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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


Foo.hsH A D09-Sep-2001252 138

Lexer.xH A D09-Sep-2001990 3930

MakefileH A D09-Sep-2001228 1611

Parser.yH A D09-Sep-2001468 3021

ParserM.hsH A D09-Sep-20012.9 KiB12174

READMEH A D09-Sep-2001687 1712


1From: Ian Lynagh [igloo@earth.li]
2Subject: happy and line numbers
3Date: Thu 12/02/2004 18:48
5I think it would be nice to have an example of how to have a nice
6position tracking monadic parser calling a lexer per token in the
7examples directory. I've attached a cut-down parser of mine that does it
8well enough for me. The only slight niggle is that parse errors are
9reported at the end of the token rather than the start, but that hasn't
10bothered me enough to look into fixing it yet.
12The cut down parser doesn't use start codes, but I've left the machinery
13in to make it easier for people to see how to use them.
15Naturally any suggestions for improving it would be gladly received!