/* 1 pixel per block of 8 per line */
1963 	    break;		/* Start at column 0 */
1964 	case 2:			/* Phase 2: */
1965 	    colStep = 8;	/* 1 pixels per block of 8 per line */
1966 	    colNum = 4;		/* Start at column 4 */
1967 	    break;
1968 	case 3:			/* Phase 3: */
1969 	    colStep = 4;	/* 2 pixels per block of 8 per line */
1970 	    break;		/* Start at column 0 */
1971 	case 4:			/* Phase 4: */
1972 	    colStep = 4;	/* 2 pixels per block of 8 per line */
1973 	    colNum = 2;		/* Start at column 2 */
1974 	    break;
1975 	case 5:			/* Phase 5: */
1976 	    colStep = 2;	/* 4 pixels per block of 8 per line */
1977 	    break;		/* Start at column 0 */
1978 	case 6:			/* Phase 6: */
1979 	    colStep = 2;	/* 4 pixels per block of 8 per line */
1980 	    colNum = 1;		/* Start at column 1 */
1981 	    break;
1982 				/* Phase 7: */
1983 				/* 8 pixels per block of 8 per line */
1984 				/* Start at column 0 */
1985 	}
1986     }
1988     /*
1989      * Calculate offset into pixelPtr for the first pixel of the line.
1990      */
1992     offset = pngPtr->currentLine * pngPtr->block.pitch;
1994     /*
1995      * Adjust up for the starting pixel of the line.
1996      */
1998     offset += colNum * pngPtr->block.pixelSize;
2000     /*
2001      * Calculate the extra number of bytes to skip between columns.
2002      */
2004     pixStep = (colStep - 1) * pngPtr->block.pixelSize;
2006     for ( ; colNum < pngPtr->block.width ; colNum += colStep) {
2007 	if (haveBits < (pngPtr->bitDepth * pngPtr->numChannels)) {
2008 	    haveBits = 0;
2009 	}
2011 	for (chan = 0 ; chan < pngPtr->numChannels ; chan++) {
2012 	    if (!haveBits) {
2013 		shifts = 0;
2014 		readByte = *p++;
2015 		haveBits += 8;
2016 	    }
2018 	    if (16 == pngPtr->bitDepth) {
2019 		pngPtr->block.pixelPtr[offset++] = readByte;
2021 		if (pngPtr->useTRNS) {
2022 		    lastPixel[chan * 2] = readByte;
2023 		}
2025 		readByte = *p++;
2027 		if (pngPtr->useTRNS) {
2028 		    lastPixel[(chan * 2) + 1] = readByte;
2029 		}
2031 		pngPtr->block.pixelPtr[offset++] = readByte;
2033 		haveBits = 0;
2034 		continue;
2035 	    }
2037 	    switch (pngPtr->bitDepth) {
2038 	    case 1:
2039 		pixBits = (unsigned char)((readByte >> (7-shifts)) & 0x01);
2040 		break;
2041 	    case 2:
2042 		pixBits = (unsigned char)((readByte >> (6-shifts*2)) & 0x03);
2043 		break;
2044 	    case 4:
2045 		pixBits = (unsigned char)((readByte >> (4-shifts*4)) & 0x0f);
2046 		break;
2047 	    case 8:
2048 		pixBits = readByte;
2049 		break;
2050 	    }
2052 	    if (PNG_COLOR_PLTE == pngPtr->colorType) {
2053 		pixelPtr[offset++] = pngPtr->palette[pixBits].red;
2054 		pixelPtr[offset++] = pngPtr->palette[pixBits].green;
2055 		pixelPtr[offset++] = pngPtr->palette[pixBits].blue;
2056 		pixelPtr[offset++] = pngPtr->palette[pixBits].alpha;
2057 		chan += 2;
2058 	    } else {
2059 		pixelPtr[offset++] = (unsigned char)
2060 			(pixBits * pngPtr->bitScale);
2062 		if (pngPtr->useTRNS) {
2063 		    lastPixel[chan] = pixBits;
2064 		}
2065 	    }
2067 	    haveBits -= pngPtr->bitDepth;
2068 	    shifts++;
2069 	}
2071 	/*
2072 	 * Apply boolean transparency via tRNS data if necessary (where
2073 	 * necessary means a tRNS chunk was provided and we're not using an
2074 	 * alpha channel or indexed alpha).
2075 	 */
2077 	if ((PNG_COLOR_PLTE != pngPtr->colorType) &&
2078 		!(pngPtr->colorType & PNG_COLOR_ALPHA)) {
2079 	    unsigned char alpha;
2081 	    if (pngPtr->useTRNS) {
2082 		if (memcmp(lastPixel, pngPtr->transVal,
2083 			pngPtr->bytesPerPixel) == 0) {
2084 		    alpha = 0x00;
2085 		} else {
2086 		    alpha = 0xff;
2087 		}
2088 	    } else {
2089 		alpha = 0xff;
2090 	    }
2092 	    pixelPtr[offset++] = alpha;
2094 	    if (16 == pngPtr->bitDepth) {
2095 		pixelPtr[offset++] = alpha;
2096 	    }
2097 	}
2099 	offset += pixStep;
2100     }
2102     if (pngPtr->interlace) {
2103 	/* Skip lines */
2105 	switch (pngPtr->phase) {
2106 	case 1: case 2: case 3:
2107 	    pngPtr->currentLine += 8;
2108 	    break;
2109 	case 4: case 5:
2110 	    pngPtr->currentLine += 4;
2111 	    break;
2112 	case 6: case 7:
2113 	    pngPtr->currentLine += 2;
2114 	    break;
2115 	}
2117 	/*
2118 	 * Start the next phase if there are no more lines to do.
2119 	 */
2121 	if (pngPtr->currentLine >= pngPtr->block.height) {
2122 	    unsigned long pixels = 0;
2124 	    while ((!pixels || (pngPtr->currentLine >= pngPtr->block.height))
2125 		    && (pngPtr->phase < 7)) {
2126 		pngPtr->phase++;
2128 		switch (pngPtr->phase) {
2129 		case 2:
2130 		    pixels = (pngPtr->block.width + 3) >> 3;
2131 		    pngPtr->currentLine = 0;
2132 		    break;
2133 		case 3:
2134 		    pixels = (pngPtr->block.width + 3) >> 2;
2135 		    pngPtr->currentLine = 4;
2136 		    break;
2137 		case 4:
2138 		    pixels = (pngPtr->block.width + 1) >> 2;
2139 		    pngPtr->currentLine = 0;
2140 		    break;
2141 		case 5:
2142 		    pixels = (pngPtr->block.width + 1) >> 1;
2143 		    pngPtr->currentLine = 2;
2144 		    break;
2145 		case 6:
2146 		    pixels = pngPtr->block.width >> 1;
2147 		    pngPtr->currentLine = 0;
2148 		    break;
2149 		case 7:
2150 		    pngPtr->currentLine = 1;
2151 		    pixels = pngPtr->block.width;
2152 		    break;
2153 		}
2154 	    }
2156 	    if (16 == pngPtr->bitDepth) {
2157 		pngPtr->phaseSize = 1 + (pngPtr->numChannels * pixels * 2);
2158 	    } else {
2159 		pngPtr->phaseSize = 1 + ((pngPtr->numChannels * pixels *
2160 			pngPtr->bitDepth + 7) >> 3);
2161 	    }
2162 	}
2163     } else {
2164 	pngPtr->currentLine++;
2165     }
2167     return TCL_OK;
2168 }
2170 /*
2171  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2172  *
2173  * ReadIDAT --
2174  *
2175  *	This function reads the IDAT (pixel data) chunk from the PNG file to
2176  *	build the image. It will continue reading until all IDAT chunks have
2177  *	been processed or an error occurs.
