xref: /dragonfly/contrib/mpfr/src/sub1sp.c (revision d0d42ea0)
1 /* mpfr_sub1sp -- internal function to perform a "real" substraction
2    All the op must have the same precision
4 Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
5 Contributed by the Arenaire and Caramel projects, INRIA.
7 This file is part of the GNU MPFR Library.
9 The GNU MPFR Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
10 it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
11 the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
12 option) any later version.
14 The GNU MPFR Library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
15 WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
16 or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
17 License for more details.
19 You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20 along with the GNU MPFR Library; see the file COPYING.LESSER.  If not, see
21 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
22 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */
25 #include "mpfr-impl.h"
27 /* Check if we have to check the result of mpfr_sub1sp with mpfr_sub1 */
28 #ifdef WANT_ASSERT
29 # if WANT_ASSERT >= 2
31 int mpfr_sub1sp2 (mpfr_ptr a, mpfr_srcptr b, mpfr_srcptr c, mpfr_rnd_t rnd_mode);
32 int mpfr_sub1sp (mpfr_ptr a, mpfr_srcptr b, mpfr_srcptr c, mpfr_rnd_t rnd_mode)
33 {
34   mpfr_t tmpa, tmpb, tmpc;
35   int inexb, inexc, inexact, inexact2;
37   mpfr_init2 (tmpa, MPFR_PREC (a));
38   mpfr_init2 (tmpb, MPFR_PREC (b));
39   mpfr_init2 (tmpc, MPFR_PREC (c));
41   inexb = mpfr_set (tmpb, b, MPFR_RNDN);
42   MPFR_ASSERTN (inexb == 0);
44   inexc = mpfr_set (tmpc, c, MPFR_RNDN);
45   MPFR_ASSERTN (inexc == 0);
47   inexact2 = mpfr_sub1 (tmpa, tmpb, tmpc, rnd_mode);
48   inexact  = mpfr_sub1sp2(a, b, c, rnd_mode);
50   if (mpfr_cmp (tmpa, a) || inexact != inexact2)
51     {
52       fprintf (stderr, "sub1 & sub1sp return different values for %s\n"
53                "Prec_a = %lu, Prec_b = %lu, Prec_c = %lu\nB = ",
54                mpfr_print_rnd_mode (rnd_mode), (unsigned long) MPFR_PREC (a),
55                (unsigned long) MPFR_PREC (b), (unsigned long) MPFR_PREC (c));
56       mpfr_fprint_binary (stderr, tmpb);
57       fprintf (stderr, "\nC = ");
58       mpfr_fprint_binary (stderr, tmpc);
59       fprintf (stderr, "\nSub1  : ");
60       mpfr_fprint_binary (stderr, tmpa);
61       fprintf (stderr, "\nSub1sp: ");
62       mpfr_fprint_binary (stderr, a);
63       fprintf (stderr, "\nInexact sp = %d | Inexact = %d\n",
64                inexact, inexact2);
65       MPFR_ASSERTN (0);
66     }
67   mpfr_clears (tmpa, tmpb, tmpc, (mpfr_ptr) 0);
68   return inexact;
69 }
70 #  define mpfr_sub1sp mpfr_sub1sp2
71 # endif
72 #endif
74 /* Debugging support */
75 #ifdef DEBUG
76 # undef DEBUG
77 # define DEBUG(x) (x)
78 #else
79 # define DEBUG(x) /**/
80 #endif
82 /* Rounding Sub */
84 /*
85    compute sgn(b)*(|b| - |c|) if |b|>|c| else -sgn(b)*(|c| -|b|)
86    Returns 0 iff result is exact,
87    a negative value when the result is less than the exact value,
88    a positive value otherwise.
89 */
91 /* A0...Ap-1
92  *          Cp Cp+1 ....
93  *             <- C'p+1 ->
94  * Cp = -1 if calculated from c mantissa
95  * Cp = 0  if 0 from a or c
96  * Cp = 1  if calculated from a.
97  * C'p+1 = First bit not null or 0 if there isn't one
98  *
99  * Can't have Cp=-1 and C'p+1=1*/
101 /* RND = MPFR_RNDZ:
102  *  + if Cp=0 and C'p+1=0,1,  Truncate.
