xref: /dragonfly/contrib/ldns/ldns/dname.h (revision 0fdb7d01)
1 /*
2  * dname.h
3  *
4  * dname definitions
5  *
6  * a Net::DNS like library for C
7  *
8  * (c) NLnet Labs, 2004-2006
9  *
10  * See the file LICENSE for the license
11  */
13 /**
14  * \file dname.h
15  *
16  * dname contains function to read and manipulate domain names.
17  *
18  * Example domain names are "www.nlnetlabs.nl." and "." (the root)
19  *
20  * If a domain name ends with a dot ("."), it is called a Fully Qualified
21  * Domain Name (FQDN). In certain places (for instance when reading a zone
22  * file), an origin (which is just another domain name) non-FQDNs will be
23  * placed after the current. For instance, if i have a zone file where the
24  * origin has been set to "nl.", and my file contains the name
25  * "www.nlnetlabs", it will result in "www.nlnetlabs.nl.". Internally, dnames are
26  * always absolute (the dot is added when it is missing and there is no origin).
27  *
28  * An FQDN is also
29  * known as an absolute domain name, therefore the function to check this is
30  * called \ref ldns_dname_str_absolute
31  *
32  * Domain names are stored in \ref ldns_rdf structures, with the type
34  *
35  * This module is *NOT* about the RR type called DNAME.
36  */
39 #ifndef LDNS_DNAME_H
40 #define LDNS_DNAME_H
42 #include <ldns/common.h>
43 #include <ldns/rdata.h>
45 #ifdef __cplusplus
46 extern "C" {
47 #endif
49 #define LDNS_DNAME_NORMALIZE        tolower
51 /**
52  * concatenates two dnames together
53  * \param[in] rd1 the leftside
54  * \param[in] rd2 the rightside
55  * \return a new rdf with leftside/rightside
56  */
57 ldns_rdf *ldns_dname_cat_clone(const ldns_rdf *rd1, const ldns_rdf *rd2);
59 /**
60  * concatenates rd2 after rd1 (rd2 is copied, rd1 is modified)
61  * \param[in] rd1 the leftside
62  * \param[in] rd2 the rightside
63  * \return LDNS_STATUS_OK on success
64  */
65 ldns_status 	ldns_dname_cat(ldns_rdf *rd1, ldns_rdf *rd2);
67 /**
68  * Returns a clone of the given dname with the labels
69  * reversed
70  * \param[in] d the dname to reverse
71  * \return clone of the dname with the labels reversed.
72  */
73 ldns_rdf *ldns_dname_reverse(const ldns_rdf *d);
75 /**
76  * Clones the given dname from the nth label on
77  * \param[in] d The dname to clone
78  * \param[in] n the label nr to clone from, if this is 0, the complete
79  *              dname is cloned
80  * \return A newly allocated *rdf structure, containing the cloned dname,
81  *         or NULL if either d was NULL, not a dname, or if n >=
82  *         label_count
83  */
84 ldns_rdf *
85 ldns_dname_clone_from(const ldns_rdf *d, uint16_t n);
87 /**
88  * chop one label off the left side of a dname. so
89  * wwww.nlnetlabs.nl, becomes nlnetlabs.nl
90  * This new name is a clone and must be freed with ldns_deep_free()
91  * \param[in] d the dname to chop
92  * \return the remaining dname
93  */
94 ldns_rdf *ldns_dname_left_chop(const ldns_rdf *d);
96 /**
97  * count the number of labels inside a LDNS_RDF_DNAME type rdf.
98  * \param[in] *r the rdf
99  * \return the number of labels
100  */
101 uint8_t  ldns_dname_label_count(const ldns_rdf *r);
103 /**
104  * creates a new dname rdf from a string.