2178  *
2179  * Results:
2180  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error occurs or an IDAT chunk is
2181  *	invalid.
2182  *
2183  * Side effects:
2184  *	The access position in f advances. Memory may be allocated by zlib
2185  *	through PNGZAlloc.
2186  *
2187  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2188  */
2190 static int
ReadIDAT(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,int chunkSz,unsigned long crc)2191 ReadIDAT(
2192     Tcl_Interp *interp,
2193     PNGImage *pngPtr,
2194     int chunkSz,
2195     unsigned long crc)
2196 {
2197     /*
2198      * Process IDAT contents until there is no more in this chunk.
2199      */
2201     while (chunkSz && !Tcl_ZlibStreamEof(pngPtr->stream)) {
2202 	TkSizeT len1, len2;
2204 	/*
2205 	 * Read another block of input into the zlib stream if data remains.
2206 	 */
2208 	if (chunkSz) {
2209 	    Tcl_Obj *inputObj = NULL;
2210 	    int blockSz = PNG_MIN(chunkSz, PNG_BLOCK_SZ);
2211 	    unsigned char *inputPtr = NULL;
2213 	    /*
2214 	     * Check for end of zlib stream.
2215 	     */
2217 	    if (Tcl_ZlibStreamEof(pngPtr->stream)) {
2218 		Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2219 			"extra data after end of zlib stream", -1));
2220 		Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "EXTRA_DATA",
2221 			NULL);
2222 		return TCL_ERROR;
2223 	    }
2225 	    inputObj = Tcl_NewObj();
2226 	    Tcl_IncrRefCount(inputObj);
2227 	    inputPtr = Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(inputObj, blockSz);
2229 	    /*
2230 	     * Read the next bit of IDAT chunk data, up to read buffer size.
2231 	     */
2233 	    if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, inputPtr, blockSz,
2234 		    &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2235 		Tcl_DecrRefCount(inputObj);
2236 		return TCL_ERROR;
2237 	    }
2239 	    chunkSz -= blockSz;
2241 	    Tcl_ZlibStreamPut(pngPtr->stream, inputObj, TCL_ZLIB_NO_FLUSH);
2242 	    Tcl_DecrRefCount(inputObj);
2243 	}
2245 	/*
2246 	 * Inflate, processing each output buffer's worth as a line of pixels,
2247 	 * until we cannot fill the buffer any more.
2248 	 */
2250     getNextLine:
2251 	Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(pngPtr->thisLineObj, &len1);
2252 	if (Tcl_ZlibStreamGet(pngPtr->stream, pngPtr->thisLineObj,
2253 		pngPtr->phaseSize - len1) == TCL_ERROR) {
2254 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2255 	}
2256 	Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(pngPtr->thisLineObj, &len2);
2258 	if (len2 == (TkSizeT)pngPtr->phaseSize) {
2259 	    if (pngPtr->phase > 7) {
2260 		Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2261 			"extra data after final scan line of final phase",
2262 			-1));
2263 		Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "EXTRA_DATA",
2264 			NULL);
2265 		return TCL_ERROR;
2266 	    }
2268 	    if (DecodeLine(interp, pngPtr) == TCL_ERROR) {
2269 		return TCL_ERROR;
2270 	    }
2272 	    /*
2273 	     * Swap the current/last lines so that we always have the last
2274 	     * line processed available, which is necessary for filtering.
2275 	     */
2277 	    {
2278 		Tcl_Obj *temp = pngPtr->lastLineObj;
2280 		pngPtr->lastLineObj = pngPtr->thisLineObj;
2281 		pngPtr->thisLineObj = temp;
2282 	    }
2283 	    Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(pngPtr->thisLineObj, 0);
2285 	    /*
2286 	     * Try to read another line of pixels out of the buffer
2287 	     * immediately, but don't allow write past end of block.
2288 	     */
2290 	    if (pngPtr->currentLine < pngPtr->block.height) {
2291 		goto getNextLine;
2292 	    }
2294 	}
2296 	/*
2297 	 * Got less than a whole buffer-load of pixels. Either we're going to
2298 	 * be getting more data from the next IDAT, or we've done what we can
2299 	 * here.
2300 	 */
2301     }
2303     /*
2304      * Ensure that if we've got to the end of the compressed data, we've
2305      * also got to the end of the compressed stream. This sanity check is
2306      * enforced by most PNG readers.
2307      */
2309     if (chunkSz != 0) {
2310 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2311 		"compressed data after stream finalize in PNG data", -1));
2312 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "EXTRA_DATA", NULL);
2313 	return TCL_ERROR;
2314     }
2316     return CheckCRC(interp, pngPtr, crc);
2317 }
2319 /*
2320  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2321  *
2322  * ApplyAlpha --
2323  *
2324  *	Applies an overall alpha value to a complete image that has been read.
2325  *	This alpha value is specified using the -format option to [image
2326  *	create photo].
2327  *
2328  * Results:
2329  *	N/A
2330  *
2331  * Side effects:
2332  *	The access position in f may change.
2333  *
2334  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2335  */
2337 static void
ApplyAlpha(PNGImage * pngPtr)2338 ApplyAlpha(
2339     PNGImage *pngPtr)
2340 {
2341     if (pngPtr->alpha != 1.0) {
2342 	unsigned char *p = pngPtr->block.pixelPtr;
2343 	unsigned char *endPtr = p + pngPtr->blockLen;
2344 	int offset = pngPtr->block.offset[3];
2346 	p += offset;
2348 	if (16 == pngPtr->bitDepth) {
2349 	    unsigned int channel;
2351 	    while (p < endPtr) {
2352 		channel = (unsigned int)
2353 			(((p[0] << 8) | p[1]) * pngPtr->alpha);
2355 		*p++ = (unsigned char) (channel >> 8);
2356 		*p++ = (unsigned char) (channel & 0xff);
2358 		p += offset;
2359 	    }
2360 	} else {
2361 	    while (p < endPtr) {
2362 		p[0] = (unsigned char) (pngPtr->alpha * p[0]);
2363 		p += 1 + offset;
2364 	    }
2365 	}
2366     }
2367 }
2369 /*
2370  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2371  *
2372  * ParseFormat --
2373  *
2374  *	This function parses the -format string that can be specified to the
2375  *	[image create photo] command to extract options for postprocessing of
2376  *	loaded images. Currently, this just allows specifying and applying an
2377  *	overall alpha value to the loaded image (for example, to make it
2378  *	entirely 50% as transparent as the actual image file).
2379  *
2380  * Results:
2381  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if the format specification is invalid.
2382  *
2383  * Side effects:
2384  *	None
2385  *
2386  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2387  */
2389 static int
ParseFormat(Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_Obj * fmtObj,PNGImage * pngPtr)2390 ParseFormat(
2391     Tcl_Interp *interp,
2392     Tcl_Obj *fmtObj,
2393     PNGImage *pngPtr)
2394 {
2395     Tcl_Obj **objv = NULL;
2396     int objc = 0;
2397     static const char *const fmtOptions[] = {
2398 	"-alpha", NULL
2399     };
2400     enum fmtOptionsEnum {
2402     };
2404     /*
2405      * Extract elements of format specification as a list.
2406      */
2408     if (fmtObj &&
2409 	    Tcl_ListObjGetElements(interp, fmtObj, &objc, &objv) != TCL_OK) {
2410 	return TCL_ERROR;
2411     }
2413     for (; objc>0 ; objc--, objv++) {
2414 	int optIndex;
2416 	/*
2417 	 * Ignore the "png" part of the format specification.