103  *  + if Cp=0 and C'p+1=-1,   SubOneUlp
104  *  + if Cp=-1,               SubOneUlp
105  *  + if Cp=1,                AddOneUlp
106  * RND = MPFR_RNDA (Away)
107  *  + if Cp=0 and C'p+1=0,-1, Truncate
108  *  + if Cp=0 and C'p+1=1,    AddOneUlp
109  *  + if Cp=1,                AddOneUlp
110  *  + if Cp=-1,               Truncate
111  * RND = MPFR_RNDN
112  *  + if Cp=0,                Truncate
113  *  + if Cp=1 and C'p+1=1,    AddOneUlp
114  *  + if Cp=1 and C'p+1=-1,   Truncate
115  *  + if Cp=1 and C'p+1=0,    Truncate if Ap-1=0, AddOneUlp else
116  *  + if Cp=-1 and C'p+1=-1,  SubOneUlp
117  *  + if Cp=-1 and C'p+1=0,   Truncate if Ap-1=0, SubOneUlp else
118  *
119  * If AddOneUlp:
120  *   If carry, then it is 11111111111 + 1 = 10000000000000
121  *      ap[n-1]=MPFR_HIGHT_BIT
122  * If SubOneUlp:
123  *   If we lose one bit, it is 1000000000 - 1 = 0111111111111
124  *      Then shift, and put as last bit x which is calculated
125  *              according Cp, Cp-1 and rnd_mode.
126  * If Truncate,
127  *    If it is a power of 2,
128  *       we may have to suboneulp in some special cases.
129  *
130  * To simplify, we don't use Cp = 1.
131  *
132  */
134 int
135 mpfr_sub1sp (mpfr_ptr a, mpfr_srcptr b, mpfr_srcptr c, mpfr_rnd_t rnd_mode)
136 {
137   mpfr_exp_t bx,cx;
138   mpfr_uexp_t d;
139   mpfr_prec_t p, sh, cnt;
140   mp_size_t n;
141   mp_limb_t *ap, *bp, *cp;
142   mp_limb_t limb;
143   int inexact;
144   mp_limb_t bcp,bcp1; /* Cp and C'p+1 */
145   mp_limb_t bbcp = (mp_limb_t) -1, bbcp1 = (mp_limb_t) -1; /* Cp+1 and C'p+2,
146     gcc claims that they might be used uninitialized. We fill them with invalid
147     values, which should produce a failure if so. See README.dev file. */
149   MPFR_TMP_DECL(marker);
151   MPFR_TMP_MARK(marker);
157   /* Read prec and num of limbs */
158   p = MPFR_PREC(b);
159   n = (p-1)/GMP_NUMB_BITS+1;
161   /* Fast cmp of |b| and |c|*/
162   bx = MPFR_GET_EXP (b);
163   cx = MPFR_GET_EXP (c);
164   if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(bx == cx))
165     {
166       mp_size_t k = n - 1;
167       /* Check mantissa since exponent are equals */
168       bp = MPFR_MANT(b);
169       cp = MPFR_MANT(c);
170       while (k>=0 && MPFR_UNLIKELY(bp[k] == cp[k]))
171         k--;
172       if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(k < 0))
173         /* b == c ! */
174         {
175           /* Return exact number 0 */
176           if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDD)
177             MPFR_SET_NEG(a);
178           else
179             MPFR_SET_POS(a);
180           MPFR_SET_ZERO(a);
181           MPFR_RET(0);
182         }
183       else if (bp[k] > cp[k])
184         goto BGreater;
185       else
186         {
187           MPFR_ASSERTD(bp[k]<cp[k]);
188           goto CGreater;
189         }
190     }
191   else if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(bx < cx))
192     {
193       /* Swap b and c and set sign */
194       mpfr_srcptr t;
195       mpfr_exp_t tx;
196     CGreater:
197       MPFR_SET_OPPOSITE_SIGN(a,b);
198       t  = b;  b  = c;  c  = t;
199       tx = bx; bx = cx; cx = tx;
200     }
201   else
202     {
203       /* b > c */
204     BGreater:
205       MPFR_SET_SAME_SIGN(a,b);
206     }
208   /* Now b > c */
209   MPFR_ASSERTD(bx >= cx);
210   d = (mpfr_uexp_t) bx - cx;
211   DEBUG (printf ("New with diff=%lu\n", (unsigned long) d));
213   if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(d <= 1))
214     {
215       if (MPFR_LIKELY(d < 1))
216         {
217           /* <-- b -->
218              <-- c --> : exact sub */
219           ap = MPFR_MANT(a);
220           mpn_sub_n (ap, MPFR_MANT(b), MPFR_MANT(c), n);
221           /* Normalize */
222         ExactNormalize:
223           limb = ap[n-1];
224           if (MPFR_LIKELY(limb))
225             {
226               /* First limb is not zero. */
227               count_leading_zeros(cnt, limb);
228               /* cnt could be == 0 <= SubD1Lose */
229               if (MPFR_LIKELY(cnt))
230                 {
231                   mpn_lshift(ap, ap, n, cnt); /* Normalize number */
232                   bx -= cnt; /* Update final expo */
233                 }
234               /* Last limb should be ok */
235               MPFR_ASSERTD(!(ap[0] & MPFR_LIMB_MASK((unsigned int) (-p)
236                                                     % GMP_NUMB_BITS)));
237             }
238           else
239             {
240               /* First limb is zero */
241               mp_size_t k = n-1, len;
242               /* Find the first limb not equal to zero.
