1 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 /// \file       filter_buffer_decoder.c
4 /// \brief      Single-call raw decoding
5 //
6 //  Author:     Lasse Collin
7 //
8 //  This file has been put into the public domain.
9 //  You can do whatever you want with this file.
10 //
11 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
13 #include "filter_decoder.h"
16 extern LZMA_API(lzma_ret)
17 lzma_raw_buffer_decode(const lzma_filter *filters, lzma_allocator *allocator,
18 		const uint8_t *in, size_t *in_pos, size_t in_size,
19 		uint8_t *out, size_t *out_pos, size_t out_size)
20 {
21 	// Validate what isn't validated later in filter_common.c.
22 	if (in == NULL || in_pos == NULL || *in_pos > in_size || out == NULL
23 			|| out_pos == NULL || *out_pos > out_size)
24 		return LZMA_PROG_ERROR;
26 	// Initialize the decoer.
27 	lzma_next_coder next = LZMA_NEXT_CODER_INIT;
28 	return_if_error(lzma_raw_decoder_init(&next, allocator, filters));
30 	// Store the positions so that we can restore them if something
31 	// goes wrong.
32 	const size_t in_start = *in_pos;
33 	const size_t out_start = *out_pos;
35 	// Do the actual decoding and free decoder's memory.
36 	lzma_ret ret = next.code(next.coder, allocator, in, in_pos, in_size,
37 			out, out_pos, out_size, LZMA_FINISH);
39 	if (ret == LZMA_STREAM_END) {
40 		ret = LZMA_OK;
41 	} else {
42 		if (ret == LZMA_OK) {
43 			// Either the input was truncated or the
44 			// output buffer was too small.
45 			assert(*in_pos == in_size || *out_pos == out_size);
47 			if (*in_pos != in_size) {
48 				// Since input wasn't consumed completely,
49 				// the output buffer became full and is
50 				// too small.
51 				ret = LZMA_BUF_ERROR;
53 			} else if (*out_pos != out_size) {
54 				// Since output didn't became full, the input
55 				// has to be truncated.
56 				ret = LZMA_DATA_ERROR;
58 			} else {
59 				// All the input was consumed and output
60 				// buffer is full. Now we don't immediately
61 				// know the reason for the error. Try
62 				// decoding one more byte. If it succeeds,
63 				// then the output buffer was too small. If
64 				// we cannot get a new output byte, the input
65 				// is truncated.
66 				uint8_t tmp[1];
67 				size_t tmp_pos = 0;
68 				(void)next.code(next.coder, allocator,
69 						in, in_pos, in_size,
70 						tmp, &tmp_pos, 1, LZMA_FINISH);
72 				if (tmp_pos == 1)
73 					ret = LZMA_BUF_ERROR;
74 				else
75 					ret = LZMA_DATA_ERROR;
76 			}
77 		}
79 		// Restore the positions.
80 		*in_pos = in_start;
81 		*out_pos = out_start;
82 	}
84 	lzma_next_end(&next, allocator);
86 	return ret;
87 }