2418 	 */
2420 	if (!strcasecmp(Tcl_GetString(objv[0]), "png")) {
2421 	    continue;
2422 	}
2424 	if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObjStruct(interp, objv[0], fmtOptions,
2425 		sizeof(char *), "option", 0, &optIndex) == TCL_ERROR) {
2426 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2427 	}
2429 	if (objc < 2) {
2430 	    Tcl_WrongNumArgs(interp, 1, objv, "value");
2431 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2432 	}
2434 	objc--;
2435 	objv++;
2437 	switch ((enum fmtOptionsEnum) optIndex) {
2438 	case OPT_ALPHA:
2439 	    if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[0],
2440 		    &pngPtr->alpha) == TCL_ERROR) {
2441 		return TCL_ERROR;
2442 	    }
2444 	    if ((pngPtr->alpha < 0.0) || (pngPtr->alpha > 1.0)) {
2445 		Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2446 			"-alpha value must be between 0.0 and 1.0", -1));
2447 		Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_ALPHA",
2448 			NULL);
2449 		return TCL_ERROR;
2450 	    }
2451 	    break;
2452 	}
2453     }
2455     return TCL_OK;
2456 }
2458 /*
2459  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2460  *
2461  * DecodePNG --
2462  *
2463  *	This function handles the entirety of reading a PNG file (or data)
2464  *	from the first byte to the last.
2465  *
2466  * Results:
2467  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O error occurs or any problems are
2468  *	detected in the PNG file.
2469  *
2470  * Side effects:
2471  *	The access position in f advances. Memory may be allocated and image
2472  *	dimensions and contents may change.
2473  *
2474  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2475  */
2477 static int
DecodePNG(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,Tcl_Obj * fmtObj,Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle,int destX,int destY)2478 DecodePNG(
2479     Tcl_Interp *interp,
2480     PNGImage *pngPtr,
2481     Tcl_Obj *fmtObj,
2482     Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle,
2483     int destX,
2484     int destY)
2485 {
2486     unsigned long chunkType;
2487     size_t chunkSz;
2488     unsigned long crc;
2490     /*
2491      * Parse the PNG signature and IHDR (header) chunk.
2492      */
2494     if (ReadIHDR(interp, pngPtr) == TCL_ERROR) {
2495 	return TCL_ERROR;
2496     }
2498     /*
2499      * Extract alpha value from -format object, if specified.
2500      */
2502     if (ParseFormat(interp, fmtObj, pngPtr) == TCL_ERROR) {
2503 	return TCL_ERROR;
2504     }
2506     /*
2507      * The next chunk may either be a PLTE (Palette) chunk or the first of at
2508      * least one IDAT (data) chunks. It could also be one of a number of
2509      * ancillary chunks, but those are skipped for us by the switch in
2510      * ReadChunkHeader().
2511      *
2512      * PLTE is mandatory for color type 3 and forbidden for 2 and 6
2513      */
2515     if (ReadChunkHeader(interp, pngPtr, &chunkSz, &chunkType,
2516 	    &crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2517 	return TCL_ERROR;
2518     }
2520     /*
2521      * Physical header may be present here so try to parse it
2522      */
2524     if (CHUNK_pHYs == chunkType) {
2525 	/*
2526 	 * Finish parsing the PHYS chunk.
2527 	 */
2529 	if (ReadPHYS(interp, pngPtr, chunkSz, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2530 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2531 	}
2533 	/*
2534 	 * Begin the next chunk.
2535 	 */
2537 	if (ReadChunkHeader(interp, pngPtr, &chunkSz, &chunkType,
2538 		&crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2539 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2540 	}
2541     }
2543     if (CHUNK_PLTE == chunkType) {
2544 	/*
2545 	 * Finish parsing the PLTE chunk.
2546 	 */
2548 	if (ReadPLTE(interp, pngPtr, chunkSz, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2549 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2550 	}
2552 	/*
2553 	 * Begin the next chunk.
2554 	 */
2556 	if (ReadChunkHeader(interp, pngPtr, &chunkSz, &chunkType,
2557 		&crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2558 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2559 	}
2560     } else if (PNG_COLOR_PLTE == pngPtr->colorType) {
2561 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2562 		"PLTE chunk required for indexed color", -1));
2563 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "NEED_PLTE", NULL);
2564 	return TCL_ERROR;
2565     }
2567     /*
2568      * The next chunk may be a tRNS (palette transparency) chunk, depending on
2569      * the color type. It must come after the PLTE chunk and before the IDAT
2570      * chunk, but can be present if there is no PLTE chunk because it can be
2571      * used for Grayscale and TrueColor in lieu of an alpha channel.
2572      */
2574     if (CHUNK_tRNS == chunkType) {
2575 	/*
2576 	 * Finish parsing the tRNS chunk.
2577 	 */
2579 	if (ReadTRNS(interp, pngPtr, chunkSz, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2580 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2581 	}
2583 	/*
2584 	 * Begin the next chunk.
2585 	 */
2587 	if (ReadChunkHeader(interp, pngPtr, &chunkSz, &chunkType,
2588 		&crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2589 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2590 	}
2591     }
2593     /*
2594      * Physical header may be present here so try to parse it
2595      */
2597     if (CHUNK_pHYs == chunkType) {
2598 	/*
2599 	 * Finish parsing the PHYS chunk.
2600 	 */
2602 	if (ReadPHYS(interp, pngPtr, chunkSz, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2603 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2604 	}
2606 	/*
2607 	 * Begin the next chunk.
2608 	 */
2610 	if (ReadChunkHeader(interp, pngPtr, &chunkSz, &chunkType,
2611 		&crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2612 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2613 	}
2614     }
2616     /*
2617      * Other ancillary chunk types could appear here, but for now we're only
2618      * interested in IDAT. The others should have been skipped.
2619      */
2621     if (chunkType != CHUNK_IDAT) {
2622 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2623 		"at least one IDAT chunk is required", -1));
2624 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "NEED_IDAT", NULL);
2625 	return TCL_ERROR;
2626     }
2628     /*
2629      * Expand the photo size (if not set by the user) to provide enough space
2630      * for the image being parsed. It does not matter if width or height wrap
2631      * to negative here: Tk will not shrink the image.
2632      */
2634     if (Tk_PhotoExpand(interp, imageHandle, destX + pngPtr->block.width,
2635 	    destY + pngPtr->block.height) == TCL_ERROR) {
2636 	return TCL_ERROR;
2637     }
2639     /*
2640      * A scan line consists of one byte for a filter type, plus the number of
2641      * bits per color sample times the number of color samples per pixel.
2642      */
2644     if (pngPtr->block.width > ((INT_MAX - 1) / (pngPtr->numChannels * 2))) {
2645 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2646 		"line size is out of supported range on this architecture",
2647 		-1));
2648 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "LINE_SIZE", NULL);
2649 	return TCL_ERROR;
2650     }
2652     if (16 == pngPtr->bitDepth) {
2653 	pngPtr->lineSize = 1 + (pngPtr->numChannels * pngPtr->block.width*2);
2654     } else {
2655 	pngPtr->lineSize = 1 + ((pngPtr->numChannels * pngPtr->block.width) /
2656 		(8 / pngPtr->bitDepth));
2657 	if (pngPtr->block.width % (8 / pngPtr->bitDepth)) {
2658 	    pngPtr->lineSize++;
2659 	}
2660     }
2662     /*
2663      * Allocate space for decoding the scan lines.
2664      */
2666     pngPtr->lastLineObj = Tcl_NewObj();
2667     Tcl_IncrRefCount(pngPtr->lastLineObj);
2668     pngPtr->thisLineObj = Tcl_NewObj();
2669     Tcl_IncrRefCount(pngPtr->thisLineObj);
2671     pngPtr->block.pixelPtr = (unsigned char *)attemptckalloc(pngPtr->blockLen);
2672     if (!pngPtr->block.pixelPtr) {
2673 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2674 		"memory allocation failed", -1));
2675 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "MALLOC", NULL);
2676 	return TCL_ERROR;
2677     }
2679     /*
2680      * Determine size of the first phase if interlaced. Phase size should
2681      * always be <= line size, so probably not necessary to check for
2682      * arithmetic overflow here: should be covered by line size check.
