1 // This file contains generated code. Do not edit directly.
2 // To regenerate this, run 'make'.
4 //! Bindings to the `Xinerama` X11 extension.
6 #![allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)]
8 #[allow(unused_imports)]
9 use std::borrow::Cow;
10 use std::convert::TryFrom;
11 #[allow(unused_imports)]
12 use std::convert::TryInto;
13 use std::io::IoSlice;
14 #[allow(unused_imports)]
15 use crate::utils::{RawFdContainer, pretty_print_bitmask, pretty_print_enum};
16 #[allow(unused_imports)]
17 use crate::x11_utils::{Request, RequestHeader, Serialize, TryParse, TryParseFd, TryIntoUSize};
18 use crate::connection::{BufWithFds, PiecewiseBuf, RequestConnection};
19 #[allow(unused_imports)]
20 use crate::cookie::{Cookie, CookieWithFds, VoidCookie};
21 use crate::errors::{ConnectionError, ParseError};
22 use super::xproto;
24 /// The X11 name of the extension for QueryExtension
25 pub const X11_EXTENSION_NAME: &str = "XINERAMA";
27 /// The version number of this extension that this client library supports.
28 ///
29 /// This constant contains the version number of this extension that is supported
30 /// by this build of x11rb. For most things, it does not make sense to use this
31 /// information. If you need to send a `QueryVersion`, it is recommended to instead
32 /// send the maximum version of the extension that you need.
33 pub const X11_XML_VERSION: (u32, u32) = (1, 1);
35 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
36 pub struct ScreenInfo {
37     pub x_org: i16,
38     pub y_org: i16,
39     pub width: u16,
40     pub height: u16,
41 }
42 impl TryParse for ScreenInfo {
try_parse(remaining: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError>43     fn try_parse(remaining: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError> {
44         let (x_org, remaining) = i16::try_parse(remaining)?;
45         let (y_org, remaining) = i16::try_parse(remaining)?;
46         let (width, remaining) = u16::try_parse(remaining)?;
47         let (height, remaining) = u16::try_parse(remaining)?;
48         let result = ScreenInfo { x_org, y_org, width, height };
49         Ok((result, remaining))
50     }
51 }
52 impl Serialize for ScreenInfo {
53     type Bytes = [u8; 8];
serialize(&self) -> [u8; 8]54     fn serialize(&self) -> [u8; 8] {
55         let x_org_bytes = self.x_org.serialize();
56         let y_org_bytes = self.y_org.serialize();
57         let width_bytes = self.width.serialize();
58         let height_bytes = self.height.serialize();
59         [
60             x_org_bytes[0],
61             x_org_bytes[1],
62             y_org_bytes[0],
63             y_org_bytes[1],
64             width_bytes[0],
65             width_bytes[1],
66             height_bytes[0],
67             height_bytes[1],
68         ]
69     }
serialize_into(&self, bytes: &mut Vec<u8>)70     fn serialize_into(&self, bytes: &mut Vec<u8>) {
71         bytes.reserve(8);
72         self.x_org.serialize_into(bytes);
73         self.y_org.serialize_into(bytes);
74         self.width.serialize_into(bytes);
75         self.height.serialize_into(bytes);
76     }
77 }
79 /// Opcode for the QueryVersion request
80 pub const QUERY_VERSION_REQUEST: u8 = 0;
81 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
82 pub struct QueryVersionRequest {
83     pub major: u8,
84     pub minor: u8,
85 }
86 impl QueryVersionRequest {
87     /// Serialize this request into bytes for the provided connection
serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,88     fn serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError>
89     where
90         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
91     {
92         let extension_information = conn.extension_information(X11_EXTENSION_NAME)?
