2    "section1": {
3        "type": "section",
4        "description": "Display"
5    },
6    "show-week-numbers" : {
7        "type" : "switch",
8        "default" : false,
9        "description": "Show week numbers in calendar",
10        "tooltip": "Check this to show week numbers in the calendar."
11    },
12    "use-custom-format" : {
13        "type" : "switch",
14        "default" : false,
15        "description": "Use a custom date format",
16        "tooltip": "Check this to define a custom format for the date in the calendar applet."
17    },
18    "custom-format" : {
19        "type" : "entry",
20        "default" : "%A, %B %e, %H:%M",
21        "description" : "Date format",
22        "indent": true,
23        "dependency" : "use-custom-format",
24        "tooltip" : "Set your custom format here."
25    },
26    "format-button" : {
27        "type" : "button",
28        "description" : "Show information on date format syntax",
29        "indent": true,
30        "dependency" : "use-custom-format",
31        "callback" : "on_custom_format_button_pressed",
32        "tooltip" : "Click this button to know more about the syntax for date formats."
33    },
34    "section2": {
35        "type": "section",
36        "description": "Keyboard shortcuts"
37    },
38    "keyOpen": {
39        "type": "keybinding",
40        "description": "Show calendar",
41        "default": "<Super>c",
42        "tooltip" : "Set keybinding(s) to show the calendar."
43    }