1 /*
2  * ===========================
3  * VDK Visual Develeopment Kit
4  * Version 2.0.4
5  * March 2004
6  * ===========================
7  *
8  * Copyright (C) 1998 - 2004  Mario Motta
9  * Developed by Mario Motta <mmotta@guest.net>
10  *
11  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
12  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
13  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
14  * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15  *
16  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19  * Library General Public License for more details.
20  *
21  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
22  * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
23  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
24  * 02111-1307, USA.
25  */
27 #include <vdk/vdkfilechooser.h>
28 static char * stock_open_16_xpm[] = {
29 "16 16 64 1",
30 " 	c None",
31 ".	c #000000",
32 "+	c #E4E5DF",
33 "@	c #D5D6CB",
34 "#	c #D6D7CA",
35 "$	c #A3A39D",
36 "%	c #F5F6F0",
37 "&	c #8D907B",
38 "*	c #92957E",
39 "=	c #90937D",
40 "-	c #979B84",
41 ";	c #6D705F",
42 ">	c #EAECDB",
43 ",	c #8A8C7D",
44 "'	c #8E917B",
45 ")	c #91947F",
46 "!	c #8B8E7A",
47 "~	c #999B87",
48 "{	c #919480",
49 "]	c #989B86",
50 "^	c #B1B4A2",
51 "/	c #A2A394",
52 "(	c #F7F7F7",
53 "_	c #878A75",
54 ":	c #666858",
55 "<	c #4B4D3F",
56 "[	c #4D4F40",
57 "}	c #404135",
58 "|	c #424337",
59 "1	c #434437",
60 "2	c #404236",
61 "3	c #3C3D32",
62 "4	c #48493C",
63 "5	c #1A1A16",
64 "6	c #C6C6BE",
65 "7	c #848672",
66 "8	c #25261F",
67 "9	c #F1F2E9",
68 "0	c #DDE0C7",
69 "a	c #D6DABB",
70 "b	c #CDD2AC",
71 "c	c #C7CCA7",
72 "d	c #989C80",
73 "e	c #C6C7BE",
74 "f	c #5F6152",
75 "g	c #888980",
76 "h	c #A7AB8C",
77 "i	c #878A70",
78 "j	c #9FA19A",
79 "k	c #EFF0E5",
80 "l	c #9EA284",
81 "m	c #80817B",
82 "n	c #96968D",
83 "o	c #E3E5D1",
84 "p	c #83866D",
85 "q	c #97998D",
86 "r	c #EDEFE2",
87 "s	c #A2A688",
88 "t	c #767671",
89 "u	c #E7E9DA",
90 "v	c #D1D3BD",
91 "w	c #BBBF9D",
92 "x	c #989B80",
93 "y	c #6E715C",
94 "                ",
95 "                ",
96 "   ....         ",
97 "  .+@#$.        ",
98 " .%&*=-;.....   ",
99 " .>,')!~{]{^/.  ",
100 " .(_:<[}||12345 ",
101 " .67890abbbbbcd.",
102 " .efg0bbbbbbbhi.",
103 " .j8kabbbbbbbl. ",
104 " .mnobbbbbbbbp. ",
105 " .qrbbbbbbbbs.  ",
106 " .tuvwwwwwwxy.  ",
107 "  ...........   ",
108 "                ",
109 "                "};
111 static char * stock_cancel_20_xpm[] = {
112 "20 20 8 1",
113 " 	c None",
114 ".	c #000000",
115 "+	c #C46D74",
116 "@	c #9F3C44",
117 "#	c #B5444E",
118 "$	c #BD5A62",
119 "%	c #7B2D34",
120 "&	c #8C343C",
121 "                    ",
122 "                    ",
123 "                    ",
124 "      ..      .     ",
125 "     .+@.    .#.    ",
126 "     .##.   .$#.    ",
127 "      .#@. .$#%.    ",
128 "      .##..$#&.     ",
129 "       .####@.      ",
130 "       .####.       ",
131 "      .$###.        ",
132 "     .$####.        ",
133 "    .$#&..#&.       ",
134 "   .+#&. .@#.       ",
135 "   .#&.   .#@.      ",
136 "    ..    .@#.      ",
137 "           ..       ",
138 "                    ",
139 "                    ",
140 "                    "};
142 GtkWindowType VDKFileChooser::DisplayType = GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL;
143 GtkWindowPosition VDKFileChooser::InitialPosition = GTK_WIN_POS_NONE;
144 /*
145 defining signal and events
146 dynamics tables
147 */
150 /*
151 defining signal static table
152 */
154   ON_SIGNAL(okButton,clicked_signal,OnokButtonClick),
155   ON_SIGNAL(cancelButton,clicked_signal,OncancelButtonClick)
158 // Vdkfc FORM  CLASS
159 /*
160 form constructor
161 */
162 VDKFileChooser::VDKFileChooser(VDKForm* owner, FileStringArray* selections, char* title):
163   VDKForm(owner,title,v_box,DisplayType),selections(selections),
164   MultiSelection("MultiSelection",this,false,&VDKFileChooser::SetMultiSelection,&VDKFileChooser::GetMultiSelection),
165   Action("Action",this,GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN,&VDKFileChooser::SetAction,&VDKFileChooser::GetAction)
166 {
167   VDKFileChooser::Setup();
168 }
170 /*
171 form destructor
172 */
~VDKFileChooser()173 VDKFileChooser::~VDKFileChooser()
174 {
175 }
177 /*
178 form setup
179 */
180 void
Setup(void)181 VDKFileChooser::Setup(void)
182 {
183   SetSize(438,326);
184   mainbox = new VDKBox(this,v_box);
185   Add(mainbox,0,1,1,0);
186   fcbox = new VDKBox(this,v_box);
187   mainbox->Add(fcbox,0,1,1,0);
188   fcbox->BorderWidth(0);
189   separator0 = new VDKSeparator(this,h_separator);
