2  "layout": {
3    "type" : "layout",
4    "pages": ["generalPage", "panelPage", "thumbnailsPage", "contextMenuPage"],
5    "generalPage": {
6      "type" : "page",
7      "title" : "General",
8      "sections": ["generalSection", "hotKeysSection"]
9    },
10    "panelPage": {
11      "type" : "page",
12      "title" : "Panel",
13      "sections": ["appButtonsSection"]
14    },
15    "thumbnailsPage": {
16      "type" : "page",
17      "title" : "Thumbnails",
18      "sections": ["thumbnailsSection", "hoverPeekSection"]
19    },
20    "contextMenuPage": {
21      "type" : "page",
22      "title" : "Context Menu",
23      "sections": ["contextMenuSection"]
24    },
25    "generalSection": {
26      "type" : "section",
27      "title" : "Behavior",
28      "keys": [
29        "group-apps",
30        "scroll-behavior",
31        "left-click-action",
32        "middle-click-action",
33        "show-all-workspaces"
34      ]
35    },
36    "appButtonsSection": {
37      "type" : "section",
38      "title" : "Application Buttons",
39      "keys": [
40        "title-display",
41        "launcher-animation-effect",
42        "number-display",
43        "pinned-apps",
44        "enable-app-button-dragging"
45      ]
46    },
47    "hotKeysSection": {
48      "type" : "section",
49      "title" : "Hot Keys",
50      "keys": [
51        "cycleMenusHotkey",
52        "show-apps-order-hotkey",
53        "show-apps-order-timeout",
54        "super-num-hotkeys"
55      ]
56    },
57    "thumbnailsSection": {
58      "type" : "section",
59      "title" : "Thumbnails",
60      "keys": [
61        "thumbnail-scroll-behavior",
62        "show-thumbnails",
63        "animate-thumbnails",
64        "vertical-thumbnails",
65        "sort-thumbnails",
66        "highlight-last-focused-thumbnail",
67        "onclick-thumbnails",
68        "thumbnail-timeout",
69        "thumbnail-size"
70      ]
71    },
72    "hoverPeekSection": {
73      "type" : "section",
74      "title" : "Hover Peek",
75      "keys": [
76        "enable-hover-peek",
77        "hover-peek-time-in",
78        "hover-peek-time-out",
79        "hover-peek-opacity"
80      ]
81    },
82    "contextMenuSection": {
83      "type" : "section",
84      "title" : "",
85      "keys": [
86        "show-recent",
87        "autostart-menu-item",
88        "launch-new-instance-menu-item",
89        "monitor-move-all-windows"
90      ]
91    }
92  },
93  "number-display": {
94    "type": "checkbox",
95    "default": true,
96    "description": "Show window count numbers"
97  },
98  "title-display": {
99    "type": "combobox",
100    "default": 1,
101    "description": "Button label",
102    "options": {
103      "None": 1,
104      "Application name": 2,
105      "Window title": 3,
106      "Window title (only for the focused window)": 4
107    }
108  },
109  "scroll-behavior": {
110    "type": "combobox",
111    "default": 1,
112    "description": "Mouse wheel scroll action",
113    "options": {
114      "None": 1,
115      "Cycle apps": 2,
116      "Cycle windows": 3
117    }
118  },
119  "left-click-action": {
120    "type": "combobox",
121    "default": 2,
122    "description": "Left click action",
123    "options": {
124      "None": 1,
125      "Toggle activation of last focused window": 2,
126      "Cycle windows": 3
127    }
128  },
129  "middle-click-action": {
130    "type": "combobox",
131    "default": 3,
132    "description": "Middle click action",
133    "options": {
134      "None": 1,
135      "Launch new app instance": 2,
136      "Close last focused window in group": 3
137    }
138  },
139  "pinned-apps": {
140    "type": "generic",
141    "default": ["firefox.desktop", "org.gnome.Terminal.desktop", "nemo.desktop"]
142  },
143  "group-apps": {
144    "type": "checkbox",
145    "default": true,
146    "description": "Group windows by application"
147  },
148  "show-all-workspaces": {
149    "type": "checkbox",
150    "default": false,
151    "description": "Show windows from all workspaces"
152  },
153  "enable-app-button-dragging": {
154    "type": "checkbox",
155    "default": true,
156    "description": "Enable app button dragging"
157  },
158  "launcher-animation-effect": {
159    "type": "combobox",
160    "default": 3,
161    "description": "Launcher animation",