93             .ok_or(ConnectionError::UnsupportedExtension)?;
94         let length_so_far = 0;
95         let major_bytes = self.major.serialize();
96         let minor_bytes = self.minor.serialize();
97         let mut request0 = vec![
98             extension_information.major_opcode,
100             0,
101             0,
102             major_bytes[0],
103             minor_bytes[0],
104             0,
105             0,
106         ];
107         let length_so_far = length_so_far + request0.len();
108         assert_eq!(length_so_far % 4, 0);
109         let length = u16::try_from(length_so_far / 4).unwrap_or(0);
110         request0[2..4].copy_from_slice(&length.to_ne_bytes());
111         Ok((vec![request0.into()], vec![]))
112     }
send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, QueryVersionReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,113     pub fn send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, QueryVersionReply>, ConnectionError>
114     where
115         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
116     {
117         let (bytes, fds) = self.serialize(conn)?;
118         let slices = bytes.iter().map(|b| IoSlice::new(&*b)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
119         conn.send_request_with_reply(&slices, fds)
120     }
121     /// Parse this request given its header, its body, and any fds that go along with it
try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError>122     pub fn try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
123         if header.minor_opcode != QUERY_VERSION_REQUEST {
124             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
125         }
126         let (major, remaining) = u8::try_parse(value)?;
127         let (minor, remaining) = u8::try_parse(remaining)?;
128         let _ = remaining;
129         Ok(QueryVersionRequest {
130             major,
131             minor,
132         })
133     }
134 }
135 impl Request for QueryVersionRequest {
136     type Reply = QueryVersionReply;
137 }
query_version<Conn>(conn: &Conn, major: u8, minor: u8) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, QueryVersionReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,138 pub fn query_version<Conn>(conn: &Conn, major: u8, minor: u8) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, QueryVersionReply>, ConnectionError>
139 where
140     Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
141 {
142     let request0 = QueryVersionRequest {
143         major,
144         minor,
145     };
146     request0.send(conn)
147 }
149 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
150 pub struct QueryVersionReply {
151     pub sequence: u16,
152     pub length: u32,
153     pub major: u16,
154     pub minor: u16,
155 }
156 impl TryParse for QueryVersionReply {
try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError>157     fn try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError> {
158         let remaining = initial_value;
159         let (response_type, remaining) = u8::try_parse(remaining)?;
160         let remaining = remaining.get(1..).ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
161         let (sequence, remaining) = u16::try_parse(remaining)?;
162         let (length, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
163         let (major, remaining) = u16::try_parse(remaining)?;
164         let (minor, remaining) = u16::try_parse(remaining)?;
165         if response_type != 1 {
166             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
167         }
168         let result = QueryVersionReply { sequence, length, major, minor };
169         let _ = remaining;
170         let remaining = initial_value.get(32 + length as usize * 4..)
171             .ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
172         Ok((result, remaining))
173     }
174 }
176 /// Opcode for the GetState request
177 pub const GET_STATE_REQUEST: u8 = 1;
178 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
179 pub struct GetStateRequest {
180     pub window: xproto::Window,
181 }
182 impl GetStateRequest {
183     /// Serialize this request into bytes for the provided connection
serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,184     fn serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError>
185     where
186         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
187     {
188         let extension_information = conn.extension_information(X11_EXTENSION_NAME)?
189             .ok_or(ConnectionError::UnsupportedExtension)?;
190         let length_so_far = 0;
191         let window_bytes = self.window.serialize();
192         let mut request0 = vec![
193             extension_information.major_opcode,
194             GET_STATE_REQUEST,
195             0,
196             0,
197             window_bytes[0],
198             window_bytes[1],
199             window_bytes[2],
200             window_bytes[3],
201         ];
202         let length_so_far = length_so_far + request0.len();
203         assert_eq!(length_so_far % 4, 0);
204         let length = u16::try_from(length_so_far / 4).unwrap_or(0);
205         request0[2..4].copy_from_slice(&length.to_ne_bytes());
206         Ok((vec![request0.into()], vec![]))
207     }
send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetStateReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,208     pub fn send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetStateReply>, ConnectionError>
209     where
210         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
211     {
212         let (bytes, fds) = self.serialize(conn)?;
213         let slices = bytes.iter().map(|b| IoSlice::new(&*b)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
214         conn.send_request_with_reply(&slices, fds)
215     }
216     /// Parse this request given its header, its body, and any fds that go along with it
try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError>217     pub fn try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
218         if header.minor_opcode != GET_STATE_REQUEST {
219             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
220         }
221         let (window, remaining) = xproto::Window::try_parse(value)?;
222         let _ = remaining;
223         Ok(GetStateRequest {
224             window,
225         })
226     }
227 }
228 impl Request for GetStateRequest {
229     type Reply = GetStateReply;
230 }
get_state<Conn>(conn: &Conn, window: xproto::Window) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetStateReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,231 pub fn get_state<Conn>(conn: &Conn, window: xproto::Window) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetStateReply>, ConnectionError>
232 where
233     Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
234 {
235     let request0 = GetStateRequest {
236         window,
237     };
238     request0.send(conn)
239 }
241 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
242 pub struct GetStateReply {
243     pub state: u8,
244     pub sequence: u16,
245     pub length: u32,
246     pub window: xproto::Window,
247 }
248 impl TryParse for GetStateReply {
try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError>249     fn try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError> {
250         let remaining = initial_value;
251         let (response_type, remaining) = u8::try_parse(remaining)?;
252         let (state, remaining) = u8::try_parse(remaining)?;
253         let (sequence, remaining) = u16::try_parse(remaining)?;
254         let (length, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
255         let (window, remaining) = xproto::Window::try_parse(remaining)?;
256         if response_type != 1 {
257             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
258         }
259         let result = GetStateReply { state, sequence, length, window };
260         let _ = remaining;
261         let remaining = initial_value.get(32 + length as usize * 4..)
