1 //
2 // "$Id: Fl_Pixmap.cxx 5190 2006-06-09 16:16:34Z mike $"
3 //
4 // Pixmap drawing code for the Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK).
5 //
6 // Copyright 1998-2005 by Bill Spitzak and others.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
10 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 //
13 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 // Library General Public License for more details.
17 //
18 // You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
19 // License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301
21 // USA.
22 //
23 // Please report all bugs and problems on the following page:
24 //
25 //     http://www.fltk.org/str.php
26 //
28 // Draws X pixmap data, keeping it stashed in a server pixmap so it
29 // redraws fast.
31 // See fl_draw_pixmap.cxx for code used to get the actual data into pixmap.
32 // Implemented without using the xpm library (which I can't use because
33 // it interferes with the color cube used by fl_draw_image).
35 #include <FL/Fl.H>
36 #include <FL/fl_draw.H>
37 #include <FL/x.H>
38 #include <FL/Fl_Widget.H>
39 #include <FL/Fl_Menu_Item.H>
40 #include <FL/Fl_Pixmap.H>
42 #include <stdio.h>
43 #include "flstring.h"
44 #include <ctype.h>
46 #ifdef WIN32
47 extern void fl_release_dc(HWND, HDC);      // located in Fl_win32.cxx
48 #endif
50 #ifdef __APPLE_QUARTZ__
51 extern Fl_Offscreen fl_create_offscreen_with_alpha(int w, int h);
52 #endif
54 extern uchar **fl_mask_bitmap; // used by fl_draw_pixmap.cxx to store mask
55 void fl_restore_clip(); // in fl_rect.cxx
measure()57 void Fl_Pixmap::measure() {
58   int W, H;
60   // ignore empty or bad pixmap data:
61   if (w()<0 && data()) {
62     fl_measure_pixmap(data(), W, H);
63     w(W); h(H);
64   }
65 }
draw(int XP,int YP,int WP,int HP,int cx,int cy)67 void Fl_Pixmap::draw(int XP, int YP, int WP, int HP, int cx, int cy) {
68   // ignore empty or bad pixmap data:
69   if (!data()) {
70     draw_empty(XP, YP);
71     return;
72   }
73   if (w()<0) measure();
74   if (WP==-1) {
75     WP = w();
76     HP = h();
77   }
78   if (!w()) {
79     draw_empty(XP, YP);
80     return;
81   }
82   // account for current clip region (faster on Irix):
83   int X,Y,W,H; fl_clip_box(XP,YP,WP,HP,X,Y,W,H);
84   cx += X-XP; cy += Y-YP;
85   // clip the box down to the size of image, quit if empty:
86   if (cx < 0) {W += cx; X -= cx; cx = 0;}
87   if (cx+W > w()) W = w()-cx;
88   if (W <= 0) return;
89   if (cy < 0) {H += cy; Y -= cy; cy = 0;}
90   if (cy+H > h()) H = h()-cy;
91   if (H <= 0) return;
92   if (!id) {
93 #ifdef __APPLE_QUARTZ__
94     id = fl_create_offscreen_with_alpha(w(), h());
95     fl_begin_offscreen((Fl_Offscreen)id);
96     fl_draw_pixmap(data(), 0, 0, FL_GREEN);
97     fl_end_offscreen();
98 #else
99     id = fl_create_offscreen(w(), h());
100     fl_begin_offscreen((Fl_Offscreen)id);
101     uchar *bitmap = 0;
102     fl_mask_bitmap = &bitmap;
103     fl_draw_pixmap(data(), 0, 0, FL_BLACK);
104     fl_mask_bitmap = 0;
105     if (bitmap) {
106       mask = fl_create_bitmask(w(), h(), bitmap);
107       delete[] bitmap;
108     }
109     fl_end_offscreen();
110 #endif
111   }
112 #ifdef WIN32
113   if (mask) {
114     HDC new_gc = CreateCompatibleDC(fl_gc);
115     int save = SaveDC(new_gc);
116     SelectObject(new_gc, (void*)mask);
117     BitBlt(fl_gc, X, Y, W, H, new_gc, cx, cy, SRCAND);
118     SelectObject(new_gc, (void*)id);
119     BitBlt(fl_gc, X, Y, W, H, new_gc, cx, cy, SRCPAINT);
120     RestoreDC(new_gc,save);
121     DeleteDC(new_gc);
122   } else {
123     fl_copy_offscreen(X, Y, W, H, (Fl_Offscreen)id, cx, cy);
124   }
125 #elif defined(__APPLE_QD__)
126   if (mask) {
127     Rect src, dst;