243                  FIXME:It is assume it exists (since |b| > |c| and same prec)*/
244               do
245                 {
246                   MPFR_ASSERTD( k > 0 );
247                   limb = ap[--k];
248                 }
249               while (limb == 0);
250               MPFR_ASSERTD(limb != 0);
251               count_leading_zeros(cnt, limb);
252               k++;
253               len = n - k; /* Number of last limb */
254               MPFR_ASSERTD(k >= 0);
255               if (MPFR_LIKELY(cnt))
256                 mpn_lshift(ap+len, ap, k, cnt); /* Normalize the High Limb*/
257               else
258                 {
259                   /* Must use DECR since src and dest may overlap & dest>=src*/
260                   MPN_COPY_DECR(ap+len, ap, k);
261                 }
262               MPN_ZERO(ap, len); /* Zeroing the last limbs */
263               bx -= cnt + len*GMP_NUMB_BITS; /* Update Expo */
264               /* Last limb should be ok */
265               MPFR_ASSERTD(!(ap[len]&MPFR_LIMB_MASK((unsigned int) (-p)
266                                                     % GMP_NUMB_BITS)));
267             }
268           /* Check expo underflow */
269           if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(bx < __gmpfr_emin))
270             {
271               MPFR_TMP_FREE(marker);
272               /* inexact=0 */
273               DEBUG( printf("(D==0 Underflow)\n") );
274               if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN &&
275                   (bx < __gmpfr_emin - 1 ||
276                    (/*inexact >= 0 &&*/ mpfr_powerof2_raw (a))))
277                 rnd_mode = MPFR_RNDZ;
278               return mpfr_underflow (a, rnd_mode, MPFR_SIGN(a));
279             }
280           MPFR_SET_EXP (a, bx);
281           /* No rounding is necessary since the result is exact */
282           MPFR_ASSERTD(ap[n-1] > ~ap[n-1]);
283           MPFR_TMP_FREE(marker);
284           return 0;
285         }
286       else /* if (d == 1) */
287         {
288           /* | <-- b -->
289              |  <-- c --> */
290           mp_limb_t c0, mask;
291           mp_size_t k;
292           MPFR_UNSIGNED_MINUS_MODULO(sh, p);
293           /* If we lose at least one bit, compute 2*b-c (Exact)
294            * else compute b-c/2 */
295           bp = MPFR_MANT(b);
296           cp = MPFR_MANT(c);
297           k = n-1;
298           limb = bp[k] - cp[k]/2;
299           if (limb > MPFR_LIMB_HIGHBIT)
300             {
301               /* We can't lose precision: compute b-c/2 */
302               /* Shift c in the allocated temporary block */
303             SubD1NoLose:
304               c0 = cp[0] & (MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<sh);
305               cp = MPFR_TMP_LIMBS_ALLOC (n);
306               mpn_rshift(cp, MPFR_MANT(c), n, 1);
307               if (MPFR_LIKELY(c0 == 0))
308                 {
309                   /* Result is exact: no need of rounding! */
310                   ap = MPFR_MANT(a);
311                   mpn_sub_n (ap, bp, cp, n);
312                   MPFR_SET_EXP(a, bx); /* No expo overflow! */
313                   /* No truncate or normalize is needed */
314                   MPFR_ASSERTD(ap[n-1] > ~ap[n-1]);
315                   /* No rounding is necessary since the result is exact */
316                   MPFR_TMP_FREE(marker);
317                   return 0;
318                 }
319               ap = MPFR_MANT(a);
320               mask = ~MPFR_LIMB_MASK(sh);
321               cp[0] &= mask; /* Delete last bit of c */
322               mpn_sub_n (ap, bp, cp, n);
323               MPFR_SET_EXP(a, bx);                 /* No expo overflow! */
324               MPFR_ASSERTD( !(ap[0] & ~mask) );    /* Check last bits */
325               /* No normalize is needed */
326               MPFR_ASSERTD(ap[n-1] > ~ap[n-1]);
327               /* Rounding is necessary since c0 = 1*/
328               /* Cp =-1 and C'p+1=0 */
329               bcp = 1; bcp1 = 0;
330               if (MPFR_LIKELY(rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN))
331                 {
332                   /* Even Rule apply: Check Ap-1 */
333                   if (MPFR_LIKELY( (ap[0] & (MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<sh)) == 0) )