2683      */
2685     if (pngPtr->interlace) {
2686 	/*
2687 	 * Only one pixel per block of 8 per line in the first phase.
2688 	 */
2690 	unsigned int pixels = (pngPtr->block.width + 7) >> 3;
2692 	pngPtr->phase = 1;
2693 	if (16 == pngPtr->bitDepth) {
2694 	    pngPtr->phaseSize = 1 + pngPtr->numChannels*pixels*2;
2695 	} else {
2696 	    pngPtr->phaseSize = 1 +
2697 		    ((pngPtr->numChannels*pixels*pngPtr->bitDepth + 7) >> 3);
2698 	}
2699     } else {
2700 	pngPtr->phaseSize = pngPtr->lineSize;
2701     }
2703     /*
2704      * All of the IDAT (data) chunks must be consecutive.
2705      */
2707     while (CHUNK_IDAT == chunkType) {
2708 	if (ReadIDAT(interp, pngPtr, chunkSz, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2709 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2710 	}
2712 	if (ReadChunkHeader(interp, pngPtr, &chunkSz, &chunkType,
2713 		&crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2714 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2715 	}
2716     }
2718     /*
2719      * Ensure that we've got to the end of the compressed stream now that
2720      * there are no more IDAT segments. This sanity check is enforced by most
2721      * PNG readers.
2722      */
2724     if (!Tcl_ZlibStreamEof(pngPtr->stream)) {
2725 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2726 		"unfinalized data stream in PNG data", -1));
2727 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "EXTRA_DATA", NULL);
2728 	return TCL_ERROR;
2729     }
2731     /*
2732      * Now skip the remaining chunks which we're also not interested in.
2733      */
2735     while (CHUNK_IEND != chunkType) {
2736 	if (SkipChunk(interp, pngPtr, chunkSz, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2737 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2738 	}
2740 	if (ReadChunkHeader(interp, pngPtr, &chunkSz, &chunkType,
2741 		&crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2742 	    return TCL_ERROR;
2743 	}
2744     }
2746     /*
2747      * Got the IEND (end of image) chunk. Do some final checks...
2748      */
2750     if (chunkSz) {
2751 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2752 		"IEND chunk contents must be empty", -1));
2753 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_IEND", NULL);
2754 	return TCL_ERROR;
2755     }
2757     /*
2758      * Check the CRC on the IEND chunk.
2759      */
2761     if (CheckCRC(interp, pngPtr, crc) == TCL_ERROR) {
2762 	return TCL_ERROR;
2763     }
2765     /*
2766      * TODO: verify that nothing else comes after the IEND chunk, or do we
2767      * really care?
2768      */
2770 #if 0
2771     if (ReadData(interp, pngPtr, &c, 1, NULL) != TCL_ERROR) {
2772 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
2773 		"extra data following IEND chunk", -1));
2774 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "BAD_IEND", NULL);
2775 	return TCL_ERROR;
2776     }
2777 #endif
2779     /*
2780      * Apply overall image alpha if specified.
2781      */
2783     ApplyAlpha(pngPtr);
2785     /*
2786      * Copy the decoded image block into the Tk photo image.
2787      */
2789     if (Tk_PhotoPutBlock(interp, imageHandle, &pngPtr->block, destX, destY,
2790 	    pngPtr->block.width, pngPtr->block.height,
2792 	return TCL_ERROR;
2793     }
2795     return TCL_OK;
2796 }
2798 /*
2799  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2800  *
2801  * FileMatchPNG --
2802  *
2803  *	This function is invoked by the photo image type to see if a file
2804  *	contains image data in PNG format.
2805  *
2806  * Results:
2807  *	The return value is 1 if the first characters in file f look like PNG
2808  *	data, and 0 otherwise.
2809  *
2810  * Side effects:
2811  *	The access position in f may change.
2812  *
2813  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2814  */
2816 static int
FileMatchPNG(Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_Channel chan,TCL_UNUSED (const char *),TCL_UNUSED (Tcl_Obj *),TCL_UNUSED (Tcl_Obj *),int * widthPtr,int * heightPtr,TCL_UNUSED (Tcl_Obj *))2817 FileMatchPNG(
2818     Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Interpreter to use for reporting errors. */
2819     Tcl_Channel chan,		/* The image file, open for reading. */
2820     TCL_UNUSED(const char *),	/* The name of the image file. */
2821     TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *),	/* User-specified format object, or NULL. */
2822     TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *),	/* metadata input, may be NULL */
2823     int *widthPtr, int *heightPtr,
2824 				/* The dimensions of the image are returned
2825 				 * here if the file is a valid raw GIF file. */
2826     TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *))	/* metadata return dict, may be NULL */
2827 {
2828     PNGImage png;
2829     int match = 0;
2831     InitPNGImage(NULL, &png, chan, NULL, TCL_ZLIB_STREAM_INFLATE);
2833     if (ReadIHDR(interp, &png) == TCL_OK) {
2834 	*widthPtr = png.block.width;
2835 	*heightPtr = png.block.height;
2836 	match = 1;
2837     }
2839     CleanupPNGImage(&png);
2841     return match;
2842 }
2844 /*
2845  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2846  *
2847  * FileReadPNG --
2848  *
2849  *	This function is called by the photo image type to read PNG format
2850  *	data from a file and write it into a given photo image.
2851  *
2852  * Results:
2853  *	A standard TCL completion code. If TCL_ERROR is returned then an error
2854  *	message is left in the interp's result.
2855  *
2856  * Side effects:
2857  *	The access position in file f is changed, and new data is added to the
2858  *	image given by imageHandle.
2859  *
2860  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2861  */
2863 static int
FileReadPNG(Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_Channel chan,TCL_UNUSED (const char *),Tcl_Obj * fmtObj,TCL_UNUSED (Tcl_Obj *),Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle,int destX,int destY,TCL_UNUSED (int),TCL_UNUSED (int),TCL_UNUSED (int),TCL_UNUSED (int),Tcl_Obj * metadataOutObj)2864 FileReadPNG(
2865     Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Interpreter to use for reporting errors. */
2866     Tcl_Channel chan,		/* The image file, open for reading. */
2867     TCL_UNUSED(const char *),	/* The name of the image file. */
2868     Tcl_Obj *fmtObj,		/* User-specified format object, or NULL. */
2869     TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *),	/* metadata input, may be NULL */
2870     Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle,	/* The photo image to write into. */
2871     int destX, int destY,	/* Coordinates of top-left pixel in photo
2872 				 * image to be written to. */
2873     TCL_UNUSED(int),		/* Dimensions of block of photo image to be
2874 				 * written to. */
2875     TCL_UNUSED(int),
2876     TCL_UNUSED(int),		/* Coordinates of top-left pixel to be used in
2877 				 * image being read. */
2878     TCL_UNUSED(int),
2879     Tcl_Obj *metadataOutObj)	/* metadata return dict, may be NULL */
2880 {
2881     PNGImage png;
2882     int result = TCL_ERROR;
2884     result = InitPNGImage(interp, &png, chan, NULL, TCL_ZLIB_STREAM_INFLATE);
2886     if (TCL_OK == result) {
2887 	result = DecodePNG(interp, &png, fmtObj, imageHandle, destX, destY);
2888     }
2890     if (TCL_OK == result && metadataOutObj != NULL && png.DPI != -1) {
2891 	result = Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, metadataOutObj,
2892 		Tcl_NewStringObj("DPI",-1),
2893 		Tcl_NewDoubleObj(png.DPI));
2894     }
2896     if (TCL_OK == result && metadataOutObj != NULL && png.aspect != -1) {
2897 	result = Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, metadataOutObj,
2898 		Tcl_NewStringObj("aspect",-1),
2899 		Tcl_NewDoubleObj(png.aspect));
2900     }
2902     CleanupPNGImage(&png);
2903     return result;
2904 }
2906 /*
2907  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2908  *
2909  * StringMatchPNG --
2910  *
2911  *	This function is invoked by the photo image type to see if an object
2912  *	contains image data in PNG format.