162    "options": {
163      "None": 1,
164      "Fade": 2,
165      "Scale": 3
166    }
167  },
168  "cycleMenusHotkey": {
169    "type": "keybinding",
170    "default": "<Super>space",
171    "description": "Global hotkey for cycling through thumbnail menus"
172  },
173  "show-apps-order-hotkey": {
174    "type": "keybinding",
175    "default": "<Super>grave",
176    "description": "Global hotkey to show the order of apps"
177  },
178  "show-apps-order-timeout": {
179    "type": "spinbutton",
180    "default": 2500,
181    "min": 100,
182    "max": 10000,
183    "step": 10,
184    "units": "milliseconds",
185    "description": "Duration of the apps order display on hotkey press"
186  },
187  "super-num-hotkeys": {
188    "type": "checkbox",
189    "default": true,
190    "description": "Enable Super+<number> shortcut to switch/open apps"
191  },
192  "thumbnail-timeout": {
193    "dependency": "!onclick-thumbnails",
194    "type": "combobox",
195    "default": 250,
196    "description": "Delay before showing thumbnails",
197    "options": {
198      "50 ms": 50,
199      "250 ms": 250,
200      "500 ms": 500
201    }
202  },
203  "thumbnail-size": {
204    "type": "combobox",
205    "default": 6,
206    "description": "Thumbnail size",
207    "options": {
208      "Small": 3,
209      "Medium": 6,
210      "Large": 9,
211      "Largest": 12
212    }
213  },
214  "thumbnail-scroll-behavior": {
215    "type": "checkbox",
216    "default": false,
217    "description": "Cycle windows on mouse wheel scroll"
218  },
219  "show-thumbnails": {
220    "type": "checkbox",
221    "default": true,
222    "description": "Show thumbnails"
223  },
224  "animate-thumbnails": {
225    "type": "checkbox",
226    "default": false,
227    "description": "Animate thumbnails"
228  },
229  "vertical-thumbnails": {
230    "type": "checkbox",
231    "default": false,
232    "description": "Enable vertical thumbnails"
233  },
234  "sort-thumbnails": {
235    "type": "checkbox",
236    "default": false,
237    "description": "Sort thumbnails according to the last focused windows"
238  },
239  "highlight-last-focused-thumbnail": {
240    "type": "checkbox",
241    "default": true,
242    "description": "Highlight the thumbnail of the last focused window"
243  },
244  "onclick-thumbnails": {
245    "type": "checkbox",
246    "default": false,
247    "description": "Click to show thumbnails"
248  },
249  "show-recent": {
250    "type": "checkbox",
251    "default": true,
252    "description": "Show recent items"
253  },
254  "autostart-menu-item": {
255    "type": "checkbox",
256    "default": false,
257    "description": "Show autostart option"
258  },
259  "launch-new-instance-menu-item": {
260    "type": "checkbox",
261    "default": true,
262    "description": "Show new window option",
263    "tooltip": "Shows the \"New Window\" option in an app's context menu if it doesn't already have one from the app's own action menu items."
264  },
265  "monitor-move-all-windows": {
266    "type": "checkbox",
267    "default": true,
268    "description": "Apply the monitor move option to all windows",
269    "tooltip": "When clicking \"Move to monitor\" in the context menu, this option will move all of an app's windows instead of just the last focused window from the app."
270  },
271  "enable-hover-peek": {
272    "type": "checkbox",
273    "default": true,
274    "description": "Show the window when hovering its thumbnail"
275  },
276  "hover-peek-time-in": {
277    "dependency": "enable-hover-peek",
278    "type": "combobox",
279    "default": 300,
280    "description": "Window fade-in time",
281    "options": {
282      "150 ms": 150,
283      "300 ms": 300,
284      "450 ms": 450
285    }
286  },
287  "hover-peek-time-out": {
288    "dependency": "enable-hover-peek",
289    "type": "combobox",
290    "default": 0,
291    "description": "Window fade-out time",
292    "options": {
293      "None": 0,
294      "150 ms": 150,
295      "300 ms": 300,
296      "450 ms": 450
297    }
298  },
299  "hover-peek-opacity": {
300    "dependency": "enable-hover-peek",
301    "type": "spinbutton",
302    "default": 100,
303    "min": 0,
304    "max": 100,
305    "step": 1,
306    "units": "percent",
307    "description": "Window opacity"
308  }