334                     goto truncate;
335                   else
336                     goto sub_one_ulp;
337                 }
338               MPFR_UPDATE_RND_MODE(rnd_mode, MPFR_IS_NEG(a));
339               if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ)
340                 goto sub_one_ulp;
341               else
342                 goto truncate;
343             }
344           else if (MPFR_LIKELY(limb < MPFR_LIMB_HIGHBIT))
345             {
346               /* We lose at least one bit of prec */
347               /* Calcul of 2*b-c (Exact) */
348               /* Shift b in the allocated temporary block */
349             SubD1Lose:
350               bp = MPFR_TMP_LIMBS_ALLOC (n);
351               mpn_lshift (bp, MPFR_MANT(b), n, 1);
352               ap = MPFR_MANT(a);
353               mpn_sub_n (ap, bp, cp, n);
354               bx--;
355               goto ExactNormalize;
356             }
357           else
358             {
359               /* Case: limb = 100000000000 */
360               /* Check while b[k] == c'[k] (C' is C shifted by 1) */
361               /* If b[k]<c'[k] => We lose at least one bit*/
362               /* If b[k]>c'[k] => We don't lose any bit */
363               /* If k==-1 => We don't lose any bit
364                  AND the result is 100000000000 0000000000 00000000000 */
365               mp_limb_t carry;
366               do {
367                 carry = cp[k]&MPFR_LIMB_ONE;
368                 k--;
369               } while (k>=0 &&
370                        bp[k]==(carry=cp[k]/2+(carry<<(GMP_NUMB_BITS-1))));
371               if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(k<0))
372                 {
373                   /*If carry then (sh==0 and Virtual c'[-1] > Virtual b[-1]) */
374                   if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(carry)) /* carry = cp[0]&MPFR_LIMB_ONE */
375                     {
376                       /* FIXME: Can be faster? */
377                       MPFR_ASSERTD(sh == 0);
378                       goto SubD1Lose;
379                     }
380                   /* Result is a power of 2 */
381                   ap = MPFR_MANT (a);
382                   MPN_ZERO (ap, n);
383                   ap[n-1] = MPFR_LIMB_HIGHBIT;
384                   MPFR_SET_EXP (a, bx); /* No expo overflow! */
385                   /* No Normalize is needed*/
386                   /* No Rounding is needed */
387                   MPFR_TMP_FREE (marker);
388                   return 0;
389                 }
390               /* carry = cp[k]/2+(cp[k-1]&1)<<(GMP_NUMB_BITS-1) = c'[k]*/
391               else if (bp[k] > carry)
392                 goto SubD1NoLose;
393               else
394                 {
395                   MPFR_ASSERTD(bp[k]<carry);
396                   goto SubD1Lose;
397                 }
398             }
399         }
400     }
401   else if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(d >= p))
402     {
403       ap = MPFR_MANT(a);
405       /* We can't set A before since we use cp for rounding... */
406       /* Perform rounding: check if a=b or a=b-ulp(b) */
407       if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(d == p))
408         {
409           /* cp == -1 and c'p+1 = ? */
410           bcp  = 1;
411           /* We need Cp+1 later for a very improbable case. */
412           bbcp = (MPFR_MANT(c)[n-1] & (MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<(GMP_NUMB_BITS-2)));
413           /* We need also C'p+1 for an even more unprobable case... */
414           if (MPFR_LIKELY( bbcp ))
415             bcp1 = 1;
416           else
417             {
418               cp = MPFR_MANT(c);
419               if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(cp[n-1] == MPFR_LIMB_HIGHBIT))
420                 {
421                   mp_size_t k = n-1;
422                   do {
423                     k--;
424                   } while (k>=0 && cp[k]==0);
425                   bcp1 = (k>=0);
426                 }
427               else
428                 bcp1 = 1;
429             }
430           DEBUG( printf("(D=P) Cp=-1 Cp+1=%d C'p+1=%d \n", bbcp!=0, bcp1!=0) );
431           bp = MPFR_MANT (b);
