DESCEND 1 "31 March 1992"
descend - walk directory tree and execute a command at each node
descend [ -afqrv ] command [ directory .\|.\|. ]
descend walks down a directory tree and executes a command at each node. It is not as versatile as find (1), but it has a simpler syntax. If no directory is specified, descend starts at the current one.

Unlike find , descend can be told to skip the special directories associated with RCS, CVS, and SCCS. This makes descend especially handy for use with these packages. It can be used with other commands too, of course.

descend is a poor man's way to make any command recursive. Note: descend does not follow symbolic links to directories unless they are specified on the command line.


15 -a All. Descend into directories that begin with '.'.

-f Force. Ignore errors during descent. Normally, descend quits when an error occurs.

-q Quiet. Suppress the message `In directory directory ' that is normally printed during the descent.

-r Restricted. Don't descend into the special directories RCS, CVS, CVS.adm, and SCCS.

-v Verbose. Print command before executing it.


15 "descend ls" Cheap substitute for `ls -R'.

15 "descend -f 'rm *' tree" Strip `tree' of its leaves. This command descends the `tree' directory, removing all regular files. Since rm (1) does not remove directories, this command leaves the directory structure of `tree' intact, but denuded. The -f option is required to keep descend from quitting. You could use `rm -f' instead.

"descend -r 'co RCS/*'" /project/src/ Check out every RCS file under the directory "/project/src" .

"descend -r 'cvs diff'" Perform CVS `diff' operation on every directory below (and including) the current one.

Returns 1 if errors occur (and the -f option is not used). Otherwise returns 0.
find (1), rcsintro (1), cvs (1), sccs (1)
Lowell Skoog

Software Technology Group

John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc.

Shell metacharacters in command may have bizarre effects. In particular, compound commands (containing ';', '[', and ']' characters) will not work. It is best to enclose complicated commands in single quotes \(aa \(aa.