2913  *
2914  * Results:
2915  *	The return value is 1 if the first characters in the data are like PNG
2916  *	data, and 0 otherwise.
2917  *
2918  * Side effects:
2919  *	The size of the image is placed in widthPre and heightPtr.
2920  *
2921  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2922  */
2924 static int
StringMatchPNG(Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_Obj * pObjData,TCL_UNUSED (Tcl_Obj *),TCL_UNUSED (Tcl_Obj *),int * widthPtr,int * heightPtr,TCL_UNUSED (Tcl_Obj *))2925 StringMatchPNG(
2926     Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* Interpreter to use for reporting errors. */
2927     Tcl_Obj *pObjData,		/* the object containing the image data */
2928     TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *),	/* the image format object, or NULL */
2929     TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *),	/* metadata input, may be NULL */
2930     int *widthPtr,		/* where to put the string width */
2931     int *heightPtr,		/* where to put the string height */
2932     TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *))	/* metadata return dict, may be NULL */
2933 {
2934     PNGImage png;
2935     int match = 0;
2937     InitPNGImage(NULL, &png, NULL, pObjData, TCL_ZLIB_STREAM_INFLATE);
2939     png.strDataBuf = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(pObjData, &png.strDataLen);
2941     if (ReadIHDR(interp, &png) == TCL_OK) {
2942 	*widthPtr = png.block.width;
2943 	*heightPtr = png.block.height;
2944 	match = 1;
2945     }
2947     CleanupPNGImage(&png);
2948     return match;
2949 }
2951 /*
2952  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2953  *
2954  * StringReadPNG --
2955  *
2956  *	This function is called by the photo image type to read PNG format
2957  *	data from an object and give it to the photo image.
2958  *
2959  * Results:
2960  *	A standard TCL completion code. If TCL_ERROR is returned then an error
2961  *	message is left in the interp's result.
2962  *
2963  * Side effects:
2964  *	New data is added to the image given by imageHandle.
2965  *
2966  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
2967  */
2969 static int
StringReadPNG(Tcl_Interp * interp,Tcl_Obj * pObjData,Tcl_Obj * fmtObj,TCL_UNUSED (Tcl_Obj *),Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle,int destX,int destY,TCL_UNUSED (int),TCL_UNUSED (int),TCL_UNUSED (int),TCL_UNUSED (int),Tcl_Obj * metadataOutObj)2970 StringReadPNG(
2971     Tcl_Interp *interp,		/* interpreter for reporting errors in */
2972     Tcl_Obj *pObjData,		/* object containing the image */
2973     Tcl_Obj *fmtObj,		/* format object, or NULL */
2974     TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *),	/* metadata input, may be NULL */
2975     Tk_PhotoHandle imageHandle,	/* the image to write this data into */
2976     int destX, int destY,	/* The rectangular region of the */
2977     TCL_UNUSED(int),		/* image to copy */
2978     TCL_UNUSED(int),
2979     TCL_UNUSED(int),
2980     TCL_UNUSED(int),
2981     Tcl_Obj *metadataOutObj)	/* metadata return dict, may be NULL */
2982 {
2983     PNGImage png;
2984     int result = TCL_ERROR;
2986     result = InitPNGImage(interp, &png, NULL, pObjData,
2989     if (TCL_OK == result) {
2990 	result = DecodePNG(interp, &png, fmtObj, imageHandle, destX, destY);
2991     }
2993     if (TCL_OK == result && metadataOutObj != NULL && png.DPI != -1) {
2994 	result = Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, metadataOutObj,
2995 		Tcl_NewStringObj("DPI",-1),
2996 		Tcl_NewDoubleObj(png.DPI));
2997     }
2999     if (TCL_OK == result && metadataOutObj != NULL && png.aspect != -1) {
3000 	result = Tcl_DictObjPut(NULL, metadataOutObj,
3001 		Tcl_NewStringObj("aspect",-1),
3002 		Tcl_NewDoubleObj(png.aspect));
3003     }
3005     CleanupPNGImage(&png);
3006     return result;
3007 }
3009 /*
3010  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3011  *
3012  * WriteData --
3013  *
3014  *	This function writes a bytes from a buffer out to the PNG image.
3015  *
3016  * Results:
3017  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if the write fails.
3018  *
3019  * Side effects:
3020  *	File or buffer will be modified.
3021  *
3022  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3023  */
3025 static int
WriteData(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,const unsigned char * srcPtr,size_t srcSz,unsigned long * crcPtr)3026 WriteData(
3027     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3028     PNGImage *pngPtr,
3029     const unsigned char *srcPtr,
3030     size_t srcSz,
3031     unsigned long *crcPtr)
3032 {
3033     if (!srcPtr || !srcSz) {
3034 	return TCL_OK;
3035     }
3037     if (crcPtr) {
3038 	*crcPtr = Tcl_ZlibCRC32(*crcPtr, srcPtr, srcSz);
3039     }
3041     /*
3042      * TODO: is Tcl_AppendObjToObj faster here? i.e., does Tcl join the
3043      * objects immediately or store them in a multi-object rep?
3044      */
3046     if (pngPtr->objDataPtr) {
3047 	TkSizeT objSz;
3048 	unsigned char *destPtr;
3050 	Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(pngPtr->objDataPtr, &objSz);
3052 	if (objSz + srcSz > INT_MAX) {
3053 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
3054 		    "image too large to store completely in byte array", -1));
3055 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "TOO_LARGE", NULL);
3056 	    return TCL_ERROR;
3057 	}
3059 	destPtr = Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(pngPtr->objDataPtr, objSz + srcSz);
3061 	if (!destPtr) {
3062 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
3063 		    "memory allocation failed", -1));
3064 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "MALLOC", NULL);
3065 	    return TCL_ERROR;
3066 	}
3068 	memcpy(destPtr+objSz, srcPtr, srcSz);
3069     } else if (Tcl_Write(pngPtr->channel, (const char *) srcPtr, srcSz) == TCL_IO_FAILURE) {
3070 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_ObjPrintf(
3071 		"write to channel failed: %s", Tcl_PosixError(interp)));
3072 	return TCL_ERROR;
3073     }
3075     return TCL_OK;
3076 }
3078 static inline int
WriteByte(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,unsigned char c,unsigned long * crcPtr)3079 WriteByte(
3080     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3081     PNGImage *pngPtr,
3082     unsigned char c,
3083     unsigned long *crcPtr)
3084 {
3085     return WriteData(interp, pngPtr, &c, 1, crcPtr);
3086 }
3088 /*
3089  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3090  *
3091  * LongToInt32 --
3092  *
3093  *	This function transforms to a 32-bit integer value as
3094  *	four bytes in network byte order.
3095  *
3096  * Results:
3097  *	None
3098  *
3099  * Side effects:
3100  *	Buffer will be modified.
3101  *
3102  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3103  */
3105 static inline void
LongToInt32(unsigned long l,unsigned char * pc)3106 LongToInt32(
3107     unsigned long l,
3108     unsigned char *pc)
3109 {
3110     pc[0] = (unsigned char) ((l & 0xff000000) >> 24);
3111     pc[1] = (unsigned char) ((l & 0x00ff0000) >> 16);
3112     pc[2] = (unsigned char) ((l & 0x0000ff00) >> 8);
3113     pc[3] = (unsigned char) ((l & 0x000000ff) >> 0);
3114 }
3116 /*
3117  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3118  *
3119  * WriteInt32 --
3120  *
3121  *	This function writes a 32-bit integer value out to the PNG image as
3122  *	four bytes in network byte order.