433           /* Even if src and dest overlap, it is ok using MPN_COPY */
434           if (MPFR_LIKELY(rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN))
435             {
436               if (MPFR_UNLIKELY( bcp && bcp1==0 ))
437                 /* Cp=-1 and C'p+1=0: Even rule Apply! */
438                 /* Check Ap-1 = Bp-1 */
439                 if ((bp[0] & (MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<sh)) == 0)
440                   {
441                     MPN_COPY(ap, bp, n);
442                     goto truncate;
443                   }
444               MPN_COPY(ap, bp, n);
445               goto sub_one_ulp;
446             }
447           MPFR_UPDATE_RND_MODE(rnd_mode, MPFR_IS_NEG(a));
448           if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ)
449             {
450               MPN_COPY(ap, bp, n);
451               goto sub_one_ulp;
452             }
453           else
454             {
455               MPN_COPY(ap, bp, n);
456               goto truncate;
457             }
458         }
459       else
460         {
461           /* Cp=0, Cp+1=-1 if d==p+1, C'p+1=-1 */
462           bcp = 0; bbcp = (d==p+1); bcp1 = 1;
463           DEBUG( printf("(D>P) Cp=%d Cp+1=%d C'p+1=%d\n", bcp!=0,bbcp!=0,bcp1!=0) );
464           /* Need to compute C'p+2 if d==p+1 and if rnd_mode=NEAREST
465              (Because of a very improbable case) */
466           if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(d==p+1 && rnd_mode==MPFR_RNDN))
467             {
468               cp = MPFR_MANT(c);
469               if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(cp[n-1] == MPFR_LIMB_HIGHBIT))
470                 {
471                   mp_size_t k = n-1;
472                   do {
473                     k--;
474                   } while (k>=0 && cp[k]==0);
475                   bbcp1 = (k>=0);
476                 }
477               else
478                 bbcp1 = 1;
479               DEBUG( printf("(D>P) C'p+2=%d\n", bbcp1!=0) );
480             }
481           /* Copy mantissa B in A */
482           MPN_COPY(ap, MPFR_MANT(b), n);
483           /* Round */
484           if (MPFR_LIKELY(rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN))
485             goto truncate;
486           MPFR_UPDATE_RND_MODE(rnd_mode, MPFR_IS_NEG(a));
487           if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ)
488             goto sub_one_ulp;
489           else /* rnd_mode = AWAY */
490             goto truncate;
491         }
492     }
493   else
494     {
495       mpfr_uexp_t dm;
496       mp_size_t m;
497       mp_limb_t mask;
499       /* General case: 2 <= d < p */
501       cp = MPFR_TMP_LIMBS_ALLOC (n);
503       /* Shift c in temporary allocated place */
504       dm = d % GMP_NUMB_BITS;
505       m = d / GMP_NUMB_BITS;
506       if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(dm == 0))
507         {
508           /* dm = 0 and m > 0: Just copy */
509           MPFR_ASSERTD(m!=0);
510           MPN_COPY(cp, MPFR_MANT(c)+m, n-m);
511           MPN_ZERO(cp+n-m, m);
512         }
513       else if (MPFR_LIKELY(m == 0))
514         {
515           /* dm >=2 and m == 0: just shift */
516           MPFR_ASSERTD(dm >= 2);
517           mpn_rshift(cp, MPFR_MANT(c), n, dm);
518         }
519       else
520         {
521           /* dm > 0 and m > 0: shift and zero  */
522           mpn_rshift(cp, MPFR_MANT(c)+m, n-m, dm);
523           MPN_ZERO(cp+n-m, m);
524         }
526       DEBUG( mpfr_print_mant_binary("Before", MPFR_MANT(c), p) );
527       DEBUG( mpfr_print_mant_binary("B=    ", MPFR_MANT(b), p) );
528       DEBUG( mpfr_print_mant_binary("After ", cp, p) );
530       /* Compute bcp=Cp and bcp1=C'p+1 */
531       if (MPFR_LIKELY(sh))
532         {
533           /* Try to compute them from C' rather than C (FIXME: Faster?) */
534           bcp = (cp[0] & (MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<(sh-1))) ;
535           if (MPFR_LIKELY( cp[0] & MPFR_LIMB_MASK(sh-1) ))
536             bcp1 = 1;
537           else
538             {
539               /* We can't compute C'p+1 from C'. Compute it from C */
540               /* Start from bit x=p-d+sh in mantissa C
541                  (+sh since we have already looked sh bits in C'!) */