128     src.left = cx; src.right = cx+W;
129     src.top = cy; src.bottom = cy+H;
130     dst.left = X; dst.right = X+W;
131     dst.top = Y; dst.bottom = Y+H;
132     RGBColor rgb, oldfg, oldbg;
133     GetForeColor(&oldfg);
134     GetBackColor(&oldbg);
135     rgb.red = 0xffff; rgb.green = 0xffff; rgb.blue = 0xffff;
136     RGBBackColor(&rgb);
137     rgb.red = 0x0000; rgb.green = 0x0000; rgb.blue = 0x0000;
138     RGBForeColor(&rgb);
139     CopyMask(GetPortBitMapForCopyBits((GrafPtr)id),
140 	     GetPortBitMapForCopyBits((GrafPtr)mask),
141 	     GetPortBitMapForCopyBits(GetWindowPort(fl_window)),
142              &src, &src, &dst);
143     RGBBackColor(&oldbg);
144     RGBForeColor(&oldfg);
145   } else {
146     fl_copy_offscreen(X, Y, W, H, (Fl_Offscreen)id, cx, cy);
147   }
148 #elif defined(__APPLE_QUARTZ__)
149   fl_copy_offscreen(X, Y, W, H, (Fl_Offscreen)id, cx, cy);
150 #else
151   if (mask) {
152     // I can't figure out how to combine a mask with existing region,
153     // so cut the image down to a clipped rectangle:
154     int nx, ny; fl_clip_box(X,Y,W,H,nx,ny,W,H);
155     cx += nx-X; X = nx;
156     cy += ny-Y; Y = ny;
157     // make X use the bitmap as a mask:
158     XSetClipMask(fl_display, fl_gc, mask);
159     int ox = X-cx; if (ox < 0) ox += w();
160     int oy = Y-cy; if (oy < 0) oy += h();
161     XSetClipOrigin(fl_display, fl_gc, X-cx, Y-cy);
162   }
163   fl_copy_offscreen(X, Y, W, H, id, cx, cy);
164   if (mask) {
165     // put the old clip region back
166     XSetClipOrigin(fl_display, fl_gc, 0, 0);
167     fl_restore_clip();
168   }
169 #endif
170 }
~Fl_Pixmap()172 Fl_Pixmap::~Fl_Pixmap() {
173   uncache();
174   delete_data();
175 }
uncache()177 void Fl_Pixmap::uncache() {
178   if (id) {
179     fl_delete_offscreen((Fl_Offscreen)id);
180     id = 0;
181   }
183   if (mask) {
184     fl_delete_bitmask((Fl_Bitmask)mask);
185     mask = 0;
186   }
187 }
label(Fl_Widget * widget)189 void Fl_Pixmap::label(Fl_Widget* widget) {
190   widget->image(this);
191 }
label(Fl_Menu_Item * m)193 void Fl_Pixmap::label(Fl_Menu_Item* m) {
194   Fl::set_labeltype(_FL_IMAGE_LABEL, labeltype, Fl_Image::measure);
195   m->label(_FL_IMAGE_LABEL, (const char*)this);
196 }
copy_data()198 void Fl_Pixmap::copy_data() {
199   if (alloc_data) return;
201   char		**new_data,	// New data array
202 		**new_row;	// Current row in image
203   int		i,		// Looping var
204 		ncolors,	// Number of colors in image
205 		chars_per_pixel,// Characters per color
206 		chars_per_line;	// Characters per line
208   // Figure out how many colors there are, and how big they are...
209   sscanf(data()[0],"%*d%*d%d%d", &ncolors, &chars_per_pixel);
210   chars_per_line = chars_per_pixel * w() + 1;
212   // Allocate memory for the new array...
213   if (ncolors < 0) new_data = new char *[h() + 2];
214   else new_data = new char *[h() + ncolors + 1];
216   new_data[0] = new char[strlen(data()[0]) + 1];
217   strcpy(new_data[0], data()[0]);
219   // Copy colors...
220   if (ncolors < 0) {
221     // Copy FLTK colormap values...
222     ncolors = -ncolors;
223     new_row = new_data + 1;
224     *new_row = new char[ncolors * 4];
225     memcpy(*new_row, data()[1], ncolors * 4);
226     ncolors = 1;
227     new_row ++;
228   } else {
229     // Copy standard XPM colormap values...
230     for (i = 0, new_row = new_data + 1; i < ncolors; i ++, new_row ++) {
231       *new_row = new char[strlen(data()[i + 1]) + 1];
232       strcpy(*new_row, data()[i + 1]);
233     }
234   }
236   // Copy image data...
237   for (i = 0; i < h(); i ++, new_row ++) {
238     *new_row = new char[chars_per_line];
239     memcpy(*new_row, data()[i + ncolors + 1], chars_per_line);
240   }
242   // Update pointers...