262             .ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
263         Ok((result, remaining))
264     }
265 }
267 /// Opcode for the GetScreenCount request
268 pub const GET_SCREEN_COUNT_REQUEST: u8 = 2;
269 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
270 pub struct GetScreenCountRequest {
271     pub window: xproto::Window,
272 }
273 impl GetScreenCountRequest {
274     /// Serialize this request into bytes for the provided connection
serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,275     fn serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError>
276     where
277         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
278     {
279         let extension_information = conn.extension_information(X11_EXTENSION_NAME)?
280             .ok_or(ConnectionError::UnsupportedExtension)?;
281         let length_so_far = 0;
282         let window_bytes = self.window.serialize();
283         let mut request0 = vec![
284             extension_information.major_opcode,
286             0,
287             0,
288             window_bytes[0],
289             window_bytes[1],
290             window_bytes[2],
291             window_bytes[3],
292         ];
293         let length_so_far = length_so_far + request0.len();
294         assert_eq!(length_so_far % 4, 0);
295         let length = u16::try_from(length_so_far / 4).unwrap_or(0);
296         request0[2..4].copy_from_slice(&length.to_ne_bytes());
297         Ok((vec![request0.into()], vec![]))
298     }
send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetScreenCountReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,299     pub fn send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetScreenCountReply>, ConnectionError>
300     where
301         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
302     {
303         let (bytes, fds) = self.serialize(conn)?;
304         let slices = bytes.iter().map(|b| IoSlice::new(&*b)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
305         conn.send_request_with_reply(&slices, fds)
306     }
307     /// Parse this request given its header, its body, and any fds that go along with it
try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError>308     pub fn try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
309         if header.minor_opcode != GET_SCREEN_COUNT_REQUEST {
310             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
311         }
312         let (window, remaining) = xproto::Window::try_parse(value)?;
313         let _ = remaining;
314         Ok(GetScreenCountRequest {
315             window,
316         })
317     }
318 }
319 impl Request for GetScreenCountRequest {
320     type Reply = GetScreenCountReply;
321 }
get_screen_count<Conn>(conn: &Conn, window: xproto::Window) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetScreenCountReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,322 pub fn get_screen_count<Conn>(conn: &Conn, window: xproto::Window) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetScreenCountReply>, ConnectionError>
323 where
324     Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
325 {
326     let request0 = GetScreenCountRequest {
327         window,
328     };
329     request0.send(conn)
330 }
332 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
333 pub struct GetScreenCountReply {
334     pub screen_count: u8,
335     pub sequence: u16,
336     pub length: u32,
337     pub window: xproto::Window,
338 }
339 impl TryParse for GetScreenCountReply {
try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError>340     fn try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError> {
341         let remaining = initial_value;
342         let (response_type, remaining) = u8::try_parse(remaining)?;
343         let (screen_count, remaining) = u8::try_parse(remaining)?;
344         let (sequence, remaining) = u16::try_parse(remaining)?;
345         let (length, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
346         let (window, remaining) = xproto::Window::try_parse(remaining)?;
347         if response_type != 1 {
348             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
349         }
350         let result = GetScreenCountReply { screen_count, sequence, length, window };
351         let _ = remaining;
352         let remaining = initial_value.get(32 + length as usize * 4..)
