xref: /dragonfly/contrib/lvm2/dist/man/lvconvert.8 (revision e49a8a38)
$NetBSD: lvconvert.8,v 1.2 2009/02/18 12:16:13 haad Exp $

LVCONVERT 8 "LVM TOOLS 2.02.44-cvs (02-17-09)" "Red Hat, Inc" \" -*- nroff -*-
lvconvert - convert a logical volume from linear to mirror or snapshot
lvconvert -m|--mirrors Mirrors [--mirrorlog {disk|core}] [--corelog] [-R|--regionsize MirrorLogRegionSize] [-A|--alloc AllocationPolicy] [-b|--background] [-i|--interval Seconds] [-h|-?|--help] [-v|--verbose] [--version]

LogicalVolume[Path] [PhysicalVolume[Path]...]

lvconvert -s|--snapshot [-c|--chunksize ChunkSize] [-h|-?|--help] [-v|--verbose] [-Z|--zero y|n] [--version]

OriginalLogicalVolume[Path] SnapshotLogicalVolume[Path]

lvconvert will change a linear logical volume to a mirror logical volume or to a snapshot of linear volume and vice versa. It is also used to add and remove disk logs from mirror devices.
See lvm for common options.

Exactly one of --mirrors or --snapshot arguments required.

-m, --mirrors Mirrors Specifies the degree of the mirror you wish to create. For example, "-m 1" would convert the original logical volume to a mirror volume with 2-sides; that is, a linear volume plus one copy.

--mirrorlog {disk|core} Specifies the type of log to use. The default is disk, which is persistent and requires a small amount of storage space, usually on a separate device from the data being mirrored. Core may be useful for short-lived mirrors: It means the mirror is regenerated by copying the data from the first device again every time the device is activated - perhaps, for example, after every reboot.

--corelog The optional argument "--corelog" is the same as specifying "--mirrorlog core".

-R, --regionsize MirrorLogRegionSize A mirror is divided into regions of this size (in MB), and the mirror log uses this granularity to track which regions are in sync.

-b, --background Run the daemon in the background.

-i, --interval Seconds Report progress as a percentage at regular intervals.

-s, --snapshot Create a snapshot from existing logical volume using another existing logical volume as its origin.

-c, --chunksize ChunkSize Power of 2 chunk size for the snapshot logical volume between 4k and 512k.

-Z, --zero y|n Controls zeroing of the first KB of data in the snapshot. If the volume is read-only the snapshot will not be zeroed.

"lvconvert -m1 vg00/lvol1"

converts the linear logical volume "vg00/lvol1" to a two-way mirror logical volume. "lvconvert --mirrorlog core vg00/lvol1"

converts a mirror with a disk log to a mirror with an in-memory log. "lvconvert --mirrorlog disk vg00/lvol1"

converts a mirror with an in-memory log to a mirror with a disk log. "lvconvert -m0 vg00/lvol1"

converts a mirror logical volume to a linear logical volume.

"lvconvert -s vg00/lvol1 vg00/lvol2"

converts logical volume "vg00/lvol2" to snapshot of original volume "vg00/lvol1"

lvm (8), vgcreate (8), lvremove (8), lvrename (8), lvextend (8), lvreduce (8), lvdisplay (8), lvscan (8)