1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // emInstallInfo.h
3 //
4 // Copyright (C) 2006-2008,2010-2011 Oliver Hamann.
5 //
6 // Homepage: http://eaglemode.sourceforge.net/
7 //
8 // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
9 // the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the
10 // Free Software Foundation.
11 //
12 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
13 // ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
14 // FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License version 3 for
15 // more details.
16 //
17 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version 3
18 // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19 //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 #ifndef emInstallInfo_h
22 #define emInstallInfo_h
24 #ifndef emStd2_h
25 #include <emCore/emStd2.h>
26 #endif
28 class emContext;
31 //==============================================================================
32 //=========================== Install info functions ===========================
33 //==============================================================================
35 enum emInstallDirType {
36 	EM_IDT_BIN        = 0,
37 	EM_IDT_INCLUDE    = 1,
38 	EM_IDT_LIB        = 2,
39 	EM_IDT_HTML_DOC   = 3,
40 	EM_IDT_PS_DOC     = 4,
43 	EM_IDT_TMP        = 7,
44 	EM_IDT_RES        = 8,
45 	EM_IDT_HOME       = 9,
47 };
49 emString emGetInstallPath(emInstallDirType idt, const char * prj,
50                           const char * subPath=NULL);
51 	// Get the installation path of a file or directory.
52 	// Arguments:
53 	//   idt     - Type of installation directory.
54 	//   prj     - Name of the sub-project. Currently this is ignored for
55 	//             some install dir types, but that could change in the
56 	//             future, so please always set prj best possible.
57 	//   subPath - A sub-path to be appended, or NULL.
58 	// Returns: The installation path.
59 	//
60 	// The following table should make things clearer:
61 	//
62 	// Install Dir Type   | Current Implementation | A Future Example
63 	// -------------------+------------------------+------------------------
64 	// EM_IDT_BIN         | <em>/bin               | /usr/bin
65 	// EM_IDT_INCLUDE     | <em>/include/<prj>     | /usr/include/<prj>
66 	// EM_IDT_LIB         | <em>/lib               | /usr/lib
67 	// EM_IDT_HTML_DOC    | <em>/doc/html          | /usr/share/doc/em/<prj>/html
68 	// EM_IDT_PS_DOC      | <em>/doc/ps            | /usr/share/doc/em/<prj>/ps
69 	// EM_IDT_USER_CONFIG | <home>/.eaglemode/<prj>| <home>/.em/<prj>
70 	// EM_IDT_HOST_CONFIG | <em>/etc/<prj>         | /etc/em/<prj>
71 	// EM_IDT_TMP         | $TMPDIR or /tmp        | $TMPDIR or /tmp
72 	// EM_IDT_RES         | <em>/res/<prj>         | /usr/share/emRes/<prj>
73 	// EM_IDT_HOME        | <home>                 | <home>
74 	// Hint: The implementation for Windows is a little bit different.
77 emString emGetConfigDirOverloadable(emContext & context, const char * prj,
78                                     const char * subDir=NULL);
79 	// This method returns either
80 	//   emGetInstallPath(EM_IDT_HOST_CONFIG,prj,subDir)
81 	// or
82 	//   emGetInstallPath(EM_IDT_USER_CONFIG,prj,subDir)
83 	// Idea is that the user can make a copy of a directory from host config
84 	// to user config in order to manipulate it there. But if that copy gets
85 	// outdated through an update of the other, it should no longer be used
86 	// and the user should be warned. Therefore, both directories must
87 	// contain a file named "version" which contains an integer version
88 	// number. The user directory is returned only if the versions are
89 	// equal, otherwise the host directory is returned. In addition, a
90 	// warning is shown to the user if the user directory exists and if its
91 	// version differs or cannot be read. The warning is made through a
92 	// dialog if an emScreen can be found in the given context (or higher),
93 	// otherwise the warning is reported through emWarning. If the version
94 	// file of the host directory cannot be read, emFatalError is called. It
95 	// is okay to call this function multiple times in a program run,
96 	// because it remembers each shown warning for not showing it again, as
97 	// long as the root context lives.
100 #endif