353             .ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
354         Ok((result, remaining))
355     }
356 }
358 /// Opcode for the GetScreenSize request
359 pub const GET_SCREEN_SIZE_REQUEST: u8 = 3;
360 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
361 pub struct GetScreenSizeRequest {
362     pub window: xproto::Window,
363     pub screen: u32,
364 }
365 impl GetScreenSizeRequest {
366     /// Serialize this request into bytes for the provided connection
serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,367     fn serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError>
368     where
369         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
370     {
371         let extension_information = conn.extension_information(X11_EXTENSION_NAME)?
372             .ok_or(ConnectionError::UnsupportedExtension)?;
373         let length_so_far = 0;
374         let window_bytes = self.window.serialize();
375         let screen_bytes = self.screen.serialize();
376         let mut request0 = vec![
377             extension_information.major_opcode,
378             GET_SCREEN_SIZE_REQUEST,
379             0,
380             0,
381             window_bytes[0],
382             window_bytes[1],
383             window_bytes[2],
384             window_bytes[3],
385             screen_bytes[0],
386             screen_bytes[1],
387             screen_bytes[2],
388             screen_bytes[3],
389         ];
390         let length_so_far = length_so_far + request0.len();
391         assert_eq!(length_so_far % 4, 0);
392         let length = u16::try_from(length_so_far / 4).unwrap_or(0);
393         request0[2..4].copy_from_slice(&length.to_ne_bytes());
394         Ok((vec![request0.into()], vec![]))
395     }
send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetScreenSizeReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,396     pub fn send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetScreenSizeReply>, ConnectionError>
397     where
398         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
399     {
400         let (bytes, fds) = self.serialize(conn)?;
401         let slices = bytes.iter().map(|b| IoSlice::new(&*b)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
402         conn.send_request_with_reply(&slices, fds)
403     }
404     /// Parse this request given its header, its body, and any fds that go along with it
try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError>405     pub fn try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
406         if header.minor_opcode != GET_SCREEN_SIZE_REQUEST {
407             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
408         }
409         let (window, remaining) = xproto::Window::try_parse(value)?;
410         let (screen, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
411         let _ = remaining;
412         Ok(GetScreenSizeRequest {
413             window,
414             screen,
415         })
416     }
417 }
418 impl Request for GetScreenSizeRequest {
419     type Reply = GetScreenSizeReply;
420 }
get_screen_size<Conn>(conn: &Conn, window: xproto::Window, screen: u32) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetScreenSizeReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,421 pub fn get_screen_size<Conn>(conn: &Conn, window: xproto::Window, screen: u32) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, GetScreenSizeReply>, ConnectionError>
422 where
423     Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
424 {
425     let request0 = GetScreenSizeRequest {
426         window,
427         screen,
428     };
429     request0.send(conn)
430 }
432 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
433 pub struct GetScreenSizeReply {
434     pub sequence: u16,
435     pub length: u32,
436     pub width: u32,
437     pub height: u32,
438     pub window: xproto::Window,
439     pub screen: u32,
440 }
441 impl TryParse for GetScreenSizeReply {
try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError>442     fn try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError> {
443         let remaining = initial_value;
444         let (response_type, remaining) = u8::try_parse(remaining)?;
445         let remaining = remaining.get(1..).ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
446         let (sequence, remaining) = u16::try_parse(remaining)?;
447         let (length, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
448         let (width, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
449         let (height, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
450         let (window, remaining) = xproto::Window::try_parse(remaining)?;
451         let (screen, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
452         if response_type != 1 {
453             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
454         }
455         let result = GetScreenSizeReply { sequence, length, width, height, window, screen };
456         let _ = remaining;
457         let remaining = initial_value.get(32 + length as usize * 4..)