542               mpfr_prec_t x = p-d+sh-1;
543               if (MPFR_LIKELY(x>p))
544                 /* We are already looked at all the bits of c, so C'p+1 = 0*/
545                 bcp1 = 0;
546               else
547                 {
548                   mp_limb_t *tp = MPFR_MANT(c);
549                   mp_size_t kx = n-1 - (x / GMP_NUMB_BITS);
550                   mpfr_prec_t sx = GMP_NUMB_BITS-1-(x%GMP_NUMB_BITS);
551                   DEBUG (printf ("(First) x=%lu Kx=%ld Sx=%lu\n",
552                                  (unsigned long) x, (long) kx,
553                                  (unsigned long) sx));
554                   /* Looks at the last bits of limb kx (if sx=0 does nothing)*/
555                   if (tp[kx] & MPFR_LIMB_MASK(sx))
556                     bcp1 = 1;
557                   else
558                     {
559                       /*kx += (sx==0);*/
560                       /*If sx==0, tp[kx] hasn't been checked*/
561                       do {
562                         kx--;
563                       } while (kx>=0 && tp[kx]==0);
564                       bcp1 = (kx >= 0);
565                     }
566                 }
567             }
568         }
569       else
570         {
571           /* Compute Cp and C'p+1 from C with sh=0 */
572           mp_limb_t *tp = MPFR_MANT(c);
573           /* Start from bit x=p-d in mantissa C */
574           mpfr_prec_t  x = p-d;
575           mp_size_t   kx = n-1 - (x / GMP_NUMB_BITS);
576           mpfr_prec_t sx = GMP_NUMB_BITS-1-(x%GMP_NUMB_BITS);
577           MPFR_ASSERTD(p >= d);
578           bcp = (tp[kx] & (MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<sx));
579           /* Looks at the last bits of limb kx (If sx=0, does nothing)*/
580           if (tp[kx] & MPFR_LIMB_MASK(sx))
581             bcp1 = 1;
582           else
583             {
584               /*kx += (sx==0);*/ /*If sx==0, tp[kx] hasn't been checked*/
585               do {
586                 kx--;
587               } while (kx>=0 && tp[kx]==0);
588               bcp1 = (kx>=0);
589             }
590         }
591       DEBUG( printf("sh=%lu Cp=%d C'p+1=%d\n", sh, bcp!=0, bcp1!=0) );
593       /* Check if we can lose a bit, and if so compute Cp+1 and C'p+2 */
594       bp = MPFR_MANT(b);
595       if (MPFR_UNLIKELY((bp[n-1]-cp[n-1]) <= MPFR_LIMB_HIGHBIT))
596         {
597           /* We can lose a bit so we precompute Cp+1 and C'p+2 */
598           /* Test for trivial case: since C'p+1=0, Cp+1=0 and C'p+2 =0 */
599           if (MPFR_LIKELY(bcp1 == 0))
600             {
601               bbcp = 0;
602               bbcp1 = 0;
603             }
604           else /* bcp1 != 0 */
605             {
606               /* We can lose a bit:
607                  compute Cp+1 and C'p+2 from mantissa C */
608               mp_limb_t *tp = MPFR_MANT(c);
609               /* Start from bit x=(p+1)-d in mantissa C */
610               mpfr_prec_t x  = p+1-d;
611               mp_size_t kx = n-1 - (x/GMP_NUMB_BITS);
612               mpfr_prec_t sx = GMP_NUMB_BITS-1-(x%GMP_NUMB_BITS);
613               MPFR_ASSERTD(p > d);
614               DEBUG (printf ("(pre) x=%lu Kx=%ld Sx=%lu\n",
615                              (unsigned long) x, (long) kx,
616                              (unsigned long) sx));
617               bbcp = (tp[kx] & (MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<sx)) ;
618               /* Looks at the last bits of limb kx (If sx=0, does nothing)*/
619               /* If Cp+1=0, since C'p+1!=0, C'p+2=1 ! */
620               if (MPFR_LIKELY(bbcp==0 || (tp[kx]&MPFR_LIMB_MASK(sx))))
621                 bbcp1 = 1;
622               else
623                 {
624                   /*kx += (sx==0);*/ /*If sx==0, tp[kx] hasn't been checked*/
625                   do {
626                     kx--;
627                   } while (kx>=0 && tp[kx]==0);
628                   bbcp1 = (kx>=0);
629                   DEBUG (printf ("(Pre) Scan done for %ld\n", (long) kx));
630                 }
631             } /*End of Bcp1 != 0*/
632           DEBUG( printf("(Pre) Cp+1=%d C'p+2=%d\n", bbcp!=0, bbcp1!=0) );
633         } /* End of "can lose a bit" */
635       /* Clean shifted C' */
636       mask = ~MPFR_LIMB_MASK (sh);