243   data((const char **)new_data, h() + ncolors + 1);
244   alloc_data = 1;
245 }
copy(int W,int H)247 Fl_Image *Fl_Pixmap::copy(int W, int H) {
248   Fl_Pixmap	*new_image;	// New pixmap
250   // Optimize the simple copy where the width and height are the same...
251   if (W == w() && H == h()) {
252     // Make an exact copy of the image and return it...
253     new_image = new Fl_Pixmap(data());
254     new_image->copy_data();
255     return new_image;
256   }
257   if (W <= 0 || H <= 0) return 0;
259   // OK, need to resize the image data; allocate memory and
260   char		**new_data,	// New array for image data
261 		**new_row,	// Pointer to row in image data
262 		*new_ptr,	// Pointer into new array
263 		new_info[255];	// New information line
264   const char	*old_ptr;	// Pointer into old array
265   int		i,		// Looping var
266 		c,		// Channel number
267 		sy,		// Source coordinate
268 		dx, dy,		// Destination coordinates
269 		xerr, yerr,	// X & Y errors
270 		xmod, ymod,	// X & Y moduli
271 		xstep, ystep;	// X & Y step increments
272   int		ncolors,	// Number of colors in image
273 		chars_per_pixel,// Characters per color
274 		chars_per_line;	// Characters per line
276   // Figure out how many colors there are, and how big they are...
277   sscanf(data()[0],"%*d%*d%d%d", &ncolors, &chars_per_pixel);
278   chars_per_line = chars_per_pixel * W + 1;
280   sprintf(new_info, "%d %d %d %d", W, H, ncolors, chars_per_pixel);
282   // Figure out Bresenheim step/modulus values...
283   xmod   = w() % W;
284   xstep  = (w() / W) * chars_per_pixel;
285   ymod   = h() % H;
286   ystep  = h() / H;
288   // Allocate memory for the new array...
289   if (ncolors < 0) new_data = new char *[H + 2];
290   else new_data = new char *[H + ncolors + 1];
291   new_data[0] = new char[strlen(new_info) + 1];
292   strcpy(new_data[0], new_info);
294   // Copy colors...
295   if (ncolors < 0) {
296     // Copy FLTK colormap values...
297     ncolors = -ncolors;
298     new_row = new_data + 1;
299     *new_row = new char[ncolors * 4];
300     memcpy(*new_row, data()[1], ncolors * 4);
301     ncolors = 1;
302     new_row ++;
303   } else {
304     // Copy standard XPM colormap values...
305     for (i = 0, new_row = new_data + 1; i < ncolors; i ++, new_row ++) {
306       *new_row = new char[strlen(data()[i + 1]) + 1];
307       strcpy(*new_row, data()[i + 1]);
308     }
309   }
311   // Scale the image using a nearest-neighbor algorithm...
312   for (dy = H, sy = 0, yerr = H; dy > 0; dy --, new_row ++) {
313     *new_row = new char[chars_per_line];
314     new_ptr  = *new_row;
316     for (dx = W, xerr = W, old_ptr = data()[sy + ncolors + 1];
317 	 dx > 0;
318 	 dx --) {
319       for (c = 0; c < chars_per_pixel; c ++) *new_ptr++ = old_ptr[c];
321       old_ptr += xstep;
322       xerr    -= xmod;
324       if (xerr <= 0) {
325 	xerr    += W;
326 	old_ptr += chars_per_pixel;
327       }
328     }
330     *new_ptr = '\0';
331     sy       += ystep;
332     yerr     -= ymod;
333     if (yerr <= 0) {
334       yerr += H;
335       sy ++;
336     }
337   }
339   new_image = new Fl_Pixmap((char*const*)new_data);
340   new_image->alloc_data = 1;
342   return new_image;
343 }
color_average(Fl_Color c,float i)345 void Fl_Pixmap::color_average(Fl_Color c, float i) {
346   // Delete any existing pixmap/mask objects...
347   uncache();
349   // Allocate memory as needed...
350   copy_data();
352   // Get the color to blend with...
353   uchar		r, g, b;
354   unsigned	ia, ir, ig, ib;
356   Fl::get_color(c, r, g, b);
357   if (i < 0.0f) i = 0.0f;
358   else if (i > 1.0f) i = 1.0f;
360   ia = (unsigned)(256 * i);
361   ir = r * (256 - ia);
362   ig = g * (256 - ia);
363   ib = b * (256 - ia);
365   // Update the colormap to do the blend...