458             .ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
459         Ok((result, remaining))
460     }
461 }
463 /// Opcode for the IsActive request
464 pub const IS_ACTIVE_REQUEST: u8 = 4;
465 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
466 pub struct IsActiveRequest;
467 impl IsActiveRequest {
468     /// Serialize this request into bytes for the provided connection
serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,469     fn serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError>
470     where
471         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
472     {
473         let extension_information = conn.extension_information(X11_EXTENSION_NAME)?
474             .ok_or(ConnectionError::UnsupportedExtension)?;
475         let length_so_far = 0;
476         let mut request0 = vec![
477             extension_information.major_opcode,
478             IS_ACTIVE_REQUEST,
479             0,
480             0,
481         ];
482         let length_so_far = length_so_far + request0.len();
483         assert_eq!(length_so_far % 4, 0);
484         let length = u16::try_from(length_so_far / 4).unwrap_or(0);
485         request0[2..4].copy_from_slice(&length.to_ne_bytes());
486         Ok((vec![request0.into()], vec![]))
487     }
send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, IsActiveReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,488     pub fn send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, IsActiveReply>, ConnectionError>
489     where
490         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
491     {
492         let (bytes, fds) = self.serialize(conn)?;
493         let slices = bytes.iter().map(|b| IoSlice::new(&*b)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
494         conn.send_request_with_reply(&slices, fds)
495     }
496     /// Parse this request given its header, its body, and any fds that go along with it
try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError>497     pub fn try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
498         if header.minor_opcode != IS_ACTIVE_REQUEST {
499             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
500         }
501         let _ = value;
502         Ok(IsActiveRequest
503         )
504     }
505 }
506 impl Request for IsActiveRequest {
507     type Reply = IsActiveReply;
508 }
is_active<Conn>(conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, IsActiveReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,509 pub fn is_active<Conn>(conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, IsActiveReply>, ConnectionError>
510 where
511     Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
512 {
513     let request0 = IsActiveRequest;
514     request0.send(conn)
515 }
517 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
518 pub struct IsActiveReply {
519     pub sequence: u16,
520     pub length: u32,
521     pub state: u32,
522 }
523 impl TryParse for IsActiveReply {
try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError>524     fn try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError> {
525         let remaining = initial_value;
526         let (response_type, remaining) = u8::try_parse(remaining)?;
527         let remaining = remaining.get(1..).ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
528         let (sequence, remaining) = u16::try_parse(remaining)?;
529         let (length, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
530         let (state, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
531         if response_type != 1 {
532             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
533         }
534         let result = IsActiveReply { sequence, length, state };
535         let _ = remaining;
536         let remaining = initial_value.get(32 + length as usize * 4..)
537             .ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
538         Ok((result, remaining))
539     }
540 }
542 /// Opcode for the QueryScreens request
543 pub const QUERY_SCREENS_REQUEST: u8 = 5;
544 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)]
545 pub struct QueryScreensRequest;
546 impl QueryScreensRequest {
547     /// Serialize this request into bytes for the provided connection
serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,548     fn serialize<'input, Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<BufWithFds<PiecewiseBuf<'input>>, ConnectionError>
549     where
550         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
551     {
552         let extension_information = conn.extension_information(X11_EXTENSION_NAME)?
