generated with Ronn/v0.7.3
"BERRYC" "1" "March 2020" "" ""
berryc - client for berry window manager .
berryc [-hv] command [args\.\.\.] .
Simple command-line client to send events to the berry window manager .

window_move x y Shift the current window by the given x/y coordinates .

window_move_absolute x y Move the current window to the absolute x/y coordinates .

window_resize w h Shrink or grow the current window by the given w/h arguments .

window_resize_absolute w h Resize the current window the absolute w/h arguments .

window_raise Raises the current window to the stop of the stack .

window_monocle Monocles the curent window, respecting values of TOP_GAP .

window_close Closes the current window, in turn terminating the associated process .

window_center Centers the current window. .

switch_workspace i Switch to the given workspace, showing all windows on the new workspace and hiding all windows not on the given workspace .

send_to_workspace i Send the current window to the specified workspace\. Does not switch workspaces\. .

fullscreen Toggle the fullscreen status of the active window .

fullscreen_state Toggle the fullscreen status of the active window, don't change the size .

snap_left Move and resize the current window to fill the left half of the screen\. Respects TOP_GAP\. .

snap_right Move and resize the current window to fill the right half of the screen\. Respects TOP_GAP\. .

cardinal_focus 1, 2, 3, 4 Switch focus to the nearest window in the specified direction\. .

cycle_focus Switch focus to the next window in the list\. .

pointer_focus Focus the window underneath the pointer\. .

focus_color XXXXXX Set the color of the outer border for the currently focused window .

unfocus_color XXXXXX Set the color of the outer border for all windows not currently focused .

inner_focus_color XXXXXX Set the color of the inner border for the currently focused window .

text_focus_color XXXXXX Set the color of title bar text for the focused window .

text_unfocus_color XXXXXX Set the color of title bar text for all unfocused windows .

inner_unfocus_color XXXXXX Set the color of the inner border for all windows not currently focused .

border_width w Set the width of the outer border in pixels .

inner_border_width w Set the width of the inner border in pixels .

title_height h Set the height of the title bar in pixels .

save_monitor i j Associate the ith workspace to the jth monitor .

smart_place true/false Place newly created windows in unoccupied regions of the screen. Otherwise place new clients in the top left corner of the active workspace. .

draw_text true/false determine whether or not to draw text in window title bars .

set_font font_name Set the name of the font to use (e.g. set_font dina-9) .

json_status true/false determine whether or not BERRY_WINDOW_STATUS reports state in JSON format or plain text. .

name_desktop i d_name name the ith desktop d_name (Used with _NET_DESKTOP_NAMES) .

[manage|unmanage] [Dialog|Toolbar|Menu|Splash|Utility] Manage, or unmanage, windows of type Dialog, Toolbar, Menu, Splash, or Utility. By default, Only Toolbars and Splashes are not managed. .

edge_gap top bottom left right Set the edge padding around the screen (must include all params) .

decorate_new true/false Determine whether new windows are decorated by default. .

move_mask Mod1/Mod2/Mod3/Mod4/Mod5 Determine the button mask used to move windows using the mouse. .

resize_mask Mod1/Mod2/Mod3/Mod4/Mod5 Determine the button mask used to resize windows using the mouse. If move_mask and resize_mask use the same value, the move_mask takes precedence. .

pointer_interval n Set the minimum interval for processing motion events to n. Set to a default value of 0. Useful for input lag on high refresh rate screens. If you experience input lag on high refresh rate screens, try a value around 15. . .tp \fbquit\fr stop the program .

edge_lock true/false Bound windows to the edges of the monitor. .

toggle_decorations Toggle decorations for the currently focused client .

focus_follows_pointer true/false Focus the window underneath the pointer.