3123  *
3124  * Results:
3125  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if the write fails.
3126  *
3127  * Side effects:
3128  *	File or buffer will be modified.
3129  *
3130  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3131  */
3133 static inline int
WriteInt32(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,unsigned long l,unsigned long * crcPtr)3134 WriteInt32(
3135     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3136     PNGImage *pngPtr,
3137     unsigned long l,
3138     unsigned long *crcPtr)
3139 {
3140     unsigned char pc[4];
3141     LongToInt32(l,pc);
3142     return WriteData(interp, pngPtr, pc, 4, crcPtr);
3143 }
3145 /*
3146  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3147  *
3148  * WriteChunk --
3149  *
3150  *	Writes a complete chunk to the PNG image, including chunk type,
3151  *	length, contents, and CRC.
3152  *
3153  * Results:
3154  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if the write fails.
3155  *
3156  * Side effects:
3157  *	None
3158  *
3159  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3160  */
3162 static inline int
WriteChunk(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,unsigned long chunkType,const unsigned char * dataPtr,size_t dataSize)3163 WriteChunk(
3164     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3165     PNGImage *pngPtr,
3166     unsigned long chunkType,
3167     const unsigned char *dataPtr,
3168     size_t dataSize)
3169 {
3170     unsigned long crc = Tcl_ZlibCRC32(0, NULL, 0);
3171     int result = TCL_OK;
3173     /*
3174      * Write the length field for the chunk.
3175      */
3177     result = WriteInt32(interp, pngPtr, dataSize, NULL);
3179     /*
3180      * Write the Chunk Type.
3181      */
3183     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3184 	result = WriteInt32(interp, pngPtr, chunkType, &crc);
3185     }
3187     /*
3188      * Write the contents (if any).
3189      */
3191     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3192 	result = WriteData(interp, pngPtr, dataPtr, dataSize, &crc);
3193     }
3195     /*
3196      * Write out the CRC at the end of the chunk.
3197      */
3199     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3200 	result = WriteInt32(interp, pngPtr, crc, NULL);
3201     }
3203     return result;
3204 }
3206 /*
3207  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3208  *
3209  * WriteIHDR --
3210  *
3211  *	This function writes the PNG header at the beginning of a PNG file,
3212  *	which includes information such as dimensions and color type.
3213  *
3214  * Results:
3215  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if the write fails.
3216  *
3217  * Side effects:
3218  *	File or buffer will be modified.
3219  *
3220  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3221  */
3223 static int
WriteIHDR(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,Tk_PhotoImageBlock * blockPtr)3224 WriteIHDR(
3225     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3226     PNGImage *pngPtr,
3227     Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr)
3228 {
3229     unsigned long crc = Tcl_ZlibCRC32(0, NULL, 0);
3230     int result = TCL_OK;
3232     /*
3233      * The IHDR (header) chunk has a fixed size of 13 bytes.
3234      */
3236     result = WriteInt32(interp, pngPtr, 13, NULL);
3238     /*
3239      * Write the IHDR Chunk Type.
3240      */
3242     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3243 	result = WriteInt32(interp, pngPtr, CHUNK_IHDR, &crc);
3244     }
3246     /*
3247      * Write the image width, height.
3248      */
3250     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3251 	result = WriteInt32(interp, pngPtr, (unsigned long) blockPtr->width,
3252 		&crc);
3253     }
3255     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3256 	result = WriteInt32(interp, pngPtr, (unsigned long) blockPtr->height,
3257 		&crc);
3258     }
3260     /*
3261      * Write bit depth. Although the PNG format supports 16 bits per channel,
3262      * Tk supports only 8 in the internal representation, which blockPtr
3263      * points to.
3264      */
3266     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3267 	result = WriteByte(interp, pngPtr, 8, &crc);
3268     }
3270     /*
3271      * Write out the color type, previously determined.
3272      */
3274     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3275 	result = WriteByte(interp, pngPtr, pngPtr->colorType, &crc);
3276     }
3278     /*
3279      * Write compression method (only one method is defined).
3280      */
3282     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3283 	result = WriteByte(interp, pngPtr, PNG_COMPRESS_DEFLATE, &crc);
3284     }
3286     /*
3287      * Write filter method (only one method is defined).
3288      */
3290     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3291 	result = WriteByte(interp, pngPtr, PNG_FILTMETH_STANDARD, &crc);
3292     }
3294     /*
3295      * Write interlace method as not interlaced.
3296      *
3297      * TODO: support interlace through -format?
3298      */
3300     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3301 	result = WriteByte(interp, pngPtr, PNG_INTERLACE_NONE, &crc);
3302     }
3304     /*
3305      * Write out the CRC at the end of the chunk.
3306      */
3308     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3309 	result = WriteInt32(interp, pngPtr, crc, NULL);
3310     }
3312     return result;
3313 }
3315 /*
3316  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3317  *
3318  * WriteIDAT --
3319  *
3320  *	Writes the IDAT (data) chunk to the PNG image, containing the pixel
3321  *	channel data. Currently, image lines are not filtered and writing
3322  *	interlaced pixels is not supported.
3323  *
3324  * Results:
3325  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if the write fails.
3326  *
3327  * Side effects:
3328  *	None
3329  *
3330  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3331  */
3333 static int
WriteIDAT(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,Tk_PhotoImageBlock * blockPtr)3334 WriteIDAT(
3335     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3336     PNGImage *pngPtr,
3337     Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr)
3338 {
3339     int rowNum, flush = TCL_ZLIB_NO_FLUSH, result;
3340     Tcl_Obj *outputObj;
3341     unsigned char *outputBytes;
3342     TkSizeT outputSize;
3344     /*
3345      * Filter and compress each row one at a time.
3346      */
3348     for (rowNum=0 ; rowNum < blockPtr->height ; rowNum++) {
3349 	int colNum;
3350 	unsigned char *srcPtr, *destPtr;
3352 	srcPtr = blockPtr->pixelPtr + (rowNum * blockPtr->pitch);
3353 	destPtr = Tcl_SetByteArrayLength(pngPtr->thisLineObj,
3354 		pngPtr->lineSize);
3356 	/*
3357 	 * TODO: use Paeth filtering.
3358 	 */
3360 	*destPtr++ = PNG_FILTER_NONE;
3362 	/*
3363 	 * Copy each pixel into the destination buffer after the filter type
3364 	 * before filtering.
3365 	 */
3367 	for (colNum = 0 ; colNum < blockPtr->width ; colNum++) {
3368 	    /*
3369 	     * Copy red or gray channel.
3370 	     */
3372 	    *destPtr++ = srcPtr[blockPtr->offset[0]];
3374 	    /*
3375 	     * If not grayscale, copy the green and blue channels.
3376 	     */
3378 	    if (pngPtr->colorType & PNG_COLOR_USED) {
3379 		*destPtr++ = srcPtr[blockPtr->offset[1]];
3380 		*destPtr++ = srcPtr[blockPtr->offset[2]];
3381 	    }
3383 	    /*
3384 	     * Copy the alpha channel, if used.
3385 	     */
3387 	    if (pngPtr->colorType & PNG_COLOR_ALPHA) {
3388 		*destPtr++ = srcPtr[blockPtr->offset[3]];
3389 	    }
3391 	    /*
3392 	     * Point to the start of the next pixel.
