1*86d7f5d3SJohn MarinoDate: Tue, 16 Jun 1992 17:05:23 +0200
2*86d7f5d3SJohn MarinoFrom: Steven.Pemberton@cwi.nl
3*86d7f5d3SJohn MarinoMessage-Id: <9206161505.AA06927.steven@sijs.cwi.nl>
4*86d7f5d3SJohn MarinoTo: berliner@Sun.COM
5*86d7f5d3SJohn MarinoSubject: cvs
6*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
8*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
9*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    CVS is a system that lets groups of people work simultaneously on
10*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    groups of files (for instance program sources).
11*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
12*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    It works by holding a central 'repository' of the most recent version
13*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    of the files.  You may at any time create a personal copy of these
14*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    files; if at a later date newer versions of the files are put in the
15*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    repository, you can 'update' your copy.
16*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
17*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    You may edit your copy of the files freely. If new versions of the
18*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    files have been put in the repository in the meantime, doing an update
19*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    merges the changes in the central copy into your copy.
20*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	(It can be that when you do an update, the changes in the
21*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	central copy clash with changes you have made in your own
22*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	copy. In this case cvs warns you, and you have to resolve the
23*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	clash in your copy.)
24*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
25*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    When you are satisfied with the changes you have made in your copy of
26*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    the files, you can 'commit' them into the central repository.
27*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	(When you do a commit, if you haven't updated to the most
28*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	recent version of the files, cvs tells you this; then you have
29*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	to first update, resolve any possible clashes, and then redo
30*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	the commit.)
31*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
32*86d7f5d3SJohn MarinoUSING CVS
33*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
34*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    Suppose that a number of repositories have been stored in
35*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    /usr/src/cvs. Whenever you use cvs, the environment variable
36*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    CVSROOT must be set to this (for some reason):
37*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
38*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	CVSROOT=/usr/src/cvs
39*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	export CVSROOT
40*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
42*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
43*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    Suppose you want a copy of the files in repository 'views' to be
44*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    created in your directory src. Go to the place where you want your
45*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    copy of the directory, and do a 'checkout' of the directory you
46*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    want:
47*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
48*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	cd $HOME/src
49*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	cvs checkout views
50*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
51*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    This creates a directory called (in this case) 'views' in the src
52*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    directory, containing a copy of the files, which you may now work
53*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    on to your heart's content.
54*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
55*86d7f5d3SJohn MarinoTO UPDATE YOUR COPY
56*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
57*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    Use the command 'cvs update'.
58*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
59*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    This will update your copy with any changes from the central
60*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    repository, telling you which files have been updated (their names
61*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    are displayed with a U before them), and which have been modified
62*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    by you and not yet committed (preceded by an M). You will be
63*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    warned of any files that contain clashes, the clashes will be
64*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    marked in the file surrounded by lines of the form <<<< and >>>>.
65*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
66*86d7f5d3SJohn MarinoTO COMMIT YOUR CHANGES
67*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
68*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    Use the command 'cvs commit'.
69*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
70*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    You will be put in an editor to make a message that describes the
71*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    changes that you have made (for future reference). Your changes
72*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    will then be added to the central copy.
73*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
75*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
76*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    It can be that the changes you want to make involve a completely
77*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    new file, or removing an existing one. The commands to use here
78*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    are:
79*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
80*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	cvs add <filename>
81*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	cvs remove <filename>
82*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
83*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    You still have to do a commit after these commands. You may make
84*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    any number of new files in your copy of the repository, but they
85*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    will not be committed to the central copy unless you do a 'cvs add'.
86*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
88*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
89*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    To see the commit messages for files, and who made them, use:
90*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
91*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	cvs log [filenames]
92*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
93*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    To see the differences between your version and the central version:
94*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
95*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino	cvs diff [filenames]
96*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
97*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    To give a file a new name, rename it and do an add and a remove.
98*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
99*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    To lose your changes and go back to the version from the
100*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    repository, delete the file and do an update.
101*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
102*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    After an update where there have been clashes, your original
103*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    version of the file is saved as .#file.version.
104*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
105*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    All the cvs commands mentioned accept a flag '-n', that doesn't do
106*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    the action, but lets you see what would happen. For instance, you
107*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    can use 'cvs -n update' to see which files would be updated.
108*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
109*86d7f5d3SJohn MarinoMORE INFORMATION
110*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino
111*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    This is necessarily a very brief introduction. See the manual page
112*86d7f5d3SJohn Marino    (man cvs) for full details.