637       cp[0] &= mask;
639       /* Substract the mantissa c from b in a */
640       ap = MPFR_MANT(a);
641       mpn_sub_n (ap, bp, cp, n);
642       DEBUG( mpfr_print_mant_binary("Sub=  ", ap, p) );
644      /* Normalize: we lose at max one bit*/
645       if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(MPFR_LIMB_MSB(ap[n-1]) == 0))
646         {
647           /* High bit is not set and we have to fix it! */
648           /* Ap >= 010000xxx001 */
649           mpn_lshift(ap, ap, n, 1);
650           /* Ap >= 100000xxx010 */
651           if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(bcp!=0)) /* Check if Cp = -1 */
652             /* Since Cp == -1, we have to substract one more */
653             {
654               mpn_sub_1(ap, ap, n, MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<sh);
655               MPFR_ASSERTD(MPFR_LIMB_MSB(ap[n-1]) != 0);
656             }
657           /* Ap >= 10000xxx001 */
658           /* Final exponent -1 since we have shifted the mantissa */
659           bx--;
660           /* Update bcp and bcp1 */
661           MPFR_ASSERTN(bbcp != (mp_limb_t) -1);
662           MPFR_ASSERTN(bbcp1 != (mp_limb_t) -1);
663           bcp  = bbcp;
664           bcp1 = bbcp1;
665           /* We dont't have anymore a valid Cp+1!
666              But since Ap >= 100000xxx001, the final sub can't unnormalize!*/
667         }
668       MPFR_ASSERTD( !(ap[0] & ~mask) );
670       /* Rounding */
671       if (MPFR_LIKELY(rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN))
672         {
673           if (MPFR_LIKELY(bcp==0))
674             goto truncate;
675           else if ((bcp1) || ((ap[0] & (MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<sh)) != 0))
676             goto sub_one_ulp;
677           else
678             goto truncate;
679         }
681       /* Update rounding mode */
682       MPFR_UPDATE_RND_MODE(rnd_mode, MPFR_IS_NEG(a));
683       if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ && (MPFR_LIKELY(bcp || bcp1)))
684         goto sub_one_ulp;
685       goto truncate;
686     }
689   /* Sub one ulp to the result */
690  sub_one_ulp:
691   mpn_sub_1 (ap, ap, n, MPFR_LIMB_ONE << sh);
692   /* Result should be smaller than exact value: inexact=-1 */
693   inexact = -1;
694   /* Check normalisation */
695   if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(MPFR_LIMB_MSB(ap[n-1]) == 0))
696     {
697       /* ap was a power of 2, and we lose a bit */
698       /* Now it is 0111111111111111111[00000 */
699       mpn_lshift(ap, ap, n, 1);
700       bx--;
701       /* And the lost bit x depends on Cp+1, and Cp */
702       /* Compute Cp+1 if it isn't already compute (ie d==1) */
703       /* FIXME: Is this case possible? */
704       if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(d == 1))
705         bbcp = 0;
706       DEBUG( printf("(SubOneUlp)Cp=%d, Cp+1=%d C'p+1=%d\n", bcp!=0,bbcp!=0,bcp1!=0));
707       /* Compute the last bit (Since we have shifted the mantissa)
708          we need one more bit!*/
709       MPFR_ASSERTN(bbcp != (mp_limb_t) -1);
710       if ( (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ && bcp==0)
711            || (rnd_mode==MPFR_RNDN && bbcp==0)
712            || (bcp && bcp1==0) ) /*Exact result*/
713         {
714           ap[0] |= MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<sh;
715           if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN)
716             inexact = 1;
717           DEBUG( printf("(SubOneUlp) Last bit set\n") );
718         }
719       /* Result could be exact if C'p+1 = 0 and rnd == Zero
720          since we have had one more bit to the result */
721       /* Fixme: rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDZ needed ? */
722       if (bcp1==0 && rnd_mode==MPFR_RNDZ)
723         {
724           DEBUG( printf("(SubOneUlp) Exact result\n") );
725           inexact = 0;
726         }
727     }
729   goto end_of_sub;
731  truncate:
732   /* Check if the result is an exact power of 2: 100000000000
733      in which cases, we could have to do sub_one_ulp due to some nasty reasons:
734      If Result is a Power of 2:
735       + If rnd = AWAY,
736       |  If Cp=-1 and C'p+1 = 0, SubOneUlp and the result is EXACT.