553             .ok_or(ConnectionError::UnsupportedExtension)?;
554         let length_so_far = 0;
555         let mut request0 = vec![
556             extension_information.major_opcode,
557             QUERY_SCREENS_REQUEST,
558             0,
559             0,
560         ];
561         let length_so_far = length_so_far + request0.len();
562         assert_eq!(length_so_far % 4, 0);
563         let length = u16::try_from(length_so_far / 4).unwrap_or(0);
564         request0[2..4].copy_from_slice(&length.to_ne_bytes());
565         Ok((vec![request0.into()], vec![]))
566     }
send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, QueryScreensReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,567     pub fn send<Conn>(self, conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, QueryScreensReply>, ConnectionError>
568     where
569         Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
570     {
571         let (bytes, fds) = self.serialize(conn)?;
572         let slices = bytes.iter().map(|b| IoSlice::new(&*b)).collect::<Vec<_>>();
573         conn.send_request_with_reply(&slices, fds)
574     }
575     /// Parse this request given its header, its body, and any fds that go along with it
try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError>576     pub fn try_parse_request(header: RequestHeader, value: &[u8]) -> Result<Self, ParseError> {
577         if header.minor_opcode != QUERY_SCREENS_REQUEST {
578             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
579         }
580         let _ = value;
581         Ok(QueryScreensRequest
582         )
583     }
584 }
585 impl Request for QueryScreensRequest {
586     type Reply = QueryScreensReply;
587 }
query_screens<Conn>(conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, QueryScreensReply>, ConnectionError> where Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,588 pub fn query_screens<Conn>(conn: &Conn) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Conn, QueryScreensReply>, ConnectionError>
589 where
590     Conn: RequestConnection + ?Sized,
591 {
592     let request0 = QueryScreensRequest;
593     request0.send(conn)
594 }
596 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)]
597 pub struct QueryScreensReply {
598     pub sequence: u16,
599     pub length: u32,
600     pub screen_info: Vec<ScreenInfo>,
601 }
602 impl TryParse for QueryScreensReply {
try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError>603     fn try_parse(initial_value: &[u8]) -> Result<(Self, &[u8]), ParseError> {
604         let remaining = initial_value;
605         let (response_type, remaining) = u8::try_parse(remaining)?;
606         let remaining = remaining.get(1..).ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
607         let (sequence, remaining) = u16::try_parse(remaining)?;
608         let (length, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
609         let (number, remaining) = u32::try_parse(remaining)?;
610         let remaining = remaining.get(20..).ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
611         let (screen_info, remaining) = crate::x11_utils::parse_list::<ScreenInfo>(remaining, number.try_to_usize()?)?;
612         if response_type != 1 {
613             return Err(ParseError::InvalidValue);
614         }
615         let result = QueryScreensReply { sequence, length, screen_info };
616         let _ = remaining;
617         let remaining = initial_value.get(32 + length as usize * 4..)
618             .ok_or(ParseError::InsufficientData)?;
619         Ok((result, remaining))
620     }
621 }
622 impl QueryScreensReply {
623     /// Get the value of the `number` field.
624     ///
625     /// The `number` field is used as the length field of the `screen_info` field.
626     /// This function computes the field's value again based on the length of the list.
627     ///
628     /// # Panics
629     ///
630     /// Panics if the value cannot be represented in the target type. This
631     /// cannot happen with values of the struct received from the X11 server.
number(&self) -> u32632     pub fn number(&self) -> u32 {
633         self.screen_info.len()
634             .try_into().unwrap()
635     }
636 }
638 /// Extension trait defining the requests of this extension.
639 pub trait ConnectionExt: RequestConnection {
xinerama_query_version(&self, major: u8, minor: u8) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryVersionReply>, ConnectionError>640     fn xinerama_query_version(&self, major: u8, minor: u8) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryVersionReply>, ConnectionError>
641     {
642         query_version(self, major, minor)
643     }
xinerama_get_state(&self, window: xproto::Window) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetStateReply>, ConnectionError>644     fn xinerama_get_state(&self, window: xproto::Window) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetStateReply>, ConnectionError>
645     {
646         get_state(self, window)
647     }
xinerama_get_screen_count(&self, window: xproto::Window) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetScreenCountReply>, ConnectionError>648     fn xinerama_get_screen_count(&self, window: xproto::Window) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetScreenCountReply>, ConnectionError>
649     {
650         get_screen_count(self, window)
651     }
xinerama_get_screen_size(&self, window: xproto::Window, screen: u32) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetScreenSizeReply>, ConnectionError>652     fn xinerama_get_screen_size(&self, window: xproto::Window, screen: u32) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, GetScreenSizeReply>, ConnectionError>
653     {
654         get_screen_size(self, window, screen)
655     }
xinerama_is_active(&self) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsActiveReply>, ConnectionError>656     fn xinerama_is_active(&self) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, IsActiveReply>, ConnectionError>
657     {
658         is_active(self)
659     }
xinerama_query_screens(&self) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryScreensReply>, ConnectionError>660     fn xinerama_query_screens(&self) -> Result<Cookie<'_, Self, QueryScreensReply>, ConnectionError>
661     {
662         query_screens(self)
663     }
664 }
666 impl<C: RequestConnection + ?Sized> ConnectionExt for C {}