105  * \param[in] str string to use
106  * \return ldns_rdf* or NULL in case of an error
107  */
108 ldns_rdf *ldns_dname_new_frm_str(const char *str);
110 /**
111  * Create a new dname rdf from a string
112  * \param[in] s the size of the new dname
113  * \param[in] *data pointer to the actual data
114  *
115  * \return ldns_rdf*
116  */
117 ldns_rdf *ldns_dname_new(uint16_t s, void *data);
119 /**
120  * Create a new dname rdf from data (the data is copied)
121  * \param[in] size the size of the data
122  * \param[in] *data pointer to the actual data
123  *
124  * \return ldns_rdf*
125  */
126 ldns_rdf *ldns_dname_new_frm_data(uint16_t size, const void *data);
128 /**
129  * Put a dname into canonical fmt - ie. lowercase it
130  * \param[in] rdf the dname to lowercase
131  * \return void
132  */
133 void ldns_dname2canonical(const ldns_rdf *rdf);
135 /**
136  * test wether the name sub falls under parent (i.e. is a subdomain
137  * of parent). This function will return false if the given dnames are
138  * equal.
139  * \param[in] sub the name to test
140  * \param[in] parent the parent's name
141  * \return true if sub falls under parent, otherwise false
142  */
143 bool ldns_dname_is_subdomain(const ldns_rdf *sub, const ldns_rdf *parent);
145 /**
146  * Compares the two dname rdf's according to the algorithm for ordering
147  * in RFC4034 Section 6.
148  * \param[in] dname1 First dname rdf to compare
149  * \param[in] dname2 Second dname rdf to compare
150  * \return -1 if dname1 comes before dname2, 1 if dname1 comes after dname2, and 0 if they are equal.
151  */
152 int ldns_dname_compare(const ldns_rdf *dname1, const ldns_rdf *dname2);
154 /**
155  * Checks whether the dname matches the given wildcard
156  * \param[in] dname The dname to check
157  * \param[in] wildcard The wildcard to check with
158  * \return 1 If the wildcard matches, OR if 'wildcard' is not a wildcard and
159  *           the names are *exactly* the same
160  *         0 If the wildcard does not match, or if it is not a wildcard and
161  *           the names are not the same
162  */
163 int ldns_dname_match_wildcard(const ldns_rdf *dname, const ldns_rdf *wildcard);
165 /**
166  * check if middle lays in the interval defined by prev and next
167  * prev <= middle < next. This is usefull for nsec checking
168  * \param[in] prev the previous dname
169  * \param[in] middle the dname to check
170  * \param[in] next the next dname
171  * return 0 on error or unknown, -1 when middle is in the interval, +1 when not
172  */
173 int ldns_dname_interval(const ldns_rdf *prev, const ldns_rdf *middle, const ldns_rdf *next);
175 /**
176  * Checks whether the given dname string is absolute (i.e. ends with a '.')
177  * \param[in] *dname_str a string representing the dname
178  * \return true or false
179  */
180 bool ldns_dname_str_absolute(const char *dname_str);
182 /**
183  * Checks whether the given dname is absolute (i.e. ends with a '.')
184  * \param[in] *dname a rdf representing the dname
185  * \return true or false
186  */
187 bool ldns_dname_absolute(const ldns_rdf *dname);
189 /**
190  * look inside the rdf and if it is an LDNS_RDF_TYPE_DNAME
191  * try and retrieve a specific label. The labels are numbered
192  * starting from 0 (left most).
193  * \param[in] rdf the rdf to look in
194  * \param[in] labelpos return the label with this number
195  * \return a ldns_rdf* with the label as name or NULL on error
196  */
197 ldns_rdf * ldns_dname_label(const ldns_rdf *rdf, uint8_t labelpos);
199 /**
200  * Check if dname is a wildcard, starts with *.
201  * \param[in] dname: the rdf to look in
202  * \return true if a wildcard, false if not.
203  */
204 int ldns_dname_is_wildcard(const ldns_rdf* dname);
206 #ifdef __cplusplus
207 }
208 #endif
210 #endif	/* LDNS_DNAME_H */