366   char		line[255];	// New colormap line
367   int		color,		// Looping var
368 		ncolors,	// Number of colors in image
369 		chars_per_pixel;// Characters per color
372   sscanf(data()[0],"%*d%*d%d%d", &ncolors, &chars_per_pixel);
374   if (ncolors < 0) {
375     // Update FLTK colormap...
376     ncolors = -ncolors;
377     uchar *cmap = (uchar *)(data()[1]);
378     for (color = 0; color < ncolors; color ++, cmap += 4) {
379       cmap[1] = (ia * cmap[1] + ir) >> 8;
380       cmap[2] = (ia * cmap[2] + ig) >> 8;
381       cmap[3] = (ia * cmap[3] + ib) >> 8;
382     }
383   } else {
384     // Update standard XPM colormap...
385     for (color = 0; color < ncolors; color ++) {
386       // look for "c word", or last word if none:
387       const char *p = data()[color + 1] + chars_per_pixel + 1;
388       const char *previous_word = p;
389       for (;;) {
390 	while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
391 	char what = *p++;
392 	while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++;
393 	while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
394 	if (!*p) {p = previous_word; break;}
395 	if (what == 'c') break;
396 	previous_word = p;
397 	while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++;
398       }
400       if (fl_parse_color(p, r, g, b)) {
401         r = (ia * r + ir) >> 8;
402         g = (ia * g + ig) >> 8;
403         b = (ia * b + ib) >> 8;
405         if (chars_per_pixel > 1) sprintf(line, "%c%c c #%02X%02X%02X",
406 	                                 data()[color + 1][0],
407 	                                 data()[color + 1][1], r, g, b);
408         else sprintf(line, "%c c #%02X%02X%02X", data()[color + 1][0], r, g, b);
410         delete[] (char *)data()[color + 1];
411 	((char **)data())[color + 1] = new char[strlen(line) + 1];
412 	strcpy((char *)data()[color + 1], line);
413       }
414     }
415   }
416 }
delete_data()418 void Fl_Pixmap::delete_data() {
419   if (alloc_data) {
420     for (int i = 0; i < count(); i ++) delete[] (char *)data()[i];
421     delete[] (char **)data();
422   }
423 }
set_data(const char * const * p)425 void Fl_Pixmap::set_data(const char * const * p) {
426   int	height,		// Number of lines in image
427 	ncolors;	// Number of colors in image
429   if (p) {
430     sscanf(p[0],"%*d%d%d", &height, &ncolors);
431     if (ncolors < 0) data(p, height + 2);
432     else data(p, height + ncolors + 1);
433   }
434 }
desaturate()437 void Fl_Pixmap::desaturate() {
438   // Delete any existing pixmap/mask objects...
439   uncache();
441   // Allocate memory as needed...
442   copy_data();
444   // Update the colormap to grayscale...
445   char		line[255];	// New colormap line
446   int		i,		// Looping var
447 		ncolors,	// Number of colors in image
448 		chars_per_pixel;// Characters per color
449   uchar		r, g, b;
451   sscanf(data()[0],"%*d%*d%d%d", &ncolors, &chars_per_pixel);
453   if (ncolors < 0) {
454     // Update FLTK colormap...
455     ncolors = -ncolors;
456     uchar *cmap = (uchar *)(data()[1]);
457     for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i ++, cmap += 4) {
458       g = (uchar)((cmap[1] * 31 + cmap[2] * 61 + cmap[3] * 8) / 100);
459       cmap[1] = cmap[2] = cmap[3] = g;
460     }
461   } else {
462     // Update standard XPM colormap...
463     for (i = 0; i < ncolors; i ++) {
464       // look for "c word", or last word if none:
465       const char *p = data()[i + 1] + chars_per_pixel + 1;
466       const char *previous_word = p;
467       for (;;) {
468 	while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
469 	char what = *p++;
470 	while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++;
471 	while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++;
472 	if (!*p) {p = previous_word; break;}
473 	if (what == 'c') break;
474 	previous_word = p;
475 	while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++;
476       }
478       if (fl_parse_color(p, r, g, b)) {
479         g = (uchar)((r * 31 + g * 61 + b * 8) / 100);
481         if (chars_per_pixel > 1) sprintf(line, "%c%c c #%02X%02X%02X", data()[i + 1][0],
482 	                                 data()[i + 1][1], g, g, g);
483         else sprintf(line, "%c c #%02X%02X%02X", data()[i + 1][0], g, g, g);
485         delete[] (char *)data()[i + 1];
486 	((char **)data())[i + 1] = new char[strlen(line) + 1];
487 	strcpy((char *)data()[i + 1], line);
488       }
489     }
490   }
491 }
493 //
494 // End of "$Id: Fl_Pixmap.cxx 5190 2006-06-09 16:16:34Z mike $".
495 //