3393 	     */
3395 	    srcPtr += blockPtr->pixelSize;
3396 	}
3398 	/*
3399 	 * Compress the line of pixels into the destination. If this is the
3400 	 * last line, finalize the compressor at the same time. Note that this
3401 	 * can't be just a flush; that leads to a file that some PNG readers
3402 	 * choke on. [Bug 2984787]
3403 	 */
3405 	if (rowNum + 1 == blockPtr->height) {
3406 	    flush = TCL_ZLIB_FINALIZE;
3407 	}
3408 	if (Tcl_ZlibStreamPut(pngPtr->stream, pngPtr->thisLineObj,
3409 		flush) != TCL_OK) {
3410 	    Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
3411 		    "deflate() returned error", -1));
3412 	    Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "DEFLATE", NULL);
3413 	    return TCL_ERROR;
3414 	}
3416 	/*
3417 	 * Swap line buffers to keep the last around for filtering next.
3418 	 */
3420 	{
3421 	    Tcl_Obj *temp = pngPtr->lastLineObj;
3423 	    pngPtr->lastLineObj = pngPtr->thisLineObj;
3424 	    pngPtr->thisLineObj = temp;
3425 	}
3426     }
3428     /*
3429      * Now get the compressed data and write it as one big IDAT chunk.
3430      */
3432     outputObj = Tcl_NewObj();
3433     (void) Tcl_ZlibStreamGet(pngPtr->stream, outputObj, -1);
3434     outputBytes = Tcl_GetByteArrayFromObj(outputObj, &outputSize);
3435     result = WriteChunk(interp, pngPtr, CHUNK_IDAT, outputBytes, outputSize);
3436     Tcl_DecrRefCount(outputObj);
3437     return result;
3438 }
3440 /*
3441  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3442  *
3443  * WriteExtraChunks --
3444  *
3445  *	Writes an sBIT and a tEXt chunks to the PNG image, describing a bunch
3446  *	of not very important metadata that many readers seem to need anyway.
3447  *
3448  * Results:
3449  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if the write fails.
3450  *
3451  * Side effects:
3452  *	None
3453  *
3454  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3455  */
3457 static int
WriteExtraChunks(Tcl_Interp * interp,PNGImage * pngPtr,Tcl_Obj * metadataInObj)3458 WriteExtraChunks(
3459     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3460     PNGImage *pngPtr,
3461     Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj)
3462 {
3463     static const unsigned char sBIT_contents[] = {
3464 	8, 8, 8, 8
3465     };
3466     int sBIT_length = 4;
3467     Tcl_DString buf;
3469     /*
3470      * Each byte of each channel is always significant; we always write RGBA
3471      * images with 8 bits per channel as that is what the photo image's basic
3472      * data model is.
3473      */
3475     switch (pngPtr->colorType) {
3476     case PNG_COLOR_GRAY:
3477 	sBIT_length = 1;
3478 	break;
3479     case PNG_COLOR_GRAYALPHA:
3480 	sBIT_length = 2;
3481 	break;
3482     case PNG_COLOR_RGB:
3483     case PNG_COLOR_PLTE:
3484 	sBIT_length = 3;
3485 	break;
3486     case PNG_COLOR_RGBA:
3487 	sBIT_length = 4;
3488 	break;
3489     }
3490     if (WriteChunk(interp, pngPtr, CHUNK_sBIT, sBIT_contents, sBIT_length)
3491 	    != TCL_OK) {
3492 	return TCL_ERROR;
3493     }
3495     /*
3496      * Say that it is Tk that made the PNG. Note that we *need* the NUL at the
3497      * end of "Software" to be transferred; do *not* change the length
3498      * parameter to -1 there!
3499      */
3501     Tcl_DStringInit(&buf);
3502     Tcl_DStringAppend(&buf, "Software", 9);
3503     Tcl_DStringAppend(&buf, "Tk Toolkit v", -1);
3504     Tcl_DStringAppend(&buf, TK_PATCH_LEVEL, -1);
3505     if (WriteChunk(interp, pngPtr, CHUNK_tEXt,
3506 	    (unsigned char *) Tcl_DStringValue(&buf),
3507 	    Tcl_DStringLength(&buf)) != TCL_OK) {
3508 	Tcl_DStringFree(&buf);
3509 	return TCL_ERROR;
3510     }
3511     Tcl_DStringFree(&buf);
3513     /*
3514      * Add a pHYs chunk if there is metadata for DPI and/or aspect
3515      * aspect = PPUy / PPUx
3516      * DPI = PPUx * 0.0254
3517      * The physical chunk consists of:
3518      * - Points per meter in x direction (32 bit)
3519      * - Points per meter in x direction (32 bit)
3520      * - Unit specifier: 0: no unit (only aspect), 1: Points per meter
3521      */
3523     if (metadataInObj != NULL) {
3525 	Tcl_Obj *aspectObj, *DPIObj;
3526 	double aspectValue=-1, DPIValue=-1;
3527 	unsigned long PPUx = 65536, PPUy = 65536;
3528 	char unitSpecifier;
3530 	if (TCL_ERROR == Tcl_DictObjGet(interp, metadataInObj,
3531 		Tcl_NewStringObj("aspect",-1),
3532 		&aspectObj) ||
3533 	    TCL_ERROR == Tcl_DictObjGet(interp, metadataInObj,
3534 		Tcl_NewStringObj("DPI",-1),
3535 		&DPIObj) ) {
3536 	    return TCL_ERROR;
3537 	}
3538 	if (DPIObj != NULL) {
3539 	    if (TCL_ERROR == Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, DPIObj, &DPIValue))
3540 	    {
3541 		return TCL_ERROR;
3542 	    }
3543 	    PPUx = (unsigned long)floor(DPIValue / 0.0254+0.5);
3544 	    if (aspectObj == NULL) {
3545 		PPUy = PPUx;
3546 	    }
3547 	    unitSpecifier = 1;
3548 	}
3549 	if (aspectObj != NULL) {
3550 	    if (TCL_ERROR == Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, aspectObj,
3551 		    &aspectValue)) {
3552 		return TCL_ERROR;
3553 	    }
3555 	    /*
3556 	     * aspect = PPUy / PPUx
3557 	     */
3559 	    if (DPIObj == NULL) {
3560 		unitSpecifier = 0;
3561 		PPUx = 65536;
3562 		PPUy = (unsigned long)floor(65536.0 * aspectValue+0.5);
3563 	    } else {
3564 		PPUy = (unsigned long)floor(DPIValue * aspectValue / 0.0254+0.5);
3565 	    }
3566 	}
3567 	if (DPIObj != NULL || aspectObj != NULL) {
3568 	    unsigned char buffer[9];
3570 	    if ( PPUx > 2147483647 || PPUy > 2147483647 ) {
3571 		Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
3572 			"DPI or aspect out of range", -1));
3573 		Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "PHYS", NULL);
3574 		return TCL_ERROR;
3575 	    }
3577 	    LongToInt32(PPUx, buffer);
3578 	    LongToInt32(PPUy, buffer+4);
3579 	    buffer[8] = unitSpecifier;
3580 	    if (WriteChunk(interp, pngPtr, CHUNK_pHYs, buffer, 9)
3581 		    != TCL_OK) {
3582 		return TCL_ERROR;
3583 	    }
3584 	}
3585     }
3586     return TCL_OK;
3587 }
3589 /*
3590  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3591  *
3592  * EncodePNG --
3593  *
3594  *	This function handles the entirety of writing a PNG file (or data)
3595  *	from the first byte to the last. No effort is made to optimize the
3596  *	image data for best compression.
3597  *
3598  * Results:
3599  *	TCL_OK, or TCL_ERROR if an I/O or memory error occurs.
3600  *
3601  * Side effects:
3602  *	None
3603  *
3604  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3605  */
3607 static int
EncodePNG(Tcl_Interp * interp,Tk_PhotoImageBlock * blockPtr,PNGImage * pngPtr,Tcl_Obj * metadataInObj)3608 EncodePNG(
3609     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3610     Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr,
3611     PNGImage *pngPtr,
3612     Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj)
3613 {
3614     int greenOffset, blueOffset, alphaOffset;
3616     /*
3617      * Determine appropriate color type based on color usage (e.g., only red
3618      * and maybe alpha channel = grayscale).