737          If Cp=-1 and C'p+1 =-1, SubOneUlp and the result is above.
738          Otherwise truncate
739       + If rnd = NEAREST,
740          If Cp= 0 and Cp+1  =-1 and C'p+2=-1, SubOneUlp and the result is above
741          If cp=-1 and C'p+1 = 0, SubOneUlp and the result is exact.
742          Otherwise truncate.
743       X bit should always be set if SubOneUlp*/
744   if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(ap[n-1] == MPFR_LIMB_HIGHBIT))
745     {
746       mp_size_t k = n-1;
747       do {
748         k--;
749       } while (k>=0 && ap[k]==0);
750       if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(k<0))
751         {
752           /* It is a power of 2! */
753           /* Compute Cp+1 if it isn't already compute (ie d==1) */
754           /* FIXME: Is this case possible? */
755           if (d == 1)
756             bbcp=0;
757           DEBUG( printf("(Truncate) Cp=%d, Cp+1=%d C'p+1=%d C'p+2=%d\n", \
758                  bcp!=0, bbcp!=0, bcp1!=0, bbcp1!=0) );
759           MPFR_ASSERTN(bbcp != (mp_limb_t) -1);
760           MPFR_ASSERTN((rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDN) || (bcp != 0) || (bbcp == 0) || (bbcp1 != (mp_limb_t) -1));
761           if (((rnd_mode != MPFR_RNDZ) && bcp)
762               ||
763               ((rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN) && (bcp == 0) && (bbcp) && (bbcp1)))
764             {
765               DEBUG( printf("(Truncate) Do sub\n") );
766               mpn_sub_1 (ap, ap, n, MPFR_LIMB_ONE << sh);
767               mpn_lshift(ap, ap, n, 1);
768               ap[0] |= MPFR_LIMB_ONE<<sh;
769               bx--;
770               /* FIXME: Explain why it works (or why not)... */
771               inexact = (bcp1 == 0) ? 0 : (rnd_mode==MPFR_RNDN) ? -1 : 1;
772               goto end_of_sub;
773             }
774         }
775     }
777   /* Calcul of Inexact flag.*/
778   inexact = MPFR_LIKELY(bcp || bcp1) ? 1 : 0;
780  end_of_sub:
781   /* Update Expo */
782   /* FIXME: Is this test really useful?
783       If d==0      : Exact case. This is never called.
784       if 1 < d < p : bx=MPFR_EXP(b) or MPFR_EXP(b)-1 > MPFR_EXP(c) > emin
785       if d == 1    : bx=MPFR_EXP(b). If we could lose any bits, the exact
786                      normalisation is called.
787       if d >=  p   : bx=MPFR_EXP(b) >= MPFR_EXP(c) + p > emin
788      After SubOneUlp, we could have one bit less.
789       if 1 < d < p : bx >= MPFR_EXP(b)-2 >= MPFR_EXP(c) > emin
790       if d == 1    : bx >= MPFR_EXP(b)-1 = MPFR_EXP(c) > emin.
791       if d >=  p   : bx >= MPFR_EXP(b)-1 > emin since p>=2.
792   */
793   MPFR_ASSERTD( bx >= __gmpfr_emin);
794   /*
795     if (MPFR_UNLIKELY(bx < __gmpfr_emin))
796     {
797       DEBUG( printf("(Final Underflow)\n") );
798       if (rnd_mode == MPFR_RNDN &&
799           (bx < __gmpfr_emin - 1 ||
800            (inexact >= 0 && mpfr_powerof2_raw (a))))
801         rnd_mode = MPFR_RNDZ;
802       MPFR_TMP_FREE(marker);
803       return mpfr_underflow (a, rnd_mode, MPFR_SIGN(a));
804     }
805   */
806   MPFR_SET_EXP (a, bx);
808   MPFR_TMP_FREE(marker);
809   MPFR_RET (inexact * MPFR_INT_SIGN (a));
810 }