190   gtk_widget_set_name (GTK_WIDGET(separator0->WrappedWidget()), "separator0");
191   mainbox->Add(separator0,0,0,0,5);
192   buttonbox = new VDKBox(this,h_box);
193   mainbox->Add(buttonbox,0,0,0,2);
194   buttonbox->BorderWidth(0);
195   okButton = new VDKCustomButton(this,(const char**) stock_open_16_xpm," OK",16,(GtkPositionType) 1);
196   gtk_widget_set_name (GTK_WIDGET(okButton->WrappedWidget()), "okButton");
197   buttonbox->Add(okButton,0,1,0,0);
198   cancelButton = new VDKCustomButton(this,(const char**) stock_cancel_20_xpm," Cancel",16,(GtkPositionType) 1);
199   gtk_widget_set_name (GTK_WIDGET(cancelButton->WrappedWidget()), "cancelButton");
200   buttonbox->Add(cancelButton,0,1,0,0);
201   // makes GtkFileChooser
202   sigwid = gtk_file_chooser_widget_new (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER_ACTION_OPEN);
203   // makes dummy
204   filechooser = new VDKObject(this,sigwid);
205   fcbox->Add(filechooser,l_justify,true,true,0);
206   g_signal_connect_data (sigwid, "file-activated",
207 			 G_CALLBACK (VDKFileChooser::file_activated), this,
208 			 NULL,(GConnectFlags) 0);
209 }
211 //signal response method
212 bool
OncancelButtonClick(VDKObject * sender)213 VDKFileChooser::OncancelButtonClick(VDKObject* sender)
214 {
215   Close();
216   return true;
217 }
218 //signal response method
219 bool
OnokButtonClick(VDKObject * sender)220 VDKFileChooser::OnokButtonClick(VDKObject* sender)
221 {
222   if(MultiSelection)
223     {
224       int t = 0;
225       GSList* listhead = gtk_file_chooser_get_filenames(GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(sigwid));
226       GSList* list = listhead;
227       selections->resize(g_slist_length(list ? list : 0));
228       while(list)
229 	{
230 	  VDKUString s((char*)list->data);
231 	  (*selections)[t] = s;
232 	  g_free(list->data);
233 	  t++;
234 	  list = list->next;
235 	}
236       if(listhead)
237 	g_slist_free(listhead);
238     }
239   else
240     {
241       char* sel;
242       sel = gtk_file_chooser_get_filename (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER(sigwid));
243       if(sel)
244 	{
245 	  selections->resize(1);
246 	  VDKUString s(sel);
247 	  (*selections)[0] = s;
248 	  g_free(sel);
249 	}
251     }
252  Close();
253  return true;
254  }
255 //
256 void
file_activated(GtkFileChooser * filechooser,gpointer user_data)257 VDKFileChooser::file_activated (GtkFileChooser *filechooser,
258                            gpointer user_data)
259 {
260 VDKFileChooser* fc = reinterpret_cast<VDKFileChooser*>(user_data);
261 fc->OnokButtonClick(NULL);
262 }
264 //
265 void
AddFilterPattern(char * name,char * pattern)266 VDKFileChooser::AddFilterPattern(char* name, char* pattern)
267 {
268   GtkFileFilter *filter = gtk_file_filter_new ();
269   gtk_file_filter_set_name (filter, name);
270   gtk_file_filter_add_pattern (filter, pattern);
271   gtk_file_chooser_add_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (sigwid), filter);
272 }
273 //
274 void
AddMimeType(char * name,char * mime)275 VDKFileChooser::AddMimeType(char* name, char* mime)
276 {
277   GtkFileFilter *filter = gtk_file_filter_new ();
278   gtk_file_filter_set_name (filter, name);
279   gtk_file_filter_add_mime_type (filter, mime);
280   gtk_file_chooser_add_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (sigwid), filter);
281 }
282 //
SetDefaultFilter(char * name)283 void VDKFileChooser::SetDefaultFilter(char* name)
284 {
285   GSList* listhead = gtk_file_chooser_list_filters (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (sigwid));
286   GSList* list = listhead;
287   while(list)
288     {
289       const gchar* fname = gtk_file_filter_get_name ((GtkFileFilter*) list->data);
290       if(!strcmp(fname,name))
291 	{
292 	  gtk_file_chooser_set_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (sigwid),(GtkFileFilter*) list->data);
293 	  break;
294 	}
295       list = list->next;
296     }
297   if(listhead)
298     g_slist_free(listhead);
299 }
300 //
RemoveFilter(char * name)301 void VDKFileChooser::RemoveFilter(char* name)
302 {
303   GSList* listhead = gtk_file_chooser_list_filters (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (sigwid));
304   GSList* list = listhead;
305   while(list)
306     {
307       const gchar* fname = gtk_file_filter_get_name ((GtkFileFilter*) list->data);
308       if(!strcmp(fname,name))
309 	{
310 	  gtk_file_chooser_remove_filter (GTK_FILE_CHOOSER (sigwid),(GtkFileFilter*) list->data);
311 	  break;
312 	}
313       list = list->next;
314     }
315   if(listhead)
316     g_slist_free(listhead);
317 }
320 // end of file:vdkfc.cc