3619      *
3620      * TODO: Check whether this is doing any good; Tk might just be pushing
3621      * full RGBA data all the time through here, even though the actual image
3622      * doesn't need it...
3623      */
3625     greenOffset = blockPtr->offset[1] - blockPtr->offset[0];
3626     blueOffset = blockPtr->offset[2] - blockPtr->offset[0];
3627     alphaOffset = blockPtr->offset[3];
3628     if ((alphaOffset >= blockPtr->pixelSize) || (alphaOffset < 0)) {
3629 	alphaOffset = 0;
3630     } else {
3631 	alphaOffset -= blockPtr->offset[0];
3632     }
3634     if ((greenOffset != 0) || (blueOffset != 0)) {
3635 	if (alphaOffset) {
3636 	    pngPtr->colorType = PNG_COLOR_RGBA;
3637 	    pngPtr->bytesPerPixel = 4;
3638 	} else {
3639 	    pngPtr->colorType = PNG_COLOR_RGB;
3640 	    pngPtr->bytesPerPixel = 3;
3641 	}
3642     } else {
3643 	if (alphaOffset) {
3644 	    pngPtr->colorType = PNG_COLOR_GRAYALPHA;
3645 	    pngPtr->bytesPerPixel = 2;
3646 	} else {
3647 	    pngPtr->colorType = PNG_COLOR_GRAY;
3648 	    pngPtr->bytesPerPixel = 1;
3649 	}
3650     }
3652     /*
3653      * Allocate buffers for lines for filtering and compressed data.
3654      */
3656     pngPtr->lineSize = 1 + (pngPtr->bytesPerPixel * blockPtr->width);
3657     pngPtr->blockLen = pngPtr->lineSize * blockPtr->height;
3659     if ((blockPtr->width > (INT_MAX - 1) / (pngPtr->bytesPerPixel)) ||
3660 	    (blockPtr->height > INT_MAX / pngPtr->lineSize)) {
3661 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, Tcl_NewStringObj(
3662 		"image is too large to encode pixel data", -1));
3663 	Tcl_SetErrorCode(interp, "TK", "IMAGE", "PNG", "TOO_LARGE", NULL);
3664 	return TCL_ERROR;
3665     }
3667     pngPtr->lastLineObj = Tcl_NewObj();
3668     Tcl_IncrRefCount(pngPtr->lastLineObj);
3669     pngPtr->thisLineObj = Tcl_NewObj();
3670     Tcl_IncrRefCount(pngPtr->thisLineObj);
3672     /*
3673      * Write out the PNG Signature that all PNGs begin with.
3674      */
3676     if (WriteData(interp, pngPtr, pngSignature, PNG_SIG_SZ,
3677 	    NULL) == TCL_ERROR) {
3678 	return TCL_ERROR;
3679     }
3681     /*
3682      * Write out the IHDR (header) chunk containing image dimensions, color
3683      * type, etc.
3684      */
3686     if (WriteIHDR(interp, pngPtr, blockPtr) == TCL_ERROR) {
3687 	return TCL_ERROR;
3688     }
3690     /*
3691      * Write out the extra chunks containing metadata that is of interest to
3692      * other programs more than us.
3693      */
3695     if (WriteExtraChunks(interp, pngPtr, metadataInObj) == TCL_ERROR) {
3696 	return TCL_ERROR;
3697     }
3699     /*
3700      * Write out the image pixels in the IDAT (data) chunk.
3701      */
3703     if (WriteIDAT(interp, pngPtr, blockPtr) == TCL_ERROR) {
3704 	return TCL_ERROR;
3705     }
3707     /*
3708      * Write out the IEND chunk that all PNGs end with.
3709      */
3711     return WriteChunk(interp, pngPtr, CHUNK_IEND, NULL, 0);
3712 }
3714 /*
3715  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3716  *
3717  * FileWritePNG --
3718  *
3719  *	This function is called by the photo image type to write PNG format
3720  *	data to a file.
3721  *
3722  * Results:
3723  *	A standard TCL completion code. If TCL_ERROR is returned then an error
3724  *	message is left in the interp's result.
3725  *
3726  * Side effects:
3727  *	The specified file is overwritten.
3728  *
3729  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3730  */
3732 static int
FileWritePNG(Tcl_Interp * interp,const char * filename,TCL_UNUSED (Tcl_Obj *),Tcl_Obj * metadataInObj,Tk_PhotoImageBlock * blockPtr)3733 FileWritePNG(
3734     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3735     const char *filename,
3736     TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *),
3737     Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj,
3738     Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr)
3739 {
3740     Tcl_Channel chan;
3741     PNGImage png;
3742     int result = TCL_ERROR;
3744     /*
3745      * Open a Tcl file channel where the image data will be stored. Tk ought
3746      * to take care of this, and just provide a channel, but it doesn't.
3747      */
3749     chan = Tcl_OpenFileChannel(interp, filename, "w", 0644);
3751     if (!chan) {
3752 	return TCL_ERROR;
3753     }
3755     /*
3756      * Initalize PNGImage instance for encoding.
3757      */
3759     if (InitPNGImage(interp, &png, chan, NULL,
3761 	goto cleanup;
3762     }
3764     /*
3765      * Set the translation mode to binary so that CR and LF are not to the
3766      * platform's EOL sequence.
3767      */
3769     if (Tcl_SetChannelOption(interp, chan, "-translation",
3770 	    "binary") != TCL_OK) {
3771 	goto cleanup;
3772     }
3774     /*
3775      * Write the raw PNG data out to the file.
3776      */
3778     result = EncodePNG(interp, blockPtr, &png, metadataInObj);
3780   cleanup:
3781     Tcl_Close(interp, chan);
3782     CleanupPNGImage(&png);
3783     return result;
3784 }
3786 /*
3787  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3788  *
3789  * StringWritePNG --
3790  *
3791  *	This function is called by the photo image type to write PNG format
3792  *	data to a Tcl object and return it in the result.
3793  *
3794  * Results:
3795  *	A standard TCL completion code. If TCL_ERROR is returned then an error
3796  *	message is left in the interp's result.
3797  *
3798  * Side effects:
3799  *	None
3800  *
3801  *----------------------------------------------------------------------
3802  */
3804 static int
StringWritePNG(Tcl_Interp * interp,TCL_UNUSED (Tcl_Obj *),Tcl_Obj * metadataInObj,Tk_PhotoImageBlock * blockPtr)3805 StringWritePNG(
3806     Tcl_Interp *interp,
3807     TCL_UNUSED(Tcl_Obj *),
3808     Tcl_Obj *metadataInObj,
3809     Tk_PhotoImageBlock *blockPtr)
3810 {
3811     Tcl_Obj *resultObj = Tcl_NewObj();
3812     PNGImage png;
3813     int result = TCL_ERROR;
3815     /*
3816      * Initalize PNGImage instance for encoding.
3817      */
3819     if (InitPNGImage(interp, &png, NULL, resultObj,
3821 	goto cleanup;
3822     }
3824     /*
3825      * Write the raw PNG data into the prepared Tcl_Obj buffer. Set the result
3826      * back to the interpreter if successful.
3827      */
3829     result = EncodePNG(interp, blockPtr, &png, metadataInObj);
3831     if (TCL_OK == result) {
3832 	Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, png.objDataPtr);
3833     }
3835   cleanup:
3836     CleanupPNGImage(&png);
3837     return result;
3838 }
3840 /*
3841  * Local Variables:
3842  * c-basic-offset: 4
3843  * fill-column: 78
3844  * End:
3845  */